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04x12 - Under Fire

Posted: 09/08/13 21:48
by bunniefuu
(Dov) Okay, okay, okay.

"This Australian recording artist also appeared on 'General Hospital.'"

Rick Springfield.

Isn't Rick Springfield a band from L.A.?

Uh, no, you're thinking Buffalo Springfield.

I love that song that they did with, the, um, with the pet shop boys.

Baby, you're thinking Dusty Springfield.

I am?



Chris is right. It's, uh, Rick Springfield.

My mom is actually a huge fan of Rick Springfield.

She actually dressed me up once as him for Halloween.

I... still always wanted to be Spider-Man myself, but my ma didn't think...

I retire, champion of the world.

You have, like, minus 800 points.



Can you make it two?

Hey. I didn't know you'd be here.

Yeah, Dov's on this new trivia kick, and he's not gonna let us leave until he's crowned king of the dorks.

Hey, why don't I get this?

And then you can get the next round. (Bills rustling)

Actually, I'm meeting someone.

Oh. Sorry.

Don't be sorry.

So is it like someone" someone or just, like, someone?

I'm not sure yet.

Oh. Thanks for the drink.

No worries.


Okay, Diaz, add 'em up.

Oh, before you do, we all agree the winner drinks free, right?


It looks like you'll be buying your own drinks tonight.

Why? I didn't win? I always win.

Oh, no.

You beat me?

Are you mad?

No, I love it.

Oh, get this.

Chloe just beat Dov.

The king of the dorks has found his queen.

The nerd empire can rejoice.


I'm gonna need another drink.

(Exhales) Make mine a double. (Glass clatters)

(Police radio chatter)

Okay, you're not wrong.

(Siren wailing in distance)

It is a bit better than running 5k every morning.

The best part is, there's no shin splints.

Well, if you do it right.

And you... you're getting pretty close.

Oh. I suppose you think I need more practice.

Well, I'm a very good training partner.

Yeah, you're all right.

I'm all right? (Chuckles)



I've gotta go.


I gotta go to work. Sorry. I'm gonna be late.

Andy, you've been an hour early every shift for the last two weeks.

That's a pretty good idea, considering.

You were protecting a fellow officer who was innocent.

Yeah, and then I faked the log entry.

Do you have any idea how bad that is?

Look, I don't wanna be the kind of police that just makes things up as they go, you know?

Choosing which rules apply and which ones don't.

So you're gonna play by the book?

Yeah. I am.

The new you?

Actually, it's the old me.

Just got distracted.

I'm not gonna get distracted anymore.



You sure?

'Cause there are plenty of distractions out there.

I'm sure.

That's amazing, 'cause... it would be completely normal to be distracted.



I guess you're right.

(Slap) Uhh!

(Bed thuds)

I am completely 100%... focused.

Oh, yeah? Look at that.

(Headboard thuds)

Oh, yeah.

I... I think you checked that one...

(Beeps) already.

Double-checking everything's off doesn't mean I'm manic, Sam.

Do you want me to come by and water your plants while you're gone? I've got a very green thumb.

I've already made arrangements with the neighbor.

I'm just going across town to my sister's place, so if there's a plant emergency, I'll come by and take care of it myself.

Okay. What about the mail?

Really? You know what? I'm fine.

You know, you didn't need to come by today.

Yeah, you, uh, said that last week and the week before.

Sam, I know you mean well.

I told you, I just...

I... I know. You need... you need space.

Absolutely. All right? I just... but as a... as a plant lover, I... I wanna come over and make sure these guys have everything they need... sunlight, water... someone to talk to.

So does... everyone at the station know what happened yet?

Uh, as far as they're concerned, you're on leave, taking care of family business.

They didn't press you for details?

(Inhales deeply) People don't press me for details.

I'm lucky that way.

(Sighs) Anyway...

I guess I should get going.

At least I'm gonna drive you, okay?

I insist.

Yeah. I knew you would, which is why I called a cab.



I'm gonna sit you down at my desk for now.

Here. And you can play "Solitaire."

(Clicks keys) And there is a game with these bombs on it that's really cool, but don't... don't delete anything, and don't answer the phone.

Just stick to the games, and I will be right back, okay?

(Tone chimes, woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)



Oh, man, you know, the I.T. guys keep getting younger.

(Laughs) Yeah. Um, Leo's sitter had some kind of hair emergency or something, so she's gonna be by to pick him up in about an hour or so.

I've got a light morning.

If you want, I could take him up to the g*ns and gangs office, you know?

Help him pick out a cool tattoo for his birthday.

(Gasps) I don't think that would be a good idea.

I just figured, you know, we've been out, like, what, three, four times?

It's probably about time I meet the big guy.

You know? Maybe I can make a good impression on his mom.

You know what, though? He's... he's not feeling well.

He's... I don't know what he's got.

He's just... it's not good.

I don't want you to catch it.

Yeah. Okay. Can't argue with that.

So maybe another time?

Yeah. Yeah, sure. Okay, yeah.

Another time, then.



Were you... coming to see me?

Don't flatter yourself, Nash.

You guys got better coffee down here, and the fact that I have to walk by your desk is a complete coincidence.

(Oliver) It's true, Frankie.

I want... I want the marine unit, man.

Get me off the streets and in a boat.

(Frank) Okay, on other business, recertification's coming up end of the month, so if you haven't been to the range in a while, I suggest that...

(Cell phone ringing)

Man: Ooh. (Officers murmuring)

Sorry, man. My bad.

I suggest that you all get out there and book it early.

Those slots... they fill up real fast.

(Cell phone vibrating)

All right.

That's it. Let's get out there, do what we do.

See you later.

(Indistinct conversations)

Hi. You're looking for a what?

Uh, I don't know. I don't know.

Actually, if I do have something like that, check the boxes under the stairs.

Yeah, look, I'm gonna go. Okay. Yeah, me, too. Bye.


Uh, no. It's Celery.

She's, uh, getting her house fumigated.

She's staying at my place for a few days.

Celery. It's that witch you brought to my wedding.

That is the same Celery.

You said witch" with a "W," though, right?

Yeah. Didn't Zoe move into your place after a couple of dates?

You gotta bring that up, huh?


You remember that?

I do.

All right. Well, you know me. I can't say no.

It's like a condition or something, man.

Anyway, you know what, though?

Frankie, I've been meaning to ask ya about our girl.

Last time I talked to Noelle, she was just... she was still waiting.

(Radio chatter)

The tests were clear. It's not cancer.

But the doctor says we gotta keep an eye on it.


One day at a time, right?

Only way to live, bro.

Yeah. Only way to live.

(Radio chatter)

So how long have you and Nick been doing it?

Excuse me?

'Cause I'm guessing, like, three or four weeks.

I mean, that's when I noticed the difference, because you have this, like, this, like, glow.

And Nick... he just... he looks, I don't know.

Like more... like, accomplished.

I don't have a glow.

Yeah, you do.


And... and you should. You know, Nick's great.

I mean, if I wasn't climbing Dov Mountain, I would be all over that.

Nick and I... are friendship. We are friends.

We have a friendship.

I know.

Or friends who do it.

(Chuckles) The best kind of friends, right?

(Static crackles) (Female dispatcher) 1519, we've got a 9-1-1 report of a man sleeping in the middle of Wenton Park.

(Static crackles) 1519. We're on it.

(Click) You're on it.

Hey, maybe me and you and Dov and Nick should go on, like, a double date.


I mean, do people do that kind of stuff?

Or is that just, like, a prelude to an orgy?

'Cause I'm not really into that.

No offense, I just don't share.

I have no idea. Sir?

Sir, you can't sleep here.

Are you okay?

Uh, I don't think he's breathing.

(Taps leg) Sir?


I totally thought that there was a dead guy under there.

(Static crackles) Dispatch, this is 1519.

Disregard the sleeper in Wenton Park.

It's just a pile of clothes.

(Static crackles) (Female dispatcher) Copy, 1519.

Might wanna get public works down here to dispose of them.

Copy that, 1519. We'll contact them.

You gotta admit, I mean, it's pretty lifelike.

I mean, whoever did that deserves some sort of prize.

(g*nsh*t, echoing)

(Dog barking, horn honks in distance)




(g*nshots continue, people screaming)

(Static crackles) 1519! Officer down! Officer down!

(Female dispatcher) All available units, we have a officer down at Wenton Park.

All available units to Wenton Park.

(g*nshots reverberating) I repeat, officer down.


(Screaming and g*nshots continue)


(g*nshots continue)

Are you okay?

(Crying) I'm okay, I'm okay.

(Speaks indistinctly) No, no, no.

Chloe, Chloe, I want you to keep your hand on your neck, okay?

You keep applying pressure. You're gonna be fine.

1519, what's your exact position in the park?

(g*nshots continue) (Crying)

We're pinned behind some sort of monument at the east end of the park.

(g*nshots continue) We're being shot at right now.

Chloe's been shot. We need medics.

I repeat, Price has been shot.

We need medics now.

(Oliver) Hold on, McNally.

We'll be right there. (Siren wailing)

(Female dispatcher) 10-33. Officer down.

Active sh**t. Officers under fire.

(Nick) 1527. We're on our way. Approaching King and Duncan.

We got McNally and Price.

Diaz, Collins, you find that sh**t.

(Static crackles) (Nick) Copy. Three minutes out.

Looks like the b*llet didn't go through the vest.

Listen, I just need you to apply pressure to your neck.

That's all you gotta do, okay?

My head feels really, really weird.

Don't try to talk. I just want you to breathe, and everything's gonna be okay.

Okay. Just keep...


(Nick) Andy, you got eyes on the sh**t?

(g*nsh*t, shot reverberates)

(Static crackles) Condos at the east end.

You guys, he's still sh**ting at us.

I think he's from the roof.

Copy. We're on it.

Is that Nick?


Tell him not to tell Dov, okay? Because it's all right.

Andy, he's so worried.

Chloe, stop talking. Just breathe. It's okay.

(Static crackles) (Female dispatcher) 1519, ETF and medics are en route.

(Andy) Guys? Where are you? We've gotta get her outta here.

We're inside, heading to the roof.

(Static crackles)

(Static crackles) (Andy) I can't stop the bleeding!

Please. (Gasps)

Where are the medics?

(Static crackles) (Oliver) Andy, Andy, it's Oliver.

Listen to me. We're seconds away.

We're gonna get her away. Stay here. Stay on your radio, okay?

(Andy) Okay.

(Door rattles)

(Static crackles) Roof clear.

The sh**t's gone.

(Oliver) Moving in, moving in.

(Siren wailing)

(Siren blares)

Where are you, Andy?

I don't see you. Chloe.

No, no, no, Chloe.

(Oliver) McNally?!


I'm behind here!


She just passed out. She was just talking a few minutes ago.

I don't know what to do.

Okay, Chloe, open your eyes for me, okay?

Open your eyes for me, darling.

Where are the medics?

They're right behind us. They're right behind us.

Chloe, you hold on. The medics are right behind us.

(Sirens wailing, vehicles approach) I want you to talk to me. Price!

Price, open your eyes.

Okay, how about this one?

What is the tallest mountain in North America?

Brokeback Mountain.

(Men laughing)

Man: Brokeback.

(Laughing) Come on, people, I... I'm just trying to make your time with us go by a little faster, and, hey, who knows?

Maybe you'll learn a thing or two in the process.

(Radio chatter) (Dov) Okay.

Here's one for the horseracing fans.


(Man coughing)

Sorry, sir. You know.

I had the cards in my bag. I didn't think it was...


Chloe's been shot.


Sounds like her and McNally got ambushed.

She's on her way to Memorial right now.

Wh... what happened? Is she okay?

I don't know.

(Sighs) I gotta call her family.

Sir, I'd like to go to the hospital.

Diaz is on his way here to... to take you.

Listen. I want updates on her condition every half hour.

Yes, sir. Absolutely.

(Breathing unevenly)

(Indistinct conversations) Medics got here quick, but she lost a lot of blood.

(Radio chatter) She went down... there, and McNally dragged her to cover behind that rock right there.

They came here on a call?

Yeah, a 9-1-1.

They got a call about this guy.

(Siren whoops)

Well... that was a setup, right?

Yeah, they never stood a chance.

All right, the minute you're done here, I want all this bagged and sent right to the lab, okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got it.

(Sirens wailing)

(Radio chatter, indistinct conversations)

I didn't know it was a g*nsh*t.

I mean, it took me a second to even figure out what was happening.

Andy, you got her to safety.

You got her out of the line of fire.

Nick, I couldn't even get her to stop talking.

Okay, you know what?

I think I need to go to the hospital with her, okay?

I just got to...

No. They'll let us know if we need to be there, okay?

We still got to take your statement.

That's gonna take some time.

(Radio chatter)


You've been shot.


It must have happened when I was dragging Chloe.

Andy, do you have any idea how lucky you are?

I didn't even notice. I just...

Another couple of inches, that...



I'm fine.

You should report this.

Nick, it's a tear in some fabric.

If I do that, I'm gonna be hung up in paperwork this whole time.

I'm not gonna be able to help anybody.

I know, but, Andy, this is evidence.

We need everything we can get on this guy.

He's still out there.

(Radio chatter)

How... how bad? I mean, where... where did she get shot?

(Exhales deeply)

The neck.

Okay. Um... was she conscious?

I mean, wh... when she went into the ambulance, was... was she awake?

I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know? You were there.

I went after the sh**t. By the time I got back, the paramedics had already bagged and loaded.

Okay, the... the sh**t, did... did he get away?

E.T.F.'s dispatched a protective detail to the hospital.

She'll be safe.

(Radio chatter)

Why Chloe?

I don't know.

Yeah, I could have driven myself.

We'd be there already.

Think it's okay if we use these.

(Click, siren wailing)

Ident recovered five spent shells from a hunting r*fle.

The others probably went over the edge.

They're looking for them now.

Any recoverable prints?

Several sets on each of the three exit doors, but they're old, probably degraded.

I pulled security footage from the building, but it only covers the parking garage, lobby, and elevators.

So if he took the stairs, we ain't got him.


How do you think he got into the building?

Maintenance crews have been working on the fourth floor.

They prop the doors open for ventilation, and they've been open all week.

So whoever did this put some thought into it.

(Siren whoops, helicopter blades whirring)

(Radio chatter)

Somebody must have seen him put that dummy out there, so let's keep asking around, see what we can find out.


(Helicopter blades whirring)

Officer Price is still in surgery.

I won't be able to tell you anything certain for a few hours.

Yeah, but... but... but you must know something.

I mean, is it... is it life-threatening? Is she okay?

She was shot in the neck.

I don't know how, but the b*llet managed to tear through and not hit an artery.

If it had, she wouldn't have made it to the hospital.

Okay, so what now?

Now we try to repair the damage.

But there's a real risk of swelling against her spinal cord.

Officers, I promise we're doing everything we can.

(Door opens)

All right, well, why don't we... head downstairs and grab a coffee?

No, no, it's okay. You know... you... you can go. I got this.

You sure? I mean, I... I really don't mind.

I appreciate it, but there's nothing you can do here.

All right? Get back out there and find whoever did this.

I'll call you if anything changes.

You should have seen the two of them last night.


Dov and Chloe.

I mean, he's like an idiot for her.

More than usual.

I don't know what he's gonna do if she doesn't make it.

Oh, she, uh... she's a tough kid. She... is gonna make it.

(Static crackles) (Female dispatcher) 1534, we have a 9-1-1 call.

10-16 near your location. 1312 Logan Avenue.

(Static crackles) Unit 1534. We'll take it.

Have a call out.

(Click, siren wailing)

All right, this is...

1312 Logan.

It's probably some stupid hipsters living in a converted loft.

(Oliver) Well, well...

Well, let's see, shall we?

(Static crackles) Dispatch, this is 1534.

Can you confirm the address is 1312 Logan Avenue?

You know, Peck, just because you wouldn't live here doesn't mean that it's the wrong address.

(g*nsh*t, glass shatters)

Get in the car!

Ollie, are you okay?

(g*nsh*t) 10-33!

(g*nshots continue) Officers under fire! Repeat... officers under fire!

Get down, get down, get down, get down!

Repeat... officers under fire!

sh*ts were fired east side of the building!

Tell 'em we're covered! Tell 'em we're covered!

Taking cover!

Copy, 1534...

Are you hit?

(Static crackles)
Frank. Swarek.


Oliver and Gail... they're all right?

Their squad took a few hits.

They got to cover and called it in.

(Frank) E.T.F. was on scene a few minutes later.

sh**t was gone.

Ident's recovered shells from an abandoned apartment... same caliber as the rooftop sh**t.

And the phone calls?

Both 9-1-1s trace back to unregistered cell phones, probably burners. We're working on serial numbers, see if we can figure out where they were sold.

That could take days.

Yeah, if we're lucky.

Both callers were male. The tech department... they're, uh, verifying to see if it's the same guy.

Two att*cks on your division.

You piss anybody off recently?

A couple of weeks ago, we took down Jackson Irving and a handful of soldiers in the Dowling Crew.

Irving goes to trial Wednesday.

g*ns and gangs are working their contacts, trying to see who's gonna take over the Dowling Crew.

Hunting r*fle doesn't really feel like a g*ng thing.

Yeah, we've expanded the list of potentials, starting with violent offenders and psychiatric cases.

Good. We'll also need to add to the list anyone who's filed multiple complains against the division.

That's gonna be a long list.

Half the people we bring in file bogus complaints.

Sounds like someone's targeting 15, so this case is top priority.

So anything you guys need, you got it.

(Tone chimes, woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)

(Bottle clunks) (Man) How could you not know anything?

Chloe Price. She's a police officer.

Woman: I'm sorry. There's no word yet.

Can I talk to someone who does know something?

Hey, buddy.

Take it easy.

Why? You gonna tell me what's going on?

I'm sorry. Who are you?

Wes Cole. 27 division.

Chloe's old unit?

Dov Epstein. 15. (Shakes hand)

Heard she got shot. She okay?

We don't know yet.

She's still in surgery.

You there when it happened?

No, but I talked to the doctor.

As it goes, Chloe was pretty lucky.

Now we just gotta wait. (Exhales)

Heard someone came after you guys.

Didn't realize it was Chloe who got hit.

Yeah. Your staff send you over?

Nah. Hospital sent me a message after she was brought in.

I must still be her emergency contact.

Emergency contact?

You guys must have been pretty close.

You could say that.

She's my wife.

That's pretty close.


I should go check with admitting, see if they need me to do anything.

(Monitor beeping steadily)

By now, you all know what happened.

Officer Price is still in surgery.

We have no further word yet on her condition.

Now, I know you all want to be at the hospital, but whoever shot her is still out there, and they may not be done with us.

Right now we're building a list of potential suspects.

And as soon as we figure out who did this, we're gonna take 'em down hard.

That's a promise.

The other divisions... they're calling in all off-duty officers.

We need every available body on the street.

From now on, 9-1-1 calls have at least 2 cars respond.

No exceptions.

Every officer who puts on the uniform understands this is a very dangerous job, but we do it anyway, because that's who we are.

So let's get back out there so we can serve, protect.

Let's all come home tonight.

(Indistinct conversations, radio chatter)

(Man speaking indistinctly)


What are you doing here?

Oh, I just had to drop off a report.

It's a m*rder case from a couple weeks ago.

Doesn't the courier usually bring that stuff over?

Yeah. He was... sick, or something.

Hey, come here.

(Sets folder down, door closes)

Is it true?

I just... I heard a rumor that there's some freak out there hunting you guys.

Yeah... Holly, I'm not allowed to talk about this.

There's an officer that was shot.

She's in the hospital. And... a few other officers took fire.

You mean you.

Someone shot at you?

And... well, you're gonna go back out there?

Yeah, Holly... I... I'm a police officer.

That doesn't mean that you have to go out there and put yourself in danger.


Kinda does.

O... okay. Well, fine.

But l... listen.

That girl last night...

I barely knew her, okay?

It was... it was a stupid setup.

Well, anyway, I just... I just thought you should know.

I don't know why I didn't tell you. I mean...

I mean, we tell each other stuff, right?

That's what's so great, is us hanging out, and I...

I guess that's why when I heard what was happening, I just thought I should come down here and... I don't know.

Just make sure you're okay or something.

I'm sorry.

(Exhales) You just... you just had to stop talking.

(Lowered voice) I won't say another word.

Yeah. Well, you could check the shelves above the microwave.

Yeah. (Scoffs) No. Ye...

Well, what are you making, anyway, darling?

I'm pretty sure that my building has a no-potions policy.

(Door opens) Okay. I gotta go. Okay, bye.


(Phone beeps, door closes)

Uh, gonna roll out of here in about ten minutes.

Are you cool with that?


(Door opens) Sure.





(Door closes)

That's your friend from the forensics lab.

The courier was sick, Oliver.

If you really must know.



A vest, huh?

It looks like, uh, you're leaving the station.

Swarek and Callaghan have things covered here.

Detectives from every division are working on this.

We need more bodies on the street.

Did Frank ask you to go?

I requested it.

Looks like you're headed somewhere.

If it's the Dowling Crew doing this, I wouldn't ask my guys to run them down unless I was willing to do the same, you know?

Can't argue with that.

Since you're going out anyway, I can use a partner.

What do you say?

I'll get my coat.

(Radio chatter)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Radio chatter)

All right, they're bringing in more squads from the garage.

They're splitting us up. You got 1527.

Cool. Thanks.

What's this?

Oh... some of the guys in my platoon used to write stuff inside their vest before heading out... you know, prayers or messages to loved ones, just in case.

Yeah, well... no one else is getting hurt today.

Let's hope.


You mind if I borrow that?

Of course.


(Door closes)

(Velcro tearing)

Quartermaster gave you a snappy new jacket?

Yeah, one of the perks of being shot, I guess.

Looks good on you.

McNally, hold up.

You're in for the rest of the shift.

Check in with the D's, see what they need.

Sir, you just said you need every uniform officer on the street.

Look, I read the report. You took a b*llet today, which means you do not go out there, okay? Brass' orders.

It just grazed my jacket. I am fine.

Not my call.

You're off patrol until we catch this guy, understood?

Yes, sir.

I guess the new old you is gonna be benched for a while.

Nick, please. Be careful.

I will be.

Look, I'll see you tonight.

I promise.

(Engines starting)

(Female dispatcher) 9-1-1.

Man: I just saw a couple fighting in the parking lot near the bus station...

(Male dispatcher) 9-1-1. What is your emergency?

(Sirens wailing)

Woman: There's a car accident on...

(Female dispatcher) 9-1-1. What is your emergency? (Voices overlapping)

9-1-1. What is your emergency?

(Engine starts)

(Truck departing)

So, any luck?

Well, my guy says Irving's cousin Desmond is calling the sh*ts for the Dowling Crew now, but apparently Des ordered everyone to lay low for a while, so...

sh**ting at police isn't exactly laying low.

Unless it's a rogue member.

Yeah, but even a rogue member would know that defying a direct order would bring the crew down on him even harder than us.

You're starting to sound like g*ng squad.

Well, you said you needed a partner today.

(Fastens seat belt)

Why don't you want me to meet Leo?

Uh... well, it's nothing personal. (Inhales)

It's just... (Exhales) he's been through a lot.

And I don't want him getting attached to someone unless...

I know that it's going somewhere.

Okay. Yeah. You're... you're protecting your son.

You know, I get that.

But, Trace, you know, just so we're clear, th... this is going somewhere.

That is, if you want it to, because...

(Exhales deeply) I... I definitely do.

Once we figure out who's doing this, um... maybe you should come over for dinner one night.

(Inhales) And if you really want to impress Leo, you should bring him a really expensive bottle of wine.


Something red, preferably dry.

Oh, yeah? Anything for you?

Like a videogame, maybe, or something?

(Chuckles) I'll give you a list of the ones I already have.

Right. (Starts engine)

(Laughs) All right.

(Indistinct conversations)

Here you go. Patient in 3-c?

Yep. (Indistinct conversations)

Drug use? I'm gonna say no.

Alcohol? That is a big yes.

Unless she gave that up, but I can't imagine she would do that.

No, that's still a yes.

(Chuckles) Last tetanus shot? No clue.

Currently on any medication?

(Huffs) Man, I don't know.

Well, she has an inhaler, but she barely ever uses it.

Oh, and birth control.

I mean... probably, you know?

Chloe talks a lot.


Got that right, bro.

(Woman speaking indistinctly on P.A.)

So you guys were married?

I mean, I guess I just never really saw her as the type.

Uh... (Exhales) yeah, that whole thing was kinda crazy, man.

We were... we were partners for a while.

Then we started seeing each other on and off.

And, uh, this one week, we were on these k*ller back-to-back shifts, so when we were done, we decided to blast down to Niagara, blow off some steam.

Little gambling, lot of drinks.


We ended up at this wedding chapel, and we're watching all these couples get hooked up and we're posing for pictures with them, the whole thing.

And then Chloe's like, "let's do it."

And... we did.

(Radio chatter) (Chuckles)

So it wasn't some big romantic thing then?

Nah, we... we were just being stupid.

It was fun, though.

Yeah, me and Chloe always had a lot of fun.

She's pretty good at that.


I should, uh, I should finish this up.

You want me to give it a shot?

Between the two of us, we could probably answer most of these.


Thanks, man.

(Radio chatter)

(Clicks pen, scribbling)

It's funny how relationships start, huh?

I mean, who you end up with.

Sometimes it's the last person that you would expect.

Oh, my God.

Or that other people would expect.

We're not really having this conversation, are we?

But who cares what people think, right?

As long as you're happy.

Of course, it's gonna mean some life changes.

(Radio chatter)

But I guess... well, I just said it. Life changes.

Yeah, so you want to date a witch, you know, buy some old cabin on a whim.

(Breathes deeply) You know, basically to impress her.

Or after knowing her for an insanely short amount of time, ask her to move in with her, you know?

But that's okay, right? Because she makes you happy.

We're talking about you.

Who did you think we were talking about?

No. (Static crackles)

Woman: 1504, we've got unknown trouble at 5476 Clark.

Unit 308.

Unknown trouble?

9-1-1 call. No voice contact.

Doesn't sound very promising.

(Static crackles) Copy, dispatch. Unit 1504 responding.

Is there anybody available to back us up?

(Radio static, silence)

(Static crackles) This is Diaz, 1544. I'm on my way.

All right, hit it.


(Click, siren wailing)

(Gail, lowered voice) Well, we made it inside the building.

That's a plus.

(Lowered voice) Well, maybe he just wants a closer... shot.

(Cell phone vibrating)

He did miss us earlier.

(Vibrating continues)

Are you gonna get that?

(Beep) No. Later.

308's gotta be around the corner.

Shouldn't we wait for Chris?

Diaz, what's your twenty?

(Diaz) I'm two minutes out. (Static crackles)

(Sighs) (Woman) 1504, second 9-1-1 just came through.

5476 Clark. Still no voice contact. (Static crackles)

There's no voice contact. I don't like it. I want backup.

(Breathes deeply) Okay. Okay.

You back me up, I'll back you up, yeah?

(Breathes deeply) Okay.

(Radio chatter)

This is the police.

Does anyone need assistance?


(Unholsters g*n)

This is the police! We're coming in!

(Radio chatter)

This is the police. We're in the apartment.

Dispatch unit 1504.

Male, '60s, possible cardiac arrest.

We need medics to this twenty right away.

What's your name?

Woman: Copy, 1504. EMS is on their way.

(Phone clatters) My name is Gail. What's yours?

(Oliver) Copy. He's still breathing.

Okay. Danielle?

Danielle, is that... your grandfather?

Yeah? It's okay.

The ambulance is coming.

We need your help. Okay?

Yeah? (Exhales)

It's okay.

It's all right. It's okay.

(Both breathing sharply) It's okay.

(Monitor beeping steadily, whooshing)

And doctors think they've relieved the pressure on her spinal cord, but... they won't know for sure for a few days when the swelling goes down.

(Woman speaking indistinctly on P.A.)

So, uh, I should probably call my staff, you know, let 'em know she's out of surgery.

I was always crazy about her.

Acted like I wasn't, but... (Chuckles) dhe used to turn me inside out, man.

Never met anybody like her.

We had something. I knew. She knew it, too.

I don't know how I let it get away.

Maybe this is my second chance.


The tech department confirms the two 9-1-1 callers are the same guy.

That sounds right to me. I'd say he's a white male, late '30s, maybe early '40s.

Well, that cuts down our suspect list by about a third.

Third less than we had an hour ago. (Picture rustles)

Send it down to gangs and drug squad.

(Shouting indistinctly)

See if we can get a voice match from anyone on their wires.

Man: Please settle down, ma'am.

Really? Thanks.

(Door buzzes)

Hey, Celery. Andy.

Andy. Have you seen Oliver?

I've been calling and calling and I can't reach him.

Yeah, he's on patrol. Can I help you with something?

Yeah, I... I guess so. I... I don't know what to do.

I... I caught some guy hanging around outside his place.

Wh... what do you mean, hanging around?

He was, like, in a van just sitting outside his place, watching his house.

And, I mean, he was there for a while, so I went out to see what he wanted.

And... he got out and he, like, grabbed me and my arm.

Are you okay?

Yeah, and he kept asking, "where's Oliver?".

And he said something like, "he should be home by now because of what happened."

And... and then some neighbors came out, and he just took off.

But do you know what he was talking about?

Like, did something happen to Oliver? Is he okay?

Yeah... no, Oliver is okay.

But can you describe this guy?

Um, yeah, he was this tall, white... um, he had brown hair.

Um... sh... shaggy beard.

And, uh... oh, and he had stitches.


On his head, right here.

(Breathing heavily)

You got to come with me.

I'm gonna show you some pictures.

(Door buzzes)

See if you recognize them, okay?

It's Kevin Ford.


The guy we suspected of abducting Christian.

The guy who who was assaulted at his house two weeks ago.

Yeah, yeah.

I think he's our sh**t.

Ford just got out of the hospital a couple days ago.

Yeah, and today he went over to Oliver's house looking for him.

Scared the hell out of his girlfriend.

I mean, he seemed to know about the sh**t.

Is she sure it was him?

She I.D.'d his picture. She's positive.

Look, that's two att*cks today... one of them's on Oliver, and then Ford goes over to Oliver's house and is looking for him? I mean, that's not a coincidence.

It's enough to get a warrant.

I'll get teams moving.

(Lowered voice) Sam, if Ford has a grudge against 15 division, it's gotta be because of Marlo.

I mean, she stalked him.

She told all of his neighbors that he was a child molester.

She got him assaulted.

(Dialing cell phone)

I mean, what if she's next?

She's at her sister's.

When's the last time you spoke with her?

This morning.

She's not picking up. (Beep)

(Siren whoops) (Andy) Nick.

We think the sh**t might be Kevin Ford and he's after Marlo.

(Siren whoops) I know.

No, we can't reach her.

Listen, me and Sam are gonna head over to the sister's place.

Can you go by Marlo's, make sure everything's okay?


You told him what happened?

Yes, I did.

(Keys jangle) Let's go.

(Siren wailing)

(Starts engine)

(Siren wailing, tires screech)

(Turns off engine)

(Dog barking in distance)

(Unholsters g*n)

(Radio chatter and static)

Officer Cruz?

Officer Cruz, this is Collins!

(Holsters g*n)


(Cell phone buzzes) Hey.

Andy, it's me.

I'm at Marlo's place.

She's not here, but someone broke in, tore the entire place apart.

It's got to be Ford.

Look, I should call this in, wait for the detectives to get here, but...


Andy, Ford shot at police. Once they get here, they're gonna tear Marlo's house... probably her entire life... apart.

Call it in.

All right. Be in touch.

It's just a matter of time before everything comes out.

We'll deal with that when and if it happens.

Right now we just gotta make sure everyone's safe.

I mean, even if he's after Marlo, there's no way he could know that she's staying at her sister's, right?

(Radio chatter)

She left a note.


She left a note for the neighbor who's taking care of her place.

It had her contact information.

If he saw it, he'd know where to find her.

Okay, I'm gonna try her again. (Buttons clicking)

(Vibrating faintly)

(Maria Callas' "Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix" playing)

(Flips pages)

(Loud clattering)

(Clattering continues)

(Flips pages)

(Turns off music)

(Clattering continues)

(Floorboards creaking softly)

(Clattering continues)

(Pound on door) (Swarek) Marlo!

Oh, Sam!

McNally? What's going on?

What are you doing? Why didn't you pick up your phone?

We called your cell. We called the landline.

My sister's at work, and I turned everything off so I could take a rest.


What is going on?


(Radio chatter)

Someone's coming after 15 division.

Price got shot today.

Oh, my God. Is she okay?

We don't know yet.

Come on, uh, we gotta get you back to the station, all right?

Get dressed.

No, wait a minute. What do you mean, someone's coming after 15?

It's Kevin Ford.

Ford? No, it can't be.

Well, we... we don't know for sure, okay?

Just... we got teams all over the city looking for him.

He's a pervert, but he's not gonna sh**t at anybody.

I mean, that doesn't make sense.

Well, unless somebody really pissed him off.

Come on. Let's get you out of here.

Come on.

Do you really think he's coming after me?

He's already been to your place.

He knew you were following him.

Pretty soon, a whole lot of other people might know, too.

Collins, it's, uh, Shaw. You still on scene?

That's right. I'm just waiting for backup to arrive.

Okay, great. Sit tight. I'm on my way.


(Radio chatter)

Officer Shaw.

Turn back around, or I will drop you right here!


You set me up.

You all set me up.

You know what? Put your g*n down, and we can talk about this.

We should talk about this.


You want to talk about this.

No, I'm done talking.
