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02x09 - Gratis

Posted: 08/14/14 13:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Stay back.

g*ns now?

[Men struggling, g*nsh*t]

What is this?

Hi, Amber.

This is Charlie.


You said I need four people to take a bank.

You'd be calling the sh*ts.

Let me think about it.

Do you understand?



What are you doing?

Little white knight coming in to save the day?

That's it.

Carlito's gone.

That place is the last link that I have to the solano cartel and these guys that are protecting him.

I'll go back in there.

I'll pull Lina out, shut the whole place down.

You have my word, all right?

Have you considered getting these girls out without shutting sulla down?


Buy them.

[Latches click]


It's $250,000.

We'll call it a layaway plan.

And the fish stay here.

And so do I.

Pick a room.

There's no getting out of this.

We have to get out of here. We have to get as far as we can.


It's the safest place for you right now.

We'll go to your father's.

We're here.

There's Lucia!

[Metal clangs]



[Goats bleating]

There's a coach house. Stay here. I'll come back.

Uh Uh. Don't leave me here.

You're gonna have to be alone sometimes.

I'll be right back. Don't worry.

[Engine turning over]


[Laughs] Look at you, huh?


You made it.

Carlito, what's up, man?

[Both grunt]

I didn't think you'd still be up.

Are you serious?

How was I supposed to sleep when I knew you were coming, huh?

You know, for a minute there, I thought I might never see you again.

And you... wow.

You must have been confused when I disappeared, huh?

Yeah. Hey, what happened that night anyway?


Why don't, uh... why don't you come on inside?

We have a room set for you, huh?

Well, I've got Lucia's bags, you know.

I should wait on her.

Oh, yeah. Lucia has arms too, so come on.

Okay, um...


Okay, yeah.

Come on, you've been traveling.

Let's go get some rest, huh?


Reserved for the guest of honor!


It's nice.


I missed you, you know?



What was that?

What was what?

If your father finds out...

My father is asleep, Johnny.

He'd k*ll me, Carlito.

[Chuckles] You know.

You know, when I was a little boy, I used to, um...

I used to think my father could hear the bat of an eyelash, smell tomorrow morning's breakfast, see through walls.

But I'm not afraid of the boogeyman anymore.

Are you?

Sort of, yeah.

[Door opens]

Wonder if you'd be so brave if the boogeyman was still awake.

Get out.

Johnny's been driving all night. Let him be.

It's good to see you, Johnny.

You too.

There'll be plenty of time to... Catch up.

All right.

Good to see you, Carlos.

[Door closes]

[Exhales deeply]

He didn't waste any time.

[Scoffs] Can you blame him?

You're an idiot, you know that?


Listen, I'm right across the hall if you need anything, okay?


Ha. You are an idiot.

Good night, Johnny.

Welcome home.

[Clock ticking]

[Ticking continues]

[Drill whirring]


[Drill whirring]

[Distant thud]

I thought I heard something.

What are you doing, sulla?


Sometimes these girls, they...

They get ideas.

You're up late.

You thinking of getting a taste?

They're not for us.

Mm Hmm.

I got word from Mexico.

They're sending a new batch.

As soon as they're here, you can take your girls and go.

How the hell are they gonna do that?

Something to do with cruise ships.

I don't know.

Little twats will think they're on vacation.

They're all yours. Enjoy yourself.


[Electronic music]

[pounding on window]

I'm five minutes late, and you doze off?

Sorry. I haven't been sleeping much lately.

Are we up on the sound out here?

Tech's getting it, but you got a lot more area to cover.

You got to wire the entire building.

Carlito told sulla they're reopening the pipeline.

Not exactly sure how, but it has something to do with cruise ships.

So, whenever Johnny calls, you can tell him...

Yeah, I'll let him know.

I want this thing over as bad as you do.

[Engine turning over]

Cruise ships?

Okay, I got it, Paige.


All right, you know, I mean, I'll figure something out.

Okay. Señor, breakfast ready.

Hey, I got to go, okay? Good looking out.

All right, bye.

[Conversation in Spanish, laughter]

Buenos dias.

Buenos dias.

Hey, Johnny, my father... he speaks English.

You don't need to show off. No, I wasn't.

I just... I'm fluent, so...

Did they cry?

I'm sorry. Who?

The salvadoran dogs that held my daughter.

When you k*lled them, did they cry?

Honestly, Simon did most of the work, sir.

Ay, si.

he was such a good man and took very good care of my children.

Do you believe that to be your job now?

No, no, no. I just, uh... I wanted to help.

Oh, no, papa, you should have seen him.

I told you that I shot Esteban, yeah?

Yeah, so Johnny here... he runs in, right?

And he takes control, and he grabs a hold of Esteban, and then suddenly, Esteban's fine, you know like nothing, but I mean, he's got that little twitch in his eye.

That wasn't a pleasant experience for everyone, Carlos.

Come on, I'll show you the stables.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Sit. Both of you, sit.

[Clears throat]

Señor solano, this place, your property... it's, uh... it's an honor to be here.

How long do you intend to stay?

He can stay as long as he wants.

We need to protect him.

The police are looking for him back at home.

Si, papa. She's right.

And you think hiding a fugitive here is wise, now of all times?

You've always said that nothing is more important than loyalty.

Johnny's been loyal.

Of course you can stay as long as you like.


Actually, sir, I was thinking about driving west.

A Tijuana?

No, no, Baja sur.

Oh, the Southern peninsula's beautiful.

I know. It's been a while too.


I remember loving it, though.

My family... we used to take these cruises down the coast...

I mean, L.A., Cabo San Lucas, puerto vallarta.

It was fun.

Cruises, you say?

Yeah, like carnival.

Johnny, what the hell are you talking about?

What the hell are you talking about?

He didn't say anything.

You take these cruises often?

Maybe, like, ten times maybe?

My cousin... she worked for a travel agency.

I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?

Is it true that they deal very little with customs agents, that these ships... they come and go unmolested?

In my experience?


I mean, customs... they take it very seriously.

I mean, they make everybody stay in the cabin while they inspect the entire ship...

I mean, dogs, x-rays, the whole deal.




Thank you. Leave us now.

Where are you, girl?

[Blowtorch crackling]

You need a hand?

No, I'm almost finished.

Looks like it's coming along.

The skeleton's the easy part.

Hard part's the flesh and blood, you know... bond boxes...

Armored Faceplates...

Locks and latches.

Fun stuff.


How'd you learn all this?

Old man.

Family business, huh?


What about you?

Same sort of thing. My dad was, uh, connected.

Mobbed up?

Come on, now, you know they don't like when you say stuff like that.

[Sighs] Is he doing time or what?

Mine too.

Maybe they're friends.


Listen, I got to ask.

What's up?

Men or women?

Men or women what?

Billy told me you're shacking up with a guy, but I can feel your eyes on me.

Which is it...

Men or women?

You asking for your own personal interest?

I'm asking 'cause Greg's the kind of guy a lot of girls get stupid for.

Who's Greg?

Our wheelman... Greg Dyson.

You'll meet him in an hour.

No, that shouldn't be problem.


Excuse me, officer?

My name is Ed Salazar.


What can I do for you?

My daughter found this tape, and it's probably nothing, but it sounds like someone getting m*rder*d.

[Chuckles] You're serious?

All right, I'll give it a listen.

[Cell phone ringing]


Pardon me.

My bad.

[Cell phone continues ringing]


Hey, what's up?

I got a major problem right now.

You remember Greg Dyson?



Yeah, yeah, from that San Diego bitch you worked a while back, right?

Yeah, he's been on the lam for two years.

Guess what he's doing for work these days.

He's Amber's wheelman.

If he sees me, he's gonna recognize me, and since I'm the only one who didn't get arrested from the crew...

Yeah, it's not gonna be a happy reunion... I get it.

Find out what he's driving and let me know.

I'll handle it.

All right.

Hurry up.

Okay, so I know you're all like, "it's just a home," but let's be real.

You got a Freakin' historical monument in your backyard.

It's a franciscan mission.


My father spent a fortune restoring it.

I bet he did.

Of course, he's never once been here.


So, if no one comes down here...

What was all that talk about cruise ships?

I don't know. It was weird, right?

I mean, I was just making conversation...

Are you trying to get in bed with my father?

Am I just a means to an end?




Hey, look at me.

I want you despite your family, not because of it.

I think the reason my father never comes here is because he finds the idea of God unsettling.

Someone watching, keeping score?

When I was young, that was the part I liked believing in.

So you don't believe anymore?


One day I looked around and realized that even if I somehow made it to heaven, I wouldn't know anyone there.

You know me.

Officer west, the target was spotted heading east on 18th street toward Avenue of the arts in a white Porsche.

Copy that.

[Engine revs]

[Tires squealing]

[Horns blaring]


He not picking up.

He'll show.

I don't like it.

You got a plan "B"?

[Sighs] On short notice?

It's gonna be tough.

I got a guy.

Looks like a vault.

Safety deposits...

Is that Oxyhydrogen?

I wasn't repairing a Frickin's submarine.

When's the last time you worked?

I've been mostly legit lately, you know, chauffeuring Hollywood types.

Driving miss Daisy over here.

And that's basically racism.

How's that r*cist?

That's basically racism.

How's that... tell me... what?

You can't...

You can't name another chauffeur.

I'm gonna have to keep you separated.


Assuming it is safe deposits?

Then you want a low Roof transit van.

No, what we need is giddyup. A transit van's slow as sh...

Yeah, they're slow to drive, but they're quick to load.

Plus, you stick some decals on the side, in 90 seconds, you're a plumber.


We'll be in touch.


Shut up.



I didn't know you were going to be here.

I've been waiting.

Yeah, I was wondering when you'd come visit me.

You know, it's hard...

You know, being so close and not being able to do anything.

Like, if we were anywhere else, anywhere away from your father, you know, we'd be...

Do you think I'm stupid, Johnny?



I mean, do you... you think I-I can't tell when I'm being treated like a fool?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I just went for a walk.

I just went for a walk. Shut up. Shut up.

Shut up.

This was supposed to be my time, my thing.

Okay, okay.

Okay? Huh?

You know, for the first time, my father was actually listening to me, really listening, and then you show up and yap about some stupid cruise ships.

But no.

No, no, I'm not gonna let some stupid Angeleno Twink come to Mexico and advise my father.

No, no, no, no, no.

He asked me a question. He asked me a question.

I answered the question.

You know, I have exercised a type of patience with you that I am not accustomed to.

Do you know why that is, huh?

Tell me, Johnny.

Tell me, or I will blow your brains all over this bedroom.

Because you want me.

Because you want...

Yeah, that's right.

That's right.

That's right, Johnny, but the moment you become an impediment to me...

I will leave you in pieces.

On everything that is sacred to me, I swear that.

[Breathing heavily]




[Shouting in native language]

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

What's going on?


[Shouting in native language]

You little bitch, I will pull your teeth out!

I will pull your teeth out.


Do you hear me? You think you're crying now?

Stop. Stop.

[Crying] I'm sorry! Please, you help me.

[Laughs] You know what she did?

[Laughing] She bit me.

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten near her mouth, then.

Lina, go to your room.



How many times do I need to explain this to you?

What's that?

They're not yours.


If I'm gonna vouch for my merchandise, I'm gonna sample it once in a while.

They're not your merchandise to handle.

They're mine.

I bought them.

No, you bought shares.


"Yeah, they're on the layaway plan."

That's what you said.

So, until I'm paid in full, they're still mine.

It's this simple.

You void the contract, you don't get your money.

You want to get your rocks off, go to the bar at Bennigan's.

Until then, you're gonna respect our agreement.




I will not be the bitch in my own home.

Make no mistake.

[Metallic clinking]


You're up late.

Uh, it's... it was a long, long night.

I sent Carlos and Lucia into town.

It's been so long since they were both home, I'd forgotten about the sound of their bickering.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

I'm not blind, you know.


I see the way he looks at you, the way he honks about you like a little goose.

It's... it's not what you think, sir.

His mother coddled him.

She gave and gave.

I was in prison, so...

If a boy never sees a man, how does he know what a man looks like?

I'm not interested in your son.

If you're not interested in Carlito, then you must be interested in Lucia.


I'm interested in doing business with you.

I have g*ns and dr*gs in basements by the ton, not being snorted, not being fired, not being shot into someone's arm, certainly not accruing interest.

I have a friend who...

Works in international aid, dropping off food and medicine to refugees lately.

They load everything into these crates, fly it up in a plane, and then shove it out the back.

It all comes floating down like dandelion fuzz.

I don't know if you ride, but we have horses.

I will speak with Juan Diego.

In the meantime, I think it would be smart for you to keep your distance from my son.

You know, babe, I got to give it to your girl Amber.

She picked a tough nut.

Dyson spent 20 hours under a hot lamp... not a peep.

Oh, yeah?


Going somewhere?



She throw another wrench in the works or what?

No, I'm just gonna stay there for a bit.

Mm Hmm.

You do realize the girl is sleeping on the floor of a cracked-out dairy plant, right?

I'll get a tent.

Catherine DeMarco, you are not about to go play sleepover with a violent P.O.I.

Why not?

Mikey is. Johnny is.

They're in it, right? So I'm in it.


You do know I'm looking right at you, don't you?

Charlie, don't bullsh... me.

I'm not bullsh... ing you.

This is something I have to do, all right?


Why not?

I'll call you, all right?




[TV in background]

Madam, how do you do? I am the manager.

May I help you?

You certainly may.

Show me a place to take my shoes off.

My feet are k*lling me.

Dorothy, please, a lady never admits her feet hurt.


You see that?

You see that?

Women were of a higher class back then.

You probably don't remember.

They were curvier.

They were classier. They were hairier.

Then somewhere along the line, men got afraid of their mothers and wanted to screw their little sister instead.

You think oedipus had the right idea?

[Mouth full]

Maybe so.

That makes me feel all warm inside.

I'm taking Lina.

The girls don't leave.

She does.

She's coming down now.


Maybe she'll want to take a bite of my hamburger.

If she's used up before she gets to market, my clients won't stand for it.

[Door opens]

I'll take her from here.

We go?

Yeah, we go.

What do you mean "go"?

Nobody goes.

I'm going. You take me. I'm good wife.


What makes you think you can be somebody's good wife?

What are you, a dumb little babushka?

Babushka is old woman.


You know what?

Lina's not for sale in any capacity, not now, not ever.

No, please.


This isn't a negotiation.

No, it's not a negotiation!

We did that already!

You arrogant little prick.

I made you a deal, a good deal, and I let you live in my home.

And now what...


We're going.


Look at me.

I said look at me!

Oh, jeez!


[Both screaming]

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, okay.

Okay, look at me. Look at me. Stay with me.

Stay with me.

It hurts.

Hey! Stay with me!

[Soft music]

♪ ♪

[Muffled speech]



Get him off me! Get him off me!


sh**t him, now!


No, if you sh**t me, there's no money.

I don't give a crap about the money.

[Breathing heavily]

A million dollars...

Why don't you fix this?

It's your mess. You clean it up.

[Door buzzer]

What time is it?

Hey. Can I come in?

Not if you're running.

I'm not running.

I just don't want to be somewhere.


I'm not really, uh, set up for guests.

It's okay. I'm good with the love seat.



You want to talk about it?


I want to sleep about it.

[Knock at door]


What time is it?

Get dressed, Johnny.

What's going on?

[Water splashes]


[Breathing heavily]

[Exhales deeply]

[Cell phone ringing]

Mike, what's up?

I've got lina. I'm bringing her out.

What? Where are you?

I'm coming up now.

Okay, I've got you.

I mean, is everything okay? What's going on?

Yeah. Yeah, well, sulla...

He, um, wanted her, so I'm pulling her out.

She's in the trunk. She thinks I'm a John.

She was fighting back. It was the only way.

Okay. Okay. It's okay. I've got a med team here.


Mike, where are you going?

There's a work site off Roxbury.

It's industrial. Meet me there.

[Breathing heavily]



Jesus, Mike. [Groans]

Sit up. Sit up.

Where's Lina? What happened to Lina?

She, um...

[Inhales deeply] She ran.

She weighs 100 pounds.

You're telling me that she overpowered you?

I wasn't ready.

I didn't expect her to come out swinging at me!

Okay, we need to mobilize a search team.

Which way did she go?


We need all available units. We've got a 1057... white female, late teens, dirty-blond hair.

Where are you going? I got to get back to sulla.

We have to find Lina, Mike.


She's not the only girl in there, Paige.

Man, I'll be honest...

I'm starting to feel weird about all this.


You know, I wonder, Johnny, if, um, Judas Iscariot felt weird counting his silver.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Whatever you think you saw...

You went to my father, spoke to him like a little snake, hmm?

[Scoffs] Let's go, inside.

[Door closes]


I'm in a position.

I don't know what to do with you.

You see, I think you have something with your dandelion fuzz, but my son won't work with you.

You see my dilemma?

There's no dilemma.

I can run the entire operation without him.

You have the means?

Papa, no, no, please. I-I am your son, not him.

What, you choose him?

Two weeks...

Two weeks, my friend can have a flight plan mapped out.

Come sit.

You're looking for me, right?




You know what this place is?

I know exactly what this place is.

You k*lled everyone here.

You know what? You're right.

We both did.

This place burned because of us.

But everyone has his price, right?

You know, I never thought I would find mine at the end of a needle, but you made sure of that, didn't you?

Didn't you?

And you lit the match!

Stay back.

g*ns now?


[Men struggling]


[Keys jingle]

[Dial tone]


[Line rings]


Sorry. Did I... did I wake you?

Yeah, uh, I got this cassette tape... old school.

Um, do the names Paul Briggs or Juan Badillo mean anything to you?

Yeah, I figured so.

You know, this tape, it... it almost... it sounds like... you... you know what? Let me... let me play it for you.


You know what this place is?