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10x20 - Angel Heart

Posted: 04/30/15 00:35
by bunniefuu
My name is Jimmy Novak.

God has chosen me for a higher purpose.

Sam: You can never be with your family.

Jimmy: Castiel, promise my family will be okay, and I'll do it.

Claire: Daddy?

I am not your father.

Castiel, you took everything from me.

Man: Who is this girl?

Ms. Phelan: Claire Novak.

Claire's troubled. She needs a father.

Dean: She's got issues.

Because of me.

First, I lose my first dad...

And then I lose my second.

[ Claire screams ]

Who k*lled them and trashed my life? Dean Winchester.

Tony: We'll take care of him so he won't bother you anymore.

Uhh! No!

Where's your mother?

She went to go "find herself."

You promised, Cass!

I have a responsibility to help you.

I still gotta go it alone, but I could maybe call sometimes.

Aah! No!

Sam: Dean's in trouble. He's not getting better.


Mother says the Mark is just a curse.

It can be removed.

If there's a cure, we'll do it and deal with the consequences later.

I can't lose you.

[ Door opens ]

Jimmy: Amelia?



[ Gasps ] Jimmy?


Castiel is gone. It's me.

[ Gasps and chuckles ] Sorry. I'm so sorry. I never -- [ voice breaks ] I looked everywhere for you.

I thought I lost you again.

[ Exhales sharply ]

It's okay.

It's okay. It's...

It's okay.

I'm home now.

What's happening?

[ Squish ]

How's our girl?

How's Claire?

[ Whimpers ]

[ Crying ] No!

Not again! No!

Shh. Shh.

No! [ Sobs ] No!

[ Crickets chirping ]

[ Whimpering ]

Shh. Shh.

[ Gasping ]

[ Squish, whoosh ]

[ Continues gasping ]

[ Sniffing ]

[ Crying ]

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

You're safe, Amelia.

You're home.

Jimmy: Amelia?



[ Gasps ]


I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry I left.

I looked everywhere for you.

♪ Supernatural 10x20 ♪
Angel Heart
Original Air Date on April 29, 2015

[ siren wailing in distance, motorcycle approaches ]

[ Pool balls clack ]

[ Door closes ]

[ "Blues Are Turning Black" playing ]

Man: ♪ gonna catch that train at midnight ♪
♪ I don't care where it goes ♪

The hell you think you're doing in here?

Come on, it's my birthday tomorrow.

How old you gonna be? 12? [ Chuckles ]


♪ Well, I once had me a good life ♪

More like 50.

I'm looking for a guy named Ronnie Cartwright.

He's supposed to be a regular around here.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

♪ And my blues is gettin' darker ♪

[ Woman speaks indistinctly ]

♪ Oh, lord, I think these blues have been turned black ♪

Ronnie Cartwright?

♪ Yeah, they have ♪

[ Exhales deeply ]

Whatever you're selling, I ain't buyin', sweetheart.

I need your help, Ronnie.

I'm trying to track somebody down.

♪ And if you're not one of them ♪

[ Blows air ]

I ain't never seen her before in my life.

Her name's Amelia.

She's been missing for a few years, but according to her diary, she was supposed to meet up with you.

[ Scoffs ] I ain't never met her.

You were gonna introduce her to some miracle worker.

Look, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I don't know that lady.

And I for damn sure don't know some miracle worker.

If I did, you think I'd be in a dump like this?

Now piss off.

Go back to your Girl Scout troop.

She's my mother.

I don't care.

Can you just take another look? I mean, maybe --

I told you, I ain't never seen her before.

[ Pool balls clack ]

Now I better never see you again.

[ Motorcycles passing ]

I told you to stay the hell away from me.

You were the last person to speak to my mom.

I need to find her.

I don't know Amelia Novak. You got it?

I never told you her last name.

Wait! [ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Thud ]

[ Horn honks in distance ]

[ Whispers ] Come on.

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Cell phone beeps ]

[ Phone rings ]

[ Line connects ]

Female dispatcher: 9-1-1, what is your emergency?

Um, yeah, found some girl passed out in the alley, uh, uh, by Susie's bar on Overland.

We'll send an ambulance right away, sir.

Can you tell me if she's still breathing?

[ Cell phone beeps ]

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

Thanks for coming.

Sam: Yeah, of course.

Cass, look, we're always glad to help, but Claire and I aren't exactly on the best of terms.

I mean, should I even be here?

I need help from both of you.

You were both troubled teens. You speak her language.

All right. How is she?

Well, I-I haven't gone in yet. I was waiting for backup.




Three men and a lady.

Let's do this.

What are you doing here?

And why the hell did you bring him?


Um, the -- the police found my number in your emergency contact list.

Yeah, well... That was a mistake.

You can go now.


Why were you at a bar?

I wasn't.

Claire, what were you doing in an alley outside of a bar?

Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life.

Look, we're not leaving until you tell us what the hell really happened.

So if you want us gone...


I was looking for my mom.

I wanna find my mom and tell her she ruined my life.

Your mom didn't --

She left me, and so did my dad.

But Jimmy's gone, right?

Has it easy up in heaven.

So...Mom's the only one left I can tell off.

When's the last anybody heard from your mom?


When I was living with my grandmother, she used to send me postcards.

This is the last one.

I got it just before my grandma died.

Two years ago.

Nobody's heard from her since.

It was sent from a motel here in town.

That's where I've been crashing.

I was at Susie's bar looking for a loser named Ronnie Cartwright.

Mom's diary said she was gonna meet him around the time she disappeared.

Before he knocked me down, he remembered her name.

He knows something.

Why was Amelia looking for him?

She went looking for miracles.

She went looking for you.

[ Beep ]

[ Woman speaks indistinctly over P.A. ]

This is all my fault.

You know, Cass, say it is.

What can you do about it?

Find Amelia.

She did disappear trying to hunt down an angel.

Might be a case.

Yeah, but we don't know that.

Close enough. Come on, give me something to punch already.

I'm kidding. I'm fine.

I'm just...I'm fine.

Why don't we go back to the bar, see if we can track down this Ronnie guy, huh?

[ Exhales deeply ] Yeah.

We should let Claire know where we're going first.



Damn it. Well...

She either went looking for Ronnie again or, uh --

Yeah, or she went to go grab her stuff before taking off again.

Well, she's got a concussion. Maybe that'll slow her down.

[ Clipboard clatters ]

All right.

I'll head to the motel. Y'all check out the bar.

Hey, Cass, listen, what you're doing for Claire and helping her find her mom...

It's good. It's a good thing.


Well, where does it end?

I'm not trying to be a d*ck, but truth is, you're not her dad.

In fact, you're not anything to her expect a-a constant reminder of someone that's gone.

No, I'm...

Responsible for everything that's happened to her.

Look, I'm just saying, she's been surviving on her own for quite a while now, and -- and then partly because she doesn't have anybody to answer to.

You know, there's...

There's nobody holding her back.

We just found her in a hospital.

You telling me that she'd be better off on her own?

I'm saying she might be stronger on her own.

[ "Mind Y'own Business" playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Man: ♪ for all those pretty things ♪

Yeah! What's the rush, huh?

[ Grunts ] Heading out to beat down another teenager?

That bitch att*cked me!

[ Grunts ] Poor choice of words, pal.

Now...Amelia Novak.

Where is she?

[ Groans and whimpers ]




Listen, Ronnie, what do you say, huh?

We could do this all day, unless you wanna tell me everything you know about Amelia.

Okay. Okay. [ Inhales sharply ]

[ Panting ]

I met Amelia.

But she was the last one, I swear.

Last one of what?

I worked for a faith healer.

No, he was the real deal.

Hey, I was blind.

He healed me.

Give us a name.

[ Pounds tabletop ] Now!

Peter Holloway.


Yeah, after he gave me my sight back, I...

Well, me made me work for him as...payment.

I-I-I recruited candidates.

Yeah, he had... A specific type.

Young but, uh...


Wouldn't be missed.

Amelia was one of these "candidates"?

Some people, he healed.

But others, he, uh...

[ Whispers ] Oh, man.

Look, I saw him one night.

It looked like he was, uh...

I don't know -- I don't know how to describe it, but he was...

He tied one of 'em up and...

He -- he -- he was, uh... cutting on them.

Look, after that, I was done. Okay? I quit.

I haven't heard from Holloway since.

[ Engine idling ]

Took you long enough.

[ Gasps ]

[ Door closes ]

How did you...

Also, you checked in under the name "Claire Novak."

A little pro-tip? Use an alias.


[ Hangers clatter ]

Claire, we just wanna help.

I didn't ask for your help.

You know, this is good.

I was impressed.

How did you get the information that...

It's mostly empty promises and regret, but...

There were enough bread crumbs to get me here.

How did you get your mom's diary?

[ Sighs ] The motel manager sent mom's stuff to her last known address after she disappeared.

It bounced around, eventually found its way to me at one of the foster homes.

You came all this way just to tell her off?

You always get along with your mom?

Never got the chance to find out.

My mom died when I was a baby.

I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't --

Oh, no, it's okay. I-i got to know her later in life.

[ Inhales deeply ] And, yeah, I suppose we got along okay.


In this line of work, death isn't always good-bye.

This is different. My mom left me.

"Claire, I'll be home soon.

We'll be home soon."

Doesn't sound like somebody who wanted to abandon you.

Did you check her credit cards?

They wouldn't send me her records.

Okay, I know you need to be somewhere far away from all of us, but let me get my laptop.

I'll teach you how to hack into her credit card records.

It'll help you get a lead on your mom.

Show me, but then I'm gone.

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

[ Cell phone rings and beeps ]

Hey, listen, I don't think these guys snooping around are F.B.I.

You know, I-I think they're -- they're hunters.

I-I'm sorry.

I-I wanted to give you the heads up.

Wouldn't need a heads up if you kept your mouth shut, Ronnie.

Hey, come on.

Don't you see that?

Come on. No. W-- my eyes! Come on, man!

I can't see!

[ Squish ]


[ Squish ]

[ Thud ]

[ Taps keys ]

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

There we go.

Seriously? It's that easy?

[ Chuckles ] Yes.

I can also show you how to set up fake credit cards.

It will make life on the road a lot easier.

You guys are credit card scammers, too?

Yeah. Hunting monsters doesn't exactly pay the bills.

Then why do you do it?

To help people, make a difference.

[ Typing ]

That's it?

That's not enough?
[ Knock on door ]

Are you all right?

Yeah, I will be when nobody ever asks me that again. [ Sighs ]

You guys find Ronnie?


Yeah, he gave up a name -- Peter Holloway.

Said he was a faith healer.

So...What? You thinking angel?

Maybe, but it sounded like he has healed some people, but he may have fed off others.

Yeah, that's weird.

All right, let's look into this Peter Holloway guy.

[ Resumes typing ]

Claire, um...

Happy Birthday.


I got it at the hot topical.

Claire: Right.

Um...Thanks, I guess.

[ Typing continues ]

Sam: Whoa.

Just got an alert from local P.D.

Ronnie's body was just found outside of Susie's bar.

You were just supposed to talk to Ronnie.

What did you do to him?

I didn't lay a hand on him.

Dean, that isn't exactly true.

I didn't k*ll the guy.

All right, I'm gonna suited up and head back over there.

I'm coming with you. I'm coming with you, too.

You wanna get in on this?

No, I-I should probably stay here and research Holloway.


Hey, Cass?

[ Lowered voice ] What happened at the bar?

Dean snapped. He's getting worse.

[ Door closes ]

[ Police radio chatter, camera shutter clicks ]


Agents Clapton and Page.

[ Siren whoops ]

And your little friend?

Oh. Uh...Yeah.

It's "bring your daughter to work" day at the Bureau.

Uh, Vic was a, uh, person of interest in a missing persons case.

What do you got?

s*ab wound. Clean through.

No sign of robbery.

Wallet and everything was still on his person.

[ Siren whoops ]

What are the red marks there on the point of entry?

Burn marks, maybe. don't know.

We pulled his cell phone records.

He made two calls to the same number prior to the attack.

Tried the number, but the line's dead now.

Probably a burner.


[ Cell phone rings ]

Will you excuse me?


[ Ring ]

Sheriff Coltrane. Uh-huh.

The wound looks like an angel blade, but the point of entry is wider.

Can't explain those marks.

Best birthday ever.

Okay, all right, come here.

Hey. I, uh, got a lead on Peter Holloway.

Oh, good, 'cause he's probably about to split town.

Ronnie made a few phone calls before he got shish kebabed.

You think to give Holloway a heads up?

If he did, that's probably what got him k*lled.

So...We gotta track him down before he bails.

Great. [ Sighs ] Well, according to county records, Holloway owns a farmhouse about 30 or 40 miles from here, so I, uh, cross-referenced it with Amelia's credit card receipts.

The house is about right there, and she's been hitting up Biggersons and Gas n' Sips all around the area.

Probably staking the place out.


Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Claire, you are not going out there.

She's my mother.

That house could be empty and it could be a trap.

It's too dangerous. I can't let anything happen to you.

Anything else, you mean.

Claire, you're not going.

You're not either, Dean.


Back at the bar with Ronnie?

Oh, come on, Cass.

He wasn't gonna talk. I just... Helped him talk.

Dean, Cass is right.

We need to keep the Mark in check.

And we don't know what's out there.

You know, maybe you should...

Maybe you should stay here.

So you wanna bench me again?

[ Sighs deeply ]


All right. Fine.

I'll stay and babysit.

But if anything happens, anything at all...

Yeah, we'll call you.

No fighting.

[ Scoffs ] Yeah, tell her that.

Castiel: Both of you.

[ Grunts ]

[ Cap fizzes and clatters ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

Can I have one?

Like you never had a beer before you were 21.

All right. You know what?

If we stay cooped up in this motel room all night long, I'm gonna lose my mind.

Spoiler alert -- you already have.

[ Forced laugh ] That's...

Come on.

[ Bottle thuds ]

Let's go.

When this is over, should I...

Should I leave Claire alone?

What? No, man. She's family.

Well, I mean, she's not exactly family, but she's close enough.

I mean, you two have history. Simple as that.

So do you think she's better off on her own?

Cass, she just turned 18.

You were alone when you left for college at that age, weren't you?

Yeah, but that's different.

How, Sam?

Here's all I know -- going it alone, that's no way to live.

You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you.

Maybe, in the end.

In the end.

[ Imitates Carl Spackler ] It's in the hole!

It's in the hole!

[ Laughs ]

Bill Murray?


It's a classic.

Never seen it. Not a fan.

How dare you.

You done?

Yeah, I'm done.

I'm done with your whole generation.

[ Imitates Happy Gilmore ] Did you -- did you see that?

Did that go in the hole?

I wasn't watching.

Did the ball go in the hole?

"Happy Gilmore."

Well played.

Thank you. Mm.


[ Mutters ] Did that go in? Did that go in?

It looks abandoned.

[ Turns off engine ]

Only one way to find out.

This is what you guys do?

Stay at cheap motels, steal credit cards...

[ Putter strikes ball ]

Play mini-golf?

[ Chuckles ]

Actually, we haven't played mini-golf in a while.

But, uh... [ Groans ] Yeah.

That about sums it up.

You take the barn, I'll take the house.

We help people.

[ Putter strikes ball ]

At least, we try to.

Like, uh, Castiel helped my dad?

Claire, what happened to your dad...

I'm sorry, okay? I really am.

But, uh, there's something you gotta know.

Your dad's sacrifice was not meaningless.

Yeah, he gave up his body, his -- his vessel.

And because he did that, Cass...

Cass was able to save the world.

The world.

Your father's a hero.

He did not die in vain.

[ Sighs ]

[ Clank ]

Last hole.


Yeah. See?

They take your ball on the last one.

Drop it in the bottom like so.

[ Putter thuds ]

You okay?

You're not stroking out, are you?

The red marks.

What red marks?

Claire, you're a genius.

Come on, let's go.


Wait. Why am I a genius?

[ Typing ]

[ Sighs ] So this is hunting?


Cass said that Ronnie's wound looked like an angel blade, but the red marks didn't match up with an angel blade.

[ Taps key ]

But if it was an angel sword, that would explain the size of the wound and the red marks.

'Cause a sword would have a hilt on it, which could cause the -- the marks.

You got all that from a putter?

Is -- is this what you mean?


The watcher angels.

So are they good or bad?

Well, some of the lore says that they, uh, they help people, and some says that they prey on people.

So...Keep digging.

[ Crickets chirping ]


[ Grunts ] Jimmy?!

[ Groans ] Oh.





I looked everywhere for you!

It's okay.

I tried to find you!

No. Hey, hey.


You took my husband!

Shh. Shh. It's okay.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Whispers ] It's okay.

[ Cell phone vibrates ]

[ Pats pockets ]

[ Vibrates ]

[ Vibrates ]

[ Vibrates ]

[ Floorboard creaks ]


[ Vibrates ]

[ Vibrates ]

[ Ring ]

Cass isn't answering his phone either. [ Beep ]

I don't understand.

Grigori angels went rogue?

Started feeding on people?


[ Clip clicks ]

Don't know, don't care.

I'm heading over to Holloway's to end that son of a bitch.

Yeah, let me guess. You want me to stay here?

[ Cylinder clicks ]

Happy Birthday.

Don't sh**t me.

Let's go.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Humming ]


I'm usually able to heal any wound. You...

I was dreaming.

This whole time, I was dreaming... of finding Jimmy, of putting my family back together.

You're not him anymore.

[ Whispers ] I can tell.

[ Inhales deeply ] No.

Where's Jimmy?

Your husband is in heaven.

Amelia, I promised to protect your family, and I failed.

Not if Claire's alive. She's all that matters.

Claire is alive.

She's grown up to be a very strong-willed young woman.

Oh, that's my girl.

I just -- I shouldn't have ever left her.

I-I thought if I could find Jimmy, I would make everything right.

[ Voice breaking ] But I should've never left her.

[ Whispers ] I shouldn't -- I shouldn't...

It's okay.

[ Crying ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Groans and grunts ]

[ Chair scrapes, floorboards creak ]


You must be Holloway.

For the last 50 years or so, yes.

Before that, I was a Jenkins.

And before that, a Miller.

My real name is Tamiel.

I'm a Grigori.

A watcher angel.

Since when do angels feed on humans?

Since the dawn of man.

What are you talking about?

Your souls...

Are little slices of heaven that are, if properly kept, delicious meals that can last for years, decades even.

You're not an angel.

You're a monster.

[ Laughs ]


I prefer to think of myself as a gourmand.

I make heaven a place on earth.

Keeps me alive and hidden from the rest of the failures that call themselves angels.

[ Scoffs ]

Oh, they are failures?

Yeah, 'cause you're living so large in your own life. [ Blade zings ]

There were hundreds of us, but now...

Each of our names inscribed on our swords.

A brotherhood of perfectly crafted, engineered beings sent to protect you pathetic, bottom-feeding disasters.

All right, let's stick together.

First the barn, then the house.

If you have to sh**t, aim for the chest.

It won't drop an angel, but it'll slow him down.

Got it?


Are they...

I don't know.

We will get them help.

How long have I been like this?

Two years.

[ Chambers b*llet ]



[ Voice breaks ] I'm so sorry.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

[ Crying ]

[ Gasps ]

I'm so sorry!

Okay. [ Sniffles ] Okay. [ Gasps ]

Let's go find Sam.

Claire, hey.

Oh. [ Crying ]

Listen to me. Stay here, okay?

Do not move.

[ Voice breaks ] Okay.

Thank you.

Thank you, both.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, Mom.

Mommy. [ Laughs ]

[ Door thuds ]


[ Floorboard creaks ]

What the hell happened?

Listen, Holloway is a...

Grigori. Grigori.




They were some of the first angels on earth.

It was an elite unit that went bad.

But they're -- they're extinct. They were destroyed.

Well, no, some survived. And they've been hunting humans, making them create heavens in their minds and feeding off them.

Where is this abomination?

I don't know. I looked everywhere. He must've left.

Mom. Come on.

Mom, you have to stay with me, okay? [ Groans ]

Come on. Stand up.

Mom, it's gonna be okay. [ Groans ]


Thank you, sweetheart.


You know there's no fixing her, right?

[ Gasps and grunts ]

[ Chambers b*llet ]

[ Hammer clicking ]

You really think that's gonna hurt an angel of the Lord?

Amelia: No! Aah!

[ Gasps ]

[ Cries ]

[ Squish ]

[ Chokes ]

Mom! Mom!

[ Sobbing ] Mom!

[ Continues sobbing ]

[ Grunts ]

No! Uhh!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Angel blade clatters ]

Uhh! [ Groans ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Squish ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Thud ]

[ Sword clatters ]

[ Voice breaks ] Mom? Mommy, please stay with me, okay?

[ Sniffles ] Mom?

Mom. Mom. Mom. [ Inhales sharply ]


I'm sorry.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Whispers ] I'm so sorry.

[ Crying ]

Mom, I'm sorry.




Is it really you?

[ Both sigh ]

Is this...

It's heaven. [ Chuckles ]

I...waited for you for so long. I...

How was she?

How's Claire?

Oh, Jimmy, she grew up so beautiful.

She's so strong.

[ Whispering ] Like her mom.

I love you.

[ Whispers ] I love you, too.

[ Sighs contentedly ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

So, what?

This is some sort of halfway house for wayward girls?

[ Chuckles ] No. Not at all.

Jody Mills is good people, and she'll give you a place to crash until you get back on your feet.

It's not forever, right?

What are you gonna do about Claire?

It's not up to me.

You said sometimes death isn't always good-bye, right?

So good-byes aren't always forever.


Take care of yourself, Claire. [ Pats back ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Train horn blowing in distance ]

I felt bad about taking the g*n back, so...

[ Laughs ] Thanks.

[ Sighs ]

But I don't think I'm interested in any more homework.


[ Clears throat ]

[ Unzips bag ]

Do you honestly think I didn't see you take this?


[ Inhales deeply ]

I'll just put this in here.

[ Wrapping paper crinkles ]

You know, Claire...

You already got your revenge.

You go down this path --

our path...

It's not a long life.

I don't know. You seem pretty old.



What I did, setting you up, um...

I'm sorry. I just -- I shouldn't -- Forget it.

It's in the past.

Are you gonna be okay?

Me? [ Chuckles ]

I don't know.

But I will keep fighting.

I'll keep swinging until I got nothing left.

Will you keep an eye on him?

He's been through enough.

So have you.

Claire, do your homework before you do anything stupid, okay?

And we're here if you need us, any time.

I'll get you loaded up.

Um, Claire.

If you, um, if you... need anything, ever, I'm -- I'm -- just wanted you to know that...

[ Willie Nelson's "Blues Eyes Crying in the Rain" playing ]

♪ In the twilight glow I seen her ♪
♪ blue eyes crying in the rain ♪

[ Pats roof ]

♪ When we kissed good-bye ♪

Someone just tell me she's gonna be okay.

Yeah, Cass. Of course.

She'll be okay.

♪ Meet again ♪

So will you.

Man: Going home or leaving home?

♪ Love is like ♪


♪ a dying ember ♪
♪ and only memories remain ♪
♪ and through the ages I'll remember ♪
♪ blue eyes crying in the rain ♪