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11x24 - You're My Home

Posted: 05/15/15 02:51
by bunniefuu
We need four units of o-neg.

Bring that bench over here.

They went to cut off the door, and all I could think was he's gonna bleed out.

We need more time.

I was pissed, but then I thought, "no, we need less distance to the O.R., so...

So, you brought... the whole damn car.

How is he?

He's hanging on, barely.

Meredith: I remember in school someone telling me I came from a broken home.

That's what they used to call it
when your parents got divorced.

This isn't the way we usually do that.

I had to do it this way.

No, no, no, we see why you did it.

Okay. Look, I just wanted to give him... A second chance.

We got a second chance.

Even though getting divorced was the least broken thing they ever did.

Hey, Keith, it's Meredith.

Thanks for having me over.

How's Joan?

What's the word on my baby?

We'll find out for you.

We got you.

[Siren wails]

When I heard that as a kid, I wondered if broken homes were where the broken people lived.

Callie: Still feeling those toes, Joan?



Um, you guys, let's just stop.

Let's stop for a sec.

What's happening?

There's just a little bleeding, which is normal after a delivery, but we're gonna get you checked out before you have your spinal surgery, okay?

It was silly. I mean, I was just a little kid.

Gonna take her.

No, no, what are you doing?

What are you doing with my baby?

Just for a while.

No, please! We were crushed in a car!

My fiancé's dead! You're not taking my baby!

Please no!

Joan, your baby's doing fine, okay?


We just need to check you out.

Okay, you need to take him to the NICU and page Karev.

But to this day, I still wonder.

[Crying] No!

It looks like uterine atony. We need to move fast.

We move fast, we paralyze her.

We move too slow and she bleeds to death.


Yeah, I already spoke to mom.


I don't know how fast you're moving on the house.

I haven't even accepted an offer yet, so...

I can have my stuff out next week. Is that soon enough?

Ted, I don't care whose side of the story.

I'm not sure I can make it any sooner.

You don't have to.

I should've been out a while ago.

Derek is the one who invited me, and he's gone, so...

[cellphone rings, beeps]

Yes, I am listening.


I have to go.

Is Alex in the NICU?

Don't know and don't care, 'cause apparently, he thinks I'm some sort of '50s housewife who he can tell where to be and what to do and when to bake a pot roast.

I'm holding a baby.

Who's this?

Come on, here.


There's been a lot of talking, but not a lot of getting me out of the car.

That's still the plan, right... get Keith out of the car?

That's the plan.

When Joanie called and told me she was pregnant, you know what my first thought was?

Run like hell.

We'd only had the one date.

And she agrees, it kind of sucked.

I think we had sex just to stop the awkward silence.

[Inhales sharply]

And then boom... insta-family, like sea monkeys.

It was scary.

Now I can't believe I ever felt like that.

Now all I want to do is see them.

Owen: Grey, we're ready to cut the roof.

Okay, Keith, it's gonna get real loud and then it's gonna get scary, and then we're gonna get you out, okay?

Loud, scary, free.

[Saw buzzing]


[Indistinct shouting]


[Saws buzzing]

Arizona's having trouble controlling the postpartum hemorrhage.

This just keeps getting...


What are you doing?

I'm scrubbing in.

[Scoffs] No, you're not.

I gave you one job... to keep her in the collar until trauma cleared her.

It was the interns who... and you left her in the care of first-day interns.

They should've known better.

No, you should've known better. You can go now.

You are no longer going anywhere near this patient, got it?


Man: Roof coming off! Okay, guys, you're clear.

April: We need a trauma panel and type and cross for eight.

Owen: Got it. Drawing labs.

No blood in the pericardium.

Penetrating thoraco-abdominal injury.

Ultrasound, please.

Keith, talk to me. How do you feel?

Uh... popular.

Funny. That's funny.

Okay, guys, when you clear, we're gonna cut away the piece of the door here that's impaling him, then you can get him inside, okay?

All right.

[Saw buzzing]

Dr. Grey.

I have an update on his fiancée.

April certainly thought outside the box.

I like this Kepner.

I never thought I would like Kepner.

You know, old Kepner was... there was pigtails and bunny rabbits and smiling.

Lots of smiling, but Kepner the reboot, Kepner 2.0, she's crazy!

She's fierce. She's womaned up.

Thank you, United States army.

Bailey, hunt has this.

I need you to handle everything else in the E.R.

You are in charge.

Get used to it.

Yes, sir!


I thought I made myself perfectly clear.

You can't just appoint a new chief.

There are rules and recommendations to be made, and then the board votes.

Just because something's been done one way forever doesn't mean it shouldn't change.

It's called evolution.


What you're talking about is called dictatorship, and I did not sign up for a dictatorship, Catherine Avery.

No one asked you to, Richard Webber.

That's the problem... you never ask, you only tell.

Well, let me tell you how this is gonna...

Look, I don't want to listen to another word about it!

[Saw stops]

Man: Let's get back to it!

[Saw resumes]

Excuse me.

I-I can't. I'm...

Hey, Keith. Stay with me.

I have some news for you.

Joan's okay.

She's headed into surgery, and you have a baby boy.


A boy?

I have a son.

Okay, Joan, I'm gonna put you out now, okay?

Uterus is flaccid. She's hemorrhaging.

Okay, we got to put her under.

You got to get this under control now.

I know that.

I need a balloon catheter.

Jo: Is she out?

Not yet, why?

Joan, Keith is here.

He's here. He's alive.

Keith's here?

They're working on him now.


[Monitor beeping]

Wilson, go.

Pressure's at 70. We're losing her.

[Keith whimpering]

Keith, hang in there. Hang in there.


Okay, stop!

Hey, stop! Stop! Stop!

Okay, hold up.

What is it, Grey?

We can't do this. Not like this.


It's gonna tear him apart.

"You're My Home"

We're gonna open him up out here?

It's the only way. We start an ex-lap.

Clamp everything we can.

It'll buy us time till we get him upstairs.

Only five or six minutes till he bleeds out.

That's plenty of time.

Guys, guys, all O.R.s are full.

Owen: All of them?

Tunnel collapse victims.

No, no, we have a plastics O.R. available.

Meredith: That's all the way at the other end of the building.

That's impossible.

Nothing's impossible.

We just... all right, we clear a path to the east elevator.

Move everything out of the way, stop all foot traffic, lock down the elevator.

Can he make it that far?

No, but he will.

He doesn't have a choice, right?

So, we run.

All out like olympians.

It's plenty of time. It's plenty of time.

Let's prep him for an ex-lap out here.

Jackson: Okay.


I am not crying wolf.


I do not make decisions lightly, and I don't bow to dictators.

Miranda Bailey, you will be Grey Sloan memorial's next chief of surgery!


Thank you.

Catheter is working, and the bleeding has stopped.

No tear in the dura, amazingly.


So, an intern opened her collar?

Oh, stupid.

Wait, was that the intern that we thought was an attending?

You mistook an intern for an attending?

Yeah, he was pretty much running the trauma.

Like a boss. Like a hot, hot boss.

Somebody should get into that.

[Chuckles] Maybe you should get into that.

You know what? You should get into that.

[Laughs] I don't think so.

I have started a strict no workplace dating policy.

[Sighs] I hear you. [Laughs]

It's all too... You know?

They see you, all of you.

Then they come to work and they see you here, too, and you try to keep it professional and get things done, but suddenly you're thinking, "I was naked on you before."

[Chuckles] Or "I wish you were naked now."

"Hey, remember when you were there at my very rock bottom and I went down the rabbit hole and dragged you in with me and bared the darkest parts of my soul to you in the midnight hours?

So, now let's have a budget meeting."

It's a solid policy.

Trust me.

I can't find the 8 E.T. tubes.


Yeah, but I need more.

Webber is making me chief of surgery.

That's great, but I got to get these... wait, what?


Wait, chief of surgery?

Ooh, say it again.

[Chuckles] Hey, how you doing, man?

This is my wife, Dr. Miranda Bailey, chief of surgery.

No, chief of all these damn surgeries.


Oh, I got to get these, uh, in.

Oh, yeah, go, go, go.


Who is the chief?

I am the chief.

Owen: Warren, you'll intubate.

Kepner, you and I will do the ex-lap.

Get control of whatever's bleeding.

Grey, I need you and Pierce scrubbed and ready in the O.R. when we get there, we got it?


Meredith, do me a favor.

Tell Joanie that I loved her and that I... no. No, no, no.

No messages from beyond the grave, Keith.

We're not doing that.

It's okay.

You guys have been great.

You went way above and beyond.

Keith, yes, a lot of people here are working very hard to pull this off, and you have to work, too, okay?

I've seen the looks on these people's faces.

This is not gonna work.

Hunt, I'm gonna need a minute.


I'm serious... one minute, that's all I'm allowing.

It's too soon.

Fine, fine.

You talk to Wilson yet about me and the kids moving in?

No. I was a jackass, and now she's not even talking to me.

I can't even...

Is she moving out?

Is there room for Amelia, because you could take your old room, I could take my old room back, and then Amelia could move into Cristina's room.

God, Mer, what the hell?

I know, I know, but I hurt her feelings, and she's mad at me.

I forgot I'm supposed to be her sister.

You're a complete tool sometimes.

I've heard.

[Indistinct conversations]

April: All right, everybody stop what you're doing.

Quiet, please. Make a hole. Make a hole.

Man: Let them through, guys.

♪ The light come in ♪
♪ we take it ♪
♪ let the light come in ♪
♪ embrace it ♪

I have something for you.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Hey, big man.

[Crying] Aww.

Look at you.

I'm sorry for all this crap.

Sorry, I just... wish I...

I'm gonna see you when I get out of here, okay?

You and your mom, yeah?

I'm gonna be there and we're gonna be together, okay?

Oh, I love you. Daddy loves you.


Okay, okay.

[Crying continues]

All right, let's bag him.

Push 200 of ketamine.

Don't go.


I'm right here.

That was a bad idea bringing him out here like that.


Because I'm gonna be really pissed...

If you don't pull this off.

Me too.

[baby crying]

That was a really nice idea.

Oh, well, it wasn't mine, but I'll take credit.

Look, I was being a jerk.

[Sighs] Shut up.

I know. We were both jerks.

Can we just move on?



So, I have to ask you something.


Meredith asked me if she could move in.

She's selling her house and she wants to move in.

What do you think?

With the kids?

No, she's selling the kids with the house.

Yes, with the kids.

And I get a vote on this?

I didn't think that we did that.

I thought we were at this place where you just told me what was gonna happen.

I'm asking you.

Yeah, and I can say no to the sad widow with the three kids tapping on the window?

You said you were putting down roots here.


Now you got a house and a family.

So, I guess the wedding is off.

Yeah, what happened?

Did Richard talk to you?


Was a complete surprise.

Complete surprise.


Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm fine.


[Indistinct conversations]

Owen: Feels familiar, huh?

Feels great, actually.

You miss it?

Being in the field?

It's the only thing I ever think about.

Sats and B.P. are stable. Good to go.

Here we go.


All right, laps. More laps.

Scissors. Kelly. Kelly.

Looks like it's going straight into his renal vessels.


I can't reach. Can you get it?

Uh, I got it. I got it. Crap! Crap!

No, I-I see it. I see it.

Okay, all right.

Damn it. Laps.

Okay. Gonna need a whole lot more laps!

Jackson: Doctors hunt and Kepner start Keith's surgery outside in the car.

Doctors Grey and Pierce are standing by in the O.R. waiting to finish that surgery.

You need to help get Keith from the car to the O.R.

We estimate we have less than three minutes to get him from car to O.R.

Any more than that, he dies. You make a mistake, he dies.

This has to be perfect. We have one chance.

There are no do-overs.

His life and death depends on how you handle the next few minutes.

Do not mess this up.

Come on, come on, come on.

His chest wall is hashed.

Now, can you get that last clamp?

I got it. I got it. I got it.

You, keep these doors open.

You stay on this corner here.

All right, what's your name?

Uh, Deluca.

All right, Deluca, right here.

You got it.

Owen: That's it. Let's go.

Warren, watch the clamps when they pull the piece out of him.

Kepner, be ready to pack. Are we ready?


I'm good.

If this guy's not on the table in five minutes, this was all for nothing.

I'm starting the clock.

Let's all be careful, okay?

And go.

All right. What is your name?


Shaw, this elevator does not move until our patient is inside. Got it?

[Elevator bell dings]


Easy, easy.

[Indistinct conversation]

All right, give them room.

Let's go.


Out of here! Clear the hall!

[Elevator bell dings] Go!

No! No! No!

Owen: Sorry. Sorry. Move, move.

[Elevator bell dings] Move!

[People muttering]

Get out! Get out! Get out!

[Pressing button rapidly]

[Elevator bell dings]

Owen: Incoming! Move!

Stephanie: Just wait. Wait. Wait, wait.

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!


Who's on the elevator?

Why is it closed?! Get it open!

[Elevator bell dings]

Owen: Move!

Out! Out! Out! Out!

[Elevator bell dings]


What happened?

He coded in the elevator!

Come on.

Ready? One, two, three.

All right. Let's get him back.

Maggie: Hang some more blood. Paddles.

Push an amp of bicarb. Clear.

[Paddles thump]

[Monitor beeping]

We have sinus.

Okay, we got this?

Yeah, we got it. Go.

Maggie: Gonna have to open up his chest.

Get me a thoracotomy tray and scalpel.

Jackson: Oh.

Got a pumper here, Jackson.

Right angle...

Come on, Keith. Come on.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]
[Telephone ringing]

Here you go, doctor.

He's still alive?

For now.

And the girlfriend?

Out of surgery.

Awake. Not paralyzed.

Excellent work.

Meredith told you she's selling the house?

What, her house?


It was news to me, too.

Where are you gonna go?

I'll find something.

Maybe she'll let you keep the trailer.

Well, maybe I should just get a house that doesn't get parking tickets.

[Chuckles] Come on.

You won't miss being able to reach your toaster from your toilet?

[Laughs] I might.

I really want this to work.


This family.

Uh, all three of them.

Right. Right.

[Clears throat]

What did you think I meant?

Oh, nothing, no. That.


Me too.


Jo, come here.

The sad widow is my friend... my best friend.

And I-I don't want to piss you off and I don't want you running off somewhere, but I-I can't say no to her.

So, you're saying no to me.



Look, all that crap I said about building a life here and about putting down roots... look, I meant with you.

I want a house with you, my career with you.

Uh, maybe someday a dog, maybe.


It's all supposed to be with you.

I th... I thought you got that.

I didn't think I needed to say it.

So, when I say that I can't say no to my friend, it doesn't mean I'm saying no to you.

I want you and all of it with you.


Where are you going?

I just...

I have to think about what I want.

Meredith: Vitals are steady.

We may actually pull this out.

Jackson: This will make a hell of a wedding story.

Hey, what is going on with your mom and Richard?

Ah, same old crap.

Clash of the titans.


They both want to be boss.

Both want to dig in, and my mom is the smartest person in the room.

She's used to it. She's used to everybody knowing that she's the smartest person in the room.

So, when you challenge her, it's World w*r III.

And Richard is the same.

Well, that is just ridiculous and pathetic.

I mean, you don't just shrug your shoulders and call it quits.

You find a way to work through it.

You don't just...

[Voice breaking] Give up and throw it all away like it was nothing.

Oh, oh. Wow. Uh, I'm sorry.

It's something else. She doesn't want to talk about it.

Don't look at me. Ignore me.


Welcome to the family.


Thank you, doctor.

I have something for you.

It's my old cellphone.

There's one voice-mail on it.

Password is 1515.

And make sure you're alone when you listen to it.

Who does the postanesthesia checks?

Shut up.

Isaac: Isn't rounds when we're supposed to ask questions?

I thought you weren't allowed to go near that patient.

Did I not just say shut up?

Hi, Joan.

It's Dr. Edwards.

Give my hands a squeeze?

They fixed me up.

Can you squeeze a little harder for me on your right?

I am as hard as I can.

[Wheezes] I can't really breathe.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Her sats are dropping pretty fast.

What's happening?

Shaw, bag her.

Get a crash cart and an intubation tray in here now.

Don't take that off. I did that. You don't want to... oh.

She's hemorrhaging.

Blood's compressing her trachea.

Gloves! Gloves!

She's losing her airway.


Page Shepherd and Torres.


Scalpel now.

Callie: Sats back up to 93, 95.

What happened?

Looks like a leaking carotid pseudoaneurysm.

What about her right side?

Will she get her motor function back?

I'm more worried about brain death at this point.

She can easily throw a clot and have a massive hemispheric stroke.

[Sighs] Well, it's a good thing that you caught it.

No, Edwards. Edwards did.

Isaac: Dr. Edwards, is there any chance the leak could cause permanent da...

Will you hush?

Just sit back there and stay silent.



These are your ducklings.

I'm sor... what?

Today is the first day of your new job, and you have failed gloriously.

You are a teacher. Now, these interns are yours.

They're your ducklings, and you're letting them drown!

Well, I want them to drown.

I want to watch it.

Well, you can't.

You have to teach them how to paddle their stupid feet and stay above the water.

They're going to screw up.

And it will never be their fault.

It will always be your fault.

But how you teach them will determine how they treat patients for years to come.

They're your web-footed legacy, and they're brilliant students.

Hand-selected for this program by doctors wiser than you, and they're your responsibility.

Raise your ducklings.

What is the matter with you two?

My husband is dead.

Yeah, I'm gonna play that card.


You walked away from Ellis, never got to be with her, and now she's dead.

Adele is dead.

And you... I don't know who's dead for you.

But the both of you are very, very much alive and breathing and driving each other crazy.

And you yell and argue and fight, and you both should be thrilled to be able to do those things.

I would give anything to be able to do those things.

And none of those things are reason enough to not be with the person that you love, especially when there just isn't enough.

There will never be enough time.

And you both know that.

So whatever it is that that's coming between you two, will you just please figure it out?

Figure it out.

Jackson: It's amazing anyone survived this.

You should be proud of yourself.

It was a little ballsy, huh?

It was, actually, and you loved it.

And I don't know why you're upset.

Because I need to say something, and I don't know how to say it.

I don't even want to say it.

You want to go back.

There's another plane going to Jordan in a couple weeks, and you...

And you want to be on it.


The way I felt today, every day is like it out there.

I thought it was just readjustment, and then I thought it was, like, an adrenaline addiction or something, but it feels like...

I don't know, I...

I feel like I've been called, Jackson.

Well, maybe you should go back.


When we lost Samuel, a light went out in you, and I miss it.

I miss it so much.

And whatever it was over there, you know, whatever it is, it got relit.

[Siren wails in distance]

Thank you.


Wait. Wait.

April, I love you so much.

But I don't think I can be here when you come back.

You understand?


What? Why?


It's only gonna be a couple of months. It's not gonna be a year.


I-I promise I'll d...


You don't know what I've been through this last year.

This last year, what it was like...

I... I know.

I... it was... it was hard. I know.

What do you mean you know? You don't know.

You never asked.

Not once, in fact.

How was I doing?

How was I coping?

You didn't even ask.

I'm sorry.

S... God, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You know...

But we talked.

Yeah, you know what? You've got...

And... to have your life-altering journey, okay?

And I stayed behind.

And I held stuff down.

And I silenced myself so that you could grieve.

If you need to grieve, we can...

I did! I did need to grieve.

I needed to... needed to with you.

That's what marriage is to me, April.

So, um...

Okay, so you're saying that if I go... if I go again, then we're done?

You're just calling it?

♪ Those tears there in your eyes ♪
♪ took you by surprise ♪

Squeeze my fingers.

♪ Nothing I could say ♪

Good. Very good.

My baby... is my baby okay?

He's doing just fine.

And Keith? Is he...

I'm right here.

You're here?

I'm here.


I'm looking right at you.

I saw our baby.

He's beautiful. He's so beautiful.

He looks exactly like me.


Don't make me laugh.

It hurts.


Okay, but research budgets are approved by one department head, not a committee.

Agreed. Next point.

I have a say in all the residency candidates.

Rejected. Never gonna happen.

I gave you Valentine's day!

If I have to celebrate Valentine's day, I get to review the prospective residents.

And give a recommendation.

Nothing more.


I have final say.

That's fair.

Next point.

[Breathes deeply]

Miranda Bailey is the next chief of surgery.

Miranda Bailey is judged against an outside candidate of my choosing.

Then the board votes based on merit.



That's fair.

Agreed. Next point.


When we're at home, we are not at work.

We leave work at the hospital.

Rejected. Totally unrealistic.

Richard, our schedules... come on!

Hey, I understand, but we need some time for each o...

The bedroom.

No work in the bedroom.


Next point.

♪ I'll never go away, never go away ♪

I will provide a safe harbor.

What does that mean?

You need a place to not be Catherine Avery...

To not be decisive and set agendas and rise to the level of accomplishments that the world has come to expect of you.

You need a place to fall apart.

I will be that place...

♪ I'll never go away ♪

.. should you require it...

♪ I got your love ♪
♪ I'll never go away ♪
♪ never go away in perpetuity. ♪
♪ Ooooooh ♪
♪ even when it's dark ♪
♪ we're gonna shine, we're gonna shine ♪

Richard, do you take Catherine to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?

I do.

And, Catherine?

I do. I do, forever.

Then by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife.



♪ Even when it's dark ♪
♪ I'll never go away ♪
♪ never go away ♪

[indistinct conversations]

[Mid-tempo music playing]

Hey, bottoms up, plastics pos...

Let's just enjoy the party, huh?

Where's Kepner?

I don't know.


Where have you been?

Come with me. I want to show you something.

Oh, congratulations, chief!

Thank you, thank you.

Uh, and speaking of chief, um...

I, uh, had a talk with Catherine, and there is going to be, um...

I don't know how to say this, but... you have got to be kidding me.

You're running just against one other candidate, but you're gonna have it.

Ju... sir, I understand, but it's just not fair.

Well, actually, it's the only fair way...

No, no, no... to this other candidate, because I am going to wipe the floor with her... or him.

It's gonna hurt. Getting trounced hurts, and it'll be embarrassing, publicly and professionally, losing by that wide a margin, because I am primed for this job, sir.

I deserve this job.

There isn't a single person in this room who would d-d...


Disagree that I am not so ready for this job.

It's already mine.

Damn right it is.


Pardon me, dear, but Dr. Webber has a couple of moves I haven't seen yet.

I love you.


Why are we here?

It's a loft space.

Jo, it's a crime scene.

Jo: Stop! Stop it. You're ruining it.

Someone beat me to that.

Oh, shut up!

It's all I can afford.


I took everything... all my savings, everything that I had... and it was almost enough to cover the whole thing.

Wait. [Sighs] You're buying this?

Well, um...

We are, if you want to pitch in.

I put in an offer.

Sell Meredith her house back...

Because this is what I want...

Our own place, for us.

And [Chuckles] and, um, I just...

I saw this place, and I thought that we could make it anything... whatever we want...

Because I love you. and I love living with you. but we should just...

We should have our own place.

Just us.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh if you want that.

If that's... if that's what you want, too.

♪ Some sort of window to your right ♪

You've never said that.

Said what?

"I love you."


I didn't think that I had to.


♪ You begin to wonder why you came ♪

Patient presented in labor with a fracture at c5-6.

Radioulnar fracture was reduced in the field.

Post-op, she bled from a carotid pseudoaneurysm...

Which was repaired with an arteriotomy and a patch.

Patient now shows no neuro deficits and is expected to make a full recovery.



Would the chance for recovery have been different...

Andrew: Are high-dose steroids still indicated for immediate treatment?

♪ Had I known how to save a life ♪ [Crying]

I know.

♪ Let him know that you know best ♪

I know. I do.


♪ 'Cause, after all, you do know best ♪
♪ Try to slip past his defense ♪
♪ without granting innocence ♪

Oh. Sorry. I was just...

♪ Lay down a list ♪

You all right?

I was just about to listen to a message.

♪ Pray to God he hears you but ♪

I can't... seem to bring myself to hit play.

♪ He hears you ♪
♪ where did I go wrong? ♪
♪ I lost a friend ♪
♪ somewhere along in the bitterness ♪
♪ And I would have stayed up with you all night ♪
♪ Had I known how to save a life ♪

[Cellphone beeps]

Derek: Hey, it's me. [Gasps]

I'm on the ferry. I-I just wanted to say that, um...

God, I wish you could see this.

♪ As he begins to raise his voice ♪

Weather's classic Seattle.

♪ You lower yours ♪

Oh, the water is so blue.

♪ And grant him one last choice ♪

It may be the most perfect ferryboat ride I've ever had in my life.

We're gonna do this a lot more when I get home, by the way... you, me, and the family.

We're just gonna take a day and... ride the ferryboat... all day if we want.

I love you, Meredith.

I know I just left, and I'm not even at the airport yet, but I just wanted to say...

I love you.

I love our family.

And we're gonna keep doing this.

♪ I lost a friend I'll see you when I get home.

I love you.

♪ And I would have stayed up with you all night ♪

[Sobs, sniffles]

♪ Had I known how to save a life ♪

[Breathes deeply, sniffles]


You okay?

[Exhales sharply]

[Sniffles] Yeah.

♪ How to save a life ♪

Yeah. I am.

♪ How to save a life ♪



What is wrong?

And don't say you're fine.

Nothing. I'm fine.

[Sobs] What... did somebody die?


[Sighing] Pbht.

My parents are getting a divorce.

My mom called and told me today.

[Breathes deeply]

She's been having an affair with the man that services their cars...

[Voice breaking] For 11 years.

[Chuckles] He's been servicing their cars and my mom.

And my dad found out about it years ago, and he was enraged, and he stuck with it for me, because I was...

[Sighs] I was still in town. I was always around.

You know, so they held it together for the kid.

Classic. Except the kid's a grown woman.


They wanted to preserve my... happy, idyllic... pathetic, crap-filled lie of a childhood!


Why didn't you tell me?


Your husband died, and I am crying like a 7-year-old over mommy and daddy.

I... I didn't grow up like you. I... I've never lost anyone. I never even had a cat die. I still have all my grandparents. There's no darkness in my life.

Just, I've never had it.

So I-I'm not gonna come talk to you about it.

Well, you should always come talk to me...

Because whatever it is, chances are, I've seen worse, and I am qualified to tell you how you'll survive.

You should always come and talk to me.

[Sighing] Pbht.

What are you crying about?

What are you crying about?

♪ God knows you just made my day ♪ [Sighs]

[Breathes deeply]

♪ Since you came around Derek would have loved this.

He came from this big, noisy family.

♪ I wanna see you walkin' my way, yeah ♪

I want this to be my last memory of this house. that's what he wanted... to fill it with noise and people.

Meredith: You can build a house out of anything, make it as strong as you want.

♪ Maybe two people stop and stare Okay. We have to dance it out.


What does that mean?

Let's go.

But a home... a home is more fragile than that.


♪ Ain't no clouds getting in my way, no ♪
♪ I must be running on sunshine ♪

A home is made of the people you fill it with.

♪ Ain't no rain getting in my way ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ I must be running on sunshine ♪

and people can be broken, sure.

But any surgeon knows...

♪ Ain't no rain getting in my way ♪

What's broken can be mended.

♪ No doubt ♪
♪ no doubt about it ♪

...what's hurt can be healed.

That no matter how dark it gets... the sun's gonna rise again.

♪ And there ain't no clouds in my sky ♪