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01x08 - Bag Man

Posted: 08/10/13 14:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Did you know that undercover cops can't do dr*gs?

You've seen us use.

Haven't seen you use mine.

How much do you remember, huh?

I remember sh**ting with Quinn's needle and feeling really, really good.


Where am I?

One of my C.I.'s apartments.

Paul Briggs is not a criminal.

He deserves our help.

Mike, he chose to do heroin.

He didn't do this to himself.

Couple years back, Caza grabbed him.

They tortured him and made him a junkie.

Then they just opened the door and let him walk out.

Big middle finger to the Bureau.

Odin Rossi's mark.

Anyone who says they've seen the guy is lying.

The guy is a ghost.

Charlie, you got a supplier without a face.

Mikey, you got a guy who needs heroin.

You want Bello to reach out.

Odin Rossi.

I don't have a connect to him.

Paul does.

Betray Caza?

Powerful men are defined by the risks they take.

You are Odin Rossi?

Always have been.

Did you see Odin?


You guys didn't hear it?

The watch went dead.

You gotta be kidding me.

Trust me. You didn't miss much.

Are you sure about this?

Yeah, I walk in, and Bello tells me that he made the deal with Odin.

Behind my back.


Bastards cut me out.

All right, well, we didn't get what we wanted, but maybe we can still use what we got.

You're still in play.

[Sighs] I guess.

What the hell choice do we have?

Well, you said the first big Odin shipment's tomorrow.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

[Alarm beeping]

[Alternative music]

Yo, J.T. What's up, man?

Nothing. What's up with you?

You know, the swell's pumping today.

Feel like getting wet?

No, not today, man.


Yeah, I'm good.


[Chuckles] Thanks.

Check this thoroughly.

See if Odin left anything behind.

Good. Thank you.

Found a strand of hair.

We'll run it. Maybe we can nail the bastard.

Got that Odin?

Here you go.

How the sausage is made.


Seeing laws made is worse, though.

Each one of those bags is 12 kilos.

Selling it by the gram, that's $200,000 a kilo.

Mm-hmm, and that's before Bello's done the Nigerian two-step on it all.

Right, so not even counting when he's gonna step on it, that's $2.4 million in each one of those bags.


With profits like that, how are we ever supposed to do anything?

I told you. Seeing laws made is worse.

Not when you're the one carrying those black bags to the market.

You're one chapter in a long story, Mike.

I want to be the end of that story.

You will be.

We're gonna get 'em. Believe it.

Just a matter of time before Odin makes a mistake.

Oh, speaking of which, forensics pulled an I.D. off the hair we found.

DNA matches yours.

They found some of mine too.

So far, we're the only ones making mistakes.


There you are.

I slept in.

Yeah, right.


You never sleep in.

[Cell phone jingles]

Everything okay?

[Sighs] I have to skip breakfast.


Yeah, they need me to do some maintenance on the planes.

Oh, come on, you. Let's go out tonight.

We'll go to that Cuban dive bar with the weird rum drinks.

I'm just under a lot of pressure, all right?

Maybe tomorrow?

Okay, I know you're a pilot, but it's not like you're doing night missions in Afghanistan.

You know, you check your voice mails in private, and you don't have a Facebook, which I should applaud, but I don't know. It's like...


Are you seeing somebody else?

I don't have a secret girlfriend, okay?

Why haven't I seen your house?


I get it.

We've never talked about being exclusive.

But we've been... [Sighs] we've been doing this a few months now.

Ugh, this isn't how I really wanted to have this conversation. I'm sorry.

All right, look, um, this guy at work, he's kind of my training officer.

Actually, he's more like the brother I wish I'd had.

He's got a substance abuse problem.

Aren't a lot of people's lives in his hands?

More than you know.

Well, I hope you reported him.

Of course I did.

And now you feel guilty about it?


Yeah, I just respect the hell out of the guy, you know?

He saved my ass more than once.

But if he gets the help he needs, you might end up saving his ass.

It's just, either way, I kind of feel like a rat.

No, anybody who knows you would never think that.

Thank you for telling me.


[Laid-back rock music]

Charlie's looking for you.

Morning, creeper.

Yeah, I got her text.

You doing the walk of shame or hit the gym early?

'Cause you got the sex hair, but you're looking a little juiced.

Yeah, in my world, good sex can be a workout.

And I don't believe in the walk of shame.

Me neither.

It's the "get laid" parade.

Never heard that. Wow.

[Both laughing]

Was it Abby?

No, it was a rebound.

Well, it's been a couple of weeks.

I'm glad to see you're moving on.

It's kind of quiet in here.

Jakes and Johnny still staking out the gym?

Yep, your Odin/Bello case is like a black hole sucking everybody into its nothingness.

Including the spoons.



Careful it doesn't suck you in too.

Nope, I've got my own undercover heroin case tonight.

This is why we have no spoons.

[Engine starts]

[Hip-hop music]

Odin's not coming for his money.

There's 2 million sitting right there.

Somebody's gotta be coming.

So you really think this is the best use of our time?

Personally, I'd rather be working on my lats, but somebody wanted to tone.

No, us being here at all, man.

Charlie's got the whole place covered with cameras.

We can watch this amazing display of humanity at home.


Your blood sugar's low, dude.

Put your hands on your handles and just glide.

Besides, if somebody comes for the money, we gotta be here to flow 'em, right?

I can watch from the car.


Come on.

I don't know him.

Just some guy.

What level are you on, eight?

Bring it on.

Oh, the man, the myth.

Wipe that smirk off your face, you animal.

Eventually, you're gonna get tired of these little slam 'n' scrams.

Yeah, and having to go back to their place all the time 'cause I can't bring them here.

Yep, no civilians upstairs.

I know, I know. What'd I miss?

Jakes on the elliptical.



Oh, my God. He looks so sad.

I know.

It's like putting a sweater on a dog.


So has Odin picked up the money from any of the drops?

Not a single dollar.

Maybe he doesn't care about the money.

What criminal doesn't care about money?

The only thing we know about Odin is that we know nothing about Odin.

All right, what if Mikey pushes it a little bit more with Bello?

Ah, if I push it too hard, though, we could ruin our only shot.

Chuck's right.

Push it, but be careful, hmm?


Aw, Jakes, come on, man.

It stinks in here, dude.

You know, showers don't hurt, man.

Smells like swamp ass in here.

That helped.

Hey, yo, I know you're not social, okay?

I know that.

But have you noticed how weird everybody's been acting?

Hey, man, always best to worry about your own problems.

Yeah, I know, but, like, aren't you worried just a little, little bit?


I work with you people.

Nowhere in my contract does it say I gotta play therapist too.

Oh, your contract?


Let me draft you a little memo, all right?

Friends worry about each other.

Maybe if you stopped running around, trying to get everybody to like you, they'd take you serious enough to let you know what's really going on.


Don't get this place twisted, Johnny.

This ain't your family, son.


You know, it really does stink in here, bro.

[Sea gulls calling]

It's been a little while since we had our talk, Mike, and I am still here.

Well, you trusted me with your secret.

That I did.

I also had some friends poke around at the bureau and see if my name or my problem had come up.


And it has not.

Secrets are a burden, Mike.

Thank you for carrying mine.

Of course.

Are you worried about me, Mike?

Has it been hard being around all this heroin?


But having you around keeps me honest.


Honesty's a hard thing to come by.

It most certainly is.



[Line ringing]

You've reached Juan. Leave a message.


Juan, it's Mike.

I need to know what's going on with our friend.

Hey, boss.

Doing good work, Randall.

For you, boss.

Here you go, Julie.

Can we speak privately?

Of course.

I think we have a bit of a security issue here.

This abandoned bank is safe. Trust me.

I'm not talking about this place.

I mean Odin.

How can you expect me to protect you from someone that I don't know what he looks like?

Odin could double-cross you or kidnap you.

I can't protect you from a ghost.

It's a risk I'm willing to take.

He offers a premium product for a great price.

His only string... anonymity.

I get it.

[Elevator dings]

Are you expecting anyone?




[Women screaming]

We need marked units now.

[g*nf*re, screams]


Cover me.


They're wearing body armor, Michael!

Come on, we need to go.

[g*nf*re] [Gasps]

[g*nf*re continues]



[Men groaning]


Where have you been, huh?

Clean this up. No loose ends!

Help me with this one.

We're taking him with us?

For a little chat.

[Siren wails]


[Line ringing]

Mike, are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

I'm at the warehouse.

Those guys came out of nowhere, man.

Why the hell didn't you guys do anything?

We only had a surveillance team, not a TAC team.

We've got one now, though. What do you want?


Okay, Bello has one of the hit men in there, and he's torturing the guy.

Do you hear it in his voice?

We gotta get him out of there.

The hit man, is he from Caza?



I know that look. He can't handle this.

He handled watching Eddie blow his brains out right in front of him, didn't he?

Mike, listen.

Listen to me very carefully, buddy.

You've got two options here.

Option number one, we can roll in right now, arrest Bello, probably save the man's life, but Odin is gonna be blowing in the wind.

Option number two, you can choose to stay under, save this guy's life yourself, as well as the case against Odin.

Those are my options.

Mike, listen to me.

I want Odin just as bad as you do, but sometimes it's just not worth it.

That's why you gotta choose, Mike.

Is it worth it to get Odin?


Okay, Bello is gonna m*rder this guy.

I cannot be here for that.

I'm sending in the TAC team. Go.

[g*n clicks]


Wait, um, I'll try.

There is no try.

You choose option two, you cannot let him die.

I know.

But the rest of it, I, um...

Keep him alive, Agent Warren, whatever it takes.

[Phone beeps]

I can't believe you just did that.

What, Charlie?

I presented the kid with a choice.



Come, come, my hero.


Do you smell that?

Human flesh has a charcoal scent when it burns.

It gets stuck in your nostrils, like, all day, forever.

Maybe it's time to ask questions, eh?

Why are you here?

[Snaps fingers]

I'm your only friend, eh?

Why are you here?

To send a message.

Get rid of Odin.

Come back to Caza, and everything will be as it was.

You don't send a hit squad to negotiate a truce.

[Glass shatters]


[g*n cocks]

[Speaking spanish]

You must like the smell of your own flesh cooking.

My hand is ruined anyway.

[Suspenseful music]

Then we'll take it off.



We are done here.

No, he's gonna need more than a tourniquet if we don't want him to bleed out.

Let him.

They sent him as a message.

You send one back.

You let him walk out of here like this, and they'll know you're not afraid.

I like that. But he's beyond our help.

Look, leave him be. You're wasting your time.

Come on, Mike.

He's barely conscious.


All right. Hey, hey, hey, hey!

You're gonna go back to Caza, and you're gonna tell them that Bello is not afraid of him.

[Speaking spanish]

What did he say?

He said it doesn't matter. We're already dead.

[Speaking spanish]

He's gonna come for us.

Who? Who's gonna come?

Ask him. He knows.

[Speaking spanish]

The key man.


Throw him out.

Come, throw him out!

[Tense music]

In a different life, we could have been doctors.

Everything worked out.

You're right.

The dude's alive, less a hand.

Mike's cover is still intact.

He's probably scarred for life, but bravo.

We also found out that Caza's making a move on Bello.

That's how we make progress.

That's how you make progress.

Yeah, well, you know what?

I'm tired of playing for the draw.

Arresting Bello isn't the draw.

That's what you've been working on for months.

There'll always be another Bello.

Caza's the real enemy, and we finally got a shot at 'em.

And there'll always be another Caza.

You know, we also kept the Odin case going.

Isn't that what you wanted?

That's what I want, but you know what?

You always gotta push it too far, man.

Like you're an innocent?

What's going on with you?

I think these little secrets, your little burdens, they're ruining you.

Oh, yeah?


It's k*lling us.
Hey, man.

What's up?

You all right?


You okay?



Yeah, you?

Yeah, I'm just happy to see you.

I'm gonna call it a night, boys, all right?


Are you really okay?

I don't feel anything.


It'll hit you later, you know?

There's one thing I can't shake, though.

I mean, was this ever really about Odin, or did you just want to get to jangles?

Excuse me?

I mean, your logic was choice.

But did you, of all people, really let that man be tortured just 'cause he had information on jangles?

Or was that just a coincidence?

I think you're in shock, man.

Why don't you just take some time...

Hey, don't.

Don't play me.

[Shower running]

Mike? Is that you?

[Gasps] What the hell, Mike?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

I just wanted to be close to you.

Why do you smell like a barbecue?

We had a cookout at work.

Well, I usually wouldn't mind coming home to a half-naked you, but something's wrong.

What's going on?

You want to talk about it?

Just, people around me just keep getting hurt.

There's just all this pain.

Are you responsible?


Yeah, some of it.


Well, then, you need to take some responsibility.


It's not that simple.

Of course it is.

[Voice shaking] You always have a choice.

Hey. Hey.

My God, I've been hurting you.

[Laughs] You just figured that out?

The texts and the messages and...


Oh, no, no, no more stabbing, okay?

I just don't want to be the other girl.

Well, that I can help.

Let's go to my house.

Aren't there rules against it?

I'm not in a rule-following mood.

Come on.


No, he didn't.


Cut it off right in front of him?

Yeah. Yeah, Mike saved his life.

He cauterized the wound, so it wouldn't bleed out.

It's crazy.

Oh, my God.

Yo, and Briggs just let that happen?

[Funky music playing]


Thanks for the heads up.

It's been pretty quiet out here.

Good, 'cause I need to borrow you for a bit.

For what?

Please, borrow him.

And don't bring him back.

We only need one person here anyway.

[Laughs] Come on.

You're just angry, man.

Always angry.


Who is that?


Wants to know where everybody's at.

Tell him we're going to eat.

Where are we going, Charlie?

You haven't even told me.

Yeah, I'm trying to keep it low-key.

[Laughs] Keep it low-key?

Hey, we're gonna go check on Briggs.

I just know something's wrong.

Thank you.

I was literally just saying that to Jakes.

[Both chuckle]

What do you think is wrong with him?

[Clears throat]

Remember the other day on the pier, when his watch went out?

The Odin no-show day.


The watch was working fine before Briggs got it.


The batteries died. So what?

We always put in fresh batteries.

Why is it we can never get eyes on Odin?

Not a single photo, print, voice recording, nothing.

The guy's good. He's a pro. We'll get there.

So good that he's always a step ahead of us, almost like he always knows what our game plan is gonna be.

Nah, no, no, no, no.

You said you wanted to help Briggs, not investigate him.

Did he help me when he shot me up?

That was his idea.

That you agreed to. You're a grown woman.

How'd he get the "H"?

He said he got it from a C.I. I don't buy it.


Nope. Nope. This...


Because the...


No, the...

When's the last time a C.I.

Made you watch their stash?

When? Never.

We're not stabbing him in the back.

Sure feels like it, Chuck.

No, look, I love Briggs.

You ask me just 'cause you thought I'd go along with this?

Never. The opposite.

I need devil's advocate.

I need somebody that's gonna tell me I'm crazy or that...

I'll tell you you're crazy.

All right.

Let's go.

Drive this piece of shit. Let's roll.

[Engine turns over]

[Indistinct chatter]

[Tense music]


Home, sweet home.


[Both laugh]

Mike, this is not a mess.

It's amazing.

Why would you want to hide this from me?

You know, I guess it feels a little smaller when everyone's around.

[Laughs] Yeah, right.

It's like walking into anthropologie.

Oh, my God.

Okay, people have k*lled for less.

I know.

Well, we interrupted somebody.

[Toilet glugs] You hear that?

[Whispers] Easy, easy, easy, easy.

[Suspenseful music]

[Toilet glugs] Just some old pipes.

Last time, this was locked.

It's not locked now.

See? What'd I say?

It's just a couple bags of "H."

Nothing too crazy for a C.I.

All right.

Let's go home.

Well, our reservation's in 20 minutes, so we should probably...

Uh, easy, tiger.

Can't a girl see your room first?

Of course.


Ooh, uh, um...

Ahh, ha, ha...

What? Your room's up here, right?

Yeah, it's just, we kind of keep strange hours, like graveyard hours, so upstairs is a bit of a quiet zone.

Roger, Roger.


[Whispers] Got it.


Shh, tiptoe.






That's cool.


Can't help but notice you're more relaxed at my place than your own.

What can I say? You're that awesome.

Well, that is true.

But this place doesn't exactly suck either.

But your room, on the other hand, is a little bit...


How often are you actually here?

Only a couple nights a week.

Nights I'm not with you or at an airport hotel.

You don't see this space as permanent, do you?

Mm, there's part of me that wishes it was more than temporary.

People. I love the people.

So do you still think I have a secret girlfriend?


You have a secret house.

I don't like getting attached to temporary things either, Mike.

You wanna get out of here?

Mm, yeah.

All right, let me go to the bathroom first.

Have fun in there.

Enjoy my amazing art.

[Door closes]

Damn it.

Hey. What's the matter?

Paige has a g*n.

Did she see you?

I guess she did.

Mike, open up.

Why is she dressed like that?

It's okay, all right?


She just has a bad taste in clothes.

Hey, Abby.

I am so sorry about that.

My dad is one of those "single girls should always keep a g*n in the house" types.

So, Abby, do you mind if I borrow your boyfriend for just one sec?

It's okay.

All right, all right, I know I made a mistake.

I can cover this.

No, you can't. I'll cover it.

Give me 30 seconds, and I'll see who else is here.

And then get her the hell out of here.

Thank you.

Sorry about that. It...

It's for protection.

Does everyone in this house have a g*n?


Who are you?

Abs, come on. You know who I am.

Do I?

'Cause I really don't feel like it.

All those half-truths and vague answers to everything.

No, no.

You're overreacting.


Can I at least give you a ride home?

Who are you, Mike?

Call me if you ever figure that out, okay?

What the hell were you thinking?

She doesn't know anything, all right?

The house is safe.

But you just risked everything.

I know, okay?

And it's over.

Charlie told me what happened to you today, and I'm sorry.

But nothing can allow this to happen.

Graceland is sacred, period.

I screwed up.

The end.

I just... I was sick of lying to her.

Lying to her?

You told me that it was over.

Why does she make you so stupid?

Because I can be myself around her.

No, you can't.

Everything you've told her was a lie.

Okay, fine, you know what?

I can be a different version of myself, all right?

The old me. I don't know.

It was just... it was something that was safe.

Wake up!

That's what Graceland's for.

Yeah, well, Graceland doesn't work like that for me.

Why not?

It just doesn't, okay?

There's no one here that I can be honest with.

This... it's all lies.

Do you know what I told Abby the first night you met her?

Yeah, some ironic trash about me being real.

Except for it wasn't trash. I meant it.

Unlike the rest of us, there is always gonna be a part of you that's uncomfortable with the lies, and I like that about you, so don't lose it.

I'm trying, all right?

I'm just going about it in all the wrong ways.

You know, Briggs breaks the rules all the time.

I break one for the first time in my life, and it blows up in my face.

You're not him.

And I think breaking a few rules is good.

You just... you gotta know which rules to break.

[Horn honks]

We're never gonna get eyes on Odin like this.

Stick to the plan.

It's time to change this game.

Stick to the plan, young man.

Did you give the bag to the new girls?

There was none.

What do you mean?

Is this a joke?

What the hell is he doing?

I wish it was.

I went to the drop.

There was no bag.

I mean, and I gotta say, I'm a little concerned here.

All this v*olence, I mean, if you...

Don't worry. I'll settle it.


Here you go.

Didn't need this bag after all.

What was that?

It was an audible.

Something you should know a little bit about.

Do you really think that denying Bello his dr*gs was the right play?

Briggs, we've become the bad guys here.

We're delivering dr*gs. We're sh**ting people.

Torturing them.

Oh, man.

This had to stop.

That's right.

And now that Bello is doubting Odin's ability to deliver, it'll force a meet.

Bello only does business in person.

We set up 24-hour surveillance.

Lead us right to Odin. Well done, Mikey.

Thank you.

I wonder, when Bello meets Odin, what do you think Odin's gonna say about the missing dr*gs?

Huh, Mike? Probably that you stole them.

You just risked this case and your life.

[Rock music]

[Cell phone rings]


I am missing something.

I know.

We need to meet.


I'll text you the details. [Phone beeps]

He looks nervous.

Yeah, Caza hit men make me jumpy too.

You see anything, Briggs?

No suspicious vehicles or repeat drive-bys, no.

All right, it's not like we know what he looks like, so he could already be here.

My thoughts exactly.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone jingles]

He's texting.

Yeah, copy.

He's on the move.

[Rock music]

Just walked into USA Clothing.

Guys, I just ran the plates on a blue Sedan reported stolen this morning.

Johnny, can you cover the front while I pursue?

Yeah, copy.

Hey, Briggs, you want me to send in some marked units for support?

Nah. I can handle this myself.

What's he doing, trying to blend in?

Tough to do with those jeans.

It's like Ed Hardy threw up Chinese food and wants people to pay to wear it.


He's gonna try them on.

Hey, Charlie.

I don't have eyes on that changing room.

Can you get over there?

Hey, guys, the car checked out.

I'm heading back to position.

I'll be there in five.

Copy that.

Sorry about all the cloak and dagger.

Why was the product not at the last drop?

Well, for the same reasons you're not working out of your bank...


But you don't see my money stopping, do you?

You and me, we are fat and married now in cash and blood.

I can hold Caza back, but not if the heroin stops flowing.

The keys to an apartment full of heroin.

Just go by yourself, but there's enough product there to last you a couple of months.

You just pay me in your usual installments.

He's gone, Mike. I don't see his feet.

But he didn't come out? What do you mean?

All right.

Uh, Bello.

Go the way you came, huh?

I don't get all this theater.

[Suspenseful music]

Uh, guys, Bello just walked out of the other store, Chiffino's.

What? How'd he get over there?

I don't know, but he's carrying something in his hand.

I think we just missed the meet.

Oh, my God, Mike. There's a hole in the wall.

Should I move in? Odin may still be in there.

No, no, you wait till Bello's gone, okay?

I'll cover the rear. You cover Chiffino's.

Charlie, you keep that hole blocked off.

Odin is not getting past us.

[Suspenseful music]

Guys, I'm 30 seconds out. Where is everyone?

[Gate clangs]

I'm at the back entrance now.

All right, man, nobody came out of Chiffino's.

Or the dressing room hole.

Briggs, he's here.

I can feel it.

[Both grunting]

Did you hear that?

Yo, Mike, come in.

[Loud grunting]


Man down. Man down, back supply area.

What the hell happened?

Is... is Mike...

No, no, no.

He's fine. He's fine.

Odin just ran out the back.

I might have shot him.


Hey, hey, hey, buddy.

Easy, man. You okay?



Hey, did you see Odin, huh? Did you see him?


Relax, relax, relax. Shh, shh, shh, shh.



You were right, you know.

Best to mind your own business in this house.

You find out the hard way?


Yo, you really think people don't take me seriously?

Sometimes, yeah.

But you're good, man.

Little sunshine never hurt nobody.

You know why I like you, Jakes?

My unwavering optimism?


Dude, when you got a problem with me, you just tell me.

You know, you say it right to my face.

You don't s*ab me in the back.

That's right.

s*ab you in the front.

Like friends should.

Hug it out?

I'm good.

Let me test them braids.

They're dreads, Johnny.


[Knocking on door] Hey.


You up for a run?


Hope you're not beating yourself up that Odin got away, though.

No, it wasn't for nothing.

You can learn a lot about a man by the way he fights.

Really? Like what?

Well, I know that he's about 6', 6'2", well-built, trained to fight, might have some service experience.

Hmm, yeah, it's definitely enough to start a profile, huh?

I think I broke a couple of his ribs.

He's probably in a lot of pain.


Hey, man...

You saved my life again.

Nah, man.

Again. No.

Thank you.

Maybe one day, I'll get to return the favor.

Mm, let's hope not, huh?

[Laughs] Yeah.


I'm proud of you, Mike.




