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01x09 - Del 9 (Part 9)

Posted: 04/26/15 02:10
by bunniefuu
I decide that all operations will cease immediately.

You must grow bigger.

Close your eyes. Try To find the scents, separate them.

Eva is keeping Johan's shares, so she decides now.

Sorry, but you leave me no choice.

Anna-Lena, we need to talk about it now!

Do it.

I'm a monster!

No, you're not a monster!


Is this Emma's jacket?


It must be worth a fortune.

The value can't be measured in money.

If they leave the forest in peace he will release the kids.


I know how the Board can be stopped and the company declared bankrupt.

After all this is over, we will welcome Nicklas into our family.

Thörnblads will again flourish.

Listen here.


What is it now?

There. Did you hear it?

Run it again.

What are you doing here?

(g*n sh*ts)

He was m*rder*d.

He burned the barn to hide evidence.

He? You mean the man in the pickup?

We believed that he acted alone.

But I think he was hired by the board or someone ON the board.

Dad bankrupted the company. That's a motive.

This may explain the assassination attempts on you.

They are afraid you will take over after your dad.

But that does not explain the other murders. Ebbe, Jeppe ... Why them?

They were not...people.

Here ... There are websites where people claim to have seen goblins and spirits.

Or they hunt UFOs or Storsjöodjuret.

But we have had Storm under observation.

He is probably behind several killings of non-humans.

The charm that you found I took a closer look at the symbol. Look here.

Storm is ... the man in the pickup.

The Board must have had contact with him via this page.

We have tried in vain to trace the domain and email address.

He has several aliases, usually former victims' identities.

Why does he do this?

Revenge, probably.

If one is to believe the website, his wife and children were m*rder*d by non-humans.

But since we don't know who he is it is impossible to be sure.

We need to stop Storm before he kills Muns.

Radio Silver Heights You're listening to the Radio Silver Heights.

Did you have a power outage last night? It may have been sabotage at the tennis courts.

My house was pitch dark. Now it will be music. Here comes the summer agony.

It's okay, it's okay, because in the end everything will be okay As in the movie, love ...

Hello? Hello?

David? Hanna?

Where are you somewhere?

There was a monster here that took everyone.

Come on.

Has something happened?

Five children have disappeared from the hospital.

Five children ?!

Tom, come.

You heard. That's more than we can handle.

I have asked for reinforcements.

I will speak with Wass. We must be careful what we say.

And me?

You're not at home despite a direct order?

No. The Hospital has sent over the children's patient files.

See if you can find some common denominator.

Anything that gives us something to go on.

Wass and Eva are at the hospital.

You stay here.

Yes, of course.

Hello, Petra.

Tell her that she can't come to see you now. She's all packed.

She's just standing in the hall, waiting.

Give her the phone.

Want to talk to dad? Do you want to?

Hello, sweetheart. Is everything okay?

Would you like to come and see dad?

I promise that you will, but right now is not a good time.

Isn't it very warm with your coat on?

Take it off now, so can you and Mom can do something fun. You can come see me later.

Is it a deal?

Now she's taking her coat off.

You see, I'm not totally useless.

Imagine that you are looking for Josefine.

Use it.

(Baby cry)


What has he done with them?

There are potions that make people ... complaisant.

It is dangerous unless it is prepared exactly. It can cause lasting harm.

Personality changes, paranoia, insanity, madness.

Useful if you want to silence those who come too close.



Muns knows what he's doing.

But why does he do it?

I've done everything he wants.

They are probably already well into the woods.

They went down here.


There is something here.

"David." One of the kids.

Damn! Someone must have seen something.

What the hell, there were no guards?

It's our children, you can't ...

Wass, can I talk to you?

Yes. Go on.

In private. I have something in my room.

Can it wait? I ...

(Angry voices)

I want to talk with Eva Thörnblad.

I heard what happened.

I thought it would be over by now.

Do you know anything more about Emma?

No, unfortunately not.

So the jacket didn't help?

What jacket?

Yes ... You've found Emma's jacket, the one she was wearing when she disappeared.

Sorry, it's a bit crazy here.

Who talked to you?

Tom Aronsson.

He came by with it yesterday evening.

Do you know where you found it? Huh?

Please ...

The jacket is at technical analysis.

We can't say anything more now, but we'll let you know when we have something.


He hasn't signed it in as evidence.

He wanted to show you something in his office.

I haven't found any trace of the captors yet. But they're here.

We can't blow it up if the kids are here.

They would never take the kids here to a burial chamber. It's sacred to them.

But the tunnels are like a maze throughout the forest.

If the kids are down here somewhere I'll find them. Don't worry.

You wanted to show me something, right?

Can we go to my office?

I just wanted to get some coffee ... Okay?

Uh ... What did you want to talk about?

The jacket Emma had when she disappeared ...

I found it at Eva's, on the farm.

Oh well. What were you doing there?

Did you hear what I said? Eva may have something to do with Emma's disappearance.

Well. Have you talked to Eva about it?

No, I wanted to talk to you first.

That's a serious allegation.

Yes, but I have proof.

But do you mean that Eva took seven children?

No ... I mean I found Emma's jacket at Eva's.

Can you explain how it got there?

I don't know. Let's just put this aside for now...

You can't be serious ?!

Damn ... Is the coffee out?


Oh okay. Thank you.

The jacket is in my office.

Can I have my coffee?

What the hell!

Tom! Wait!

Why, what the hell ...

I put it right here.

Tom, that's enough.

Someone took it... Eva Thörnblad!

Tom, listen. It's exactly as with Esmeraldas tape.

I know I put it there.

I'm sure you think you did.

Traumatic Stress works that way.

I'm imagining things?

So I'm ready for a straitjacket?

You were dying and you're not fully recovered. This is just proof.

I could not have imagined it all.

Go home, get some rest.

Get some sleep. If it doesn't improve, see a doctor. Promise me that.

Yes ...

Do you promise?

Yeah ... sure.


You should eat, otherwise you will die.

You need to eat!

Do you want to die?

You can drink anyway.

No! No! Girl ...

Excuse me, girl! Sorry!

Mom! She will die! Mom!

Calm down now. She'll be fine.

Go inside for a while.

So, so, Josefine. So.


I trusted you. You promised Muns to stop the blasting.

I did stop it.

Why did they blast again last night, then?

Why do you think the children disappeared?

Borén must have gone against my decision.

The girl will survive.

You need to rest. Josefine is sleeping.

Will she get well?

Ouch! Aah ...!

Mom, mom ...

It's alright...

But, Mom ...

(Knocking on doors)

Lie down for a while.

So ...

All that is needed is Eva's signature?

Yes that's right.

Do you really think Eva will agree to this?

We'll continue this another time.

We are disappointed in you, Goren. You said that you had control of the situation.

Now, five children have disappeared.

It was impossible to predict.

If you got rid of Eva, it would never have gone this far.

Should that be our solution to everything?

Naturam vite nostra tuemur.

With life we protect.

I know what it means.

But that does not mean we k*ll every interloper that comes our way?

This could be worse than the mine opening in Kiruna in 1970, Do you remember how many we "quieted" then?

I'm getting damn skeptical of our so-called methods.

Should we have to worry about your loyalty now?

And Esmeralda, is she taken care of?


National Crime has sent people we do not control.

Oh well.

And who will lead the pack, then?


Oh, damn.

Yes. Do you understand now how bad this is?

Keep Reisner in the dark as long as you can, while we make a contingency plan.

Goran, we have chosen to turn a blind eye when it comes to your handling of Eva.

But if somebody else comes close we expect you to do what must be done. Is that understood?
(The raven croaks)

(The raven croaks)

I can't say for sure, but the silver-content seem to be around 3-5 percent.

Is that a lot?

It's a lot.

I've never seen anything like it.

When can you blast?

The work is interrupted.

You have to get going again soon.

Do you have the power to decide that?

I have.

Plus 10 percent of what you'll find.

All right.

This house seems to be the hub that binds together all the underground tunnels.

If we blow there, there is a risk that the forest floor collapses.

Is that a problem?


We'll be a a safe distance when we detonate. I was thinking of the forest.

But to get the silver we must take the risk?


How soon can you be ready?

If we get started today, so ...

In the morning.

Good. Good.

No trace of the children. Mm ...

According to Holmstrom's assessment of the safety distance, so yeah ...


Holmstrom. The security area under the ground is scanned and empty.

You can proceed when ready.

What exactly is your role here? Gerda just told me to listen to you.


Have we worked together before?

I think I know you.



What the hell are you doing here?

Did you blew the woods last night?

Does it look like I blew it up last night?

What has happened?

My wife has left me, and she took kids with her.

If I had not been such a damn coward ...

If only I had told her if Nicklas from the beginning ...

Nicklas Gunnarsson?

Yes, He's my and Gerda's son.


I know. It was a scandal back then.

Gerda was 17 when she became pregnant.

Nicklas is not your son.

He's my half brother.


Dad had a relationship with Gerda at the same time as you.

Nicklas is my father's son.

How the hell do you know?

Does it matter? Nicklas is not your son. There is evidence.

How the hell could I be so stupid?

I should f*cking have understood that woman is capable of anything.

I have paid her the money all these years, and he is not even mine!

If you didn't blast, who was it then?

Who the f*ck do you think? Gerda of course!

She is not as innocent as you think.

She will do anything for Nicklas.

She came to me and talked about the silver.

She said that silver was not a myth; It was really there.

I was skeptical, but she threatened to tell my wife about Nicklas.

Oh, I can not ...!

I want you to go now.

Go away now, please.

You ...

I know that my father was m*rder*d, and I'm sure that the board was behind it.

When this is over I'll find out the truth.

Yes, when it know where to find me.


Gerda, what are you doing?

What I must.

You of all people should understand.

I don't understand anything!

Come, so we can talk.

Alone, or I will harm Josefine.

You have Josefine ?!

(Whimpers and coughs)


Put it there.


What is that for?

A transfer agreement, where you transfer your shares in the company to me.

The money's in the bag.

I just want my daughter.

I want to make sure my son has a good life, and won't end up in that place.

You know what they do with him there?

They fill him full of pills.

I asked your father for help.

It would have been so easy for him.

He said Nicklas was my problem.

He paid me to keep quiet.

What father did to you and Nicklas was inexcusable.

But he changed his mind. He was going to acknowledge Nicklas as his son.

Nicklas would NOT inherit from him.

He forced me to do what I did.

You k*lled him.

He gave me ... no choice. Sign.

You get her as soon as everything is ready.

Wait at the motel, I'll call.

If you come back to Silver Heights I'll k*ll her instantly.

This is Josefine's medicine. Promise me that she will take it, otherwise she will die.

Yes. It's time to go now.

(The spirit screams and flops in water)

What the hell ...

Tom:Is this Emma's jacket?


Wass:I'm sure you think you did.

Traumatic Stress works that way.

Do you have the next one?

It's slippery, so take it easy.

(Raven croaks)

(Washing and crying)

(The raven croaks)

(The raven croaks)

(Wet crawling sounds)


Who the hell are you really?

You know who I am.

No. I thought you were my friend, but you've lied the whole time.

I withheld the truth for your own sake.

Withheld this for my own sake? Or that?

You would make me feel nuts for my own sake?

It's not what you think, Tom.

No, I know. I'm just imagining things.

Listen, I can explain ...

Shut up! Turn around.

Turn around.

Hands behind your back.

So ... Tom, listen to me. Listen!

f*cking ...

Are you going to calm down ?! Huh ?!

What are you and Eva doing?

What have you done with the children?

We have nothing to do with it.

I'll explain, but promise not to say anything to anyone. Okay?

Are you going to k*ll me?

Wass ...

Don't do it.

Stand up.

Go that way.

Sit down.

Sit down!

(The raven croaks)

What is it? What has happened?

(The raven croaks)

Where is he now?

(The raven croaks)

I need to get this done first.

But get hold of Wass, he needs to know.

Do you expect me to believe that?

I can buy that that girl is Josefine, and that someone forced Eva to take Emma.

But that Eva was shot and was cured by a parasite ...

It sounds like a f*cking fairy tale.

Yes, yes ...

You grew up in Silver Heights, Tom.

This explains things that can not be explained otherwise.

It explains everything.


Also, what happened to you and Esmeralda?

After she att*cked you, perhaps you have seen her?

You have touched her, despite the fact that she can not possibly have been there.

Is it not so?

I get the cassette?

Come with me.

Good luck.

(Spirit crying)


What are you up to?

Tom, what are you doing? Stop it, then!

Go to hell ...

What the hell ...

(Groaning from the film)

Esmeralda is what is popularly called a forest fairy.

She did not know about it herself. Therefore She could not control her power.

It is the fairies' way to defend themselves.

It was not her intention to harm.

Where is she now?

She is safe.

I knew it.

Somehow I knew she was there.

What she has done to you leaves traces... nothing serious, but ...

It can open doors ... to a sense you never thought existed.

What do you mean?

Call it a sixth sense, if you want.

I'm sorry I lied to you, but it was for your own good.

The people I work for do not like outsiders learning the truth.

Who are they?

A group that wants to preserve the few special individuals that remain and ensure that the outside world does not know that they exist. More than that I can not say.

Is Eva in on all this?

She knows what you know.

Tom, you really can't not tell anyone about this.

Promise me that.

Who would believe me?

(The raven croaks)

It can't be.

Eva would never sell.

As you can see, she has signed it over.

Do you understand what you are doing? It is not only about Anton and Emma anymore.

Five more children are in trouble now!

Storm has searched through all the tunnels.

There are no children there.

We start work as soon as possible.

I refuse.

Sure. But it changes nothing.

I need to talk to Eva about this.

This cannot happen.

(The raven croaks)

(Mobile phone rings)


Where are you going? Come on, Eva.

Wass told me everything. I know that you took Emma. I can understand why.

I would probably have done the same thing if it was Ida.

I should feel better, right?

No. I care about you, Eva.

I want to help you.

I do not want help! Move away!


(The raven croaks)

(Surface movement)

Put the book down.

Hands on your head.

Grab your g*n. Other hand.

The thumb and forefinger.

Toss it away.


May I see the ring?

So you are one of them.

I'm sorry.

Answer the phone, damn ...

Tom, tell me you have her!


You said something to her that made her run away.


If you try anything now ...

Is she gone ?!


Your brother is one of those who disappeared.

Yes, David.

What was he doing at the hospital?

He was very ill, but is healthy now.

I miss him.

I want him to come home.

(Mobile phone rings...Mobile phone rings...Mobile phone rings...)