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03x22 - This is Your Sword

Posted: 05/06/15 23:11
by bunniefuu
Oliver: My name was Oliver Queen.

For three years, I worked to save my city.

But to save my sister, I had to become someone else.

I had to become something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

Roy's alive.

We faked his death.

He's starting a new life.

Oliver: John.


Bring Nyssa to the warehouse at Fullerton and Halstead... and I'll let your wife go.

There's no way I'm getting him back.

He's gone, Felicity. There's only thing left of him now--us.

Do you recognize this?

The Alpha and Omega bioweapon.

You will unleash this on Starling City.

[g*nshots, crowd screaming]


Tatsu: His fever is getting worse!


Maseo: A pharmacy!

Ra's al Ghul: The Romans call it "vastatio."

The systemic destruction of a land to ensure its subjugation.

And what they found was that immolation left a blank slate to build anew.

Until you have destroyed your home and severed all ties from your old life, can you begin anew.

I did not foresee the day that Maseo Yamashiro appeared at my door.

You had the courage to demand an audience of me.

And those who do usually offer money and treasure in exchange for my favor.

But you gave me the Alpha and Omega.

The plane is en route.

It will be ready tomorrow, as you've commanded.

You will marry my daughter, and you will ascend to Ra's al Ghul, and then you will fly to Starling City carrying death itself.

Season 3 Episode 22
This Is Your Sword
Original Air Date on May 6, 2015

I hate when they run!

Well, at least you're getting your cardio workout in.

I still have 40 minutes on an elliptical in my immediate future.

You supposed to be undercover or something?

I sniffed you three blocks back.

You led me right to your g*ng.

Smart plan.


No, I meant smart plan...

Because it was mine.

[Canary cry]

[All yelling]

[All grunting]

John, I think he gives up!



[Door opens]

Thanks for coming in through the back.

With Sara and Lyla gone, the last thing I need are the neighbors talking.

About some strange woman dressed in all black leather, Yeah.

You're out of ice.

How can you be out of ice?



Ok, so the night's young, and there's a meth dealer working a corner on Fulton.

Sounds good.

Actually, it doesn't.

You were completely unhinged out there tonight, Dig.

You're in denial about how angry you are.

No, Felicity, I'm not in denial.

But I am angry!


He was my best friend.

And he kidnapped... my wife.

And you think that justifies hospitalizing people?

No, Felicity, it doesn't, you're right.

It won't happen again.

I'm not saying that life doesn't suck right now, but you can't go around the city taking it out on every criminal you see.

How can you, out of all people, be so sanguine after what happened last week?

Because I know that that wasn't Oliver.

Now who's in denial?

It wasn't!

Our Oliver, my Oliver, d*ed the day he joined the League.

This is someone else!

You truly believe that?

I have to.


Don't try to talk me out of going.

Mr. Harper went through a lot of trouble to fake his death.

You know he can never come back here.

Yeah, well, maybe I'm just going to go there.


Look, I don't know.

Honestly, I--I don't know anything anymore.

I barely know who I am.

Thea, it's understandable.

You've been through something very few people have ever experienced.

Of course you feel--

Is that what you think this is all about?

Almost dying?

Because I'd rather have d*ed than have my brother sacrifice his life for mine.

And don't think for a second that I forgot the whole reason Ra's al Ghul was brought into our lives is because of you.

You're no longer in danger from the League.

Maybe getting away from Starling City for a while is--is what's best for you.

You approve? [Scoffs]

Is that supposed to worry me?

'Cause it actually kind of does.

Look, the only thing I know right now...

Is that I need to go be with Roy.

[Door opens]

My daughter.

I am not hungry.

Ah, yes.

Many a bride has skipped a meal or two before their wedding day.

I would rather die than wed this pretender.

Well, you speak as though they are the only two options before you, my daughter.


And to think, I once wore that title with pride.

Perhaps "mother" will suit you better.

After your betrothal to Al Sah-him, you will extend my lineage by having a child of your own.

If you think I will bear his child--

Yes! I do.

And you will have no more say in it than your mother was given.

You're quiet.

I'm prepared for my ascension to Ra's.

But I'm still... coming to grips with marriage.

Perhaps a walk to clear my head.

I will send a guard to accompany you.

If I can't protect myself, I don't deserve to inherit your mantle.

You're late.


Nanda Parbat's not exactly the easiest place to infiltrate.

Don't joke!

Things are worse than we thought.


Ra's plans to transport the virus to Starling on a plane.

That is oddly modern for the League.

Do you think Ra's suspects you?

He has no reason to.

I warned you it would be difficult.

I just thought that I'd-- ahem--we'd have more time, when you explained to me that my ascension to Ra's would include the destruction of Starling.

I anticipated you wouldn't be Ra's for months.

More than enough time to dismantle the League from the inside.

Malcolm, we need help.

From all accounts, you were... too good at convincing your friends that you'd allied yourself with Ra's, and I don't think I carry much credibility with them.

I know someone who they'll trust.

You've been gone a while.

There was concern.

I've just been here thinking.

We need to find ibuprofen!

You know that can't help him now.

Why isn't the inoculant working on him?!

He's young. His immune system probably isn't strong enough.




Okaasan... Boku kowaiyo.

Shinitaku naiyo...

[Speaking Japanese]

♪ Nennen korori yo ♪
♪ okorori yo ♪
♪ boya wa yoi ko da ♪

General Shrieve...

Maseo. I want to k*ll Shrieve, too, but you need to focus on helping Akio!

Shrieve's men made a vaccine.

Maybe they also made a cure.

No, Maseo, they didn't make a cure!

I know it's unlikely, but I have to try.


I'll help you.

[Drill whirring]

Hi, I'm looking for Jason.

Oh, yeah?

Well, lucky him.

Yo, Jason.

Got a visitor.


That's right.

I have a '67 Mustang that needs a little work on it.

Somebody said you were the guy to see.

You came to the right place.

I can't believe you're still alive.

Look, I wanted to tell you, but if you knew, you'd tell Oliver.

And then Oliver would have...

Would have broken you out of prison.


And have probably kicked your ass.

And I would have helped him.

I had to do it.

For Oliver.

Do you think there's maybe some other place we can go talk?

There's my place.

That's such a good answer.

[Suit powering down]


You got it to fly.

What more do you want?

Well, true art is never finished, it's only abandoned.

Plus, I had this little idea I just couldn't kick.

You ok?

You have this little cloud that keeps following you around.


Well, something happened while you were away, and... I'm just handling it.

Is it, uh, Oliver-related?

It's Oliver-related.

If you want to talk about it...

Maybe we shouldn't cross that line.

It's a long story, anyway.

Well, if you change your mind, I have time.

And, hey... you're my friend.

I'm always going to be there for you.

It's non-negotiable.

Thanks, Ray.

So, while I'm waiting to do something for you, there's a little something that you can do for me.

Sign... here and here.



What's this for?

Just a little corporate stuff, Miss Vice President.


[Cell phone dings]

Everything ok?

Probably not.

Maseo: You've been quiet.

I have a lot on my mind.

I meant about the virus.

The Alpha Omega.

When did you take it?

From the truck.

Before we blew it up.

So before...

Even before Akio d*ed, I wanted revenge on Shrieve for the pain he caused.

But instead, you used it to trade your way into the League.

I am not strong.

Not enough for myself, and certainly not enough for Tatsu.

If you could go back to her, would you?

That is immaterial.

Maseo Yamashiro is no more.

He doesn't have to be.

When I'm Ra's, I can release you from your oath.

I can set you free.

The League is not my prison.

From my prison...

There is no escape.

So now Malcolm Merlyn can summon us.

I really don't like the idea that he can summon us.

Any idea what this is about?

No, but Merlyn assures me that he'll be waving the white flag.

I'm sorry.

I forgot the flag.

That's too bad. I would have told you where you could put it.


What is this about, Malcolm?

Well, this isn't going to be easy for all of you to believe--

Only because you're a sociopath and a liar.

Be that as it may, this would be much quicker for all of us if we could fast forward through this cynicism and reach the conclusion that I am telling you the truth.

About what?


His allegiance with the League is a charade.

Why would you even begin to play with our emotions like that?

This plan was born the moment Oliver realized that he had to capitulate to Ra's to save Thea.

And instead of sharing this plan with us, he trusted you?

The man who had my sister m*rder*d.

Well, I am better practiced in the art of deception.

And no offense, none of you are particularly good actors.

I'm out.

You've seen for yourselves how dangerous Ra's and the League are.

The circle of trust had to remain as small as possible.

Until now?

What changed?

Forget it, Felicity.

There's nothing he can say that we can believe.

Mr. Diggle's right.

Which is why I brought along a friend of Oliver's.

My name is Tatsu Yamashiro.

And your city is in great danger.

You expect us to believe her?

We never even met her.

We never met her, right?


Apart from my brief time helping Oliver recover from the wounds Ra's al Ghul inflicted on him, my life has been one of... isolation.

Ok, Merlyn, this is your big plan?

A woman who we've never met or even heard of?

Oliver doesn't like to speak about the past.

Apparently, he's not so forthcoming about the present, either.

My son was k*lled by the virus Ra's intends to use on your city.

Are you--you're Akio's mother?

Oliver was with me when it happened.

He knows that the danger you all face is very real.

Ok, you know what, how many times are we going to believe him after everything that he's done?

I am not privy to your history with Malcolm.

This request comes from Oliver.

We're not sure that's any better at the moment.

Look, I am not playing a game here.

My daughter lives in this city, remember?

This is everything I have on the bioweapon.

I've arranged passage for all of us to go to Nanda Parbat.

If you're coming... be at Ferris Air before sunrise.


It's a sublet. I won't be here for much longer.

What about the auto shop?

It's... temporary.

Sure, they don't ask a lot of questions, but it's inevitable someone puts two and two together.

How about your other night job?

I figured I'd just leave the crime fighting to the cops.

I kind of just want to be normal.

Yeah? And how's that going for you?

I am so bored.

[Both laugh]

Yeah, well, that's why I brought you this.

Malcolm stole it out of impound.

Don't worry--I made him promise nobody would get k*lled.

I never thought I'd see this thing again.

I figured since everybody thinks that Roy Harper is the Arrow, they don't have to know that he's Arsenal, too, right?


So that's why you came here?

Just to give me this?

Well... yes, this.


How could we not know about this?

How could anyone not know about a t*rror1st att*ck in Hong Kong?

Because Beijing had us believing that these deaths were caused by a local chemical spill.

You don't really believe Merlyn?

Well, looking at this, we can't afford not to believe Merlyn.

He is a mass m*rder*r who has lied to us so many times it should be a drinking game.

And I have never even heard of this Tatsu person.

Listen, Felicity, I don't know if you're right that Oliver's gone forever or not.

Truth is, for me, it doesn't matter.

If there's even a possibility of this kind of danger in my city, I'm reporting for duty.

Me, too.

I don't believe them.

And even if I did, I can't go back there.

Not after what they did to Oliver.

Relax, my child.

Another order I cannot follow.

You speak to me as though I'm a monster.

I'm your father, Nyssa.

Then why do you ask me to marry someone I do not love?

When I was in a desert tending to some affairs, I crossed paths with a woman.

She was breathtaking in her visage and fortitude.

Her name was Ameena Raatko.

I had taken other lovers before, but she was different.

She had a wit and a fire about her that I found myself I could not live without.

So she became my concubine and the mother of my child.

This was my gift to her in honor of you.

A gift that she gave me.

And so I kept it in the hopes that one day, you would wear it on your wedding day.

You expect me to marry Al Sah-him because of some trinket?

I expect you to marry Al Sah-him because it is my will.

You defy that, and I will see you suffer the pain of a thousand deaths.
Tatsu: I am sorry to intrude. Mr. Merlyn said that I would find you here.

That might be the only thing he's ever said that isn't a lie.

I did not come here to convince you of the thr*at to your home.

There's nothing I can say that you will believe, more than what you have seen.

Then why are you here?

To speak with you about Oliver.

During his recuperation, Oliver spoke of you.

Of how his last thought before the fall was of you.

You love him... still.

Oliver belongs to Ra's now.

If you believe that, you must fight for him.

There is no "him" left.

I thought as you do once.

My husband, Maseo, was consumed by the League's darkness.

I was so convinced that he was lost to me that I didn't even try to reach him.

Don't make my mistake...


Are you sure Shrieve will be here?

Do you know of any other rogue U.S. army bases in the area?

Shrieve will have reinforced the station since the last time we were here.

Two there.

Waller took you from Lian Yu because she saw something in you.

My son needs that from you.

The k*ller inside.

Sir, this is a restricted area.

Is that a Masamune blade?

A katana.

Passed on for centuries within my family.

The first son of each generation.

You are not a son, Tatsu.

No, I am not.

Let's get this over with.

The plane's ready; It should be big enough for all of us.

Including her.

Thought you weren't coming.

I changed my mind.

But if you betray us, I'll make sure the whole world knows that you are alive, and where they can find you.

Laurel: So this is Nanda Parbat.

Next time, we should really look into getting some horses.

You think they rent horses here?

There won't be a next time.

Malcolm: There it is.

The plane Ra's intends to use to spread the Alpha Omega over Starling.

I need to be within 50 yards to breach the plane's internal mainframe and navigation software, but then I should be able to remote ground the thing.


I don't see anything.

There'll be more.

[Men yelling]

Get to the plane.

We'll cover you. Go!

[All grunting]

Close enough.

Maseo: Surrender now, and you might live.


Maseo is a memory.

Our child was gone, and you left me when I needed you most.

But you can still come back to me.

It's not too late.

Yes, it is.

[Laurel grunting]

You know I wouldn't have done the same thing for you.

I know.

Your husband is long dead.

If Sarab must die as well, then so be it.

[Both grunting]

Oh, frack!

More frack!

Oh. That makes more sense.

[All grunting]

Can you bring it down from the sky?

They destroyed my gear, but I had some insurance come along.

What kind of insurance?

The atomic kind.



Ohh. You should see the other guy.


[Both grunting]

Tell Akio...

I love him.

You tell him for both of us.

Thank you... for releasing me... from my prison.


♪ Nennen korori yo ♪
♪ okorori yo ♪
♪ boya wa yoi ko da ♪
♪ nenne shina ♪


Ra's al Ghul: Enough!

You have failed.

Any further attempt to undermine our cause would be futile.

Uh, you see that burning plane over there?

We destroyed your city threatening bioweapon.


You merely think you did.


Or die.


Oliver. Oliver, what's going on?

If any of you speak, we're all going to die.


I need you to trust me.

Chinese have a saying.

Stir the grass, and you startle the snake.

My ruse with the plane was meant to reveal any traitors among me.

How did you know of the virus?

Of the plane?

Tatsu: Maseo told me, and I told them.

So a dead man told you.

How convenient.

He said only three men knew about your plan.

You, him, and Oliver.

Oliver Queen is dead.

I am Al Sah-him.

This would not be the first time that Sarab has betrayed me to Maseo Yamashiro's weaknesses.

And though your timing was a function of my gambit, it was nevertheless fortuitous.

You see, by tradition, Ra's would contemplate mercy upon his enemies on the eve of a wedding.

[Scoffs] You are getting married?

I guess there really is a kettle for every pot.

The wedding is mine.

I am betrothed to Nyssa al Ghul.

Take them below.

[Thea giggling]

So can you tell me now?

Tell you what?

What you're really doing here?

What, seeing you is not good enough?

What's going on?

Something happened.

I was hurt.

And... to save me, Ollie... had to accept Ra's offer to join the League.

Oh, my God.


I tried to stop him.

I--I couldn't, and...

Now he's become someone else.

Everything just is a lot easier when I'm with you.

I understand that.


When bad things happen, your go-to move is to bolt.

To get out of Starling.

I don't think this is something you can run away from.

I'm not running away.

Running to you.

Do you not want me to?

The only thing that I want is what's best for you.

You always have.

Come here.


I can't believe he's going to marry her.

You should worry more about getting out of here alive.

Ray: Is that even a remote possibility?

Didn't think so.

We aren't going to die here.

Oliver would never let that happen.

He let this happen.

[Speaking Arabic]

Wareeth al Ghul commands your presence.

Leave us.

Is everyone ok?

Like you give a damn!

Didn't Malcolm speak to you?

He did.

So was a part of your plan to leave my daughter alone when you kidnapped my wife?

I had to do something to prove my loyalty to Ra's.

So taking Lyla?

That was your idea, Oliver?

In front of our daughter?!


You met Tatsu.

What does that have to do with anything?

Tatsu told me... that in order to b*at Ra's, I would have to sacrifice all of the things in my life that I hold most precious.

And your friendship is on that list.

Oliver, you didn't just... lose my friendship.

You lost my trust.

You lost my respect.

[Door opens]


Ra's demands that we return this man to his friends.

Give us the cure.

You boys make quite the entrance.

The cure! Now!

The Chinese own enough of our national debt to decimate our economy, and all without f*ring a sh*t.

Or, they could destroy us with the largest army in human history.


My son needs your cure.

What makes you think--

The next one goes in your head.

You see that safe over there?

The passcode is 4587.

He'll have to deliver the cure subcutaneously, in the exact ratio I give you.

You may want to write this down.

Oliver: You don't need to tell us.

[Groaning and grunting]

You're coming with us.

This is so beautiful... and yet so dangerous.

Much like its former owner.

Sarab's former love, who's now my prisoner, along with Al Sah-him's former friends.

You see, their treachery was anticipated.

Yours, however, Al Sa-Her, is disappointing.

Because I expected more loyalty from a man whose daughter I saved.

The last time I appeared before you in chains, I offered my fealty, and I am here to offer it again.

You had nothing to offer then, and you have nothing to offer now.

I have the name of the person who betrayed you to Al Sah-him's friends.

It wasn't Maseo Yamashiro.

It was Oliver Queen.

[Chuckles] He's been lying to you all along.

What's this?

I'm sorry, Oliver.

My name is Al Sah-him.

Not according to Mr. Merlyn here.

You see, he claims that you've been deceiving me the entire time.

I have k*lled for you.

I have severed all ties to my past.

I have hurt people who were friends to Oliver Queen, and if you hadn't have stopped me, I would have m*rder*d your daughter at your command.

But what if this is all just part of your own elaborate ruse?

Then I will have nothing and no one to go home to.

Oliver Queen is dead, and the Arrow is gone.

We shall see.



Excuse me, I'm, uh, looking for--

Jason's friend, yeah, I remember.

He said you probably would be stopping by.

Oh. Can I talk to him?

I don't know where he is.

He came in an hour ago to quit.

He, uh, said to give you this.

Roy: Dear Thea, I wasn't supposed to make it this far.

I was supposed to end up in jail or dead by now.

But then I met you, and you made me want to be the man I saw through your eyes.

And now all I want to do is give that back; help you be the person you can be without Oliver, without your father, and without me.

Living on the run from the police isn't the life you deserve, Thea.

It's not what Oliver gave up his life for you to have.

Whatever happens with me, I'll always love you.

P.S.--Thanks for the suit, but I always thought red was more your color, anyway.

What did Oliver say to you?

Nothing worth hearing.

You were right about Oliver.

I should have listened to you.

I told you about Oliver.

You were supposed to--

I was supposed to do what, Mr. Merlyn?

Grant you mercy?

I am.

Because this death will be a lot shorter than the one I had planned for you.


Oliver, if what Malcolm said is true, if you're going to do anything, now is the time!

Al Sah-him has said that the swordswoman is inoculated, so you can take her to another chamber.

No! Oliver!

Oliver, we believed in you!

Seal the room.

Oliver, listen to me.


For the love of God!

No, Oliver!

What the hell are you doing?!

Come on, you got to get us out of here!

We trusted you.

You asked us to trust you and we trusted you!

Laurel: Don't do this! Oliver!

[All yelling]


There's a cure, and he knows how to administer it.

A little help.



He's not breathing.

The cure, he needs it now!

[Speaking Japanese]


Please wake up.

Please wake up!

He was dead the moment he was exposed.

But you said...

There is no cure.

Then what the hell is that?!


I'm diabetic.


I want to thank you for bringing me here.

It would have taken us weeks to track you all down.

And I do so hate loose ends.

You are Wareeth al Ghul, Heir to the Demon.

Before the night is over, you will be Ibn al Ghul.

Son of the Demon.

[All coughing]


[All chanting in Arabic]

There is no vow more sacred, nor covenant more holy than the one between man and woman.

With this ceremony, your souls are bound together, forever joined.

You will never be free.

You will always be held c*ptive by your love for each other.


John: I'm sorry, Felicity, for everything.

You don't have to be sorry for anything, John.

I'm glad to have known you.

We offer blessings.

[Speaking Arabic]

[All chanting in Arabic]

The union is sealed.

[Chanting continues]