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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 06/22/15 23:24
by bunniefuu
Your remembering of London ain't the same as mine, Sal.

One bad winter's all it were.

No, we was starving.

In this new place, a man and woman of industry can thrive unshackled to their station back home.

We'll make our pile like everyone else and go home.

Smasher Sullivan.

He burns the oyster shells for lime and does a lot of mischief besides.

f*ck you!

..and hereby pronounce you absolutely pardoned.

I'm selling the boat.

How much do you want, Mr Blackwood?

£30. The business comes with it.

I never known anyone to own a yard of land, Sal.

William Thornhill's!

Easy, easy, easy! Easy!

If you take a little, you've got to give a little.

It's the only way.

They're not fools.

You ain't got nothing to worry about so long as your husband keeps his g*n at hand.

Five years.

Five years.

As God is my witness.

It won't seem like no time at all.

Long as it ain't for the term of me natural life.

You won't be gone long?

It's our life for a while.

Arghh! Snake!



I'm not going back in there.

You alright?

Willie, what are you doing?

Da said I'm the man.

Yeah, well, Da said a lot of things.

It's alright, Ma.

Can I see?

No, no, no, no, no.

Dickie, Dickie. Get back here.

Alright, you be careful, Willie.

Argh! Argh! Argh!


I cut its head off but it's still squirming.

Dickie, you be careful.

Right, four baskets. Name?


There you are.


Are you Blackwood's man?

I'm no-one's man but me own.

Will Thornhill.

How much do you charge?

A tenth of the market.

I'll give you a twelfth and not a penny more.

Good melons fetch a price.

A tenth.

Others waiting if you don't like it.

Off your arses! Hop to it!

Hurry up!


Smart-arse savage!

sh**t the bastard!

Ahh! Don't just stand there!

Well, he ain't doin' you no harm.


Why didn't you sh**t the bastard?

It's no different to sh**ting a dog!

Look, if I miss the tide, Smasher, you're a dead man.

And the pegs.


Dickie! If you don't mind!

Dickie, come here.


It's alright, it's alright.

They're just passing through on their way somewhere.

They set up camp on the point.

I can see that.

Bunda. Ngaya Nina.

Burumering yun Bunda.


You wanna play with my kite?

Never one to waste time, eh, Thornhill?

Borrowed money keeps me awake at night, Mr King.


Yes, Mr King.

Write Mr Thornhill a receipt and record his first payment in the ledger.

Sykes got a blade in the eye.

Fight over a whore.

He was dead before his face hit the ground.

Can't say that I miss him.

Now, our man here, son of a whaler and a native woman, rescued after the measles wiped out his tribe, taken in by a good Christian family.

Can read, write, knows weights and measures and can figure numbers the equal of any white man.

Inn't that so, Joseph?

That's all.

A pleasure, Mr Thornhill.

Breed the savage out of them - it's their only hope, in the long run, I fear.

Wash 'em in the blood of the lamb, eh, Thornhill?

Just like us.

♪ Mary, Mary, quite contrary ♪
♪ How does your garden grow? ♪
♪ With silver bells and cockleshells ♪
♪ And pretty maids all in a... ♪

Hello there!

Mrs Herring!

I grew up on the River Rothay, see, so I got me some bulbs and I planted them to remind me of home.

It's not easy getting flowers to grow here.

Especially in this heat.

I'll put them in some water.

Thank you, Mrs Webb.


Still marking off the days, dear?

Plan on being here five years.

Make enough coin so as we can go home.

And what'd be the point of that, Sal?

I was just the same.

Then I realised it wouldn't be fair on our son, Tom, carrying the past round like that.

The past?

The convict stain, dear.

Better life for your young'uns here.

That's a fact, my word it is.

Willie, have you seen Dickie?


He wanders.

Had a snake the other day.

Got some blacks over there on the point, too.

Oh, that's nothing for you to worry about.

They're just like the gypsies back home with their wandering ways, coming and going all the time.

I just give them some little thing and they go away, happy enough.

Curious, like children.

Dickie. What you doing?

Bunda and me, we're just playing.

You'll not wander from camp.

Wyabun nawi.

Uh... sw-sweeping?



Yeah, that's right, that's right, sweeping.


Oh, it's just like we did back home.

Colours are different, but.

Burrami. Burrami.

Thank you.



♪ ..falling down, falling down, falling down ♪
♪ London Bridge is falling down ♪
♪ My fair lady ♪
♪ Take a key and lock her up ♪
♪ Lock her up, lock her up ♪
♪ Take a key and lock her up ♪
♪ My fair lady... ♪


Come here!

Come here!

That's a good-looking rooster, that.

I k*lled a snake!

Did ya?!

In the hut.

Say, why don't you boys take the rooster down to the henhouse?

Give him a good feed.

Good boys.

Showed up a few days ago.

It's alright.

I mean, they're just like us.

Or more like children, so Mrs Herring says.

She come visiting with Mrs Webb.

I bought you something.


Close your eyes, come on.

Open 'em.

Oh! Will, it's beautiful.

You always said you wanted one.

It's lovely. How much was it?

Ah, don't you worry yourself about that, Lady Muck.

Come here.

A pox on salted pork.

I want to see if I can bag us a kangaroo. Fresh game.

I'll be taking myself to the other side of the river when you do.

You know, I've been thinking.

I ain't gonna pay the boat off in a hurry off a tenth of what a farmer earns.

You see, there's a better way.

I buy from the farmers, for a price - fair and all - and then I sell it for what I can get.

It means I get to name the price at both ends.

And what if you can't sell it?

It's food, Sal.

And the colony's growing by the day.

I mean, there ain't enough of it.

When there's a need, like Mr King said.

He's a businessman.

Well, there's no reason I can't be, too.

No, no reason at all, Mr Thornhill.

Some flour.

Here, for a cut of that fresh meat there.

Bininngarri dyinmang nanu Dallai mulla.

Badayu gitti.

It's flour.

It's fair exchange. What do you say?

Bag of flour for that?

You got diddled.

I would've gotten us a bit of rump.

A bit of rump?

Some businessman you are.

Come on, kids, let's see if we can catch us a fish or it's salt pork again.



Mr Thornhill.

Here, lads.


Mrs Thornhill, this is Mr Birtles.

But we all calls him Saggity.

When I was a lad, a man of the cloth called me 'sagacious' for something I done.

I thought it were an insult, and I were fit to snot him.

But it weren't.

And the name stuck.

A welcome present.

Keep it away from the kiddies.

It's rat powder.

Enough vermin round here without having to worry about the bleedin' rats.

You got a whiff, girl?

She goes him like she would a black bugger.

Now, I wonder why that is.

You'd think a man could relieve himself in private on his own hundred acres without copping a spear up his backside.

Can't believe you live in these parts all on your own, Mrs Herring.

Better me own company than some I know.

See that?

Speared in the arse, like a pig!

We'll be seeing a lot more if you ain't careful.

Squealed like one too when I stitched him up.

I've not eased myself since.

Oh, sit down and shut up!

You want to see a scar?

I'll show you a scar.

What happened?

We was on a g*ng together, building a road, and he took off into the bush.

Ate grubs and roots for a week, like an animal.

Like them blacks do.

They sent two of them buggers out after me.

What they can't see...

It's unnatural.

Caught me nappin', stripped me naked and hauled me to the courthouse.

Officers gave 'em rum and a blanket for their trouble and 500 lashes for mine.

There's something about a good whippin'.

Stays with you.

I'd watch them if I were you, Thornhill.

Well, blacks have never done me an ounce of harm.

That's all I can say.

Lets 'em come up the house, she does.

Help themselves, now and then, but I turn a blind eye.

Tell her, but she won't listen.

Way I see it is I got enough.

One old biddy is real cheap to run.

Don't know nothin' but to thieve off honest men.

Honest men? No.

You ain't never done no stealin', Smasher Sullivan.

Oh, my very word, no.

Or you, Saggity.

They're like the bleedin' flies.

You k*ll one, ten more'll come to its funeral.

I ain't talking about killin' 'em, exactly, just dispersing 'em, like.

Manuring the ground's all they're good for.

Easy, easy! Easy, easy, easy.

Come on. Best not spoil the party.

Come on.

Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs Thornhill.

Nah, nah, I ain't doing it anymore, I ain't doing it anymore.

♪ Of all the comrades that e'er I had ♪
♪ They're sorry for my going away ♪
♪ Oh, and all the sweethearts that e'er I had ♪
♪ Would wish me one more day to stay ♪
♪ But as it falls within my lot ♪
♪ That I should rise and you should not ♪
♪ I gently rise and I softly call ♪
♪ Goodnight and joy be with you all ♪
♪ If I had money enough to spend ♪
♪ And leisure time to sit awhile ♪
♪ There is a fair maiden in this town ♪
♪ That sorely has my heart beguiled ♪
♪ Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips ♪
♪ I own she has my heart enthralled ♪
♪ So fill to me the parting glass ♪
♪ Goodnight and joy be with you all. ♪

Stand up straight. That's it.

Right, up straight.

Eyes front for the Governor's man.

Thornhill, is it not?

William Thornhill.

I never forget a felon's face.

Taken a step up in the world, I see.

I'm a free man now.

You're a free man.

Looking to get me a convict servant or two.

Governor's man gets first pick, then gentlemen settlers.

Emancipists, the likes of Thornhill here, can wait their turn.

Up straight for the Governor's man.

Good, good. Excellent teeth, strong arms. Good choice, that one.

That one? Face of a cherub, body of a bull. Work all day, I'll wager.

Take your pick, Thornhill.

Feel free, won't ya?

It's me, Will! Will! It's me!

It's me, Dan. Dan Oldfield.

Ned. Ned, Ned.

Will and me go back a way.

We was kids together back home.

Wasn't we, Will?

Go on, do us a turn, Will.

Go on. For old times' sake.




How are you, my darlin'?

Here, I got you something.

Oh! Cobham Hall.

Your grandma used to work here, before she married your granda.

We went to Cobham once.

When I was your age, Dickie.

All I remember was them fierce lions on the gateposts.

I love it, Will. Thank you.

I knew you'd like it.

Right, out you get.

I'm Sal.

Sal. Sal Middleton. I'm Dan.


Dan Oldfield.

I never did forgive you, Sal.

Me and Will, we was best mates till you come along.

Ned, ma'am.

Did your da ever tell youse how we pissed on our own feet to keep 'em warm?

It's Mrs Thornhill.

And you'd do well to call me Mr Thornhill.

Mr Thornhill?


Law says you get treated the same as felons in government employ - that's food, clothes and shelter in exchange for work.

10 hours a day, Monday to Friday, six on Saturdays.

Do I make myself clear?

Can't argue with that.


Come on, boys.

Hey! Oi. I see eyes.

Something's in that tree there.


Do they have owls here?

What if it isn't?

Of course they have owls!

What the f*ck is that?!

Servants, eh? Who would've thought?

We'll get the place looking real good.

You'll never want to leave, Mrs Thornhill.

Is that so, Mr Thornhill?


Give us a rest.

Governor says, Dan, ten hours a day.

Governor ain't here... Will.

It's regulations.

Go on, then. Keep going and we'll see how things go.

Go on.

You got me here. You got the forest and the savages out there.

Now, you could try walking to China, if that's what you're thinking.

The thing I'm thinking, Mr Thornhill, wondering, you might say, is what it is about this place called New South Wales that could change a man so.

Mr Thornhill...

Warami. Warami.

Did you see them titties?

They're just passing through is all.

Don't be letting that stop ya.

Don't sound like they're passing through to me, Mr Thornhill.

What, are they gonna eat that thing?

Get me a club, I'll bash their brains in, same as that lizard got.

Willie, that's enough of that.

Bleedin' savages.

Come on, back to work.

Ain't gonna stop on account of them.

Come on.


Good day to ya.

Dickie. Come away from there.

Come on.

He's showing us how to make fire.

Guyun. Guyun buruwa buruwa buruwa.

Did you see that, Da?

My word, that's a good trick.

Go on, get on home now.

Come on.

Me, Thornhill.

Me, Dorn'ill.

No. No, no, no. No.

No, no, no. I'm Thornhill.

I'm Thornhill. It's me name.

Do you understand?

Me, Dorn'ill.

Me, Dorn'ill.

No, no. I'm Thornhill. I'm Thornhill.


See, this... this is the river.

You understand?

Now, this is the point.

Now, all of this, that's mine.

Alright? It's mine now.

You can have the rest, but... but this is my place now.

My place. You understand?

My place.

My place.

Oh, no, see, that's where you're wrong, Jack.

What are you doing stickybeaking around here, William Thornhill?

Got a blacks' camp along from me.

Come without so much as a by-your-leave, and they don't look like they're going, neither.

Yeah, it happened to me.

Come back one day not long after I got this place and they was waiting for me.

Didn't understand what they were saying back then, but... long and short of it is they let me stay.

They made one thing clear, but - don't go no further.

Couldn't have been clearer if they spoke King's English and that's exactly what I done.

Then they went off and had a good ol' singsong.

Certain time of year they burn the grass down there.

New sh**t spring up.

Brings kangaroos.

It's clever. Like mustering stock.

Their kind of farming.

Stick to what you got and let them go about their ways like they always done.

You won't never be welcome, but they might just leave you alone.

Simple as that.

Albert. Gugugugu!

Nanu ngarrah!

Go, Albert. Go, Albert.

I find them peaceable folk, mostly, which a man can't say about all his neighbours.

I told her you'd keep your trap shut.

I better have been right about that, William Thornhill.

Dienamillie-la wulbunga wirriga.

Da said I can't.

I can't!
♪ Mary, Mary, quite contrary ♪
♪ How does your garden grow? ♪
♪ With silver bells and cockleshells ♪
♪ And pretty maids all in a row. ♪

You alright? Come here.

It's alright. That's it.

Hello again.

Wyabuininyah murray Djuga?

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Soo-gar. Soo-gar.

Oh, sugar? You want sugar?

Alright. They want sugar. Alright.

I'm gonna catch you.

Got ya!

Dickie! Where are your britches?!

I caught him over there running around naked!

What are they doing here?

I told him not to, Da.

Go on, clear off. Go on.

This is our place. Off you go.

Dullai mulla yellwarra yununga.

Yeah, that's right, clear off!

It's OK, shh, shh.

Dickie. Now, we're civilised folk, OK? We don't go round naked.

Yeah, not like them bleedin' savages.

It's time you pulled your weight.

Least they don't need no flint or nothin' to make fire.

And no damned weeding the corn all day like some convict!

Come here.


Will! Stop it!

Stop it, Will! What are you doing?!

What is wrong with you?!

What, you think I shouldn't have?

That what you're trying to tell me?

So what if he goes about a bit?

Same as we did when we was kids, remember?

How'd you like it if I stripped off me britches, went round like them?

You stay out of this.

Come on, Mary. Let's go inside.

Shh, shh, shh. Come on.

Here. Hold this.

My bloody hands are burning, not the bloody stick.

Let me, Da. Give it here.

There you go. Keep going.

Good boy, Dickie. Good boy.

Where'd you get this?

The women.

The women?

Yeah. Meg and Polly.

I give 'em names, traded with 'em.

It's an oddity, ain't it?

I'm gonna start a collection.

Sell for a fortune back home.

Sal, you give 'em names and next they'll be inviting themselves to supper.

Make my own little pile.

Do I gotta put you over my knee and give you a good spanking too?

I'd like to see you try.

I want to buy one of your dogs.

And why would that be?

I'll give you a guinea.

I got something else you might be interested in.

Black velvet.

Once you've had it, you'll always want it.

Just ask your dear old friend Thomas Blackwood.

Gai wadjilla gai biyal.

She done it with me and Saggity back and front like a couple of spoons.

You game, Thornhill?

She's like a b*tch on heat, but she's got claws like a poxy cat.

Hoo-hoo-hoo! Watch out now!

What are you waiting for, Thornhill?

Too good for a bit of free fanny?

Or maybe you're scared you'll like it?

What about the dog?!

Go to hell, Smasher!

Yeah, I'll see you there.

Where are the kids?

Inside the hut with Ned and Dan.

Right, come on.

They coming to get us, Da?

Ain't coming nowhere for nobody.

Just having a bit of a singsong, is all.

Yeah, that's right.

Get the g*n, Da.

They're just having a singsong.

Bloody bulldust, that is.

Heathen savages.


♪ 'Oranges and lemons' ♪
♪ Ring ye bells of St Clements ♪
♪ 'Old Father Baldpate' ring ye bells at Aldgate ♪
♪ 'When will you pay me?' ring ye bells at Old Bailey ♪
♪ 'When I am rich' ring ye bells at... ♪
♪ ..Fleetditch. ♪

When I was little, I'd go to St Clements with my grandma.

From her house, we'd go along Sufferance Dock, down Bermondsey Street, left at Whites Grounds and then we'd cut through Gibbon's...

No. It ain't left at Whites Grounds.

That takes you to the almshouses.

It's right.

It's left.

No, no, no...

The almshouses was the next street over.

No, I used to play down there when I was little, down by the river.

It's right.

You've just forgotten, is all.

I ain't forgotten, Will.

It's right at Whites Grounds.

You've forgotten.

It can't be.

Ain't right or left.

Begging your pardons.

The almshouses are at the end of Marrow Street, on the other side.

Yeah, that's right. Yeah, we plant things and we grow 'em here.

Not like you, you lazy buggers, struttin' about like gentry, your balls hanging out.

Me, Dorn'ill!

Yeah, that's right, Jack, you, Thornhill, and me arse is as black as a kettle.

Go on, bugger off, all of ya!

This is my place now. My place!

You can have the rest!

And there's more of us than you, and there's more coming every day.

You got no hope, you hear? No hope!

Dickie. Careful you don't break 'em.

Who's the master here?

I am, sir.

William Thornhill.

Oh, well, that's down here.



I mean, it's low tide, so if you go in, you might have trouble getting out.

Thank you.


What is it?

Blacks give someone a bit of a scare upriver.

It's nothing to worry about.

Back to work.

Redcoats come all this way to tell us not to worry?

Yeah. That's right, Sal.

Thomas Blackwood'll know.

Go on, take Dickie with ya.

Yeah. Come on, Dickie.

See, they reckon all of this belongs to them.

Every man jack of them shares it, give and take, it's just their way.

Thank you.

And then we come along and we just take.

Blacks start out forgiving us, figure we're human, just like them, and we'll learn.

But we don't.

More keep coming, and taking.

Blacks get angry.

So the Governor, he calls a meeting.

I was there.

Not long after I settled here.

And he shakes their hands and he says,

'Oh, well, you know, no more whites below the South Arm.'

Promised 'em that.

Didn't make no difference, but.

They was lied to, see?

Don't trust us no more.

And they figure, if we're not gonna give, then they're gonna take it back - all of it.

Ngyini yanung yuu naa marridarraburra.

Jillung walunadarang yaguna darrabarra. Minyin?

They're gonna drive the snake out.

Drive it right out of its hole.


Be off!


Bugger off!

Get out! Go on!

Get out!


Get off my land, you thievin' buggers!

Get off!

'While it is hereby acknowledged that the black population of the colony appears to have manifested a spirit of animosity and hostility towards the British inhabitants, in the Hawkesbury region in particular, the k*lling of natives is strictly forbidden and will be punished with the utmost severity of the law.

However, on occasion of any native coming armed or in a hostile manner to property belonging to a British subject...'

Had a crop of wheat, bagged and ready, and they cleared me out!

'..said subject is not required to suffer his property to be invaded or his existence endangered, and may pursue and inflict such punishment as the circumstances merit.'

This is madness.

Give 'em a dose of the green powder.

Poison 'em like rats, I say.

No need for that.


One of them is worth more than ten of a little brainless maggot like you.

You want maggots, Blackwood?

I'll give you maggots.

Oh, my God. Smasher.

Got two of 'em yesterday.

Sliced off their ears like they were made of butter.

Put them away. Away now before the kids see them.

You get good money for 'em.

I got a bob for a head once off a fella from Sydney.

Had to boil it up good first to get it clean.

Get off him!

He's as black as Newgate.

I don't want Smasher coming here no more.

And Saggity neither.

Don't want them anywhere near my kids.

Promise me, Will, you won't never do anything like that.

Course not, Sal.

Oh! Hello? Hello?


Mrs Herring! What is it?

I can't breathe.

What's happened?

You alright?

Hang on.

It's the Webbs.




It's the Webbs.

I came back from reaping and they was there.

I got off a shot, but I was outnumbered.

Took it all. Everything.

Silly wife had let 'em go up to the house. I told her not to.

I kept telling her, but she wouldn't listen.

She's gone to Green Hills for good.

Now she won't come back.

Folk are fleeing for the safety of the town.

Governor's calling it a w*r.


What is it? Will, what's happened?

Blacks are putting people out of business.

Scaring people off their farms.

Might as well, um... might as well beach the boat and do some repairing.



We got the start of a good pile.

More money than I thought possible in the time.

Now we go to the Cove, to the town, and we earn enough so we can go back home.

Back to London.

London? Go back?

Back to London?

I don't feel safe here.

London's foreign as a fish, Sal.

It means nothing to me. Nothing.

I mean, Willie's got a shred of it, it's better he didn't.

And Dickie and Mary, what do they know of it?

And me? Dragging my stinking past round like some dead dog?

No. No, I won't do it to them and neither will you.

Look, I know you got me that pardon.

It weren't for nothin', Will.

It was for nothin', Sal.


It always will be. Forever.

A hundred acres.

Here! A hundred acres!

That's my pardon.

And there ain't no other damn freedom like it.

No, I know what it meant to you.

You promised, Will.

You old bastard. Get off my land!

Bugger off with your stupid gibbering!

Away with you or you'll cop this!

Go on!


Mr Thornhill!

It's no good! No! No!


Get off me!

Will, come away!


I'll get us packed and I'll take the kids to Green Hills. Come on.

What, walk off my land?

Leave everything just like that for someone else to come along and take?

It's theirs, Will.

So I can see them when I'm going past in my boat?

See someone else on my land? Mine?

We ain't staying, Will, and that's flat!

Damn your eyes, we ain't going anywhere!

It's theirs, Will.

Always has been.

And that's why they come and go.

They've been doing it forever.

I ain't goin' anywhere.

Well, I'm not staying here anymore.

Come on. Come on, kids. Let's go.

Thornhill! Thornhill!

Saggity's copped a spear to the gut!

Need your boat. Get him to Green Hills, to the physician.

Heathens burned him out.

k*lled his dog, left him for dead.

Hurry, Thornhill!

What are you waiting for?

Go, Will. And take Dan with you.

Ned and Willie'll take care of us.

Go. Go!

I'll get us packed.

The minute you're back, we're away.

Come on.

We're almost there, Saggity.

Hold on, mate.

We'll see you right.

And then we're gonna see to themfuckin' blacks that done this to you.

That spear must come out.


Useless as dog shit!

It's up to us.

We don't need no King's f*ckin' army to do our work!

We'll get our own army.

When'll Da be back?

Soon, Dickie.

He's gone to Green Hills, it's a long way.

He's gotta wait for the tide.

Give me that blanket, Dickie.

What for?

Just do as you're told!

Gotta get all packed up so as we're ready to go when Da gets back. Alright?

It's time we had a little parlez-vous with the savages.

Let 'em know we ain't putting up with them trying to scare us off our own land.

Who's with me?





Big camp of 'em up First Branch.

Surprise 'em tonight.

Settle 'em by breakfast, once and for all.

It's better that than give up your land. It's ours.

We'll settle 'em how?

Exterminate them.

Finish what Saggity started.

Round up a few more and go in on your boat, Thornhill.

Our own f*ckin' army.

Get rid of the blacks and she'll stay.

Ain't no other way, Will.

Nobody won't never know.

No-one but us.

Alright, Thornhill?

They're camped at Blackwood's Lagoon.

Not much further now, Will Thornhill.

Wait! Will!



Arghh! Arghh! Arghh!

Arghh! Arghh!


What happened to Dan?


Always could outrun a fox.

And Saggity?


Smasher too.

See, we went for a little parlez-vous to, um... to let 'em know that, uh... let 'em know that we wasn't to be scared off our land.

And, um...

Well, Smasher got angry and, uh... things got a little heated.

All's right now, but.

'Cause, uh... both sides know that, um... well, that things have to change and there's plenty of land left for them out there, so...

But they won't be bothering us no more.

I hope you ain't done nothin' on account of me pushing at you, Will.

Of course not.

What are you on about, Sal, my girl?

Turn your head slightly towards me, if you would, please, Mr Thornhill.

Ned. Tell them to mind the roses by the house.

Yes, Mrs Thornhill.




Oh! How are you, my boy?

I'm well, Ma. Well.

Where's Willie? Mary?

Willie's in Sydney on business and Mary's out riding.

Will you stay?

On my way home. Can't.

I wanted to see you, is all.

I see you, Mary! By God, I see ya!

I see you too, Da!


Oh, you didn't tell me you were coming!

It's good to see you, Mary.

Are you staying for dinner?

I see you, Dickie.

I see you.


Got to go.

Goodbye, my boy.

Brought you some tucker.


Eat it.

Why won't you use the hut I built for ya? Eh?

Comin' in Thornhill place, you hear?

Sleepin' in bed.

In my place. You understand?

My place.

Suit yourself.

It's a little chilly, ma'am.

You might want a shawl.

Thank you.

That one, thank you, Margaret.

Will Mr Thornhill be wanting some of his special brandy, ma'am?

Need you ask, Margaret?

You know, Will, I thought you was wonderful when I was a little thing.

Why was I wonderful, Sal?

Because you could spit such a long way.

I told Da once, I said, 'Will Thornhill can spit a mile.'

I ain't lost the art, Sal.

It's just in this dry place a man needs all his spit for himself.