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01x06 - Snaring of the Sun

Posted: 04/04/14 03:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Red Road...

I know you're the reason I got sent up.

We're done. Last thing I ever give ya.

They found the college kid's body.

Someone shot him... dumped him in the lake.

Look, if you just sign it, it'll all be over.

I didn't do anything.

Harold told me nothing happened.

You're a liar.

You're dirty! You're a dirty cop!

Hey! Hey!

Open this door!


Get on your knees.

You do understand we're not very nice people, huh?

Lie to me, Harold...

Tell me I imagined the whole thing.

Where's your sister?


You said Kopus brought Jean here.

Well, I guess they left.

Well, you're her twin, Brian.

I thought you guys knew everything about each other.

She's with him... I know it.

How long have you known that she was banging him?

And why didn't you tell me?

When would I tell you?

You pretend you don't know me when my sister's not around.

Dude, can I have one of those?

[Distant train whistle]

What is wrong with you?

My head hurts, all right?

Before you showed up at my house, I... took some acid.

Dude... dude, Kopus sold it to you, huh?

No, Kopus did not sell it to me.

He gave it to me.

What are you doing with that, man?

Are you recording me?

What... no.

Turn that off.

Hey, you think the water's cold?


Harold, do you hear me?

This message is for Jean.

Anyone else listening is an assh*le.

You should go screw yourself.

So, uh, so, Jeannie, this is something that has to happen, you know?

I'm not... I'm not sad about it.

I just, uh...

I wanna be somewhere else.

I wanna be gone and not have to think anymore.

I wish we could've stayed little kids.


♪ ♪

[Tape recorder clicks off]






[Truck radio blaring]

My dad's gonna k*ll me, isn't he?

I spoke to him.

He is gonna k*ll you, but not until after the game.

You gonna be all right to play tonight?

Hey, you don't happen to know where Jean's brother is, do you?

Parents are lookin' for him.

They think he was hanging out with Phillip Kopus last night.

That sound right to you?

I thought that Jean was with Kopus last night.

No, she was at a friend's house.

She don't know where Brian is, either.

You sure you don't know where he is?

No, I don't.


[All] Break!

[Collective shouting]

[Collective] Oh!

[Whistle blowing]



Where's your head, kid?

Where is everybody?

They're helping the cops search the woods.


Lookin' for Brian Rodgers.

Guess he didn't come home last night.

Listen, scout from Notre Dame is here.

That's all that matters.

Go out there and show 'em what you got.

Let's go.


Go-go-go-go-go... go-go-go!

Twenty-four dive... ready?


[Whistle blowing]

[Indistinct shouting]

Harold, Harold, you all right, man??

Don't touch him.

Stand back... everybody, stand back!

Harold, can you try moving for me?


Call an ambulance.


Can you give us a minute alone, please?


She doesn't wanna talk to you.

It's okay.

What do you want?

Where did you get this?

It was in the woods when we were searching for that kid.

I wasn't gonna tell you about it, but I listened to it, and there's a message on it for you.

I wish we could've stayed little kids.


[Water splashing]

You were with him that night.


I was tryin' to find you.

I went to your house... you weren't there.

Brian told me that he could help me find you.

You let me think Phillip was there.

That he let him drown.

You knew all this time... and you never told me.

Your father, the police, everybody said that's what happened.

I should've told you I knew different, but I didn't... I'm sorry.

I didn't know what I was doing, and by the time I did, it was too late.

You're right... it's too late.

I can fix this.

Leave, Harold.


I'd do anything for you... anything.

All you had to do, was tell me the truth.

Please go.

♪ ♪

I can't do this.

I'm sorry... I'm not gonna.

I need that money you made... you still got it?


I need it.

Please, tell me you didn't spend it all.

I'm sorry, man... I didn't know.

Oh, no.

The cave was busted... everything's gone.

We're not gonna be able to deliver.

After 3 o'clock, they're gonna come lookin' for me.

You understand?

These guys don't make threats... they take people apart.

This is serious.

You don't know me... you never met me.

What do you mean?

God, Junior, listen!

You take this.

You keep it with you, all right?

For the next couple of days, if anybody comes up on you, you do not wait to find out what they want.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

You don't know me... you don't know my name!

[Knock at door]

Is Phillip here?


I'm sorry.

I heard about the settlement.

I don't know what to say about that.

Nothin' you can say.

Just somethin' you have to live with.

It'll fade, but not all the way.

Take my word for it.

You know, my son's in love with your daughter.

I don't know if it's a good thing, but I just thought you should know, he'd do anything for that girl.

Tell him to take care of her.

Phillip's stayin' at the Camford Inn, on route 17.

You need to sit down for a minute?

Thank you... I appreciate that, but... I can't stay.

What's goin' on?

Found these under some debris when they were pullin' the dr*gs from the mine.

Some idiot put it in his report.

I want you to head over to the station and amend it...

Strike any and all mention of these barrels.

No paint sludge... got it?


You don't get to ask why.

If I amend that report, I gotta put my name on it.

Your name?

It ain't worth much right now, anyway.

Maybe you wanna talk about that g*n you found... those two dead detectives?

You better make yourself worth all this trouble you're causin' me.

I'm not doctoring any reports, Captain.

What... what... what'd ya say?

I said, "I'm not doctoring any reports, Captain."

If that means I'm not worth keeping around... then, don't keep me around.

You comin' with us tonight?


Casey's brother's gonna buy us beer.

Can he get me vodka or somethin'?

I hate beer.

Yeah, whatever you want.


What are you doin'?

Whatever she wants to... leave her alone.

Shut up.

Hey, what's goin' on?


I know you... something's wrong.

You're just snapping back into your old life, huh?

That didn't take long.

What did you expect me to do?

Well, it doesn't matter.

You're not gonna see me, anymore.

I'm all done with school.

You can't drop out just because of me.

Yeah... yeah, it's all because of you.

No, that's fine.

I'm unsafe to be around, anyway.

Stop being so dramatic.

If you're in trouble, it's only cause you wanna be.

Yeah, whatever... you go back to your boyfriend!

You all right?



Yeah, it's good.

It's cold, though.

I was thinkin' about headin' back down to your neck of the woods.

You think you could set me up with somethin'?

I'm kinda runnin' low on funds.

[Knock at door]

I'll call you back.

[Cocks g*n]

[Radio playing]

[Gasps] No.

[Speaking Spanish] No!

[g*n shot]

Here it is... same as it ever was.

I always think about this place.


You took me here for Halloween.

I know.


It was cold.


You let me wear your jacket.

You smoked menthol cigarettes, and you drank...

I don't-I don't remember what it was, but it tasted horrible.

That sounds about right.


Why'd you come and find me?

I'm goin' away.

No kiddin'?

I'm goin' away, too.

Where ya headin'?

I don't know.

You ever get married?

Have any kids?



Remember what you told me about havin' kids?


Well, I guess you changed your mind.

I always... I always thought you'd move away... live in the city.

Thought the same about you.

It sounds nice... but I don't believe it.

You're almost the same.

Yeah... you are.



Do you love your husband?

I do, but I shouldn't.

I'm not sure I should love anything.

I wasn't with your brother that night.

I need you to believe me.

I know.

What do you mean?

If you knew, then, why'd you let 'em run me out of town?

Harold only told me today.

He was with him... they were looking for me.

Brian did it to his damn self.

That's why I wanted to come see you and... to tell you how sorry I am.

You're sorry.

You're sorry?

I could've had a life, if I stayed here.

Well, I didn't know.

Harold didn't tell me until today!

You're full of shit... you knew!

Come on... we're goin' to the truck.

I'm not going home, Phillip.

Come on... "come on," I said.

Leave me alone!

You wanna go get lost, fine!

Detective is on his way over.

Rooms on either side occupied?

They were... they got out, quick.

Can I have their names?


Excuse me.

Hey, Lou.


Detective is gonna be pissed, if you go in there.


When'd you last see the guy staying here?

He, uh, he left this morning with some redhead.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone ringing]


Who is this?

Who's this?

Why do you have my wife's phone?

Where is she?

I don't know, buddy.

Probably got robbed.

Stuff scattered all over the place.

All over where... where are you?

We're over by Turtle Lake.


Jean... Jean, come back!



Jean, come back!

Jean, come back!

Come back, Jean!



[Jean gasps]

Grab on.

I got you... I got you.

Come on.

[Jean crying]

It's okay... it's okay.

I got you.

It's okay... it's okay.

You're okay now.

You're okay now.

You're okay.

Okay, okay...

Okay, I'm gonna get an ambulance.



I'm not... I'm not going to the hospital, again.

I'm never going to the hospital, again.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.



I can't lose you.

I love you.

I'm never gonna leave you.

[Radio blaring]

You coming?

Just tell them I'm out with these guys.

They won't care.


Do you wanna come?

Where are you going?

Does it matter?

It's okay, honey.

I'm a friend of your dad's.

My dad doesn't have any friends.

He'll be home soon.

Oh, good.

I wish he'd hurry up, though... got a busy day.

Is he a nice dad?

Is he good to you?

Did you draw this?

He ever take you up there?

Keeps you locked up in this place, huh?

You his favorite?

I bet he wishes he could keep you little forever.



You're the smart one.

I can tell by lookin' at ya.

Probably the only one who can see the forest for the trees.

Did he ever ask you what you think?

All the time.

You keep takin' shit, people are gonna keep givin' it to ya.

Take it from me.





Dad told me to come home... what happened?

She doesn't wanna talk about it.

Do you want me to get you something?

Maybe that tea you like?



Come on, talk to me.

Nine-six-one, you out there?


Yeah, nine-six-one.

We got a 10-33.

Possible carjacking in progress.

Police vehicle currently headed up Stag Hill Road.

Officer Logan not responding.

We need you up there.

Officer nine-six-one, do you read me?

This is a 10-33... emergency.

Yeah, 961 responding.

Copy that.

I gotta go.

You're staying here, right?

Are you and dad gonna be okay?

I want us to be.

Junior loves you.

What are you talking about?

Am I wrong?


Dad loves you, but you're both still miserable.

People love you, you just... end up letting 'em down.

But it's still the best thing there is.

[Collective chatter]

I don't want you doing too much, okay?

Doctor said you had to take it easy.

He's okay.

Let him have some fun.

I need to talk to you.

I didn't plan on this... I want you to know that.

Plan on what?

I will pay you back.

I need a couple, um...

This mean I'm never gonna see you again?

What's happening?

Maybe if you talk to Mac about it...

I don't think so.

You get yourself better.

Take those pills.

You do what the doctor tells you to do.

You don't have to go.


I actually do.

If anybody comes lookin' for me, you just tell 'em you haven't seen me since I got out of prison.

You mean, the police?

I mean, anybody.

Excuse me.

Hey, can I talk to you?

I know you told those kids not to talk to the police.

Leo's parents told me this morning.

Why the hell would you do that... we could've had a case.

I don't know what you're talkin' about.

Like hell you don't.

I don't know why I trusted you.

I don't know, either.

[Siren blaring]

Get inside.

Get inside!

Get inside!

[Collective screaming]

Go, go, go!

You set me up!

You set me up!

Yeah, how's it feel, old man?

Oh, it's gonna feel a whole lot better in a second.

You ready to go?

'Cause I'm ready to send you there.

Put the g*n down, Jack.

[g*nsh*t firing]

Why the hell would I wanna do a thing like that?

You got somethin' to say to your old man?

You wanna ask me for forgiveness?

Jack, stop!

Get back inside!

What are you doing?

He's the k*ller, not me!


He's the k*ller!

Jack, please?

[Sirens blaring]

You are not... greater than me.

You are not more than I am!

God, Jack, please!

[g*nsh*t firing]

Drop it!

Drop it...

Put it on the ground.


Put it down, now!

Junior, put the g*n down.

Drop the g*n!

Junior, drop the g*n, Junior!

June, put the g*n down!

Put the g*n down!

Don't sh**t him!

Drop the g*n, Junior!

Go... go, go, go!

Hey... hey... hey, I know him... I know him!

Hey, hey, hey, hang on... stop!


[Indistinct shouting]

It's over... you're done.

Come on.

What's going on?

[Indistinct chatter]


Get outta here, quick!

Twenty-nineteen, do you need an ambulance?


Twenty-nineteen, do you need an ambulance?


This is 20-19... negative on the ambulance.


[Collective shouting]

[Indistinct shouting]

Get in... watch your head.

[Collective shouting]

[Indistinct police radio]

People say they drive their wives crazy, but you really did, didn't you?

She came to me, you know?

She's sick.

She told me you were with Brian.

I don't give a shit what she told you.

You don't matter.

I wish I could take credit for ruining your life.

You're gonna head back inside.

Me, I'm gonna go home, have a nice meal, forget you exist... my wife, too.



You gonna order in?

Your fridge looked pretty empty.

Hey, your daughter, the younger one... what's her name?

She gave me a drawing when I stopped by there today.

Wanna see it?

I got it right here... close to my heart.

[Tires squealing]

That's the spirit.

Get out.

If you take the cuffs off, it might make it easier.

[Kopus chuckling]


Get up!


Put the stick down and do it right.

[Fighting blows]


Put your g*n on the ground and get in the truck.

Do it and you'll survive this.

We have no beef with you... we came for the Indian.

I lost my hand because he didn't deliver for us.

Now, we came to share the pain.

I'm gonna take him in.

[Cocks r*fle]

He's worth dyin' for?

The g*n.

Smart cop.

♪ ♪

[Rapid g*nf*re]





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