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01x02 - Towering Towers; Game Over, Man

Posted: 04/07/15 07:54
by bunniefuu
[title music]

♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪

Dr. Claw: [LAUGH]

The mega-antenna atop Towering Towers.

With this I will take over every satellite in orbit, and MAD will control global communications.


MAD Cat! Nooooo!

...I spent all afternoon working on that model!

Why would you even build a scale model?

You have powerful computers!

You can make a 3D image in, like, seconds!

Because, nephew, model building is an art!!!

Have you infiltrated the building?

Piece of cake. If a cake had red hot rivets!


That doesn't even make sense...

You are really just taking all the enjoyment out of this plan.

Don't you have some evil training or something to do?

Fine! [SIGH] I need my own lair.

Ah, the perfect towering sandwich.

Whoa! Whoaaa!

Penny: "Moon Base High School Dance 2", starring Jake Alien!

OMG! It's so romantic!

I can't believe we've waited one whole month for the sequel!

Gadget: Oh. You remember the time I chased an alien, Penny?

I chased him during a case and you kept calling him "Stopits Brain".


Um, Uncle Gadget, I think you're supposed to use those napkins.


Chief Quimby!

Inspector Gadget, Penny, I have a new mission.

Towering Towers is the world's tallest skyscraper, currently under construction.

We have information that MAD will try to break in before its grand opening next month.

I need you to go check it out.

This message will self-destruct.

You've got it, Chief!



The fastest way to get there is by using the G-Portal!


Are you sure, Uncle Gadget?

I mean, it still has a few glitches to work out, doesn't it?

Nonsense, Penny. It's perfectly fine.

But, Penny... what about the movie?

I'll be back in time, Kayla!

I wouldn't miss it. Woaaaaah!

If my calculations are correct, and they always are... the tower should be right over... there.

This doesn't look like a giant skyscraper!

Someone must have moved it!

Uncle Gadget! The tablecloth!

Oh, silly me. I completely forgot about it.

And it's full of crumbs!


Uh oh!


I wonder where the MAD agents are.

Just look at this mess! This isn't safe at all!

I'll have to find someone to clean this up.

Go Go Gadget copter!


Brain, you keep an eye on him.

I'll see if the work crews have seen anything suspicious.


Dr. Claw: Gadget!

That menace, Gadget, is at the building! Eliminate him!

No problem, I have a special little surprise ready for him.

Get this, it's...

La la la la ... no spoilers!

Just... Just do it! I'll watch to see how it turns out.

I need to speed this search up!

Go Go Gadget jet engines!

Woah? Woahhh!

Huh. I thought they'd have more kick!




Those cleaners better be careful, there's broken glass everywhere!


Wow! How tall is this building, anyway?!

Just got the tickets!

So when are you going to be done your mission and how is your mission going and... oh, what is your mission?

Great! Soon. Okay so far.

And I can't tell you 'til you get a higher security clearance.

Fine. But I just hope you wrap it up soon.

I don't want to see this movie without you.



This should cut Gadget down to size.


De-Construction Droid. Destroy Inspector Gadget!

Directive accepted.





Just look at this mess!

One of those new robot vacuum cleaners.

Hmmm... There must be something wrong with it.

Good thing I'm an expert at robot repair.

Go Go Gadget toolkit!

[CHUCKLES] Friendly little thing.



That must be an agent of MAD! You! Stop where you are!


Ow! Ow! Ow!

Now... to see if I can find any evidence of MAD.

Excuse me... have there been any suspicious people sneaking around?

I know you. You're Gadget's little girl "sidekick."

First, I am not a little girl, and second, I'm not a sidekick!

This is a sidekick.


Huh? Ah!


H-Hey, Penny. How's it going?

Oh, you know... fine... um...

Hey! Enough with the charm, you!



So, MADthew... good thing I showed up when I did, right?


Now the vent needs repairing!


Why are we hanging onto this one, Talon?

I mean... why don't we just toss her over the side.

No! Uh, I mean... why get rid of her, when we can make her watch as we take control of the antenna and all of Earth's satellites.

Much better than just tossing her off the side...


Aaah! Come back!

This place is even more dangerous than I thought!

Get back here!

Don't think so. But as soon as I get free of this!






Whatever you're doing here Talon, it's not gonna work.

Hacking the global satellite communications array?

It's totally going to work.

You're already too late to stop it. Power up!



Penny, I think the tower's cleaning robot may have malfunctioned.

But not to worry. I can fix it!

Ow! Ow ow ow!

Argh! De-construction droid!

Initiate self-destruct sequence gamma!

Initiating self-destruct mode!

Uncle Gadget... you've got to get away from it!

Not to worry, Penny... I can fix it, no problem.







Uncle Gadget, are you OK?

Of course, Penny.

But it looks like we need another cleaning robot to clean up this cleaning robot.

Great work, Gadget.

Oh no, Kayla! And the movie!

You. Are. Not. Going. To. Believe. This!

Jake Alien is here! We can totally get his autograph.

No way! Oh man, I'll never make it there before it ends.

Not to worry, Penny, I'll get you there on time.

Thanks Uncle Gadget.

Go Go Gadget G-Portal!


Dr. Claw: Talon! No missions for a month.

Oh, and also... Next time Gadget, next time!






Have a look at this fascinating documentary all about aliens.

It's very informative!

Aliens? Pfft, yeah right.



Chief Quimby!

You've got a new mission, Inspector Gadget.

The Multinational Space Station is reporting several strange occurrences, and now one of the chief astronauts has gone missing.

Your mission is to investigate the Space Station and find the astronaut!

This message will self-destruct.

A missing astronaut is clearly the work of an Alien Intruder.

It's a good thing I just saw that documentary!

You mean that movie, "Aliens VS. Other Aliens 3?"

Yes. Very informative.




To travel in space you need a ship.

But, why go in a boring old rocket, when you can fly... in style!


The "This Isn't Your Father's Rocket Ship" Rocket Ship!

No need for a spacesuit while inside!

But if you do, I made suits out of this polymer.

I call it "Smells like Polymer."

Very cool, Slick.

You'll also need these.

All you do is put one on, push the button and...

[MUFFLED] Bam, instant helmet and air supply.

Great work, Professor!

So long, Earth! Hello, Not Earth!


Wowsers Penny, the space station is a lot bigger than I saw in the documentary.

I wonder what the alien is doing right now?

[with accent] You must be Inspector Gadget, and the trainee... Penny?!

I am Commander MADhail, chief cosmonaut.

I trust you are here to locate what is taking our astronauts?

That is correct.

It's clear that this abduction is the work of aliens!

Or probably not, but that doesn't change the fact that someone is missing. And we're gonna find out why.





It may take you a minute or two to get used to the gravity in here!

No problem!

I've been using gravity since I was a teenager!

Let's have a look around.

Penny: What's happening?

Ah. Just a little power outage, don't make the worry!


Another astronaut is gone!

It was alien. You saw. For sure!

Could not have been anything else. No way!

Gadget: Just as I suspected!

Could it actually be?

Absolutely. And we've got to go after it.

Brain... you keep an eye on Uncle Gadget.

I'm gonna have a look around. There's no way this is really an alien.

This kitchen is the perfect alien eatatorium.

Which is what they call kitchens. In alien.

No sign of aliens. And the food is all gone!

There may be more evidence inside the perfectly safe freeze closet.

Yes. Aliens love their food cold!

Hmmmm... [CHUCKLES]


Ah, the door accidentally closed behind me.

[CHUCKLES] Foolish Inspector!




Getting a bit windy in here. Go Go Gadget Suction Cup!




Gadget: The alien!


Where are you going? You have nothing to fear.

There is much we can learn from each other.

Well... much you can learn from me!


Brain, it looks like someone has messed with these controls.

Keep Uncle Gadget safe! I'll see what more I can find out.

The person, or 'thing' that did this has to be around somewhere.

Where are you?



Unless this alien is from the Planet Plastic, this isn't an alien at all! I knew it!

And I bet I know who's behind it, too!


MADcat, stop playing around. Float down this instant.

Is everything going smoothly?

Ahh, not so much. Penny and Gadget made the trip out here, and they're kinda... gunking things up for me.

And look what she did to my costume!

Gadget! Even in zero gravity, he weighs on my patience!

About those plans. Sure the Space Station is the perfect attachment for the MAD Magnifying Glass... but are you sure all you want to do with it is burn the Grand Canyon into 'an even grander canyon'?

You have a better idea?

Yeah, like maybe, threatening to destroy anything we want if we don't get a zillion dollars??

[SIGH] So much to learn.

What would we do with a zillion dollars? Hm?

Instead, I will make the grandest canyon of all, and it will be called...

The Grand Clawnyon!

That kinda sounds like The Grand Onion.

And just like an onion it will make people cry!

Just prepare the Station for docking the lens while Commander MADhail gets rid of Gadget.

It better be done before we arrive!

Hang on, don't worry! I'll instruct you!

Just call me, Instructor Gadget. And I'll call you Al.



We are bridging the gap between our planets already, Al!

It is very important in human culture to greet someone when you first see them.


It sets everything off on the right foot, or tentacle, or whatever you may have...

That's perfect! Nicely done, Al!

The handshake doesn't work with you out there.

We need some human to alien face time.

I'm coming to get you!




Let's find this plastic 'alien'.

So that's where all the missing astronauts are!

See? Isn't it much better to actually be inside with me?

Since you can't speak our language, you may be able to communicate through art.

Like this.

Now to add the finishing touch.

Go Go Gadget Waterpaint!


Good! You've learned greetings!

Now let's talk about Earth Sports!


I'm getting you out of there!




I don't think so.


I was hoping for a creepy alien, but all I got is a creep.

Commander MADhail? Looks like the alien is out of the bag.

That thing was getting hot anyway!

Uncle Claw is almost here, which means this space station is soon to be MAD all MAD's!

Aha, perfect fit!

Yes. Well, done, Talon.

You won't get away with this, Talon.







Talon: I can't believe this is going to work! [GASP]




Dr. Claw: Nooo!

Astronauts: Huh??

Real... Real alien!



You've done it again, Gadget.

Don't mention it.

Someone has to teach these aliens how to play tennis!

Um... could use a pick up here.

Dr. Claw: Find your own way home!

Next time Gadget! Next time!