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03x21 - Al Sah-Him

Posted: 04/29/15 22:16
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name was Oliver Queen.

For three years, I worked to save my city.

But to save my sister, I had to become someone else.

I had to become something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

You can still save her, Oliver!

Take your rightful place as heir to the Demon.

Ra's al Ghul will bring your sister back.


I fulfilled my end of our arrangement.

I suggest you begin to make peace with yours.

The only way that I'm going to survive this is if I know that you're out there living your life, happy.

Ra's al Ghul: Oliver Queen is dead, and for now, only the Arrow, Al Sah-him, shall remain.

Heir to the Demon.

[Swords clanging]


Man: Oliver Queen is alive only in the past.

He is forgotten.

[Swords clanging]

Man: Oliver Queen is alive only in the past.

He is forgotten.

[Oliver groans]

[Swords clanging]

Man: You are Al Sah-him.

[Swords clanging]

You have made great progress in three weeks.

Al Sah-him.

You no longer flinch upon hearing your new name.

Oliver Queen is alive only in the past.

He's forgotten.

Indeed. You are Al Sah-him.

You are Wareeth al Ghul.

Heir to the demon.

Maseo: My lord.

I apologize for this interruption.

We captured this intruder.

Why, then, is he still yet alive?

He is known to Al Sah-him.

Oliver, what the hell is going on?

Clearly he made another attempt to free Al Sah-him.

Well, then it falls on Al Sah-him to deal with him.

Oliver, they're lying to you.

I never made it home.

They've had me here prisoner for weeks.

My oath of mercy on your friends was premised by your fealty.

Prove it.

No, Oliver.

Listen to me-- they're lying to you.

We could still get out of here; you and me working together.

There's still a chance.

Remove his chains.

Give him your sword, Sarab.

I will not k*ll an unarmed man.

That's the way this is?

You've been here for a few weeks and you forget who you are.

Do you remember when you brought me into your crusade, I told you that I would be here to help remind you who Oliver was, if you ever became something else.

I haven't given up on that promise.



Ra's al Ghul: The past three weeks, you've been exposed to a rare herb centuries old.

It causes one's conscience to come to the forefront of their mind so it is the only thing that they see.

The herb's effect is different for everyone.

Some people see family and loved ones.

Others encounter trusted friends or teachers.

Who did you see?

Very well.

There is something else I wish you to see. Come.


The past.

A place now home only for the dead.

[Car horns honking, indistinct chatter]

[Woman speaking Chinese on radio]

[Helicopter overhead]


I had the vial in my hand!

What's happening is not your fault.

Shrieve is to blame, this is his doing.

I can't get through.

Everyone's calling the police.

We're all inoculated, remember?

I want to get back to my son.

Ra's al Ghul: Have not been back to this place since I pledged myself to the League.

Oliver: What happened here?

When I joined the League, I was conscripted with another man.

Damien Darhk.

We would become the prized agents of Ra's al Ghul.

We were his horsemen.

And he molded us into warriors the likes the world had never seen.

We were as brothers.

What happened to him?

He believed himself worthy of becoming heir to the Demon, but I was the one chosen.

So you had to k*ll him.


But you see, I hesitated.

And with that hesitation, he found an opportunity to escape, taking with him his loyalists and water from the Lazarus pit.

And he has vexed me ever since.

And you.

I don't follow.

Damien continues the League's ways, but through his own organization filled with a hive of agents devoted to his own agenda.

Last year, he tried to purchase Malcolm Merlyn's earthquake generator.

He gave Gholem Qadir safe haven to Markovia.

And he hired Mark Shaw to steal a secret file from A.R.G.U.S.

This was all the work of one man?

The list goes on.

Many lives have been lost, others endangered.

And all because I was slow to swing a vengeful sword.

And I will not have my heir haunted by the same mistake.

What is it you wish me to do?

There is a rival who claims to be heir to the Demon.

And you must eliminate this threat from your reign.

And you must do so without mercy.

Season 3 Episode 21
Al Sah-Him
Original Air Date on April 29, 2015


Didn't you hear?

Masks aren't wanted in Starling no more.

Tell that to the woman you mugged.

[Both grunting and groaning]

You underestimated your opponent again.

I should have known he had a knife.

He didn't have a knife.

What the hell?

He had two.


Shall we continue your training?

I'm starving.

There's a diner near here that serves the best black and white milkshakes in Starling City.

What is a black and white milkshake?

I never understood your country's need to fry everything.

That's because everything tastes better that way.

This is more oil than potato.

Dip it in your milkshake.

I sense you're mocking me.


I'm serious.

Here. Dip it in your milkshake.

I have to admit...

It's fun seeing you like this.

Like what?

Like a normal person.

I am a normal person.


I can't believe you just said that.


That's actually not bad.

And the student becomes the teacher.

You have a point.

For me, normal is a world where only the strong survive.

One without simple pleasures.

Thank you, Laurel.

I was alone and adrift, and you have shown me kindness.

I'm only returning the favor.

Isn't that what you did for Sara?

[Chuckles] There's little comparison between my current situation and Sara's after her time with Oliver on Lian Yu.

What's wrong?

It's about Oliver.

There's something that I haven't told you.

He's in Nanda Parbat.

I don't understand.

He's accepted your father's offer to become the next Ra's.

You should have not kept that from me.

I'm sorry, it's just-- it's just that you seemed so happy, and after what happened with your father, I...

And here comes the Cat-5 prong into the Ethernet port!

Even if she knew what that was, even if I knew what that was, I think Sara's still a little young for chicken cacciatore.

Well, my mom used to feed me nachos from the bar at the Grand before I was off the bottle, and I turned out normal.



What's the house rule?

No Glocks on the dinner table.

How'd it go out there tonight?

Your intel was spot-on.

Caught four Halcones at the docks trying to unload a shipment of M16s.

Well, I'm especially proud that you didn't get yourself k*lled.

That was my favorite part, too.

If you're going to keep going out into the field, we should really design you some sort of...

Do not say "costume."


Identity concealment.

Look, eventually we're going to have to figure out a new status quo, a working one, now that...

Ollie's gone.

How are you doing?

Having never been resurrected before, I don't really have anything to compare it to.

I mean about Oliver.

Being gone.

I don't know.

Mornings are the worst.

I can't really... leave the loft, so it's nice to be able to come here.

You are always welcome in our home.

I just miss him.

The fact that he's gone because of me--

He wouldn't want you blaming yourself.

In the military, they have a saying for a soldier that makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Gone... but never forgotten.

Gone, but never forgotten.

[Glass clinking]

[All yelling]

Liling's apartment is just a few more blocks north.

Wallace said there wasn't a cure.

[All clamoring]

Tatsu: It's United States Army. Shrieve's men.

That's not a cure they're giving those people!

It's the virus!

Shrieve is leaving nothing to chance.

He wants to infect as many people as possible.

Come on, we have to stop him.

Hey! Get away from there!

[All screaming]

Tatsu, the truck!


I had him!

What do we now?

Destroy it.

All of it.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Oliver earlier.

That was your right to know.

I just-- things were going so well for you.

You seemed happy, and I didn't want to upset you, but I still shouldn't have kept it from you.

Were I so inclined, I'd question why your first instinct is to always keep matters secret.

Even after doing so cost you a relationship with your father.

But I have much greater concerns.

What's going on?

You should go.


I'm not leaving.

Friends don't do that to one another.

Now that Oliver has ascended to his position as heir to the Demon, he will come for me, with as many men as it takes to see me dead.

Tonight, Nyssa al Ghul faces justice for her betrayal.

[]Wait a second!

Oliver wouldn't.

I don't see how.

I think what she's trying to say is that Oliver would never do anything to hurt you, Felicity.

And the only reason why he joined the League is to protect the people he loves.

Now what you need to understand is that Oliver Queen is dead.

He's a memory.

Apparently, the League has some of their recruits undergo a process of reprogramming.

Like brainwashing?

Oliver never said that he was signing on for brainwashing.

The League's ways are shrouded in ritual and ceremony.

Oliver would not even know what's happening to him.

I don't care!

Oliver, he is stronger than that!

I did not come here to debate.

Laurel insisted that I bring this news to you myself, but I can see all I'm doing is damaging your memory of him.

Perhaps it is better for you to not think of what Oliver has become.

You can have that luxury.

Wait, where are you going?

To face him, and if necessary, my destiny.

I will not cower in the shadows waiting for death.

Great. Now what are we supposed to do?

Nothing. No offense, but Nyssa is insane.

Oliver is still Oliver.

Nobody knows the League better than Nyssa.

And did you see the look on her face?

She was terrified.

I didn't even think that was possible.

Even if Nyssa's right about Oliver...

Which she isn't.

Getting between her and the League isn't an option.

And since when does Ra's daughter become someone we stick our necks out for, Laurel?

I know you're furious with Ra's for what he's done to Oliver.

We all are.

But Nyssa, she saved my sister's life.

She gave her a home.

She's a good person.

In spite of everything that she grew up with.

And the last time I checked, protecting good people, that is what we do.


Nyssa does seem to have an idea where we can find Oliver and the League.

Well, then I guess we shouldn't have let Nyssa leave alone.

No, it's fine.

I just put a tracking device on her.

This isn't my first day.



Everybody, get back!

Away from the truck!

No more virus.

We have to get back to Akio.

Come on.


Felicity: Nyssa hasn't stopped moving.

But I'm still getting a strong signal off the tracker.

Copy that.

Radio check every five minutes.


If anything happens with Nyssa, let me handle it on my own.

Laurel, we're talking about the League of Assassins!

I know that, I just--

Oliver. You were closer to him than any two people I've ever known.

You should not have to--

What, fight him?

k*ll him?

Laurel, it's not going to come to that.

Look, I'm with Felicity.

There's nothing that Ra's al Ghul can do that can turn Oliver against the people he loves.


Nice secret headquarter upgrade.

Does Mr. Palmer know you guys are in here?

Yes. He's out of town.

And how did you get in here?

My dad's a super villain and you left your doors unlocked.


I have been distracted.

'Cause you and Mr. Diggle are trying to save the city by yourselves?

Look, I've been thinking.

Um, maybe, rather than me sitting at home, alone, miserable, maybe I could... be out there helping you guys.

You seem like you're shorthanded one, and vigilante skills run in my blood.

Thea, this might actually be the worst week ever for this conversation.

What's going on?

I--I can't.

Felicity, I cannot be handled right now.

It's possible-- and I stress possible-- that Oliver is back in town with the League.

I don't understand.

Why would Ollie come back here?

They're after Nyssa.

Ollie would never--

Nyssa thinks he's under some sort of League mind voodoo.

But it's going to be fine.

We're handling it.

You are a terrible liar.

That is true.

Do you know where he is?

I mean, maybe I could just talk to him.

Thea, I don't know what doctor's orders are for when someone gets brought back from the dead, but I am pretty sure getting into a fight with the League of Assassins goes against them.

I can get through to him.

Please, Thea.

Oliver wouldn't want you involved. He did what he did so that you would stay out of harm's way.

Yeah, well.

It sounds like Ollie's not here anymore.

[Computer beeping]
This is where my beloved spirit departed this world.

Do you even remember Sara?

Or has my father already obliterated her from your memory?

I'm here to bring you back to Nanda Parbat.

To face justice?

If so, for what crime?

To face vengeance?

If so, for what offense?

You told me...

Vengeance is justice.

And you bested me in battle.

That won't happen again.

[Both grunting]


Do it! If I would die, I would have it on the same ground as Sara.

[Canary cry]

Oh, my God.

We can't let you hurt her, man.


[]You should not have interfered.

Look, I am sorry, but I have lost a sister, a father, Oliver-- there is no way that I was about to lose you, too.

You don't understand.

You already have.

I was marked for death the moment Oliver accepted my father's offer.


Laurel, these past few weeks, they've enlightened me.

To live a life outside of my father's rule; to be someone else, even for just a little while, well, brought me great happiness.

But I am daughter of the Demon.

Happiness is not something that was ever meant for me.

I've known Oliver my entire life.

We've been friends since childhood.

But tonight, I did not recognize him.

I told you...

He has been changed.

Well, if he can change, then why can't you?

How's Nyssa?

She's with Laurel.

She's going to be ok.

How are you?

Same as you, probably.

Neither one of us believed Nyssa when she said Oliver had been turned.

I'm still not sure I believe it.

I heard about this kind of thing.

Guy gets captured by the enemy. [Sighs]

Gets broken.

I just never imagined Oliver-- still can't imagine-- that Oliver would.

Strongest man I've ever known, Felicity.

When Oliver stayed behind when he agreed to join the League, he never could have known that this is what he was agreeing to.

The only way that I've been able to get out of bed these past few weeks is because I knew that Oliver was still alive.

He is alive, Felicity.

We thought that Oliver was just giving up his life to Ra's.

But he gave up his soul.

There was doubt you would return.

But not from me.

What happened?

Nyssa had friends.

I warned you not to face her alone.

These friends of Nyssa's-- were they friends of yours?

They'll be protecting her now.

We need to draw her out.

[Knock on door]

[Thea sighs]

Thank you for coming.

Suffice it to say, I was surprised to get your call.

I need your help.

That couldn't have been easy for you to say.

I need to know-- is Ollie back in town?

Is he going after Nyssa?

According to my sources, he intends to eliminate her as a threat to his ascension to Ra's.

Well, I need to stop him.

His is Wareeth al Ghul now, Thea.

Heir to the Demon.

He is my brother.

It's one thing to let him join the League and run off to Nanda Parbat, but--

Another to let him k*ll?

What did you think he would be doing in the League of Assassins?

Felicity told me that he's been brainwashed.

I know what it's like to k*ll while under the influence of someone else.

Your brother didn't sacrifice everything for you to go to w*r with the League.

That's what Felicity said.

And she was right.


I couldn't stop him from trading his life to save mine, but this, this I can stop.

You are a warrior, Thea.

Long before I trained you.

You have always had an incredible strength inside you, and your brother knows that, too.


What do you need from me?

Are you sure this is ok?

Yeah. With Oliver and the League running around, it's best we stay close. Especially if something...


Something's wrong. Lyla?

[Sara crying]

Felicity: Where's Lyla?

[Sara crying]

[Cell phone vibrating]

Oliver: John.


First, let me assure you that no harm will come to Lyla, if you do exactly as I say.

Bring Nyssa to the warehouse at Fullerton and Halstead, and I'll let your wife go.

Oliver, I swear, if you do anything to Lyla...

You have 30 minutes.

[Sara crying]

[]John: Laurel!

What happened?

Oliver and his new friends took Lyla.

What?! Where's Sara, is she ok?

Yeah, she's with John's neighbor.

What's wrong with you?!

Hey, it is not Nyssa's fault!

No, just her people.

You call yourself warriors.

You claim to have honor.

Well, if you knew the meaning of the word, you would know there are some lines you do not cross!

Laurel: Ok, John, back off.

You back off!

I am truly sorry.

I never meant for any harm to come to you or your family.

Yeah, Nyssa?

Then prove it.

Hand yourself over to the League.


We're just going to negotiate with him now?

Are we just going to give in?

Turn over an innocent person?

She's not innocent!

She's the daughter of the Demon.

She's k*lled hundreds of people.


The only thing that matters is getting Lyla back.

I don't care how we do it.

Yes, you do.

Trading one person's life for another-- we're supposed to be better than that.

It's all right.

Of course you should exchange me for your beloved.

I won't see an innocent life taken for mine.

What? No.

I'm not going to let you commit su1c1de.

Don't you remember what you said?

These past few weeks have been some of the best of your life.

I remember.

And I remember telling you that happiness is something denied to me.

Where's the exchange take place?

No. There has to be another way.

Another way to save Lyla without turning Nyssa over to the League.

And if there isn't, even if you get Lyla back safe and sound, Oliver won't be the only one who lost his soul.

What happened to you?

Johnny told me, but how could you become this?


It'll be over soon.

No. I genuinely want to know.

How could the man who stood up at my wedding do this?

How could the man who's been like a brother to--


You know...

When John's brother died, a part of him died, too.

His guilt and the emptiness from the loss outweighed everything.

I tried my hardest to help him, but no one seemed to be able to comfort him or fill that void.

Until he met you.

You gave him hope and purpose again.

It's time.


[Woman speaking Chinese on TV]




Liling's sick.

It's going to be ok.

Akio. Hao Ba.

We have to leave Hong Kong.

Shrieve and his men--

Have enough to worry about!

Tatsu's right.

The chaos will give us cover.

Could be our only chance.

They're here.

Oliver: Search them.

John: Where's my wife?

Where's my wife?!

You son of a bitch.

Whatever Ra's did to you...

Don't you dare touch me.

Oliver, this isn't you.

Look at me.

I know you're still in there somewhere.

Bind her.

You're free to go.


It's ok, I'm here.

I thought they were going for Sara.

Everything's fine, Sara's fine.

I told Felicity this is just like Jakarta.

Kneel before the true heir to the Demon.

I kneel before no one.

[All grunting]


[Laurel and Nyssa groaning]


[Both grunting]


[John groaning]

You're still Oliver.

[Groans] I don't care if the hood is black or green.

You're still you!

Get away from him.

Get away from him, or the next one goes in your eye.

[]Lyla's got Sara.

They're headed out of town until we can get things straightened out.

There is no straightening this out.

I don't know, Felicity.

I can't see past tomorrow right now.

They're going to k*ll Nyssa.

Oliver or her father, they're going to k*ll her.

I'm sorry, Laurel.

It's not fair.

No. No, it's not.

I'll ask it to ask it-- there is no way I'm getting him back.

He's gone, Felicity.

No one wants to believe that less than me.

But he's gone.

There's only one thing left of him now.

And what's that?


Gone, but never forgotten.

There are no more threats to my reign.

Your fealty continues to impress me, Al Sah-him.

You truly are Wareeth al Ghul.

And yet my daughter still does not approve of my choice.

Fortunately, what I require from you is not your approval.

Did you search her?

Does not appear to be on her person.

Bring me her weapons.

You know, as a young child, Nyssa displayed the panache of a thief.

Always stealing extra atayef at her meals and then stowing them away in her quarters.

She would grow to learn that there is nothing she can hide from me.

Her exploits of late... seem to have clouded that memory.

I will remember you as the warrior you once were and not as this shell that stands before me.

All my life, I've lived in fear of you.

But now, as I stand before you ready to leave this earth, I want you to know--

I am not afraid.

Do what needs to be done, my heir.

And take with it the satisfaction that your reign will be unchallenged.

I can see now, you do not require a culling to solidify your reign.

You have broken your rival, Al Sah-him.

Something I was unable to do as an heir.

Spilling her blood now would only serve as gluttony.

Now, perhaps... her blood could be of another purpose.

As a means to unite our families.

You as husband... and you as wife.

I would rather die than become his betrothed.

Well, your wishes were no longer my concern from the moment you betrayed me.

So you will marry Al Sah-him.

And you will become bride of the Demon.

[Siren sounding]


Oliver: Come on, come on, come on!

[Man sobbing]

We need a vehicle.


[Starts engine]

Let's get out of this place.

It's ok.

You're safe now.

[Door opens]

Felicity: Thea?

The door was open.

Sorry to interrupt your staring into nothingness.

He should have let me die.

That was never an option.

That's why I love him.

I didn't know... about you and my brother.

Yeah, well...

It was complicated.

But I did love him.

Despite everything, I still do.

I do, too.

How... is that even possible?

After what he's become.

I don't know.

But I think John's right; I think we have to remember the best parts of him, and we have to move on.

Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

Both of us.

I don't know how, but we have to go on living.

That's what Oliver...

Ollie would want for you-- to move on.

To live.

To be with the one that you love while you still can.

Roy is gone, so...

You've had a lot on your plate, and I've been trying to think of the right time to tell you this...

Roy's alive.

We faked his death.

It's a long story, as most fake death stories are.

We were going to tell you, I promise.

But then you were busy being mostly dead, and then Oliver signed on to become Darth Oliver.

I don't--

He's starting...

A new life.

One that hopefully includes you.

If you want it.



When my daughter left Nanda Parbat, she absconded something critical to both our futures.

Do you recall the village I showed you?

The one where only the dead remain?

It was your home.


And I was obligated to unleash death upon it.

It has been this way ever since there has been a Ra's.

You see, it is the final act of ascension, the transformation to Demon's Head.

The erasure of one's former life, former home.

Now, my predecessor, he wiped away Alexandria, Egypt, with cholera in 1609.

Today you will do the same.

Do you recognize this?

The Alpha and Omega bioweapon.

Beginning and the end.

Nyssa stole this to prevent my heir from doing that which you will do today.

You will unleash this on Starling City.