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02x20 - Not That Kind of Girl

Posted: 03/17/15 11:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters:

There's this girl, Sarah.

Liam told me you would do something like this.

He doesn't love you, Sarah, he's just using you.

You don't know that.

We're adopting the baby.

Seems one of the bigwigs at Idyllwild saw you play at some music competition last Fall and would like to offer you a full ride to their summer music program.

So you can go on the tour.

Yes, but I want to go to Idyllwild, if I can get it.

I saw Ana at my dad's.

I guess she's been sending letters to her parents, trying to make amends, but they keep returning them, unopened.

If her parents knew that Ana was pregnant maybe they would take it.

Daria and Taylor are sneaking out tomorrow night and they want us to come.

My dad's got tons of booze.

Let's break in and steal some.


[man] Hey! Who's there?!

[gasping] It's my dad!

Go! Go! Go! Go!


I guess he thought his daughter was spending the night out, so when the kids snuck in to get some alcohol he thought he was being robbed and grabbed his g*n, it was dark, he fired, and he hit the boy.

They're working on him now.

OK, thank you.

You bet.

He's gonna be OK, love.

He's gonna be all right.

The b*llet entered the foot here, and thankfully passed clean through.

We need to operate to repair the tendons but I don't think we're talking about permanent damage here.



He, uh, he plays baseball, is he still gonna be able to?

Well, he's not gonna be on the field anytime soon, but you can tell the Padres to keep holding his spot in the line-up.

I'm gonna send the nurses in, to get you prepped, and we'll get this taken care of.


Thank you.

What the hell were you thinking, sneaking out like that?

What kind of idiot breaks into someone's house in the middle of the night?

Is this about that girl? That Daria? Is that why you did this?

Is that why you snuck out?


It's not? It's not why you did it?

It's not, OK?!

I snuck out so I could see Jude, all right?!

What does that mean?

Stealing alcohol? Who's idea was that?

I don't...

I can't really remember.

Jude, you are way too young to be drinking.

I know.

We weren't... we weren't thinking, I guess.

I'm really sorry.

How is he?

He's OK.

They're getting ready for surgery.

Can I see him?

Um... not right now.

Can I talk to you for a sec?


[speaks indistinct]

[no audio]

[Stef] He's gonna be in surgery for a while now.

There's nothing we can do here so we should probably go home.

What did he say?

He said that he doesn't want you to see Connor.

What about tomorrow?

No. He doesn't want you to see Connor at all.

He doesn't think you should be friends anymore.

Connor told him it was all your idea, the sneaking out, the drinking, all of it.

Is that true?

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothing I would trade I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded by love and you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me Right where you belong ♪

So is he gonna go to jail?

I don't think so.

He turned himself in to police right away, and it was unintentional, so...

They were in his house, right? I mean, doesn't California have a Stand Your Ground law?

Yeah, something like it, anyway.

So now we have to worry about which which of our kids' friends' parents keep g*ns in the house?

The times we live in...

Well, you have a g*n in the house, right, Mom.

Yes, I do, but it's for my work and it locked up in a safe.

So what are you guys gonna do to Jude?

Don't worry about Jude's consequences, we will handle that.

Just don't pick on him. He had a really bad night.

I didn't think he had it in him.

I know we said that we were gonna tell the kids today about adopting the baby but can wait, don't you think?

You think?

That is, of course, unless you have some other super secret plan you're keeping from me?

All right, I've gotta get dressed.

Hey, can I ride with you today?

Why are you going to school? It's teacher work day.

Dance team.

Sure, honey, but Mom and I have to meet with Callie's social worker, so, it'll be a bit.


Oh, and, hey, you're still taking me driving today, right?

After the dentist?

You're giving Mariana a driving lesson?

What, wait a minute, when did I say this?

Last week.

No fair. I have my permit too.

And only one of you had to take the test twice.

Shut up!

Those questions were way too obvious.

I thought they were trying to trick me.

"When you come to a stop sign, you should a) always stop, b) sometimes stop, c) stop except in an emergency."

Always stop? Really?

I figured it couldn't be that stupid, could it?

Turns out, it was.

Well, listen, even if I did say I would take you driving, and I'm not saying I did, I forgot.

And I also forgot you have a dentist appointment today.

So your brother'll have to take you.

What? No... I do have a life, you know.

Yes, we know you do. And we all appreciate the huge sacrifices that you make for us.

You know, there is someone who could teach us how to drive.

No. No way. Not happening.

You've never done anything like this before, Jude, I don't get it.

Was it Connor's idea?

I think he's a bad influence on you.

I don't think you guys should be hanging out as much.

You know what, shut up.

Excuse me?

Do not talk to me like that.

Then stop telling me what to do.

And you don't have to worry about me and Connor hanging out because his dad said we're not allowed to be friends anymore, OK?

Maybe that's for the best. You'll make new friends.

Just leave me alone.

[door slams]

So you're sure it's OK if I take this?

Yeah, it's fine.

OK, I'll get it back to you when I'm...

[chuckling] What?

When you're done sleeping forever?

Just keep it.

You don't have to do this. You don't have to move out.

Mike, we been through this.

I'll back off, I'll let you alone. Just...



Look, I know it's not the perfect place, but it's fine.

And it's just until I have the baby, and then, when I give her to Stef and Lena, I'll figure something else out.

Maybe I'll move to Riverside or find some place cheaper.

So you're decided?

A hundred percent?

She's gonna grow up in a wonderful home, with her brother and sister.

It's the right thing.

[Joan] Emancipation is a long, involved process.

Yes, well, we don't have a long time to get it taken care of, so...

OK then, the first thing you need to do is you've gotta get off probation.

There's no point in even starting things until that's cleared up.

Well, that shouldn't be a problem, she has a probation hearing coming next week.

Yeah, and her P.O. is 100 percent on board.

OK, good, but... when did you start taking out credit cards, Callie?

I... I don't have any.


Because I pulled your credit report, to get things ready for today, and it looks like you've got four delinquent cards.


No, there must be some mistake, these aren't mine.

Are you sure about that?

Because according to this, you've accrued about $24,000 in debt.

Are you sure you didn't sign up for something, maybe online?

No! No, I swear.

I can't believe this. How can someone just take out credit cards in my name?

It's pretty easy, unfortunately.

All people need are a few pieces of personal information.

OK, well, resolving this with the credit bureau can take years.

So if this is true, the only way you're going to get off probation is to prove that someone else stole your identity.


So how are we supposed to do that?

Prove that someone else did all this?

I have to be in front of the judge in a week?

It's what I do, Callie. Just let me figure it out.

And what if you can't? What then?

The poor kid is so devastated that Connor would throw him under the bus like that.

Well, Connor's afraid of his dad.

With good reason.

And we both know Adam can be a little quick to react.


And in his defense, his kid did get sh*t.

Maybe he'll cool down.


We should probably plan an assembly for next week to talk about it.

Maybe we can combo it with some g*n safety, that kind of thing.

Good idea.

Hey, are we meeting in here? I got you a...

Sorry, I thought it was just the two of us, sorry, Lena.

No worries.

Actually, I'll meet you in my office in a minute. And thank you.

Oh, OK, uh, great.



He never brings me coffee.

He's just trying to make a good impression.

I'm his boss.

So am I.

Oh, hush.

I'm sure he just never thought of it before.

Besides, aren't you more of a tea drinker anyway?

[dance rock music plays]

[song ends]


[Mariana] OK, that was so good!

Oh my God, I'm so excited! You guys are k*lling it.

See you tomorrow.

And by the way, thank you so much for giving us another chance.

It was really fun, I'm glad I did.

And just so you know, I meant it when I said I promise not to turn into Kaitlyn again.

She really is a girl, who knew?

And you really are an idiot, Jack, who knew? Oh, wait, everybody.

So now I don't know what I'm looking at, in terms of probation, The judge may give me more time, for all I know.

Yeah, well, it's super common with foster kids.

And so many people have access to all our personal information, it's just so easy.

Good news is you caught it now, you know.

A buddy of mine didn't... he didn't find out until he'd already aged out of the system, and then, by that point, his credit was so bad he couldn't get a job, he couldn't find a place to live and he ended up on the street.

Sorry, that was... that was actually supposed to make you feel better. [chuckles]

I'm not really sure why.



Look, if there's anything at all I can do, let me know, OK?

I... Would you help that girl.

Um, we know each other a little bit and we're not exactly friends.

Uh, yeah, sure, no problem.

No, that's not gonna work, this is a time-sensitive investigation and I need those credit card statements emailed to the address that I gave you today please.

Yes, exactly.

Thank you.

What was that about?

Credit trouble?

Told you not to buy that house.

It's not...

Don't worry about it.

Hey, so...

I moved Ana into her new place this morning, That's good.

I think that's the right thing, for both of you.

Yeah, no, it's fine, just I'm not sure this is the best situation for her.

Mike, you have gotta let go.

Ana's an adult, she's gotta make her own decisions.

It's not your problem anymore.

You can't keep trying to control everything.

I realize that, but...

Mike, I'm sorry, I've gotta go.

So what did she want?

She just wanted to schedule a follow-up with her CASA.

I guess she's trying to get out of her current foster home.

Is it bad?

I guess so, yeah.


Nothing. Um...

It's just, the foster home she was in, the one before this one, it was pretty awful, too.

How do you know that?

'Cause I was in it before her.

And I'm the one that got her pulled out.

OK, give it a little gas.

[breaks screech]

[Brandon] Why did I let you talk me into this.

Well you did, so...

We can stop anytime.

OK, let's try again, uh, gently.

OK, there you go.

Good job. [chuckles]

You don't always have to keep your hands at ten and two, just so you know.

That's not what the experts say.

And they changed it to nine and three.

OK, well, do you wanna try speeding up a little?

[engine roars and brakes screech]

OK, I think that's probably enough for today.

Maybe, yeah, maybe we should just go back to the house.

Hey, before we go home, could we could go see the Gutierrezes?

What? Why?

To deliver the letter.

But why?

What did you think I was gonna do with it?

It's a letter from Ana to her parents.

No, I told you to like to write to them.

I mean...


Look, can't you ask Moms to take you?

Moms who still haven't even told me that they're not adopting the baby?

Yeah, somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.

What's the big deal? We're just dropping off some mail.

Think of it as helping me prepare for a future career at the Post Office.

Come on, please.

I wanna do it for the baby.

What do you think is gonna happen?

I dunno.

Maybe Ana's folks can take her since Moms aren't gonna.

I just don't want her to end up with total strangers.

[inhales and exhales deeply]

But I drive, OK?

This it?

Looks nice.

You sure you're ready for this?

[man] Gracias. Come again.

[Latin dance music plays]

[door bell jingles]

Hello, beautiful young people!

Try our pan dulce? It's fresh.

Oh, no thank you.

[man] Well, suit yourself.

It's the best in the city.

Um, we're looking for Mr. or Mrs. Gutierrez?

I'm Mr. Gutierrez.

What can I do for you?

Um... I'm...

My name is Mariana.

This is my brother.

My adopted brother.

I'm Ana's daughter.

Ana was or...

Ana is my birth mother.

I, uh, I have this letter that she...

The delivery is here, Papa.

Who's this?

Um, some kids looking for jobs. I was just telling them that we're not hiring.

Come back in the fall, everybody stops eating bread in the summer, to fit in their bikinis. [chuckles]

Good luck.

Thank you.
Brandon took you driving??

He told you?

Wait, is there something else?

I met our grandparents.

You did?

I tried to get them to take Ana's baby, and...

Are they going to?

What were they like?

I dunno.

They wouldn't even talk to me.

You know, I always wondered why they didn't come get us... when Ana couldn't take care of us anymore.

Now I guess I know why.

They didn't want anything to with us.

[mumbles indistinct] Don't cry.


It is what it is.

I just feel awful for that little baby.

But what're you gonna do?

So I got your so-called credit card statements, and whoever is posing as you is buying a bunch of these high end handbags here in town.

Those are high end?


I have terrible taste.

OK, so they have like a handbag obsession? How does that help us?

No, I'm pretty sure they're not buying them for themselves.

A lot of identity thieves will buy expensive stuff, and then resell them online for cash.

So now that I have the serial numbers, I will meet with a few people that are selling them on Craigslist, and if the numbers match, we've got our thief.

OK, thanks for coming in early, everybody.

So the Coder's Challenge is only a few weeks away and they just released this year's rules, the project is to design, produce, and market an app to a team of real investors.

Hm. Like Shark t*nk?

Yeah, something like that.

So we need to divvy up the workload and come up with a concept.

Why don't me and Mark and Javi do the coding?

Any objections?

Jay and me can do any engineering or building or whatever.


And why don't Mariana and Emma do all the marketing and stuff?

Mariana pretty much coordinated the walkout for Timothy single-handedly, she's like social media monster.

[chuckles] All right, that work for you guys?



How are you?

I'm OK, as long as I don't look online or anything.

The kids from school are calling my dad a psycho m*rder*r and stuff like that.


Yeah, and he feels so terrible.

He hasn't even gotten outta bed today.

How are you?

Connor's dad doesn't want us to be friends anymore.

For real?


Connor told him the whole thing was my idea, the sneaking out, the drinking, all of it.

Why would he do that?

I dunno.

Especially since it was your idea.

Well, nobody made you come with us.

I know.

Way to make me feel like a jerk, Jude.

I'm sorry.

It wasn't your fault, but...


So, have you talked to Connor?

No, he's not answering my texts or anything.

Maybe his dad took his phone away?

Maybe, but I don't get it, why would Connor tell him that all of it was my idea?

I'm gonna see him later, you want me to tell him something?

You are? Why?

My dad and I are going to the hospital to apologize.

Just... ask him why.

OK, Emma, a little bit more hips. Gotta do it like this.

Hips, down, up, one, two, three, four, pop, pop, pop, pop.

Does it have to be so sexual?

Well, yeah, kinda.

Well, it's kinda degrading.

What's with you?

It's just...

I'm not sure that this is for me.


Why? You've been having so much fun.

I guess I just wanna be taken seriously and I don't think anyone is gonna do that if we're out there, shaking our asses.

Is this because of the wrestlers?

It's not just them, it's everybody. I mean, look what happened today in STEM.

What happened today in STEM?

They put us in charge of marketing and social media.

Yeah, and?

We got put in charge.

It's not like they asked us to be secretaries or whatever.

Yeah, they put us in charge of the girl thing.

We might as well be spokesmodels.

What's wrong with being a spokesmodel?

I'm like the best coder in there, but suddenly I'm a joke.

Oh, and you think that's because you're on the dance team now?

It doesn't help.

We're athletes.

Look, I'm sorry, I just... I really don't get it.

It's not like you suddenly became stupider, because you joined the dance team.

What's wrong with being sexy?


I just don't wanna be perceived that way.

I have more to offer than just my ass, you know.

Who said you didn't?

But why can't you be both smart and sexy?

Why do you have to choose?

'Cause that's just the way it is.

[door shuts]

So what're we gonna do?

I mean, we need six dancers to compete.

I know.

We'll... we'll pick this up tomorrow.

I gotta go.

... and now she won't even talk to me, ever since I told her I'm not gonna go on tour.

Jesus, seriously! Slow down or you're walking home.

[tires screech]

And put both hands on the wheel. Ten and two.

Actually, wait, nine and three.

I'll tell you one thing though, I'm not calling her this time.

She can come to me when she gets over herself.

Dude, girls don't come to guys. That's not how it works.

[Brandon] She was gonna go on tour without me!

So why am I the bad guy if I wanna go to Idyllwild?

'Cause you slept with her.

What does that have to do with anything?

You slept with her, then you said you didn't wanna go on tour.

So, wait, you think she feels like rejected?

No, Lou's not like that.

She's not that kinda girl.

You don't have to be that kinda girl to get your heart broken, dumbass.

[tires screech]

What's this?

They're Ana's. She left 'em at my place.

Like you said, she's no longer my responsibility so if you could take 'em to her whenever you get a chance.

OK, thanks. I will.

Why aren't you in uniform? Where you goin'?

I'm going to buy myself a handbag.

Hey, Sarah.


Um, I volunteer here.

Good for you.

Yeah, no, I, um, I hope you get a good placement, in a new foster home.

Me, too.

And, um...

I want you to know, I'm not, like mad about the trial and all that.

I totally get why you didn't wanna testify.

It was a lot to ask.

And just let me know if you need any help or anything, really.

OK, thanks.




I'm here to tutor Jesus.

Oh, um, OK.

I was just leaving.

Jesus isn't here, but he should come back soon.

You can wait.

OK. Thanks.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Look, I know that I'm leaving you hanging, and I'm really sorry, but I just don't think that dance team is for me.

OK, but why not?

You love dancing, it's completely obvious.

You smile just as big when you nail a turn as when you solve one of Craig's unsolvable coding problems.

So why are you letting a bunch of boys decide what kind of girl you wanna be?

I'm not.

You say, "That's just the way things are," but, no, I don't accept that.

If things aren't the way they're supposed to be, then you have to change them, right?

What if I told you I had an idea, a way that you can stay on dance team and prove that you are without a doubt the best coder in STEM club?

[people chattering]

Where's my bag?

Did anyone take my purse?

Did anyone see someone take my purse?!

[soft jazz music playing]

I realize I've been saying this a lot recently, but you were right.

About what?

Craig asked me out.

[chuckling] I told you.

Shh. No gloating, please.

So, where are you going?

We're not.

I politely declined.

What? Why? He's so cute, with that vaguely Hawaiian hang-ten super-chill vibe.

True, but I think it's probably not a great idea for me to date one of my subordinates.

Besides, after my ex-husband, I have a philosophy about men: they're like dessert.

When you want one, just think about it for a minute, and you'll realize you're probably better off going without.

What am I gonna do, huh?

Maybe I should try women.

Oh, trust me, they're not any easier.

Really? I was sure they would be.

At least women know how to communicate.

Not necessarily.

Like my wife.

She has this almost compulsive need to keep things to herself.

And now we're gonna adopt this baby.

You are?

And it's the right thing, I think it's the right thing, anyway, but I just hate that we're making big decisions like this when we're not at our best, you know?

I threw in a little something extra for the kids.

Thanks. See you tomorrow.

[door bell jingles]

I wanna talk to your wife.


Please. Just for a minute.

No, I'm sorry, you need to go.

Mrs. Gutierrez!

Quiet, please.

What is it?

What's going on?

She was, uh... she was just leaving.

I'm not stupid, Victor.

You look so much like her, when she was that age.

Before all the dr*gs and the running away.

I'm Mariana.

I know.



Oh, my God. That's really nice.

It's not a fake, right?

Nope. No, no, real deal.

The serial number's right there on the tag.

Yeah, that is beautiful.

How much did you want for it again?

Four hundred.

It retails for nine.

That's a lot of money.

Pretty bag like that will look real good on a pretty lady like you.

Um, where'd you get it?

Oh, it was a gift for my mom.

She said it was too fancy. and I can't return it.


OK, uh, yeah, I'm gonna do it.


Yeah. All right, that's for you. Three, four.

Nice doing business with you.

You don't recognize me, do you?

No, should I?

Yeah, I'm Callie Jacob's mom.

And you're under arrest for fencing stolen goods.


Going somewhere?

Not getting to know you and your brother is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

But I need you to hear me.

We didn't even know that you existed until it was too late.

Ana never told us.

I think she thought because she was doing dr*gs that we would try to take you away from her, but of course, that's exactly what happened.

Those government people came and took you, and by the time we even heard of you, it was too late, you were already adopted.

And when we confronted her, when we asked her why, why would she let that happen...

She said she was glad we couldn't get our hands on her children, so we couldn't make them suffer like she did.


She did a lot of bad things, but we always tried, always forgave her.

[Mrs. Gutierrez] But not that.

I couldn't forgive that.

Would it change anything if I told you that Ana was sober?

Like really sober?


And that maybe now you have a second chance?

[Mrs. Gutierrez exhales deeply]

Ana's pregnant.

Me and Jesus, we have a good life.

We're happy, we have a great family and a great home, just so you know.

But I really think that you should read this.

And thank you for the Christmas presents.

What Christmas presents?

[soft rock music]

[cell phone beeps]












How's it going?

Not good, Liam's saying he had no idea the bags were bought using a fake identity.

Of course he is.



My favorite part was when he told me how badly he feels for you.

Can't believe Sarah would do this.

What a son-of-a-bitch.

Yeah, well, that's not the problem.

The most frustrating part is that Sarah's saying the same thing.



Says that she's doing this all by herself, that Liam has nothing to do with it.

She's protecting him again.

What, she's just gonna ruin her life for him?

Well, she's still a minor, so the punishment for her will be less severe, but...

I just can't believe that she still doesn't understand that he's just using her.

Hey, can you check something for me?

[phone ringing]

[Lou] It's Lou, you can leave a message, but I probably won't check it.

Hey, uh, it's me.


I wasn't gonna call, but, I, um, I just wanted to make sure you know, that yeah, I'm dropping the tour, but I don't wanna drop you.

And if it felt that way when I told you, then... I hate that.

And that's on me.

So let me know if there's something I can do to make it up to you.

I never wanted you to think that.

OK, um... well, call me back, I guess, if you want.

I went back.

To the bakery?

They took the letter.

Said they'd read it. So we'll see.


You did good, Mariana.

You did something to help that baby.

And I know it wasn't exactly what you wanted, but I'm proud of you.

How ya been, Callie?

I've been better, but, you know, I sure am sorry about what Sarah did.

I had no idea.

Yeah, it's pretty messed up.

I just can't believe that she still hasn't figured out that you're just using her, that you've always been using her.

I tried to talk some sense into her, but she just loves you so much, she'd do anything to protect you, you know?

Then I thought... if there was just some way that we could prove to Sarah that she was being used, just like you used me.

And then it occurred to me, maybe we could check her credit report.

Stef said, "He's not that stupid, is he?"

And I said, "No."

"But he is that selfish."

Turns out I was right.

You couldn't even wait 'til you were done with her to use her credit, you had some other girl, somewhere else, selling the stuff that you bought in Sarah's name.

And when we showed her, well, turns out she doesn't love you quite as much as she thought she did.

[Stef] She told us the whole thing was your idea.

And she also told us about the sexual relationship.

So it looks like you're going to jail, Liam, for a good, long time.

[door opens and closes]

[car alarm chirps]

[distant police alarm]

[people chattering]

[pop music playing]



Um, Mike said that you left these at his place? I thought you might need them?

Oh, um, these aren't...

I have prescription ones.

[police siren]

[person shouting Hey, Callie.

I... I'm so happy that you finally got that bastard.

Me, too.

So now we get you off probation, and then, emancipation.

Hey, is mom not here yet?

Where did she go after she dropped you off?

I don't know, she just said she had an errand to run.



Remember we decided not to tell the kids about the baby?


Well, we might wanna get on that.