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06x01 - Open Windows

Posted: 05/22/15 17:11
by bunniefuu
♪ You better get up for your mama ♪

Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Hey!


You do realize I had the truck perfectly packed, right?

It was... Tetris style, verging on art.

♪ I know you're ready ♪

Okay, so we're playing a little hide-and-seek here.

♪ Anyhow ♪

Ah, yeah.

You, my darling, are a complete idiot.


I don't want to go.


Please just tell me we don't have to leave.

I don't care. Lie to me.


We don't have to leave.


Sure. We'll call in sick.

Food poisoning.

We'll blame it on that tiny little fish you caught last night.

All right? We'll stay another week.



Come on.

Oliver won't care, he's just happy we're having fun.

Let's get you back into that bathing suit.




McNally, your bathing suit's still wet.

I'm not gonna put you back into a wet bathing suit.

I'm not a monster.

Are you sure?

Maybe I am.


♪ I saw you passing there in the street lights ♪
♪ do you have ♪
♪ a home for the morning ♪

[panting] I can't, Nick.

I can't.

Oh, my god.

How is it that lifting myself up with my own arms is utterly impossible?

Come on, you can do it.

We're in training.

For what?

Here. Let's go.

Come on. Ready?

A long life alone, single, with a six-pack that no one's ever gonna touch?

No, I'm applying to ETF.

What? You're leaving me?

You're my only friend.

I'm a complete pariah now.

Yes, Chloe, this is all about you.

Is this about Gail?




That girl you made out with who never called you back?

What is it?

Look, I just need a change, okay?

[Exhales sharply] Come on!

49 more of these, you can join ETF with me.

Very funny.

Watch this.

[Grunts] Two.

What's it say?

I am not supposed to tell you.


I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.


According to the chemical report, the evidence room b*mb had a completely different signature than the I.E.D.s Ted McDonald was using.

He could have used two different kinds of bombs, but it's weird.

Doesn't make any sense.

All this guy wanted was for us to see his evidence.

Why would he destroy it?

I... I don't know.

I can't believe I gave up my vacation for this.

Epstein, I didn't make you any promises.

It seemed like a good opportunity.

That was me being opportunity.


So, what are you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna figure out what happened.

That's not what I meant.

You have to tell him.

Swarek's a good guy.

He's gonna want to know you're pregnant.

Any guy would.

They're driving back today.

He'll probably be at the Penny tonight.



Okay, I, uh...

I don't know.

Good talk.

So, does Steve actually know how to cook?

No, but you just chew, and then you smile, and then you chew, and then you smile.





Tell me that my cabin is in one piece.

It is. Well, barely.

Tell me that you had a wicked time.

It was the best.


Thank you.



It's so nice to see you. [Laughs]

I can't believe Leo's bunk bed's coming the one morning I might be at Steve's.

I know.

Are you, uh, still okay to stay at my place?

Yes, of course. You know what?

I could use a night off, get ready for the week.

Rearrange your cupboards.


I'm buying drinks.

Who wants a drink?

I got it. I got it.

Yeah? You got it?

Yeah, I got it.

Epstein, I like your style.

Let him go.

There's a bartender, and she's not unattractive.


Nice to see the band's back together.

Thank you. You know, it's good to be back.

We had a couple weeks off, uh, when the station exploded, but now we're back serving, protecting, and...


Yeah, yeah. I've heard it all.

But somehow, coming from you, it sounds cute.

Where's your pal? Diaz, right?

Oh, yeah, he's, uh, at a meeting.


I don't know.

Just nice to get a chance to talk to you on your own.


[Indistinct conversations]

Oh, man, there's... there's my sponsor.

[Sunroof whirring]

[Breathes deeply]

I do like a sunroof.

I can see the moon.


I know. It's beautiful.

You can't even see it.

I don't need to.

I don't know much, Chris.

But there's one thing I know, and that's the moon is beautiful.

Let's go back to my place.

A crappy apartment you share with a friend?

Well, two, actually, but one's leaving.

She's mo... she's moving out.

No, thanks.

[Both chuckle]

What about your place?

My place would be great, yeah... if my husband wasn't there.


Kind of reminded me of Tom Cruise there for a second.

Hey. [Chuckles]

Well, "Top g*n" or "Risky Business"?

Mm, "Cocktail."

Ooh, boo. Not near as cool.


How's it's going? You headed in for a drink?

Uh, no. I'm... on my way home.


Good vacation?

Yep, great.


Is everything all right? What's going on?


You thinking about this Ted McDonald business?

I've been thinking about it myself for, like, weeks.

I've got some crazy ideas about it.

No, it's... it's not that.

[Breathes deeply]

Sam, I'm pregnant.

[Chuckling] What?

I wasn't gonna tell you, but now I'm gonna be at 15 a little longer, so I figured...


It was an accident.

Look, I'm not asking for anything from you, all right?

I just thought you should know.

And in case you were wondering, there hasn't been anyone else since you.

So, yeah.



We can talk about this more tomorrow.

Or never.

I'm so sorry.

[Engine turns over]


[Horn blaring in distance]


Nice move, Peck.


[Cellphone vibrating]


Um, Andy, I want to talk to you.

It's been like 20 minutes. Really?

[Muffled screaming]


[Muffled grunting]

[Breathing heavily]

[Breathing heavily]

I answered the phone here. I came out. He grabbed me.

He att*cked me from behind. We... uh... look, we fought, and he got away.

I don't know what else you want me to say.

Where is her recycling?

I know there's recycling somewhere.

She's always talking about it.

It's okay. We'll leave it right here.

She can tell us when she gets here.


All right.

What do you mean, "when she gets here"?

I told you not to call her.

Uh, it's her place. She needed to know.

Okay, but she had one night.

One. We had three weeks together we got to get away.

I just wanted her to have one night, Sam.


Oh, my god.



I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine. It was my own fault.

I left the balcony doors wide open.

I leave them open all the time.

You do?

Yeah, I mean, if I'm here, and I'm up.

My A.C.'s broken.

I'll check with the downstairs neighbors and see if anyone saw anything, okay?

Detectives are on their way.

They'll send uniforms to start canvassing.

I'm so sorry about your table.

With three weeks off, you know, I... I think I really gained some clarity.

Oh, yeah?


I mean, I know what I need now.

I need a bro, you know?

And guess what. You're it.

I've decided.

I mean, just imagine, you and me, mano a mano, mi casa es su casa.

Duncan, go shave.

I already... I already shaved, though.

Do it again. Now. Shave your face.


What are you doing here?

Um [Chuckles] I thought that this was the women's locker room.

No, they, uh... they switched them last year.

The girls wanted more water pressure.

Right. Of course.

Um... it's... it's Nick, right?

Nick, the guy you bailed on a pretty great kiss with, Nick, the loser who's logged 70 hours at that coffee shop hoping to see you again.

Now I go for the coffee, but initially, I was... what are you showing me?

Well, it's just... it's here somewhere... my name tag.


You're a police officer?

Yeah, yeah.

I start today.


Officer Juliet Ward.


Is Juliet even your real name?

Look, just... just don't, okay?

I knew that I was starting work in a month.

And... I didn't want to get involved with another cop.

Another cop? Have you been involved with a lot of cops?


Have you?

See? See that... that... that look.

That's exactly what I was trying to avoid.

What look?

Uh, the "whoops, I crap where I eat" look.

And, for the record, I meant fellow cop, not another cop.

I should have been more specific, and I apologize.

That's what you're apologizing for?

Your grammar?

No, not my grammar.

Just my... just my choice of words.

Why didn't you just tell me?


Look, I was just trying to stick to my plan.

And... I was worried that you would change my mind.

Yeah, I would have.

Welcome to 15.

Thank you.

All right, everybody. Welcome back.

It's nice to see you all looking so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Okay, we're gonna keep it that way, because today, we're gonna track down a burglar.

I'm sure that most of you have heard that last night, officer McNally fought off an intruder.

I will let her fill you in on the details, but in case she's feeling particularly self-effacing, I will tell you McNally kicked his ass.

[Cheers and applause]

All right.

That's how we do it in 15.

I would also like to introduce the newest member of our platoon.

Everybody, this is officer Juliet Ward, she's a lateral transfer from Vancouver P.D.

How you doing?


Now, according to my pals on the coast, we are very lucky to have her.

So, let's make her feel welcome, all right?

[Applause] Give it up!

Hey, everyone.

Make her feel like part of the family, okay?

Hey, Chloe.

Hey, Chris, how are you?

Good, how was your break?

Oh, it was... it was great.

Yeah, I, uh... I worked out a lot.

You can probably tell,

'cause I'm, uh, looking pretty cut, so...

[Chuckles] Totally.

How about you?

It was good, you know?

Just took it easy, worked on the place.

You should see Dov's room.

We totally redid it ... it looks awesome.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I should... Gail's waiting for me, so I should...

Yeah, it was... it was nice to see you.

Did you paint over our wall?

The wall that we did together, mind map of our love, complete with photographs and special, special notes?

Yeah, I did.

[Sighs] What color?



I'll see you around, Chloe.

You look great.

Andy: Uniforms didn't find anything? Nothing from ident?

Sam: Nope.

Not really surprised.

The guy was wearing a mask and gloves, barely got inside.

So, you're sure he didn't follow you there?

No, I was walking. I was alert.

I would have seen him.

All right, you get in there, turn on the lights, open the doors.

Two minutes later, he's coming in.

Crappy timing for a B&E.

No, well, he wasn't after me. It's not even my place.

Maybe he wasn't targeting you.

Andy: Hey, Trace.

Traci: Hey.

Hey, Marlo. How's it going?

Um, good. Fine.

I'm... I'm still working on the Ted McDonald case.

It's a bit of a mess. So, I'm... okay.

All right. Well, good luck with it.

Traci, is there any chance this thing last night was personal?

Like what, Dex?

No. No. There's no way.

He was with Leo last night, anyway.

Okay, but have you received any weird phone calls or e-mails?

I mean, the usual.

"You're the bitch who put me away.

Travesty of justice."

I mean, I get a few of these letters every once in a while, but so does everybody.

Is there anyone else you can think of?

There's this guy who works at my coffee shop, letterhead coffee, right across the street from me.

He's this tall, hipster-nerd type.

He's always asking me a bunch of questions, but he seems pretty harmless.

Corey something. I don't know his last name.

Does he know your last name?


Yeah, he does.



Juliet: Hey.


Who are you again?

Oh, sorry, I'm Ward. Transfer.

Oh, hi, Price. Welcome.

Thank you.

I was late today. That's why I'm on booking.

It took me an extra 30 minutes to get ready this morning.

Apparently putting on pants without bending your knees is really hard.


Oh, thanks.

You cross-training?


Ow, you just... you shocked your muscles.

Don't worry. They'll be fine in like... Four days.

Do you want a painkiller?

Dear god, yes. Yes.

I would go myself, but, "A," I can't move, and "B," I do not want to run into Dov again.



I'll tell you about it sometime.

The Tequila, the cookie apology, the hidden marriage, and the divorce kiss.


Okay, well, now I don't want to leave.

Well, two Advils and a Red Bull, I will be boring you with this stuff all day.

That is a promise.

Coming right up.

Thank you.

Guys. Come on. I make coffee.

No, you're an engineering student, you dropped out of Kempton two months ago, and according to your co-workers, you struggle with severe anxiety and depression.

Show me an interesting person who isn't on antidepressants, and I'll make you free lattes for a year.

I'm gonna take that bet. See this guy?

He's very interesting, and he's not on anything.

He's just high.

On life.


I feel bad.

We have to follow it up, Trace.






Do you know Traci Nash?

Extra-large redeye nonfat latte.

Of course I know her. I know everyone who comes in.

Come on. Sit down.

Yeah, sure.

Sam: Did you know that she's a police officer?

Yes, I did.

You did?


Well, I just figured.

Is she okay?

She's okay. Thanks for asking.

Corey, where were you last night,

10:00 P.M. till around midnight, give or take?

I already told the other officers.


I was with my mom.

She's sick, so I've been staying with her, helping her out.

Sorry to hear about your mother.

Um, Traci Nash, does she come into your coffee shop a lot?

Yes. She makes me nervous.

[Chuckles] She makes you nervous?

Yeah, she makes me nervous. She's beautiful.



She makes me very nervous.

So I... I do designs.

Like, on her coffee, like, hearts and swirls.

But she always puts a lid on, so she never sees.

[Chuckles] But that's okay.

She's out of my league.

This might sound like a strange question, but have you ever noticed anyone watching her in your coffee shop, observing her?

Americano, right size.

What's that?

Man, there's this guy.

He's, like, white, brown hair, kind of looks like he works construction, only ever orders Americanos.

We always ask what size, and he goes, "the right size."

So we just give him a medium.

Tell me more about him.

Well, he's there every night when she comes home.

He's just, like, looking across the street at her place.

At least, I assume she lives there.

It's the building across the way, right?



Takes pictures sometimes with his phone.

It's like, dude.

Oh, my god.

Do you know who he's talking about?

Just talked to Corey's mom. His alibi checks out.

But I was going through the system.

Found this one from last week.

Attempted B&E, balcony entrance around midnight, woman came home and found a guy in her apartment.

She screamed and he took off.

You want to check it out?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.


I don't have anything new to report.

I mean, unless you found the guy.

No. No, we haven't.

But, um, we're investigating a similar incident.

We thought they might be connected.

What kind of incident?

One of our officers was att*cked last night a few blocks from here.

Is she okay?

It was me, actually. And I'm fine.

I was able to fight him off, but he did get away.

Pria, it says here that you left your balcony window open.

Is that how he got in?

Yeah. I mean, I assume.

He was here when I came back.

Okay, so, you yelled at him, and he took off?

Not exactly.

He pulled out a knife.

He r*ped me, and then he took off.

Pria: I came in. He was here. He was wearing a ski cap, with a... he knew my name. He said he didn't want to hurt me, but he did. He blindfolded me. And he... And then, when he was done, he left.

And why didn't you tell the detective what happened? The sexual as*ault... why didn't you report that?

'Cause it was my own stupid fault! I left my balcony open. I... I should have known. Who does that?

Pria, this isn't your fault.

It's not just that. I went out. I went to meet some friends. And I got wasted. And when the cops showed up, I panicked. I just... I just wanted them to leave.

We're gonna find this guy. But it would really help us if you would report this officially.

No. No, I don't... I don't want to talk about this anymore. I have a new alarm system. I... I keep my computer really dim. I keep the lights down low, so he can't see that I'm home.

Pria, you sound like a prisoner.

Right before he left, he said that he looked forward to seeing me again.
Are you okay?

Yeah. You?

[Breathes deeply] Yeah.

We'll get him.

I know.

Hey, Sex Crimes is sending over a detective.

What do you got?

I already got three matches. Just started looking.

Common denominators... we've got single women in their homes between 10:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M.

There's always a door or a window that's open, and it's all in the last seven weeks.

All right, well, that's when the weather got nice.

Open windows, that makes sense.

Officers. This is Detective Capello.

Hi, there. Nice to meet you all.

Is there someplace we can talk?

One day? You've done a lot of work.

The guy broke into detective Nash's apartment, att*cked officer McNally.

We're obviously keen to find him.

This one's new to me, Pria Malik?

She didn't report her as*ault.

That makes it harder. Looks like the same details, though.

So, there's four types of rapists.

This guy is looking like power reassurance, the "gentleman r*pist."

Deluded fantasies of knowing the victim and being invited in.

Surveillance in advance, right?

Yeah, he's watching his targets for weeks before he hits.

I've been working a suspect for a while now.

And if you believe the profilers, this guys is poorly educated, he has a menial job, lives alone or with his mother.

This guy is escalating quickly, though... a lot more violent, and not a lot of self-control.

Okay, so what do we do?

Nothing. We're on it.

Uh, sorry, you're "on it"... like, you're newly on it or you've been on it?

Because most of us live in this neighborhood, and we haven't heard one thing about this guy, and we're police officers.

Well, we start warning the public, the public starts to panic.

The suspect goes to ground and relocates and starts attacking women in a completely different area.

We lose our lead time, and he just starts all over again.

Okay, but we have a responsibility to protect the women in this neighborhood.

We don't get to decide how safe they are or not.

We have a sworn duty to protect them, tell them the truth, and give them the opportunity to lock their balcony doors.

Officer, I understand that you're upset.

You're personally involved.

I am not upset. I'm invested.

Oliver: So, we just hang out?

Yeah, let more women get att*cked?

That's... that's your suggestion, Detective?

No, I'm not suggesting anything.

I am telling you to leave it alone.

Feel free to double up on patrols in the area if you like.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Detective Nash, got a minute to talk?

Are you sure you want to talk in here? I mean...

Well, it sounds like you were the intended victim.

And I need a recorded statement, so this seemed easier.

Traci Nash.

Uh, you're pretty young for a detective.

I've worked hard.

I'm sure.

You're mother to an 11-year-old boy?

And you're single, correct?


I mean, I'm seeing someone.

I was... I am again.

I'm seeing... uh, seeing someone.


Steve Peck.

He's, uh, also a detective, g*ns and Gangs.

Yeah, I know who he is.

Are you seeing anyone else?

What do you mean?

I mean, are you dating anyone else, as well?

It's allowed, you know.

It's not against the law to play the field.

[Chuckles] I realize that.

Uh, no. I'm not.

Any brief encounters, one-night stands, anyone else we should be looking at?

No. I already said.

There's no judgment, Detective.

They're just questions.

You of all people should know that.


I guess I just don't like being on this side of the table.

No one does.

Yeah. Yes, Inspector. I understand.

Yep, I got it.

Okay, thank... yep, bye.



What does he think?

Uh, to his credit, he's torn.

But he is a company man, so...

Leave it to Sex Crimes.


What do you think?

If Izzy lived in that neighborhood...

Celery, Zoe... I'd be on the phone with them right now.

I mean, who are we kidding?

You know I already called them.



Close your windows, lock them up, make sure the blinds are drawn, it's no big deal.

[Inhales deeply] So what do we do?

The right thing.

I think we should warn them.

Detective Capello said we can't issue an official advisory.

Doesn't mean we can't go out on patrol and do a little door-knocking.

Okay. We'll do that.


North of King, south of Bloor, east of Dufferin, and west of Spadina.

We're looking for a white male in his late 20s, early 30s, brown hair, might work construction.

That's all we got for now.

Until we find him, we're doubling up on patrols and spreading the word.

That's all. I'll be coordinating from my cell.

Oliver: All right, you heard the man. Let's go.

What's up, Dov?

There's got to be a way to narrow this down.

Can I stay behind? I've got some ideas.

Yeah, just keep me in the loop.


I got to head out.

Are you... are you gonna be around later?

I think we should talk.

Yeah, I'll be here.

How far along are you?

Four months.

And, uh... [Chuckles]

Uh, how long have you known?

Two months.


Are you taking your medication?

Yeah. I am.

Doctors agree, the risks of going off of it outweigh any health risks to the...



And he or she is doing fine so far, so that's good.

He or she? You don't know?


I thought I'd carry on in the spirit of letting it be a surprise.

You haven't told Andy yet?

I was gonna tell her last night, but then she got att*cked, so...

It was not a good time.

Andy: Hey. Ready to go?

Oh, yeah, o... okay.

I'll talk to you soon.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[Police radio chatter]

This is stupid, man.

What are you talking about?

Needle in a haystack.

Straw into gold.

Telling these people to shut their doors...

I mean, what the hell are we accomplishing?

So go, then.

Seriously. Go wait in the car.

Pull out your cellphone, update your status, check what's trending ... I don't actually care.

Look, bro, all I'm saying is that it seems like that Sex Crimes lady had it under control.

Okay? Maybe this isn't our job.

Maybe it isn't. So I will see you in the car.

Duncan: I'm not gonna wait in the car.

Uh, excuse me, ma'am.

I don't get it.

Are you saying there's a robber in the neighborhood?

I'm saying, lock all your doors, be safe, call us if you need us, and feel free to spread the word.

Okay. Thank you.

[Sighs] Crap.

[Police radio chatter]


The case worker wants me to make a video about why I want to adopt Sophie.

Well, then, make a video.

[Chuckles] Oh, hey, it's just me... Gail.

I'm a nice, single, h*m* police officer standing in front of a swing-set trying to look both playful, yet responsible.

Just be honest. I mean, you really want the kid. Just tell them why.

You seem really good.

I am good.

Yeah? Everything's calm? It's copacetic?

Yeah, well, I mean, I'm seeing a married cocaine addict.

But she's sober now, so that's good.

There it is.

You asked.

It's really nice to have a friendly new face around here.


Everyone's pretending to be neutral, but we all know that they're Dov's friends first.

Except for maybe Nick.

Nick. Nick Collins, right?


Are... are you two close?

Uh, yeah. I mean, as close as Nick gets.

He's not really into the whole group-bonding thing.

Hmm, why not?

Who knows? Could be the army.

Could be the fact that he's an orphan.

Could be the fact that he's embarrassed about his two lady loves.

I mean, both affairs went, like, kaboom right in front of that chiseled face of his.

He's a really good guy, though.

So, are... are you two... ?

No, no. No, no. No.


That would be weird.

That would be like Oliver and Andy.

Oh, gross. Wipe the mind, wipe the mind.


Uh, yeah, Staff... Staff Sergeant Shaw.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, right.

He's boss.

"He's boss"... you mean, he is the boss?

Both, actually. Yeah.

It's funny, he's actually dating this amazing chick.

Her name is Celery, and check this out... she's Wicca.

Wicca, like, wicked? Wicked cool?

No, like, Wicca, like a... like a witch.

[Gasps] Oh. Oh! Right. Right.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, for reals.

I kind of think that she's into the...

[Inhales sharply] Not that I would know or anything.

Oh, of course not.

Yeah, but not Oliver.

He's like... but... but in a good way.

He's kind of got, like, rounded corners.

You know?

Thank you.

Well, that was awful.

You've been with Capello this whole time?

[Sighs] Every move I've made, every person I've talked to in the last three weeks, she's, like, going through my underwear drawer.

Well, at least you get to go home now.

I don't want to.

I'm probably gonna stay at Steve's.


You guys back on?


I mean, he's been great the last couple weeks... flowers, dinner.


What color?

Yellow, lilies. Why?

I don't know.

A couple of these cases, the women got flowers the day before they were att*cked.

It's probably nothing.


What'd you say?

Card read "xoxo," and I assumed they were from Steve.

I was gonna ask him over dinner, but then Sam called, and the night went to hell.

When did they come?

Day before yesterday.

Do you remember the name of the florist?

Fair Blooms, down the street from me.

Hi, this is Officer Dov Epstein from 15 Division.

I'd like to speak to your manager.

Hi, Jane. Need a little help.

We're, uh, trying to track some deliveries.

We're looking for someone who's sending flowers anonymously, possibly yellow lilies, a card that reads "xoxo."

Sound familiar?

Orders by phone, pays with credit card.


Thank you very much.

Traci... we got him.

Bad guy gets flowers delivered the day before he att*cks.

He calls the orders in, the flower store's never seen him in person.

Okay, so there's a credit card?

Prepaid. Fake name.

Right, of course. How do we find him?

The store's searching invoices for the last three days, and they're faxing them over right away.

If we can't find him, maybe we can find who he's after.

Look at all these women walking around enjoying the summer.

You know, I feel bad.

I feel bad that I have this knowledge, this secret, you know?

I mean, I know, they don't, and they should.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Yeah, Swarek. What do you got?

It seems like our guy is sending flowers to women the day before their apartment gets hit.


Yeah, the fax just came through. Here, hold on.

Here we go.

Flowers were sent to a Laura Jacobs,

11 Portland, suite 502 yesterday.

I'm gonna call her right now.

All right. On our way. We're going to 11 Portland.

[Siren wails]

Laura? Laura Jacobs?

Laura, this is the police.

What do you want to do?

Dov's called her four times, she hasn't answered.

I... I think we should go in.



Oh, my god!

[Breathing heavily] Are you crazy?

What are you doing? Look at my door!

What the hell is the matter with you?!

Laura Jacobs?

I'm Andy McNally. This is Detective Swarek.

Laura, why didn't you answer the door?

I thought you were my neighbor.

Hates my music, he's always banging on the door trying to get me to turn it off.

W... why did you kick my door down?


Laura, I want you to follow my partner.

She's gonna walk you out of here.

She'll explain it on the way.



Yes. Right now.


Is this about my speeding tickets or something?

Because that would be really extreme.

No, it's not. I'll tell you in the car.

Andy: Yep.

How's she doing?

Oh, she's fine, considering.

She's sitting in her boxers in a squad car with Nick and Duncan.

Gail and Chris are downstairs.

They're watching from the street.


All right.

What's going on?

You've been acting weird to me all day.

Just talk to me.

You know I love you, right?


I mean... I think so.


We had a great vacation, just the two of us together in a fishing cabin for three weeks.

I've never been happier.

So, then, what?

Is it Marlo?

I mean, is she sick... or something?

Or... off her meds?

She's been acting strange lately.

Gail: 1505, come in.

1505. What do we got?

Andy, we can see movement on the balcony.

Hey! Don't move!

Okay! Okay, but... uh, I'm gonna fall!

Chris, Gail, you got him?

Gail: Yeah, we see him. We got him.

So, then, fall.

[Siren chirps]

[Siren wailing]

I used to live there. My ex locked me out.

I was just trying to get my laptop back.

She said she was gonna sell it to pay her rent.

So, what, you were sneaking in to get it back?

[Sighs] I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea.

It was an illegal idea.

Then arrest me for it.

Do what you have to do.

But that other stuff you're saying I did, I didn't do it.

I really, really didn't.

His story checks out. I talked to his ex-girlfriend.

She doesn't want to press charges, says she was being a bitch about the laptop.

What about Andy? What about Pria Malik?

He was at work both nights. His manager confirms it.

Did you call Sam?

I did.

He's on his way back here now. He knows we got the wrong guy.

We screwed up. Didn't we?

I knew it wasn't him the second I saw him, and Sex Crimes said we were gonna scare him off, and we did.

Now he's gonna be in another city, another division, and no one's gonna know.

All right, so, it's better to know the truth, right?

It's... no matter how bad it is, right?


That's what you think, that's what...

[Sighs] what you believe.what you believe.

What is going on?

It's about Marlo.

What about her?

She's pregnant.


With... with who?

She's... she's four months' pregnant.


I, uh... I'm sorry.

She... I only heard about it from her last night.

I was on my way over to tell you, and then...

That's what you...


Andy, Andy.

Come on. Come on.

No, can you just...

Just talk to me.

Just... I can't. I can't. Just... just...

I know, I just need... a second, okay, or a day or... or three.

Just don't leave!

Pria, what are you doing here?

I heard about what you guys are doing.

The women in my building, on my street, they said that you guys were out there tonight.

We were.

Did you find him?

No. I'm sorry.

Okay. That's okay.


I keep thinking about what you said.

If I need to file a report, if that will help...

You guys are... you're doing all this.

If I can help, I want to.

Okay, Pria, we... we lost tonight.

We lost our guy. We didn't find him.

I know.

But you will.


I don't think I could have been any clearer.

I asked you... no, I told you... leave it to us.

You told us that we could double up on our patrols.

Yeah, but you knocked on doors and you talked to every woman in my search area.

My phone has not stopped ringing, and this guy... he's gone.


No, don't. Don't even.

I was just at dinner.

A very pleasant dinner, a few other couples.

And suddenly, my phone starts buzzing.

Inspector, I take it nobody has briefed you on tonight's developments.

What developments?

I told them to leave this to you.

Shall we take this to my office?

I think that's a good idea.


You know, you should never have been involved in this tonight.

On this one, you are not a detective.

So stand down, Ms. Nash.

We did the right thing tonight, yeah?

Yes, we did.

Okay, then.


What are you doing?

Blocking your view.

What if Ted McDonald wasn't connected to that b*mb?


How did it get in there?

And keep it simple.

Somebody else brought it in.


I don't know. Uh...

Only cops are allowed back there.

And why do they go in there?

To drop off evidence.


There were 20 other arrests that day.

There must have been other evidence logged in... cellphones, um, bags, stuff that wasn't swept for expl*sives.

You realize what you're saying, right?

I'm saying that our work's cut out for us.

So you in?

I'm in.


Tonight, I'm driving you home.

Let's go.

Good night, Nick.

Oh, hey. How was the new girl?

Oh, Juliet? Yeah, yeah, she's rad. She's rad.

She's a little bit O.C.D., but she's super nice.

She asks a lot of questions, but, you know, that's okay,

'cause I got all the answers, right?

Actually, do you guys know each other?

Hmm? No. No, not at all. Why?

Oh, uh, I... I don't know.

She was just quizzing me about you.

I thought you guys might have met or something.



So, you're just done?

You know what? Yeah, just... just go join ETF.

There's nothing keeping you here.

[Breathes deeply]

Um, I'm... I'm sorry, all right?

For what? For your choice of words?

Uh, no.

Um, for what I, um... for what I did.

I really, um... I should have told you last month.

Is that it? We're cool?

Yeah. Yeah, we're cool.


Hey, how was your, uh... your first shift?

Oh, it was... it was great.

Um, I got to help Chloe stretch out her glutes.

I like her. She's, uh... she's genuine.

She said that you might be going to ETF.

I don't know yet. We'll see.


Well, um, I...

I'll see you around, Collins.

Yeah, see you around, whatever your name is.

[Police radio chatter]


What are you doing here?

♪ Gravity gets us... ♪

You know I'm a cop, right?

I do.

Did you know I work at 15?

I wasn't sure.

Who's your husband?


Jamie, who's your husband?

Jamie, let's go.

Darling, is everything all right?

Not really.

Are you good to drive?


[Siren wailing in distance]

♪ Maybe, just maybe ♪
♪ we could rewrite history ♪
♪ baby, I'm fading ♪

So, how was it?

Good. It went well.

No questions?

Uh, Staff Sergeant, he was curious about the transfer, but didn't press it, so...

Anything so far?

[Sighs] There's a lot going on in there.

Look, just drive, all right? I'll brief you on the way.

[Engine turns over]

♪ And just hold me instead ♪
♪ just hold me instead ♪

Keep going on this tomorrow?


Sex Crimes is taking over.

Capello's pretty pissed.

She called Jarvis in.

Hey, are you sleeping at Steve's tonight?


I think I'm gonna be at Steve's for a while.


♪ Maybe you could forget ♪

Andy, you okay?



Uh, Trace, can you drive me home?

Yeah, let's get out of here.

♪ Instead ♪