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01x09 - Password

Posted: 03/13/15 18:42
by bunniefuu

Wes: Hey.


What's wrong?

Where am I? Who are you? Who's Wes?

I didn't even say your name, you jerk.

(Wes chuckles)

How are you feeling?

I'm sore.

I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

You have no idea how sorry I am.

This is all my fault...

I shouldn't have let you come to the loft.

I got my boyfriend put in the hospital, I suck.

Wes: Hey, hey.

I wouldn't change a thing, okay?

Especially the part about you calling me your boyfriend.

(Light kiss) Wes: Ow! Ow!

Dylan: Sorry.

Wes: Oh, it's okay. Come on.

Ahh. Okay. Yeah.

Terrible timing. Huh?

Yeah. The worse.

I'm gonna make this up to you, I promise.

I just gotta figure out how.

Wes: I have an idea.

Dylan: Anything.

Wes: Can you tell Mikayla to get that creep-city bear outta here.

Mikayla: Jared said you'd love it!

Wes: Jared?! That should've been the first clue that I'd hate it.

London: (Light knock) Hey... come here.

(Light kiss)

Wes: Bye.

London: Dylan, come on, what are we gonna do about Veronica Rykov?

Dylan: I'm not scared of Veronica.

London: Dylan, that woman pretended to be my patient and a nurse.

She left you a weird note. What if she's dangerous?

Dylan: More dangerous than me? I doubt it.

Mikayla and I can deal.

Mikayla: Yeah, I've got her back.

We'll call if there's trouble.

(Exasperated sighs)

Mikayla: Okay, there is trouble.

I thought the note from Veronica was written on some scrap piece of paper, but there's a URL on the back... wait for it...

(phone buzzes)

Dylan: But that's my grandma's email address. Why would she...

Mikayla: Keep flipping. There's an email thread, but it's cut off.

Dylan: For when Richard arrives where?

Mikayla: Check out the date.

Dylan: But that's just a few days before my dad disappeared.

What does this mean?

Mikayla: I guess it means...

We've gotta find the rest of that email.

(Door lock clicks)

(Heartbeat thumps)

Dr. K: All right, differential diagnosis...

Subject one... we're looking at fever, skin lesions, dry eyes and... let's all thank Dr. Blake for gracing us with her presence.

London: Sorry I'm late. It's systemic lupus erythematosus.

Scarlet: He didn't even finish listing the symptoms.

HUD: Yeah. It's not lupus.

Dr. K: No, it's lupus.

Okay, subject two...

London: Ulcerative colitis. What? I read ahead.

Dr. K: Okay. New plan.

Dr. Blake will come up with a patient and symptoms.

You'll evaluate the diagnoses and report back to me.

Have fun, g*ng.

(Door opens then clicks shut)

Seth: (Knocks) Hey man, how you holding up?

Wes: Are you kidding?

You should see the other guy. He's totally fine.


Thanks for helping out last night.

Seth: Yeah, that was a little insane.

Hey, you ever think... wow, our girlfriends are nuts?

Wes: Every day. Yep. Hm-hm.

Jared: My girlfriend's not like that. She's awesome.

You know Mikayla? Super hot.

She'd never get me involved in a brawl with dangerous criminals.

Seth: Any idea how long you'll be here?

Wes: No. But I'm already totally bored.

I'll see if I can sneak you in a ps4 or something.

Seriously? Man, that-that'd be amazing!

FYI, visiting hours are from two to eight.

Just-Jared-knock it off...

No exceptions. Except immediate family.

Seth: Okay. Um, feel better, Wes.

Jared: What? This room's pushing capacity and your Uncle will be here soon.

How does he even know?

Jared: Because I called him. He's your emergency contact.

Wes: Dude?! Ugh!

What the hell is wrong with you?

That's not even your job!

Jared: It's called taking initiative.

Ow! Ow!

Jared: There.


(Knock on door, door clicks open)

Dylan: Helloo?

Nana? Papa?

All clear.

Wow, I've never been in here before.

This is another bazillion dollar original painting?

Dylan: I actually think that one is a gazillion.

Mikayla: Dyl, you sure this is a good idea?

Hacking into your grandma's computer to find out if she's connected to sketchy McBlonderson?

I seriously don't think they know each other.

I mean, Veronica could have grabbed some random piece of paper from a hospital recycling bin.

But the recycling bins are emptied every night...

Jared loses his mind if they aren't.

Dylan: It's my Nana, Mikayla.

(Phone rings)

Mikayla: Oh my God! Oh my God! Go!

Helena: Oh, there it is, I can hear it in my office.

Thank you, Susan! No problem.

(Nervous chatter)

Mikayla: Ow!

Oh, girls! You startled me!

Mikayla: Sorry. We're just uh, watering your plants!

Dylan: Yeah. Just showing the foliage some love.

Helena: I swear...

Dylan: Hi Nana.

Helena: Hi darling.

I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on.

And I'm late for tea with the ladies auxiliary.

We're trying to integrate social media into the fundraiser this year... hey, why don't you and Mikayla come with me?

You can teach us how to pinblr... whatever.

Oh, no. No. I hate pinblr...

I'm very anti-pinblr.

Um, it's a terrible thing for society!

Helena: Really? I know my Dylan is really into it.

Look, you're coming with me, let's go.




(Winces then sighs)

(Nervous sigh)

London: Nice. Okay? Real mature, guys.

Okay. The patient is in their early twenties.

Suffering from anxiety, bouts of insomnia and hallucinations.

Scarlet: Any physical symptoms or are we playing shrink to this guy?

London: Um, it's a woman.

And yes, um, the physical symptoms include extreme fatigue disorientation and difficulty concentrating.

HUD: What's her blood work say?

It could be drug or alcohol withdrawal.

Scarlet: She could be bipolar or schizophrenic.

London: No, I don't think that's it.

HUD: What do you mean you don't think?

It's your imaginary patient, isn't it?

Uh, I meant, let's, you know, let's explore other possibilities and then circle back.

Scarlet: Has she had a seizure?

It's rare, but we could run tests for anti-nmda receptor encephalitis just to rule it out.

HUD: If it's autoimmune, we'll need a pet scan.

Scarlet: Are we sure it's not schizophrenia? London?

HUD: London?

(Emotional breathing)

Jared: Right in here, Mr. Silver.

Don't worry, Wes is getting the best care this hospital has to offer.

(Exhales) Hey Nick.

Dr. Blake... Dylan's mom.

Uncle Nick: What happened?

Jane: Your nephew took a bad spill on his bike.

He is very lucky he was wearing his helmet.

Uncle Nick: On his bike, huh?

Wes: The handlebars got me in the ribs.

Jane: There's bruising on his 7th and 10th, and a slight cr*ck right there, but very little risk of a punctured lung.

Uncle Nick: So is he supposed to go home now or later?

I gotta start work in a half hour.

Jane: I was hoping to keep him for observation until tomorrow.

Full recovery is three to six weeks.

Ice packs and limiting physical activity should help.

And here is something to help him manage the pain.

Uncle Nick: How much are these gonna cost?

Wes: Don't-don't worry about the prescription, Dr. Blake.

Uncle Nick: Just asking a question, buddy.

Wes: And I'm saying don't worry about it.

I'll walk it off.

Jane: The cost should be covered.

(Receding footsteps)

Uncle Nick: So are you gonna tell me what really happened?

Maybe if you had paid attention when I taught you how to throw a punch, huh?

Jared: Hey, that's not fair. He got jumped by a whole g*ng!

Wes: Shut up, Jared!

It's nothing you have to worry about.

Uncle Nick: Look, I'm glad you're okay.

I'll go get your dr*gs, then I gotta get to work.

All right?

Jared: I thought I was helping.

Wes: Yeah. I don't need your help. Just get outta here.


(PA announcement) (Sighs)
Helena: Ladies...

Dylan: Hi...

Helena: You remember my granddaughter, Dylan. She's with us as a volunteer now.

Joan: Oh... another budding doctor?

Dylan: Not if I can help it!

Helena: More like a lawyer. She loves to argue.

Dylan: Probably not going to happen with my record.

Helena: (Uncomfortable chuckle)

So, your smartphone can be a super helpful fundraising tool for spreading awareness.

Mikayla: She's not logged in.

And I don't wanna keep guessing her password and get locked out...

Dylan: And perfect for when you can't really talk to people directly.

Mikayla: Can't talk, gotcha. I'll be quick.

I'm in the 'forgot your password' link.

I need the answer to your Nana's security question.

Dylan: I'm gonna scroll through my options...

Mikayla: The make and model of her first car?

Dylan: Pass-pass me the sugar. Please?

Mikayla: The street she lived on at age three?

Dylan: Nope. I mean, thank you.

Helena: Honey, are you feeling okay?

Mikayla: The name of her first pet?

Dylan: Okay. I'm okay.

Dylan: So, social media is all about making connections.

Let's say you wanna target people who love... dogs.

We all love dogs, right?

Especially our first ones. Ha, Nana?

Yours was a little yorkie, wasn't it?

Helena: No, no. Cleopatra was a bichon frise.

Dylan: Right. Cleopatra. Of course Cleopatra was your first pet. Cleopatra.

Mikayla: Got it, I'm in. I'm in.

Searching 'Richard' in her sent items now.

Helena: I'm just a bit confused.

What does Cleopatra have to do with the fundraiser?

Mikayla: Found the email! Oh no.

Dylan: What?

Helena: What?

Mikayla: The subject line is Geneva psychiatric institute.

Helena: What? What?

It's a confirmation for a hospital.

Dear old Nana was sending your dad to Switzerland.

Dylan: I have to go.

Helena: Dylan!

Honey, you look a little pale.

Dylan: I... I think I'm gonna be sick. I was...

I was just thinking about my dad and that blonde woman.

His mistress.

Helena: Well. Let's try not to think about those troubling things.

Dylan: Sometimes I think that blonde woman wasn't trying to hurt him.

Maybe she was trying to help him.

Helena: That's just not true.

Dylan: Where's my dad?

Helena: (Scoffs) What?

Dylan: I know about Geneva and I know you tried to send him away.

Helena: We... we... we didn't send him anywhere.

He wouldn't go. He-he found out...

Dylan: And then he ran?

Helena: We don't-we don't know what happened.

Dylan: There's no way he wanted to go to Switzerland!

Helena: Dylan, he's my son.

Everything I ever did was just to try to help him!

(Retreating footsteps)

Seth: Hi.

That's my chair.

Jared: It's a chair.

Seth: No, it's my chair. Up.

Something I can help you with?

Jared: No.

Okay. This is fun, yeah.

You know, you can't just swoop in here, with your...

"Oh, I'll call you an ambulance, Wes," and your, "I'll bring you a top of the line gaming system... no problem."

I am Wes's friend.

Seth: Really? Seems like you hate each other.

That's how friendship works!

Seth: Uh, no, it isn't.

I have things to do.

If you have a point, please find it.

Jared: Forget this. Have fun with your germs.

Okay. Have you ever done something extremely nice for someone, and realized afterwards that you misread the situation, and what you did wasn't extremely nice, but was actually horrible?

I don't think so.

Well, it happens to me a lot!

And I need some help fixing it.

Seth: So, I'm on break, and word on the street is you play a little poker.

Wes: Yeah. I play with the patients for m&m's.

Which I see you also heard about.

Seth: Yeah. You up for a game?

Wes: Definitely. Yeah.

You play?

Seth: I dabble.

Oh, I dabble, 'he says casually before hustling Wes out of all his m&m's.'

(both laugh)

So, word on the street, huh? Dylan?

Seth: Uh, no, it was that head volunteer dude.

Yeah. He came by the lab and said you could use a pick-me-up.

I think he was trying to do something nice for you, but he seemed so angry about it... it was strange.

Wes: Uh... damn it. Okay.

Jared: (From the hallway) Yes!

Hey, got your text.

Wes: That was literally a nanosecond ago.

Were you waiting outside the door?!

Uh, no.

Obviously I just happened to be walking by at that exact moment.

So, uh, I'm sorry I called your Uncle.

It's policy to notify family.

I didn't know he was... Whatever he is.

He is the only family I got. I'm kind of stuck with him.

Seth: But on the bright side, you do get to choose your friends.


So are you in, or what?


Jared: All right.

(M&m's clatter on the table)

(Phone buzzes) Mikayla: That's me.

I snapped a pic of the full email for your pinboard.

Please tell me you didn't punch your Nana.

Dylan: No, I just fired some warning sh*ts.

Mikayla: So now what?

Dylan: Now...

Now I storm the beaches.

You need to see this email.

Do you know anything about this?

Jane: Don't tell me to calm down!

You were going to send Richard to an institution in Switzerland?

Without telling me?

How did this woman have your email, Helena?

Helena: I have no idea how she got that piece of paper.

Maybe Richard?

I had printed off the confirmation email and he found that day. And I...


Jane: Stop it. Stop crying.

I want an explanation!

Who is Veronica Rykov? What does she want?

Edward: She was blackmailing Richard.

She wanted money.


Edward: She's a con artist, a hustler.

We don't know how they met, but she was exploiting his illness... confusing him.

She had him thinking he was that agent Sheppard character from that novel he was writing.

Helena: He needed our help. He needed to be far away from things that could hurt him.

But he disappeared before we could get him there.

I don't understand this. Okay?

None of this makes any sense.

I need to-can I go back to work? Mom? Please?

Edward: We're not proud of our choices.

Jane: You no longer make choices for my family.

Helena: Dylan...

Dylan: You tried to send him away and he got scared.

So... you're all just liars?

Jane: We are.

I just thought we were all lying about the same thing.

Helena: What the hell was that?

Edward: I had to say something to put out the fire.

Helena: Are you sure you didn't just pour gasoline over the whole damn thing?

Edward: Trust me, Helena.

(Emotional breathing)

(Emotional breathing)

(Crying) It's me.

HUD: What's you?

Scarlet: London, are you all right?

(Muffled sounds of talking, gurney rattles)

HUD: Whoa! Hey! We got you. It's okay.

It's (Crying) It's me.

Guys, it's me.

Scarlet: Yeah, we know it's you.

London: No... the differential diagnosis.

The p-the patient. It's me.

I get anxious, and then I get disoriented, and then I start seeing things. Visions.

Okay. Look, I know what you're thinking...

Scarlet: Tell us more.

HUD: What was the vision?

It was someone on a gurney zipping by me.

Chaos in the er. Screaming.

Blood. I was-I was...

HUD: It's okay.

London: I was a little girl. Here, in this hospital.

I was scared and crying.

I can-I can see it so clearly, and I can feel it in my body...

It happened, but I don't remember it.

Scarlet: But you have a photographic memory.

London: Yeah. Exactly.

HUD: Maybe it was something you wanted to forget.

A trauma you repressed.

Scarlet: Acute stress could trigger episodes.

London: Okay. Oh yeah. Right.

I can-I can work with that.

I mean, if I stay stressed, I might be able to figure out what my damage is.

HUD: But if you blocked it out, maybe it was for a good reason.

♪ Woo-ooh-ooh-ooh! ♪
♪ You took your love and you put it on the stereo ♪
♪ we listen in cause we're picking up the signal ♪

♪ we listen in we don't want to hear it anymore ♪

(Knock on the door)

♪ Bad love song, satellite radio ♪

(Song continues to play through the headphones)

Jane: Message from Wes?

Ah, yeah.

So he's your boyfriend now?


He's handsome. And smart.

You approve?

Great, now I have to break up with him immediately.

(Jane chuckles)

It's um... it's very new.

Jane: Hm. But it feels real?

I was a teenager once, you know. Once upon a time.

In love with a boy...

Once upon a time.

Jane: Are you being careful?

Huh? What? Mom?!

Wes and I only started dating like, five minutes ago...

No-no-no! No! I'm not talking about that!

Dylan: Oh my God, what were you even talking about then?!

Jane: I'm not talking about that!

I'm talking your secret investigation into your father's disappearance?!


Yeah. Look, you obviously found your way into your grandma's email.

And broke into the security room...

I mean, is there anything else you'd like to 'fess up to?

Not really.

But I'm being careful, I swear.

Goodis has been helping... Do you want me to stop?

Knowing what your Nana and Papa were planning, maybe he did run.

Maybe he's out there, Dylan.

And if he is...

I think you're the only one that can bring him home.

Mikayla: So if you're in tomorrow can you do flower duty...

Wes: (Pained grunt)

Mikayla: Oh. Yay, you're sprung!

Wes: Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay.

So what's the 911?

Dylan: I've got my next lead.

Mikayla: We should wait for Jared.

Dylan: Right. We should.

Wes: Why would we wait for Jared?

Jared: Because he has access to the colour photocopier.

Dylan: Yes, thank you!

Wes: Since when is Jared part of the group?

I-I don't like this. I didn't vote on this.

Jared: A lot's happened since you were gone, poker bro.

I wasn't gone, I was down the hall.

Dylan: Don't pop a rib, Wes.

Mikayla did the poster, Jared got us 500 copies.


So what is this?

Dylan: This... is a warning.

You come after my family.

I come after you.