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01x01 - Episode One (Pilot)

Posted: 06/13/15 06:25
by bunniefuu
(alarms sounding)

Computer system: Life support at fifteen percent.

(alarms sounding)

(alarms sounding)

(gasps for breath)

(alarms sounding)

(alarms sounding)

(gasps for breath)

(alarms sounding)

(alarms sounding)

Okay... okay... come on.

Computer system: Life support at thirteen percent.


(alarms sounding)

(alarms sounding)

Computer system: Life support at twelve percent.

Computer system: Restoring life support.

What was that for?

You were in the way.

Who are you?!

Both: I don't know.

Who are you?

I got no idea.

♪ ♪

(gasps for breath)

(gasps for breath)

Shake 'n wake, Tiny.

Shake 'n wake.

Who are you?

You don't remember, do you?


Well, hell.

That makes six of us.

What's going on?

We all woke up, just like you.

No memories.

No idea who we are or how we got here.

Hey, guys, check this out.

♪ ♪ ♪

What is this place?

One: It's a ship.

And looks like we're dead in space.

Systems were down and we were venting atmosphere.

I was able to get us back online and restore the ship's auto-repair protocol.

How'd you manage that?

I don't know exactly.

I was standing there at the console and it just... came to me.

Well that's a good thing.

It'll all come back to us eventually, right?

Hey, if anyone's feeling underdressed...

One: For now, we've named ourselves by the order we woke up in.

I'm One.

She's Two.

(clanging noise)




Which makes you Six.

(clanging noise)

Three: Damn it.

We've got comms.

So what do you think?

We the crew of a transport vessel on some sort of long-range haul?

Would explain what we were doing in stasis.

Ship gets into trouble.

Takes some damage.

Systems shut down.

When life support hits critical,
hazard protocols kick in and we're automatically awakened.

Wouldn't explain the memory loss, though.


(clanging noise)

Got it!

So what are we shipping?




Who wants?

I don't think so.


We're going to need to check this place out.

Let's pair off.

Three, you're with Six, One with Four.

And I'll be with Five.

We'll use these comms to keep in touch, yeah?


Oh, Lordy.

(g*n powering up)

Expecting trouble?


Are you going to fix it?

I'm gonna try.

All I'm saying is we don't know how long we're gonna be stuck here.

It'd make sense to choose a leader, someone who can make key decisions for the group.

Let me guess. Someone like... you?

No, not me necessarily, but yeah. Somebody who'll represent everybody's best interests.

Somebody who's got final say in case of disagreements.

I don't know. Could be me. Is that what you suggesting?


Just between us, if that was the case, I could use a good second in command.

Uh... huh.


Now, this is more like it!

I've got to take this thing for a ride, man.

Wonder if I know how to fly this thing.

Knock yourself out!

She said "it just came to her" while she was standing at that console, but I did the exact same thing, trying to figure out what buttons to push, and nothing came to me.

How do you figure that?

Hell, how do you figure any of this?

No way of knowing how long we were in those pods.

Could've been days, months... years maybe.

Weird thing is it's not like our minds have been wiped clean.

If they had've been, I wouldn't know what a pod was, or a year, or even be able to express myself.

Language, itself, would be totally alien to us, right?

You're about to blow my theory here.

This way.

Uh, why don't you lead?

Training room?

Or t*rture chamber maybe.

♪ ♪

You sure you know how to handle those things?

♪ ♪ ♪

I'm going to say "yes".

Hello, sweetcakes.

(tapping on glass)

Hey, Tiny! Get over here! I found something!

Why's that flashing red?

That's strange.

The ship's computer just initiated some sort of security protocol.


Hey, there.


This is Six! We're under att*ck!

By who?!

Under att*ck by who?!

We need help, anybody!

We heard, tell us where to go.

I can track your comms.

Take the next right.

Left at the next intersection!





Is somebody going to die?

No, not if I can help it.

♪ ♪

Some sort of security protocol's been activated!

Well, override it.

I'm trying!

Two: Okay, I did it.

Is everyone okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Took you long enough, doll face.

(scanner sounds)

Guys, we found food, who wants?



Are you sure?!

It's close enough.

What's up with the robot?

Technically, she's an android.

Her bio-synthetic physiology is incredibly similar to that of our ship's outer hull.

That's fascinating.

She's an extremely efficient entity.

Corrector nanites have almost fully restored her broken parts.

Well that's not a problem.

We just stick her in the airlock and space her.

Two: That won't be necessary.

I've already deleted all of her security directives and re-established her base program.

She's no longer a thr*at to us.

And she could prove useful.

Whoa, we're not waking that thing up.

Two: The diagnostic suggests she possesses some sort of neural link with the ship's mainframe.

Once she's back online, she'll be able to run a more effective repair command, she'll have us space-worthy in no time.

She may also have some answers for us if anybody is curious.


Start her up.


♪ ♪ ♪

What's your name?

I possess no personal designation.

Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of that going around.

Why did you att*ck us?

I have no memory of such an att*ck.

The reboot must've wiped her data stores.

Well, ain't that convenient.

Woah! Hey!

I want you to initiate a neural link with the ship's computer.

Can you do that?

Of course.

Now I want you to access any and all data related to the passengers onboard this ship.

No such data exists.

Any information in the ship's records about its crew, or its mission?

No such data exists.

How's that possible?

It's not.

This ship's programming is highly sophisticated.

There are redundancies in place to guard against data loss.

Someone must have deliberately deleted that information.

One: It wasn't necessarily one of us.

Yeah? Then who the hell was it?

It's a big ship, lots of places to hide.

Maybe there's someone else onboard.

Although, they'd have to know we'd find them eventually so I'm not sure what would be the point.

We don't even know for a fact if everyone's really lost their memory.

Any one of us could be lying about that.

I don't think so.

I was the first one to wake up, I saw that moment in everyone's eyes...

I don't think anyone was faking.

Exactly how long were you awake before the rest of us came to?

Couple of minutes, at most. Why?

No way of proving that, of course is there?

And no way for us to know what you were really up to.

What exactly are you suggesting?

If one of us is responsible, I would say that you are the number one suspect.

That's ridiculous.


You could jump in here any time you know.

Chatty guy.

Sleeping quarters.

Uh, ahhh.

Android: My neural link allows me instant access to the system from anywhere on the ship.

Manual guidance is not only unnecessary, but it's also inefficient.

We'll, worry about that later.

For now, I need you to run a full diagnostic and restore all systems.



Show me.


What is that?

It's a subspace transmission.

The ship is broadcasting a distress signal.

What're you doing?


What are you doing?

Looking for something to treat a headache.

Headaches can be caused by blood vessel abnormalities or brain tumors.

How do you know that?

I don't know. I...

I just do.

A tumor is a mass of cells that multiplies uncontrollably.

The human body creates twenty-five million new cells every second.

And its kidneys process one hundred and eighty liters of blood every day.

Blood will spurt up to two meters when the carotid artery is severed.

It's a very efficient killstroke.



♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

It appears the ship has taken meteorite damage.

So that's why we were venting atmosphere.

One of the forward relays was also hit, causing a power surge that damaged multiple systems.

It will take some time to repair them all.

Do we have engines and navigation?


What about weapons?

Ship's weapons are down.

Then let's make that our next priority.



Show me.

(alarm sounding)

What is that?

It appears another vessel has entered our scanning range.

And their course?

They're headed straight for us... but I don't believe they intend to render assistance.

Why not?

Because they just launched missiles.

Time to impact... sixty seconds.

Time to impact... fifty seconds.

What can we do?

The ship is also equipped with various counter measures I can initiate.

Would you like me to show you?

Just do it!

Hey, sounds like they got the engines going.


Based on our current acceleration, time to impact is now forty seconds.

We can't outrun it?

I'm already pushing the engines past maximum.

What about a jump to FTL?

We don't have time to execute the necessary nav calculations.


I could attempt further evasive maneuvers, but at these speeds they may overtax our artificial gravity and inertial dampeners.

Do it.

What the hell?

♪ ♪

Calculations complete.

Jumping to FTL.


Wh-what happened?

We lost gravity for a few seconds there.

When it came back on, we all took a tumble.

You hit your head on the way down.

I did?


You okay?

Yeah, I think so.

So any idea who att*cked us, or why?


Maybe the robot had something to do with it.

I have no intention of harming anyone on this ship.

Oh, yeah, except for the part where you nearly k*lled us all.

I have no memory of such an att*ck.

So you keep saying!

Alright, calm down.

Are you kidding me now?

I wake up a couple of hours ago, I got no idea who I am, how the hell I got here.

Nearly get k*lled by the Forgetful Robot, almost blasted to scrag by some mysterious ship, and now we are floating in the middle of who-knows-where.

Actually, we do know where.

We're on course for a nearby inhabited world.

We are?

Before we were att*cked, I initiated a recovery program in order to salvage recently deleted and overwritten data.

You can do that?

The process is time-consuming and most of the lost information is irretrievable.

However, I have managed to salvage some data.

What kind of data?

This ship's original destination, we should be arriving in less than 12 hours.

(box clicking)

Y'know, the green ones aren't that bad.

They still taste like sh*t but just not as much.


You sure you're okay?


Still don't remember hitting your head?


I just remember falling and then blackness.

And-and the door.

What door?

In a dark place... underneath.

A big metal door.

They keep it locked.



What's inside?


Fine, be that way.




Everybody pick a room and get some rest.

We'll be dropping out in ten hours.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

You gotta be kidding me...


Uh, hi.


So what brings you by?

What do you think?

We're about to enter orbit.

You're heading down to the planet to look for answers.

I suggest you wear pants.



What happened to you?

I roll around a lot in my sleep.

We tried communicating with whoever's down there but received no response.

Could be a tech issue.

Could be a lot of things.

Fly safe.

Three: Damn. (laughs)

This ship have a name?

It's a Phantom-class Marauder.



♪ ♪

There's no reason to assume the inhabitants will be hostile.

No reason to assume they won't be.

One: Remember, we're just looking for answers.

We're not here to cause trouble.

Nassan: That's far enough!

Remind me to tell that robot "I told you so".

Who are you?

Why are you here?

Yeah, I was afraid those questions might come up.

They're not Corporate Guard.

They could be Hrothgar's people.

Nassan: Did Hrothgar send you?


We didn't come here to hurt anyone.

Or get hurt.

Especially that last part.

So why don't we just lower our weapons...

All of us.

You say your ship was att*cked?

Well, we're not exactly...


Came at us out of nowhere, disabled our engines, looted our ship, left us for dead.

You're lucky to be alive.

Wouldn't be if we hadn't managed to restore life-support.

With nav systems down, we were flying blind, we got lucky, picked up your settlement on our long-range scanners.

Wow, well, you're welcome to re-supply and help yourself to whatever you need.

But then you best be off.

Why's that?

We're expecting trouble.

This is an independent colony.

We pull enough tarium out of the ground to get by, but we've never been of interest to any of the big multi-corps.

That is until now.

You hit a big strike?

It was a couple of Ferrous Corporation geologists.

Surveying the nearby asteroid belt.

Apparently they found the mother lode.

But without a Hab-1 planet in the vicinity, it would be too expensive to extract.

They need a place to house the miners, grow food, source fresh water.

Some place like here?

It's a big planet.

It's not big enough so far as they're concerned.

The multi-corps don't share planetary resources.

It minimizes the risk of outsiders, interfering with their operations.

As long we work this claim, we have legal title.

But if we were to leave, or if something should happen to us...

well, you get the idea.

So that's why you wanna be long gone before the Raza get here.

The Raza?

They work as enforcers for the multi-corps.

They clean up loose ends, trouble spots... like us.

They're aliens, they're half-man, half-reptile, and I've heard that they're over seven feet tall, and they have skin that burns to the...

The fact is no one really knows what they are, because no one's ever survived an encounter with them.

If these Raza really are as dangerous as you say, why don't you just leave?

Nassan: You don't get to a place like this unless you've already run out of options.

Mireille: Well, and this claim is all we have, we're going to fight for it.

Aren't you a little young to be doing any fighting?

I'm old enough to wanna protect my friends and family.

One: No offense but it doesn't seem to me like you've got the manpower or the firepower.

We gathered together the last of our funds, sent out one of our people to score a shipment of arms, the real thing, like the weapons you carry.

Enough for every man and woman on this settlement.

A shipment?

When is it supposed to get here?

Any day now.

If it arrives in time, we'll give the Raza more than they can handle, make Ferrous Corp reconsider.

Well... good luck with that. Thanks.


One: That pendant, does it hold any special significance?

Hrothgar gave it to me before he left.

He said it symbolized freedom in the face of oppression and that when his people people arrived we'd be able to recognize them cause they too would have this mark.


One: This isn't right.

Am I the only person who heard what they said?

A shipment of arms?

Obviously we were meant to help these people.

We don't know that.

And the fact that we have a cargo hold full of weapons, that's a coincidence?

You're forgetting one important detail, the scary lizard people that are on their way to this planet to destroy everything!

I'm guessing you don't wanna be there when they show up.

Okay, I admit, that part sounded bad.

Let's table this discussion until we're back on the ship, alright?

The Android said that console was fried.

You really think you know what you're doing?

Well, it's like you with the controls, or Four with his swords.

For me, it's wires, circuits, fuses.

I don't know why, but it just kinda makes sense to me.

Not like all the other stuff.

What other stuff?

I see things, in my head.

Like, while I was sleeping, I saw a dream.

Oh, yeah?

I was walking on the beach with my little brother.

He was crying because he'd gotten lost, but I found him and I was... was bringing him back to the palace.

The palace?

That sounds like a nice place to live.

It was.

Until they m*rder*d my father, and then came for me.

But I was too much for them.

And even though I could've k*lled them, I didn't.

I just carved out their eyes and left them for my stepmother to find.

The bitch.

I hope they're bringing back some real food.

I'm starving.

You... you carved out their eyes?

Well, it was me in the dream, but it wasn't really me because it wasn't my dream.

Who's dream was it?

I don't know.

But it was somebody's.

I'm telling you, we're supposed to be helping these people.

The matching pendants?

It can't be a coincidence.

All I'm saying is even if we're supposed to be helping these people, which I doubt, doesn't mean we're gonna do it.

We don't even know what happened to us, or how we're going to get our memories back.

And those weapons would fetch a very good price on the open market.

The money would go a long way.

Except they're already paid for.

They belong to the miners.

Doesn't matter if they belong to the miners.

They're in our cargo hold.

They belong to us now.

Those people will die if we don't help them.

They're already dead.

He doesn't say much, but when he does, it makes sense.

If their enemy is even half as powerful as they believe, then they're doomed.

The least we can do is give them a fighting chance.

I'm pretty sure the least we can do is nothing.

Which, for the record, is what I'm suggesting we do.

Alright. Let's put it to a vote.


I vote that we keep the weapons, we sell them, take what we make to stay alive, and find out what the hell happened to us.


I think we do what we know we came here to do, complete the delivery.

He's right.

I say we help those people.

Thank you.

Yeah, me too, I want to help those people.

Wait a minute, she can't vote.

Why not?!

Cause you're a kid.

She's a member of this crew.

Who's a kid, what are you, like, 15 years old?

Do we really have to have a vote to decide if she gets to vote?

I vote against her voting.

Come on, throw up with me.

Fine, three to two.

What do you say, boss lady?

Set half the crates aside.

The rest go down to the surface.

Clean up your tray, pretty boy.

Make sure to lift with the back, helps take pressure off the knees.

You know what would take the pressure off my knees?

You helping out.

Yeah, see, I think that'd be kinda hypocritical given the way I voted and all.

Yeah, I wouldn't worry.

I don't think it'd be possible for us to think any less of you.

Well, you never know.

I might surprise you.

Alright, I think that's it, we're good to go.

Who's that?

Android: I don't know.

The file is corrupt.

This has been a difficult and tedious process.

However, I have managed to recover a sizable data cache.

Let's see it.

Two: I need everyone on the bridge, now.

What's the matter?

Two: Just get up here.

What's going on?

The Android managed to recover a significant amount of data related to this ship and its crew.

Well, that's good.

Isn't it?

Marcus Boone... m*rder, as*ault, kidnapping, piracy.

Griffin Jones... m*rder, as*ault, smuggling.

Jace Corso... m*rder, as*ault, kidnapping, trafficking, theft.

Ryo Tetsudo... m*rder, as*ault, piracy.

Portia Lin... m*rder, as*ault, arson, theft, piracy.

Turns out the Raza aren't a race of aliens.

"The Raza" is the name of this ship.

We're not here to help these people.

We're here to k*ll them.