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01x19 - Love Hurts

Posted: 05/11/15 23:10
by bunniefuu
[Peggy Lee's "it's a wonderful world" playing]

♪ It's a wonderful world ♪
♪ I'm just walking on air ♪
♪ talk of heaven on earth ♪
♪ I've got more than my share ♪
♪ haven't got a care ♪
♪ happy all day through ♪
♪ it's a wonderful world ♪

[Motor whirring]

♪ Loving wonderful you ♪
♪ it's a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world ♪
♪ I'm just walking on air... ♪

[Scrape, clatter]


♪ ...more than my share ♪
♪ haven't got a care ♪

John, are you in here?


♪ It's just a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world ♪
♪ loving wonderful you ♪

I'm gonna call the cops, I swear to God.

OK. That's it. I am gonna call the cops right now.


Operator: 911. What's your emergency?

Yeah. This is Francine Johnson, and...




Lee: ♪ happy all day through ♪
♪ happy all day through ♪
♪ it's a wonderful world ♪
♪ loving wonderful you ♪
♪ loving wonderful you ♪

Man: Agent Gregg, you got a sec?


I'm Detective Doug Baer, Robbery Homicide.

Uh, you're filling in for Beth, right?

Uh, yes, but it's only temporary.

How can I help you?

A woman by the name of Francine Johnson was m*rder*d in her home last night.

Checked the database, and it says that TAU handled a stalking case for the victim a year ago.

Any information you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

Sure. I'll look into it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Have you thought anymore about leaving L.A.?

Yes. Some.

I don't know what to do.

Pending the results of your internal review, there is no reason you can't resume your job quickly.

Do you miss it?

I do. I love my job.

But I feel like this career belongs to Beth Davis, and now everyone knows me as Michelle.

It's all over the news.


I changed my identity when I was 20, so my entire adult life has been spent as Beth Davis.

I don't know who Michelle is anymore.

Janice: Francine Johnson was stalked for several months by her abusive boyfriend John Murray.

He was charged with stalking, battery, was sentenced to a year, served 8 months, and was released two weeks ago.

I just got confirmation that John Murray checked into a Minnesota rehab 3 days ago.

There's no way he m*rder*d Francine Johnson.

Well, I'll let Baer know. Thank you.



How's it going?

You know, a stalking here, a thr*at there.

How are you?

I'm good. I was just in the building, so I thought I'd come and say hi.

Any idea when you're coming back to work.

It's been suggested that I take some time off.

How long?

I don't know. Could be a while.

Why? You don't think I should?

Oh, it's... it's not that.

It's just that you thrive on work, but, yeah, you should take as much time as you need if that's what you want.


Janice: Hey, stranger.


How's Ben?

Much better. They're gonna release him at the end of the week.

Great. I'm gonna stop by the hospital on my way home.

He'd like that.



I'm gonna go.

Come back to us, Beth.

Thanks. Keep in touch.

Hey. Uh, we should get together for drinks or something.

You do owe me.

For what?

I saved your life.

Oh, that.

Well, I think that might be worth a whole dinner, don't you think?

When you first filed a report against your husband Darren Tyler 3 months ago...

Almost more 4 now.

He was harassing you over your breakup, showing up at your work, gym, restaurants.

He was hurt, he wanted you back.

He can't understand why I broke up with him.

He only slept with every woman who looked in his direction.

Well, the judge granted you a TRO.

Has he violated it?


This morning, I found this on my doorstep...

My favorite bottle of champagne along with a play list of Taylor Swift love songs.

Does the music have symbolic meaning?

Do I look like I listen to Taylor Swift?

Are you sure Darren left these?

Flowers last week, perfume the week before.

Well, you came to us because he was threatening you.

And now he's politely stalking me. Whatever.

I just want him to stop.

If you didn't see him leave these things, uh, we don't have any proof.

Well, I never saw him, but I know it was him.

Cheap flowers, rank-ass-smelling perfume.

I was married to the man. He had zero taste.

How can I get him to stop?

Well, he's trying a different approach, which indicates an escalation.

If he gets violent...


More like when.

Darren has a temper.

These gifts don't fool me.

He's one love song away from snapping.

He's not right in his head.

Look. I have done everything you told me to do.

I got a restraining order, I changed my schedule, I take a different route home every day, I shop at 10 different stores.

The only thing left for me to do is to move.

I can't afford to move. I have a job here.

He is ruining my life.

Can you just arrest his ass?

I don't scare easily, but this is really getting to me.

Look. I'll talk to him.

We're gonna get you through this, I promise.

Hi. I'm looking for Vicky Gregg.



What are you doing here?

Didn't you get my message?

Didn't you get mine?


Come in here.

Who's the, uh...

No idea.

Why are you here, will?

It's good to see you, too, Vicky.


You look really good.

No. Don't sit down. You're not staying.

I left you a message. I can't have lunch.

How about dinner?


Drinks later?


Why not?


You say so much with so little.

I'm sorry, will. This really not a good time.

Well, that sums up our entire marriage.

Can you please leave before I throw something?

I've missed you. No one berates me the way you do.

How long are you in town for?

I don't know yet.

I want to sell the house.

It belongs to both of us.

It's the last remaining detail of your divorce.

Our divorce.

Heh. Yeah.

When can we discuss it?

Before I leave.

I promise you I'll call you.

I'll hold you to it.

[Dog barking]


Hey, Pam.


What are you doing here?

Heh. Came to see you.

You didn't answer any of my calls this morning.

I was busy.


What do you want, Clay?

The obvious... To talk, to tell you my side of things.

You got me all wrong.

This whole thing is so many ways of wrong.

This is not the time or the place.

Oh. Is this not a convenient time for you?

I'm sorry. You ruined my life.

Maybe I should schedule another time for us to discuss it.

There are ways to deal with things, Clay.

Yeah, that's right, and I choose direct confrontation.

You need to leave, or I'm gonna call the cops.

You ain't doing anything.

Ohh! Unh! Unh!

No! Get off!





[Pam whimpering]

Clay: Pam!

Aah! Aah!


Open the door!

I just received a file from the Hollywood station.

Pam Tyler was accosted outside of her home last night.

That's my case. I just met with her.

Was it the ex-husband?

No, a co-worker, who was apparently upset over being fired.

Who is he?

Uh, his name is Clay Adams.

He was let go from their accounting firm last month for sexual harassment.

Pam works in hr. She handled the case.

But she's still being threatened by her ex-husband?

Yeah. She has a restraining order against him, but this is someone new.

Clay: I wasn't trying to hurt her.

I just wanted to talk with her.

Then she got all pushy and shovey, not me.

You think it was appropriate to wait outside her house to accost her?

I wanted to talk with her.

I was not there to accost her.

You like Pam?

She's OK.

You have romantic feelings for her?

No. I don't think of Pam like that.

So you never left gifts outside her house, flowers or perfume?

Are you kidding? That woman got me fired.

So you hold a grudge?

No. No. Not a grudge.

A... a grievance.

I... I like to joke around.

I made a comment about a female co-worker's appearance.

You sexually harassed her.

Man, people are so touchy these days.

OK. Look. I didn't harass anyone.

I complimented a co-worker on her perfectly proportional... chest.

Not a big deal.

This whole thing is a misunderstanding.

Honestly, if anything, I'm... I'm guilty of having a bad sense of humor, not sexual harassment.

Any priors?


He's just a creep.

Jack: What about boundaries?

Was that your ex-husband that stopped by yesterday?

That would be him.

So you're on good terms.

He seems to think so.

Clay: I was upset.

Pam put that on record.

OK. That's gonna follow me forever.

She ruined my career.

Well, maybe it should be ruined.

According to Pam, you also groped yourself in front of the female co-workers.

I bought the wrong size briefs.

They were tight. I couldn't breathe.

Why does everybody think the worst about me?

Because you're kind of creepy.

No one will hire me unless Pam files a new HR report, but she won't do that because she's holier than God with her female empowerment crap.

I get it. She got b*rned by her husband.

Everybody knows about it. She doesn't need to take it out on me.

Jack: I spoke with Clay. He's upset about being fired, and he's directing all his anger at you.

Why? All I did was follow company policy.

He feels mistreated, misunderstood.

He's blaming you.

He did this to himself.

Did he admit to sending the champagne?

No. He seems too angry for a peace offering.

That requires a skill set he doesn't possess.

So it's my ex-husband Darren.

Have you talked to him yet?

We're in the process of locating him now.

Your ex is definitely a more viable suspect, but I wouldn't rule out another visit from Clay.

I'd also advise you to file a TRO, maybe invest in an alarm system, a few cameras on the property.

In other words, spend money.

This is such an inconvenience.

It's more than an inconvenience.

It's your life.

So two of Pam's neighbors saw a gray challenger in the neighborhood on two different occasions.

There are a lot of gray cars.

What makes you think it was me?

Darren, we're beyond that.

We'll pull the city cameras, we'll place you there.

Why are you stalking your ex-wife?

Pam broke up with you.

She divorced you.

You feel rejected.

You're angry, yet you still love her.

Love, hurt, anger...

It's a volatile combination.

Pam's house is on my way home.

Yeah. I sometimes drive by.

Which makes it easy to stop off and leave her gifts.

Gifts are an expression of love.

You admit to leaving them?

No. That would mean I broke my TRO, and you could arrest me.

I will not admit to that.

Darren, if you really care about Pam, you'll leave her alone.

That's all she wants, so it should be all that you want if you love her.

Look. I know things didn't end well with me and Pam.

I said and did a lot of things, mostly because I was hurt, but I'm better now.

I'm trying to move on.

And we should believe you why?

When Pam filed that restraining order, it hit me pretty hard.

I realized that I had a problem, so I got help.

What kind of help?

I joined a love and sex addicts support group.

I go to meetings. They've helped me.

I understand why I need to feel love and why I obsess when I don't get it.

It's helped manage my behavior.

You mean your obsession.

I fear abandonment and loneliness.

I always have. It causes me to act out.

I'm working on it.



Sorry for the surprise visit.

Do you have a minute?

Of course.

So when they asked me to come to L.A. to fill in for you, I said yes because I wanted to look in on an old case from 5 years ago.

5 years ago? You had left TAU already.

Yeah. It's complicated.

Stan Gardner. That's before my time.

I wasn't there yet.

Yeah. Love obsession case.

Uh, Stan's wife had left him, was seeing other men, and he couldn't take it.

He confronted her one night, a fight ensued, and he strangled her.

Was he convicted?

Yes. He claimed he was with a friend.

Is that Barry Newly?

Yes, who had his own trouble with the law and couldn't be found to verify Stan's alibi.

Stan's DNA, fingerprints, everything were found at the crime scene.

What can I do?

Well, Barry has resurfaced.

Now he's corroborating Stan's alibi, says they were together all night the night of the m*rder.

Why now? Why didn't he come forward before?

Because what they were doing was selling dr*gs.

The judge has said that he'll look at the case next week.

Stan's entire conviction could be overturned.

That sounds right to me.

Yes, but it means that there is still a m*rder to be solved.

So we pass it to homicide.

Not yet.

It's personal.

I just would really appreciate your fresh eyes on it just to get an objective opinion.

Of course.

Thank you.

Aah! Aah!

Agh! Unh!


Aah! Aah!


Help me, somebody!

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Thanks for the update.

How's Pam?

She suffered a superficial s*ab wound to the chest, but the E.R. docs say she was lucky.

No vital organs were hit.

She'll be released soon.

Clay Adams, our disgruntled co-worker has an alibi for last night.

He was at a bar. 10 people confirmed it.

Pam was att*cked with this letter opener.

I saw several others just like it on a table in the kitchen.

And one of her bedroom windows was jimmied.

Her attacker broke in while she was gone and waited for her to get home.

[Tires squeal]

Sir, stop. This is a crime scene.

Get off me. Let me in.

This is my ex-wife's house.

Get off me! It's my ex-wife in there!

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Hey.

You can't go in there.

It's OK, guys.

I need to see Pam. Is she OK?

Has something happened? Please tell me.

That's what we're trying to find out.

Why don't you tell us where you were last night around 11 P.M.?

I was out, having a meal with friends.

We're gonna need names.

Wanda and Rachel.

That's all I know.

We don't use last names in group.

Is this the sex and love addicts group you were talking about?

Yeah. A few of us got together for a bite at the diner across the street after our 9:00 meeting.

How do we find this Wanda and Rachel?

There's a meeting later today at the Sunset Community Art Center in Hollywood.

Jack: So they know we're coming?

I spoke with the coordinator at the main branch.

It's quite an operation.

They have over 100 meetings daily in L.A. county alone.

Lots of sex addicts.

And love addicts.

There's help for everyone.

Might be good for you.


Why do they lump sex and love together?

Seems counterintuitive.

Cynic. It's about the rush that comes with sex and love.

The effects of dopamine on the brain are similar to cocaine.

So love really is a drug.

The addict is driven to re-create the pleasurable feelings of sex and love over and over at the expense of their relationships.

Always searching for that high is addictive, all that serotonin, oxytosin, phenylethylamine running through the brain.

You know way too much about this.


Man: And at night, I fight the urge to call her, to e-mail her, to drive by her house, and in my head, I know that I've idealized our whole relationship, I've created this fantasy in my mind that bears no resemblance to reality, and yet the desire is there, stronger than ever.

So I go out, and try to re-create something that never existed, but each sexual conquest leaves me only feeling more alone, leaves me feeling isolated from the world around me.

You know, so then I come here, and suddenly, I don't... I don't feel alone.

Janice: Hi. We're looking for Rachel or Wanda.

Are you Rachel?

Wanda. Rachel's not here today.

Detective Larsen, Lawrence.

We'd like to ask you a few questions.

See you later.

We need to confirm the whereabouts of Darren Tyler.

He said he was with you last night.

That's right.

Uh, Rachel and I took him out to dinner right after the meeting.

What time did you leave?

About 11:30.

Darren had to work early.

How well do you know Darren?

He's a member of my home group.

I've been in recovery a little over a month.

Thank you for speaking with us.

Uh, go easy on Darren.

He's had a rough time.

How do you mean?

His wife cheated on him, broke his heart.

He's had a hard time getting over the betrayal.

Thank you.

Pam: It's not true. I never cheated on Darren.

But I don't get it.

You... you told him that you did.

I'd just found out the man I loved was a sex addict, was sleeping with multiple partners.

So you were trying to hurt him?

I was angry. I said some things in the moment.

What does it matter?

Darren has an alibi.

Is there anybody else you haven't told us about, anyone?

There hasn't been anyone since Darren.

Who else could it be?

[Music playing on headphones]


Apparently Clay Adams was jogging, and someone hit him in the head with a rock.

Any witnesses?

Only some homeless guy who swears he's Brad Pitt.

What did the doctors say?

They're waiting for his brain swelling to subside.

They have no idea when he'll wake up or if he'll be able to remember anything.

What about the surveillance cameras?

Working on those right now.

Well, who whoever att*cked Clay took a huge risk.

I mean, a public park in full view of anyone who happened to be walking by.

Well, that means that the attacker was either angry or saw Clay as a thr*at.

My money's on Darren.

Clay threatened Pam.

Maybe he's still being protective.

According to the security at Darren's office, he used his key card to exit the building a little after 5 P.M.

Which gives him plenty of time to get to the park and att*ck Clay.

I'll check on the surveillance video.

Hey! What are you doing here?

I'm here to see Vicky.

You back to work?

Not quite yet.

So when?

You miss me?


You miss me?

Of course not.

When you making me dinner?

Oh, I'm cooking now?


[Knock knock knock]



I looked over the case.


I think I know why you asked me to.

You want an objective opinion.

Unbiased, yes.

I think Stan Gardner's innocent.

His alibi checks out, and Barry Newly is legit.

Newly hasn't seen Stan in 5 years.

He qualified his alibi word for word.

I think he's got a real sh*t at overturning his conviction.

So when Stan is cleared and the case is reopened, where would you begin your investigation?

Vicky, I think you know that I would start where you would start...

With your ex-husband.

He was sleeping with the victim, and if it wasn't her husband Stan, then it was the man she was having an affair with.

You were his alibi.

Yes, I was.

In your deposition, you said that he was home all night, you two got into an argument, and then he went upstairs to watch TV.

You stayed downstairs in the kitchen, working at the counter.


This alibi is complete?

There's no holes in it?

I would never lie for that man.

I believe you, or you wouldn't be here, but you must have some doubt.

Things were not good between us.

He was sleeping in the guest room, and I... I could hear the TV, but I did not physically see him until the morning.

I read that in your statement.

You're not so sure now.

He's your husband, and you know him, but is he capable of m*rder?

I don't know.

Janice: Surveillance footage is in.

So there's Clay.

According to the report, the att*ck took place here.

See that?

That's where he picked up the rock.

We never get a clear look at the attacker.

He looks to be the same height and weight as Darren.

We're gonna need evidence if we want to get a warrant.


You see that?

Sports car?

It's gray. Darren drives a gray Challenger.

I can't make out the license plate.

Let me see if I can zoom in.

Can you run it?

Doing it right now.

We got him.


Darren Tyler, open up. LAPD.


Jack, over here!

It's Pam.

Some kind of shrine to their relationship.

Looks like he put it up and then took it down.

He knows he's sick.

He's trying to cure his obsession by going to meetings.

He's more than obsessed.

He's bipolar, but it's untreated.

Anti-psychotics from 6 months ago...

Full bottle.

Pam said he wasn't right in the head, but she never mentioned mental illness.

Darren could have kept it from her, source of shame.

I keep mine a secret.

Sorry. Bad joke.

He's already turned violent.

What he's done here, these photos, this is manic.

He doesn't know whether to love her or to hate her.

Or hurt her.

[Bells toll]


Thanks, Gary. Tell everyone we'll meet at the 6th street shelter downtown tomorrow at 7:00.

Thanks, everyone. I'll see you tomorrow.

[Door shuts]

Hello? Father James?

[Man groaning]

Father James?

Oh, my God! Father James!

Father James?

Darren: I didn't mean to hurt him.

He tried to stop me, Pam.

I just wanted to see you.

Darren, what did you do?

Any update on Darren Tyler's location?

Not yet. We tried to ping his phone, but he must have turned it off.

We have a unit outside his apartment and a BOLO out on his car.

What about Pam?

Still trying to reach her.

I spoke to a neighbor, who saw her leave her house alone less than two hours ago.

That was Pam's sister. It's Pam's day off.

She said that Pam volunteers for a church group that feeds the homeless.

Which church?

St. Julia's.

We should get over there.

I came to see you.

I've wronged you, Pam.

I know that.

That's why I sent those gifts.

That was my way of saying, "I'm sorry."


I need you to know how sorry I am.

Darren, stop!

I must take responsibility.

That's what they teach us in group, that we are all responsible for what happens in our lives.

[Tires squealing]

Janice: That's Darren's car!

Call for backup!

This is Detective Janice Lawrence requesting backup at St. Julia's on Gower.

Darren, let's talk.

Put the candle down.


Hey! No! Unh!

Aah! Pam!



Go find Detective Lawrence.

Put your hands in the air.

I said put them up.

Do it.

I'm done.

sh**t me.

Get on your knees.


Unh! Ohh! Agh!


Agh! Ohh!


You got him?


Come on. On your feet.

Officer: All right. Come on. Let's go.


Were you aware he'd stopped taking his anti-psychotics?

I never knew he was taking them.

He never told me.

I asked, but...

He was sick, Pam.

I never knew how bad it was.

Sex addiction, self-mutilation, even stalking you, he was self-medicating.

But he was never gonna hurt me.

I thought he would, but I was wrong.

He was never gonna hurt me.

We caught the bad guy.

Time to go home.

In a minute.

Everything all right?

Yeah. I'm good. I'll see you tomorrow.

Man: ♪ da da ♪
♪ I just can't get you out of my head ♪

Thanks for meeting me.

I'm surprised you called.

Why are you surprised? I said I would.

Maybe because we haven't seen much of each other the past 5 years.

I always think it's because you remember just the bad stuff.

No only the bad stuff.

Besides, I believe that people can change if they really want to.

I've tried.

And you certainly have.

Look at you. You're an FBI agent now.

So... thank you...

Why exactly are you here?

This and that.

It's about that woman who runs your old unit.

I read about her.

Crazy story.

Thought it was over.

Oh, there's still some fallout and other cases.

Hey. Did you hear about Stan Gardner?

There's a name I haven't heard in a while.

A judge has agreed to reopen his case.

His conviction may be overturned.

Seriously? Why?

A witness has emerged.

Heh. It's been 5 years.

Who's this witness?

I don't know, but apparently, it checks out.

Stan could walk.

Is that what you're doing here?

If Stan was innocent, then I screwed up.

The m*rder*r's still out there.

[Cell phone vibrates]




I'm sorry. Can I take a rain check?

Of course.

♪ da da ♪
♪ da da da ♪



What are you doing here?

I know it's late, but I wanted to check on you, see how you're doing.

If I knew you were coming, I would have cooked.

Hmm. I'll settle for a beer.

That I can do. How was your day?

You know, it's weird not having you around, telling me what to do.

You having a problem with Vicky?

She's good, Jack.

But she's not you.

You're not coming back, are you?

Why would you say that?

My instinct would be to run, take off, go somewhere and start over, become someone new.

That is what you did, Jack.

Except I didn't run away.

I ran to something...

My son...

And I got a new life in the process.

What would you be running to?

I don't know.

I guess I just have to figure out what the next chapter is in my life and then...

Well, and then start living it.


Well, it would be nice if...

I was a part of that next chapter.

♪ Set me free ♪
♪ stay forever and ever ♪
♪ I just can't ♪
♪ get you out of my head ♪

I got your message.

Sorry to make you come back, but I think I have something.

No worries. What's up?

Well, it all started with something that Pam said about how Darren would never hurt her, so I started to wonder who did att*ck Pam in her house?

Right because both Darren and Clay Adams had alibis for that night.

Correct, which got me thinking about the M.O.

The attacker jimmied the window, found the w*apon inside the house, then laid in wait for his victim, which is the exact M.O. Of the k*ller in this case.

Francine Johnson.

She was m*rder*d in her home, the k*ller jimmied the window, took a Kn*fe from the kitchen, stabbed Francine in the chest.

So you think these two cases may be related?

There's more than just two.

I found 4 murders with the same M.O., and in each case, the victim had been stalked before she was m*rder*d.

So how can you tie these victims together?

I can't, but I can tie their stalkers together.

Darren Tyler, John Murray...

Each victim in all 6 cases had a stalker who attended a love and sex addiction support group.

So we've got a serial k*ller out there.