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01x08 - Ultimatum

Posted: 07/23/13 23:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Mistresses"...

(Savi) I thought you were done with Sam.

I am. It's a schoolboy crush he's taking a step too far.

Maybe you seduced her.

Sally, Alex and I are just friends.

If you believe that, then you are dumber than you look.

Congratulations. Savi told me... the baby.

For the first time since you told me, I feel better.

(April) I saw Paul. I just saw my dead husband.

No, you didn't. Sweetie, you've gotta let go.

(Knock on door)

Hi, April.


Wh... I don't know who you are, but this isn't funny.

April, it's me.

It's Paul.

No, you're not Paul.

You can't be Paul. Paul is dead.

Just take a breath.

You've been dead for three years.

You... you d*ed. You drowned.

I didn't.

I didn't die.

I faked my death.

(Cell phone rings)

Hello? What? Right now?

Oh, my God.

No, of course. Yes. Of course. Okay.

Shh... um, Lucy just threw up in her carpool.

She's on her way back home right now.

You have to go. You have to get...

I have to talk to you.

You have to get out of here!

Okay. I'm gonna text you my number.

Get in touch with me when you can.




You look nice.

I do?


Thank you.

It's almost noon. Shouldn't you be at work?

Oh, I'm going in late today.

I have a doctor's appointment.

My 6-week checkup.

I wasn't sure if I should tell you.

Uh, but now that you know, if you'd like to come with me, you can.

Obviously, you don't have to.

No. No. Um, it's just... it is a bit late for me to reschedule my day...


But I'll... I'll go to the next one. Okay?



(Exhales deeply)

All right, I thought we were gonna buy a pillow.

One pillow.

How do I put this delicately?

Your apartment makes me want to k*ll myself.

So if I'm gonna be crashing there for a little bit, let's at least make it livable, okay?

I'm going for minimalist.

No, you're going for cheap.

I know. 'Cause I'm broke.

Well, that's why God invented credit cards.

Don't worry. I'm gonna make it pretty.

So what's the plan for tonight, mi amigo?

I was thinking Mexican takeout...


And... a "Golden Girls" marathon?

(Laughs) Please.

Okay. Okay. Well, then I'm thinking mojitos, which means we need to get mint.

And a rug. Definitely another rug.

Oh, my God.


Oh, crap.

Is this the first time you guys have seen each other since...

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

You look amazing.










(Chuckles) Um, this is my friend Story.

Like a bedtime story.

It's nice to meet you.

You know what? We should go. We have, um...

Yeah. We should... we should go, too. Um...

It's nice to see you, Alex.

It's nice to see you, too.

(Exhales deeply) Okay, that wasn't so bad.

Are you okay? 'Cause I feel really weird.

I'm fine.


Yeah. Uh, yep. Uh, yeah.

I broke up with her, remember?

Yeah, you're right.



All right. Let's go get that mint. Let's go get some mint.



This is crazy.

I know. Please come in.


130 over 80.

Much better than last time.

I think Harry's been cooking with less sodium.

Well, tell him to keep it up and that he's welcome to attend these appointments.

Yeah. He wanted to come. He was just busy.

He'll be at the next one, though.

Oh. Then would you like to wait?

Wait for what?

To hear the heartbeat.

You can hear the heartbeat already?

It's a little early. The fetal doppler needs to hit the baby in exactly the right way.

Doesn't always happen, but would you like to try?


We... we should probably wait.

Of course. It's a big moment for dads, too.


Starting to feel pretty real, isn't it?

Would you like to sit?

How's Lucy feeling?

You don't get to ask me that.

You missed three years of stomachaches.

Where the hell have you been?

I don't know where to start.

You faked your own death. Start there.

Do you remember our last Christmas together?

Your surprised us by coming home early from one of your business trips.

You brought Lucy princess Jasmine pajamas.

What does that have to do with you...

I lost my job that week.

You lost your job so you decided to fake your death?

No. That's not what I mean.

If you can't tell me the truth right now, then I can't do this.

I didn't want to have to tell you.

I thought I could find a new job, no problem.

Then three months went by, and we were running through our savings, and you had no idea.

I had no idea about a lot of things.

Go on.

Don't be shy. Let's hear it.

Let's hear about Miranda.

She already showed up at my door with your son.

I'm so sorry, April.

It was a stupid fling.

After I lost my job, I tried to break it off, but she was...

But why did you start it in the first place?

How was I not enough for you?

You were.

You were my everything.

I married the damn prom queen, and every day, I just...

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Every day, I couldn't understand what you were still doing with me.

We'd made so many plans in high school, and I hadn't delivered on any of them.

I felt like I failed you.

I know that sounds pathetic.

It sure does.

It was a mistake.

But by the time I was trying to break it off, she was pregnant and threatening to tell you everything.

I freaked out.

I couldn't figure out how to get out of the mess I'd made of my life.

And I knew you'd never forgive me. I just wanted...

I wanted to leave you something.

So you faked your own death and left two women to mourn you and raise your children?


Just one.

What are you talking about?

I've been living with Miranda and Scottie this whole time.

(Woman speaks indistinctly)

(Speaks inaudibly)

Oh, hey, uh, I'm late for a conference call.

Can you deliver this to Dom immediately, please?

Is there a problem?

No problem at all.


You're lying. I don't believe you.

I don't believe you! No, Miranda thinks you're dead!

She doesn't.

We've been together ever since.

Ever since you d*ed?


What if I called her right now?

I wouldn't do that. She doesn't know I'm here, and I'd prefer to handle that...

Oh, you'd prefer?


(Cell phone rings) This is Miranda.

Leave a message, and I'll call you back.

(Beep) Ugh! I gotta get out of here.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Wait. Wait.

A month ago, Miranda told me she was taking Scottie to visit her mother in Minnesota.

Two days ago, I couldn't reach her on her cell, so I called her mom.

That's when I found out she never went to Minnesota.

So I realized she must've come here.


How did you know she came here?

Money's been tight. Miranda's been frustrated.

She's been talking a lot about your settlement money.

And I know that she was tracking the bank account, waiting for the deposit.

She has my bank account?

You never changed the password.

So this has been a scam.

The two of you have been scamming me.

No, not me.

I had nothing to do with it. This was all her.

How am I supposed to believe a word that comes out of your mouth?!


Don't give her any money.

(Door closes)

You wanted to see me?

Yes, come here. Allez. Allez.


What do you see?

Is this a trick question?

As part of our diversification, we are developing a hotel on Strand Beach.

And I'm meeting with the architect tomorrow, and I would like you to come with me, to represent the target clientele.

How am I the target clientele?

We are going chic, young, style-conscious, a club scene, for lack of a better term, and out of everyone here, you understand the aesthetic.

(Chuckles) Well, that's not saying much.

You're wearing your friend's bracelet.

How do you know it's not mine?

How is she doing?

Alex, was it?


Why? Do you want her number?

Because I hate to break it to you, you're not Alex's type.

And what exactly is her type?

The type with boobs.

She's a lesbian.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an open house to get to, but, uh, text me about tomorrow. Okay?

(Seagulls crying)



What... what are you doing down here?

My office is right down the street.

Right. Yeah.

I forgot.

How are you doing?


You know, if you ever want to talk...

Thanks, Karen. I... I appreciate that, but, um... (Inhales deeply)

I wouldn't want to put you in that position.

You're Savi's best friend.

We've known each other for 15 years.

You're my friend, too.

Has it been that long?

Yeah. Wow.

You know, when I met Savi...

And you, for that matter... you were both out there on the water, surfing your hearts out.

Thought I was dealing with two little hippies, a couple of cute stoner types.

It's funny how you expect someone to be a certain way and then when you get to know them, they are nothing like that at all.

What's going on?

I kind of lied to Savi.

We went to this work party at her office, and I, uh...

And you punched the other guy in the face.


You girls like to talk about everything, don't you?

Yeah. So I punched him in the face.

And then I told Savi that it made me feel better.

And it didn't?

Well, no, it did, but it didn't exactly solve everything.

Now she thinks we're on the mend, mainly because I've been trying to act like we are, but... but we're not.

This morning she invited me to her 6-week checkup, and I thought... if the kid isn't mine, why should I be in there?

This is all about the baby then?

Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled that she slept with another man, but... (Inhales deeply) but I reckon I could get past it.

You know, I mean, I... I... I think that I could get past it because... because I want to be a father.


If it's not my kid, am I really gonna be able to do that?

You're trying to figure everything out and you can't.

Give yourself time with this one.

Take it day by day.

You just may be surprised at what you're capable of.

(Morcheeba) * locked in a cell *

♪ for your very last breath ♪
♪ how can it be that ♪
♪ this is your death? ♪

I just saw your neighbor making spaghetti completely naked, and let me tell you, his meatballs did not look appetizing.

♪ As people ignite the... ♪


What's going on?

♪ Friction ♪

Sally has completely erased every single photo of us, like our relationship never existed.

Look at that.

Well, what happened to "I broke up with her"?

That's not the point. I mean, look.

She's dating that Story girl.

(Clicks mouse)

They're in a relationship, which I don't even know how that's possible.

Okay. Okay. We are unfriending Sally.

Hold on. One second.

No. No. No. No. No. Sweetie.

You need closure.

(Sighs) Sally never deserved you, and she's clearly traded down by dating some bedtime Story.

You don't think she's pretty?

Are you kidding me? She was gross.

She is not gross.

Did you see her? Someone needs to give her a sandwich.


There. (Laughs)

That's better.

(Whispers) God, you're so beautiful.

♪ Friction ♪
♪ is turning to fire ♪
♪ friction ♪




♪ doo-doo-dee-ah-da ♪
♪ doo-doo-dee-ah ♪
♪ doo-doo-dee-da-da ♪

I rescheduled Josh Haber for tomorrow afternoon, and April Malloy called while you were in session.

I'll call her back from the car.

Thanks for filling in today.

Hey. I didn't know you were still here.

Finished for the night?

Just one more patient.

Well, have a nice evening.

Karen, wait.

It feels like we're in a fight.

I don't want that.

You have every right to be mad at me.

Which accomplishes nothing.

Honestly, I was just worried about you, but if you're okay...

I'm okay.


Dr. Pollock. Sorry I'm late.

(Jacob) Not a problem. Come in.

This is Sam. Leave a message. (Beep)

Sam, it's Karen.

I was surprised to see you today.

Please call me at your earliest convenience.

(Keypad beeps)

April, hi.


I'm on my way.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Please keep your voice down.

I'm in the middle of trial prep when I get this from your assistant.

Okay. You know what?

We really don't need any more attention drawn to us right now.

You are asking me to relinquish all legal rights to the baby.

Have you lost your damn mind?

I'm sorry. Okay?

I am out of my depth here.

I... I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to talk to you about it. Is it mine?

I don't know.

So you just drew up the contracts just in case?

Okay. You know what? What... what if it is yours?

What would you want?

Partial custody, I mean, visitation rights?

Is that what you signed up for when we slept together?

Of course not. But it happened.

Do you even want a kid right now?

Because Harry and I do.


Harry and I are together. Okay? That's not gonna change.

And I'm just desperately trying to figure out what is best for everyone here, okay? In... including this baby.


No. You... you're doing what's best for you.


You keep controlling things and deciding which way things are gonna go, and you know what? I'm... I'm done with that.

I'm not signing anything.

Let me know when you get those paternity results.

(Siren wailing in distance)

(Cell phone rings)


Uh, hey, April, I... I can't really talk right now.

Can I call you back in a...


What do you think...

Chinese or deli?

Whatever you want. Chinese.

(Cell phone rings)

Do you want me to get that?

Who is it?


It's your sister.



(Ring) (Sighs)

Just let her sweat a little bit.


Hey. I, uh, can't talk right now. I'm busy.

Are you kidding me?

Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be there.

Okay. Bye.

That didn't sound good.

Uh, yeah. Wow. I'm so sorry.

I gotta go. My friend April's having some kind of emergency.

What happened?

I don't think that I understand yet, but I... I really gotta go. I'll... you gonna be okay?


Okay. Bye.

Okay. Bye. Yeah. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Well, he might as well have been dead, because I am going to k*ll him!

Shh. Lucy's sleeping.

(Normal voice) Sorry. I'm gonna k*ll him, April.

I... I still can't picture any of this.

Does he look the same?

Sweetie, I'm so sorry.

I can't even imagine.

How are you even processing this?

(Crying) Oh, God. It just hits me in waves sometimes.

(Sniffles) Mostly I just feel sick.

When you saw him, did you cry?

I didn't have time to cry.

I was too busy listening to all of his crap about why he did it and how I'm being scammed by Miranda.

I knew it was a scam. I didn't know Paul was alive, but I knew that lady was up to no good.

Yes, but was it all her or was it him and her?

Well, that doesn't make any sense. If it was him and her, why would he be here telling you not to give her any money?

Ugh. I have no idea.

Considering Paul has told the bigger lie, it's possible Miranda's telling the truth.

Maybe she doesn't know Paul's alive.

Exactly. And if that's the case, I can't be the one to tell her, right? Or... or do I have to?

Wait. Hold on, Mother Teresa.

What if Paul and Miranda have been in cahoots from the start and now Paul's turned on Miranda, and he plans to k*ll her and steal all the money for himself?

Cahoots happens.

Or Miranda has been scamming you and Paul's telling the truth.

But she hired that lawyer. If she knew Paul was alive, then why would she...

That's true. I forgot about that.

Yeah, but the lawyer could've just been a bluff to get you to cave on the money.

If that's the case, you have two professional liars on your hands.


Mm, you're gonna get through this.

We're here for you, April.

Whatever you need.


First thing, I guess, is I have to find out the truth.

Hey, Karen.

You look really not good. (Laughs)

Thank you. That's exactly how I feel.

Why? What's wrong?

My friend is going through something terrible.

In this case, it actually is a friend.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Let me know if I can help.

Jacob, I meant to ask you, are you seeing Sam Grey as a patient?

Well, last night was his first session.

You know he's the son of Thomas Grey?

I gathered as much.

And you don't think there's a conflict of interest?

I don't see why there would be.

He could've gone to any practice, but he chose the one his father went to?

It feels a little close.

Am I missing something here?

Wait. Have you treated Sam?

Me? No.

Oh. Then I don't foresee an issue, unless there's something else I don't know.

No. Nothing else.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

I knew you went hiking. Why didn't you wake me up?

Mm, well, you got in so late last night, I just didn't want to wake you.

Alex, if this is about last night, I'm so sorry.

I really hate that I had to leave like that.

Oh, no, no. It's okay.

It really was an emergency.

I know what happens between us is important and we need to talk and...

Listen, you do not owe me anything.

This is... you're not the problem.

But there's a problem?


I like you.

I like you, too.

(Chuckles) No, it's not the same.

It's... I actually... I actually have feelings for you.

It's been happening for a while now, I think.


M... m... it's...


You know, I should've... I knew...

I knew that it was... and I didn't and I'm st... just so frustrated because it's...

Alex. You're really all over the place here and you're kind of freaking me out, so just...

I can't be friends with you anymore.

Wait. Hold on.

No. No. No.

Please. Don't...

Seriously, this is crazy, Alex. No.

You just think that you want more from me because you're all messed up and sad right now.

It's not crazy. It makes complete sense.

You are totally my type. You are. You are.

You are smart, you're bossy, you are aggressive, you are funny, you are... you know, you're a... a lot like Sally, actually.

Control freak Sally?

No, not in that way, just in... in the way that I, uh, that I feel when I'm with you.

You make me feel safe.

Come on.

You have no idea how incredible you are, do you?

(Cell phone rings) This is Miranda.

Leave a message, and I'll call you back.

(Beep) Hi, Miranda. It's April.

I just wanted to let you know that the check is ready.

Why don't you come by the shop tomorrow morning, say around 9:00?

I can give it to you there.

Okay. See you then.

Hi, Paul.

(Paul) Hi. I need to see you.

(Elevator bell dings)

Oh. There you are.

What are you doing here?

Do you have a minute?

Yeah. Is it about April?

I called her today, but she hasn't called me back yet.

Yeah, I called her this morning, too.


But no, actually, that's not why I'm here.

Could I ask you a question?

It's... kind of personal and pretty big.

Yeah, of course. What's wrong?

It's about my friend Alex.

Oh, no.

Oh, is she sick?

Oh, my God. No.

That would be horrible. Man, you are dark.

Well, you said it was big.

It is big.

She doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

This is your big crisis?

Okay, let's talk about it in my office, please.

So we had sex again yesterday, and it messed everything up.

Well, here's an idea. Maybe you should stop having sex with her.

(Whispers) I can't do this right now.

Right. Never mind.

I... I'm sorry. It's just... my boss is mad at me.

You know what? It's fine. I'll... it's fine.

Forget it. I'll figure it out myself.

You said you wanted to talk.

Yes, but for you to call me.

I'm sorry. I just...

I wanted to do this in person.

Are you scared of me?

That's the last thing I wanted and exactly why I need to apologize.

You broke into my office.

Was I not supposed to be afraid?

I didn't mean to...

I wasn't expecting the alarm to go off.

It was stupid.

I just... I wanted to leave you that picture.

To provoke me.

I guess, yeah.

Yeah, I wanted to get some kind of reaction from you.

I've been calling you but I... I keep getting the machine.

Is that why you made an appointment with Jacob?

To see me?

At first, yeah.


I don't know, after talking with him...

You spoke to him about me?

No. God, no.

It was all hypothetical and...

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

I've handled everything so badly.

Please don't hate me.

I'm so sorry for everything.


I think I'm in love with you.

(Car door alert chirps) (Sniffles)

(Bat for Lashes' "Sad Eyes" playing)

♪ I don't like the things you don't say ♪

(engine revs)

♪ leaving it for such a long, long time ♪
♪ why do you show me those sad, sad eyes ♪
♪ each time you decide to pass on by? ♪



This is a nice surprise.

I thought you'd be at the restaurant by now.

Yeah. I need to talk to you.


That sounds serious.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

I love you, Savi.

No. No. No. No.

No. No. No. No. (Crying)

No. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Wait. Wait. Listen. Listen.

I love you...


And I want to be with you and I've searched my soul, and I can picture us raising a child together...

(Sniffles) moving past everything that's happened and...

Becoming a family?



But the picture... it just doesn't work if the baby isn't mine, you know, and let's face it... chances are it isn't.

No, don't say that.

Come on. We've been trying for years, Sav.

The odds aren't exactly in our favor, are they?

I don't care about the odds.

Well, I do.

What are you saying?

I can't see another way around it.

I mean, obviously, we'll wait for the paternity results, but when they come, if the baby isn't mine, then you have a choice to make.

What kind of choice?

Me... or the baby.

You want some more coffee?

Oh, I better not. I gotta pick up Scottie, and we're heading down to Florida.

He must be, uh, excited to go back home.

He's obsessed with pink's hot dogs, so he says he never wants to leave.

We're grabbing a couple for the road.

Speaking of which, I really... I should get going.

Um, so... the check?

Of course.

The check.

I can't thank you enough, April.

This... this means so much to Scottie and me.

I'm just happy to be putting this all in the past, for both of us. (Door bells jingle)

What are you doing here?

Yeah, see, I was way more shocked than that.

This is why I prefer doing business with the Germans.

They are never late.


You haven't spoken for three entire minutes.

Something is wrong.

I'm fine.

Would you like to talk about it?



I am always serious. It is you who has a problem being serious.

You're right. I do.

Something has changed.

Lately you seem, uh, quoi, different.

I don't know.

Maybe I am.

I don't know. I'm... so confused.


Okay, this is gonna sound really stupid.

But my friend doesn't want to be friends with me anymore.

I see.

Is this friendship important to you?

Actually, I think it's the single most important thing in my life right now.

Then I don't see a problem.

You don't strike me as someone who gives up very easily.


You may be frequently inappropriate and overly confident...

Uh, is there a compliment in here somewhere?

But you are not a quitter.

If this relationship truly matters, as you say, then I am sure you and your plucky American spirit will find a way to keep it.

(Knocks on door) Got a second?

Of course. Come in.

Sam Grey just, uh, canceled his next appointment.

He's not coming in anymore.

Did he tell you why?

He spoke to Lila.

I... I called him back, but he hasn't returned.

Do you know him well?


Not really.

It doesn't matter.

I shouldn't have asked. It just...

I'm a little worried about him.

He seemed really off-balance when we spoke the other day.

If he's not talking to me, I... I hope he's talking to someone.

Do you have any kind of relationship with his mother?

A bit.

It might be worth a call.

Please don't be mad at me. I can explain.

There's nothing to explain.

I told you not to come after this money, and here you are.

But I didn't do it for me. I... I did this for us, so that you wouldn't have to work so hard and so that we could put some money in Scottie's college fund.

If you were so concerned about money, you should've went back to work.

I'm raising Scottie.

April did both.

Oh, don't include me in this sick-ass conversation.

Oh, please. I see the life that you had with her.

She got everything, and I got nothing, and that's nor fair.

I hope you're kidding.

You got me. That was the deal.

And by the way, this "amazing" life you think I had...

I didn't have it either, because my husband was cheating on me with you.

April, look...

No. No. No. That's it. We're done here.

Y'all can go back to the Florida swamp you crawled out of.

You both deserve each other.

You're still dead, and you can go to hell.


You're still here.

Remember when we first saw this house?

We'd been looking all day and almost gave up.

And then we took a wrong turn and saw this one.

And we knew.

I knew.

I had to convince you to go in.

My heels were k*lling me.


And you walked the whole place in your stockings.

And then you lost your poker face and started placing all the furniture.

We pictured raising our kids here and big Thanksgiving dinners.

And putting a swing on that tree in the front.

When we walked into that room, we chose it to be the nursery.

I still want that life that we dreamed of.


I'm not sure what you're saying.

We don't have to wait for the paternity results.

I'm keeping this baby.

And I thought about waiting to tell you on the chance that it was yours, but that just seemed like lying to you, and...

(Exhales deeply) I don't want to lie to you anymore.

I love you... so much.

And even if the worst happens, I still feel like we can work through this.

I already told you I can't.

I'm asking you to fight for us.


Please fight for us.

I'm sorry, love, I just, I...

I got no fight left.

(Woman) * together we make a dream *

I made brunch.

Well, actually, I didn't make it, but this way, we know it'll taste good.

I know what you're trying to do.

Get you drunk before noon?

And it's very nice, but it does not change the way I feel.

Yeah. About that, um, that's actually not gonna work for me.


The thing is I can't not be friends with you.

I'm not letting you end this.

So, um, pico de gallo?

You can't just decide that.

No, but I can fight for it, and if that means redefining the boundaries of this relationship, then I can do that. Try the guac. It's to die.

Wait. Um, how can you do that? What do you mean you can...

I don't know.

But why don't we just take the emergency brake off and see where this thing goes.


What exactly are you saying?

Let's do it.

Let's go for it.

Do the whole relationship thing. Hmm?

Who knows? Maybe you're right.

Maybe I will be the most fabulous girlfriend ever.


Yeah, maybe you will.

♪ Ah ♪
♪ all the world is falling ♪

Maybe you will.

♪ Ah, ah ♪
♪ so dance with me, my darling ♪
♪ ah, ah ♪

(Karen) April, hi. Just checking in.

Call me when you can.

(Savi) Are you alive? Call me. I'm worried.

(Josslyn) Hey, lady.

I'm still here to k*ll anyone you want me to.

Call me.

♪ Darling ♪
♪ spin me 'round ♪
♪ darling ♪
♪ don't wanna touch the ground ♪
♪ darling ♪
♪ dance with me, my ♪
♪ darling ♪
♪ spin me 'round ♪
♪ ba, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪
♪ ba, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪
♪ ba, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba ♪
♪ ba, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪
♪ ba, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪

Room 236.

Checking out?

Actually, I'm extending my stay.

All right.

(Karen) Hello, Elizabeth.

You'll have to excuse me.

I wasn't expecting company.

How was Italy?

Your housekeeper told me.

I've been trying to reach you.

Well, it was a last-minute trip.

I'm sorry if I worried you.

You did, but that's not why I'm here.

I need to talk to you about Sam.

What's wrong with Sam?

Honestly, I'm not sure, but I'm concerned about his emotional well-being.

Since Thomas' death, he's been struggling to... regain stability.

He lost his father.

I think struggling is perfectly normal.

Yes, but in my professional opinion, he may need more support from the people who love him, maybe even a grief counselor with specialized...

Hold on.

Your professional opinion?

Are you seeing Sam as a patient?


Then I'm confused.

How do you know what's going on with Sam?

He's been contacting me.

Why would he do that?

I think it comforted him to know that I'd counseled his father.

He was looking for someone to talk to, thought I could help, but things have gradually gotten out of hand.

Out of hand how?

Sam's... become infatuated with me.


Surely you're overreacting.

He thinks he's in love with me.

He told you that?


Maybe you could tell him you were screwing his father.

That should break the spell.

You're not gonna try and deny it, are you?

(Whispers) Because that would be embarrassing.