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01x08 - Idaho

Posted: 11/25/02 15:22
by bunniefuu
Good night America. Welcome to "The Most Wanted"

With 716 captured to date. Tonight we're looking ... more individuals dear to us.

Specifically, friends family, loved ones.

We know you're there.

Person for this file we lost to Seattle ...

Where we have satellite Lord John Doe.

Mr. Doe, if you want, tell us your story My story ...

It happens that can not seem to have a history.

Do not know who I am, or who he was.

A few months ago I discovered I did not have any memory.

My name, where I come... If I have a family, parents ...

So expect to be here, tonight, anyone, anywhere ... it can be recognized and hold the key to your identity?

That's right, John.

Do you have a clue now? Something where you started.

There is a song "My Funny Valentine "by Rogers and Hart.

That seems to mean something.

And this is ....

A portrait of a woman who called me from a ferry here in Seattle ... wore a turquoise scarf and my name is Tommy.

Apart from that ...

Nothing. there you have it America, saw his face, heard his story.

Is there? Popular Searches family, friends, loved ones, This man needs help to answer a question:

"Who is John Doe?".

Residents living on the upper floors.

The neighbor says the 13 B your cat liked ... enter and exit the building's windows.

He returned home with a finger.

I hate cats I went from door to door ... and I met.

Take a look, the last thing he must have seen was the devil.

Not a scratch, except this.

It appears that Garfield got sick from eating Purina.

Save the comments, Rosy.

McComber is Patch. A private investigator negligible.

Normally research husbands who cheat.

What do we know this?

I have no idea.

So far not found fingerprints, fibers, nothing.

Was it someone you trust?

Not their usual clientele. here used to be the beverage area.

Rosy I can ask you something?

What else?

What do you get when you mix ten sh*ts of Jameson ... with a half dozen Irish drink?

I have.

A private area. It is more private.

Somebody pinch me.


Are you a "Where's Wally", you know?

All I have to do is appear on the scene of a crime ... and eventually find you.

A greengrocer.

The dock.

By God, he recorded my calls.

I do not understand.

Recorded all your steps at least a couple of weeks.

Who is this guy?

A local private investigator. Better question who paid the bill ...

And who was to receive the data.

Someone is looking for.

All I have to do is ask.

Trust me, the answer.

Where to look left no traces.

No sign of trauma, traces of poisoning, toxic ...

Well, then d*ed of fright?

I think a heart att*ck, just ... not how to get there. This subject seems to be in good shape.

No signs of venous thrombosis, no discoloration of the skin.

I've heard of taking off shoes But the means also?

Normally one loosens his tie.

The expression on his face leads me to believe ... the nerve of the bone was temporarily frozen.

Or fried.

Fiendish, eh?

We lacerations to both ankles.

Recent patterns of electricity.

But there's no burn marks.

Does not have to ...

If they were less than 60 cycles.

Somebody help me connect the dots?

This man was electrocuted applied a low voltage y. ..

I think he applied continuous shocks Low electric current.

Went too far.

Interrogation with t*rture?

As not given the answers they wanted ...

All responses are wanted in that room.

Mr. Doe, the good news is It seems that anyone knows.

The bad news is appears to be a psychopath.

It was not very organized ... the only record is last Wednesday at 10 AM. Madison P.

There are 639 Madison Washington State.

Six weeks ago M. Constance. L. Green By P.

By P, "By-place" M. Constance, "Mount Constance."

Are places. Madison P.

Go get your picnic basket, Doe.

Go to the park, Madison Park.

If every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Mostly poor housewives ... but sometimes it's a talent.

Know what I mean.

With regard to clandestine meetings, No one comes to the park, to witness anything.

Do not be so sure. Did you see anything?

Yeah, that guy is a great teacher.

No, in front of the monument. The bald guy. Ties.

It seems Patch. Private Investigator.

Excuse me. When did you start?


It is difficult to see who is the type of trenchcoat. Can you zoom?

Maybe you do not need.

Look at your hands.

The right hand is a "C" in front of his face.

Here the right hand has the palm open. Ready to receive the left.

May be sign language. It may be deaf.

What is he saying?

Do you expect me to believe that a guy like McComber could understand what he said?

I'll find out.

You too.

Patch was the woman. You were right.

His grandmother had been deaf so I learned last year.

A nice guy that Patch.

You know the Agent Fitzmaurice. Maybe I can help.

I got it.

Based on the paintings, and the height of the detective ...

We have the height, age, and hair color coat.

There are three stores hearing impaired in Seattle.

She will ask their owners by customers with that description.

Call specialists hearing, to see what we found.

What are you hiding?


Who would do this?

What is so desperate to find?

If I knew it would ..

Well, the Agent has Fitzmaurice vendors interviewed in the area.

Found seven names under the description of the man in the pictures.

I checked against invoices text-top boxes and mobile ... with the list of subscribers local telephone companies.

Have you entered into the network of telephone companies? Is illegal.

Call the police.

I'm accessing the network.

Number one.

One such Raymond Edwards.

And number two, Charles Guiteau.

No data.

Charles Guiteau ...

Assassinated President James Garfield on July 2, 1881.

A m*rder*r deaf, with a sense of humor.

For in a Reverse Lookup get phone number ...

3724, Simpson Boulevard, Unit 7.

Hotel bystanders. Beakon Hill.

I call Hayes.

Stella! I ...

Do not want nobody else suffer because of me.

I can not ...

You're right. I will tell the exit.

Get comfortable.

Text telephone for the deaf.

Make hot.

The spots do not match.

The woman in the ferry.


The water for my tea.

Who are you?

A pinch of honey with a drops of lemon, please.

The spoons are in the tray.

Tea, dear.

Do you know me?

From long ago.

Really, do you recognize?

The woman in the photo.


Teresa. Who is it?

Is this your house?

So it seems.

Is my house?

Does my dog?

You were always my favorite, Thomas.

As straightforward.


Is it me ...?

I guess you feel like a dog kennel ... it suddenly responds to a different name.

Did you ever used?

John Doe.

I'm confused. Teresa ... Where?

At the same time.

Why not now? Who are you?

Step by step, Thomas.

Sit! Please.

Wait. There was a man.

With trenchcoat. I found this address.

I know. If you can calm ...

No! A man is dead because of me.

Thomas, calm down ...

Thomas! I do not remember Thomas.

Teresa. Tell me where it is. Right now.

Your reaction is understandable but I warn you ...

Did I notice? But what you talking about? Did I notice?

Do not spoil it.

I'll call the police.

Come on, Frank. Serves.

Goodbye, Frank.

Where ...?

I'll tell you your life.

What is this place?

Here nothing will harm is only temporary ...

You can go whenever you want.

Enough of riddles. Where am I?

I guess by now 've met a minimum of patience.

Come, sit.

You have questions. I have a response.

We begin by your name. Thomas Crowder.

Son of Henry and Caroline. Born Valentine's Day, 1971 ...

Sweetwater, Idaho.

John Doe, this is your life.

Son of farmers. A common beginning for an ... extraordinary future.

At 5 years old and riding a horse and milked cows next to your father.

Until one autumn day life you had made a dramatic turnaround.

The successive dystrophy white matter in adolescents ... att*cks the brain a bank of piranhas.


When your parents ran out of road traditional medical science ... were approached by the company I represent. A consortium of... Scientists and physicians dedicated the progress of medical science free of constraints and dictates regulatory agencies.

"The Program" as we called it, ... You and other recycled 6 children who had the same disease for an experimental treatment.

Four of them expired as a result of treatment. Whereas 3 survived.

Tu, Teresa of Des Moines, and Michael of Baton Rouge.

The trademarks of their breasts should an implanted device... To monitor the PH levels.

Then he withdrew, leaving scars ... to which they are familiar.

Years passed and "The Program" continued to monitor their progress ... observing certain effects unpremeditated side.

Monochromatic vision, some inexplicable phobias ... and intellectual development well advanced hyperactivity of the cortex.

As the program progressed it became clear that the 3 were... A blessing for these times of crisis.

Imagine, Thomas. The possibility of cure illnesses.

Hunger. We the edge of such a promise.

And all because of the accident you are.

Until the day he disappeared.

You lost.

To be more precise, you missed your own.

Three years ago. It This is a fugue state.

Lose and regain consciousness, your own identity, amnesia.

A side effect.

We've looked all over the country.

Teresa had already abandoned all hope ... with everyone.

I'm kind of experiment.

I do not consider that.

Consider it a gift.

Why the secrecy? Why k*ll a man?

The unfortunate byproduct of a overzealous employee who took ...

Do you expect me to swallow that story, and I stay quiet?

And what if by accept all this magic?

I understand you have doubts.

And even more questions, that's inevitable.

I encourage you to do the you see fit.

You can go. Investigated.

Find inner peace.

Peace of Mind? How am I supposed ...?

Where has it gone?

How do I go from here?

My God.

Is that you?


Good God, son. Me.

Lorne Barker.

Do not you recognize me?

Excuse me.

Do not remember me, right?

No, sir.

They were right.

Never mind, never mind.

I am aware of everything that happened.

Wow. I believe it is costing.

See you again. Face to face.

You know about me ...?


If your parents us told my wife and me.

I think we should start again.

I'm Lorne Barker. I live in that house next door.

And this was the house of your parents.

But I knew my parents?

Where are they? Are they here?

What? Please.

You've been gone 3 years. Tu father d*ed shortly after ... your demise. Embolism.

And Caroline this last summer.

Your mother d*ed of grief.

Take the time you need.

I ...

I do not remember.

For the love of God, Cassie. There is a ghost.

Sorry. I swear I thought you were with the angels.

Somebody wake me.

I wake up to me.

Mr. and Mrs. Barker ...


You ran naked through the house.

We are Cassie and Lorne.


I understand nothing. The truth I do not know what is happening.

Well ...

Take it easy.

Be patient.

My little cupid.

This is how she called you. Your mother.


You were born on Valentine's Day.

At night I slept sang "My Funny Valentine."

As you loved that song.

"My Funny Valentine."

I know that song.

Well, look. See?

In all your memory to be updated.

A moment. Only mentioned the TV.

It is curious that their memories .... exactly match with the little that is me.

Come, speak right up. What do you mean?

Not sure.

I very strange things are happening.

I think that is too much coincidence.

If you've returned from hell but I'm old to fight with you.

So if you think I'm lying ...


The cookie jar. Lee on the back.

You do it to your mother When I was six.

Honey, are you suffering a lot but... If you can not believe us, créete at least.

Those same hands did for her.


Is... I'm afraid to believe ... but if you want to know more.


Well, well if you want to know everything.

We could start that day marched down Main Street in the parade ...

4th of July and I fell pants to the ankles.

How did you sleep?

Better than a long time.

Things in the field.

I feel that is something else.

Want to feel useful?

We have to get that boy in the stable.

A guy came this afternoon to tame.

You do not tame you?


Whereas 79.9% of horses ...

Boy, these bones are broken just see a pretty girl.

That horse I would dust.

Unless ...

No. I ... horses.

What are you saying?

Riding the horse, as if 're cooked to the mount.


Since your father took the first Pony, Pogo.



The firm reins... Hand on the neck ...

He who is born a cowboy, always a cowboy.

Relax son.

I think I've changed my mind.

This is something that definitely not do it.

Nonsense, Tommy Crowder never been cowed by a skirmish.

That's my boy.

You take the child from the field but not the body you off the field.

Vanilla milkshakes, mammy's meatloaf, let me see ...

Yes! "Hot-Dogs."


I like the "Hot-Dogs."

There was something else you liked.

Something you loved with all your heart and all your soul.



The two were like ...

Two drops of water. Great friends.

And as they grow ... and being together in the program.

Well ... More More?

Your mother came one day running with news, great news.

He said he had been told ... you were going to ask her to marry.

That would be wedding.


Did she say yes?

Dear, never had the opportunity.

Disappeared before get to ask.

That destroyed the inside.

Appeared in your search and I have not seen since.

Just get gives us much sentence you to leave so soon.

I just hope that never again forget.

Does it? I'll never forget.

Again, I must be just some things.

Are you sure?

It should be.

Well, my mind is capable of much.

I think I should make better use.

I have to say ... untie my old life of the new.

That's something intelligent.

Are home. Something for have a good memory.

Thank you for everything.

Goodbye, Tommy.

Are home. Something for have a good memory.

"Lorne, Cassie?

Who are you?

What do you want from me?


What happens?

Be quiet. Is it family?

No. Yes. What happens there?

Attempted su1c1de. The paramedics are attending.

Who? I have to go.

We'll tell you where they take it.

Let me go.

What happens here? Let him go.

I got your call. Where do you got involved? We were worried.

Frank, I can explain. That woman, I know.

Let go.

John, calm down.

As we have seen, is su1c1de.

No. What did they do?


Not the woman from the ferry.

Who is it?

What the hell is going on here, John?

It's not Teresa.

Was thinking the worst. Someone walking behind you?

Playing with my mind.

How could I believe all this?

In all that?

John, help me to understand.

Frank, you gotta see this. John, you too.

It is not the same.

The whole house was false.

If someone is playing with your mind.

Got a personal stalker.

This is not right.


I found a device.

Let me see.

What the hell is it?

A portable electric chair.

The last seat private investigator.


Want something?

Looks like you have not eaten in a week.


Homemade muffins.

The record shows that property Marjorie house was rented to Sortland.

The investigation. It is not pleasant.

Marjorie Sortland?

28 years old. Spoken.

He spent half his life in psychiatric hospitals.

Has a history of such things.

A host of a Talk-Show Spoken radio issued an order ... restriction against it.

He became obsessed with it, as became obsessed with you.

The woman changed by the ferry.

They had the picture of Teresa.

Maybe they have it.

She is a madman, he saw your picture and put to work.

Patch hired the investigator private, to find you.

And when he did, k*lled him. I did not want anyone to know ... then movin you.

Not listening to me.

I was in that house two days ago.

They k*lled her.

They ... Who?

Do not know.

I need more than that.

People who try to manipulate.

Use me to ...

Do not know.

What people, Doe? I ...

How I can understand you if you're not more specific?

There is a photograph.


Not. I ...

Do not know what is happening.

You disappeared the last 72 hours.

Where did you go?

I was trying to find me.

Did you?

Found a boy who had a horse named Pogo.

Building a house in the tree with his father.

He liked the meatloaf from his mother.

"That was you?

I wanted to be. Maybe Therefore, it could not ... see the forest for the trees.

But I ...

Nothing. I ...

Sorry. 'm Having hard times.

Yes, I also had one or two.

My boyfriend d*ed. With a sh*t in the chest.

Was a policeman. Wrong place wrong time.

Trying to help someone, four days later I was back.

I'm on schedule. As if it were nothing.

It's like you said. But it was something, you know?

It was a problem. Not just for myself, but for everyone around me.

Almost cost him his life some people.

Do you want my humble opinion?

Maybe you should take a time. Rinse your head.


Do not come evil.

Do not let the "nothing" becomes a "something."


According to the ancient Greek myth, The Phoenix and the Sun God were one.

Legend has it that birds living in Arabia, coarse glacial waters.

Only one Phoenix lived at a time.

When the creature sensed that his death was imminent, built a nest of sheets hardwood and set on fire.

The Phoenix was consumed in flames.

The Phoenix. "My Funny Valentine. "Woman of the ferry.

Are they related? Are they part something that still do not understand?

I do not know. Not really if your name is Teresa.

Not if she has something to do with it.

But I see your photos in color. Must mean something. I can feel it.

And the sooner you find it, the better.