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01x02 - Lolani

Posted: 02/09/14 23:45
by bunniefuu
[Intercom whistle]

Uhura: Bridge to Captain Kirk...

Uhura: Bridge to Captain Kirk...

Yes, lieutenant?

Uhura: We've recieved a distress signal from an unidentified vessel Mr. Spock has requested your presence on the bridge.

I'll be right there.

We'll continue this later.

Kirk: Uhura? Anything new?

Not yet, sir. Signals automated.

No live contact's been made.


The ship is coming into range now, Captain.

The vessel's tellarite in design.

Looks like a g'buqoff-class private transport.


New Zealand, sir.

Ensign tongaroa.

I just transferred from the hood.

Spent some time studying ship designs of different cultures very good.

There should be a crew.

Typically three or four. Six maximum.

Spock: Scanning now, Captain.

I'm reading a single humanoid lifeform.

Vital signs are erratic. Life support systems are failing.


Uhura, have the sickbay standing by.

Aye, sir.

It may not be prudent to beam aboard an unknown lifeform, Captain.

But you said vital signs are erratic.

Yes, sir. I did.

And... life support systems failing.

Yes, sir.

Uhura, send secuity to the transporter room.

Transporter room.

Transporter: Go ahead, sir.

Standby to receieve coordinates from Mr. Spock and beam the lifeform abaoard.

Spock, would you care to join me?

Kirk & Spock: Mr. Scott, you have the bridge.

Kirk: That was strange.

[Transporter energizing]

Jinx, Captain?

Jinx, Mr. Spock. It's something people used to shout... when they said the same thing at the same time indeed.

The lifeform could not be confirmed as tellarite... but knowing the volatile nature of that species I would recommend...

Kirk & Spock: Caution.


See... you've got it already.



Security alert! Intruder aboard! Seal off deck 4 section 12a thru f!

[Dramatic music sting]

Space. The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

To explore strange new worlds.

To seek out new life and new civilizations.

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

Kirk V.O.: Captain's log. Stardate 6154.1 due to a serious breach in transporter room protocol...

The Enterprise has acquired an unexpected stow away.

We won't harm you.

We're your friends.

You're on the federation starship Enterprise.

I'm Captain Kirk.

It's alright. It's alright.

He's our chief of secuirty, Drake. He won't harm you either.

Give me the knife.

It's always best not to s*ab your friends.

Well that could've gone... Smoother.

Weaponary often complicates negotiations.

What was an Orion sl*ve girl doing on a tellarite ship?

Kirk: Bones, did she give you any trouble?

She was confused when she came too. She settled down during our tests.

The bruising and contusions indicate she has been in a scrap.

I also detected traces of blood that are not hers.

Not that I can get a word out of her to confirm any of that.

Drake: Captain, further scans of the transport revealed the bodys of 3 tellarites.

The answers we're looking for are over there.

Agreed. You and Mr. Spock beam over and see what you can find out.

Also, the Orion girl has been tattooed with an index symbol.

We were able to use the symbol to obtain a partial trace.

Kirk: And?

She was sold four days ago to a tellarite merchant by the name of sev bim jor.

The ships set out with four passengers.

She was purchased directly from one of orions wealthy traders.

Apparently someone wasn't too happy with the transaction.

There is the only one still alive able to confirm that.

Careful, Captain. The power of the Orion phermone is...

Spock, it's alright.

What's your name?

We'd like to help you.

But we need to know your name and what happened.

You're losing your touch, Jim.

I know she can hear. Maybe she can't understand us.

Maybe she can't speak.

Most likely discouraged from doing so.

Approximately 70 years ago Orion women held dominion over the men.

But in a revolt and after a civil w*r. The men gained control.

Rather than abolish the sl*ve trade they continued it... and in many ways made it worse.

The women are bred with no education or opportunity.

In part, to keep them subservient and in part, out of revenge.

First, the men are slaves to the women. Then, the women slaves to the men.

Why does anyone have to be a sl*ve to anyone?

Mckennah: Gentlemen.

Dr. McCoy requested my prescence.

I thought her expertise would be useful establishing communication with our patient.

Kirk: Yes, of course.

Either she can't speak or won't speak well its hard to believe she spent years around sl*ve traders... without picking up any language at all.


My name is Lolani.

Please don't be angry with me.

I apologize if I've harmed anyone.

Not knowing if you were friend or foe I remained silent and listened logical.

I was born and raised off-world.

When my parents died suddenly I was returned back to Orion and forced into sl*very.

The things they did to me.

The things I was forced to do.

I'm so sorry.

Please don't send me back there you have no idea what it's like.

Easy. Easy, Lolani.

We'll do anything we can to help you.

For now you're safe and...

You're free.


If she's medically cleared maybe we could...

Move her to guest quarters.

Spock: Are you sure, Captain?

It's fine, Spock.

McCoy: It sounds like a wonderful idea.

This is Dr. mckennah.

Doctor, if you would accompany her?

It would be my pleasure.

So according to chief Drake's report you have an Orion girl on your ship... and 3 dead tellarites onboard another.

That's correct.

The girl was the property of one of the tellarties at the time of their death.

She was wounded in some sort of as*ault.

If we can confirm that the tellarites were culpable.

Could she be granted some sort of asylum?

The Orion system is not a member of the federation.

Their law clearly states that the girl reverts back to the one who sold her.

We cannot participate in act that would be perceived... as a challenge to their sovereignty.

Yes. But for the time being she can...

The girl's owner has already been notified and is en route to you.

He will redezvous with the Enterprise in approximately 32 hours.

Captain. The federation does not condone the sl*very of any life form.

We cannot risk an interstellar incident over one girl.

Continue your investigation but I can make no promises.

I understand, commodore. Enterprise out.

Mckennah: Those are some pretty nasty bruises. Are you sure you're okay for a walk?

Lolani: You are kind to ask but we orions are built quite steardily.

Of that I have no doubt.

What a beautiful ship.

And men and women working alongside each other equally.

Well the federation sees no difference between the rights and abilities of men and women but biologically and chemically we're different...

One gender isn't stronger than the other?

We're each individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses... but we're not defined by our gender.

That sounds like a dream.

One I have had many a night.

It's a good dream, Lolani. One worth holding onto.


Mckennah: And this is the command bridge.

Usually everyone is working.

Doctor. What brings you to the bridge?

I was just giving Lolani a small tour of the ship.

I hadn't anticipated it would be such a distraction.

Not at all. Just another day at the office. Feel free to have a look around.

Well, hello there. I'm Montgomery Scott. Chief engineer of this entire ship.

I make sure everything functions correctly.

That sounds like a very important job.

Aye, it is. Would you care to see my station, Lassie?

Did you hear from starfleet?

I did.

And what did they say?

We're allowed to continue our investigation. But as far as she's concerned...

Our hands appear to be tied.

So you're... giving up.

I'm not giving up.

Sounds like you're giving up.

I'm not giving up there was resignation in your voice, Captain.

Sir, we cannot return this girl to a life of servitude and sl*very.

Dr. mckennah. You're new to this ship.

So I'll excuse you for not understanding... that when I say I'll do everything I can. I'll do everything I can.

Lolani: Do you always challenge each other in this manner?


No. Not always.

Why do you ask?

Well I read that in some cultures... such challenging between males and females is considered a... mating ritual.


Not in this culture.

Yes. I mean, no. No.

Yes to the no. No.

Uhura: Captain. Chief Drake is hailing from the tellarite ship.

Pipe it down to the briefing room. I'll take it there.

Aye, sir.

Ladies. If you'll excuse me.

Of course, Captain.

Did I say something wrong?

Oh no. You were simply... Making an observation.

I observed something else as well...

You did?

The women in uniform command the respect of their peers.

You can tell a lot about someone from what they wear.

I've got something for you I think you're really gonna like.

What is it?

Drake: The mercenaries were engaged in a fire fight...

Which compromised both the navigational and life support systems.

And what about the merchant? Sev... bin?

Spock: Sev bim jor.

Therein lies the mystery.

He did not die from a phaser but from a deep puncture wound to his throat.

From something like a dagger?

Spock: The mercenaries also had daggers but neither appears to have been used.

There are traces of Lolani's DNA under their fingernails.

I believe she was more involved in this incident than she has revealed.


See what other information you can gather and return to the ship.

I'll see what I can gather from here.

Spock: Aye, Captain.

[Door buzzes]

Lolani: Come in.

How are you enjoying your quarters?

They're lovely.

I'm feeling very spoiled, Captain.

I'm glad. I've brought you a book.

You said on the bridge that you read. I thought you might enjoy it.

A gift?

Thank you. What's it about?

It's about a once great Earth civilization... that collapsed from within due to its own moral decay.

That sounds like something that could happen on Orion.

That could happen in any culture where people forget the ideals that made them great.

I also have some questions.

I'm sure.

Please sit...

It's in my nature to be a good hostess.

And since you've given me such a beautiful room to host...

What's the use in fighting our natures.

We learned that the mercenaries were k*lled at each others hands.

That's not a question, Captain.

We also learnt that the merchant was k*lled by a knife wound to the throat.

Also not a question...

You're bad at this, Captain.

From a knife like the one you brought onboard.

You need to tell me what happened.

What happened?

They began... Touching me.

The one who bought me got angry and they started fighting.

I hid in the corner and closed my eyes.

There was so much yelling and... fighting.

And when the noise stopped. I open my eyes and they were all dead.

I'm glad you're alright. But...

That story isn't consistant with the facts.

What does it matter what happened? Really?

If you were enslaved wouldn't you be grateful just to be free?

I would but the truth always matters.

The one who sold you is on his way here.


Please. No.

He is a brutal man.

A brutal vicious monster who abuses his slaves.

There's still maybe time...

Please don't send me back to him.

I was bound and... now I'm free.

I was numb and now...

I can feel.

I was paralyzed and now I can dance.

This is a bad idea.

This is the best idea.

A free man. A free woman.

We can go anywhere and do anything.

We are free to do whatever we like.

[Music swells]

You'll protect me, won't you Captain?

Please don't let him take me away.

[Intercom chimes]

Uhura: Bridge to Captain Kirk. Bridge to Captain Kirk. Bridge to Captain Kirk.

Kirk here. What is it lieutenant?

Mr. Spock and chief Drake have returned from the tellarite ship.

Have them meet me on the bridge.

Aye, sir.

That was wrong of me.

I know what you're trying to do but...

Seducing me is not the answer.

No, Captain. That was wrong of me.

I'm sorry.

Some habits... Die hard.

You're right about one thing, Lolani.

Everyone has the right to be free.

I wish it didn't matter what happened on that ship but...

Unfortunately it does.

I'll do whatever I can to help you.

I promise.

[Doors open]



Are you lost? Do you need... help with anything?

This is where I'll have to leave your ship forever.

I'm sorry... I...

It's not your fault. I should be the one apologizing to you.

I held a knife to your throat.

You remember me?

I cannot forget this face... or the man attached to it.

Does this man have a name?

Er... Kenway.


Matthew, a monster is coming to take me back to Orion.

Please don't let him.

I will go anywhere as long it's away form him.

I would feel much safer here with you.

We cannot deny the attraction I felt... the moment I saw you.

How can I help you?

What if we were to fly away together?

Just the two of us.

A more detailed analysis of the crime scene... reveals that only one of the tellarites was k*lled by another.

The merchant sev bim jor and the second mercenary... were k*lled by a fourth participant.

You're certain?

There is no evidence of recent docking or transport from another ship.

It appears to be the only logical explanation.

I know that Orion women can be very persuasive.

We mustn't allow ourselves to be deceived.

She is no longer an unfortunate sl*ve, Captain.

She could be a m*rder*r.

Captain. The shuttle bay doors have been activated.

On whose authority?

None that I'm aware.

Could it be?

Seal the doors, have security meet me at the hangar deck.

Mr. Drake.


I'll deal with you in a minute.

Some habits die hard.

I would do anything to keep from going back to Orion.

This isn't his fault. He was only trying to protect me.

Confine her to quarters.

Post a guard there. I'm revoking her free roaming privleges.

Matthew. Forgive me.


Stand down, crewman.

Please sir, you gotta let me help her.

Please, Captain. We can't let her be a sl*ve to anyone.

Get a hold of yourself, mister!

I may have to tolerate the soverignty of alien worlds...

But what I won't tolerate is insubordination on my ship.

You're confined to quarters until your next duty shift.

And you're not to go near that girl again.

Do you understand?


Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Chief. See that he gets there.

Captain, please no...

Kirk to sickbay.

Sickbay. McCoy here, Captain.

Bones is there anything that can be protect our crew from the effects of Orion phermones?

Actually there is.

Shipwide innoculation can be ready at your command.

Why? What's up, Jim?

Never mind. Just start innoculating immediatley.

Kirk out.

Where's Lolani?

Isn't it lovely? Dr. mckennah gave it to me.

She said it's what ladies wear on other exotic worlds.

I feel almost like a princess.

You look lovely...

Captain, I'm sorry for what I did.

Even though I'm desperate to remain free.

I shouldn't have manipulated your crewman. It won't happen again.

No it won't.

Dr. McCoy has innoculated the crew against the effect of your phermones.

That really isn't necessary...

We think it was...

We've pieced together most of what happened on the tellarite ship...

But there's one important piece of information still missing.

I told you everything I know. I told them everything I remember.
Captain. It's not uncommon for someone whose been traumatized... To block out memories that are just to painful.

It's entirely possible she's just not concious of everything that happened.

That's why Mr. Spock is here...

I don't understand.

If you will permit me. I will connect with your mind... and reveal any additional information.

It won't hurt you in anyway. I'll be here with you the whole time.

Please trust us, Lolani.

I trust you.

Our minds are coming together...


I see what you see.

I feel what you feel.

They're looking at me.

They come towards me.

One touches me.

And the other...

They're fighting.

Sev bim jor protests but...

They overpower him.

One is on top of me.

[Lolani screams]

I reach for his g*n.

I fire.

Sev bim jor is wounded.

Begging for help.

Sev bim jor: Help me.

There's a knife in my hand.

Sev bim jor: Help me.

What will you report? That I'm a m*rder*r?

Will you send me to some federation prison?


You're not subject to our laws.

And besides you were defending yourself as anyone in your situation would do.

But you will send me back...

The bruises are not from the tellarites...

Zaminhon beats his slaves.

What is he gonna do to me when I go back there?

And the others? They don't know any better.

They think they deserve it.

We are not diplomats, Lolani.

We do not have the authroity to...

To do what?

To make a difference in the unbearable hell that is the sl*ve trade on my planet?

Well I could.

I could be the voice for women who have none.

Not if you send me back in chains.

Please, Captain.

How long before zaminhon's ship arrives?

His course and speed puts him here at any moment.

And then what?

We just hand her over as if she's property?

Under Orion law...

She is.

We do not have the right.

Spock. You of all people.

You saw what happeneded to her.

You felt it.

Isn't that bigger than some planet's immoral law?

I confess I... was unprepared for the anguish I... experience during my mind meld with Lolani.

I empathize with her.

There are many more like her.

Don't we empathize with all beings that are forced into sl*very?

There are other things to consider.

Such as?

She's dangerous.

She's brandished a knife at the Captain.

She attempted to steal a shuttlecraft.

Dr. McCoy had to innoculate the entire crew to protect against her.

That's true.

But you can't condemn her for her bodies own natural physiology.

Especially if she's only using it to try to gain her freedom.

Can you imagine what will happen to her when she's returned?

Consdering all that she's done to escape.

The orions are not known for their civality, gentlemen.

She could be beaten to death.

Starfleet isn't here.

If they were perhaps they'd see things differently.


They'd still be bound by the same laws that we are.

[Intercom whistles]

Uhura: Captain. Orion vessel approaching with one passenger onboard.

He's signalling he's ready for transport.

Have the transporter room standby. We're on our way.

Isn't there something we can do?


We'll treat him with all the proper courtesy and... serve him a civilized dinner he won't soon forget.

Alright gentlemen. Are we ready?

Aye. Something's not sitting right in my gut about this, sir.

Your gut may be right, Scotty. We'll find out soon enough.

Treating someone with respect... with whom we philosophically disagree is an intriguing strategy.

It will be interesting to see how he responds... should we not return his property.

We may have no choice, Spock.

Locked on, sir.


[Transporter energizing]

[Music swells]

I'm Captain James Kirk.

Welcome aboard the Enterprise, zaminhon Captain Kirk!

It is an honor to board your fair ship.

It's an honor to have you, sir.

Oh no, no. You're the Captain.

I'm just a small, simple businessman.

It's a shame I can't stay longer.

We're delighted to hear you say that.

We've prepared a dinner in anticipation of your arrival.

We'd love to know more about you and your people.


I've never been one to turn down a free meal.

Much less in the company of these revered men.

This is my chief medical officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy.

My chief enginer, lieutenant commander Montgomery Scott.

And my first officer, commander Spock...

Who will escort you to dinner personally.

Vulcan? Very good.

Lead on, mister...?


Spock. Yes, of course.

I'll join you shortly.

Take as much time as you want, Captain.

Well that was unexpected.

He seems nice... for a sl*ve trader.

Kenway. You're supposed to be in your quarters.

I've been cleared to return to duty.

We've all been inoculated anyways so...

The Orion woman. She's not a threat.


I have to deliver a message regarding her owner.

I can show you a copy of my orders if you'd like.

That's not necessary.

I'll be right outside.


I had to see you.

You did?

I was hoping to see you again as well.

I wish there was someway I could help you.

Can you make me disappear?

Can you make zaminhon disappear?

When he takes of ending the horror... of Orion sl*ve trade will die.

And your Captain is gonna let that happen.

Captain Kirk is a good man.

But he can't disobey starfleet orders. He'd lose his command.

I read once...

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph... is for good men to do nothing.

Can you let that happen?

How can someone like me prevent it?

Someone like you?

I hate what's happening to you... and those on your planet.

But what can I do about it?

What can I do? I'm nobody.

If I've learnt anything it's everyone is someone.

That's the message that needs to reach others like me.

I feel like I'm screaming and no one can hear me.

I hear you.

I hear you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.





What is this delicious meat?

It is an Earth vegetable. It is called eggplant.


It tastes almost like a wing-slug.

Does it also scream when it's boiled?

[Surprised cough]

No it does not.

And what is this beverage?

It's an Earth wine called shiraz.

I can't taste the alcohol.

I sure can.

So, I'm curious zaminhon...

The females of your species... release a powerful pheremone that I had to inoculate the entire crew against.

It's good you did that, doctor.

Are the males of your species... gifted with a similar biochemical control?

Being under the oppression of females for decades hindered us... of developing it to their level of potency.

But yes. We do have a certain natural scent... that can attract the desired mate.

Lolani says you're a brutal monster.



She's a very troubled girl.

I expect you to know anymore about her history than she wishes you too.

I treat her well.

All my girls. They're all well cared for.

Please forgive Mr. Scott for his lack of sensitivity.

No apology necessary.

I've got 218 slaves. More than any other on Orion beautiful girls. Beautiful they provide pleasure and passion throughout the galaxy.

I summised that our business practices would be of interest to you.

I'm happy to be an ambassador for my culture.

Don't hold back. Just ask me any question.

It's my understanding that the Orion people... have practiced sl*very since the discovery of fire.


Surely it wasn't a universally accepted concept.

Perhaps it even caused a w*r or two in your early tribal culture.


The orions never cared to chronicle our history in great detail.

How do you ever expect to learn from it?

Kirk: Easy, doctor.

Who are we to judge a system that has worked for the orions for hundreds of years.

I've heard that your females are quite comfortable and happy in their standing.

That's right, Captain.

You know after the civil w*r, our women had no purpose.

It fell upon the men to give them direction.

They're next to animals without us.

Now that I can understand...

Take Dr. mckennah here...

She's obstinate when she doesn't get her own way.

She certainly benefits from my..

...guidance as a man.

I'm wondering...

How much would you pay for her?

Excuse me?

How much is she worth? She could be your 219th.

No. I couldn't put a price on it.

This woman is educated, refined, civilized.

sl*very is not for her kind.

But she challenges me, zaminhon...

She questions my authority on and on...

Captain, don't be unreasonable...

She's clearly learned and capable.

Well what about Lolani?

She's as learned and capable as any starfleet officer.

Animals do not thirst for knowledge and strive to better themselves.

She's consumed a wealth of learning as you've consumed your food, zaminhon.

She's not a sl*ve.

And even without the knowledge, education... beauty, talent. She is still a woman.

With a fundamental right to be free.


You're a shrewd one.

I like you.

But, the hour's late... and we're not gonna change each other's minds over a fine dinner.

With your permission, Captain, I'd like to take my leave.

And return with my sl... Lolani.


But not unexpected.


I'm sorry, doctor.

I was simply trying to illustrate a point.

What did you hope to accomplish, sir?

Well I hoped if he saw Lolani the way we do...

Perhaps he wouldn't take her away.

Well it didn't appear to work.

Any other ideas?


I believe it may be time to say goodbye.

I'll tell her.

Greetings, friend.

Thank you for caring for my dear girl.

You're free to go.

I'll take care of her.

I'll have to check with the Captain first.

Certainly, whatever pleases you friend.

Well, well, well.

Look at you.

You have them eating out of your hand.

I'm a brutal monster?

How dare you humiliate me.

When I get you back you're gonna regret the day you imagined yourself as anything... but a sl*ve!

And this...

Earther's costume.

Changing the cover doesn't change what's underneath.

[Lolani shrieks] And you'll be punished.... until you learn your place.

[Lolani screams]



Do it. Bleed me out.

Reveal to them the animal you really are.

Go on. Go on, go on.


You're lucky you're still alive Captain.

You had no right to interfere.

This is my property.

Civilized men do not treat people as property.

But if that's all you understand...

How much do you want for her?



I wish to buy her from you.

First, you condemn my trade.

Then you wish to partake in it.

I wish her free from you, by any means.



Because it pleases me to deny you.

I perceive that you win too much, Captain.

You will not win this one.

Whatever the tellarites paid you I'll match it.

I will not sell her to you for all the gold in the mines of deneva.

Now, Captain Kirk, you stand aside and beam us back to my ship.

Or when I'm done with you and your starfleet.

You'll be lucky to command a garbage scow.

[Music swells]

I shouldn't have to tell you what you did was completely irresponsible.

It was practically akin to striking a political figure.

Zaminhon is a powerful man.

His actions proved that we are condemning this girl to a life of... physical and mental t*rture.

That is a matter for the diplomats, Captain.

And what about the families of the slain tellarites?

Do they not deserve justice as well?


The tellarites were abusing her.

She was fighting for her safety. Her freedom.

The federation will not commit an act of w*r over one sl*ve.


Captain, you will return zaminhon and the sl*ve girl to his ship immediately.

You have your orders. Starfleet out.

Thank you for the fine dinner, Captain.

And the sense to follow orders.

May our paths never cross again.



[Transporter engergizing]

Permission to leave my post, Captain.


McCoy told me he inoculated the crew.

He did, sir.

Kirk V.O./b]: I will do whatever I can too help you. I promise.

Lolani V.O.: Please don't send me back there you have no idea what it's like.

Kirk V.O.: She's a woman with a fundamental right to be free.

Commodore V.O.: The federation will not commit an act of w*r over one sl*ve.

Kirk V.O.: Her name is Lolani.

All hands, this is the Captain...

I'm about to violate a direct order from starfleet command.

I take full responsibility for this action.

And my log will reflect that none of the crew are complicit.

Many of you had the opportunity to meet the young Orion girl that was aboard...

Her name was Lolani.

Mr. Sulu.

Three quarter impulse speed.

Close the distance to zaminhon's ship bring us within transporter range.

Transporter room. Standby to beam Lolani aboard.

We're in transporter range now, Captain.

Transporter room!

If you have found this recording it means I have failed...

I am dead.

I do not wish for my life to end this way.

I thought it was the only means left to send a message to those who enslave others.

My death will mean nothing.

But perhaps zaminhon's death will light a fire in my people and their allies.

Those who witness in humanity and do not act...

A message of hope must go on.

It must range Orion.

Thousands of young Orion girls are longing, desperate to live free.

To dream.

To fly.

It is obvious I will not be the one to carry that message though I pray... another will.

If we remain silent to the cruelty that surrounds us...

We will lose apart of ourselves.

The part that feels.

That stands up for injustice.

The part that loves.

May this be the end but a beginning...

Freedom at all costs.

[Doors open]

Permission to take an extended leave, Captain, to... visit family.

Would this family...

Happen to be anywhere near the Orion system?

Yes, sir. Yes, it would.


Thank you, sir.


You may need this.
