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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 05/05/15 00:51
by bunniefuu
You're not gonna forget me?


Susan Reynolds gave me a present at the Truck Stop.

You think I was having an affair?

Were you?


You have to put this behind you, Robert.

You've got a family that needs your protection.

We're from Manchester. Which part?

All: Didsbury.

One at a time. Come on.

What if they don't get it?

They will. Michael Collersdale is targeting your family.

You need to help me find out why.

Somebody help me! Please, no!

Was this the man?


Are you sure?

I'm sure.

They know you received large amounts of cash.

I didn't get that money from Michael Collersdale.

I don't know why he's doing this.

Your phone.

It's not him! Louisa, Dom, he's been att*cked.



What's happened?

You OK?

I couldn't see him!

Hello, Gemma. Where are they? Where's Ali?

I don't know where she is, I swear it!

Hi, Ali, it's Gemma. Can you give me a ring back? It's urgent.

This is all your fault.

No, please, Michael!

Be careful, Robert.

He's a dead man.

Solicitor: Do you know what this is, Eddie? This is withheld evidence.

It means we can appeal for a retrial.

You win the retrial and you can do whatever you want.

Bide your time, Eddie.

For the first time in your life, you've got justice on your side.




Gemma Underwood. She was on my list of known associates.


They think it's drug related. She was a known user.

Michael Collersdale used to be her supplier.

He was spotted on the estate last night.

Any sign of Collersdale since?

No, boss.

Do either of you know Gemma Underwood?

Gemma? She's my sister.

What's happened?

I'm sorry, Ali. Gemma was found dead at her flat.


Was it heroin?

The police are still investigating.

I suppose I al...

I always knew she...

One day...

Michael Collersdale was at her flat last night.

Did Gemma know that you were here?


We've not spoken in years. I told Mark...

Are you sure?

I've never even met her.

Is that why he went to see her, because of me?


You know what? I didn't even know Ali had a sister.

Yeah, you did.

Well, I never met her.

What does that matter? Ali's still upset.

Right, well, I'm not saying she shouldn't be.

Did you know her?

Of course he knew her, she was his auntie.

Well, I knew who she was.

She sent me stuff for my birthday and Christmas.

And I wrote her thank-you cards.

She was ill with dr*gs.

She liked to be by herself.

Some people are like that.


Did you hear about the appeal?

Eddie Reynolds is appealing against his conviction for his part in Susan's m*rder.

On what grounds?

That the police withheld evidence.


The CCTV images.

Someone must have sent them to his defence team.

Do you want me to get in touch with Robert?

No, I don't. I want you to get on with the job in hand.

We'll be called as witnesses. So will Robert.

Leave Robert to me. Is that understood?

Yes, boss.

It's been a long night.

Gemma was Ali's sister.

Go back to Ali's house and see what you can dig up.

Did you not like Gemma?

Of course I did.

So she had a sister she never had any contact with, who she never introduced to her son or her new family.

It doesn't have to mean anything. It's families.

No, I don't buy it.

Mark's sending some more evidence.

I've got to meet the courier in the village.

You rang him last night, didn't you?

I didn't know where you'd gone.

The Truck Stop.

Last few days, things have been coming back to me.

Like what?

I don't know.

Don't know.






'I need to see you.'

It's not a good time.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Mark, I can't.

'Text me the place.'


Megan called. She needs me to go in early.

Is this what they give to new-borns?

Yeah, at the hospital, to make sure they go to the right mother.

It's Joe's.

See you later.



That's Matt.

He's my ex, Joe's dad.

God, he was brilliant with Gemma, helping her to get off the dr*gs.

He d*ed... not long after Joe was born.

Undetected heart condition.

I found this.

I wondered where that was.

Look at his weight.

6lb 11.

He was so tiny.

When you have children... you'll know.

Katy'll feel it.

Everything changes.

You just get this unbelievable, overwhelming love.

Why did Gemma have it?

She must have picked it up.

Can I keep it?

Of course. It's yours.



Michael Collersdale, leaving the rear of 28 Kirkdale Road.


Thanks for coming.

Did I have a choice?


You whistle, I come running.

I need to get to work.



I'm gonna get a DNA swab. Can you put it through the lab?

Well, yeah.

'What's your thinking?'

Just an idea.

Go with it, your instincts have always been good.

Eddie Reynolds.

He's launching an appeal against his conviction for organising Susan's k*lling.

He's claiming the police withheld evidence.

Robert's bound to be called as a witness.

He doesn't remember that night.

If the appeal gets the go-ahead, they won't just be asking questions about that night.

They'll be focusing on the eight weeks before, when Robert was... looking after Susan.

What are you saying?

She was about to give evidence against her husband, someone we'd been trying to take down for years.

Eddie Reynolds was a very dangerous, powerful man.

So we had to keep her close.

Up until that night, Robert had done an amazing job... staying close to Susan... keeping her onside -

Robert would never cheat on me.

I know.

I'm just asking the question.

The question that's bound to come up at the appeal.

But er... let's not...

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

We're gonna be OK.

I promise.

Why did she keep 'em?

Families do that, it's nice.

Look at this one.

Can I show you summat?


Can you spot me on there?

Did you like being a policeman?

It's all I ever wanted.

What about you?

Before I went into protection, I was a detective.

I'd like to do that.

So do it.

Isn't it really hard? I mean...

If I could do it...

This... is all it takes to be a truly brilliant detective.

Right, so, you've caught me and you think I'm guilty of a serious crime.

Against the wall!


Right, so how do you prove it?

I saw you.

Oh, you need more than that, you need absolute proof.

Which is where these come in.

You need to take a sample of my saliva.

Using this?


Right, stick it in there...

.. Detective Joe.

You write my name on it.

Date it.


Why aren't you and Dad eating with us?

Mark's coming over. Do you know where Joe is?

I think he was outside with Robert.

Are you OK?

Yeah, fine.

You send it off, and if it matches to the crime scene...

You're nicked!

Not yet, you've only done half the job.

You don't just send off my DNA, you have to send off yours.

But I didn't do anything wrong.

But you were at the crime scene as well.

You have to eliminate your DNA from my DNA.



Robert's showing me how to be a detective.

Can I show you?

No, come on, your tea's ready.

Hey, hang on. Name?

Joe Black...

Watkins, from Didsbury.

Good lad, on script.

Come on.



Something is going on.

And what is wrong with Ali?

Her sister just d*ed, she's upset.

Why are you, me and Joe eating separately?

It's just for today.

And that Mark's here.

He's meant to be, it's his job.

Something's going on that no-one's telling us.

We get treated like we're kids.

Where are they?

When Gemma's body was found last night, the first officers on the scene presumed it was a heroin overdose.

We now think she may have been m*rder*d.

You said she was found in the bath?

Yeah, she was.

But we think she was put there after she'd d*ed.

But we know Michael Collersdale was at the flat.


And Gemma tried to call you several times.


He k*lled her, didn't he?

He was looking for us and he k*lled her!


I just need a minute.

Are you certain he doesn't know where we are?

If he did, he'd be here by now.

He's been to your house in Manchester but there's no reason to think he knows where you are.

However, I don't want any of you to leave the house or gardens unless accompanied by myself or Robert or Katy.

All right?


Can you reinforce that with Joe, Louisa and Sam?

And with Ali, of course.



Robert: Mark, here's the swab.

Leave it with me.

OK, great.

All right. I'll see what I can do.

Cheers, see you.

Did you tell him about the appeal?

No. He's enjoying being a detective again.

Just erm... keep an eye on him.

If anything comes up -

I won't be your spy.

I've got every confidence in Robert. So should you.

So let's not worry him with the appeal unless we have to.

You're not allowed to take a boy's DNA.

Am I a suspect?

Just verifying facts.


What you've done is against the law!

Call it a safe house? We're not safe from you, are we?

What's going on?



You took Joe's DNA?


Without talking to Ali?

She would have said no.

Did Mark ask you to do it?


(SIGHS) I think we're being lied to.

We were supposed to be building a sense of trust with them.

Well, I did this for their safety, our safety.

And you want me to be complicit in all this?

It's part of the job.

Yeah, I see that now.


(g*nsh*t ECHOES)



Joe, wake up, love.

Get dressed. Shh.


Joe, come on.


(BRANCHES cr*ck)




You hungry? Get some breakfast.

Yeah, OK. Come on.

Where were you going?

I don't know.


I'm not Joe's mother.

Gemma was.

Matt was his dad.

All that bit's true.

Matt helped to get Gemma clean and then they fell in love and they got engaged and she got pregnant.

And they were all happy and -

And Matt d*ed.

It just broke Gemma in two.

Yeah, she had Joe, but without Matt, she... she just... she went back on the dr*gs.

Some people don't deserve to have children.

Michael Collersdale spotted at Piccadilly Station.

He was seen on the CCTV, getting on a train to Euston.

When did it leave?

25 minutes ago.

Call the Met. Alert the Transport Police.

But I did... I did try to help her, you know, I really did.

I didn't... I didn't mean to...

It wasn't my intention...

But I love him and she was on this spiral.

And I had to look after him, I just...

I had...

So you took him.

I just told everybody he was mine.

Do you know what? She didn't even miss him.

I swear to God, she didn't know we were here.

David: Ali?

Are you OK?


Hey. Hey.

What is it?

Tell me.


I found this, sir. Coach D.

PA: Welcome to London Euston.

He's fooled us. We saw him buying a ticket and get on the train but didn't see him get off.

Becky: 'What about his phone?'

He left it on the train.

He knew we'd track him.

'So where is he now?'

What, you didn't trust me?

I don't trust anyone.

Not when it comes to Joe.

I've always tried to treat him fairly, like he's my own son.

I know.

The first time he called me Dad, I cried my eyes out.

I know.

I know, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry. I'm sorry.

You were right. I should have asked Ali's permission.

I sometimes forget I'm not a copper anymore.

Well, at least we got to the truth.


I've really loved having Joe around.

I think we'd make great parents.

So do I.

I love you.

Tell me about Susan Reynolds.

You said you got rid of all the Susan Reynolds stuff.

I did.

But she's still with you, isn't she?

I think about her every day.

I watched her... as she was dying.

She looked at me and there was nothing I could do.

What kind of man hires another man to sh**t their wife?

She said to me that Eddie Reynolds loved her.

And that if she changed her mind, he'd have her back, any time, no questions asked.

And I believed her.

Could you have gotten too close to her, do you think?



No, I couldn't.

I didn't.



Where was Collersdale before we went to the station?

'We still don't know, boss.'

There's over 1,000 CCTV cameras in Manchester.

Find him.

These images were shown at the trial.

Yeah, these were.

But these weren't.

They're from the second camera, the one inside the building.

You said you didn't get too close to her.

I didn't.

She's kissing me goodbye.

And the present?

It was a teddy bear!

How long have you had that?

Look, I did not have an affair with Susan Reynolds.

Reynolds and his defence team have now seen this footage.

That's nothing to do with whether he ordered her k*lling.

No, but it was withheld from the trial, so they're using that as the basis of the appeal.

You withheld it?


You broke the law?

I was protecting you, Robert.

What do you think that looks like?

Just tell me the truth.

I am.

Making love last night, talking about babies, were you just thinking of Susan Reynolds?

She'd lived with Eddie for 12 years. He owned her, possessed her.

For the first time in her life, she had somebody who looked after her and didn't want anything in return.

She fell in love with you, it's obvious.

Well, I didn't return those feelings.

All right.

I wish you could come with me to the trial.

With Eddie, there's always been this map in my head of where I'm going, where I'm headed, where I needed to get to and...

He's going to be there tomorrow.

I don't... I don't know if I can do it.

I'm such a coward.

Oh, you're not a coward, Susan.

You're not a coward.

Be careful, Robert.



Go! (g*nsh*t)


I'm surprised you wanted to meet here.

Thanks for coming.

I've been waiting for you to contact me.

Why didn't you call?

I was under strict instructions not to.

From who?


So what are we doing here?

From the minute me and Susan came out of that door, Eddie's gunman had 30 seconds to sh**t.

Where was he?


I should have seen him.

Jimmy Metcalfe.

I just let her die.

Robert, stop it.

How did Jimmy know where you were that night?

Eddie Reynolds told him.

Yeah, and who told him?

Susan Reynolds was our chief witness.

We were the only ones who knew of the handover.

So it must be someone on the inside - copper.

The same person who's giving Reynolds the CCTV images now.

It's not the same person.

I gave his defence team the CCTV images.


It was the right thing to do.

Mark could live with it, but I couldn't.


Did I wake you?

'No, I'm working late.'

I just wanted a quick word with Robert.

He's asleep. Is it urgent?

No, just wanted to see how he was doing.

He's fine.

'It can't have been easy...'

Seeing those... images.

(SIGHS) What are you playing at, Mark?

I thought you both should know the truth.

'I'm just trying to do what's best.'

Then leave us alone.

'You know I can't do that.'

I'm gonna be with you always.


So, remind me. Jimmy Metcalfe was k*lled by the Armed Response Unit?

What else do we have on him?

He's ex-army, moved into security.

No previous criminal record.

And the messages on his phone are the only link we've got to Reynolds?



Don't answer. I'll handle him.


'Please leave a message after the tone.'


It's OK.

Fancy a drink?



You know... he's a lovely lad, Joe.

I've been thinking.

Neither me nor Ali are Joe's blood parents, but what does it matter?

We're his mum and dad.




Did you ever meet Eddie Reynolds?


I know people who do know him.

I need to talk to him.

Can you help me with that?

Where's he serving?

HMP Blackburn.

My old manor.

I know.

I know a couple of people who might be able to fix it.

It don't count for nothing if Eddie Reynolds doesn't want to meet you.




I'm fine.

Mark phoned.

I told him you were asleep.

Mum? Mum?


What's up?

(I signed my name wrong.)

What do you mean?

(At the sailing place. I put 'Joe Blackwell' instead of 'Joe Watkins'.)

Oh. Well, I'm sure it's no problem.

(I've only just remembered.)

OK, well, we'll talk to Robert about it tomorrow, OK?


(Go back to sleep.)