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01x13 - Family Man

Posted: 02/10/03 20:38
by bunniefuu
Stop sh**ting.

I'm not a baby, I can walk alone.

Walk with me until we get home. I do not want to miss.

You can not send.

Your father himself.

And he said to remain together so stop sh**ting.


It broke my shoe.

I can do it myself.

Lisa? Lisa.

Lisa, where are you?



We want to Cloppy!

We want to Cloppy!

We want to Cloppy!

We want to Cloppy!

We want to Cloppy!

We want to Cloppy!

Promised to Cloppy the Clown. Not come, is not it?

Of course I do, honey.

Relax, big guy.

The clown will be delayed by transit. Arrive at any time.


Try to call again.

Perhaps it is Cloppy lying in a hospital,... Have slipped by a banana peel on a show.


I'll be the one to kick his stupid ass of this clown if it comes early.

Guess who will blame? Blame the husband.

I correct myself. Soon to be ex-husband.

No answer. I left Duck Quack message.

Why did you do that? The clown is the one that did not appear.

Did you tell the correct time?

I gave the correct time.

Are you sure that you gave the address... When you deposit the check?

Sent the check, right?

Well done, Dad.

Your problem is you're so busy saving others... Not reserve time for you.

Not deserve. And they you do not deserve this.

Everyone makes mistakes, Frank.

Tell the children.

Hello, boys and girls! I Doe-Doe, the clown magic... And super fun time.

You are not the Clown Cloppy. You have a mop on his head.

I know, but look what's inside.

Who wants a balloon animal-shaped?

I want a flower!

Do you want a flower?

Who wants a hat?

Who wants a sword?

At the end all ended well.

No thank you.

I have the impression that question my love for children.

Have to work, Frank.

Is that why we have to go to court?

What they decide when I can see them?

Can not we decide that we?

Want to see a trick?



Yes, I'm coming.

Want to see my nose?


I can not believe it.

Do not worry.

What we have here, Rosie?

A woman disappeared.

Nobody saw anything. Including his sister.

Do you really escaped?

No. My daughter would never leave and her sister. Never.

Already told. To that happening... Must habérsela taken against his will.


She says that know what happened.

Did you see the girl?

I could not see, but I know.

You know what?

Was out there. There.

She walked in the woods?

No, she was taken. Led.

All right. Excuse me.

Hey, over here!

What you found it, Bobby?

God, that's Lisa.

Yes, Lisa.

Save it.

Lady, look at me. Look at me.

Do you know who took it?


Just celebrated its 16 years. I can not believe she's dead.

Mr. Burrows, the witness appears be a very unreliable source.

Why say something like -

I have a specialist trying that right now.

I have a little patience. I know how difficult this must be for you.

Really? Because I do not think know how you remove a child.

Excuse me. I did not want -

Mr. Burrows, find his daughter.

You have my word. Find it.

Excuse me.

I know the brand shaving cream.

Did you call me to tell me that?

He smelled it six feet away.

High sense of smell, difficulty for social interaction... Repetitive motion extremities.

I think it has a variation of autism.

Asperger syndrome.

What does it mean?

What if something happened sparked his olfactory memory?

You spoke of difficulty to interact socially.

Death. Smelled death.

What if at some point his life he saw a body... And what you have smelled in reminded him that way?

You think that girl is really dead, right?


Lady, have you ever seen a dead man?

In the saints. The house saints. On 5th Avenue.

"5th Avenue? "St. Ambrose? A hospital.

A mother. A mother dead. When born brother.

What smell, Madeleine?

A death. One, two, three.

Sweet? "Salt?

Sweet, sweet. One, two, three.

Honey in my nose.

The sweet smells of chloroform.

Was used in the 70's hospitals as anesthesia for childbirth.

Then I smelled the mother's body.

Maybe someone gave chloroform to Young and pulled that way.

May not be dead.


As I said.

Motor oil.

Relative permeability petrochemical asphalt is 0.43.

The perimeter of the mark decreased by 5 inches.

Means that the oil was shed 5 or 6 hours.

The same time as Lisa Burrows disappeared.

Great. Will there be 50 000 cars with oil leaks?

Maybe not as many.


Lisa Burrows is the 4th person to disappear in Garland Heights ... In the last 3 weeks.

A boy 10, a woman 37, a girl of 8 and Lisa, 16.

Seem to have a serial kidnapper.

And someone should have discovered before this.

The problem is that are all different.

Mass kidnappings usually be a specific type.

Tall women, young girls. Here is random.

Great. So we have a guy who likes variety.


Particles detected granulosa in the oil.

It could be an additive. Can found in detergents,... Viscosity enhancers, friction modifiers.

Not to mention the components of synthetic lubricators.

It may be benzene, hydrogenated polyalphaolefin -


All right. No need to enumerate the periodic table. What did they find?



How can sulfur the engine of a car?

Great point.

Especially since the lubrication system ...

Combustion engines ... is inside a closed system... No outside access to contaminate the fluid.

So it must have been checkered sulfur with oil after the loss.

When he slipped the car.

That was covered -

If both return to that sulfur, I will hurt someone.

There is a sulfur plant to 5 km from where the girl was abducted.


Where is your girlfriend English plane?

He went to a convention in Omaha.

"Omaha? Do you serve tea and snacks in Omaha?

We are looking for ex-offenders. Kidnappings in the area.

A wife, three children.

What is the connection?

The question of the hour.



Silicates, fractures direct angles in igneous rocks.

This area has been modified. The surrounding area was not touched.

What's been unearthed?

O buried.

Perhaps workers were digging a sample... When the factory was still open.

We will not find anything.


Stop or ruin!

Detective! We have something.

For what ever is a treasure.


Appear to be four.

Two children, an adult woman, a most likely a female teenager.

Lisa Burrows.

It seems that the lady had right about who took her.


What kind of monster would do this to a child?

We will have nothing to within a few hours.

Why do not you go to rest?

Not required.

Do me a favor. You're going for many things at this time.

Rest well.

Impressive dribble.

It's all in the feet.

I worked with Ty. It looks like Gary Payton.

It's a great kid. I see a lot of you in it.

It's a miracle, with Kelly making me go through an absent parent.

My work gives me no from 9 to 17 hours.

But spend every minute I stay with my children. Every minute I have left.

When I am with them, I'm here.

Going to ask for full custody, John.

Like an undesirable from which we must escape.

You will not lose your kids, Frank.

Tell the judge tomorrow.

April 28, 1996.

Do you know the meaning?

Last time you were normal?

It is the day that Ted Saint Martin set the record... On consecutive pitches, 5221, in Jacksonville, Florida.

I have no time to see you break a record.

Anyway, his technique is perfect.

Alignment, rotation, trajectory.

His secret was to enter this area.

Total relaxation, a example of efficiency.

You'll come to something with this?

Yes, relax, Frank.

Sometimes when you tighten break what you want to grasp.

Now who are you? Does Dr. Phil with hair?

Do not know how many packages have a basketball, right?

Yes, there are lumps, they are outgoing. 122 every 6 square cm.

Let the games begin.

Yes Play as a man, Doe.

Thanks for helping distracted for 5 minutes.

It's raining.

There are no similarities in the jaw, or concurrence with trabecular pattern.

No bone abnormalities.

Dental records disagree.

Wait. Are not people Garland Heights missing?

No, unless it is possible posthumous orthodontics.

If Lisa Burrows is the remains others might be alive.

So who have we here?


I compare the records teeth with homicide files.

I think this is a time "Kodak."

We'll see.

Position markers deep tissue... To replicate supraorbital projections.

Now you're a doctor of your head?

No, this is a science.

Perhaps a version of Doe kindergarten.


3 mm behind auditory meatus, ear.


Recreating the existing factions when the victims were alive.

Facial Reconstruction Forensic three-dimensional.
Here we go.

Place balloons glass eye.

Fill the cheekbones.

The distance between tear is 1.3 centimeters.

Malocusi?n. Common jaw structure.

Lips and contours similar front.

They are a family.

The Muchison. Died 6 months ago.

His minivan left the road on Mount Rainier.

Rolled into a ravine and caught fire.

This family bought the farm, and someone buried them in the sulfur plant.

What is the connection our kidnapper?

Back to top. This may be just coincidence.


Photos of Open missing persons.

Wife, Gwen, son Gary, daughter Molly. All of the same ages.

Same hair and eye color.

Is double kidnapping dead family.

Yes but who is he?

Wait, did not die the whole family.

The driver was thrown from car when it rolled down the mountain.

The father survived. Gary Murchison.

Maybe they took the bodies of the morgue and buried himself.

Can he do that?

In section 68.50, subsection C Code of Washington,... The remains of loved ones are different from a car impounded.

Keep to yourself.

Where do you live?

1244 Lawndale Ave.

Lawndale Avenue, a suburban neighborhood.

Two blocks from the sulfur plant.

The woman in the park was repeating "one, two, three."

Search Muchison enrollment.

Good hunch, Frank. Registration Washington 123-IFV.

One, two, three. Here we go.

Detective Frank Hayes. Seattle Police.

Are you Gary Murchison?

Yes Is it for the sake of my old coins?

I am a coin dealer and reporting lost some time ago.

Silver Eagles are about 1995.

Is lost coins least of their worries.

A search warrant.

I do not understand. What are you looking?

Lisa Burrows The name sounds?


Kevin Zoeller? "Jane Booth? "Annette Archmbeau?

I do not understand. What people are talking about?

Victims of kidnapping.


Do you like here?

Let's do the saint, right?

The hostages have similar with members of his family.

That's strange.

Do you think?

You can talk to my family, but are not here at this time.

Gary Jr. is with his grandparents in Spokane.

And Gwen is with Debbie and Molly at the dentist.

I'll tell you one thing when they return ask if they know anything about it.

Initial search the house is clean.

Detective Hayes I found a file.

He left the Psychiatric Hospital Croydon last month.

On 19.

A day before the first kidnapping.

We took him to headquarters.

What's going on, Detective? I do not understand.

Me neither, so you and I will have a chat.

I hope I have given the impression wrong in the house, Detective.

The impression that a kidnapping a bad thing, because it's terrible.

I think I was momentarily bewildered by your arrival.

Boys and girls dressed in blue the door. Who does not mislead?

I guess it feels better now, right? More clear?

Yes, I think so.

You can call a lawyer, if you want.

Why? I have nothing to hide.

My condolences on the loss of his family.

"I can ask a favor, Detective?

Can you show coins in your pocket?

I can not resist seeing the currencies of other people.

You never know, we can find copper penny 43.

Only four of those in existence.

My wife laughs at me.

Says I have the same profile Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Can we leave the issue Money for a moment?

Yes, of course.

There is always another currency.

Is that why these people kidnapped?

Lost a member of the family and replace it with another?

Do not follow it, Detective.

He dug a hole... And his family buried if they were dead animals... And then tried to replace them.

Sound familiar?

I do not -

And she?

Come on, Murchison!

She used chloroform 3 days ago in the park... And got into his car.

You say you do not remember?

No need to be abusive.

"Abusive? Do you think this is abuse?

Let me tell you bullying is.

A sick bastard kidnapping children on the streets... To get an foster family!

Abusive is removed the children to their parents!

Keeping a father day night and distressed... Wondering if will see his daughter!

Being abusive is to make a man prays to God for... Back to see his son!

What is the value of tell me that I was abusive?

Tell me where they are! Tell me where they are!

Tell me where they are!

Let me go. Let me go!

I had it. Two seconds and would have spat.

"Spit, Frank? Does your blood all over the floor?

I know you have problems outside of work.

That has nothing to do with this case!

Yes it is!

How do you know? "What does your crystal ball?

Because I was your partner And I am your friend.

Please Frank, Stay away from this for a while.

I need to 100% catch this guy.


Not now.

Lieutenant, see this.

Copies of purchases Murchison at the supermarket.

Nine steaks, 11 liters of milk, five kilos of vegetables.

Go shopping for a single.

Pallets, comics. A box of hooks?

It is 2 days ago.

Maybe the victims are still alive.

But where?

We review your house top to bottom.

Or fingerprints, fibers, or hair.

The victims were never there or call a cleaning crew.

You may have an accomplice.

We asked neighbors within a radius of 12 blocks.

This completely only from his family died.

No friends, no visitors.

What if we let's see where it takes us?

This crazy but not stupid. He knows that would follow.

Do you have another plan?

I will make him good cop, what's wrong is not working.

If these people took Murchison To make a family... Will be so involved in their illusion we can not reach it.

You bury your family in a mass grave... Because they believed that was yours?

I could not believe it.

I think he has a disorder dissociated personality.

If so, can not tell us the truth... Without the world manufactured is destroyed.

If these victims are out there alive... Has to say. I swear, but take me all night.

Are you all right?

I seem to be okay?

I went to the gym, and stupid hotel manager... A stranger passes that says fumigated.

Guess what? The sprayer took everything I had.

What? Have a description?

Yes, yes, yes. It's Tom, d*ck or Harry.

Tomorrow I have to go to the judge, and beg to see my kids... In his pajamas and slippers.

I have the same slippers.

Great minds same tastes.

Yes, same cup of coffee.


A moment that's my cup of coffee.

Those are my slippers.

And there are all my things? You're the exterminator?

Frank, I knew never your upcoming move.

"Move? With you?

I can handle it alone. No I need your help.

Frank, you're at the limit. Avery is considering suspending you.

So be prepared to the hearing tomorrow.

Frank! I know the law.

I have an idea or two about of what to say tomorrow.

Bring me my slippers.

Give them to me.

Okay. Frank, what you have to tell the judge... Is that 34% of children live without their biological parents.

The studies demonstrate that children living without their parents -

All documentation relating to custody of the child will be tested... And taken into account in final decision of this court... To be given within 60 days.

Your Honor.

Yes, Mr. Hayes.

In the process of dissolution marriage is expected... That the parties may give evidence.

I am aware of that, sir. But thanks for reminding me.

Want to testify about custody of his son?

Yes, ma'am. I would like.

Well, go ahead.

In this country 34% of children live without their biological parents.

Development studies of children indicate that... Children living at home separated from their parents... Are an average of 2 to 3 times more likely... To incur criminal behavior... Unlike children whose biological or adoptive parents live.

The courts have taken this into account... In cases of Symanski against Symanski,... Klosterman against Klosterman, Micha against -

Honour, What relevance does this have?

Mr. Hayes, have you been revealing in the bookstore?

You're right, sir. I keep data and statistics.

But there is one more fact I want to know.

I love Ty and Tania.

Despite how much I studied, I have no words to express it.

In recent days, Sir, I've been on the edge.

I have seen how the loss of children can affect a man.

I need my children, my Lord, and they need me.

Give me a chance... And I swear I'll do more time... I'll be a better father... I'll be a better man.

Did you have luck with Murchison?

I spent the whole night with him and nothing.

Good cop, bad cop. There were no police to serve.

I think I have an idea.

A contingency plan.

I'm spending limits, Doe.

The clock is running, is all we have.

I thought I would locked up for 48 hours.

We have a plan. He has a plan. Do not know why I agreed.

It's all yours. Will transferred and prepared... For the trial and conviction.

It will be a cold lonely in that cell.

Sure you do not want to tell us where are these people?

Is not well lead to father away from his family.

I think I hear my girl mourn for her father.

If something happens to these people ...

Put the needle ... arm myself.

Get him out of here.

Let us pray that it works.

Not tell us where are. We will show it.

"He crossed the street?

No. A brand slipped out of the sole.

Torsion due to a difference weight. Right.


Comes little Molly. Just like your mother.

What happens?

I'm not Molly, I'm Lisa.

Here we go. Why adolescents insist on acting -

Gwen, you are missing to lose this child.

I want you to tell to obey his father.

Do not make me to be always the discipline. It is not good for children.


Listen -

Your father.

Say it. Your father.

Say! Say!

See what you make me do?

What happened to honor and obey?

Sorry, sorry. I got carried away.

Frank, stalactites melt.

In this building are frozen.

Someone is heated there.

No way out, Doe.


What are you doing?

Help! We're here.





Help! We're here!



Open, Murchison!


I do not understand what they are doing.

A magnetic lock.

What is that smell?

Spicy, sweet.


There is only one way to stay together.

In a minute or less gas paralyzes the respiratory system.


Open the door!

Wait a minute.

Got light?


To wet room.

No fire there.

We must reduce the concentration of gas.

The combined water chloroform neutralizes it.

We need to open that door.


That should release the lock.

Open the door.

Come on!

Come on, move!

It appears that Murchison had what he wanted after all.

Yes, back to his family.

Although it seems crazy, I do not feel sorry for him.

A man of his word. Thanks.

I'm the happiest father.

You're welcome.


I used the shot from the side Zigzag, the mirror.

Turn the ball, block ball and none of it worked.

It is very hard, man.

Forget the money.

No, no. As stated by Senator William Learned Marcy... In New York in 1832. The winner takes all.

Okay, but I buy the drinks.

No, no, the drinks are on me.

Kelly agreed to share custody of children.

Congratulations, Frank. It was you.

Show your case to the Judge.

With your words, Doe.

But you improvise some.

Look, I notice... I found department 3 rooms in Watley Circle.

I'll miss you, buddy.

Rather miss my slippers.

What? A little action to celebrate the good news?

A dollar goal?

Prepare for bankruptcy, friend.

Wait, wait, wait.

What happens?

This is broken.

Excuse me?

Someone loosened the screws. Cheated.

Goalkeeper slower.


This reminds me a chance when I was fighting "mano a mano"... With a huge Bulgarian Sumatra.

It was supposed a fight with his bare hands... Until the bastard pulled a knife from his boot.

So I looked into his eyes... And ran to the mountains.

You better run!