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01x17 - Moon Ring 2

Posted: 11/17/13 13:25
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone. ♪
♪ You know I love my island home. ♪
♪ We'll make this right, ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery. ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea. ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free. ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together. ♪
♪ Just be you and me. ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪

The power to control water, whatever form it's in, is one of the most important a mermaid can have.

Water is the essence of our spirit.

It has the mystical power to heal or cause damage.

OK, now.


Excellently done.

How 'bout we take a break from water and move on to, I don't know, say, moon rings?

Not until you're fully trained as a mermaid.

I'm sure your sister meant well when she gave it to you, but it's too powerful to use until you've mastered it.

Well, I've got a bit of power.

I mean I could control it a little.

No. You must have complete control of the ring, or there's no telling what damage it could cause.

Moon rings hold power you don't know about it yet.

What does that mean? It means I'm not teaching you about them today.

You don't think it'll rain, will it?

A little bit of rain never hurt anybody.

We can always go inside if it does.

I should've asked principal Santos if she likes seafood.

She might have allergies.

Oh, I doubt it.

Everything looks great.

Yeah, it does.

I wonder what's keeping Zac.

You're not dressed yet.

Principal Santos is coming for lunch.

Dad, I get that you're on the school council and you have to have her over.

It doesn't mean I have to be there.

Zac, she's out guest, and you will be courteous.

Besides, if you get to know her, you might see her as more than a school principal.

You might even find she has another side.

I didn't order that.

It's on the house.

Watermelon and lime frappe your favourite.


Seriously, Sirena, I need to know when you're gonna sing again.

People have been asking.

Well, are you sure you don't want to try somebody else?

What? Well, I don't know why you're so keen for me to sing.

Because business has picked up and you're gorgeous and your voice is stunning and...

And it means we get to practise together.

So what about right now?

I don't see a problem.

Cool. I'll be ready in a second.

What's this?

My last gift kind of broke.

Wow, it's it's gorgeous.

Have I seen one like it somewhere before?

Maybe. I thought it looked pretty... one of a kind, like you.

Look what Zac gave me.

That's amazing.

Oh, hey, come check this out.

Very smooth move.

Oh, you're so lucky Zac has such good taste.

Hey, Sirena have you seen this?

Isn't it gorgeous?

Yes, it is.

Hey, Sirena, you start getting set up, and I'll be out in a minute.

I can't rehearse right now.

But I thought you said you couldn't see a problem.

Well, now I can.

I just remembered that I have to catch up with Lyla and Nixie to study.

I'm really sorry.

I promised them. I'll call you.

I don't understand. Where would Zac get a moon ring from?

Only one place a mermaid.

No mermaid would give up her moon ring.

Except Aquata.

Only because she was so worried about me.

Maybe this mermaid didn't have a choice.

Maybe she was a warrior and perished in the last battle between mermaids and mermen.

And so it lay there for a thousand years until Zac found it?

What's it mean if a land girl like Evie gets a moon ring?

If she takes it into the moonlight, there is no telling what it will do.

We can't take that chance.

Then how are we gonna get it off her?

Well, Zac gave it to her.

Maybe he can get it back.

Yeah, we have to hurry. We've only got till the sun goes down.

Talk about what?

No biggie. Just a quick word.

Yeah, OK.

It's private.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm watching my bestie's back.

That ring you gave Evie, it's dangerous.


It's so powerful, I can't even describe.

If it's that dangerous, then how come you're wearing one?

I know what I'm doing.

Sort of.

You have to get it off her.

I can't just ask Evie to give the ring back.

She's gonna want to know why.

Well, then you'll have to think of something.

We need to put it somewhere safe.

What do you mean 'we'?

You mean you mermaids.

It's a mermaid ring.

So is Zac supposed to just hand it over?

And it'll make you how much stronger than him next full moon?

That's got nothing to do with it.

So you say.

But you don't exactly have a very good record of telling him the truth, do you?

Let me think about it.

There's nothing to think about.

If Evie goes into the moonlight with that ring on, she'll be in real trouble.

And I'm going to decide how I'll handle it.

Well, decide fast.

You're not gonna let them have it, are you?

'Course I'm not.

But I do need to get it back off Evie.

Well, I don't see how.

You've got an idea.


We can't let the ring get out of our sight.

I'll take first watch.

Somebody's eager.

Well, seeing as Evie's inside with the ring and I said that I would rehearse with David, it just makes sense.

Just make sure you keep your eye on the ring. Alright.

Finished studying already?

Uh, yeah, sorry about that.

That's OK. I understand.

You ready to rehearse now?

I guess.

Great. I'll get my guitar.

How are you going in there?

Uh, can you pass me the pink dress, please?


I was thinking, if we start off with something slow and then move into that up-beat song that everyone got into last time.

Yeah, sure.

How do I look?

Oh, you look great.

So, why do you suddenly need a new outfit?

I'm having lunch at Zac's place with his parents and principal Santos.

And why is Rita having lunch at Zac's house?

Probably something to do with school.

Look, it doesn't matter.

The point is Evie's gonna be there and she'll have the moon ring on her finger.

Rita is going to freak when she sees it.

It's not really our fault.

Zac gave it to her, not us.

Land boys, why do they always have to give their girlfriends presents?

It's nice. It shows they care.

We have to get that ring off Evie.

How? We go to this lunch and we think of a way to take it off her.

Zac is not gonna like that.

Leave Zac to me.

Well, we can't go anyway.

We're not invited.


We can't just turn up.

Can we?

Well, I'm very glad you changed your mind about joining us.

That's cool, dad.

Hope you don't mind me inviting Evie and Cam over.

No, no problem at all.

Always got too much food anyway.

Everything good to go?

Yep. When my mum comes out, I get her to have a look at the ring.

Perfectly reasonable.

Evie takes it off to show her... .I distract everybody... and, zap, somehow the ring disappears... into your possession.


And we've got some other guests here too.

Thanks, mrs blakely.

So generous of you to invite us over for lunch, isn't it, auntie Rita?


You're very welcome.

Why are you here?

On her finger.

Where did she get it?

Take a guess.

Still waiting on the bread rolls.

How 'bout we take a seat?

Thanks again.

Aunt Rita insisted we come.

Sorry. I forgot to mention it.

Been flat out with... things.

Oh, completely understandable.

And we're always happy to have Zac's friends over.


Crashing my parents' lunch?

We have to get that ring off Evie.

And I've got to figure out how I'm going to do it.

It's a mermaid ring.

We'll take care of it.

I don't think so.

Well, I'd just like to say how happy I am that everyone's here, because we'd like to make an announcement.

We know through the school council you've had trouble funding the new art room.

So Robert and I would like to donate the necessary funds.

That is fantastically generous.

Well, Robert's practice is doing pretty well at the moment and so is my gallery.

Hey, mum, you're the art expert.

You should check out the ring that I got Evie.

Would you mind?

Sure. Um...

Here, I'll pass it.

That's alright. I've got it.

It's beautifully made. Very old.

I don't recognise the stone.

It's a sweet gift.

Where did you get it, Zac?

I found it on the beach.

You found it?

But, um, it was so amazing when I cleaned it up, I thought of you.

Oh, Zac.

It is very similar to yours.

My sister gave it to me.

Do you know where she got it?

Not exactly.

But she does live near a beach.


Well, that'll be the bread rolls.

I'll give you a hand.
Boy, this punch looks good. Oh!



Don't even think about it.

OK, don't worry.

Where'd you flick it to?

I don't know.

Oh, brilliant!

Seriously, if you find it, what are you even gonna do with it?

You don't know how to look after it safely.

It'll be a lot safer than if you've got it.

You really think we'd use it against you?

What are you doing?

Herb garden.

What? We were checking out the herb garden.

That's right.

I said how beautiful it was.

And I said we should check it out.

Herb garden?

Excellent idea.

Bring a sprig for the bread.

OK, we have some lovely prawns.

Now, are you OK with crustaceans, mrs Santos? I love them.

They're my favourite.

Would you like some bread, mrs Santos? Thanks.

I got it.


Oh, this looks sensational, darling.

You let him get it?

I didn't let him.

Now what are you gonna do?

Hide it from them.

So what are we gonna do now?

Make sure he doesn't hide it.

Beautiful spread.

Thank you so much. It's beautiful.

Would anyone else like some?

Just remembered I'm downloading some files.

I'm gonna go and check to see if they came through OK.

What, now? We're just serving.

I'll only be a second.

I should help.

Lyla's very good with computers.

Me too.

So is Sirena.

I should go too.

Me too.

Maybe I should just move the table in there.

Where's my ring?

Alright, just hand it over.

Not gonna happen.

You're not gonna be able to hide it now.

Then I'll do it later.

We can't let you do that.

I literally left it right on the table.

Yes, it was right there.

Maybe Zac picked it up.

Um, I'll got check.


You don't want to step on it.

There's nothing there.

Well, you don't know that.

Could've been. You didn't even look.

I'll be careful.

Whoa, now. You don't want to be like the turtle and the crab.

The what? You know. The story of the turtle and the crab.

That's right. I know that one.

This is really good. Isn't it?

You should definitely hear it.

Sit down.



Long ago, there was this...


Who was dating a crab, you see.

And one day the crab gave the turtle this Golden ring, which, you know, she promised she would never lose.

May as well go back and eat.

I'm not handing it over.

Then we'll have to take it.

How exactly?

Like this.

You're gonna have to be faster than that.

If only the turtle had realised the ring was exactly where she left it all along.

Oh, that's interesting.

Meanwhile, this crab was wondering, 'why hasn't the turtle returned any of my calls?'

give up.

Not a chance.

Both of us.

What are they doing in there?

Let me.

Plenty of practice dealing with unruly teenagers.

I hope you're satisfied.

Not until we get the ring back.

What? This?

I'll take that.

She's breathing.

We told you the moon ring was dangerous.

Only around you.

What do we do now?

So the turtle goes straight to the crab and says, 'what is your problem, sir?'

and the crab says, 'no, no, no, buddy. What is your problem?'

this is the best part.

You're just gonna k*ll yourselves.

Well, you know what?

I'm gonna wait for the movie.

We've got to think of something.


What's happening in there?

Nothing. Uh, some books fell over.

Then why is the door locked?

Is it?

Yes. Unlock the door.

Now, please!


This morning, when Rita was talking about the moon rings, water she said something about water.

The power to control water, whatever form it takes, is one of the most important a mermaid can have.

Water is the essence of our spirit.

It has the mystical power to heal or cause damage.

Water is the essence of our spirit.

That's right.

It has the power to heal.

This better work.

Well, it can't make things worse.

So much for not making things worse.

OK, now things can't get any worse.

Stop saying that.

We need seawater.

That is the essence of our spirit.

She was born in the sea, so we need to get her to the ocean.


How are we gonna do that?



I think I found your ring.

Oh, down here, look.

I can't reach it.

Have a look.

Down here.

Oh, yes, I see it.

Where is it?

Um, yeah, I think it just fell down through the cracks there.

I thought it was in the pot plant.

Do we have a stick?

In here?

A stick?

In there?

Oh, just keep looking.

Is it?

Maybe maybe you just need to go closer.

How would it have gotten from there down to here?

Actually, I see it, I see it.

We should just...

What? It's right here. See?

No. I don't know. I can't see it.

Come on.

Are you sure?

Can you see anything there?

Uh, yes, I can, actually.


I still can't find the ring.

I'm really sorry.

I love it.


It was here waiting for me.

It's beautiful.

It's not your fault that I lost the ring.

You didn't have to get this for me.

Didn't I?

Where'd you get it from?

I know some people.

Well, trust me.

I am never gonna lose this.

You're such a cool boyfriend.

It's amazing how natural they feel.

You'll get yours soon.

Oh, no, I'm not in any hurry.

They're actually kinda chunky anyway, so...

I think it suits me.

Not for long.

Why can't I keep it?

Not after what happened today.

It's just as I said you're not ready for moon rings.

She's right, guys, come on.

The power to control water is way more important.

