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02x13 - I Almost Prayed

Posted: 08/28/14 22:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on Defiance...

So did you get to Mendocino, find your mother?

Yeah, you threw her away.

I don't understand. How can you just do that?

I made a choice.

Protect Pilar, the woman I love, or protect her children.

Hello, my love.


You should have made me a partner.

Irisa needs me. She stole a terrasphere.

What would she want with a terrasphere?

No idea, but a terrasphere could level this town.


You tricked me.

The Kaziri is controlling how you feel.

The Irisa you knew is gone.

[Flesh tearing]


Hey, hey.

Hold on.


[Stahma and Datak panting]

Our time apart has been good for your virility.

Oh, my virility never waned.

[Both laugh]

But we cannot make this a habit.

Well, who's to stop us?

The men of your crew watch my movements carefully.

If they knew you and I had been together, they would feel threatened.

Oh, they should feel threatened.

That's a problem.

How can I allow you to return home knowing you will seek to punish our employees?

They beat me like an animal.

I gave the order.


So if I were to promise to forgive their filthy, traitorous sins, you would welcome me back home?

Well, the sex was exemplary.


But there would be other conditions as well.

Such as?

You agree to never again lay a hand on our son.

Well, as long as he respects me...


As you wish.

I will continue to bathe alone whenever I please.


I will oversee all business operations and make strategic decisions as I see fit.

You will be in charge of security and collections.

We will have an equal partnership.

You planned this.

You made me think I had successfully seduced you.

Your intent was to addle my thinking with the fruit of your chivo and trick me into agreeing to your ridiculous demands.


My demands are more than fair.

I will not be handled. I will not be manipulated.

I will not have my wife pretending she's smarter than me.

I'm not pretending...


Get out!

Get the three-hells out!

[Speaking native language]



[Muffled scream]

[Knock at door]

I told you to...


[Dramatic music]




What are you doing here?

It's my office.

I may not be anyone's idea of a lawman, but I did help you people drive off a Volge army.

Thank you.

So what are you gonna do, just sit here and drink?

What if Amanda's assistant, Ben, comes out of his coma?

Don't you want to be sober to interrogate him?

Now, you seem like a nice kid...

I'm not a kid.

So I'm gonna give you some free advice.

When you're addressing a stranger, it's a good idea to keep a civil tone.

This job is not just about sh**ting Volge.

It's about justice.

Justice is about what's right.

And after the day I've had, it's good and right I get drunk.

The good news for you, kid, is my daughter gets restless.

Two, three weeks, we'll blow out of this town.

You can have that shiny, little badge all to yourself.


I figure about 15 klicks till the stasis net.

I'm not gonna make it, Nolan.

I'm loving that positive attitude.

Look, that knife missed any major artery, okay?

We'll get you back to Defiance, get you patched up.

You're gonna be okay.

But the world's not.

Terraformers are going to fire on earth.

This whole planet's gonna be gone.


Find the man in her diary.


I know this guy. Mordecai.

Traveling solicitor for the Irathient tribe.

Irisa showed us a picture of him. She... she told us to k*ll him anytime we saw him.

She sounded scared.

Irisa would only be scared of him if she knew he could stop her.

Somehow, the two of them are linked.

It's time to seize the ship.

Remove the keys.

One for each of us.

Kaziri will be harmless, so long as we remain apart.

Once we do this...

We can never again be together.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪


How long was I out?

Five minutes.

Of course, the original recipe calls for quinoa patties, but I had to substitute for farro.

I do hope you enjoy the hollandaise sauce.

I use white wine vinegar instead of lemon juice, just a... just a dash of turmeric.

[Clears throat]

Mmm. It's delicious.

It is?


It's not too salty?


No, it's perfect.


It's been a long time since someone cooked a meal for me.

I'm hardly a chef.

I tried to teach myself to cook when I was stationed in Prague.

My first triumph: Boiled potatoes.




You know, Kenya and I, when we were little, we found a book that had these photographs of old European cities.

Prague looked magical.

It is. You can feel it when you walk down those winding cobblestone streets.

I think that's probably why it survived all those old world wars.

Mm. I wish I'd seen it.

You can.



I'm serious.

I have access to maritime travel through the Republic.

It can be done.

Anything can be done if you put your mind to it.

This moment is living proof.


[Electricity buzzing]

[Man shouts indistinctly]

Keep away from the others. Pull.

[Indistinct chatter]

Open it up.

[Gate creaks open]

This way.

[Gate closes]

[Sniffles and sighs]


Hi. You look good.

How's the kids?

Quentin's so loyal.

He's been very comforting.

He's the reason I'm free.

And Christie?

I haven't been to see her yet.

Little afraid, considering what I...

Yeah, yeah, what you tried to do.

I never told her.

I told all the kids that you were, uh, k*lled.

By Raiders, right?


Did I fight back?


Like a wildcat.

Did I take any down with me?


Plugged them right in the head.

Always was a good shot.

Next time you tell the story, make it three.

Three's my lucky number.


I don't think I'll be telling that story again.

May I kiss you?

I just want to see.


Thank you.

Quentin says you're okay these days.

Is that true?

You're not still sick?

Never been better.

Because if you're not, just please promise me that you'll get some help.

I know people that you can talk to, and...

I'll see you soon.

How'd it go?

[Sighs] Really, really well.

I'm ready.

Let's go see your sister.

[Engine starts]

[Birds chirping, wings beating]


Stahma, are you all right?

Where are we?

I have no idea.


It's a simple decision.

Take the upcard or pass.

Are you gonna take all night?

Why? You have plans?

Guess not.

Pushy, pushy.

I'm gonna get something to eat.

Can I trust you not to peek?

I'm a hallucination induced by an E.G.O. implant in your neck.

So are the cards. Why would I bother?

Didn't answer the question.

Of course I'm not gonna peek.

Oh, bloody hell!

What's wrong?


Shrill got into the food.

It's all ruined.

Oh, honey, that's too bad.

Too bad?

That's all you've got to say?

Datak is not due back for another three weeks.

We're gonna starve to death.

I don't eat.

Well, I'm sorry, but it's true.


I am gonna die down here. [Groans]

Maybe we have should climbed back up to the surface.

Do you know the way through all those winding tunnels?

Because I sure as hell don't.

We have to keep moving.

It's our only shot.

We'll find our way topside and go somewhere far away, where no one's ever heard of Defiance.

You can set up shop, heal people.

You can do it, Meh.

Just shut up!

But if I end up eaten by shrill or impaled on a stalagmite, I will hold you personally responsible.

Oh, oh, oh, well, nice language, Lev.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Our employees did not do this.

Of course they did.

They would never keep us prisoner.

They would have k*lled us immediately.

They'll wish they k*lled me when their mouths are stuffed full of their own jondura.

Does that make you feel better?

Fantasies of revenge?

What has revenge ever gotten you?

Time in prison?

Getting kicked out of your own home, forced out of your own business?

You will never learn, will you?

Oh, foolish Datak. Never learned to think.

Can't control his temper.

Can't take a piss without his wife there to shake his [Speaks native language] afterwards.

All of this is true.

The day I learn, the day I change is the day you lose your purpose.

I have plenty of purpose.

I have a thriving business.

A business you stole.

Stolen by a treacherous wife.

A business you abandoned... abandoned due to your own recklessness.

When I escaped Reverie, I should have drowned you like the unfaithful rodent you are.

Unfaithful? I wasn't unfaithful enough.

I should have left Defiance with Kenya Rosewater last year.

Oh, I wish you had.

I'd have tracked you both down and buried you both in cozy grave for two.

No, because would have slit your throat and left you for the worms in Edmund field.

Oh, who's harboring revenge fantasies now, darling?

The truth is, you have no power over me.

You kept me locked up, and I came back.

You beat me, and I got back up.

You took my business, and I adapted.

You cast me out of my bed, but you still opened your legs for me.

Do you want to know why?


Do you want to... do you want to know why?

Three female Sensoths.

Lipstick, perfume, bows in their hair.

And they asked me, do I want to play?

Naturally, I'd haul ass out of there as fast as I can, but daddy sensoth, he gets the wrong idea.

He comes after me with an [Speaks alien language].


Hey, Tommy. Wake up.

Hey, that's it.

I need you to stay with me, okay, buddy?

Just gonna have a look at you, that's all.

[Sighs] Shit.

All right. Tommy, hey.

You're losing too much blood.

We're gonna have to do something about that, all right?

You stay with me.

All right.

Irisa, stop.

Come on. I'm serious.

I need to talk to you.

We can talk later.



Will you marry me?


It's not funny.


I love you.

More than... anyone I've ever loved in my life.

And I don't ever want to spend any time apart from you.

I want to make you my wife, and I want to be your husband.


Because that's what you do when you love someone.

When you know they're the one, you make a commitment forever.

You don't want to marry me.

Yes, I do, with all my heart.

I'm different.

Yes, you are.


But that's why I love you.

I'll only end up hurting you.



You're right.

You know, I am quick to anger.

I regret my words earlier.

I regret my failure to make you a full partner.

But never have I regretted our marriage.

I believe I can change.

I want to for you.

You say all this now, shackled and probably about to die.

But the truth is, you will never put me or anyone else before yourself.

That will never change.

There we go.

Give it some time to set, and then we'll head off.


Don't talk, kid.

I want to thank you.

Nah, you don't have to thank me.

Yes, I do.

You saved my life.

Well, don't thank me yet.

Well, the bleeding's stopped.

You're one tough kid.

I'm not a kid.

No, sir, you are not.


You know what I'll miss most about Defiance?

The hot lady mayor?

You have the weirdest taste.

I'm a manifestation of your subconscious thoughts and desires.

You can stop talking now.

Does any of this seem familiar to you?

This certainly does.

Meh, take a look.

There is only one thing on this planet that can do that.

Holy Christmas.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You know, you don't have to do that.

[Sighs] I enjoy it.

It's the one time in life where you can actually put things back the way they used to be.

You know, we should head into work, see if there's any word on Tommy.

I've given us the rest of the day off.

I have a gift for you. A surprise.

Well, I don't like surprises.

Come on.



Um, where are we?

Oh, my God. This is Kenya's.

She was wearing it the night she was m*rder*d.


How did you...

I found the people who k*lled her.

Come on, I'll show you.

[Door opens]


What makes you think that they k*lled Kenya?

That is a monstrous lie.

Their Sensoth Raiga came to me seeking assistance.

Raiga? Oh, that explains everything.

Turns out he's rather keen on bringing down the house of Tarr.

Raiga Suhon is a liar.

Do you have any proof of anything he said?

He came to me with a laundry list of all the crimes they both committed.

Clearly Raiga is the one who k*lled your sister.

Amongst them...

He's trying to pin the blame on us.

The m*rder of your sister Kenya.

Stahma poisoned her.


I wanted to give you the chance to carry out justice.

Any way you see fit.

I'll be outside.

[Indistinct chatter]


Sweet Christie.


Look at you.

All grown up.

So beautiful.

I thought you were dead.

I wish they still made ice cream.

I would love to take you out for ice cream.

I like sugar bread.

There's a place over in the market.

They serve tangbark tea.

It's almost like coffee.

Let's go there.

I don't want to seem clingy, but I've spent the last several years on a [Speaks alien language], sort of a cross between a monastery and work farm.

Physical contact was discouraged, and...

I haven't hugged in a very long time.

Could you?

Would you, please?


Is it true?

Of course not.

Your fancy mayor is wrong, trying to impress you with repugnant lies from a disgruntled employee.

Let me help you understand.

Your sister was having an affair with my wife...

This is not the right moment.

Which is why I forced Stahma into k*lling her.

Please don't do this.

Look, she feared for her own life, and she had no choice in the matter.

Will you stop? Stop it!

Amanda, please.

This is the Earth Republic.

We have assumed control of the town.

[Indistinct chatter]

Keep it moving.

Put them in the truck.

Got one full, sir.

This way.

Come on. Follow me. Yeah, come on.

Oh, man. You got hit.

No, no. Not my blood.

You, stop right there!

What's with all the E-Rep?

I don't know. They just started rolling in.

People are saying Datak Tarr sold us out.

Did he win the election?


Then that's exactly what he did.

Sorry to leave you in the lurch.

That's all right. It's Irisa. You have to.

Here. No, I'm not taking your money.

You've got to go find her.

Protect her.

That takes cash.

[Sighs] Thanks.

Nolan, remember when you first came to Defiance, how outraged I was that they made you lawkeeper?


I'm still outraged.



I'm going to miss you.



I'll tell you what.

Soon as we get this whole "end of the world" thing sorted out, we get Irisa back to normal, not only am I gonna pay you back with interest, I'm going to take you out, get you good and drunk.

I don't think I've ever seen you good and drunk.

Not a pretty sight.

Well, don't kid yourself. You you're not that pretty sober.

I loved Kenya.

Don't insult me.

In the name of Rayetso, I am telling you the truth.

I had one thing in this mess of a world.

One person who I could depend on.

One person who I loved and who loved me back unconditionally.

It was my baby sister, and you took her away from me.

You have every right to take my life.

Pull the trigger.

I knew Kenya better than anyone in this world.

She had a gift for knowing what people need.

It was a business.

She didn't love you any more than she loved Rupert the miner or Datak.

Your love was not returned.

Before you die, I want you to know that.

[Speaking native language]


Don't k*ll her.

If you have to, k*ll me too.


I can't live without her, please.

Amanda, no.

What, you didn't...

I don't want to talk about it.

All right, I'll have them shipped off to Reverie.


Look, if the Tarrs go missing, there will be a power vacuum.

The crime lords will go to w*r, and blood will be shed on the streets.

If we're gonna get rid of them, we have to plan it properly.

Sorry, I don't understand.

Is that really the reason?

You thought serving up my sister's K*llers in some abandoned silo, handing me a g*n to execute them, you thought that would make me happy?

I thought I was giving you closure.

Clearly I misjudged you. I'm sorry.

You didn't misjudge me.

Hey, hey, where are you going?

I wanted to shove that g*n into Stahma Tarr's mouth and pull the trigger.

I wanted it bad.

But what does that say about me?

I'm sorry for Kenya.

I didn't understand how you felt.

Plenty of regret to go around.

What you said was brave.

I think it appealed to something human in her.

Kept us both alive. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Did you mean it?

Taking a b*llet is easier than living with the knowledge that I've lost you.

So you've given up?

I haven't been good to you.

And you're right.

I probably won't be able to change.

Not enough.

Perhaps if we each changed a little.

I married well.

Yes. You did.

The Kaziri's been activated.

It has to be Irisa.

Both keys are inside of her.

I have to go up and stop her.

The Kaziri will re-terraform this planet, Lev.

All life will be extinct.

Except for the ones who are saved.

You could climb into one of these pods.

She'll save you.


The Kaziri arkbrain is female.

The Kaziri is also a concatenation of arkbrain fragments, just like the E.G.O. device inside of my neck.

Is this the Kaziri that I am speaking with right now?

Did you just hack my imaginary wife?

She's speaking through me, Meh, trying to carry out the instructions our people programmed into her 3,000 years ago.

Oh, is that all? Well, then by all means, yes.

Genocide ho!

Her goal is to create a Votan paradise for the worthy.

You can join her.

She'll protect you from all the humans above who want you dead.

There's a place for you in the [Speaks native language].

Yeah, you see, that whole us-versus-them mentality doesn't fly with me anymore.

You can tell the Kaziri to take her 3,000-year-old instructions and shove them up her virtual ass.

I can't allow you to leave here.

If you could stop me, you already would have.

Good-bye, Lev.

[Electricity crackles]


Ah, a game of Ivali.

Six-face or cards-over?

I come as a friend.

You are not welcome here.

Turning a fellow gambler away from a game of Ivali, that is not the Castithan way, Raiga.


I've come to beg your forgiveness.

Slitting my friend Ozin's throat, I was living by rules from a world that no longer exist.

I have come for a fresh start.

Cold [Speaks native language], spicy [Speaks native language], and the company of old comrades.

We will gladly take your money, Datak.

Remember when we used to play Ivali in that muddy back alley off Urdu Street?

Stondak bringing his girlfriends to watch.

You were quite the swordsman in your day, Ston.

Raiga could see his own feet back then.


I want you to know, I bear no grudge.

You betrayed our family because you feared for your lives.

I understand.

You did what you felt you had to.

But since I emerged unscathed, I would have been happy to leave it at that.

My wife, on the other hand, well, well, she is less forgiving.

It's part of what makes her such a strong leader, I suppose.

You see, I've never been partial to poisons.

I've always felt like it was women's work.

But this wonderful paralytic that my wife has concocted, well, it is too brilliant to ignore.

It's made from rudash oil.

Applied to the gloves, the cards, and... you.

Let's go home.


Son of a bitch.

I can see the stasis net.

We're close, Tommy.



Someone's coming! Watch your backs!

Nolan! What happened?


Oh, God!

Oh, no.


How, Nolan?

There's something inside Irisa.

Did Irisa k*ll him?

She's not herself.

Did Irisa k*ll Tommy?





Wake up.

Irisa's father?

On your feet.


Where are we going?

To find Irisa.

My daughter needs your help.

I want nothing more to do with your freak show daughter.

She kissed me a few weeks back and infected me with something.

She kissed you?


Now I can't think straight anymore.

[Beeping, whirring]


So you're saying in some past life, you and Irisa removed the keys to the ship?

Past lives... maybe our ancestors?

I don't really understand it.

All I know is they scuttled the Kaziri and saved humanity.

Oh, stupid bags.

This is crazy.

Here, let me help.

Hey, what are you doing?


What was that for?

A savior ought to travel light.

I never claimed to be a savior.

These... [Thud] Ow!

These visions, they could be fantasies.

I don't think so.

That ship that's controlling Irisa is scared of you, which means you are a threat.

How could I be a threat to a big, scary spaceship?

All right.

Having both the keys inside Irisa reactivated the Kaziri.

We need to separate the keys.

Separate? Separate how?

Same your ancestor did.

By putting one inside me? No way.

Let me break this down for you.

You can come with me willingly, or you can come strapped to the hood of my roller.

Either way, you're gonna help me stop my daughter.

Stop her? I thought we were trying to help her.

Stop her from doing what?

[Aliens chattering]

[Dramatic orchestration]

[Creatures peeping]

♪ ♪

Here, you want this?

Come and get it. Here, here.


Andina, right?

Yes, Favi Datak. Welcome home.

Where is my wife?

She's entertaining Favi Christie's mother.

If you think I'm gonna let some snooty shanje stick insect raise my family, you are crazy.

You gave up any claim to parenting when you left Defiance.

Is there a problem?

Datak. Welcome home, my love.

You remember Pilar, Rafe's wife.

I do.

She was something of a junkie for the mood stabilizers I would procure for her back in the old days.

That was a long time ago.

I'm much better now.

Good. Well, I would hate to return after a long absence to find you insulting my wife in our own home.

It might lead me to extreme actions.

No offense was taken, my love.

Pilar was merely asking if we might allow Alak and Christie to live under her roof for a while.

I'm afraid my answer disappointed her.

Well, that is a shame.

Well, while I've been gone, you two have carved out quite the niche for yourselves.

I've asked around. You know, some people find you scary.

I don't, of course.

I think you're a carnival act.

Funny little white-faced clowns.

I remember when Datak used to do card tricks for old-earth dollars.

You, Stahma, you were a housemaid.

Do you remember that one time when our regular maid was sick and you came over and cleaned my toilets?

You had a gift.

As you say, that was a long time ago.

Now your beautiful home belongs to the Earth Republic, your wealthy husband is in prison, and your daughter's love is mine.

Nothing remains for you here.

Take your unfortunate son and leave our town.

I won't warn you twice.

You know, she blew my husband.

[Whispers] Just thought you should know.

She's lying, of course.

Of course.
Welcome home, hanizu.

E-rats a bit jumpy today.

New York's been radio silent all morning.

They're saying it's probably just a defective relay station, but it's got the E-rats spooked.


Have you two really considered the future?

In what way?

Defiance used to be a free city.

Now it's a satellite of the Earth Republic.

Dad says that's temporary.

Dad's in an E-Rep jail.

Quentin, don't talk with your mouth full.

No matter what the propaganda says, the E-Rep has always been about Human primacy.

Mixed-species children are treated like second-class citizens.

The Votanis Collective isn't any better.

There are seven races of Votans.

They've been forced to deal with one another for thousands of years.

The Votans understand the value of assimilation.

I could show you.

Show us what?

There's a Harmony Collective.

South of here, maybe 300 klicks past Cedars...

Humans and Votans living side by side.

It's everything that Defiance was supposed to be.

Plenty of mixed-species children so the baby won't feel like an outcast.

Why have I never heard of this place?

It's also a research facility.

Some of the tech they use there is classified.

For example, they breed horses there.

Horses? Seriously?

That's impossible.

All the horses died in the plagues.

Indogene technology brought them back.

Six weeks ago, I rode a palomino mare.

Gorgeous, indescribable.

Do you want to ride her?

I would love to ride a horse.

But I don't want to give you the wrong idea.

Our home is here.

Well, just for an overnight.

A visit. And if you like it there, then we can talk about staying longer-term.

You expect us to, what, just abandon my mother?

No. I'm sure we could work something out.

And I assume your dad will want to come too, since he's moved back in.


Well, maybe your mother wanted to surprise you.

Excuse me.

Could you excuse us, please?

Sure, honey. I'll get the check.

There is no commune, is there?

You made that whole thing up.

[Sighs] Pay the bill, genius.

[Door opens]


Why is he here?

Your father and I have decided to move forward.



As a family.

After everything he's done?

All my misdeeds are behind us, hanya tavo.

I'm not your hanya tavo.

Let us look to the future, one that would be incomplete without the family together.

Our family?

You mean the one you scarred and tried to drown?

Are you aware of how much pain you've caused?

Well, it's not like I dropped a whore from the top of the gateway arch, now, is it?


I'm sorry.

That was... thank you for that. Just... I appreciate it.

Father of the year.

Could you make this any more difficult?

I meant it as a joke. I...

I thought it was funny.

[Background chatter, music playing]

♪ ♪

You okay, boss?

New York's gone dark.

The relay posts are receiving dead air.

There's no chatter of any kind.

We're hoping it's a technical glitch.

What's this for?

Berlin, what is it? What's wrong?

Tommy's dead.

What? How?

Irisa. She k*lled him.

She wouldn't.

Ho ho.

Nolan says it's not her fault, that she's not acting like herself.

But, see, I don't believe that because Tommy knew that she was dangerous and...

He didn't want her anywhere near me.

He knew.


Sorry. I don't know what to say.

I can't believe it.

[Hailer chirps]

[Hailer chirping]

And that's confirmed?


What just happened?

New York's gone.

Madame Mayor.

We got the news on the trip back to New York.

Defiance was the closest town.

We're setting up a command center in mayor Pottinger's office, and I'd like you to join.


Captain, have you been drinking?

Yes, sir.

You might want to gargle.

Amanda, you're with me.

Something's up.

Come on.

Come on.

Nope, I don't believe it.

Only the Votanis Collective has the firepower to terraform the entire city. Clearly, we're at w*r.

I'm telling you, Irisa is the key.

And that arkbrain that's controlling her has no intention of stopping with New York.

For the moment, let's assume we're buying your story.

What's your plan?

We need to get this man next to Irisa.

This guy?

He can extract the tech that's controlling Irisa.

Whenever I was near her, I could feel something pulling at me.

It felt as though one of the pieces of tech wants me.

I mean, to be inside me. That's not coming out right. I...

Look, you know Colonel Marsh has a sealed file on Irisa.

Unseal it. It'll back up everything I'm saying.

Classified files are kept in New York, which proves somewhat inconvenient.

Actually, I believe Mr. Nolan.

Votan-controlled Belize just went dark.

The Votans would never strike their own people.

What I have trouble believing is that you knew this girl was on the watch list, and you gave her a badge.

Would you care to explain that?

He did it for me.

Jesus, Niles.

Can't you just pay for sex like a normal person?

I did it because Amanda believed it was best for the town... and I trust her judgment.

And I would make the same decision again and again and again.

I think you should leave.

With pleasure.

Hold it right there! On your knees!


On your knees!

Don't move a muscle.

There's no need to fire, boys. I'm unarmed.

I need you to take me to your commanding officer immediately.

There's an extremely powerful sentient computer that intends to destroy the planet.

That's the bad news.

Good news is I know how to k*ll it.

Congratulations, Doctor.

You're no longer a w*r criminal.

Your turn now. You believe you can stop Irisa?

I've been inside the ship that's controlling her.

I got my hands on some higher cognitive data crystals.

I can introduce a virus that will order the arkbrain fragments inside of Irisa to self-detonate.

Is that gonna hurt her?

Brief, intense flash of pain.

Her death will transmit the...

Whoa, hold on.

Infected fragments back to the Kaziri and k*ll it.

You are not to go anywhere near my daughter.

Terraforming will end.

Do you understand me?

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were all serious about saving the planet. My bad.

I can do this without bloodshed.

What do you need to make this happen?

An hour in my lab.

Sir, this woman is a liar.

You can't trust her.

My plan will work. Amanda, tell him.

If Yewll thinks that she can save her skin by k*lling Irisa and saving the planet, then that's exactly what she would do.

Amanda, escort the good doctor to her lab.

If she gets tricky, you can k*ll her.

No, hold on.

I said hold on!

I hope you'll forgive me for this.

Forgive you for what?

Nolan needs to be locked up.

He'll never let us do what has to be done.

No, no, no. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Sir, no, look. I'm a realist, okay.

I understand. I do. I get it.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and all that... I understand.

All right.

Now we walk out of here nice and easy.


Oh, come on. Really?

Is that a letter opener?

It's a popular w*apon in this office.

Don't make me use it.

Empty threat, sweetheart.

You'd never k*ll an innocent kid.

Sure I will.

I'll s*ab this kid in the throat, your rescue plan will go down the tubes, and you'll be forced to play it our way.

It's an attractive option.

It's up to you to come up with something better.


Take them both into custody.

Yes, sir.

I trusted you.

[Cuffs clicking]

I know.

Why a r*fle?

Dangerous to get too close.

Irisa catches you sneaking up behind her, she'll bring an ark down on your head.

Our sn*pers are on the first transport out.

I'll radio for them to circle back.

I can do it.

Are you sure?

I'm an excellent shot.

Better be.

Oh, you'll find out soon enough.

Okay, can I explain myself?

You want to explain why you genetically modified a crazed Indogene to impersonate my sister?

Yeah, I'd like to hear that.

Now is not the time for this.

We need to be focusing...

Now is exactly the time.

Nobody wants to hear another word out of your lying mouth.

I have finished creating this superweapon.

There is nothing stopping Amanda from putting a b*llet in my head.

I'll put one in you right now.

If there's an explanation, I want to hear it, now.

I was sick in Camp Reverie.


The mayor here made me an offer I couldn't refuse, my freedom.

Remember what Nolan said. She's a liar!

I was to be a spy for the Votanis Collective, a double agent.

Is that true?

Did you make her a spy?

Hold on, now. Now the cat's out of the bag.

Why don't you tell her the rest?

Our plan worked.

Given my colorful wartime past, the V.C. were eager to work with me.

But then something strange happened.

Someone in the Votanis Collective, they never told me who, wanted leverage over you.

This unnamed individual forced me to build Kenya.

What I'd like to know is why you failed to tell me this.

None of this was mentioned in your reports.

Well, if you had known that I was creating that monstrosity, you would have forced me to stop, right?

For Amanda's sake.

Of course.

Oh, come on.

You would have ruined an E-Rep sting just to protect my feelings?

I've done worse.

I'm sorry if I caused you pain, but I had to save my own neck.

I hope you'll remember that later when you put a b*llet in Nolan's little girl.

She's coming with us.

I'll grab the roller.

Thanks for that.

I expect you'll find a way to pay me back, Mr. Mayor.

[Overlapping chatter]

We got two more.



In aaah!

[Crackling continues]




Oh. Oh.

[Cocks trigger]

It's over.

[Heavy breathing]

Are you gonna fall?

Think so.


[Angelic choir]

♪ ♪

If my parents find out about this, we're dead.

They won't find out.

You know my mom.

Look, we'll be back before they realize we left.

We owe it to the baby to at least explore the option.

And we need to protect her from your father.

"Her"? What makes you say "her"?

I have a feeling.

Andina, I hope that we can trust you.

It's my sworn oath to keep family confidences.

Even from other family members.

Look, there it is again.



Yeah, I see it. What is that?

Started about 20 minutes ago.

Another arkfall?

What's going on?

We should get moving.

What... hang on. It might not be safe to travel.

We shouldn't go anywhere until we find out what's going on.

I think we'll be safer on the road.

Let's go.

Why are you pushing so much?

I'm not pushing.

Yeah, you are.

You seem awfully anxious to get us in that car.

I want nothing more than what is best for both of you.

You're family. Come on.


What is wrong with you?

Get in the roller!

Mommy's here.

Let go of me!

And if you struggle, you'll hurt the baby.

Come on, get in the car.

[Engine starting]


♪ ♪

Should I take the shot?

I can do this.





Don't k*ll him!


Stupid bastard.


[Smack] Ugh!

Nolan, you have to stop.

Come here.


Why don't you throw down the g*n and we settle this like men?


Because you're a bully.

And bullies don't care much for fair fights, do they?

We much prefer results.


Sorry, I only brought one pair of cuffs.

You've been waiting for this moment, haven't you?

I have.



Do you know what you've done?

Dunno. Not finished yet.

Nolan! Ugh.

You're too late.

This planet will feel the love of its devouring mother.

Stay away from me.

Stay back.

Get away.

Just stay back.

Stay away.


No! No! No!



Hey, Irisa. Hey. Hey.

Come back to me. That's it.

Come back. There you are.

Hey, kiddo.



That wasn't you.

No. No.


No, that wasn't you.

Give me your g*n.

No. Stop it.

Give me your g*n or sh**t me yourself.

Not gonna happen.

It'll work now.

I can die. Please!

Never gonna happen.

Do you know how many people I have k*lled?

Do you know how many people you can still save?

Look at the sky.

[Whispers] Kiddo, look up. That's it.

This thing's not over.

And the two of you may be the only people who can stop it.

Hey, look at me.


Look at me. Look at me.

When this thing's over, you still want that b*llet, I will oblige you, I swear to you.

But until then, you stop this whining, you get on your feet.

Come on.

Come on.

The lights are beautiful.

Do you suppose they bring death?

Given the evil we've done and the people we've hurt, a blow struck from the heavens is better than we might have hoped for.

Always the optimist.

Favis! Favis!

I've been looking for you everywhere.

Well, spit it out.

Our best hope is Rafe McCawley.

He knows that woman.

Knows where she might run.

He'll be able to get inside her head.

Getting inside her head will be easy, once I've blown a large hole in it.

All right, come on!

Come on, move it. We don't have all day. Let's go.

Line up. Line it up!

Ready! And fire!


[People moaning]


What the hell is going on here?

Have you seen the purple lights? Huh?

The prisoners panicked and started a riot.

We don't have any back-up.

I'm taking matters into my own hands.

You make me sick, Sergeant.

You are relieved of your command.

Take those prisoners back inside. Go!

You filthy piece of...

[Thud] Ugh!

I've been here before.

You and I were here together.

We scuttled the ship.

That's right.

We're going to do it all over again.


Well, that's a new look for him.

I take it we're looking for this arkbrain.

It's this way.

We should be able to control it with our keys, force it to send the terraspheres back into orbit before they blow.




No, no. No! No!

No! No!

So many ways to die in this new world.

Hellbugs, wulokot fever.

A firing squad feels...


Yeah, quaint.

Ready! And...


[Men screaming]

Good evening, Captain.

We need this man.


Family emergency.

[Overlapping yelling]


What's going on?

Pilar has kidnapped Alak and Christie.

Oh, God.

Do you know where she might have taken them?

I don't know. I'll have to think about that.

You should've k*lled her all those years ago.

Yeah, well, live and learn.


How are you here?

Let me out. I have to get back to the mines.

You're still in the mines.

A year ago, you let Kaziri inside you.

To save Nolan.


But you let me die.

I didn't deserve it.

Nolan is the one you should let die.

You know what kind of man he is.

But you sacrificed everything to save him.

Where is my sacrifice?

I deserve better from you.

I know. I'm sorry.

Don't say you're sorry. Fix it.


Kaziri can bring me back.

Just let her finish her mission.

Nolan: The ship is scared.

Tommy: She'll bring me back.

I can live. We can live.

Nolan: It knows we can stop it.

I can be with you.

Nolan: Kiddo, none of this is real.

Wake up.

The Kaziri's messing with your head.

Ignore whatever it's telling you.

I can be with you.

You can be my beautiful wife.

All you have to do is say yes.

She obeys her programming.

She never falters on her promises.

She'll bring me back.

Just like Sukar and Nolan.

I just want my chance to live.


The Kaziri's trying to stall you.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

[Nolan, whispering] Listen to me carefully.

In you heart, you know this is not Tommy Lasalle.

Tommy is dead.

You have to let him go.

I know that's hard, but I raised you to do the right thing.

You know what's right.

I believe in you.


I'm sorry, Tommy.

The answer is no.

[Screams] Why?


It was horrible.

I saw my dead parents.

They said I abandoned them in Tallahassee.

What was that?

Proof that the ship is scared.

She ought to be.

Okay, kiddo, do your thing.

Everything's riding on this.

[Angelic choir]

♪ ♪

The keys are overriding the system.

We should be linked now.

Can you hear me?

Yeah. It's a little weird.

Your voice is really loud.

Can you access the terraspheres?

No. The arkbrain's blocking me.

I'm shutting it down now.

I'm dying. And it's your fault.

I have to complete my mission.

It's okay.

No, I have to.

No, it's okay.

You can go.

Okay, Kai. She's gone for good.

You're clear.

The spheres are about to detonate.

sh**t them into orbit.

Okay. Here goes nothing.

♪ ♪

He did it. He did it.

We're all going to live.


That's it?

Looks like we just saved the world.

This whole place is gonna come down on our ears.

Come on, you go.

Come on, kiddo. On your feet.

Come on.

Here. That's it, all right.

All right, look at me.

Hey. Look at me.

That's it. That's it.

You're all right. You're okay.

I love you, baby girl.

[Excited background chatter]


[Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down plays]

♪ ♪
♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪
♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪
♪ I heard the voice of Jesus say ♪
♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪
♪ I'm gonna pray until they tear your kingdom down ♪
♪ pray until they tear your kingdom down ♪
♪ I heard the voice of Jesus say ♪
♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪
♪ ♪

You are so grown up.

[Singers vocalizing]

♪ ♪




To Tommy Lasalle.

All: To Tommy Lasalle.

♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪


♪ Satan, your kingdom must come down ♪
♪ I heard the voice of Jesus say ♪

Do you have any report back on the mine?

Any word on Nolan?

I'm afraid not.

He disappeared.

All of St. Louis is gone.

If Nolan was in the collapse, I'm afraid he's gone as well.

[Singers vocalizing]

♪ ♪

[Vocalizing continues]

♪ ♪