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02x25 - The Trident Stone

Posted: 06/03/15 02:51
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world ♪
♪ We're all alone ♪
♪ You know I love My island home ♪
♪ We'll make this right ♪
♪ Find our way Through this mystery ♪
♪ I just wanna be ♪
♪ Swimming in the sea ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me ♪
♪ Forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ I just wanna be ♪
♪ With you feeling free ♪
♪ It's my destiny ♪
♪ Forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together lying in the sun ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Just be you and me ♪
♪ I just wanna be... ♪

Relax, I'm not here to ask for my job back.

Good, because you know what the answer would be.

So can I get a juice?

Take a seat.

I'll be with you when I can.

That might take a while.

I've got nothing else to do.

Where's Ondina?

I thought she'd be here.

She must be swimming somewhere with Mimmi and Sirena.

You guys need some sort of sonar to keep track of each other.

That would be handy.

It's a pity you never saw the Trident.

It had this stone that glowed whenever mermaids were around.

The stone glowed?

Not the Trident?


And you saw this?


Well, actually, I was kind of there when the Trident got broken.

I thought the Trident was destroyed.

Well, strictly speaking, no.

So I'm thinking it doesn't matter if the Trident's broken.

It's the stone that's important.

Remember how it glowed in the hologram in the chamber?


So, maybe the stone is all you need to activate it.

The next full moon is tomorrow night.

Come on, Zac.

We find the stone, we can do this.

The mermaids took what was left of the Trident.

My bet is they would've destroyed it, including the stone.

But you don't know for sure.

If there is even the slightest chance we can get the chamber up and running, we should take it.

We've got to do it.

We owe it to all mermen.

I'm sorry... but as far as I'm concerned, the Trident is gone.

You should move on.


If that stone's out there, I'm going to find it.

You guys inspired me to invent a new juice for mermaids, coconut and seaweed.

And I added a little salt water, ocean fresh.

Thank you.

That's so nice of you.

Mmm, this is lovely.


When the Trident got zapped, what did you do with the pieces?

There was a stone in it, remember?

Just like the one in the moon ring, but much bigger.

How could I forget?

What happened to it?

What was left of it, I hid.

The Trident wasn't destroyed?

Why didn't you tell us?

The Trident was broken.

The stone wasn't active.

There is nothing to worry about.

Are you sure?

I just...

I need to know it's safe.

Trust me, it is.

The pod won't come back to Mako if there's any possibility the chamber can be activated.

When was the last time you checked it?

It's been in here the whole time?

I thought it was the safest place.

And I agreed.

Not many people know what lies beneath my house.

It's okay.

It's harmless now.

It is like the moon ring stone.

It's hard to believe how much trouble that's caused.

So, nothing to worry about.

It's safe and sound.


What did you do to it?


I just touched it.


Help me get her to the couch!

And don't touch that stone.

Mimmi, are you okay?

I never want to feel like that again.

It felt like the life was being sucked out of me.

I'm so sorry.

That has never happened before.

It's only glowed around you guys, not me.

You hadn't been through the seventh moon cycle before.

It's when your connection to Mako grew stronger.

The stone seems to be connected to you.

It's reaching out to you.

That can't be good.

Maybe the stone is the key to starting that place up.

And you just turned the stone on again.

If the stone steals our power, our magic...

maybe that's what the chamber does.

These are the symbols on the pedestal.

And that represents the moon pool, right?


I think the chamber was designed to draw the magic from the moon pool.

It amplifies the effect of the stone to take all power from mermaids.

So my destiny is to activate the chamber and suck magic out of you?

I don't think so.

I'm gonna put this somewhere it will never be found.

None of this would be happening if I'd destroyed the chamber when I had the chance.

It's okay.

Zac will get rid of the stone so the chamber can never be started.

He's the chosen one, and now he has the power to control the chamber.

Don't you think even part of him might be tempted?

There have been a few developments since we last spoke.

Oh, yeah?

The mermaids did destroy the Trident, but not the stone, and I think that's what makes the chamber run.

You're kidding.

We just have to find it.

What do you mean by "we"?

Help me get it, and when I start up the chamber, you get what you've always wanted.

Hang on.

Even if you did have the stone, you can't open the chamber.

Only Zac can.

All that "chosen one" stuff, remember?

Let me worry about the details.

This is a one-time offer.

Don't make the wrong choice, Cam.

You know that juice I asked for a while ago?

We're busy.

I'll get to you when I can.

Hey, what's up?

You won't believe the day I've had.

I really need to talk to you.

Hi, Zac.




Zac, it's okay.

Calm down.

Bring it round to my place.

I... Right now?

What's wrong with now?

I'm a bit busy.

Doing what?

We'll talk later.

There's something I've got to do, okay?

I wanted to hide it, but it was like the chamber was calling to me.

But you've resisted that before.

I know, but this time... with the stone right here, switched on again...

You mean... you wanted to start the chamber?

I know that could hurt the mermaids, and that's the last thing I want.

Being totally honest... yes, I was tempted.

So, what are you gonna do?

Yeah, Zac, what are you going to do?

I thought you said this was gone.

It's not your concern.

I beg to differ.

The merman chamber is not just your destiny, it's mine and every merman's.

Leave it, Erik.

Part of you wants to start the chamber.

Am I right?

Ignore him, Zac.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Hundreds of years ago, mermen wanted to start up the chamber, but your royal ancestor wouldn't.

He walked away, just like you're doing.

Who's to say he was right?

The chamber drains magic from mermaids.

That's what it's for!

So that's all mermen have ever wanted, to destroy mermaids?

I'm not like that.

My ancestors weren't either.

That place has to be something more.


Because you say so?

Being royal doesn't make you the only good guy.

If you're not gonna take your shot, let someone else step up and do it.

Give it up, Erik.

Cool it.

Both of you.


Not without the stone.

No! Stop!


Everything okay here?

Yeah, all good.

Yeah, no problem.

That's the way.

Hot, eh?

Cold drink, anyone?

Uh, sure, Dad.

There's fresh OJ in the fridge.

I'll be right back.

You're selling out mermen, Zac.

I'm not gonna let you do it.

I had no idea he could be like that.

This stone really needs to disappear for good.

What's up?

I need your help.

I've never asked you for anything more important than this, Cam.

Sounds heavy.

How did you get it?

Long story, but it's not safe now, Erik knows I have it.

I need it hidden, somewhere no merman or mermaid will ever find it.

That includes myself.

I don't want to know, no matter what I say.

Have you got that?

Yeah, you want me to lose it.


Cam, I'm serious.

I can't know and neither can Erik or the mermaids.

Okay. I get it.

We have been friends for a long time.

I know I can trust you to do this.


What's up, grumpy face?

You're into the whole mermaid thing, right?

How could I not be?

You seen how fast they can swim?

Maybe they even talk to fish.

Not sure there'd be a whole lot to talk about.

But still, what an awesome thing to do.

Not to mention the magic powers, that must be so cool.

Okay, I'll take that as a yes.

So let me give you a hypothetical.

What if I could be a mermaid?


Let's say I could do all the things Zac can do.

Wouldn't that be cool?

Not really.

But you just said how cool you thought they were.

I know, but it doesn't mean I want you to be one.

I like you the way you are.

Why change that?

Yeah, you're right.

You have some strange ideas.

Lucky it's one of the things I like about you.

What happened to you?

I said I had some stuff to do.

For so long?

I heard something interesting from Cam about the Trident having a stone that glowed when mermaids were around.

Yeah, we think it might be the key to starting up the chamber.

You knew?

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you ran off before I could.

So this is our chance to find out what it's really for.

Rita thinks it's to drain the magic from the moon pool.

What if she's right?

What if she's not?

What if it's not about draining magic, but harnessing it?

What if it's there to combine our powers?

So, why didn't Zac's ancestor do that?

I don't know, but the only way to find out is to start it up and learn how to control it.

It's the only way to make Mako safe for mermaids again.

Even if you're right, we'll never find out.

The stone's gone.

Zac took it away.

No one will ever see it again.

So what did you do with the stone?

I gave it to Cam.


It'll be all right.

I trust him.

You know he's always wanted a tail.

What if he thinks that starting the chamber is the way to get one?

He won't.

He'll do the right thing.

So, any news?

You know me, I've wanted a tail for a long, long time.


So we're doing this, right?

I had to give it a lot of thought.

The stone's got a lot of power.

It'd be irresponsible for me not to think about what might happen or where it might end up.

I'm not going to hurt the mermaids.

I'm trying to protect them.

You say you wanna keep them safe, just like I do.

So, we're in agreement.

We sure are.

That's why I had to think about where the safest place for the stone would be.

You've already got the stone?

I had a lot of options, I weighed them up.

Because I don't want a tail if it means using the stone against the mermaids.

I won't hurt them.

I told you that.

I know.

But I still needed to feel okay about it.

About them.


So, now you do.

Actually, I don't.

That's why I hid it.

Somewhere you'll never find it.

So you're giving up the chance of a tail?

I used to think having one would be the best thing in the world.

But I lost a good mate over it.

And you know what?

It wasn't worth it.

I've moved on.

Are you crazy?

Not crazy enough to risk someone that I care about.

What did Ondina think about you starting up the chamber?

You leave her out of this.

Have you even told her?

I wonder if she'd agree.

Not that it's gonna happen.

The stone's gone for good.

Just tell me where it is.

This isn't over.

What will we do with the stone?

We could bury it.

Or drop it off an ocean shelf so that the only living thing that can ever touch it again is a giant squid.

Let's go with that.

Should we go and suss out a possible drop-off point?

You two go ahead.

I'll check Rita's ocean charts in case something stands out.



Ondina's not here.

I'm not here to see Ondina.

I know the Trident stone is here.

I'm not going to leave without it, so why don't you make this easy on both of us and tell me where it is?

I can't do that.

I'm going to find it anyway.

Am I close?

How about now?




Erik, please.

Think about what you're doing.

Think about Ondina.

Don't you get it?

I'm doing this for Ondina.

You activate the chamber, Ondina will never forgive you.

You can't have her and Mako!

You have to choose.

No, I don't!

I can make it safe, I know I can!

That's never going to happen.

Give me the stone.

I'm a merman. That chamber is mine as much as it is yours.


It's mine.

My ancestor built it.

And he was too scared to use it.

But I'm not.

You can't activate the chamber.

I'm the only one that can.

Give me the stone!

No! Erik, stop!




This will make you feel better.

We found a good drop-off point.

What happened?

Erik took the Trident stone.

What has he done to me?

The Trident stone has taken your magic.

And what happens if he takes the stone into the chamber?

It'll be as if you were there yourself.

Erik will be able to start the chamber up.

And the full moon is tomorrow night.

We'll lose Mako forever.