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01x03 - Breaking and Entering

Posted: 06/19/13 06:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Mistresses"...

Aren't you the boss?

I have never met anyone like you, Joss.

This is our son Sam. Dr. Kim was Dad's therapist.

I don't want to see you again. Do you understand?

Richard, would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?

Pick me up at 8:00.


(Savannah) Her name is Miranda Nickleby.

Then I... I just don't understand how anyone can cheat.

I cheated on Harry last night.

You should've kept that to yourself.

(birds chirping)




No. No. Don't touch. Don't touch. Don't touch.

No. No. Don't. Don't. Don't move.

You mean like this?

No. No. No. No. No.


God, I love you lately.

I love you lately, too.

This is the 22-year-old surf goddess I met at Byron Bay.

Mmm. Minus the crop top and the cornrows.

(laughs) Yes.

And your infected belly ring. Remember that?

Oh, you know you loved that infected belly ring.

It was all green and crusty.

Mm. No way. (blows raspberry)



Babe, it's quarter after 9:00.


So shouldn't you get to the office?


Sav, seriously.

Come on.

A week of lazy mornings in? "Lunches" at home?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm... I'm loving every minute of it, but... somebody's gotta be missing you at work, right?


Be... here... now.

(cell phone rings)

(Lucy) Aren't you gonna answer it?


Who's Miranda? She's called you, like, three times this morning.

Oh, she's my gynecologist.

You have your gyno programmed by her first name?

Well, when you have a gynecologist, you'll understand how close a relationship it is.

If it's such a close relationship, why do you keep ignoring her calls?

Go to school.

(school bell rings)


Love you.

(sighs) (car door closes)

Richard, hi.

(girl) I love you, Dad. Bye.

Mm. I had a... a patient once with an apartment like this.

He had, uh, 14 cats and a pluralist manifesto.

These ancient files should be on hard drive.

So you're just over a crisis then?


Well, whenever you're fresh out of a crisis, you throw your entire office into the center of the room and alphabetize it.

I had some personal stuff, and now it's over.

Putting the past on the cloud, as the kids say nowadays.

Yeah, I wouldn't quote the kids you talk to.




A place we can talk?

Get a longer skirt.

(elevator bell dings)

Get a taller child.

What's wrong with Mona?

They close the nearest blouse barn?

We're all getting fired.


Oh, we're not getting fired, Mona.

Our boss just got fired. You don't think we're next?

Mac was fired?

The firm's been bought out.

Who would buy us? We kinda suck.

Mm, he won't tell us.

Who won't?

That jerk in Mac's office.

He's been in there for an hour on the phone, just trying to make us sweat.

(sighs) Don't worry, people. I'll get him off.

If anyone can.

(knock on door) (man) Entrez.

Si. Si. E un modo molto decisamente Americano Della morale.

Si. Si.

(door closes) Hi.

Josslyn Carver, top sales associate. And you are?


I'm sure you don't mean to terrorize everyone at such a vulnerable time.

Perhaps it would relieve some of the tension out there if you'd just go out and talk to the team.

Introduce yourself or just let 'em know they're not all canned.

Hmm. (speaks indistinctly) Parla inglese?

Mm. Scusa. (speaks Italian)


(European accent) Yes, I speak English and French and Spanish and German and Dutch.

Well, do you have anything to say to us in any of your languages?

This that you're wearing... it's not suitable for an office.

Apprennez un nouveau truc.

Find another way to impress me.



So... this is where my husband came once a week for three years... and told you things about me, no doubt.

I was glad to be there for your family around Thomas' death, but I really think it would be best if we try to move on.

You know, no one in my family besides Tom has ever been to therapy.

In fact, you're the only shrink I know.

Is that what this is about?

I can recommend someone for you.

Oh, no. No.

No, it's not for me.

It's for Sam.

He's falling apart.

Well, I don't know anyone in Providence...

He's not in Providence.

He's here.

Sam dropped out of college.

I'm sorry to hear that.

It would break Tom's heart if he knew that his death...

(sighs) has thrown Sam's life off course.

I know an excellent local grief therapist.

His name's Dr. Hansen.

Thank you so much.

Sam's just getting further and further from my reach.

Yesterday, he announced that he wasn't gonna live in the house with me.

He wants to move into Tom's old apartment next week.

Tom kept a place in town.

Maybe he told you about it.

Well, I don't know why he would've.

It was for all those late work nights.

It's a long drive home to Zuma.

(elevator bell dings)

(people speaking Indistinctly)



Uh, hey, Dom.

You're here.

Oh, I've been here. You've been out.

Yeah, I had court, and, uh, depos to take all over town, and I had the longest week of my life on one car ride to Camarillo.

I've been calling you and calling you.

I'm sure I called you back.

Sullivan V. Sullivan got moved up to next week.


We got a new judge. He picked a new date.

We're not really ready.

Which is why I've been calling you. Listen, don't panic.

Not panicking.

All right. We're not so far off.

But no more off sites and house calls.

Okay. Okay. I think I got it, Dom.

Listen, a win in this case puts us on track for partnership.

I said I got it.

Okay, so you're here then?

I'm here.



Pack your P.J.'s, 'cause this is home for the next 150 hours.

I can't do that right now.

(chuckles) Look, you want to get caught up, it's gonna take some late nights, a... a lot of late nights.

You all right with that?

So Sam is moving in to your love nest?

So what?

What if I left something there, some evidence of myself?

Like what? Your camp towel with your name sewn on it?

I don't know. A credit card receipt?

Sweetie, you remove your own hair from your hairbrush every single time you use it.

There is no way Karen Kim left anything behind.

You're right.

You're right.

How are you?

How's being back at work?

Terrible. And I have a week of all night Cram sessions coming up with Dom.

Oh, that's...


Right? I mean, this is not the moment in my marriage that I want to be crawling into bed at 2:00 a.m., smelling of Dom's cologne.

Why would you smell...

It wafts, then lingers.

Savi, it's okay if you have an attraction...

I don't... I don't have an attraction.

That's not what's happening.

All I'm saying is, even happily married people have chemistry with other people sometimes.

It doesn't have to lead anywhere.

I can't believe you're saying this to me, knowing what I've done.

Well, I believe you when you say you're not gonna do it again.

I have to go.

Thank you. Talk later?

Sure. Of course.

See you at April's tonight.

What's going on at April's tonight?


Do you know that this is the longest I've gone in 20 years without talking to her?

Have you tried to reach out?

Oh, five messages, two e-mails, and an accidental text.

Give her time, Savi.

She's gonna come back.




Olivier Dubois is his pretentious-ass name, not that he would deign to tell me that information.

I had steal it from his man purse. Guy's clearly gay.

That or he's European with a European carryall.

April, how do I put this?

Olivier "Oblivier" to my many, many charms.

Oh, I see.

How am I gonna work with this guy?

I had a system with Mac, you know, a method.

Mm. Rhythm?


Well, at least you got a grunt out of your caveman.

I mean, Richard completely snubbed me.

I mean, flat out snubbed me.

What did you expect from the poor guy?

You stood him up twice without an explanation.

Well, what was I supposed to tell him?

On the way to our date, some trash showed up on my doorstep with my cheating-ass husband's biracial spawn?

Don't forget the extortion. This is heartbreaking stuff.

I can't tell him any of it.

You know, I don't know him enough to trust him.

His daughter is in Lucy's circle of friends, for god sake.

Well, you certainly can't make up a lie.

You're a famously bad liar.

I guess this guy's just gonna have to think you're a bitch.


(cell phone buzzes)

Oh. Text from Olivier.

What's it say?

It says he's not gay.

"meet me. 8:00 P.M. St. Gervaise hotel."

Oh, that's disgusting.

Oh, I knew he'd come around.


(exhales deeply)

This isn't a divorce case.

It's an imminent domain proceeding.

Since when did the courts not care who screwed up the marriage?

Yeah, the house in Aspen is worth 12, not 8, by the way.

Ah, that's a subtle distortion.

His appraiser's a Crook.

And his lawyer's a jackass.

Where'd he find him? Side of a bus?


You didn't have to do that.

Ah, I got some for myself.

And I had 'em put your chili Pepper flakes on the side.

Thank you. The thought of anything spicy right now is not appealing to me.

Um, notes on the settlement conference?

Uh, I just saw them a couple minutes ago.

I got it.

Is it under here?

Okay, you know what?

You can't do that.

What? What... what I'd do?

What? What? Touch your hand?

Touch my hand, buy me dinner, flex your forearm.

I did not flex my forearm.

You flexed your forearm.

Okay, I didn't intentionally flex my forearm.

I rolled up my shirt because you insist on it being, like, 78 degrees in here.

You know what, Dom. Dom. Dom.

Dom, forget it.



(clears throat)

What is it you want?

I want things to go back to the way they were before.

This is the way it was.

Th... this is it. This is... this is us.

Then it needs not to be.

And how do you propose we make that happen?

(bossa nova music playing)

(clears throat)

You did say 8:00.

Yes. Mm. Asseyez-vous.

Please sit down.

(whispers) Thank you.


(normal voice) Yes. Uh, Beaujolais, please.

Jesseline was the name of my first girlfriend in Nice.

Oh, you grew up in Nice, hmm?


Hmm. (clears throat)

Well, I'm really glad you texted, although I didn't really peg you for a texting kinda guy.

I think we can both agree we got off on the wrong foot this morning, huh?

Tell me something.

Narrow the field.

Real estate.

Oh. Go.

Why is it you have twice as many properties as anyone else in the firm?

I can't say I don't deserve them.

And how did you come to deserve them?

By being very good at my job.

Well, you are good at selling the easy ones.

I sold two craftsmen in Eagle Rock over four days last month.

Mm, as I said, easy.

And the Bel-Air mediterranean?

A gorgeous no-brainer.

I am taking half of your accounts and redistributing them to the others.

What? Why?

This property of yours has been on the market for over 12 months.

(scoffs) On Wetherly above the strip?

It's a bizarro, gaudy, unsellable house.

Move it, and I'll give you two properties back.


You were right. The office was tense.

I find it much more pleasant doing business here.


Wait. Wait.

Show me.

(voice echoes) Five, four, three, two...


(inhales deeply)


♪ You know I like the way ♪


I can't imagine what it is you want me to do with that.

How about a second honeymoon?

Two weeks in Byron Bay?

Are you serious?

Surfing at dawn. Swimming at dusk.

You booked it?

What do you say?

Uh, I say... it better be refundable.

Hey. Wait a second.

I appreciate the romance, I do, but what reality are you living in?

We are deep in debt from the restaurant, and I can take a night off here or there, but two weeks?

I just thought that...

What... What did you think?

Well, I haven't had a vacation in a couple of years, so I...


Y... you wanted to work that much.

I know I did.

You insisted on making the down payment on the restaurant.

You insisted.

Yeah. I know I did.


Please, please, let's not fight.

Okay. So I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm a little thrown.

I thought things were good with us lately.

They are. Things are great.

I... I'm so happy.

(chuckles) Aare you sure?


'Cause we are kinda stuck here for the foreseeable future.


There's no place I'd rather be.

(telephone rings)



(cell phone beeps, ringing stops)

(Tom) What are you looking for?


(taps rhythmically)



(Ella Fitzgerald) * You do *


Excuse me, darlin'.

Pardon me, love.


What in God's name are you making?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You're gonna be doing all the cooking.

Are you out of your mind?

I'm the world's worst cook. I burn everything.

I know. I had your blackened omelet. Remember?


No. I've intentionally assembled many foods that require serious scorching.

Hmm? Crème brûlée...


Blowtorch ribs.

And what am I supposed to be doing with the ham?

Glazing it, baby.


Glazing it.


This little hazardous flame... it's my heart, and I had no idea what beauty it was capable of until I pointed it in the right direction.

♪ ... well ♪
♪ for you do ♪
♪ something to me ♪
♪ that nobody else ♪
♪ could do ♪
(object clatters)

(keys jangle)

(doorknob clicks)

(tape fast-forwarding)

(Dominic) And what did you find in Mr. Sullivan's office?

Well, of course nothing was out of place.

He's a stickler for neatness.

Watch the tone, Bonnie.

(pauses tape)

Savannah, come in. Just going over Bonnie Sullivan's prep.

She sure sweats a lot for a woman.

Yeah, you ready for trial? You've been out quite a bit.

Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

The firm's getting a lot of work coming in right now... a ton of new cases... and resources are thin.

So with the research done on the Sullivan case, and you as lead counsel...

You're trying to jump ship.

Dominic's done the lion's share of the work.

He's dynamic as hell in the courtroom, superbly prepared, so much so that I really think that he can handle this alone.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Great. Uh, I'll just get back to that other stuff.


Thank you.

(keys jangle)

(door opens)


(footsteps echo)

(pop music playing)

All right.

There you go.

(doorbell rings)

(knock on door)

(woman) * ... in your bright lights *

♪ drop me in ♪

Oh. Hi.

I thought Jane's mom was picking them up.

Jane's mom had an incident with her pilates machine.

She hit her head on a trapeze table or trap on a head table. I don't really know.

The girls still haven't nailed the last eight counts of, uh, their routine.

I can wait out here.

Look, I owe you an explanation...

No, you don't. And here it is.

Look, I was all dressed up and ready to meet you for our date when Miran... a man... a man showed up at my door with a... small... package that belonged to my dead husband.

Wait. Your husband died?

I... I thought you were divorced.

No. No. I'm a widow.

You snubbed a widow.

Anyway, the contents of this package were... shocking to me, and as much as they made me question not only who my husband was as a person but... everything we had been to each other for the last 20 years...

I just didn't want you to think that I missed our date to watch "Mad men" and eat hot pockets.

A big, confusing, and painful thing happened.

Okay then.

Ready, girls?


Hey, daddy. Our routine is so awesome.

Jane, I'll race you to the car. Come on.

Come on, Jane! Hurry up!

Hi, April. It's Savi.

Uh, no pressure to call me back.

I just wanted to call and let you know... uh, that I'm thinking of you and everything that you're going through, and, uh... well, I just didn't want you to feel all alone.

(knock on door)


Bye. Hi.

I didn't know where else to go.

Sweetie, what happened?

I went to Tom's apartment.

You what?

When I was there, Sam came in, but he didn't see me.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure. I crouched behind the counter.

I know he didn't see me.


You're right. I hadn't left anything, but now I have.

You left...

My sunglasses on the table.

They were right there on the table, but he was coming in.

I had to go. Oh!


Uh, okay.

Th... there's no way to connect you to those sunglasses, right?

I mean, it... they could be any woman's.

I... I still think you're fine.

It'll start him back on his obsession. I know it.

He'll start searching for the identity of Tom's mistress again.

I bet he didn't even stop.

Yes, he did.

I helped him stop.


I've seen him a few times.


I needed to bring him some peace about his relationship with Tom so he could put it all to rest.

I don't know what to say to you anymore.

Why do you continue to involve yourself with these people?

For the same reason I went to that apartment today.

The truth of it is...

I'm not done with Tom.

Karen, you know I love you.

You have got to move on.

Move on to what?

(bells on door jingle)

Don't say anything about the outfit.

I just came from work.

God, I swear it's like neck spanx.

(jingles) Okay. Here are the photos of the weird-ass house I need to sell.

Hello? Can you help me?

"Okay then"?

Wow. Are we still on Richard?

What does that even mean?

"Okay then. I'll call you later"?

"Okay then. I think you're lying and I can't stand the sight of you"?

"Okay then. Sorry for your trouble"...

See, that would've been nice.

Wow. You really like him.

I never heard you talk like this about a guy.

Probably 'cause I've only been with one guy since high school.

Oh, no, you've been with two, actually... Paul and Paul's ghost.

But thanks to Miranda, you're free for the first time in your postpubescent life, and you must ask out this adorable Richard.

Show me the house.


This is it?


But it's so... ugly.


It's so odd.

Some coked-up rock star owned it and then reconstructed it the summer he decided to try smack.

Oh, wait. What's that?


That's a toilet.

He has a toilet in the living room?


I prefer to see it as a really artsy chair.

So can you toss some pillows, drape some fabric, home this place up a little bit?

Josslyn, sweetie, I wouldn't make a dent. I mean, that is more than a flannel throw away from being inhabitable.


You're right.

You're right. Screw it.

I'm not gonna try to make this house something it's not.

I'll embrace it for what it really is.

How fast can you get a sitter?


I thought you weren't coming in at all.

Oh, I'm just catching up on a few things.

Okay. Well, I have a... a patient to fail miserably, so I'm gonna get back.

Wait. Jacob?


Do you, you know, do things?

I mean, after work?

Like solve crimes or...

Do you have a social life?


You know, uh, a man of my stature could be insulted by that question, Karen.

(chuckles) Yeah, of course I do.

I have a standing, very uncompetitive tennis game with my buddy Federman on Thursday.

Sometimes we grab a beer after.

Is that enough for you?

Well, if I'm hungry, I get wings.

How do your patients even talk to you?

(laughs) Look, we're workaholics, you and me.

It changes tonight.

My friend is having a thing.

You think you'd want to come?




Hi. Mm.

Mwah. Bye. You gotta go?

Yeah. See you there?

Oh, and I, uh, I left you something on the bed, for later.

(doorbell rings)

(whispering) What the hell are you doing here?

My husband was just home.

You got me kicked off the Sullivan case.

What are you talking about? No, I didn't.

Don't. Don't... don't lie to me.

Okay, Ron told me that you came into his office...

I told him to let you take it, that there were too many hands on deck.

You knew how he wanted to play this... male and female counsel.

If he had to make a choice, he's gonna choose you.

Oh, my God. Dom...

I didn't think about that.

I didn't. I'm... I'm... I'm so, so sorry.

I was just trying to make things manageable for us.

No, I'm managing just fine. You're the one who can't deal.

Look, screw me if you want to screw me, but don't do it like this.

(indistinct conversations)

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Where are you going?

No deck dancing.

The deejay goes inside, near the... uh, fire pit.

Kitchen people, where the hell's the food?

Hey. Hey. It's not my fault the oven's in the den.

Who designed this monstrosity?

Harry, I'm super grateful for your services, but I need you to cut the trash-talking just a little bit if I'm gonna sell this house tonight.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I thought this was a cocktail party.

Oh, it's a cocktail open house party.

Sort of a Twilight preview, if you will.

And how's this supposed to work?

Show 'em a good time at a soirée they wished they hosted at an awesome party house that they wish that they owned.

That sounds like a solid plan.

No. Hey, guy, that's not a working toilet.

Come on. It's in the middle of the room.

Can't find good help to save my life.


(woman) * Ooh, ooh *

♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪

Can I point out, you can't just hand your car keys to any guy in a vest?

I really thought he was valet. Thank you for chasing him.

No sweat.

Wow. This is not the same house I saw in the pictures.

Oh, Steve. Thank you for coming.

Did you bring your clients? Oh, good.

(gasps) Ladies!

Hi, Joss! Joss, hi!

Welcome to hipster hell.

The place looks great.


Any buyers?

No one's biting on anything except for Harry's phenomenal free food.

This is my colleague Jacob.

Oh, are you rich?

Am I... do you want to buy this house? It'll get you a lot of tail.



I can't believe he actually came.

(Karen) Who?

It's Olivier.

(clears throat)

(singsongy) You didn't tell me he was gorgeous!

Prepare yourselves to meet the consummate cretin bastard.

Oh, Olivier, hi.

Miss Carver, buona sera.

This is Geneviève, here from Paris.


Oh, these are my friends... April, Karen, colleague.

A brilliant showcase of the House's assets, Josslyn.

Thank you.

An entertainer's dream.

Mm. Please excuse us. Excuse me.

Shall we?

Did you, by chance, happen to expense all of this?

Oh, I'll see it back in spades.

It's a big bet to lay if it doesn't work out.

It will make firing you that much easier.


Bonne chance.

The night's still young. Buck up.

Oh, buck off.

(woman) * I can't help but wonder *

♪ when I was with you ♪
♪ maybe if things were different ♪

No, thanks. I don't dance.

♪ ... either one with you ♪
♪ maybe it'd be different ♪
♪ if I, if I find a range ♪

(mouths words)

♪... till the end of days ♪

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

Got dragged here by a friend. He's been on the road.

He's been jonesing for an L.A. party.

Well, he got one.

Yeah. Yeah, he did.

Is this, like, your scene?

No. No.

(laughs) God, no.

My friend is brokering the place.

My friend might be up for buying.

He's always looking for a crash pad to get away from his wife's family.

Who is this supposed friend?

There he is.

He really looks like Lamar Odom.

It is Lamar Odom.

What is it you do?

I'm a sportswriter.

Oh, okay. I didn't know.

You didn't ask.

I never had the chance.

(woman) * For all I know *

♪ you make the sun rise ♪

Picturing us living here just give me so much satisfaction.

Stop it. It's not him.

I got such sticky fingers from this little thing.

Let's spend the night together.

It's not Keith Richards.

Yeah, it is, Angie.


You want another drink?

Love one.

Don't move.

(cell phone rings)


♪ Now they're fading from view ♪



Sam? What's wrong?

Sam. I can't hear you, Sam.

You're... you're what?

What hospital?

No, I'll be right there.

I'm sorry. I... I have to go.

What is it? What's wrong?


That is so beautiful.

That's our city. Can you believe it?

I still can't over us both being at this random party.

What are the odds? (laughs)

It's like the, uh, universe is trying to tell us something.

(sighs) Richard, I...

I don't know, um, how to say this.

I know I've been...


Unreliable, and I probably don't deserve a third chance, but...


No, let me say this before the liquor wears off.

Can I take you to dinner sometime?



You are the most stunning creature I have ever met, and I'm sure that I am the dumbest ass in the world.

Maybe if you hadn't told me everything about your husband's "package"...

I had no idea what you were talking about, but what I got loud and clear was that... you have a lot of unresolved stuff that you need to address.

I see.

I've made a career out of getting sucked into the vortex of pretty women.

I just can't right now.

See you around?


Okay then.

(indistinct conversations)

Oh, Olivier.

Before you go, I just thought you should know I didn't get an offer tonight.

What a shame.

Mm, I got three, so I plan on closing this sucker for 100k above asking.

And I'll be taking back all my properties.

Bonsoir, chérie.



(woman) * swear I'm gonna break ya *

And I'll be wearing whatever the hell I want to work.

♪ Da, na-na-na-na ♪
♪ I'm a da, oh ♪
♪ da, oh ♪

(teakettle whistles)

(knock on door)



Cute dad doesn't want to date me.

Cute idiot dad.

Do you wanna come in?


So how are you?

Joss said you were sick. (chuckles)

You go first.

No. No, you go.

I just want to say that it's okay.

It's okay if you don't forgive me.

I don't forgive me.

I have nothing to forgive you for.

You didn't cheat on me. Paul did.


Tea. Yes, I'll have some tea.

So what happened with Richard?

Oh, the short of it?

He rejected me because I haven't dealt with my issues.

How embarrassing is that?

Well, you're talking to the queen of avoidance, so... and how's that working out for you?


Not very well.

Oh, honey.

No. It's okay. It's okay.

I wish I could go back.

What you do now is, you give Harry all your love and Never ever tell him what happened.

I wish to God I never knew about Paul.

You're one and done, right?

One and done.

The worst is over.

The worst is over.

(whispers) Yeah.

(brakes squeal)

Are you gonna tell my mom?

I mean, she's been through enough.

What would I tell her, Sam?

I'm not gonna drink and drive again.

Not with your license suspended, you won't.


I'm just glad you're okay.

(seat belt buckle clicks)

Just so you know, you weren't my first call, but you were the only one that answered.

I did hear you the other day.

I'm sorry for that, for how abrupt and cold I was.

Don't even worry about it.

Get in line behind all the other women in my life who no longer want to talk to me.

What do you mean?

I found a pair of women's sunglasses in my dad's apartment, returned them to my mom.

Turns out, they weren't hers.

Oh, no.

So basically, I just told her he was having an affair.

Anyway, not your problem.

Thanks again.

You've been a friend.

(Cat Power) * I never knew love like this *

♪ the sun, the sea, and I ♪
♪ and I ♪
♪ I never knew pain ♪
♪ I never knew shame ♪
♪ and now I know why ♪
♪ bury me, marry me to the sky ♪
♪ bury me, marry me to the sky ♪
♪ bury me, marry me to the sky ♪
♪ bury me, marry me to the sky ♪
♪ if I die before my time ♪
♪ bury me upside down ♪
♪ cherokee ♪
♪ kissing me ♪
♪ when I'm on my way down ♪
♪ if I die before my time ♪
♪ bury me upside down ♪
♪ down ♪
♪ cherokee ♪
♪ kissing me ♪
♪ when I'm going down ♪