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01x04 - I See You

Posted: 06/24/15 12:41
by bunniefuu
Woman: "Previously on Stitchers... "

You will look back and know that you were part of something very important.

You didn't warn me people could get hurt.

There was a su1c1de.

I think you're wrong.

This is a picture of Ed and my mother.

Who's been ripped out of the photo?

Man: Impersonating a police officer. Are you insane?

He's innocent. I feel it.

That's what I'm worried about.

Stitching affects you. It makes you different for a little bit.

It doesn't always last, but sometimes people get hurt.

Kirsten: What's going on with you two?

Going on? Nothing.

Is this what love is?

Intense connection and then heartbreaking loss? Is it worth it?

I don't know. If you figure it out, tell me.

(Machines beeping)

She's seizing. Cardiac arrest!




Cerebral temp is 104.

Heart rate 155 and climbing.

Bounce her out of there.

Woman: Somebody, get over here now!

(Beeping continuing)

Marta, talk to me. Your exit pin code.

Man: I need assistance, stat!


Memory collapse, ten seconds..

Marta make the bounce!

She's tachycarding.

Bounce her out of there.

I can't without a stable bio-com connection.

I can't get a clear line.

Five seconds!

We don't have the time.

If I rip her out now, her mind could fry.

If you don't, she's gonna die.


We're losing her.

Bounce her of there, Cameron, now!

(Cell phone beeping)

(Cell phone rings)


That's how you answer the phone? Where's my cheery hello?

I don't do cheery.

You know, smiling more often can relieve stress, lower blood pressure and boost immune system.

You should try it sometime.

Why are you calling me instead of talking to me here in person at the lab?

Wow. You are so not a morning person.

I'm not an anytime person.

Time of day doesn't...

Matter to you. Right.

If you're gonna make me do a physical, you could at least be here yourself - On time.

I hit snooze a few times too many.

I didn't sleep well last night. So what did Ayo tell you?

How's your blood pressure? EKG? Any side effects from being stitched?

Fever? Vertigo?

Actually, I do have a giant pain in my ass.

Go ahead. Mock my concern.

There's no reason to be concerned. I'm fine.


You don't want me to be fine?

No, I want my neighbor to stop stealing my magazines.

- What?

I moved from the loft below mine a couple of months ago.

Now the guy in there now refuses to put his name on the mailbox, so he keeps getting my magazines.

And you are mourning the loss of popular geek?

No. Molecular gastronomy.

I like to stay current, but he hoards them.

So man up and go get them.

You don't understand.

This guy is...



You should get along just fine then.

Funny. Okay, fine, I'll go.

But if you don't hear from me in an hour, look for my head in his freezer.



Hey, it's Cameron.

From upstairs.


Love what you've done with the place.

I knew it.

God damn...

Robbie, you know, it's bad enough you steal my magazines.

You don't gotta dog-ear the pages, too.


Why don't you consider your own subscription...


(Theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪

Poor guy.

Was he a friend?

Yeah, we passed each other in the building a few times, but he wasn't big on small talk.

Or housekeeping.

So was this a robbery?

I doubt it. Valuables and artwork are still here.

If you wanna call this art.

It's a Ginsberg.

Well, Mrs. Ginsberg must be very proud of her son.

Well. Looks like an execution.

Looks like an execution. Two sh*ts in the back at close range.

Like a hit by the mob?

Easy there, Don Corleone.

What do you know about this guy?

Not much. He was a paralegal, I think, at a firm downtown.

Who liked to steal your magazines.

At least you don't have to worry about that anymore.

Okay, the man is dead.

That's your silver lining?

Whoa, what does she mean, he stole?

I used to live here. He never took my name off his mailbox, so our mail gets mixed up.

What's with the looks?

Maybe you were the target.


Fisher: It's possible.

The victim's about the same age and build.

In the dark, someone could easily have mistaken him for you.

But why would anyone want to k*ll me?

You're a neuroscientist that works for a secret government agency on technology that could change the world as we know it.

There is that.

It's just a theory.

Okay, well, let's go with a different theory.

The one where my neighbor had enemies who wanted him dead.

We can't rule anything out.

Actually, I can.

What if that was meant to be me?

Don't jump to conclusions.

Fisher is interviewing his colleagues, friends, and family.


Well, so far his colleagues didn't know him very well.

No family to speak of.

And his friends, well, there aren't many.

So he's a loner. There's no motive to k*ll him.

Whereas with me...

Does anyone outside of the program know the nature of your work here?

Not that I'm aware of.

But what about inside the program?

Tim from engineering never liked me.

The more probable scenario is Mr. Peterson was involved with some bad people.

It seems like he hardly left his apartment.

You never know what goes on behind closed doors.

I do. At least I will when you stitch me in. Ready?

Hey, there.



I called. I texted. Got nothing.

Oh, you think I've been dodging you?

Well, FYI, unlike Kirsten I did not take a leave of absence from the university to be a stitcher.

I had an optogenetics presentation. I put myself on total lockdown to prepare.

You're going with the optogenetics story?

You know, "needy lover" never looks good on anyone.

We hooked up, followed by radio silence.

I took it as a comment on my performance.

I didn't realize you were waiting for a review.

I thought we had a good time.

No, we had a great time.

We did? I mean, yeah, we did. Of course we did.

Wanna grab dinner tonight?

I don't think so.

I thought we had a good time.

Absolutely. Emphasis on "had."

Linus, how's it looking?

Like a crash and burn.

Come again?

Bio-com signal is coming in steady and strong.

Double-check please.

As I said, we're good to go.

Blood pressure?

117 over 76.

That's up from a minute ago.

Because you're bugging me.

Check her temp.


Still 98.6.

Please, can we do this?


But when you're in the stitch, if you feel anything unusual...

I'll be sure to let you know.

Stations, please. Lights at 20% please.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync. Life-sci.

We are a go.




Go, go.


Yeah, go.



Cameron: Comm check. One, two.

Kirsten: I hear you.

Are you sure? Because we can boost the reception if...

I said I can hear you. Not sure I want to.

Fine. Initiate stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one...


(Sighs) I'm in.

He's reading a magazine.

Of course he is. One of mine?

Do you subscribe to Chart & Scope?


Looks like our Mr. Peterson was into astronomy.

Is this close to the time he was shot?

Cameron: No.

I wanted to ease you into his final moments.


He was shot twice in the back.

That could be very traumatic for you.

I'm a rip-the-band-aid-off fast kind of girl. I can handle it.

You need time to adjust.

You do, I don't.

Is everything okay?

Kirsten's just being very difficult...

No, I mean with you.

Let her do her job.

Fine. Brace yourself.

I'm shifting you as close as I can to the time of his m*rder.



(Helicopter whirring)

Cameron: What do you see?

He's at the window.

(Helicopter whirring)

A police helicopter's overhead.

It's downtown L.A. that happens.

(Door opens)

Someone's here.


Kirsten, what happened?

He was shot in the back. He couldn't see who did it.

Well, did you hear the sh**t say anything?

Like "these b*ll*ts are meant for you, Cameron."

It could have happened.

I can't tell if it was meant for him or for you.


There's a telescope here.

It's glowing.

People, we have a glowing telescope.

Looks like a memory hot spot. Something of special significance.

Okay, Gonzo. Check it out.

Robbie wasn't stargazing.

He was spying on his neighbors.

A peeping Tom? What did he see?

Maybe something he shouldn't have.

Something that got him k*lled.

So our victim was a voyeur.

Fancy word for pervert.

We're not here to judge. We're here to solve a m*rder.

At least it wasn't meant to be yours, bro.

We still don't know that for sure, bro.

Did you see anyone suspicious?

Not overtly.

Besides the usual peeping Tom stuff.

Details, please. What?

There were a few things in particular I felt Robbie emotionally drawn to.

A jogger, someone painting someone's fingernails, and a girl in a t*nk top going to her refrigerator.

Details, please. What?

Also a guy who looked likg at his girlfriend.

Mae one of them caught Robbie spying on them and k*lled him.

I think t*nk top girl clocked Robbie looking at her.

If she did, why k*ll him and not just report him?

At this stage, those apartments are our only leads. Linus.

Can you identify the apartments?

It's hard to say. All the windows look very similar.

What if you look from the windows at Robbie's place?

Maybe one would look familiar.

His apartment is an active crime scene.

Fisher is gonna have trouble justifying our presence there.

What about Cameron's?

What about Cameron's?

Well, your place is right above his. It has practically the same view.

That is worth a shot. Cameron?

ÿMi casa es su casa?

I like the vibe in here. Geek chic.

I really could see myself living here.

Yep, I can't.

All right, put something under those legs. I just had the floors redone.

Maggie really came through with the gear.

What's the point of having an unlimited budget if we don't use it?

Where do you want me to stick this?

Never mind.

Okay, were you raised in a barn? Get that... careful with my stuff!

I'm starving.

This isn't a party.

Look, I know you're still on edge over the whole "don't sh**t me" thing, but you really need to chill. And get me a snack.

He's been acting strange all day.

No, I haven't.

Yes, you have.

Yeah, seriously, lighten up. You're being so a**l, you're giving colons a bad name.

My friends, we are live.

It is a good day to spy.

So the guy in 5a is dressing his cats up in little outfits.

Some people like dress their pets.

As ballerinas?

(Mutters The girl in 6C is tipping the pizza delivery guy, and she...

Holy... pepperoni.

Okay, this is an invasion of privacy.

We have to do this.

Yeah, I know.

But people have a right to their secrets.

Not if those secrets are hurting other people.

Don't pout, pumpkin.

I don't want you mad at me.

I'm just a little confused as to why you don't want to...

Repeat performance?

Well, listen, Maestro, I mean, it's simple.

We shared a lovely, spontaneous, in the moment experience.

You forgot hot.

That, too.

And now it's history.

History can repeat itself.

No, history should stay in the past.

You can't go home again.

What about third base?
(Door opens)

Look at this. You guys are nothing if not well funded.

Hey, Fisher. Did you crack the case yet?

As of now, still no motive for the k*lling.

The victim led a simple life.

Worked 9:00 to 5:00 and spent his off-hours at home.

Any progress here?

I've ruled out some windows, but there are plenty still with their curtains closed.

So no sign of t*nk top girl or knife guy.

How long are you prepared to keep this up?

As long as it takes.

She's addicted.

I can stop anytime. I choose not to.

Kirsten, I have to tell you something.

It's about Ed Clark.

After an extensive investigation, we found no evidence of foul play.

LAPD is officially ruling his death as a su1c1de.

So that's it?

You've closed the case.


I'm looking forward to the day I prove you wrong.

Me, too.


Contrary to popular belief, all cops don't love doughnuts.

Suit yourself.

Hold it.

Is that a chocolate glazed?

Check it. Fisher likes sprinkles.

Don't judge me.

I got him.

Is that who you saw in stitch?

Yeah, he was arguing with her when Robbie saw them.

Looks like they still are.

What a douche.

Kirsten: Knife.

Which apartment is that?


Requesting back-up, apartment 7C, 652 south Broadway, domestic disturbance.

Suspect with a knife.

Yo, this isn't good.

Come on, Fisher!


We're too late.

He k*lled her.

Son of a bitch!

Come on, Fisher, get in there.

Finally. Get that bastard.

(Sirens wailing)

Oh, my God, the girl. Fisher, find the girl.

She's not dead.

It's a painting.


Oh, my God.

The guy's an artist.

He uses this palette knife to fling paint on a canvas.

In this case, red paint.

But I saw him fighting with his girlfriend.

It was about money. She says they always fight about money.

In fact, she had one foot out the door, but stuck around because he finally sold his first painting.

What was his name?

One of those artsy types. He goes by a single name.


The painting in Robbie's apartment.

Robbie bought the painting.


I'm not sure, but I feel...

Robbie was trying to help.

So our peeping Tom is a peeping good Samaritan?

I don't know yet.


Is someone there?

(Door opens and closes)

What are you two doing here?

We needed to calibrate some gear and thought we'd grab something for dinner.

Would you like an egg roll?

No, I'm good.

Did you see anyone getting in or off the elevator topside?


Okay. Enjoy.







Oh, you're up.

Well, now that you're awake.

Really? Here?

Get over yourself. I thought you and I could talk.

What do you need? A bedtime story?

I need to understand what went wrong.

Oh, my God. Why are you harping on this?

Because you and I are good together.

If things went too fast, we can slow down.

Hang out. Go to dinner?

Hold hands and take walks? I don't want that.

Not with me.

Not with anybody.

I'm just really diggin' being single right now.


How about now?

You're still at it.

Yeah, still no luck finding t*nk top.

Meanwhile, 6F has been a very naughty boy.

Okay, you need a break.

I've never seen people this way before.

You mean, how they behave when they think they aren't being watched?

Not just that, but being vulnerable.


It's intoxicating. I get why Robbie was obsessed.

Oh. Whoa.

Looks like naughty boy is playing "fifty shades of 6F."

I think you've seen enough.

What's your problem?

I'm just looking out for you.

No, you're smothering me.

Ever since that phone call this morning.

All of the extra precautions at the lab, and all of this hovering.

I'm being responsible.

I'm not your responsibility.

Yes, in fact, you are. When you're in a stitch, and you're waltzing around some dead person's memory, it is my job to keep you safe.

I know what I signed up for and I know all the risks.

All the risks? No.

You don't.

Everything that happens in the lab is recorded.

Archived for future reference and analysis.

Okay, so?

I need you to see something.

Cameron: If I rip her out now, her mind could fry!

Maggie: If you don't, she's gonna die.

Woman: She's seizing!

Cardiac arrest!

Cameron: We're losing her!

Maggie: Bounce her out of there, Cameron, now!

What went wrong?

Marta stayed in too long and she couldn't make the bounce by herself.

By the time I got her out, it was too late.

She died?

No, but she was damaged.

She's been in a coma for the last four months.

It was an accident.

It wasn't your fault.

No, I can't risk anything like that happening again.

I can't risk you.

Hey, guys? You'd better come in here.

Lady and gentlemen, may I present...

(snaps fingers)

t*nk top. Apartment 6B.

She just waved at us.

And just invited us over for a beers.

No way.

Dude, you have to.

Dude, I'm not going over there.

Come on, Cameron. Take one for the team.

She obviously knew Robbie was watching her, and she obviously didn't mind.

And Robbie is obviously dead.

Fine. Whatever. I'll go.

Like hell.

You jealous?


It's not like you have to sleep with her, but this is a good way to find out what she knows about Robbie.

What if it's a trap?

Seriously? What kind of trap?

Okay, let's say she saw Robbie spying on her. She's upset.

Yeah, she seemed livid. Keep going.

Okay, now let's say she has a boyfriend. Big guy.

And now let's say he's waiting in the other room.

Let's say threesome.

I swear, if you don't stop with the comments...

It's not a trap. I know. Robbie felt some emotional pull to her.

Maybe she feels the same way.

Even more reason not to go.

I can't play with people's emotions like this.

(Knock on door)

I got this.

It's her.

I got this.

No. Get in the bedroom. All of you.

Oh, no.


Uh... hi.



Hi. Again.

Didn't you use to live in the apartment below?

Yes. Yeah, I did.

I... I moved.

Oh. Well, why didn't you come over?

Didn't you see me waving to you?

Um, yes.

I noticed something like that.

Listen, I'm not who you think I am.

I think you are.

You've been watching me for months.

I know you have.

Listen, yeah, about that. I'm sorry.

Don't be. I model for art students.

So I'm kind of used to being stared at.

Oh... so why are you here?

To thank you.

For watching you?

For sending over all those groceries.

When they first got delivered, I couldn't figure out who sent them, and then I realized that you could see into my fridge and you saw it was empty.

Yeah, I noticed that.

I'm gonna pay you back just as soon as I can.

But I just wanted to tell you I know it was you, and to thank you.

The world needs more people like you.

And any time you want to come over for that beer, you know where to find me.

We had Robbie all wrong.

He wasn't a peeping Tom.

He was a good Samaritan.

(Elevator bell dings)

Any success?

Let's just say mission not quite accomplished.

We did eliminate two suspects, but still haven't found anyone with a motive to k*ll Robbie.

Turns out he's not a bad guy at all.


Camille: He bought a painting off a struggling artist, sent groceries to a poor art school model.

The guy was spying on people, but he was trying to help them.

Well, obviously, someone didn't care for his brand of help.

Stitch me back in. I must have missed something.

I don't advise it. The timing's too tight.

What's left of Mr. Peterson's memory is about to expire.

I have an idea. Something I want to try.


I'd rather just do it.

If I tell you, nervous Nellie here won't let me.

If you don't tell me, cautious Cameron is going to say no.

Let me do it. It's going to be fine.

What if his memory collapses while you're trying your little experiment?

I'll bounce out.

Trust me, just the way you want me to trust you.

Talk to me, Goose. What do you see?

Robbie is enjoying his favorite pastime.

So what's this bold experiment of yours?

If Robbie has been watching the building since he moved in, that's two months of watching people in their most private moments, right?

Two months of learning their secrets.

Go on.

His life was based around the telescope.

I'll bet it's hypercharged with emotion.

Her brain activity's off the charts.

Why? What is she doing?

Kirsten, check in. What are you up to? Kirsten?!

Relax. I'm speeding through Robbie's memories from the last two months.

There's an apartment on the third floor...

What do you see?

Curtains. They're always closed.

What's inside they don't want people to see?

Maybe it's vacant.

No, the rental company for the building claims 100% occupancy.

Memory collapse in 20 seconds.

Get out of there.

Hang on. Do not bounce me.

The mannequin in the window.

It's a signal. They're transporting something.

Kirsten, your exit pin code.

Linus: 15 seconds.

There's a helicopter.

Ten seconds.


I'm bouncing you.

You know you can't do that.


Seven, six...


Four, three, two.

I heart Linus!


I told you to trust me.

What happened? What did you see?

I think Robbie's k*ller.

The apartment was built in 1942.

There are two entrances... one in the front with a doorman and one in the back through the alley.

Now the original storefront on the ground floor used to keep inventory upstairs in apartment 3C, which they used to move merchandise with a private elevator.

The boutique that we saw in Kirsten'stitch... daisies and dots... that occupies the same ground floor space.

Apartment 3C is leased to the same owner.

But what are they using it for? To store women's clothes?

Maybe, if they're stolen.

It has to be something illegal.

Why else would they go to the trouble to keep it a secret?

And then use the mannequin to signal the van?

Mannequins aren't creepy enough.

I'll call Fisher. He'll need to get a warrant.

Looks like your neighbor may have stumbled upon something after all.

And paid for it with his life.

(Accented) Lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eye.


Jaws. Quint's monologue.

Classic Spielberg. I feel ya, bro.

Why is quoting movie lines such a guy thing?

The freaky mannequin's arm is down.

Which means they're in a holding pattern. Any activity in the apartment?

Camille: Nada. The blinds are still down.

Where's Fisher already?

Maggie said he's on his way.

Where are you going?

To the back entrance of the building. I need to see what's in that apartment.

Right, 'cause you haven't done anything reckless or foolhardy in almost an hour.

Okay, don't take your eyes off the stiff. Keep us posted.

Roger that.

Okay, 3C should be at the end of the hall.



Thank you for going through with the stitch before.

I know you didn't want to.

Wow. An expression of gratitude.

You must think I'm an awful person.

Actually, all things considered, on certain occasions, I'd say you're pretty remarkable.

Talk about a qualified compliment.

Okay, we still need to have an understanding.

If you ever feel uncomfortable in the lab or experience any side effects, promise you'll tell me, K?

If you promise me no more secrets.

You should've told me about Marta.

You're right.

And I'm not her, okay?

You don't have to worry about me.

That I can't promise, but I'll try.

3F, 3B, 3D.

Where's 3C?


Apartments don't just disappear.

What are you doing?

A trick Ed taught me about how to find an empty space behind a wall.



There is a large gap behind this wall right here.

Someone plastered over the door?

What are you doing?

A little reconnaissance. I need to see.

We're in the apartment.

We need to hurry. Someone would've heard that.

Who lives like this?

Cameron, take a look at these.

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Mexico, Turkey.

All women.

They're human traffickers.

We better call Fisher. Get him down here now.

Hey, wonder twins. You there?

Yeah, what's up?

We got a high-five from the mannequin.

Kirsten: Let's go.

Van's here. Right on cue.

What are they loading?

I can't see. They must be loading the van through the side door.

Kids, the van's leaving. Hurry!

(Engine turns over)

(Siren wailing)

Police! Hands in the air. Hands in the air!

Hands in the air! Hold it.

It's okay. You don't have to hide anymore.

(Sighs) Now I've seen enough.

Fisher said that the driver confessed to k*lling Robbie Peterson.

Wow, he was a guardian angel after all.

I mean, without Robbie, all those women would have been lost.

Now we know that Cameron wasn't the target.

To Robbie Peterson.

To Robbie.

Wait. Cameron should be in on this. I'll go get him.

Should we wait for them?



(Glasses clink)

♪ In love, you were in ♪
♪ In love, you were in ♪
♪ And the only thing that I was told ♪
♪ Always sail away a feeling ♪
♪ If the sea of hope is calm ♪
♪ Just surrender to your being ♪
♪ I'm all ♪
♪ Around you ♪
♪ And if the dark is blinding ♪
♪ I'm all ♪
♪ Around you ♪
♪ We'll run forever with the lightning ♪
♪ I'm all ♪
♪ Around you ♪
♪ If the dark is blinding ♪
♪ I'm all ♪
♪ Around you ♪
♪ We'll run forever with the lightning ♪

(Theme music playing)