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01x05 - The Great Snake Battle

Posted: 03/28/14 01:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Red Road...

Two armed men stole the truck at gunpoint.

And after what you've been doing comes out, you'll be going to jail.

What is this?

You guys are looking for a scapegoat?

Who do you think did that NYU kid?

You're suffering from schizophrenia.

That is impossible.

DEA got a tip about the guys in the mines.

Whoa, whoa whoa! You need to get out of here!

The DEA is on its way!

That's the same g*n you used to k*ll Dennis Bradley.

I told you to get free of that.


It's me.

You bring my money?

I wanna talk to you about what happened to me in Florida.

Come here.

Turn around-- turn around.

You got somethin' to say, huh?

Say it-- come on, say it.

I know you're the reason I got sent up.


Who told you that, Mike?

Why'd you do it?

'Cause before you left, I told you who you could and who you couldn't deal with down there, but you didn't listen.

You were bitin' the hand, so I gave you up, yeah.

You think anyone would deal with you if they knew you were a rat?

That's not rattin'.

That's discipline.

I did the world a favor.

You went away, and everything went...

[Whistles] ...smooth.

Now, you're on the street again.

Surprise-- problems are back.


All you do, is cry...

...cry to daddy.

Next time I see you...

I want every dollar of what you and Mike made, and then, we're done.

I never wanna see you, again.

You get me?

Can I have my g*n back?

Last thing I ever give ya.

♪ ♪

[Telephone ringing]


Come outside.

Why are you calling me?

Do you want me to ring the doorbell?

You better start drivin'.

I have to give you something, first-- it can't wait.

You really wanna go back inside, huh?

It's for you.

Go, now.

I'm not leavin' until you take it.



Jerry insisted I take some money for that drill he broke.

I told him, next time, wait 'til the sun comes up.

It's good to see you running, again.

Goin' for another lap.

I have an appointment.

Turn around, then.

[Speaking in Albanian]

Holy shit... [Speaks Albanian]

Look at this over-grown Indian.



Why'd you wanna see me?

You know my... [Speaks Albanian] my uncle, how you say, he told me you saved him from getting k*lled down in that dungeon, in Florida.

He's kind of old and stupid.

So, I want to see you for myself.

Well, here I am.

Need it on the 5th... all 5,000 tablets.

I know.

You do understand we're not very nice people, huh?

Then, why do you have a picture of Mother Teresa on your wall?

'Cause she's Albanian, you stupid Indian!

You know what?

You should pray to her.

[Cocking g*n] Get on your knees.

There's a golf course by Ocean City Airport.

Need to bring the delivery to us there.


Your uncle said you were gonna pick it up.

It's not a problem, is it?



[Speaks Albanian]

[Birds singing]

[Police radio chatter]

Need to make smuggling compartments we can stuff the pills in.

We'll wait until the 5th to load it up.

Then we just drive to Ocean City, and we're done.

Mike comin'?


He freaked after the DEA thing.

Left town for a while.

So, when you took your girl to Jack's, did he hit on her a little bit or a lot?

No, it was nothin' like that, man.

I'm surprised.

He was always trying to get his hands on the girls I brought home.

He was really messed up on oxy, I think... sayin' crazy stuff.

Yeah, what about?

You, I guess-- I don't know.

Well, don't keep me in suspense.

He was sayin' you k*lled someone when you were eight.

I didn't do that on purpose.

We were playin' in the woods by the highway.

Kid's name was Sidney... and we found this medallion from a '76 Hornet.

It's a lousy car, but it had a cool medallion.

And he started fightin' me for it... and we ended up beatin' each other down this hill, and the hill just dropped off, you know?

Dumped us on some rocks.

Sidney landed funny, and I came down on top of him.

And, when I got up... he was just starin' at the sky.

His neck was turnin' purple.

So, I ran home and told my dad.

I took him out to show him... and he takes a look... and tells me to go home.

So, I do.

I waited up all night for him to come back.

And he shows up in the mornin'... lookin' like...

I don't know.

He told me, if I ever told anybody, the cops would come and take me away.

He thought I k*lled him.

He didn't believe me.

How about you?


You believe me?


You're a good brother.

I'm gonna check on the trunk.

[Police radio chatter]

All right, good work, guys.

Give us a few minutes, all right?

Yeah, that's Dennis Bradley.

Looks like he drowned, or--

Well, let's take a look here.

Yep, got one... maybe two b*llet wounds... could be more.

g*n he found was a nine millimeter.

You consistent with that?

Well, I won't know for sure until we get him back to the coroner's office, but... I'd say so.

Nice work.

Ah, let's notify the parents.

Information, how can I help you?

Hi-- can you check the local listings for Phillip Kopus?


One moment.

I have no listing under that name.

Can I help you with anything else, ma'am?

No-- thank you.

[Telephone ringing]


It's me.

Harold, what is it?

They found the college kid's body.

Someone shot him-- dumped him in the lake.

You okay?

You want me to come home, I can come home.

No, I'm okay.

Are you-- are you okay?


It's a good thing.

It's over now.

I'll see you soon, okay?

I love you.

I love you, too.


I wanna thank you.

We can bury him, now.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

I'm really proud of you-- I want you to know that.

You got us out from under this thing.

Could've gone on forever, and we would've ended up lookin' like a bunch of clowns.

But, I gotta ask ya, because NYPD and the State Police are askin' me... what made you look three miles outside the search radius?

Remember, that's where they found Brian's body.

I couldn't put that on the report, but that's the reason.

How come you didn't tell anybody you were goin' out there to look?

Well, I wasn't sure I was gonna find anything.

And you just got lucky?


All right.

Go home-- get some rest.



A little celebratory breakfast.


Why-- for what?

They were talking about you on TV.

We can talk about whatever you want.

Wanna talk about football?

Who's goin' to the Super Bowl this year?

Look, all's I did was find somethin' in the woods.

Can't we just have breakfast?

I don't want you to be afraid of upsetting me.

I just want everyone to tell the truth now.

If there's anything you aren't telling me, just please...


There's nothing.

You ever heard of a kid named Sid?

Used to live around here.


Did you take your pills this morning?

You out?

I don't want anymore.

You're gonna get caught.

It's not worth it to me.

I don't understand you.

Been tryin' to clean up the woods, do all this stuff for the tribe... but you don't even wanna take care of yourself.

The hell kinda sense does that make?

If you don't want me to get 'em for you, then, you gotta get it some other way, and that's just the way it's gonna be.

Want a ride?

What's up?



I heard Mike's house got raided.

Weren't you stayin' there?

I wouldn't be stayin' there if it was.

I figured he wasn't good for me to be around, you know?

I gotta room at The Camford Inn.

I'm just gonna take him to school.

Maybe... maybe you are giving Junior what he needs, maybe not... but just don't let him down.

He doesn't need that.


We're hiking up to the mine later.

We're gonna pack everything up tight.

Get ready to move.

You good?

Mike called me last night.

Well, if he calls again, you tell him to be careful.

He's supposed to be layin' low.

Hey, Junior... it's just me and you, now.

[Indistinct chatter]

It doesn't add up.

Nadine, we're busy.

Got a positive match on the prints.

Name's Jack Kopus-- w*r vet, lots of priors.

Last known address is in Brooklyn.

Now, come on.


There a problem?

I think you know what my problem is.

You're either a psychic or you're a liar.

I gotta ask ya, how's your wife?

Excuse me?

Your wife.

I understand she got into some trouble.

She's in a nuthouse, isn't she?

Whoa, whoa!

Come here.

You're dirty, buddy.

Come on-- let's go, let's go.

No doubt about it-- you're dirty!

You're a dirty cop!

Come on!


All right!


Go home.


Go home, now.

We'll talk tomorrow.

All right, everybody-- back to work.


Hi, David-- it's Harold.

What is it, Harold?

I need to talk to you about something.


I fixed her car, David, the bumper.

I switched it out before anybody saw.

You did what?

I should stress, this is a one-time offer, and it's a very generous one.

It's not an admission of guilt.

There'll be no negotiations.

Once it's done, it's done.

It's the best thing for everyone.

Your son'll be well taken care of.

He can attend a good college.

Go ahead and discuss.

I'll be out front.

This is what he needs.

This helps him.

You know what message this sends?

That we can be bought.

Chief, respectfully, I don't believe this is about a message.

Let's deal with reality.

If we go to trial, the are no guarantees.

And, as of right now, there are no witnesses.

Well, let's not pretend we don't know the truth.

It's wrong to pretend that, if we go to trial, we could win.

That's the truth.

The state could still prosecute her.

But that's not likely, is it?

We take this, nothing's ever gonna change.

Why is it up to us to change things?

This is about Paul.

Paul will always be taken care of by his people... you know that.

Your blood counts look good.

No problems?


Maybe-- I mean... um, something happened yesterday.

I saw something.

A hallucination?

I got up early to go jogging.

It felt good.

And when I was heading back to the house, I thought I saw Harold out front talking to someone I used to see in high school.

This is the same man you mentioned before?

The one you said had something to do with your brother's death?


But then, Harold said he was just picking something up from our neighbor, so, maybe, I did make it up.

You're already on the maximum dose of clozapine.

We could adjust--

I didn't see him how he was... the man-- I didn't see him how I remember him in high school.

I saw him-- he was... older.

I haven't seen him in nearly 20 years, so, how is that possible?

Do you wanna see this man?

Do you want for this to have been real?

All right.

I wasn't sure they'd take it, but they seem to be having some trouble with their witnesses.

They know they don't have a case.

So, they can't prosecute her?

That's right.

So now, we can finally get things back the way they're supposed to be.


Yeah, I'll make sure that we do.



Hey, I know you're in there.

This is a friendly visit.

I'm not your friend!

I'm looking for Mike Parker.

I spoke to some kids he used to sell meth to.

They told me you're his girl-- that right?

All right.

Well, I'll just take a load off, then.

You just come on out whenever you're ready.

No rush.


I-- I just want a minute.


Where is he?

How long has he been gone, a week?

When'd you last talk to him?

He called me last week... a couple hours after he left here.

Said he was in the bathroom at The High Tide Lobster.

He sounded drunk.

He told me that he loved me.

So, you, um, you know where he might be?

Hey, you tell me, you might save his life.

He was going into the woods a lot...

Talked about a mine.

It's not on any of the maps.

Past where the Hofelen Trail ends.

Okay, thank you.

♪ ♪ ♪

I remember when you used to actually talk.

You're like my shadow now.

Hey, if I couldn't be there tomorrow, what would happen?

What would happen?

You'd still be poor.



Just tell me now, so I can find someone else.

I just wanted to know I had a choice.


What's her name again?


It's open.

Hello in there, Miss Chopiak?


Open this door, please.

["Shannon" by Henry Goss playing]

♪ ...better again ♪
♪ somehow she's keeping ♪
♪ it all inside her ♪
♪ but finally the tears ♪
♪ fill our eyes ♪
♪ and I know that ♪
♪ somewhere tonight ♪
♪ she knows how much ♪
♪ we really miss her ♪


Police-- open this door!



♪ she always loved to swim away ♪

[Door slams]

[Indistinct chatter]

Just sign here, where your name is.


For the hospital?


This is a settlement agreement.

Yes, that's right.

I'm not signing them-- I didn't do anything.

Honey, it's to protect you.

From what?

Look, if you just sign it, it'll all be over.

I didn't do anything.

Harold told me nothing happened.

Why would he have told me that?

Because that's what you needed to hear.

He fixed the car, Jeannie-- he fixed it.

Something did happen, and I know you know that.

No, he told me.

He wouldn't lie to me-- Harold doesn't lie.

[Collective chatter]

[Indistinct TV sport announcements]

What do you want?

Just wanna talk.

You should sit.

You like this place, huh?

Come here a lot?

You got two cops k*lled.

So did you.

And they're cops-- they're supposed to know how not to get shot.

You're being stupid, you know?

Asking me to meet you here, trying to be cute.

Do you no longer give a shit about your wife?

You forget who's keeping her out of jail?

So, you haven't heard.

I don't have time for this.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

This is something you're gonna wanna hear.

It concerns you, your future.

The Morgans have taken a settlement...

Means they can't prosecute.

I hope you had a good time playing me.

I hope it's enough to get you through what's coming.

And I wanted to ask you... what were you planning on doing with all the dr*gs you got stored away up in that mine?

Someone called in an anonymous tip.

They're cleaning you out, right now.

What'd you think?

It was all just gonna work out for you?

You never had a chance.

Jack Kopus, the man suspected of k*lling two detectives earlier this evening, has not been seen since the sh**ting occurred.

You told me I didn't do anything.

You and my father paid them off and didn't even tell me what was happening!

Tell me I'm wrong.

Lie to me, Harold-- lie to me, again!

Tell me I-- I'm crazy.

Tell me I imagined the whole thing.


For you.

For you, okay?

Get off me!

To keep you out of jail-- Do you get that?

Do you have any idea at all?

Stop it-- stop it!

Oh, you wanna tell the truth?

You wanna the truth?

You wanna tell the girls the truth?

Hey, girls, get in here!

Your mother wants to tell you somethin'!

Stop it!

No, this will be great.

Come on!

Come on, sweetie.

[Jean crying] It's okay-- don't be afraid.

Okay, we're all gonna tell the truth now!

Come on, Jean.

[Tires squealing]