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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 06/24/15 18:23
by bunniefuu
You know I want to take down the serious crims.

And I told Cartwright you could be the key to making it happen.

That will make it up to 100 grand.

I expect it to happen without me touching any cash.

Armed police! Hands on your head now!

I'm DI Gemmell. So, what does the UNIT do?

Now I'm going to have every tosser with a dress uniform in a swivel chair, wanting to know who we are!

We'll do it all again, yeah?

Bit full of himself?

Full of something.

That's my boy here. Good little listener.

It's all right for you, waltzing out with your new mates.

How am I supposed to make a difference?

For your information, I expect you to get off of those crutches and back out there with me.

I've told you, Ash, you cannot keep taking these risks any more.

You can't do it.

Ash? Ash?

Here's the rest. Just make sure you get that 100 grand where it needs to be.

(Console beeps, baby cries)

Woman: Shh, sweetheart, shh. Hello?

Xavier: Got one large needs picking up in the morning.

Woman: No, Mum can't have Jodie on Tuesdays.

Xavier: It's important. I'll pay you double, all right?

Woman: What's happened to...

Xavier: He let us down.

(Phone rings off)


(Recording rewinds)

Xavier: It's important. I'll pay you double, all right?

Woman: What's happened to...

Xavier: He let us down.

[HE GASPS] They jumped me!

(He sobs)

(He groans and gasps)

[HE SOBS] There was nothing I could do!

(He sobs)

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

You see, a lie is like any commodity.

Yeah? You've got to sell it. You've got to believe in your product.

But the first customer you're selling it to is yourself, but I'm just not getting that belief.

Anyway, Otis told me everything, so...

I know, I know. Your best friend, right?

It was his idea. I swear.


What did you do with Otis?


What? Even after he told you?

Oh, you see, I made that bit up.

Truth is I'm not a bad liar myself.

(He sobs)

(It's all right.)

No! Please! Please!

(Water splashes)

(Sobs and groans)

I hope that reassured you.

We'll recover your money, and, er... make up the shortfall.

Anything else?

This transfer tomorrow.

Why are you so worried about it? It's all in hand.

I just need to make sure the money makes it from A to B.

There's a bit more to it than just A to B.

Our people want paying directly in cash.

Have you got any idea the amount of germs there is in a pocketful of cash?

Someone important needs this money to get to Spain safely.

I get it, all right, and that's why we've arranged for this to be handled separately to our normal business.

So, tell this someone the transaction will be highly discreet.

Totally untraceable.


You sure this new boy's going to be up to it?

Don't worry. I've had my eye on him for a while.

This hawala thing's perfect.

All under the radar and the kid's keen to make a name for himself.

You're going to make sure this reaches my sister in Somalia, yeah?

In two hours tell your sister to go see Alfred at the Juba Garage.

He'll give her the money, minus our commission.

Long as she has this password. Nativity. You got that?


All right.

Alfred: 'Juba Sudi. Galab wanaagsan?'

This is Zubin Ray in London.

'Ah, Tahir's little man. How are you this afternoon?'

I'm good. I've got a woman coming to pick up 200 dollars.

Settle with you later, yeah?

'No problem.

'You got the password?'


Music: "Help Yourself" by Tom Jones

♪ You want to taste and help yourself ♪
♪ The sweetest things are there for you ♪
♪ Help yourself, take a few ♪
♪ That's what I want you to do... ♪



Thank you.

Does Tommy know his courier still hasn't turned up?

He's just grabbing some shuteye.

He's what?

Well, he has been up all night.

Ah, good morning.

(He grunts)

My God, this desk is a disaster.

(Tommy grunts)

What's this?

Are we running a diary service now?

Oh, no. It's just a reminder.

Lorna's taking her dad to hospital. Ash is picking up the kids.

You've got Kim and Martin out too? Why have you got them out so early?

There's 100 grand being picked up.

Xav's paying his courier double to make sure it happens this morning.


So, maybe it's for something important.

Or someone important.

Where are the selection boxes?

You stopped doing them years ago, Dad.

Has anybody been in this week?

(Door opens, shop bell rings)

All right, Dad?

Couldn't you have sorted this?

Been out collecting, haven't I?

What's the matter?

Starting to see why you didn't want to do this when Dad's dementia got bad.

Hawala is an honour. Remember that, yeah?

You can't make a living out of an honour.

Open these.

We'll have tea together before you go back to work.

You know what Mum would have said about this, don't you?

Both: You eat it, you pay for it.


♪ Ain't shady, baby ♪
♪ I'm hot like the prodigal son ♪
♪ Pick a petal, eeny meeny miny mo ♪
♪ And flower, you're the chosen one ♪
♪ Well, your left hand's free ♪
♪ And your right's in grip ♪
♪ With another left hand ♪
♪ Watch his right hand slip ♪
♪ Towards his g*n ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ Well, my left hand's free ♪
♪ Oh, no! ♪

Music: "Get It On" by band T Rex

♪ Get it on ♪
♪ Bang a gong ♪
♪ Get it on... ♪

Here, Tommy.

'What's up?'

While you've been taking it easy, guess what? I think your girl might have shown up.

(Music plays)

Look lively.

♪... with your cloakful of eagles... ♪

It's definitely her.

How do you know?

Teenage mum. Intercept said she had a kid.

Besides, if there really was a suit in the bag, don't you think she'd be a bit more careful with it?

I'll take the front. Kim?


Let's go!

All right, let's see where this money goes.

'This is Martin. She's heading east towards Borough Street.'

Ash: Heading you off at the pass. Keep eyes tight.

Kim: 'Target is nine-one to you, Ash.'

Copy that. I'm five-five.

Wait, wait. She's slowing down.

'I can't see. There's a bus in the way. Is she moving?'

She's stopped outside a money exchange.

Must be a drop. Let the courier walk it in.

We follow the clean money out. Let's see who this leads us to.

If Tommy's right, it could be important.

'Wait. She's not going in.'

I think someone might be with her, but I'm blind.

Kim: 'I'm blind too. Ash, have you got eyes?'

I can't see. There's a bus in the way. Is she moving?

Valerie: 'This is our only lead here. Don't lose it.'

Martin: 'I can't get a visual.'

'Target's not moving.'

The bag's gone. It's a handover.

'Has anyone got eyes on? Can anyone see the bag?'

Kim: 'Right, I have no visual. Repeat, I have no visual.'


(Car revs)

(Tyres screech)

(Distant siren blares)

Lost him.

Look, I told you, there was a bus.

Just as they handed over at the exchange.

I mean, come on, there must have been CCTV on it.

Have you any idea how many buses run in front of that place?


That's 31 between 10.30 and 11am, each with up to 16 cameras.

Good news is six of those point outside.

Bad news is different operators run the bus system.

Tommy: So, that's 12 different companies.

So, you can't do it?

Of course I can. I just wanted to let you know how hard it's been.

That's him. Nice one, Tommy.

So, who is he? And who does he work for?

Just trying to get a name.

You remember me, don't you? Kensal College? Warky?

I thought I'd best come in, see if we can sort this.

It's probably done through some system, isn't it?

Actually, it was referred to me.

(He sighs)

With a criminal record, you're not a good risk, I'm afraid.

This is cos of your little brother.

Thank you for coming in.

Zubin, wasn't it?

If there's anything else...

Yeah. Remember when you stuck up for him that day?

I'm sorry.

Not sorry enough!

Out the way. Bitch.

So, Gemmill did a ring round. Came through with an ID.

That's Dexter Blair. Nice little record with a dash of v*olence.

Yeah, we've got his phone number but nothing yet.

So, how do we find him?

We know where he'll be at two o'clock.

Tooting Jobcentre. Signs on every Wednesday. Clockwork.

Val, you beauty.

Can't help themselves, can they?

Go on, go and see if the little scrounger's still got the money.


I'll let Cartwright know.

And, Tommy, home.

That's me, guys. Have fun.

You know what, guys? I've got this.

On your own?

Not exactly.


Ah, come on. It will be all right. It will just be for a little bit. You lot can take over at half three, anyway, can't you?

Look, Ash, I'm not sure about this.

Hey, Tommy, you feel like stretching those legs?

Tommy: Aye aye, here he is, still holding on to that 100 grand.

Ah, it's good to have you back in the seat, Robin.

What? Robin? Since when?

That makes me Batman.

How... how are you Batman?

Nice car for someone signing on, eh?

My thoughts exactly.

(Starts engine)

Here we go.

Tomorrow your contact will need to meet Jakob, in Malaga, Spain, at 3 Calle Conquista. 10am.

Password's nature.

You're making a good decision. This is the start...

Just shut it.

Am I seeing things? Or did he just give 100 grand to One Direction?

(Engine starts)

Ash: Val, Blair's handed the money over to some kid.

I'm five-five.

'Copy that.

'Just picking up Blair ringing out now.'

Great. Keep me informed.



Blair just called out.

Who to?

Unknown number. Spain.

Blair: 'I'm speaking for the Accountant.

'Pick up the money at 3 Calle Conquista. Password's nature.'

Who's the "Accountant"?

Bet he doesn't do the VAT returns.

Why do they need a password?

I know.

If they're using a password, they could be transferring the money through a hawala broker.

Valerie: So... shop's registered to a Tahir Ray.

He must be the hawaladar.

They'll be using him to move the cash.

We're talking money-laundering here.

But hawala is usually legal.

Who's it for? 100 grand.

Right now, I'm more interested in what it's for.

Deposit for a shipment?

It's too small.

This is for something else. A bribe maybe?

Or a debt?

The Accountant could tell us.

Oh, I'm sure he could tell us all sorts.

Valerie: 'Ash? We think your little kid's pulling some kind of magic trick, making 100 grand leave the country without it moving an inch.'

How exactly?




Er... how exactly?

Martin: 'It's called hawala.

'It's an ancient money transfer system built on honour and trust.

'When I was at MI6, we tracked...'

(Phone clicks off)

Oh, mate. Time, time.

Oh, shit. The kids.

Er... yeah, that's great. Just get here ASAP, would you?

I've got kids to pick up.

Martin: 'OK, on our way.'

I should wait here for 'em in case something else happens.

No, it will be all right. They'll be here in 15 minutes.

Besides, Cartwright finds out, that's a sackable offence for both of us.

Ah, come on, please.

You're not ready.

Well, like you said, it's just for 15 minutes.

15 minutes!

All right, go on, then.

Just watching.

Yeah, just going to watch.

Oi, Tommy. Just watching.

Yeah, course, yeah. Just watching, watching.

Whatever you say.

(Car starts)

Shall we close up?

And why would we do that?

There are still five whole minutes left.

(Shop bell rings)


What is the matter?

Nothing. Sorry, we're closing.

I'll be quick.

Yes, come in, come in.

All right. My dad will take care of you.

Cheers, man.

They say sweets are just for children, but they are wrong.

Sweets bring out the child in all of us.

Tahir: Now, what can I tempt you with?

Jakob: 'Estepona Servicios Financieros?'

Jakob? This is Zubin Ray.

Have a good look.

Those are coconut, these are plain.

Zubin: You can pay out 100K, right?

After commission.

Jakob:'100,000? Where's your father?'

I've got the money right here.

These are almond.

.. any time you like.

Jakob: 'For so much money, I need to speak to your father.'

It's me you're dealing with now. I've got someone coming to collect in the morning.

We do selection boxes, you know...

Come on, you people move this kind of money all the time.

Jakob: 'I need to speak with your father. He never dealt with dirty money.'

Just do me this favour, yeah? Please. I won't forget it.

The best of the shop all in one box.

Yeah, one of them, definitely.

All right.

No, wait! Jakob!

They are here somewhere.



(Busy tone)


Where's the safe?!

Where's the safe?! No, no, no, no, no!

What? Dad!

Stay down!

Stay down!

Dad! What's going on?

The safe! Where is it?

We've got nothing!

I'm gonna smash your grandad's head in!

Peppered, are ya? Where is it?

Don't mess me about!

Put it down!

Don't hurt him!

Where's the safe?

All right! All right, I'll take you!

Don't move! You stay still, and you stay still!

I'll kick your head in, mate. All right!

Open it!

I've got it. It's OK. All right!

Get it all in there!

Hurry up!

And the rest of it!

Do it!

Hurry up, bollocks! Come on!

Stay down!

Stay down!

Come on, let's go! Let's get out of here!

Come on, let's go!

Move, move, move!


(He gasps)

She's rubbish. Take her off the team.

Come on, then. Oh, victory dance.

Hannah: No, no, no, no, no! OK, right. Goal.

Ooh, good stop.

(Door opens)

How did it go?

Bad news. Blood tests were all clear.

You're going to have to put up with me for a lot longer.

That's great. That's great.

Was I worried? What's the score?

Oh, er... Hannah United, five, Chloe Athletic, one.

Oh. Well, you go with Chloe.

Grandad can sabotage Hannah.

Hey, girls, Grandad's here!

Oh, Lord, Lord.

There you go, there you go.

I've never seen him look so terrified.


Don't be. He's your dad, ain't it?

Thinking about mine today.


Did... did I tell you that he took me fishing?



It was about the one thing we did do together. And now...

You're lucky to have him.

Yeah, I know.

And the girls are lucky to have you.

I'll tell you what, I'm going to go in goal.


Yeah, I know I don't offer usually, but I'm going to show you.

All right, all right. Hold on. One sec. Yeah?

Wait. Tommy did what?

Um... um...

I'm on my way.

(Laughter outside)

(Laughter outside)

Ralph: On the head, on the head.

Here it comes. Listen...

What did you get for me?

I'm really... really, really sorry.

Just answer him, Tommy.

Sounded like the kid was having trouble moving the money.

And now he's been turned over?

By who?

We don't know.

Well, how did these blokes find out about the money anyway?

Maybe Blair double-crossed him?

No, Blair would use professionals.

These were amateurs robbing an amateur. This Zubin's a wide boy, ain't he? He's careless. He's probably giving off "rob me" signals round half of east London.

So, now he's no idea what he's got himself into or who he owes.

But that works for us.

The money didn't make it to Spain, but if we stay on Blair, the Rays, they can still lead us to this Accountant.

We watch that shop.

What? You're using them?

[PATS TABLE] Are you questioning me, son?

Ash: Hello. Who's this?

This is Ash. I need to ID a plate.

Dad, let me take you to the hospital.

There's work to be done.

You've had a shock. Yeah? You both have.

Stop fussing. I'm fine. Your brother is fine.


Why don't you have a lie-down, at least?

Just call the police, will you?

We can't call them.

Why not?

100 grand, for someone you don't know?

Plus the commission.

How did this bloke find you?

My reputation.

You mean Dad's reputation?

It was a chance to make some money, Ast, real money.

Dirty money.

Dad never touched that stuff cos it always brings trouble.

You know what people like that do when they're owed?

It won't come to that.

It always comes to that!

Why don't you try ringing Jakob in Spain?

Don't you reckon we've damaged Dad's reputation enough?


When were they expecting to collect?


(He sighs)

Oh, this gets better and better(!)

Right, give me this Blair's number.

Give me his number!

Valerie: 'Ash, the car is registered to an Astin Ray.

'He's our courier's big brother.

(He clears throat)

Yeah, yeah, this is Astin Ray. Who am I speaking to?

Blair: 'What? Wrong number.'

Who am I speaking to?

Looks like he's taking charge.

Look, it's about the deal with my brother.

Blair: Don't know what you're talking about.

Er... the money won't be...

(Line goes dead)

(He sighs)

It wasn't the kid who called you?

His brother. He's not part of the business.

He's the manager at some building society or something.

Is he, now?


You know the grandmasters? Karpov? Kasparov?

Chess, Blair.

They'd be thinking a dozen, maybe 20 moves ahead.

Look, what are we going to do? Cos between Docker and this Zubin kid there's 100 grand's worth of trouble, and we're caught in the middle.

Yeah, well, the thing about being in the middle of the chessboard is you can see all the sides.

You get the whole picture.

I'll sort things with Docker.

You call this brother back, arrange to meet.

Let's see if we can't extract some value from this situation.


The Rays didn't report the robbery?

No. But Astin called Blair. Got short shrift.

Blair speaks for the Accountant?

The Rays have lost him 100 grand of our crew's money.

Mm-hm, and he'll want it back.


Then that makes Astin our way in.

Let's see what he does next.

Er... just hang on.

By the way... ever let me down like that again... either of you.

You realise you could have cost us yesterday? Both of us.

I had it yesterday.


You almost got yourself k*lled.

I had it!

From the floor? What were you going to do? Bite their ankles?

'Hurry up! And the rest of it! Do it!'

'Hurry up, bollocks!'

'Peppered, are you?'

(Whirs and beeps)

'No, there's no way I can make it out tonight. I'm totally peppered.'

(Recording rewinds)

'No way I can make it out tonight. I'm absolutely peppered.'

Woman: 'We'll need 20 kilos of Spanish peppers.'

Man: 'We've just come down from Manchester looking for work.

'We're totally peppered here.'

'We're totally peppered here.'

'Peppered, are ya?'

(He types)

Come on.

Ash: That's a man out of his depth.

He's in trouble.

(He sighs)

(He sighs)

(Beeps and whirs)

Lionel: 'That kid was in the club again last night, sh**ting his gob off.'

Turk: 'What's he say?'

Lionel: 'Reckons he might be coming into some money.'

Turk: 'Mate, I've never had an easier job in my life.'

Does he have to do that?

It's part of his rehab, ain't it?

Anything more on the Rays?

None of them have any previous.

Shop's a disaster financially but they still pay their rates, taxes.

Maybe Tommy was right?

About what?

Well, this kid's an amateur.

Just dipped his toe in the wrong pond.

It's the pond I'm interested in, not him.

(Ringing tone)

Blair. He's calling big brother.

Blair: 'Enfield estate, by the old factory. Two hours.'

I can only apologise. I've arranged for the cash to be transferred today.


The guy turned up and it wasn't there, Reid.

Utterly regrettable.

But I'll have the cash there within an hour, via a more conventional route but with no connection whatsoever to you.

I'll waive my commission and, as a... a gesture of goodwill, with the intention of maintaining our relationship, I'll give you an extra 10%.


Of course.

Here we go.
(Brakes squeal)

Get in!

Ash: Hm. Why's our boy Blair switched cars?

(Car starts)

Martin: What's he brought him here for?

Ash: Must be a meet.

(Muffled speech on tannoy)

Ah. Mr Ray. Who are you?

Look, you just answer his questions, yeah?

Get out.


You're finished.

Now get out.

(Door shuts)

It should be him and your brother having this conversation.

Instead it's you and me.

(Tannoy announcement)

They must be meeting the Accountant.

Well, he's somewhere in this hall.

We find Blair's car, we find this Accountant.

It's YPO7 CEU, silver Ford Mondeo.

Look, Zubin is... is not...

I mean, you made a mistake, going to him, and he should never have...

Someone took your money. I can get you 15 grand by tomorrow.

I made a promise to my client that he could pick up his money in Malaga... today.

Man on tannoy: 'The auction will be starting in two minutes.'

You haven't just compromised my client's money.

You've compromised my reputation, and that is the very foundation of my business.

Little bit like Tahir's.


Cake? No?

I popped round your shop this morning, met your old man.

He's a delightful gentleman, your dad.

He's someone who understands exactly the meaning of earning someone's trust... which can be destroyed in seconds.

But I think I've negotiated a path through our little difficulty.

Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, you're very welcome. First, you'll waive your share of the commission?

Yeah, of course, anything.

Then I'll tell my client that his money's going to be paid back in full with, er... compensation from you.


Yeah. 25%.

125? I...

By close of business tomorrow.

What if I can't pay it?

Well, it's payment or cost.

Man on tannoy: 'The auction will be starting in one minute.'

There's so many silver cars.

Kim: 'We've only got minutes before they clear the forecourt.'

Come on, guys. They're here somewhere.

It's your choice. You seem like a man who cares for his family.

A man in your position...

Look, I can't just pick up 125 grand and walk out the branch.

I'm sure you'll think of something.

Got it.


They're too sweet for me.

Trying to get a look.

Ah, clocked Astin.

They must have switched cars. Has anyone got eyes on Blair?


Man on tannoy: 'The auction is about to commence.

'Please clear the forecourt immediately.'

That's impossible.

It's worse than that.

He's added 25%.

125 grand by tomorrow?

Shop's not even worth that.

I'll talk to this bloke.

He won't talk to you.



I'll tell them the truth. How it was all my fault.


That... that we've handled dirty money?

No, just me.

We're a family.

It's all of us.

Yeah? It's Dad.

Then how do we get out of this?

I shouldn't have walked away.

When Dad's memory started going, I should have become the hawaladar.


It's me.

I just wanted to do something, you know?

Get respect.

If only it came that easy.

Make me happy.

Your money's been received in Spain. Reid stumped up with his own cash.

Ah. Got yourself a suit for Saturday?

I'm not going to fit in at that place, am I?

You need to get yourself a suit.

But, listen, this Accountant...

Start at the top! Work down! Wheels last! Understand?

I don't believe it.

For Christ's sake! Give it to me!

Start at the top.

The top!



Thank you.


Right as rain.

Turns out he's been lining his pocket off the back of his own cock-up.

(He sighs)

Reid's trying to skim us?

That's what I reckon.

He was too quick to make a deal.

Didn't sell it to me, you know? Blair dished the dirt.

Accountants. All the same.

People taking advantage.

Maybe I'm getting too soft.

I mean... when was the last time we actually hurt anybody?


I want you to do something for me.

Yeah, yeah. OK, cool. How soon can I get the money?

'Once we process your loan application, we'll transfer it into your account within three working days.

'No, I need it by today. I need it by today.'

I need it by today.

(He breaths hard)

(Keypad beeps, dialling tone)

(He clears throat)

Wark: 'Yeah?'

Can we meet?

Wark: 'Who's this?'

Astin: 'It's Astin Ray. I need your help.'

(She stops recording)

He's tried his own place. Every other high street bank.

Sold everything he owns.

He's getting desperate.

The more desperate he is, the more useful to us.

He can already ID us the Accountant.

We can't know for sure that's who he met at the auction.

Oh, come on.

Why all the cloak and daggers if it weren't him?

Do you want to approach Astin?

No. Let him swim to the bottom.

If he makes the money back, there'll be connections for us to exploit.

And what happens if he turns up dead?

There's no duty of care here. Listen to the evidence.

Does any of it even imply a threat to life?

We all know how these stories end.

Darren, you've got to listen to me, yeah? Darren?

Darren, listen, yeah?

We've got 220,000.

We've got 220,000 in our safe.

We use it for the cash machine refill.

Yeah? I was thinking 50-50.



There's a... there's a service door at the back.

Just keep it away from the public area. But it must look real.

How real?

Like... like I put up a fight.


All right.

(He retches)

Mate of yours?

Don't worry. I'm not gonna mug you.

I didn't think that...

Well, it's not like you've got much left to nick anyway, have you?


Yeah, you've got to be careful who you move money for.


Mm... someone who can help.

If you help me.


You've still got time to help yourself and your family.


Astin. Astin, look at me.

Look at me.

Just tell us, who did you meet at the car auction?

What have you done so far?


You've... you've flogged your car.

Called up a load of payday loan companies. But him?

He's moving money off the street for some... bad people.

It's just money.

It's never just money.

Every fiver's got a victim's name on it.

Look... Stay... stay away from me.


Stay away from me!

Turk: 'How easy was it for the little scroat and his dad to give up their stash? That cr*pple on the floor wasn't going to give us any shit, was he?'

Lionel: 'Where's the money?'

Turk: 'Back at the B&B.'

Lionel: 'We'll scoot back home tonight. We'll be welcomed back as friggin' heroes, mate.'

'Friggin' heroes!'


'And there's a bangin' Porsche as well down the bottom of the street.

'We'll nab that for the journey.'


That bloke that Astin just met?

Er... yes, still trying to ID him.

I... I think Astin's going to do something.

How do you know?

I just met with him.

You did what? What did I tell you?!

Give me one reason I shouldn't sack you on the spot!

Yeah, well, maybe you should. I'm not hanging an innocent man out to dry.



That is not what I do.

This is what you've signed up for.

This is my operation.

Yeah, yeah, we're all aware of that!

It runs according to my rules!

And if you want to keep your position here, I suggest...

(Radio screeches)

What if we could get the money back?

Get your police friend on it before it disappears up north.

(Sirens blare)

All right! Get off me! Hey, get off me!

All right, mate! All right, all right!

Get off me!

Get off! Nah, you know what I mean?

Listen, you bald twat! You've got nothing on me!

Oh, yeah. What's this, then? Your wash bag?

Well, you know, I've never seen that before in my life!

Oh, yeah(!)

Where do you get all that, bollocks?

In the car, boys.

Will you? Will you?

Hey! Hey, you love! I tell you what, yeah...

All right, Ash.

If you can hear me over the gratuitous Manc-ing, I've got 100 grand minus a couple of lap dances.

Now what?

You sure this will work?

This is how you follow the money.

You, er... slip one... between each bundle, take people out of the equation.

Money does all the talking for us.

Until someone counts it and realises they're being watched.

Got to take risks.

All we need now is Astin to put it back into the chain.

You saw him meeting with Darren Wark. I don't know what they've got planned, but Wark's got a lot of letters after his name.



(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps)

(Tyres screech)

(Engine revs)

I've been trying to get through to you.

(Slams door)

We can't do this.

I just knew you'd bottle it.

Come on, darling. That's it. Up.

Yeah, like you said, I'm not a good risk.

Just like old times, eh?

Open the cage.

Don't make a bad decision. Please.

Not so proud of big brother now, are we? Get in.

OK, don't... don't hurt him any more. Please.


Please. I'll... I'll give you everything.


Aw(!) Open it.

Go on.

Go on!

I'm doing it. I'm doing it.

Come on, chop chop. That's it. Go on!


Ash: I'll give Astin the good news. You two cover out back.

Here's the money. You can let us go now. Please.

How many more of you out there?

None. It's just us.


Right, get in there.

We'll get in if you let him go.

Get in there!

Phones, keys. Out now. Slide them out.

(Distant siren blares)

Chop chop. That's it.

(Phone rings)

Wark: 'I'm walking out of here so you lot stay still.'

And stay quiet!

Not bad for one GCSE, yeah?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

(He groans)

Give me two minutes.

(Alarm wails)

(He chokes)

Stay down.

(Wark moans)

(He sighs)

Wark's saying you were in on it?

But your brother, he reckons it was his idea.

He's covering for me.


Yeah, I don't know. He thinks you're worth it.

And what do you think?

All the money's there. That's 100 grand, son.

You make up the interest.


(Shop bell rings)

It's all in there.

Why did I need to come in?

I wanted to give it you in person. No middlemen.

I just want this over and my family left alone.

I'm sold.

(Shop bell rings)


Soon as the money's in play, this Accountant's mine?

Yeah, that was the deal.


They said you and Dad are safe now. You take care of him. OK?

Let Zubin run the shop now, Dad.

He's got a good heart and good ideas.

Yeah? Besides, I'm gonna need a job when I get back.

Look after yourself.

You all right?

Look, with a guilty plea, it won't be too long, yeah?

(Shop bell rings)

(Door shuts)

(He breathes hard)

(He breathes hard)

(Keys jingle)

(Console beeps)

Tommy: There you go, it's talking.

It's singing.


We're deeper into this crew.

You got what you wanted.

Nobody got hurt.

This time.


Well done.

[SHE CLEARS THROAT] Calls for a celebration.

Shouldn't we wait for the others?

I wasn't going to.

Unless you...

No, you... you're all right.


What's going on?

What... what are you doing?

You're not answering my texts. Something wrong with your phone?

Yeah, you keep ringing it.

Come on, you can't keep blanking me.

I think she's made herself clear.

This is a private conversation.

Wait in the car.

Yeah, you heard the lady.

Who's he?

(Low chatter)


Fishing rods?

Yeah. Thought it'd be good for me and the girls.

You can try.

(They chuckle)


You all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Er... I'm gonna take a shower.

(Low chatter)

Hello, John. You all right?

You all right?

Do that up there. Peter, this is Gavin.

Everybody's going through.

See? You fit in just fine, don't you?

The Accountant?


Gave us your money back, with the interest included.

It's back where it started plus 25K for our trouble.

Who did you use?

Disgruntled ex-employee.


How's the golf?

Crap, aren't they?

This is DI Gemmill. We're going to need forensics up here.

Man: Gentlemen, will you now please be upstanding for your president.

(Applause and cheering)

We've just had a sweep on those tagged notes. They've moved.

Moved where?

'You're looking at them.'

Full payment in euros. My operation is massively foolproof.

So, this Scandawegian of yours, he's got a nickname. The Viking.

The Viking's going to be our competition.

I want his gear, and then I want him out of business.

Everything we do is being scrutinised.

By who?

Not your concern.

Well, it feels like my concern if you're running scared of some suit.

If you're going to keep working these type of criminals, you just can't bring it home with you, son.

Shut your mouth!

This job, it just gets under your skin.


I'm stepping away.


♪ Ain't shady, baby ♪
♪ I'm hot like the prodigal son ♪
♪ Pick a petal, eeny meeny miny mo ♪
♪ And, flower, you're the chosen one ♪
♪ Well, your left hand's free ♪
♪ And your right's in grip ♪
♪ With another left hand ♪
♪ Watch his right hand slip ♪
♪ Towards his g*n ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ Well, my left hand's free ♪
♪ Oh, no! ♪