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01x22 - How Much Pain Can You Take

Posted: 05/06/15 00:22
by bunniefuu
Pride: Baitfish. He's back.

Each body that I follow leads me to another one.

Baitfish is up to something.

I-I just don't know what.

I've seen you in this mode before.

The “nothing else matters” look, the not sleeping, not eating.

You withdraw. You shut the world out.

He almost k*lled my daughter. I need to find him and end this.

Should've let Baitfish burn, Sasha.

They arrest him, he gives them us.

He's planning a hit.


Someone in town.

Still trying to figure out who.

Where's Lasalle?

I need to get a message to his boss.

I don't know.

You'll do.

(silenced g*nsh*t)

(siren wailing)

Pride: Christopher.


You hear me?

Can you tell me what happened?

I dropped Cade off at the bus station.

I stopped to pick up wine.

And when I came here...

I found Savannah like... this.

I found her like this.

What time was that?

It was about 9:00. 9:15.

I thought I could save her.


She was gone.

Yeah, I stopped to get wine.

Okay. Come on.

Stay here, all right? I'll be right back.


Last few weeks, that boy has drawn every bad card in the deck.

You get anything?

We found a bloody fingerprint on her wrist.

Pride, it's Baitfish.

It's Paul Jenks.

That doesn't make any sense.

Coming after me, I understand that.

But... Christopher?


He made quick work of her, Dwayne.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Close range. Small caliber.

Savannah was shot here?

Wade: No. Judging by the drops on the floor, I'd say he dragged her over here postmortem.

He moved her... in front of the window?

Why the hell would he...

Get down!

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

(g*nf*re stops, people clamoring)

♪ NCIS: New Orleans 1x22 ♪
How Much Pain Can You Take
Original Air Date on May 5, 2015

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(siren wailing)

Brody: Pride.

Lasalle and SWAT are searching for the sh**t's nest.

NOPD has cordoned off a square mile.

Got eyes in the sky. He's gone.

This was all a setup.

Got to believe he thought through his escape route.

Everyone's accounted for?

Two dead, both cops.

Four wounded-- on their way to University Hospital.

Make that five.


You're bleeding.

Let's see. Easy, easy.

Oh, that's a deep cut.

Most likely glass. Need some assistance here.

It's fine. I'm not leaving.

You don't have a choice.

Get it looked at right now.

Thank you, fellas.

Lasalle: King.


AK-47. Found it in the empty apartment across the street.

Second floor, top left-hand corner.

I'll talk to the SWAT team, see what they know.

Hang on.

I'm not letting this guy get away, King.

Look at me, Christopher.

We'll get him.

What the hell happened today?

You said Baitfish was prepping for a hit.

The hit was on my people.

Yo. They okay?

Two cops are dead.


And Lasalle's girlfriend.

The mermaid?


(sighs) Where is he, Sonja?

Where's Baitfish?

I-I'm barely part of the crew.

I don't know his location. I just get texts.

Should have grabbed him when we had the chance.

You never had that chance.

Guy's a fugitive.

Paranoid-- it's all burner phones and code words.

I'm giving you a tail.

The hell you are.

If Baitfish spots any backup, he's gone for good.

You put me on this guy.

Said let Baitfish lead us to Sasha Broussard, the syndicate.

Wrap 'em all up together.

That was the plan.

Well, the plan's changed. The guy's a cop k*ller.

Which is why I'm not letting you pull me out.

Not letting me?

Look, you can keep track of me on this.

GPS will tell you where I am at all times.

Check in every two hours.


Be safe.


(phone ringing)


Still alive, huh?

I figured I had a 50/50 shot.

Where you at, Baitfish?

I'll come by.

Give you another chance.

Not your Baitfish anymore.

Sure, you are.

Grown into a whale, didn't I?

Your partner's girlfriend, those cops-- just a preview.

Harder you come at me, the more bodies drop.

That's a guarantee.

How much pain can you take, Pride?

No. Question is: how much pain can you?

Hear me.

I will never stop until I end you.

NOPD is expanding the radius.

Got every cop in New Orleans looking for that bastard.

He called a couple hours ago.

Said this thing is far from over.

He's playing games.



Merri, how's the arm?

Couple stitches. Good to go.

Well, I wish I could say the same for your boy.

Savannah's father Peter. Drove down from Alabama.


As suspected, Savannah was k*lled with a single b*llet to the chest.

Contact abrasions on the entry wound indicate...

A sil*ncer. Baitfish's signature.

How about the other victims?


I have my findings pulled up in Sebastian's lab.

Officer Jensen was shot multiple times in the neck and head.

Officer Reeves, on the other hand, was shot once in the abdomen and by all accounts should have survived.

Why didn't he?

The round fragmented inside his body.

The pieces spread like cancer, causing massive internal bleeding.

It sounds like...

Sebastian: Some kind of hollow-point b*llet?

That's what I thought, too, except these rounds cut through their Kevlar vests like they were butter.

Never seen anything like it. Can you run it through NIBIN?

Won't know until I put one back together.

So stay tuned.

With help from the Federal Marshal Service, Captain Messier and our friends at NOPD, we're monitoring all airports, bus stations and train depots in Southern Louisiana.

Also pulling Jenks' known associates off the street.

If Jenks as much as nodded hello to one of 'em, they'll be in custody.

Pride: Baitfish knew if he took a shot at us, we'd shut the city down.

Be impossible for him to get away.

Maybe he doesn't want to get away.

Trace on that phone call he made you was from a local cell tower.

You don't target cops and stay put.

Yet he has. Why?



Might we chat?

a*t*matic g*nf*re in the Quarter.

Huh? Cops, federal agents being used for target practice.

I was there. But thanks for the recap.

What can I do to help?

Save your sincere concern for your press conference.

I am not putting on an act; I'm offering a hand.

You got some kind of angle here?

Oh, well, if we're casting aspersions, I could point out that Paul Jenks was your informant.

You created him.

And the only way I can come close to making this right is by catching him.

So if you'll excuse me!

I spent the morning with two families that lost sons last night, and I did not know what to say to them.

Lasalle lost somebody here, too.

No matter what you think of me, I love this city.

Sebastian has info on the b*ll*ts.

Take Christopher.

All right.

(phone chiming)

Get in.

Get in.

Hands on the wheel. Act casual.

Eyes up front.

Been waiting to hear from you.

Here I am.

Gonna conversate?

Or is this just one of those comfortable silences between friends?

We friends?

Look, I had a pile of your pills free and clear.

Could've taken them and made bank, but I think you're going places and I want in.

(grunts softly)

Got a lot on my plate.

You'll understand if I got trust issues.

Ever h*jacked a truck?

Sebastian: I've been trying to reconstruct the b*ll*ts that Dr. Wade pulled from the victims.

What'd you learn?

They were shattered.

I'm talking Enterprise at the end of Search for Spock shattered.

Which means...?

Well, it means that like the Enterprise at the end of Voyage Home, I was able to reconstruct one of the b*ll*ts just enough to analyze it.

But it doesn't matter, 'cause they're never gonna get a match in NIBIN anyway. You want to know why?

As long as the answer doesn't include a Star Trek reference.

Well, it won't now.

Not gonna get a hit in NIBIN because these are blended-metal b*ll*ts.

Composed of copper, tungsten and brass, they're incredibly rare and extremely lethal.

I mean, these things cut through steel, rock, wood.

But they shatter on impact with human flesh.

I mean, the metal compounds come apart inside the body, creating this almost untreatable wound. How does somebody get ahold of this kind of amm*nit*on?

Well, the b*ll*ts themselves were manufactured by a South African munitions firm in 2003, but they were deemed illegal by the Hague.

Every last round was supposed to be seized and destroyed.

Seized by who?

The United States Navy.

Pride: Blended metal b*ll*ts.

In January, the Navy seized the contraband in an operation in Kunar Province-- 5,000 rounds.

They were transferred to Bagram Air Base to be destroyed.

But they weren't destroyed?

Rounds were stolen off the base three weeks ago.

Marine guard on post had his throat slit.

Yeah, a local w*rlord is suspected.

Most likely sold the b*ll*ts to the highest bidder.

And they somehow ended up on the streets of New Orleans.

Yeah, I'll contact Bagram, see if the agent in charge of the investigation (phone beeping) knows how the b*ll*ts were smuggled out of Afghanistan.

911 from Messier.

Looks like your friend Baitfish hit again.

Victim's name is Delvin Powell.

Up until an hour ago, he was a driver for Z&R trucking.

Suspects cut in front of the driver, opened fire with an a*t*matic w*apon.

b*ll*ts turned his insides to mush.

Well, not a technical term, but the description's apropos.

Blended-metal b*ll*ts. That's what it looks like.

Driver didn't go down without a fight though.

That's a lot of g*n for a truck driver. What was he hauling?


Baitfish should be making a beeline to Mexico.

Instead, he tries to hijack a furniture truck?

And I'm thinking right now he's sorry he did.

Someone got shot.

What is it?


It's been over two hours, she hasn't checked in.

You think she made contact with Baitfish, got caught up in this?

She texted me. They were supposed to meet.

Bring up her GPS.

We need to find her location right now.

No signal.

I'll try again.

Don't bother.

Sonja's phone.

We've determined blended metal b*ll*ts k*lled our latest victim, same as the two police officers.

And I've confirmed two distinct blood types at the crime scene: the driver, Delvin Powell, and someone else.

I haven't identified blood as yet, but I can tell you...

It wasn't Baitfish.

I ran DNA, no hits yet.

Were you able to indicate gender from the blood sample?

Yes. Blood belongs to a woman, but I'm guessing you already knew that.

What am I missing here?

This woman isn't on Baitfish's crew.

Her name's Sonja Percy. She's A*F, undercover.

Seriously? She's undercover?

She's hurt.

She's gonna need medical attention.

That's why I brought you the phone.

I was wondering if you could retrace her steps, figure out where she was before the truck hijacking.

Well, if we had the phone's SIM card I could track the GPS, but it's missing.

What do you mean it's missing?

Someone either took it out or it got lost during the sh**t-out.

Either way, there's nothing to track.


Nothing yet.

Hey, you look exhausted.

Let me tap in, give you a break.

Appreciate it, Messier, but I need something to do.

Idle mind fills with uneasy thoughts, huh?


Different for you now.

Lost someone close.

You want to think you're the same person, but truth is... never gonna be.

You speaking from experience?

Had a partner.

Theo Garland.

His wife was k*lled-- robbery gone wrong.

Addict with an itchy trigger finger.

Theo was homicide 20 years.

Thought he could handle the pain.

Went down a dark hole, never came back.

Not even after he found the k*ller.

Theo-- he make the arrest?

Was no arrest.

Theo wasn't looking for justice.

He wanted satisfaction.

Wait a second.

What have we here?

Artifacts-- hundreds of years old and stolen from Iraq after the fall of S*ddam.

w*r treasure?

I looked them up.

These beauties are called the Tear Drops of Assyria.

Been dealt back and forth on the black market for years.

That's why Baitfish was wanting to hijack the truck.

One last score before getting out of Dodge.

And are you ready for this? Rap sheet on our dead truck driver, Delvin Powell-- served five years in Angola for drug and weapons charges.

Former member of the Broussard syndicate, right?

Yes. And that's not all.

The company that the truck belongs to--

Z&R hauling, owned and operated by the Latendale Group.

Sasha Broussard.

Jenks was partners with her.

They split ways, and now he hijacks her truck.

King, take a look.

Three families are grieving today, and the k*ller is on the loose.

Which is why my foundation is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the capture and arrest of Paul Jenks.

We've set up a Web site and a hotline, and are...

That's some move.

If she gets access to all the tips coming into the hotline-- chance to grab Baitfish before us.

I'll deal with Sasha.

You two, find Sonja.

Find her now.

(groans softly)

Damn it, no one's answering the frickin' phone!

They all running scared.

What you need? Maybe I can help.

Only thing help me now is Cousin Marie.

Got to get to her fast.

I'll drive you.

Every cop in the city's already looking for me.

I don't need you bleeding to death all over me, too.



Well, it was your idea to rob the truck and go all Rambo on the driver.

He wouldn't get out of the cab.

Well, what was in the truck?

Supposed to be my swan song.

One last score.

If I could only get to Chalmette.

And your Cousin Marie?

Insurance policy.

Doesn't matter. Not gonna happen.

Got a target on my back.

(siren approaching)

(r*fle clicks)

(siren fading in distance)

Listen, darlin'...

I appreciate everything you done.

So... you'll have to excuse my manners.

I'm gonna need the keys to your car.

Oh... how are you?

Fine, Sasha. You?

I'm just relieved that you weren't hurt.

If there's anything I can do.

Well, you've done enough.


Oh, right.

You saw the press conference.

I wanted to help.

Well, you know we appreciate it.



So, what is wrong with Jenks?

All these sh**t-- it's like he's gone crazy.

Not crazy.

Desperate maybe.

But he's got a plan.

He never struck me as the planning type.

What's he up to?

Well, best we can tell, Jenks is looking to rob his former business partner.

One last score before skipping town.

So what is it?

What's he trying to steal?

Iraqi w*r treasure, for one.

(chuckles) Now I know you must be kidding.

His partner runs in exotic circles.

Any idea who this partner is?


We both want the same thing, Dwayne.

For Jenks to be stopped.

Stopped? Or k*lled?

Whatever works.

(phone beeps)

Excuse me.

Got to go.

Thanks for the chat.

Sonja's SIM card went back online 30 minutes ago.

She must have slipped it into a new phone.

Where is she?

We're not quite sure.

Last time it came on was in the CBD.

We tried calling, but no answer.

Then it went back off-line again; it's been like that.

Every few minutes, online, off, no answer.

(computer chirping)

It's back.

Lasalle: That's right outside the door.

(thunder rumbling softly)

Paul Jenks!

Get your hands in the air!


I'm not here to fight.

I'm here to surrender.

Like some of that coffee.

Maybe the lady agent can bring me a cup.

Pride: Coffee can wait.

Your crew.

I need locations.

I'm not enough for you?


I need addresses.





Well, dying, actually.

She was still breathing last time I saw her.

Where was that?

I'll tell you... if you give me a cup of coffee.

Black, two sugars.

This isn't a game.

You got no leverage here.

Okay, if you say so.

(sniffles) Pumping station about two miles south of the truck we tried to take.

Leads to the levee. She's there.


Let's go.

Not sure why you care so much about the girl.

It's me you want.

Wipe the smile off your face.

You got a lot to answer for, Baitfish.

Well, I told you, I'm not your Baitfish anymore.

You see that now, right, Dwayne?

I deserve respect.

I have a name.

Why don't you say it?

That why you went after my people?


Had to show you, Dwayne.

Mess with the bull... get the horns.

And yet, here you are in my interrogation room.

By choice. You're not my only enemy.

Your partner Sasha is looking to take you out.

My ex-partner. She turned on me.

'Cause you tried to k*ll her.

Then you started robbing from her.

Bitch used me, so I used her back.

You're small-time, Baitfish.

Always have been, always will be.

I'm gonna give 'em Sasha, hook, line and sinker.

You have my attention.

Start talking.


Not until my lawyer gets here.

Karen Izzo.



From the U.S. Attorney?

She's on her way right now.

Called her... right from your doorstep.

We already made a deal.

Now... about that coffee?


Sonja Percy?!

Sonja: Over here.


Down there.

I'll call an ambulance.

You're okay.

Never better.

Put your SIM card in Jenks's phone so you could warn us of his location.

You're welcome.

He surrendered.


Last I heard, he was on his way to Chalmette.

What's in Chalmette?

Cousin Marie supposedly.

Ambulance is on the way.

The job's over, Percy.

All right, it's time for you to come in.


I'm sorry about the mermaid.

Paul Jenks has offered his testimony in exchange for a deal.

He's got at least ten bodies on him.

Including two police officers.

What he's offering is too good.

Sasha Broussard.

Says he has a working knowledge of her entire organization.

Drug-trafficking, g*n-running, extortion.

He doing any time under this deal?

Five years.

Oh. And then WITSEC.

He receives relocation, a new identity?

He's the biggest witness we've had since Sammy the Bull.

He can link Sasha to boldface names.

Politicians, institutional corruption.

Hey, how about...

What if I can make the same case?

Give you everything Jenks has to take down the big names.

You can do that?

With time.

One thing I don't have.

Hamilton: Must be something we can work out.

It's not a negotiation, Doug.

No. No negotiation, Karen.

No negotiation. It's just a private conversation.

Two friends.

Or we could discuss it on the 5:00 news when I go public with the families of two m*rder*d cops and ask why U.S. Attorney is standing in the way of due process.

This deal is getting signed first thing tomorrow morning.

You've got until then.


Well, you said you needed help, and you just got some.

Y'all can thank me later.

Lasalle: King.

Sonja's in the ICU-- stable.


Okay. We need to focus now.

We only got 12 hours to make the case against Sasha, without Jenks' cooperation, or he makes the deal of a lifetime.

Maybe Cousin Marie can help.

Who's that?

It's from Sonja.

It's the last person Jenks wanted to see before he turned himself in.

Brody: Lasalle.

Someone's here to see you.

Pete: From Savannah.

I found it in her things.

I-I think she meant to give it to you.

That's why I came down here. s-e letting him off?

What do you want me to do?

Get justice for my little girl.

You think Cousin Marie connects Baitfish to Sasha.

Hoping it does.

But in the 20 years I've known Baitfish, I've never once heard of anyone... named Marie.

Maybe an-an associate?

No, no. No associates.


Jenks worked for them, one way or another, for years.

Everything he's got, they either gave him or he stole from them.

We've looked into every Broussard.

There's no Marie.

Hang on.

There is a Marie, Brody.

Married name was Thibodeaux.

She died... 1967.

But if she's dead...

Every family has their own way of honoring their loved ones.

Some do it by naming babies.

The Broussards honor their dead by naming boats.

First time I arrested Baitfish, he was hiding out in a shrimp trawler.

Cousin Marie.

Brody: Harbor Master says boat's been unattended for months.

I'll check the back.



Hey, Brody!

Come take a look at this!

Brody: Blended metal rounds.

Yeah, thousands of them.

That's not all.

Special b*ll*ts from Afghanistan, w*r treasures from Iraq, and all this money from...

Wherever the hell.


Got to be at least 30 million on that boat.

Yeah, well, the question is: how is it all connected?

I'm gonna take these bills to Sebastian, see what he can scare up.

(alarm chirps)

All right.

(engine starts)

The bills are counterfeit, known as supernotes.

Nearly flawless.

Same color-shifting ink as genuine American currency, but images are finer than any notes produced in the US.

They weren't made here?

Sadly, no. There was a time when we manufactured the greatest goods in the world.

Now we can't even make our own fake money?


All of this contraband was smuggled into the country and then stolen by Jenks.

Whoever smuggled it in needed access to the port.

We know who smuggled it: Sasha.

Not just access, infrastructure. A system to move the contraband.

Ships, trucks, bribes.

Look, Sasha Broussard owns the trucking company that Baitfish robbed.

We know, Chris. We can tie her to the truck and the w*r treasure.

But there's more.

Sasha has a position in a logistics firm that handles the loading and unloading of ships, not just in New Orleans but worldwide.

And her firm subcontracts with the Navy.

Sasha's using Navy containers?

Then this isn't about a single illicit transaction.

It's... about hundreds of 'em, thousands, coming through our port.

Open the spigot and let it all come pouring into the country.

That's what Baitfish is offering the U.S. Attorney.

And that's what we can't prove yet.

Time's up.

What the hell are we doing here?

Sasha: ...continues to raise awareness around this city.

And in this last quarter, we raised $10 million, so congratulations...

Step away from the table.

(scoffs) I'm in the middle of a meeting.

In five minutes, Paul Jenks is gonna sign a deal.

If you'll excuse me for just a minute.

(clears throat)

Are you here to thank me?

Here to arrest you.


Or you can turn yourself in.

I know, Sasha.

About the port, the trucks, the shipping company.

I'm a businesswoman.

Yeah. Your business is using Navy resources to make the port into a Hellmouth.

I don't even know what that means.

But Paul Jenks does.

And he's laying it all out to the U.S. Attorney.

Your whole operation.

In return, he walks.

He'll bury you.

Turn yourself in.

If you plead guilty, Jenks's deal is dead.

He'll get life.

He'll take the heat for all the murders, and I'll work with the U.S. Attorney to get you a reasonable sentence.


...I really have no idea what you're talking about.

(handcuffs jangling)


You are making a mistake.

We already have Baitfish, Sasha.

We got him, we got you.

Do you?

Time's up, Special Agents.

Jenks is in my custody now.

I'm sorry.

Meet you back at the Federal Building.

We're coming with you.

It's not gonna change my answer.

Won't stop us from trying.

Let's go.

King, you there?

Sasha didn't take the deal.

Not gonna let this happen.

I'm not letting Baitfish get away with this.

We're fighting this, Chris, I promise.

(tires screeching)

Get down!



You there?


(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

999. sh*ts fired on the corner of St. Joseph and Market Street.

All four gunmen down.

Marshals okay?

I think so.

But Jenks is in the wind.


Damn it.


Brody (over phone): Four gunmen down.

Baitfish is loose. He's in the warehouse.

Lasalle gave chase.

(siren wailing in distance)

(tires screech)

Lasalle's in here.

NOPD's sending backup.

Messier's got the wounded marshals.

They were trying to k*ll me. You see that?

I'll come in peacefully.

Pick it up.


Your w*apon.

Pick it up.

I'm not resisting, friend.

I'm not your friend.

What, you gonna sh**t me?

An unarmed man?

I'm giving you a chance to defend yourself, which is more than what you gave her.

Your girlfriend, right?

Wasn't personal, you know.

Pick... up... your g*n.

Now! Pick it up!

Pride: Christopher.

What are you doing?

What needs to be done, King.

I know how you feel.

I've wanted this bastard for 20 years.

He doesn't deserve a new start.

You're right.

He doesn't.

And Savannah didn't deserve to die.

But here we are.

He's gonna pay.

Right here.

Right now.

Okay. sh**t him.

And then what?

Pain isn't going away.

And you'll be left with something else, something way worse inside you.

Savannah deserves justice, not vengeance.

Made the right choice.

Could easily reconsider.

Sasha-- she's out of control.

That's why I had to split ways.

We know she's been flooding the ports with contraband.

You think that's what this is about?



That don't even scratch the surface.

There's a storm coming, likes of which you never seen.

Gonna hit you Navy folks where you live.

What are you talking about?

Tell me.

All right, hoss.

Just as soon as I sign them agreement papers.


Brody: Over there!

sh**t's heading out.

Cut him off!

(door slams open, alarm ringing)

(door buzzes)


Well... to what do I owe the pleasure, Dwayne?

Paul Jenks.

Was m*rder*d two days ago.

Don't look at me.

I was here.

Before he was k*lled, he said something about a storm coming in, bigger than anything this city's seen before.

Even if I was whatever it is you think I am, I wouldn't know specifics.

Sasha, come on.

Gonna miss our conversations.

I really have always liked you, but at this point in time, you'll have to speak to my attorney.

We're done in here.

(door buzzes)

If something bad's abo5t to happen to my city... need to tell me.

This is New Orleans, Dwayne.

Something bad's always happening.

(door closes)

Brody: You sure you're okay to do this?

That which does not k*ll me.

Plus, with Lasalle at the mermaid's funeral, you could use a wingman.

Petty officer: Good morning.

So, you want to see everything that's come in in the last week.

Yes, we do.

65 acres here.

Another 35 across the river.

Well, where do you want to start?