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10x23 - The Hunt

Posted: 05/07/15 11:34
by bunniefuu
Reid: Previously on “Criminal Minds”...

My sister and brother-in-law died in 9-11.

They had a baby girl, Meg.

She's 13 and the light of my life.

I love you, sweet girl.

OMG, he messaged us back.

Bobby's so hot.

Meg: He's asking for a picture.

[Camera clicks]


His mom is gonna pick us up and he's gonna meet us at the concert.

Hi. You must be Meg and Markayla.

I'm Paige, Bobby's mom.

Hop in.

You both look great.

Um, Ms. Miller?

I thought the concert was downtown.

We're meeting Bobby there, right?

Um, Ms. Miller, can you stop for a minute?

I think I left something at the library.

[Whispering] What's going on?

I don't know.

[Rattles door handle]

What are you doing? Let us out!

Aah! Aah! Markayla!

Oh, my God, Meg! Let go of me!


No! Let go of me!

Help us!

Help! Ohh...

Although the observable universe is continually expanding, there's really no way of knowing if the whole thing is gonna ultimately collapse into one gargantuan black hole.

Wow, there's actually something our little genius doesn't know.

I will tell you one thing for sure.

My universe is expanding and it is pretty frickin' stormy.

Gotta love nausea and vertigo.

Which is why I got you these.

[Text message tone]

You're the best.

What's up?

I'm not sure. It's Meg.

Have a panic code, “pepper,” and...

I just got a text from her saying “pepp.”

Maybe it's just an accident?

[Line ringing]

Hey, this is Meg. Please leave a message.

Damn it. Straight to voicemail.

Meg still acting out?


[Cell phone rings]



Hi. Caroline, this is Kate.

Can I talk to Meg?

She's not here.

Markayla told me she was gonna be working on her...

Science project at my house.

[Sighs] Dear lord, what are those two up to?

I don't know, but they could be in trouble.

Can you just conference in Markayla?

Caroline: Uh, sure.

[Line ringing]

[Voicemail] This is Markayla. You know the drill.

It's going straight to voicemail. What's going on?

Ok, stay put. I'm gonna have agents there ASAP.

Caroline: Agents?

Kate? Kate.

Welcome to the dark forest.

Enter at your own risk.

I'm gonna need you to track Meg and her best friend's cell phones.

Yeah, sure. What's up?

I'm not sure, but I just sent you the numbers.

Ok, ok. Uh...

It looks like they were both outside the library, pinging local towers up until...

Then the GPS cuts out a couple blocks away.

Ok, that's weird. We're gonna have to contact their friends, check texts, surveillance...

You got it. You got it.

Reid just filled me in.

Are you sure they didn't just sneak out?

Meg wouldn't do that. She knew to only use that code if her life was in danger.

All right, I'll mobilize the C.A.R.D. team.


Look, I already know what you're gonna say, that I'm way too far along to go out on this case.

You should be at home with Chris in case you get a call.

That is my kid out there. I'm not going anywhere. I've got this.

♪ Criminal Minds 10x23 ♪
The Hunt
Original Air Date on May 6, 2015

♪ ♪

Kate: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch without doing anything.”

Albert Einstein.

Because of our work, I created very strict rules for Meg.

That stress code, it was given for a reason.

Canning, I just sent you the GPS coordinates of their last known position.

Set up neighborhood canvasses and roadblocks.

On it.

It's not good.

I just got a shot of the girls, uh, from a video feed across the street from the library.

Oh, my God.

Baby girl, capture that plate right there.

I already did. Searching.

And look at the time stamp.

I got Meg's text two minutes later.

Ok, plates are stolen and I've got no shot of the driver.

Issue the AMBER Alert with the girls' pictures and the description of the van.

Anything in the girls' email accounts?

This is really discombobulated.

I've got no text data or calls from the cell phone company servers for either of the girls.

Ok, so whoever took them planned this and got rid of their texts.

We're still up in the air about M.O.

Most likely scenario, she was lured via social networking.

I'll have Facebook push the AMBER Alert.

All right, JJ, you and Dave go to the Davises' and check out Markayla's computer. You two talk to friends.

And Garcia and I will come to your house, Kate.

Dispatcher: ...24 X-ray...

A stranger's van? That's crazy. Why would Meg to that?

Remember that date she had with her classmates at the mall?

Yeah, but she was stood up by Bobby and Tyler.

What if it wasn't real?

Wait, what do you mean?

Garcia, can you check Meg and Markayla's class list for boys named Bobby and Tyler?


There's no Robert, Bob, or a Ty either.

See? It was a setup.

So someone's been stalking our kid?

Your being there that night saved them.

This can't be happening.

Help the agents with the missing flyers and I'm gonna go through her things.

Yeah, yeah.

Garcia, can you see if Meg has been emailing any boys.

Anything missing?

Yeah, something's wrong.

What's Markayla's relationship with Meg like?

Best friends. Inseparable.

Do you think someone kidnapped them?

We don't know yet.

[Cell phone rings]


Garcia: Hey, did Markayla take her good clothes with her?

Yeah, and some of her mom's makeup, too.

Meg took her favorite Jean jacket and boots.

These girls were definitely planning on meeting boys, just maybe not the ones that they thought.

What have you got?

Uh, it's a ghost town.

The hard drives are wiped clean.

There's no instant messenger or Skype history.

There's not even a user name.

Dave, can you turn on Markayla's computer so Garcia can scan it.

Powering up now.

Ok, I got it.

Zilch on Markayla's, too. These perps are thoroughly thorough.

Aaron, they took the two girls at once.

This must be an abduction team.

How are they?


Has he called?

Not yet.

That doesn't have to stop us from getting started.


What is it?

I need you to go to the mall and buy another Jean jacket.


We're going to use it for the missing flyers to show what Meg was last seen in.

You really think that'll make a difference?

Yes. We use it to reconstruct the-- the victim...

Kate. Kate! Kate!

I got you. I got you.

You need to lay down.

Come on.

Sam, did Meg or Markayla ever mention talking to anyone new online?

I'm not sure.

Sam, their lives may be in great danger.

What do you know?

Markayla met this really cute guy.

He like her Instagram pictures.

Morgan: And when was this?

A few months ago.

She and Meg wouldn't stop talking about him.

They emailed him every day.

You know his name?

Bobby, I think. But I don't know his last name.

Meg kept telling Markayla to slow down, but Markayla was head over heels.

They both were.

You ever seen a picture of Bobby?

They sent it to me. I erased my phone.

But I may have saved it to the cloud.

She's ok. The doctors want her on bed rest for now.

Kate, you have to be very careful.

I need to find Meg.

You're no good to anyone if you pass out.

Garcia will set up video conferencing.

What? What is it?

Morgan confirmed that the boy that Meg and Markayla went to meet was named Bobby.

Do they have his number?

No, just a picture.

What's wrong?

Do you know that kid?

No. But I know who took them.

[Whispering] Markayla.

Markayla! Markayla.

Are you ok?

Where are we?

No idea.

Oh, my God.

What are they gonna do to us?

I don't know.

They must have been pretending to be Bobby.

Why would they do that?

Maybe they want to sell us?

Don't say that.

Help! Somebody--

Shh. That's not gonna work.

We gotta make a plan.

Hotch: Go ahead, Kate.

After we closed the Riverside torso case, I couldn't let it go, so I revisited the crime scenes and starting asking questions.

Aaron, you looked at that case, too, and the evidence indicated the torso k*ller was working alone.

Kate's working a different tangent.

I also kept tabs on missing women.

There was a female jogger in Modesto, Eileen Banks, categorized as voluntary missing, but oddly k*lled in a car accident a few weeks later all the way in Maryland. She was never autopsied.

How is that related to this?

She had been flirting on line with a young new boyfriend before she ran off, but it was the same Bobby in that picture from Sam.

It must have been the same group that took the girls.

If this is related to that case, then these abductors are mobile.

We'll get an emergency warrant, we'll exhume the jogger's body and do an autopsy.

I'll expedite it with judge Lynch.

They were taken because of me.

I was getting close.

You were doing your job, Kate.

The unsub knew that grabbing an FBI agent's daughter would bring a firestorm down upon him.

He's an extreme risk-taker.

Ok, I got the 411 on this Bobby photo.

It originated 6 years ago. Guy's name is Sven Sorensen, from Sweden.

He's now 25. He still lives in Europe.

They used the picture to lure the girls.

Whoever did this is most likely not a pedophile, but rather a preferential adult offender and long-term child abductor.

But he targeted the girls.

Yeah, because I was targeting him.

[Whispering] I don't know, Meg. I don't know.

If we don't, we're not getting out of here alive.

I can't.

You have to.

Shut up!

Time to go.

Why are you doing this to us?

You don't have to hurt us.

Please, we'll be good.

Shut up.

[Grunts] Let's go.

No--let go of me! Meg! Meg!

Not only did they wipe the girls' devices clean, they went after Kate because she was digging into missing persons cases.

Because Kate was onto something.

Yeah, this isn't some loner who wants to keep girls in a dungeon. This feels like trafficking.

That's the worst-case scenario.

Well, if it is trafficking, the upside is we've got a better chance of finding the girls alive.

Yeah, but if they don't comply, they'll be beaten into submission or k*lled if they try to escape.

It went better than expected.

You know, you've never let me down, Paige.

You'll always be my most prized possession.

Show me.

Get up.

Sit up.

They're perfect.

And no visible bruising.

You're learning.

I know what I'm doing.

Let's go.

Get rid of the van, meet us back at home in about two hours.


Markayla, run!


You watch that one.



Over here!

Where the hell is she?

You let her get away?

It's dark. She's fast.

You idiot.

You've always been a moron.

Don't talk to me like that.

I've warned you--

Help me! Help me, please! Let me in!

Get away from my house.

I've a g*n. I'll sh**t!

Help me! Help me, please!

Oh, God, honey, what happened?

She's frightened and in shock, but doctors say she'll be fine.




He k*lled him.

He k*lled him right in front of me.

JJ: It's ok, Markayla. You're ok now.

But we need to know, who were you meeting at the library?

It was supposed to be Bobby.

We were talking to him for a few months online.

He seemed so cool.

He said he had tickets to the 4for1 concert tonight, but he got stuck at work, so his mom picked us up instead.

And she was driving the van?

Yes. And she seemed nice, too, until we started asking about Bobby.

And what did she do?

She locked the doors.

Suddenly this guy popped up from the back and stabbed us in the neck.

Can you describe either of them?

They were white with brown hair.

The creepy guy they gave us to had a wide face.

They're perfect.

I'll get a sketch artist.

We had a plan.

What was the plan?

Meg said Kate taught her what to do.

If they try to hurt us, we buy time.

We role play, get into their heads.

When they move us, I'll distract them.

It's our best opportunity for you to run and get help.

That's right. Kidnappers are most vulnerable at transfer points.

Did the older man say anything about where he was taking you?

No, he just said he had plans for us.

And then I ran. And that's when he shot the younger guy for losing me.

Look, I didn't want to leave Meg, but she said you guys would never stop looking for her.

That's what she said.

That's what she said.


Did you get all that, Kate?

I told Meg everything.

I told her about sadists and that the only way to undermine them was to not show fear.

You taught her well, Kate.

She can get through this.

Meg Callahan has been abducted by a sophisticated sex trafficking ring.

Canning: It's a mobile operation.

That's why it's gone undetected for so long.

Morgan: A broker leads the ring with a male accomplice and a female accomplice.

Reid: They find victims and tailor their abduction plan to each of their vulnerabilities.

Hotch: And then the victims are sold, most likely online to buyers who've been vetted by their team.

If it's trafficking, couldn't the girl be on a ship to Saudi Arabia by now?

Well, we're hoping they lay low until the searchers are called off.

A male accomplice was shot dead by the broker, suggesting infighting and tension.

This could give us an opening.

We'll continue going door to door.

Someone out there knows the leader of this ring.

Don't be fooled by his facade.

He is a master manipulator.

And his female accomplice is possibly a compliant victim, who trauma bonded with the unsub after years in captivity.

The group's sophistication level suggests they're experienced, so we can expect them to employ forensic countermeasures to hide and change the appearance of the victims before he sells them off.

How does she look?


[Scissors snipping]

Have you heard from Kyle?

He hasn't been answering his phone.

I told him to get rid of the body.

The body? You k*lled Markayla?

Oh, my God, why would you k*ll her?!


Hotch: As you all know, Meg is part of this family.

We do not rest until she's home safely.

Thank you.

The FBI has confirmed that one of the girls taken is in fact related to a local BAU agent.

The agent, we're hearing, is a renowned profiler who used to be with the Bureau's sex crimes unit.

[Changes channel]

As the nationwide search intensifies, communities are asking how could this happen here?

It's been over 3 years since a double abduction has occurred in the area.

[Turns off TV]


There have been no ransom calls at all.

We've got flyers all the way up to Massachusetts Av.

I just got off the phone with Garcia.

She's checked every sex trafficking website and nothing.

This is all my fault. I promised Liz that I would protect Meg and look what happened.

Don't do that. Don't do that.

She never even told me that she liked a boy.

Kate, she's 13.

You ok?

My stomach.

Hey. Listen.

Your body might be done right now, but your mind's sharp.

Use it. Meg is depending on you.

A lot of assumptions were made with this victim, Eileen Banks.

Badly burned, smashed car.

That's why they didn't autopsy her.


Turns out, she had multiple penetrating lacerations to her chest and neck.

They appear to be antemortem.

Maybe one of the traffickers k*lled her and then staged the accident.

That seems pretty elaborate.

The wounds weren't inflicted all at once.

She was stabbed over the course of several days.

JJ: Sadistic traffickers.

Or worse, the unsub wasn't trafficking at all.

What are you thinking?

Garcia should re-evaluate every voluntary missing person case followed by accidental or sudden death.

This might be worse than we thought.

Ok, here's my news flash.

In the tri-state area, there have been half a dozen questionable missing persons cases.

Try the whole country.

All right, uh, California to Maine, there have been 50 in the last 7 years.

That can't all be this unsub's group, can it?

My thoughts, exactamundo, good sir.

Ok, uh, there were two accidental deaths that happened at the same time but 2,500 miles apart.

If they're trafficking girls, why would they k*ll them?

All with different M.O.s, too.

Car accident, fire, sh**ting, drowning.

And this isn't just one group. They're different K*llers.

So there must be a serial abductor and the torso k*ller was just one of his customers.

What the hell kind of trafficking is this?

This isn't sex sl*very. They're selling victims to serial K*llers.

That's it.

Stand up straight.

Don't cry.

It makes your face look puffy.

[Whispering] Help me.

Look at me.

Yeah, that's it.


[Heavy metal music playing]

♪ Through my hand ♪
♪ welcome to freedom ♪
♪ where life is a scam ♪

The operation's actually simple.

The K*llers get to live out their fantasies, and in exchange for supplying the victims, the brokers make them agree to a disposal method.

This way he and his team are insulated from the investigation.

Just like in the torso case, the behavior and forensics of the kills will only lead us to the customer who actually did the k*lling, not the broker.

He's smart enough to protect his network by encrypting all communication with his customers.

So if we can capture a k*ller while he's online, then Garcia can hack his system and lead us right to Meg.

Just say the word.

Garcia, the accident that k*lled the jogger in Modesto, Eileen Banks, who hit her?

Uh, Marcus Townsen hit the car over the embankment.

He was admitted for minor injuries and then released.

What's his background?

Uh, searching.

Holy heck, his license, registration, and insurance are all bogus.

Well, if it was a car crash, they would have checked his blood alcohol level at the hospital.

Garcia, run the DNA of that blood sample through CODIS.

Ok, he's on a sex offender registry.

His real name is Miles Hendrick.

He started off stalking a neighbor's kid and got busted in the elementary school bathroom.

Now he's graduated to this. Where does he live now?

Largo, Maryland. Let's go.

I liked your profile picture.


You look good in purple.

Look, I know most men are turned off by women with kids.

I'm not like that.

[Hendrick laughing]

I had a mom who had 3 jobs and a dad who left before I could talk.

Women with children are not pariahs.

[Door bursts open]


Show me your hands! You're under arrest.

For what?

The t*rture and m*rder of Eileen Banks.

You have the right to remain silent.

They just arrested Miles Hendrick.

They've got his computer. We need you to break in.

What's his IP address?

Morgan just sent it to your email.

Cool, I got it. Ok, I am in his hard drive.

His browser history is triple encrypted. He's on Tor.

Ok, this is like trying to penetrate a ceramic-infused titanium wall with a butter knife. It's not happening.

We need to break miles before Meg's sold off.

Do you have the rest of the payment?

She's pretty.

You'll get rid of her the same as the others?

I'm a creature of habit.

Next time you should give me a discount.

I'm turning into quite a good customer.


No! No.

Let go of me!



Help! Help!

I don't know what you're talking about.

Miles, you bought this girl off a website, you k*lled her, and then you made it look like a car accident.

I didn't do anything.

If you don't give us your login and password so we can break this auction site, you're going down for all 50 murders.

You can't do that.

Try us. The entire country's gonna want somebody to pay for these crimes, and your perverted ass is perfect.

C-l-e-v-e-r b-o-y-s.

And the passcode is...

The passcode's 6969.

How original.

Look, I only ever ordered that one girl the one time.

It was a mistake.

I got Miles' password.

Hotch: All right, find the website.

On it, and...

Sweet mother gross.

It's like Tinder for sociopaths.

They're selling women all over the country.

Do you see Meg anywhere?

Wait, wait, wait. Go back.

That's her. He dyed her hair.

She has been sold.

Can you tell to whom?

Um...No, 'cause the firewall's worse than the other one and I'm upset and I need help focusing.

What about the IP address? That should lead us back to the broker.

Yes, yes, very good, sir.

Uh...There it is.

His name's Alex Zorgen. He's in Oakton, Virginia, and he's on his computer right now.



I am not playin' around!

Hotch: Neither are we. Put the g*n down.

Get out or I will k*ll her.

We're not gonna tell you again, Alex.

Drop your weapons or I will sh**t.

That's not happening. This is over, Alex.


Enough! That's enough!

You are too late. She is gone.

You tell Kate Megan's long gone!

Get up.

[Loud music playing]



I didn't know FBI chicks could be so hot.

We have an electronic trail that proves that Miles Hendrick bought Eileen Banks from you.

Where's Kate?

I want to talk to Kate.

I'd be much more willing to talk to Kate.

And as soon as we get through the firewalls of the other buyers, we'll have you for those kills, too.

Where is she, Alex?

It's not too late to stop.

Who did you sell Meg to?

I don't know.

You're lying, Paige.

We already found 3 girls hidden in your basement.

Add that to the rest of the murders, you're gonna be in prison till the day you die.

Why are you protecting him?

'Cause you know he is over there right now selling you out, making it seem like this was all your idea.

That's what psychopaths do, Paige. They play people.

All right, let us help you out and tell us where Meg is.

She's long gone.

She could be in Dubai by now getting chopped up in a blender.

Or in Kansas, laying in one of my sick clients' barns saying “there's no place like home.”

None of that's true.

You know what's great about the Internet?

It's therapy for sick minds.

Before, you thought you were alone.

But now, one click and you realize you've got family.

Come on, fellas, where's my favorite agent?

She afraid to see me?

It's all about the hunt for you, isn't it, Alex?

But you don't have the balls needed to k*ll, so you palm that off on others.

They teach you that in FBI school?

We know exactly who and what you are.

You're a sexually diverse thrill-seeker, always looking for a new way to get off.


And you took Meg to get back at Kate.

Rossi: You thought we'd blame their K*llers and we'd never know you existed.

Hotch: But you didn't know that your site was vulnerable during the auctions, did you?

Rossi: How dumb is that?

Are you dumb, Alex?

I took her because I knew I couldn't get Kate.

Do you have any idea how much a female Fed would go for?

Well, Garcia found something.

Turns out Paige's real name was Donna Mangold.

She was abducted 22 years ago.

So we were right. She's trauma bonded.

We just need to break that bond.


Hey, Kate, so we just found out the female partner was abducted by Alex, but she's not talking.

Does she know that Alex k*lled her partner?

No. But we should use that. They could have been close.

So what bond is stronger than all of this?

Mother and child.

Exactly. You're gonna have to build a rapport with Paige and then use it.

That's my little girl out there.

Every second she's with this sick freak, she's just buying time.

We're gonna find her, Kate.

Please don't hold back.

What happened?

They got a lead. A real lead.

[Door opens]

I know what you're going through, Paige.

You're scared. You feel hopeless.

You don't even know who to trust.

Alex took you a very long time ago.

He did horrible, horrible things to you.

He r*ped you, tortured you.

Then all of a sudden, he'd be nice.

Shut up, you don't know him.

Your life was literally dependent on him.

So you eventually did whatever he asked you to do.

Cleaned, cooked, helped with his abductions.

In your mind, your past life was lost.

But you had the one person you loved most with you.



We checked hospital and dental records and couldn't find any info.

Kyle was your son.

He was our son.

How could a father k*ll his own child?

How could he-- how could he do that to a mother?

I don't understand.

Parents that k*ll their children are monsters.

Now, you were under duress when you helped him.

But my friend's daughter is gonna die if you don't help us right now.

Who bought Meg, Paige?

Where is she?

He's one of Alex's best clients.

He does... unspeakable things.

And then he spreads the body parts in the Potomac.

Where does he live?

I don't know.

But you can reach him online.

[”Suzie Q” playing]

♪ Oh, Suzie Q ♪
♪ oh, Suzie Q ♪
♪ oh, Suzie Q... ♪

You know, when I was little, I hated my dolls.

That's when I started breaking them.

I'd break their legs off, their arms, save their heads for last.

♪ I like the way you talk ♪
♪ I like the way you walk ♪

No one understood why I did it.

♪ Suzie Q ♪

But I liked it.

I liked the feeling.

You understand, don't you?

This is what I'm planning.

I don't want you to do it fast.


That's how I did it when I used to cut myself.

Shut up!

I'm not gonna tell you again.

♪ Say that you'll be true ♪

How many dolls were there before me?


♪ Oh, Suzie Q ♪

Am I your first doll?

Keep quiet. You're ruining it.

I want you to do it slow.

No! No!

They're gonna get you!

You little bitch.

♪ I love you ♪


You can't break me!


Help! Somebody! Help!



♪ I like the way you walk, I like the way you talk ♪


Get me down! Get me down!

Get me down.

I got you. I got you.

You're ok.

Ok. I did what Kate said.

Are you ok?

Ok, ok.

Ok. I did what Kate said.

Michael Rigby.

Kevin Hawkins.

[Music continues]

[Knock on door]

Oh, God, Meg.

I'm so sorry.

I should have known.

Shh. It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

Thank you.

Not you, too.

Am I getting another godson?


Maybe a goddaughter.

[Laughs] Mm...

[Knock on door]


Hey. Am I interrupting something?

No, not at all. I'm just finishing some paperwork. Come on in.

I was in the neighborhood.

How are you feeling?

Oh, better. The doctor assures me that we're both gonna be fine.

Good. And how's Meg holding up?

She's doing pretty good. We found a great therapist, so we'll go when she's ready.


Look, I wanted to apologize.

You told me to let the torso case go, and I should have listened.

Well, we both had a feeling.

Not the point.

Well, in the end you were right.

And think of all the girls who were saved.

Yeah. A website for serial K*llers.

Who knew?

You know, a few weeks before my sister died, we went to Virginia Beach for her birthday, just the two of us, and we were laying there and I asked her what she was thinking.

And she said, you know, Kate, if anything ever happens to me or Joe, just promise me that you'll take care of my little girl.

And, I mean, of course I said I would.

You know? Nothing was going to happen to her.

She was 24.

And...just like that, it did.

You're a great mom.

Yeah, I took a year off when I got Meg, and it was...

The best year of my life.

And so, I think I want to do that for this one, too.

You'll always have a place here.

Thank you.

Let me know if you need anything.

Kate: “Life is about choices.

“Some we regret. Some we're proud of. We are what we choose to be.” ~Graham Brown.