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03x07 - Pilot Error

Posted: 04/20/15 03:11
by bunniefuu
Man: Those are good, huh, those Martinis?

Woman: Delectable.

Oh, here comes more.

Woman: Thank you.


"R"? Fine.

What, there's no "r"?



Wait, what is that?


It's a tie.

You can't draw a tie.

I'm supposed to be a hung man there.

[Chuckling] So I've heard, Brad.


There's no cheating. You win.

You are so cute.


We should get out of here.

Let's go.


[Woman giggles] Whoo!

Man: Be careful.

No problem.

No problem.

Let's get you back to your room.

Table 12 is waiting for their dessert.

Did you tell them it takes half an hour?


It's been 45 minutes.

Well, then they can wait another 30 seconds.

In another 30 seconds, I'm going to have to comp their entire meal.

It's their anniversary. True love deserves perfection.

Okay, listen, I told you when I hired you, our customers want fast, not perfect.

The best things in life are worth waiting for.

You're just giving up?

Angie: There's nothing more to go on.

So another innocent woman takes the fall for Neville Montgomery's crimes?

Well, Janet Wong is far from innocent.

She paid a prisoner to k*ll a man.

Because Neville paid her to.

Then show me the physical evidence that proves that.

I thought I had.

Maybe you just lost interest.

Oh, listen, I don't owe you anything.

[Sirens wailing]

Angie: What have you got?

Chelsea Richmond, from Miami Beach, Florida.

Rented the place online, and we have absolutely nothing on her in our system.

What does the owner know about her?

Not much.

The owner was in France when she rented the place out.

Chelsea picked up the keys from the neighbour.

The owner never met her in person until today.

Tough break on Montgomery.

[Sighs in exasperation]

I didn't have enough, and I pushed too hard.

It's embarrassing.

Don't worry, you'll get him next time.

[Shutter clicking]

Thank you, sir.

Looks like she bled out.

Oscar, you should know by now that I don't like to be rushed.

Yeah, you know, if it was anyone else, but you make it so hard to wait.

Oh, that poor woman.

Dr. Rogers was just giving me her initial assessment.

Yeah? The laceration shows bridging.

The k*ller used a blunt object.

How long's she been in there for?

Body's frozen solid, so at least 48 hours.

But freezing the body confuses time of death.

She could've been in there six months.


Good morning, Bridget.

I mean, captain.

Thought you could use an extra jolt this morning.

I got my eight hours in, bottle to throttle.

I know you did. I know.

Listen, about last night...

You got a girlfriend meeting you at the airport?

No. No, she, uh, had a little accident.

I hope she's all right.

Yup. Yup, she's perfect.

Good morning.

This is first officer Brad Calgrove...

On behalf of our Captain Bridget Vinton and the flight crew, I'd like to welcome you aboard.

Pilot Error

Did Chelsea say why she wanted to move here?

She got a job at Marlow's.

You know the restaurant chain?

Must've been a terrible shock finding her body like that.

I... I knew something was wrong when I saw her car in the driveway.

She was supposed to be out two weeks ago.

The door was unlocked, and all her stuff is here.

I tried her cell, but it was out of service.

Lucas: We're going to need that phone number.

Of course.

What made you look in the freezer, Lorraine?

Well, I was looking everywhere. I...

Then I went out to the shed, and...

I just knew.

When you're ready, Detective Vega will do a walk-through with you.

See if any of your property has been stolen.

All passengers, we're experiencing some minor turbulence...

Woman: Oh, God. I really hate this.


I fly this route a lot.

We always hit some turbulence about now.

God, we're going to crash.

Hey, what's your name?


Hey, Chelsea. I'm Brad.

I'm a pilot, and I can assure you, we're not going to crash.

Just breathe.

That's it.

What do you do?

I'm a pastry chef.

Ah, that's cool.

That's pretty exacting stuff, baking.

All the ingredients have to be precise to get the chemistry right.


Most people don't think of that.

Well, flying's a pretty simple recipe.

You got weight, lift, thrust, and drag.

Oh, God, it feels like we're dropping out of the sky.

Just try and relax.

All right?

Just close your eyes.

Go ahead, close your eyes.

That's it, and imagine that we're surfing on some tropical ocean.

White sand, warm breeze.

You ever been to Bali?

Hey, no peeking.

You're going to ruin the illusion.


None of this stuff is mine.

This isn't my bedding.

She even painted the walls.

Seems like Chelsea made herself at home.

I had no idea.

You found Chelsea's keys and her wallet at the front door when you arrived.

You didn't think maybe she'd gone for a walk?

No, like I told your colleague, she was supposed to be out two weeks ago.

Okay, and, uh, what led you to the freezer?

It wasn't the first place I looked.


I could feel her presence in the house.

The hair stood up on the back of my neck.

I suppose you don't believe that kind of stuff.

Chelsea Richmond?


That was a bad idea.

I tried to talk the owners out of it, but they fell in love with her resume.

She left Zephyr's in Miami Beach to come here.

She come here for love?

Could be. I wouldn't know.

You two, you weren't friendly?

She'd fight with customers if they sent back a dessert, yell at the servers if food wasn't delivered fast enough.

So, she was a perfectionist.

That's not the word the staff used.

She have a problems with anyone in particular?

That'd be me.

Nothing around here was ever good enough for her.

Must have been frustrating.

It was. That's why I fired her.

When was that?

Two months ago.

[Sighs heavily]

For your continued safety, as the aircraft is subject to several stops...

Hey, you can open your eyes now.

You survived.

Judging by your grip...

Oh, God, I'm sorry.

Did I crush your hand?

You knead a lot of bread.

My God, you must think that I am completely neurotic.

I'll take a beautiful, nervous flyer over a drunk guy any day.

Got anything in Green Shag?


I thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow.

How's the arm?

Oh, better now that you're home.

That's exactly what I want to hear.

The owners heard back from the police in Miami-Dade County.

Chelsea Richmond lived there for three years, worked at Zephyr's, got three parking tickets.

So, one county down, 66 more to go.

The homeowner's story checks out.

Chelsea was in the freezer before Lorraine even landed.

All right, that rules her out, but we can't discount anyone else in Chelsea's life until we narrow her time of death.

Our priority is closing the gap in this six-month timeline.

Angie: Well...

Last time her manager at Marlow's saw her was on September 8th, and that was the day she was fired.

That would narrow it down.

Still leaves us with over two months to dig through.

That's okay, we will find it.

We just have to be methodical.

Take our time.

It's going to be like an audit of her life.

Would you like a moment alone with her financials?

Can I get you to you check in with Betty?

I know we can't get time of death, but cause would be good.

And Angie, can you go through Chelsea's phone records?

I'll trade you phone records for the morgue.

No deal.


Where you going? The morgue's the other way.

Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Sir, you got a second?

Well, I'm three days behind on these personal evaluations, so, yeah, sure.

Come on in.


Everything all right?


So, I, uh, I have a condition.

You know, it's under... well, it's managed.

You know, it's, uh...

I'm on medication, and the symptoms have disappeared.

Doctor says that I am fit for duty.

He even gave me a letter.

I can't remember the last time I got a note from a doctor.

Um, does anyone else know?

I don't think that's necessary, do you?

No, I don't.

Is there anything I can do for you?

No, sir, I'm good.

You know, grateful, blessed.

I'm not asking as your staff sergeant.

Oh, I know, and I appreciate that, thank you, sir.

Good morning.

What's all this?

This is breakfast a la Brad.

Oh, sweetheart, I love it, but Rachel's going to be here any minute.

Call her and cancel, because today is all about you.

That sounds wonderful, but I thought you were coming home tonight, and Rachel and I really have to work.

Hey, I'm only here for four days.

I'm certain that Rachel can look after the store for one.

The new store opens in two weeks.

We haven't even found a manager yet.

Hi! The door was open...



Don't be so demonstrative, you two.

How's the arm?


We gotta go.

I'll make this up to you.

I promise. Gotta go.

Bye, Brad.


[Door closes]

[Pots and pans clatter]

Brad! What are you doing here?

Sorry to bother you at work, but I just wanted to return this.

[Gasps in shock]

You dropped it at the baggage carousel, and I looked for you, but you'd already left.

Oh, my God, I thought I'd lost it.

Thank you.

Um, are you hungry?

Can I get you something to eat?

No, thank you, I'd better not.

Oh, come on.

First, you talk me through a panic att*ck, and now this?

The least I can do is get you some lemon cake.

Judging by the shape of the wound, I'd say she was clubbed.

So, you're thinking, what, the m*rder w*apon could be a bottle?

No, the head wound bled profusely, but the blow wasn't strong enough to k*ll her.

That, and the lividity...

She was alive when she went in the freezer.

So she froze to death?

Was she conscious?

No, I think the blow was strong enough to knock her out, and there was no evidence that she tried to escape.

So I'm pretty sure her death was painless.

That's a small mercy.

Any chance you've determined a time of death?

No, but I can help narrow it down.

I found traces of lobster and pine mushroom in her stomach.

Laced with an extremely rare and highly traceable poison?

No, but pine mushrooms are only in season from mid-October until the end of November, so she d*ed within the last five weeks.

I'll take five weeks.

Also, you know, lobster digests very quickly.

The fact that I found some in her stomach means that she probably d*ed within 30 minutes of eating it.

All right, so either the restaurant was close to home, or she was dining in?

Lobster and pine mushrooms?

Not my favourite combo.

No, I like my mushrooms on pizza.

Why haven't you ever come over for dinner?

Just, uh, you know, waiting for an invitation.

How about Saturday?

I'll bring the wine.

You're not supposed to be drinking.

Oh, we're drinking.


They found pine mushrooms in Chelsea's stomach.

That narrows our timeline to just over a month.

Yeah, but anything could've happened over that month.

She could have been followed home by a complete stranger on the bus for all we know.

That's not your desk.

No, it's not.

It's only a matter of time, my friend.

Get anything on the phone number?


She cancelled her Florida cell two days after she started at Marlow's, and none of her Florida contacts have heard from her since.

She get a local number?

No, not that I've been able to find.

I'm still checking with phone companies, though.

According to her financials, she deposited a cheque from a jewellery store just over a month ago. $800.

Looks like it was her last source of income.

Oh, who could forget that face? She was gorgeous.

She came into my shop about a month ago.

She sell you anything?

Uh, gold necklaces, diamond earrings, a sterling silver bracelet.

She said they were her mother's, but...

Did she come in alone?


How did she seem?

A little conflicted. She didn't want to give the pieces up, but she needed the money.

She tell you why she needed the money?

No, but she knew she came to the right place.

She knew I'd give her top dollar.

Yeah, 800 bucks for gold necklaces, diamond earrings and a silver bracelet?

What can I say?

I'm a sucker for a beautiful woman.


Did she leave you a local number?

Yeah, well, nobody gets out of my shop until they're in the records.

Just a sec here. Hang on.

Yeah, right there.

That's great.

You know you're wearing $100 around your neck.

Cash on the table. Right now.

[Chuckles] Well, that's not going to happen.

$125, and watch me kick myself.

The last time Chelsea used her credit card was at the seafood store on Granville Island, on October 29th.

Probably to buy the lobster.

Which means she most likely d*ed on October 29th.

Cocktail dress, heels, lobster, she must have been cooking for someone.

I say that's our prime suspect.

We've been treating Chelsea like she's a loner, right?

But what if she was keeping an intentional low profile?

Did you get something from her local phone?

Yeah, it was a burner cell.

And who buys burner cells?

Somebody on the run.

She used her credit card, her bank account.

That's a big trail to leave behind.

She left a five-star restaurant to come and work at a mid-range chain.

She doesn't talk to anybody in Florida.

She sold her mother's jewellery for cash.

Come on...

There's no sign of forced entry in the house, and there's no sign of struggle on the body.

No, there wasn't, was there?

So, what are you thinking?

My money is on the possible dinner guest.

Right now I think the lobster is our best suspect.

Okay. I think we need to get her personal belongings sent up from evidence, because we're missing something.

Austin food and wine expo.

Not the first thing I would take with me if I was on the run.

What would you take?

I would take Manny's baby pictures, my Ramone's concert tee, and these boots, and then I would buy chocolate with cash every time I stopped.


What about you?

Uh, my books, my vinyl.



I'm disappointed...

That mug that you bought me in Niagara Falls.

I should hope so.


You know what, this is a good wine.

Hard to come by.

Hey, if something was going on with you, you'd tell me, right?

You mean, if I had to leave town quickly?

Of course I would.

Yeah, or anything else.

Because I don't want to pry.

This is you not prying.

Absolutely not.

But I want you to know that I'm here for you.

Well, that's appreciated.


Hey, you know what, if you're right, and Chelsea was on the run, then she would only pack this if it had some meaning for her, right?



I have a surprise for you.

Hmm, I bet you do.


Well, that, and this.

What is this?

Just open it.

Nicole, you're the most incredible, smart, beautiful woman I've ever met.

Meeting you is the single best thing that ever happened to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Will you marry me?

Brad, I already said yes.

And I told you not to buy me another ring.

Oh, we can't get married without one, can we?

That wouldn't be right.

Put it on.

Besides, the other one will turn up, then you'll have two.


Until then, I don't want anybody thinking you're still on the market.


I'm yours forever.

I was thinking Bali.


Yeah, Bali.

I read about this place that has a wedding coordinator right at the resort who takes care of everything.

I can't elope.

It's not eloping, it's a destination wedding. It's Bali.

Okay, can we just...

Can we just talk about this later?

What's wrong with right now?

I don't want to talk about it right now.

[Telephone rings]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, come here.

I have to answer it. It's Rachel.

It's always Rachel.

She doesn't run your life.

[Laughs] No. But neither do you.

I'll be right back.

[Phone ringing]


Hi, sweetie.

Yeah, I'm just heading to work now.

I know, I know you're busy.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry we can't be together on your birthday.

[Chuckles] That's not necessary.

Don't be silly.

I'm making you the triple layer lemon cake.

But you stick to the four ingredients and come home to me.



All right, I appreciate it.

I love you.

So, I talked to the organizers of the food & wine expo.


Chelsea taught a chocolate cooking class.

Now, one of the reps of the four seasons was so impressed with her, that he offered Chelsea a job at their location in New York.

If she's so desperate to get out of Florida, then why would she turn down a more prestigious, higher-paying job in New York?


So, she had to come here for something.

Yeah... [Alert chimes]

Oh, more luds.


These ones are for Chelsea's local phone, the burner cell.

What was the last number she called?

Garden of Eden.

Hmm, what do you think?

Massage parlour.

Hmm, strip club.



You're on.

Hi, Rachel.

Nicole's running an errand. I'll tell her you came by.

Actually, I came to talk to you.

[Sighs heavily] Lucky me.

Hey, what's your problem?

What did I ever do?

Look, Brad, I'm sure deep down you think you're a nice guy, but Nicole has a knack for picking bad meat.

Well, I'm not those guys, all right?

You don't know anything about me.

I know you're in one hell of a rush to get married.

Because I love her.

Because she's rich.

Come on, Brad.

Who's going to pay for a Bali wedding?



Stay out of my relationship.

You don't scare me.

If I was trying to scare you, Rachel, you'd know.




Nice of you to grace me with your presence.

We need to talk.

Yes. We do.

Don't you think this has gone on long enough?

Where did you get that?

Oh-ho-ho, you owe me 20 bucks.

Nice try.

I was closer.



Oh, no.

No, no, no, we're... Well, we're not, you know, we're not together.


Not for lack of trying on my part, though, so...

[Winces regretfully]

We're detectives Vega and Flynn.



Detectives, what can I do you?

You ever seen this woman?


Chelsea Richmond.

Is she all right?

Uh, well, we just, we have some questions for her, and we're having a hard time tracking her down.

Well, the last time I saw her was about three weeks ago.

She came in to make an installment payment.

Oh, she bought a dress?

Not, "a" dress?

She bought "the" dress.

She wanted something romantic, right out of a fairy tale.

Oh, yeah. That's sparkly.

Such a shame.

Why would you say that?

Well, I've been in this business a long time.

I can tell when a marriage is going to last.

Chelsea and Brad?

Not meant to be.

I see.

Have you ever spoken to Brad?

No, but Chelsea did mention they'd hit a little bump in the road.

I got the distinct impression that he is not a one-woman kind of man.

He is a pilot, you know.


What else can you tell us about Brad?

Yeah, maybe you have a last name for us?

Oh, maybe Phil can help you.

He runs a bridal boot camp.

Chelsea wanted to lose a few pounds before the big day.

I send everyone to Phil.

I'll get you his card.

Thank you.
[Quietly] Out of a fairy tale.

Chelsea? Yeah.

She was the perfect client, quiet, super-competitive.

Come on, that was only eight, you two.

Cheating will cost you both five more.

She ever mention her fiance, Brad?

Listen, if my clients can talk, I'm not doing my job right.

Come on, give me 10 real ones!

When was the last time you saw Chelsea?

I don't know, about three weeks ago.

She stopped coming the same time my other client broke her arm.


Said she got mugged.

I don't know, I told her no refunds.

All right, that's it, walking lunges all the way around.

You can rest on your honeymoon.

We're going to need Nicole's full name and contact information, and we'll need to speak to them as well.

If they survive.

According to the women in Chelsea's boot camp, she didn't talk about her fiance much.

Apparently, she didn't talk at all.

All right, well, what about her phone records?

We checked them all.

There's no calls to anybody named Brad.

Hopefully, you had better luck with the pilots.

Well, Brian and I called all the airlines.

We've got two possibilities, Brad Hardington, Brad Calgrove.

Want to divide and conquer?

No, I can't, I still have one more woman to talk to from the bridal bootcamp, Nicole Gaynor.

All right, well, keep in touch.

Hey, hey.


Is there something going on with Oscar?

Why do you ask?

'Cause I just have a feeling.

He say anything to you?

If he did, it would be in confidence.

Well, yeah, of course.

But if I needed to know something... do I need to know something?

I think if you needed to know something, you would know it.

What are you doing out here?

This is where I have to come to see my beautiful fiancee in the morning.

Well, it's a nice surprise.

How's Neville?

He's in a mood.

You know that detective friend of yours?

From London's funeral?

Angie Flynn?

Oh, the homicide detective?

Yeah, I'd hardly call her a friend.

She hauled Henry Guenther in for questioning.

Accused him of arranging a m*rder.

Some of her questions were a little too pointed.

She knew things that she shouldn't know.

And now dad thinks that there's another mole working in the company.

What's he going to do about it?

Knowing dad?

Tear the building apart until he finds the source of the leak.

Brad? I'm home!

In the kitchen.

Look, I'm sorry.

I never meant to put pressure on you.

You don't need to do this stuff all the time.

I know.

I just want to make everything perfect for you, that's all.

I don't need perfect.

I need you.

They're beautiful. Thank you.

I'm going to put them in some water.

What's that?


Some junk mail.

Cabana and castle, how can I help you?

Yeah, hi.

I'm calling to cancel a wedding registry.

The name's Brad Calgrove.

Are you sure this isn't cold feet?

A lot of couples have fights before the big day.

No, trust me, it's over.

Oh, how terrible. My condolences.

Just cancel it, please.

The Calgrove-Richmond wedding.

[Doorbell rings]

I've got it!

Nicole Gaynor?


We're detectives Vega and Flynn.

We'd like to talk to you about Chelsea Richmond.

Have you found it?

Ah, here it is, Brad Calgrove to Chelsea Richmond.

Would you like to stay in the computer for birthday and Christmas gifts?

No, I need my name removed from your database.

Completely gone, do you understand?

There's no need to be snippy, sir.

Just do it.

We were in bridal boot camp together, but we barely said two words to each other.

Honey, who was at the door?

Brad, this is the police.

Hi. Detective Flynn.

It's nice to meet you, Brad.

You mind if we come in?

Won't take long.

I'm sorry I can't be much more help.

So she didn't mention her fiance?

Like I said, we barely knew each other.

To be honest with you, I got the vibe she didn't really like me.


How about you, Brad?

Nope. Sorry.

I've never seen her before.

Maybe you did, when you picked up Nicole at bridal bootcamp?

Brad was out of town while I was taking the classes.

So, you travel a lot for work?

I do, I'm a pilot.

That's interesting, because Chelsea's boyfriend... fiance... his name was Brad, too, wasn't it?

A common name.

Yeah, he was also a pilot as well, wasn't he?

He was, yeah.

Where were you the night of October 29th?

I was in the hospital.

I got mugged in a parking garage at work.

They took my wallet, my phone...

Yeah, the doctors kept her overnight in case she had a concussion.

And what about you, Brad, where were you?

I stayed at the hospital with her.

All night?

Yes, ma'am.

Okay, so you were with her all night.

What airline do you work for?

Pacific World.

You ever fly to Florida?


But I lived there for six years, when I flew for Everglade.

Anything else?


I think we're good. Thank you so much for your time.

Okay. Thank you.

Well, that's definitely the right Brad.

What do you think, bigamy?

Well, possibly, right?

Kills one fiancee to keep the other one from finding out?

Except we have no physical evidence that links Brad to Chelsea.

They both lived in Florida. Maybe something started then.


[Shutter clicking]

We can't rule jealousy out as a motive, right?

I mean, for all we know, Nicole's injury is related to Chelsea's m*rder.

Nicole kills Chelsea when she finds out they're both engaged to the same guy?

Yeah, then removes evidence of Brad and Chelsea's relationship from the crime scene.

We've got to confirm she was, in fact, mugged.

Mm-hmm, and make sure that Brad was by her bedside all night.

We've got to call Lucas. That's a lot of ground to cover.

Bridget Vinton?

Detectives Lucas and Cross.

We'd like to speak to you about Brad Calgrove.

What's this about?

We just need to ask you some questions.

Well, can we make it fast? I have to get to the airport.

You notice anything different about Brad recently?

Any change in demeanor?

No, he's a great guy.

He's positive, prepared.

I always look forward to flying with him.

What's the nature of your relationship?

Strictly professional.

You fly long-haul. Asia and the pacific.

You stay in hotels.

Maybe there's an attraction.

No one needs to know...

Okay, we flew to Shanghai recently.

I had one Martini too many.

I hit on him, and he turned me down.

But he was really gracious about it.

I mean, I'm his superior. He could have made my life hell.

So nothing's ever happened between you?

Brad's in love with his fiancee.

Is that all?

Yeah, that's it. Thank you.

No problem.

He's a total scam artist.

They'd only been dating six months, then Brad proposes, right after Nicole tells him we're opening another store.

So, you think Brad's after her money?

He gives Nicole this diamond and sapphire ring, and as soon as he moves in, the ring goes missing.

I think he pawned it.

Well, Nicole seems like a pretty intelligent woman.

What do you think she sees in Brad?

She's one of those smart women who makes bad choices in men.

Bad how? Abusive?

Her last boyfriend cheated on her with two different people.

You seem very protective of her.

Well, I was there to pick up the pieces after her last breakup.

I don't want to see her go through that again.


After Nicole was mugged, Brad rushed to the hospital and never left her side.

Is that what he told you?


[Chuckles wryly] No.

I went to see her around 8:30, he wasn't there.

What time did he arrive?

[Sighs] All I know is I was there until 11:00, and I never saw him.


So, Nicole Gaynor was not lying about her att*ck.

The robbery unit got this video surveillance footage from the garage where she was robbed.

That's a woman.

Chelsea Richmond?

That's what I thought.

So I went back through her financials.

Are you jealous?

Little bit.

Anyway, a charge on her credit card puts Chelsea in the garage the same day that Nicole was mugged.

I told you, I don't know her.

Then why were the police asking you those questions?

They were just doing their job, trying to cover their bases.

Just tell me the truth.

Was there something going on with you and that woman?


Don't lie to me.


I've never cheated on you.

Not with her, not with anyone.

Don't touch me.

What's wrong with you?

I can't do this.

Come on, you know me. Nicole!

Don't you walk away from me.

Hey! Hey!

Brad's the one with means and opportunity.

Yeah, but Nicole's the one with the motive.

If she knew that Chelsea was the one who att*cked her.

Okay, how about money?

Brad racked up a ton of debt when he was in Florida.

Skipped town with almost 60 grand in student loans.

Is there anything that directly links Chelsea to Brad?

Common property? Shared credit cards?

Just a phone call to Nicole Gaynor's cancelled landline from Chelsea Richmond's burner cell.

Well, she could have been calling Brad.

Yeah, and she could've been calling Nicole.

It's all circumstantial.

I got the passenger lists from the everglades airlines flights that Brad was on.

Brad and Chelsea were on a flight from Austin to Miami.

They were seated next to each other.

How come we didn't find this before?

Because we were checking crew lists.

Brad wasn't a pilot on Chelsea's flight.

He was just deadheading back as a passenger.

You ever thought about being a detective?

What, and miss all this paperwork?

That means Brad lied about not knowing Chelsea.

That's enough for a warrant.

Already submitted. Just waiting on the judge.

You do realize that's paperwork, too, right?

I'll type up anything that lets us kick in a door.

I already told the other detectives, I've never seen her before.

I fly a lot.

You know, I can't remember everybody I sit beside.

No, I get it. Of course not.

Although, you know, Chelsea did call your old landline a couple months ago.

Do you remember what you talked about?

I didn't talk to her.

She was probably calling Nicole about that boot camp thing.


Where is Nicole?

Went out for a run.

Tell me, why cancel the landline?

It's just a waste of money.

We're always on our cell phones.

That's true.

You must really like this.

I found a whole case of it in the basement, and I hear it's pretty hard to come by.

It is.

Nicole and I bought that when we spent the weekend at Scarlet Hills.

Chelsea really liked that, too, didn't she?

She did.

We're going to need to take that into evidence.

You said you stayed by Nicole's bedside all night after her mugging.


That's funny.

'Cause that's not what the hospital staff told us.

Well, I came home, you know, to get some sleep, and take a shower, get some fresh clothes, but...

You know, we would love to talk to Nicole.

Well, she didn't bring her cell phone, so...

Well, what's her jogging route?

[Chuckles] I don't know.

It's pretty icy out.

I'm surprised that she'd go for a run with a broken arm.

She's got a mind of her own.

So, I couldn't stop her.

Forensics didn't find anything on any of the wine bottles, so we still don't have a w*apon.

This guy is slippery.

Or innocent.

No, he has no alibi.

Or he went home to change and shower like he said.

He did lie to Nicole.

Doesn't mean he k*lled Chelsea.

[Alert chimes]


Pasco County finally joins the party.

Looks like we were wrong about Brad Calgrove.

But now we can go arrest him.

[Cell phone rings]

Brad Calgrove?

We'll need you to come with us.

Nicole's best friend is convinced that you're only after her money.

Are you?

You talked to Rachel?

I don't know what her problem is.

It's not about the money.

I love Nicole.

She broke up with you, didn't she?

She's at her mother's?

She's on edge right now, but we're working it out.

Rachel also told me that Nicole had been b*rned before in the past.

She has trouble trusting, doesn't she?

Lucas: That's why you couldn't tell her about Chelsea.

Angie: Because she wouldn't believe you.

Lucas: This complaint was filed in Pasco, Florida four years ago by a Richard Saachs.

[Pills rattling]

Brad: I don't know who that is.

Angie: The officer wrote C.H.N.F.A.R.

"Concluded here, no further action required."

That's cop talk for, "I'm not going to do anything about this."

I spoke with the officer that wrote that.

You know what he told me?

"Man, I wish I had that guy's problem.

"A hot chick following me around?

Where do I sign up?"

You weren't the first person Chelsea stalked, Brad.

Hello, Brad.

What are you doing here?

How did you find me?

You didn't think I was just going to let you go, did you?

I'm getting married.

You don't have to pretend with me, Brad.

I get it.

Nicole's loaded.

You're going to marry her for the money so you can take care of me.


No, that's...

That's insane.

We don't need the money, Brad.

All we need is each other.


You need to leave.

Right now.

You're a pilot, used to playing the hero.

You thought you could handle it yourself.

You had no idea how far Chelsea would go.

No, you got it wrong. I didn't k*ll her.

We checked your phone records.

You were in the hospital with Nicole the night that she was att*cked, when you received a call from Nicole's stolen phone.

That's when you knew Chelsea mugged Nicole.

You called her back.

I only went over there to talk to her.

Don't you think this has gone on long enough?

Where did you get that?

You broke into my house?

She was wearing my ring, Brad.

I think I've been more than patient.

I'm going to ask you a question, and I need you to tell me the truth, okay?

I'm not the one who's been living a lie.

Did you push Nicole down the stairs?

I had to.

She's coming between us.

You tried to k*ll her.

You obviously weren't going to take care of it, so I had to.

Are you out of your mind?

Look, she is confusing you.

You'll see. Once she's gone, we can finally move forward with our life together.

Okay, look...

Why don't you open the wine?

I'm going to plate the lobster. Hopefully, it's not ruined.

Let me spell something out for you, Chelsea.

You're a woman I sat next to on a plane.

We don't have a relationship.

I do not love you.

I never loved you. I never will love you.

You see this picture?

You see it? Look at it.

Look at it!

It's not us. It's not real.

You found it online and photoshopped yourself into it.

There is nothing going on between us.

Do you hear me?

You need to stay out of my life!

You lied to me.

What are you doing with the Kn*fe?

How could you do this to me?

Put the Kn*fe down.

I gave up everything for you!


It was an accident.

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

It was self-defence.

Oh, self-defense went out the window when you shoved her in the freezer and started hiding evidence.

She came at me with a Kn*fe.

I panicked.

She was...

She was scared of flying.

So, I, um, I held her hand.

I was just trying to be nice.

I almost feel sorry for the guy.

Yeah, except for, you know, freezing the body, and hiding the evidence.

I said almost.

Everybody was wrong about him.

You know, people see what they want to see, right?

Kind of like you and Neville Montgomery.

I mean, you wanted him to be the bad guy because you wanted to be the hero.

If you knew that, then why did you come along?

I chose to come along.

That doesn't answer my question.

If you know that I drag you into situations that blow up in my face, why do you come along?

That's a good question, right?

Can't answer that right now.


[fanning cards]

She was att*cked from the front and the back.

Turn over three cards.

She was a tarot card reader.

There's a dark energy here.

Sometimes what I have to say can be hard to hear.

Never ceases to amaze me where people find bodies.

C. Thomas Howell guest stars.

Never a dull day around here.

Watch all past episodes of motive on Crave TV.