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05x01 - Denial

Posted: 06/24/15 23:05
by bunniefuu
You're the most amazing woman I have ever met.

Are you doing what I think you're doing?

Rachel Elizabeth Zane, will you marry me?



You want my permission to take Mike and force him to be your associate?

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I got us something. It's the perfect way to consummate our relationship.

So just wait right here. It's in the kitchen.


I can't let you do this.

You're going back where you belong.

You never cared about me.

All you care about is yourself.

Louis, I'm not Norma.

I told you I'd never let anything happen to you.

And I won't ever.

I should go.


You know I love you, Donna.

You ran away but not before you told me you love me.

I did that because I wanted to make you feel better.

I don't want your pity.

You need to start thinking about a new secretary.

Harvey has no idea how lucky he is to have you.

[tense music]

I'm leaving you, Harvey.

You can't just quit.

I'm not quitting.

I'm going to work for Louis.

♪ ♪

So I told him I'll cave on the billables, but if he wants someone to kiss his ass all day, he'll have to settle for Louis.

[laughs] And what did he say?

I don't know, but we got paid and I haven't heard from him in a week.

I have to say Harvey, all things considered, you're taking this whole Donna-Louis thing in stride.

Well, I may have my issues, but they only make me stronger.

Good, because we're about to walk into a room packed with people who think they've got us by the balls.

Well, I don't care what they think, cause I'm gonna k*ll it.

[dramatic music]

What the hell's going on?

What's going on is I left you five messages and you never called me back.

The meeting was over an hour ago and you weren't here.

Five messages?

Please, you have to understand, I lost my secretary.

I don't give a shit. I lost my company.

No, you haven't.

We can get them back.

I can take care of it.


You can't even take care of yourself.

Sorry, Harvey. You're on your own.

♪ ♪

And then what happens?

And then I get up.

And how do you feel when you get up?

I told you I don't wanna talk about how I feel.

Then what are you doing here?

You know what I'm doing here.

I told you, your sleepless nights aren't going to stop until you accept the fact that your secretary isn't coming back.

And I told you they'll stop when she does.

So just write me another prescription and let me get some sleep in the meantime.

It doesn't work that way.

Then how does it work?

Why don't we start with you taking me through the whole story again?

What the hell good is that gonna do?

You want the truth?

I think you might have left some things out.

Well, I didn't, and I'm not about to go through this whole damn thing again.

Then go and find yourself another doctor.

Because I'm not writing a prescription for anything without you talking to me.

♪ ♪

[Mike sighs]

[Mike chuckles]

[laughs softly]

I...I can't stop staring at it.

Oh, I noticed.

Yeah. So will everyone else.

Well, I mean, yeah, that's the point.

For everyone to realize that you're my property.

[laughs] Okay.

Are you saying you own me now?

Oh, hell yeah, and this here is just like a little collar for your finger.




Mike, seriously...


I know we told my parents last night, but I was thinking that, in terms of work, maybe we should keep it to ourselves for a bit.

I understand.

You do?


You know, it's like there's this bubble around us, and you just don't want it to burst yet.

And you're okay with that?

Rachel, you just agreed to spend the rest of your life with me.

Right now I'm pretty okay with everything.


Then it's settled.


We'll tell Donna and that's it.


What about the bubble?

There's no Donna in the bubble.

Oh, come on, there's room for Donna in the bubble.

You realize I get to sleep with whoever's in the bubble, right?

So long as you realize that my dad's in the bubble.

Donna it is.


Come here.

All right.

Remember that thing online?


We're doing it.

Donna, what the hell are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

I'm getting rid of these résumés.

No, no. Oh, my God, woman, are you crazy?

I have interviews with Norma's replacements in ten minutes.

Oh, that's gonna be hard considering the fact that I canceled all your interviews.

Damn it, Donna, those were the best candidates in the city.

No, Louis, the best candidate in the city is standing right in front of you.

But you told me no.

And now I'm saying yes.

This is the most amazing moment in my entire life.


I'll get you a temp for a couple of weeks and then we'll get started.

Wait, I'm sorry, wait.

You haven't told Harvey yet?

I told him. I just-- I have to give him two weeks.

Okay, you know what, on second thought, as much as I appreciate the gesture, I think you should just stay with Harvey.

What are you talking about?

This isn't a gesture.

No, look, you just--

Do you remember Mike almost became my associate?

Louis: What am I talking about? Of course you do.

Well then, you'll also remember that just as Mike had said yes, Harvey swoops in and he takes him back from me at the last second.

That isn't gonna happen.

What you don't know is that I left the room.

I went to get Mike this cake that said, "Welcome to Team Litt."

Two minutes later, I come back and there they are, high-fiving, laughing, and then they leave.

[somber music]

I threw the cake out.

♪ ♪

I cannot have that happen again with you.

Louis, I told you that isn't gonna happen.

Did you not just hear me?

It took Harvey two minutes to steal Mike back from me.

With you, he has two weeks.

♪ ♪

So no thank you.

♪ ♪

Donna, I need to get in touch with Henderson before lunch, and I need to get Braxton a bottle of wine.

I took care of all that.

Good. Thanks.

Is there anything else you want to talk about?

Not that I can think of.

Did you really think that if you just acted like I changed my mind that I'd change my mind?

Oh, come on, Donna, Louis?

I mean, how long do you think that's going to last?

It's gonna last however long I want it to last.


Harvey, this is happening.

This is my formal notice.

But I have no intention of leaving you high and dry, so let's talk about finding you someone in the next two weeks.

Finding me someone?


I already have a list of the top legal secretaries in the city.

You mean you made a list for Louis before you decided to abandon me?

I'm not abandoning you, Harvey. I'm doing what's best for me.

Well, as long as we're doing what's best for ourselves, you know what's best for me?

Ripping the Band-Aid off.


So why don't you clean out your desk, walk yourself over to Louis, and take that with you?

[somber music]

This isn't how two adults who care about each other move on.

As far as I'm concerned, two adults who care about each other don't move on at all.

So, if you're gonna go, just go.

♪ ♪

♪ Suits 5x01 ♪
Original Air Date on June 24, 2015

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪


What the hell are you doing in here?

Kevin Slattery's been waiting 20 minutes.


Kevin Slattery.

Didn't Donna tell you?

No, she, um--

Harvey, what's going on?

Nothing's going on.

Why is Kevin Slattery here?

He's looking for a new lawyer, and I'm looking for you to close him.

Why me?

Why not you?

Because everybody and their mother knows they're going bankrupt in two weeks and I'm not a bankruptcy expert.

Aren't you listening to me?

He doesn't want to declare bankruptcy.

He wants you to fight for him.

Then he's come to me on the right day.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Kevin, I hear you're looking for a fight and I understand we don't have much time.

We don't, and I just wasted half an hour waiting for you.

So, before we get to anything, you're gonna convince me why I should go with you in the first place.

Okay, we're done.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


You heard me.

Only one of us is facing bankruptcy and it isn't me.

So instead of scolding me for being late, you needed to be convincing me why I should save your dying company.

So, nice to meet you.


What did you just say?

I have a game-changing contract that's guaranteed to come my way in six weeks if we can show solvency.

Guaranteed by who?

My college roommate.

And you tell that to your bankers, word gets out it's up for bid, your competitors undercut you, and your roommate won't be able to help you anymore.

But if we make it six weeks, we're back in business.

And I guarantee we'll never leave you.

Here's the thing, Kevin.

I don't give a shit about a regional trucking company that's only going to increase our billings 1%.

I get you out of this, your stock's gonna go through the roof.

You want a piece.

I want 20%

No way.

You're the one coming to me. Okay?

80% of something is a whole lot better than 100% of nothing.

[stirring music]

You gonna fight out there like you just did in here?

This is the preseason, Kevin.

I haven't even broken a sweat.

♪ ♪


Do you have a second?

Yeah, sure. What's going on?

Donna, are you shaking?

I never should have expected him to--

What's going on?

You know what? Never mind. Sorry.


What did you want to talk about?

You never should've expected who to what?

What happened?

I'm leaving Harvey.

Oh, my God.


You remember when I told you you could never go back, and then I said I lied about that?


Turns out I was lying when I said I lied.

So you're just gonna leave?

No, I'm going to work for Louis.

What? When?

[laughs softly]


I'm sorry, Rachel.

You didn't come in here to talk about this.

What did you wanna talk--


It's nothing.

It can wait.

You got something for me?

When don't I?

I redid your shitty motion to dismiss on Colter.

My shitty motion?

Yeah, your precedents might as well have been Flintstone v. Rubble.

Listen to me, The Flintstones is an iconic classic that clearly conveys the fact--

That you're old?

Hey, you're the one who came up with the reference.

Which conveys the fact that I'm smart.

Wow, somebody took their confidence booster shot this morning.

Actually, I took it last night. And by took it, I mean I asked Rachel to marry me.

Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to tell you that, but I just did.

Then I won't say congratulations yet.

Oh, no, you can still say it.

I can also say I need a list of every one of Slattery Corp's creditors, and I need it yesterday.

Now, why would you say that instead of congratulations?

Because we have less than two weeks to keep them out of bankruptcy and we can't do that without knowing every person Kevin Slattery owes a nickel to.

Harvey, that list is gonna be over 50 names long.

There's no way we can get to all of them in two weeks.

You know what? Instead of telling me what we can't do and asking me for a copy of Brides Magazine, why don't you just get the damn list together?

You told him we're engaged?

I couldn't help myself. But I wish I hadn't told him.

Harvey, what's going on with you?

Nothing's going on.

Congratulations. There, I said it.

Where the hell is my calendar?

You know, I had it right here yesterday.

I don't know. I'll go get Donna.

No, don't get Donna. I'll take care of it.

What do you mean don't get Donna?

I said I'll take care of it.

I've got it right here.

Thanks, Rachel.

[phone rings]

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Harvey Specter's office.

No, he's not available right now.

Can I take a message?

Why didn't you tell him about Donna?

Because I knew Rachel knew, and she'd tell him, and then I wouldn't have to waste my time with it.

Waste time or feel something?

You think I wasn't feeling something anyway?

And what were you feeling?

Right now, I'm feeling this deposition is never going to end.

This isn't a deposition, and you're not getting out of this that easily.

You know what, I'm getting a little tired of your attitude.

And what attitude is that?

The attitude where I'm not gonna supply prescription narcotics to someone who won't tell me the truth?

The attitude that says you know me better than I know myself.

I never said I know you better than you know yourself.

You said I'm keeping things from you.

And that's something you know just as much as I do.

Oh, bullshit. I've been telling the truth this whole time and I haven't left out a g*dd*mn word.

Okay, Harvey, if that's how you wanna play it.

I do know you better than you know yourself.

I had you pegged about four seconds after you walked in my door, which is why I know you weren't just washing your face when Jessica walked in.

You were washing your face because you threw up.

And you told yourself that you were coming down with something or you had some bad clams.

But I'll tell you what really happened.

You threw up because you had a panic attack.

And you're not coming to me because you're having trouble sleeping.

You're coming to me because you're scared to death that it'll happen again.

[dramatic music]

Mike, can I talk to you for a minute?

What do you wanna talk about?

Captain Dickhead back there?

Look, I think maybe we should cut him a little slack.

No, I cut him some slack when he barely acknowledged our engagement.

Then I tried to get Donna to help him and he bites my head off.

What are you doing?

Donna's leaving him.

And she's going to work for Louis.

What the hell happened? They've been through everything together. What could possibly--

Oh, my God, they crossed the line.

It's more complicated than that.

What does that mean?

They crossed the line years ago.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

I don't need to no anymore. Of course... we'll cut Harvey all the slack in the world.

Okay, I am going to stay late and help him get everything in order.

Hey, just keep in mind that cutting him some slack is one thing.

Doing Donna's job is another.

It's just one day.

It's not gonna last forever.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

How'd you find me here?


I knew after this morning, you'd come in here and your standard sandwich of commiseration.

I don't have a sandwich of commiseration--

Rueben on rye, with bacon instead of Russian dressing.

Well-done bacon.

And if it's all the same to you, I would prefer to eat by myself.


I just came in here to give you this.

You mean...

Today is the day I work for you.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe it. This is really happening?

What do we do first?

I mean, I'm so g*dd*mn turned on right now.

I don't know. Maybe we could get a jump on some of the things that have been piling up since Norma.

Well, my Dictaphone's at full capacity, it's about to burst.

Well, I could help you with that.

Would you?

Of course.

That's my job.

Relieving the pressure on your Dictaphone.

Okay, you know what? Maybe we're, um... moving too quickly.

Okay. Well, how about I just redo your calendar, and index every live case you have, and then get to know every single inch of your filing system.

I don't think that's moving less quickly.

Culminating in that inevitable moment when your phone finally rings and I say those three magic words.

Oh, good sweet Jesus.

"Louis Litt's office."


God damn it, woman, we're going back right now.

Take care of the bill. 10% tip.

Well-done bacon, my ass.

He's totally not thinking about sex right now.

[lively music]

Tell me you found all 50 creditors.

Not just all 50. I found the one.

How do you know you found the right one?

Because I know exactly what you're gonna do.

Then let me show you how I'm gonna do it.

[clears throat]

[laughs softly]

You're really gonna make them do that?

Sure am.

All of them?

Doesn't work with some of them.

North or South?

Take your pick.

Well, Harvey, that's brilliant.

There's only one problem. It's illegal.

Let 'em sue us. It's civil, not criminal.

Besides, we're bluffing anyway.

What if I told you I have a way to make it legal anyway?

I'd say your idea better work fast because we're going over there in an hour.

[lively music]

Harvey: Vince Sanfillipo?

[imitating Hannibal Lecter] Yes.

Is there a reason you're not turning around?

[imitating Hannibal Lector] I like to play a little game with some of my visitors.

For example, you use Evian skin cream and sometimes you wear L'Air Du Temps.

But not today.

Of course I do.

[as Clarice Starling] I'm just one generation away from poor white trash.

And I could only dream of getting out.

Getting anywhere.

[imitating Hannibal Lector] Getting all the way to the FBI.

A census taker tried to test me once.

I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered--

Quid pro quo, Clarice--

All right. That's enough.

We didn't come here for a quote-off.

No, you didn't.

You came here to get me to give Kevin Slattery more time, and that's never going to happen.

Actually, we're here to get you to buy up every piece of debt associated with Slattery Freight and then get you to give him more time.

And why would I do that?

Why? Because you're the biggest debtholder, and if any of the others makes a claim, it'll trigger bankruptcy, and you get 50 cents on the dollar five years from tomorrow.

You think I'm gonna double down on a loser, because you can quote Silence of the Lambs?

No, you're gonna do it because the day we file bankruptcy, every truck in that fleet's going straight to Canada.

And that 50 cents on the dollar just hit 25.

But that's illegal and I will sue you and your client into the ground.

Well, it would be illegal if we hadn't just a bought a defunct Canadian trucking company for a dollar.


Your covenants prohibits you from doing that.

Not if we do it before anyone calls in our debt.

Which we did.

You're a son of a bitch.

That's exactly what I thought of myself when I came up with the idea.

To be fair, I was the one that came up with the defunct Canadian trucking company thingy.


Oh, yeah, you're right.

You're a son of a bitch, too.

Oh, thanks, Harvey. I appreciate that.

Well, now that we agree what we are, the question is, what are you gonna do about it?
[stirring music]

♪ ♪

What's so funny?

I was just thinking about that nutbag.

Who starts a meeting off like that?

Yeah, you got to give him credit, though.

It was pretty fun.

You think he's gonna do that bit with the creditors?

I don't care if he makes them put the lotion in the basket, as long as he buys up their debt.

[as Buffalo Bill] Or else it gets the hose again.

both: Wait, was she a great big fat person?

[laughs softly]

Good job today, Mike.


Does this mean I've earned the right for us to talk about the Donna situation?

There is no Donna situation.

Harvey, come on, I know you're not touchy-feely, but--

Look, there's nothing to talk about, because it isn't gonna last.

[tense music]


[door closes]



I got some Georgio's reheating in the oven.

Oh, you are my hero.

Oh, I know.

I mean, who says that men can't cook?

I think Georgio's does.

That's a fair point.


So how was your test?


Whoa, it was that bad?

You studied like crazy.

No, it's not that it was that bad.

I just...

I didn't take it.

What do you mean you didn't take it?

I decided to stay late and help Harvey.

Help Harvey what?

Never mind. I know what.

Something that would've been done by Donna and should've been done by his new secretary except he hasn't hired one yet.

You're the one who said we should cut him as much slack as he needs.

I meant tolerating him being a d*ck.

Not you flunking out of school.

The last time I asked Harvey for time off, he told me work is my law school, and he was right.

I'm not gonna ask him for time when he needs me the most.

[laughs softly]



I was just thinking about when I asked you to marry me, I said how tenacious you are.

Well, I know.

It's like you should know what you're getting yourself into.

But you see what happens when you don't wear that collar on your finger?

Stop it.

[stirring music]

I can't believe you're really mine.

Now, where would be the perfect place to...

Good morning, Louis.

Holy shit. You just scared the shit out of me.

What are you doing here so early?

It's 8:15.

Well, yeah, but we worked late last night, and I told you to take the morning.

Louis, it's day two, I'm not taking anything.

Oh, sh**t.

I get it.

You came in early because you bought me an expensive gift and you wanted to surprise me by putting it on my desk.

Something like that.

Do you want me to go? You can still surprise me.

Never mind.

Uh... Being that you're here, I have a prospective client coming in at 9:00.

No, you don't.

What do you mean? The assh*le canceled?

No, the assh*le intentionally showed up an hour early and I sent him home, telling him he was an hour late.

What, are you crazy?

That was Carl Fields, Donna.

$12 million in billings you let walk out the door.

No, that's 12 million in billings that's coming your way because now he knows you're not someone to be trifled with.

No, you can't know that.

Really? because I just got off the phone with his secretary, and they're expecting you to come by with an engagement letter in an hour.

Holy shit!

Oh, shit.


What's the problem?

I'm still printing to my old printer.

What, for the engagement letter?

Donna, please, you've done enough.

Let me take care of it.

[lively music]

Like I wouldn't notice.

♪ ♪

There you go, little fella.


I was-- I was just...

It's fine, Louis. Whatever you were doing, it's fine.

Hey, Harvey, if there are any hard feelings with Donna--

No, Louis. No hard feelings.

Okay, but I just want to say, if there was--

I said there's no hard feelings.

As a matter of fact, why don't you tell Donna I want her to have this?

[dramatic rumbling]

[poignant music]

[in slow motion] She's leaving you.

[people laughing]

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me?

That was an hour ago.

Well, I just heard.

And I just heard the results of your little strong-arm tactic with Mike.

You mean you heard that it worked.

Oh, I know you got them to do what you wanted.

They bullied all the other creditors, bought off all their debt, and they're going to back off for eight weeks.

Why do you seem pissed?

Because you left a creditor off the list.

What? How could that happen?

I don't know how it happened, but I know what it means.

We're gonna get held hostage.

I'll take care of it.

And if you can't take care of it and Slattery goes bankrupt, you better figure out a way to keep him here.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means Jack Soloff's been going around the firm saying you're never gonna save that company and we don't have a plan to retain their business when you don't.

Since when do you care about what Jack Soloff says?

Since he's a senior partner with ambition and you dropped the ball twice in the two days.

If you're so afraid of him, why don't you just fire him?

[laughs] I'm not afraid of anybody, and I never said ambition was a bad thing.


Harvey, I don't know what's going on between you and Donna, but I do know you chose not to let me in on it, so I'm gonna let you in on this.

If you can't figure out how to get shit done without her, I will.

[dramatic music]

How'd it go with Mr. Fields?

Fine, but before you dislocate your arm patting yourself on the back, I need you to file those before you leave today.

All of them?

Yes, all of them. That's what "those" means.

And then I want you to update my Word Perfect by the morning.

Louis, I have tickets to the theater at 8:00.

Second day and you're already taking banking hours?

Okay, I hardly think 8:00 constitutes--

Norma worked till midnight eight days a week and never bunted an eye.


Yes, bunted.

You have a problem with my words now?

Okay, Louis, I don't know if you skipped your afternoon prunie or what, but you're making me feel uncomfortable.

Louis: Well, let's get something straight.

I'm not here to make your life comfortable.

You're here to do that for me.

And the next time you print something to the wrong copier, get it yourself.

♪ ♪

I gave you one job-- to find every single one of Slattery's creditors, and you screwed it up.

What are you talking about?

You left one off the list, and as soon as they realize that we bought out everyone else, they'll know we have a deal and they'll call in their debt and the whole thing will blow up.

Wait a second, they haven't even called it in yet?

No, they haven't called it in yet, because they're gonna wait till the last second so they can hold us over a barrel because you didn't do your job. and now I gotta find some leverage on Katzen Financial.

I didn't miss Katzen Financial.

Then why weren't they on the list?

I don't know, they were on the list when I sent it--

g*dd*mn Rachel.


Katzen was the last name on that list and the only name on that page, all right?

The printer must have just run out of paper.

This isn't Rachel's fault.

What am I supposed to tell Kevin Slattery?

"The reason you're losing your company is because my associate didn't load the printer"?

I don't know, how about you tell him the truth?

That the reason he may lose his company is because you didn't hire a secretary.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You know what it means. Rachel has been k*lling herself to take care of you, and we haven't said anything because we both agreed to cut you some slack.


Yeah, we, but I'm not gonna let you come down on her for screwing up something that wasn't her job.

Her job is to do what I say, and you better wrap your head around that.

No, Harvey you better wrap your head around the fact that Donna is gone and she is not coming back.

And I told you, it's not gonna last with her and Louis.

You keep saying that, but all I see is Donna outside Louis's office and no one outside yours.

So you better swallow your pride and ask her for help, or hire a new secretary, but either way, you're done taking it out on Rachel.

[tense music]


Hey, there, you got a minute?


I need those two weeks you offered me before.

I'm afraid it's too late for that.

Donna, I'm drowning.

This whole thing with the Slattery deal is--

I'm sorry about your deal, Harvey, but you should have thought about that before you turned me down.

So you're punishing me?

I'm not punishing you.

But I have a mountain of work, and even if I didn't, how do you think Louis would feel if I suddenly started working for you again?

I don't give a shit how Louis feels.

Well, what about how I feel?

Which is that you're trying to undermine my decision.

How the hell am I trying to undermine your decision?

What do you call this?

That--that was before--

Before what? Before you ran into Louis?

Before you needed my help? What?


Do you know where I found this?

Louis put it right on top of the list of secretaries that I have been keeping for you because I still care about you, and you know what they both did?

They fed right into his nightmare that I'm gonna leave him, which is exactly what you wanted.

Do you know how hard it is for me to swallow my pride and come over here?

Do you know how hard it is for me to say no to you?

Harvey: Then don't.

I am asking you for one little thing.

No, Harvey, it's not one little thing.

Today it's the Slattery deal, tomorrow's the Weiss merger, and then the day after that, it will be a million other things until you think everything is back to normal.

Donna: Well, it's not. This is the new normal.

This is my desk now, and I wish I could help you, but I can't.

Donna, please.

I'm sorry, Harvey, you're on your own.

[heartbeat thumping]

Dr. Agard: And that's when it happened, isn't it?

You had another one.

[heartbeat thumping]


I don't--I don't want to talk about it.

Step one to making them stop is talking about it.

[heartbeat thumping]

I couldn't think, I couldn't see, I c--

I couldn't breath.

Dr. Agard: And what did you do?

Harvey: You know what I did.

Dr. Agard: No, I know. I need you to say it.


'Cause the more you say it, the less power it has over you.

[heartbeat thumping]

Harvey: I made my way into the bathroom, and my heart was p-pounding, and my chest cracked open.


It was--it was like I was under water.

I looked at the stall, and there was...two shoes there, a piece-of-shit brown shoe, untied, two guys laugh--

Yeah, and then?

[heartbeat accelerating]

Harvey: [sighs] I ran to the stall, I threw up, and I just waited until it was over.

[toilet flushing]

Dr. Agard: And that's the night you came to see me.


And you made up a story about having trouble sleeping to get antianxiety medication, and you've been taking a pill a day since.


[heartbeat pounding]



I'm not leaving you.

It says, "Replacements for Louis"

Right here on top, "replacements for Louis."

That's because that's the list I made after Norma died.

Then why do you still have it?

Because I was saving it for Harvey.

This is for Harvey?

Yes, Louis, because I work for you now, and I'd like to tell you to stop questioning whether I'm gonna change my mind, but we both know that's never gonna happen, so instead, I'll say... you need to talk to me about it when it does.

But I did talk to you, Donna.

First, I loaded you up with work, then I yelled at you, and then I put the can-opener on top of that list.

I mean, I can't be more direct than that.

Yes, you can, Louis.

Because I don't want that kind of relationship anymore.

What's it for?

What's what for?

Louis: The can opener.

It's just a can opener, Louis.

No, it's not.

Harvey was sending me a message when he gave it to me.

That message wasn't meant for you.

It was meant for me.

Donna, you want me to talk to you, but now you're not talking to me.

It was a ritual that Harvey and I would do before we went to trial.

So the message was, Donna, you'll never have something like that with me.

No, Louis, that's not what--

We should have a ritual.

Let's worry about that after we win our first big case.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

I was just about to offer you one of those.

Jessica, if you're here to yell at me again--

I'm not here to yell at you.

I'm here to apologize to you.

Then you can have a drink.

The truth is, there's a time for yelling and there is a time for understanding, and a good partner knows the difference.

You mean a good managing partner.

No, I mean a good partner.

The night you found out Donna was in trouble, the first thing you did was take the time... to have a drink with me about Jeff.

So the least I could do is take the time and understand your situation.

You mean, the fact that I don't have a secretary.

I mean that after 12 years, the woman you wouldn't come work here without is now working for someone else.

And you want to know why.

I don't need to know why.

I need to know if you want me to undo it.


I know you and Donna aren't me and Jeff, but you are as close as two people can be without being that.

Shit, Harvey, Scottie leaving didn't throw you off your game this much.

I appreciate the offer.

But as long as Donna wants to work for Louis, I am not gonna force her to work for me.


[somber music]

♪ ♪

Harvey, have you thought about what's going to happen if she doesn't come back?

She will.

♪ ♪

Dr. Agard: Wow.

Wow what?

This Jessica sounds like a hell of a woman.

What does that have to do with anything?

No, it doesn't. I-I was just--

Look, I don't care what you were doing.

We've been here long enough.

Hmm, we have.

But I'm not gonna give you another prescription.

You said if I opened up--

I said if you didn't, I wouldn't.

I didn't say if you did, I would.

They're not the same thing.

g*dd*mn it.

Hold on, you didn't let me finish.

I'm not gonna write you another prescription.

I'm gonna give you these.

That's enough for another week.

You want me to come in here again.

Mm, I sure do.

Or you can roll the dice and spread them out, but you're not getting anymore without seeing me again.

[moody pop music]

♪ ♪

One more thing.

These episodes are gonna keep happening until you accept the fact that Donna may never come back.

♪ ♪

Where the hell have you been all morning?

What are you, my mother?

I was at a meeting. Why?

Remember when you said Katzen was gonna wait till the last second to hold us over a barrel?

Well, they didn't. They sold all of their debt to Kevin Slattery's biggest competitor.

They're gonna want to put us in the ground for good.

Well, then it's a good thing I figured out a way to convince 'em not to.

What the hell are we still doing here?

You tell me.

♪ ♪

What the hell happened?

Atlantic Freight is my chief rival.

If they call in the debt, they'll force me into bankruptcy.

If they call in the debt.

What is he talking about?

He's talking about the fact that we just came from a meeting with them, and you're right.

They'd love nothing more than to put you down once and for all.

g*dd*mn it.

But lucky for you, we told them that if they force you into bankruptcy, that doesn't necessarily k*ll your company, but buying your name does.

So they own me? That's your brilliant solution?

No, they own the Slattery trademark, which they think effectively puts you under, but they don't know what we know.

And what is that?

That you have another contract that doesn't care about the name of your company.

They only care about the name of the owner.

How the hell did Katzen even know to sell their debt?

Because I made a mistake.

You sure as hell did!

After asking for 20% of my company and bragging that you could save it.

Well, it turns out it, you're just an arrogant mouthpiece that thinks he can save anything.

But you can't.

Kevin, nobody hates change more than I do, but it's coming whether we like it or not.

And if I could save both your company and your name, I would, but you're right, I can't.

So take the deal, wake up tomorrow, and go to work.

[stirring music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Harvey?


I just want to say thanks... for not throwing us under the bus back there.

What do you mean?

Well, I mean, you could have told Slattery the truth.

That mistake was mine and Rachel's.

No it wasn't.

You were right, that mistake was mine.

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

Hey. What are you doing here so late?

You didn't hear?

We closed the Davis brothers.

That's huge.

It is.

So I thought maybe this was the perfect time to start our ritual.

Oh, Donna, listen, I've been thinking.

I don't think we don't need to have a ritual.

Come on. It's our first big win.

That's the same exact cake I got Mike.

I know.

How did you know?

I'm Donna.

[laughs softly]

You sure are.

What flavor is it?

Well, I called Esther, and she said German Chocolate was your favorite.

I hate German Chocolate.

Which is why I got you Mocha Fudge.

It's perfect.


What can I do for you, Harvey?

I just wanted to see if you still had that list.

Of course I do.

[heartbeat thumping]

[door opens]

[heartbeat thumping]

[rousing pop music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

What's this?

Your engagement present.

Come on, Rachel, how long did you think you could keep that glow a secret?

I'm glowing?

Like Times Square on New Year's Eve.

To me.

The rest of the world can't even see you under that pile of work you took on to help Harvey.

You knew about that too?

Of course I did, which is why you're getting this.

Donna, you didn't have to--

I didn't, but Harvey did.

And he won't think to get you two a gift, 'cause I was always the one who took care of things like that, so...

I don't know what to say.

Say thank you.

Thank you.

And promise me, no matter what is going on in my life, you won't feel bad about telling me all the good things in yours.

I promise.

[stirring music]

♪ ♪

What is this?

Harvey: A copy of Brides Magazine.

Why is it on my desk?

How else are you gonna pick your colors?

Colors? What are colors?

How do you know what they are?

Because I'm a grown man.

Really? 'Cause you sound more like a grown woman.

That's very hurtful.

I looked everywhere for that issue.

Thanks, Harvey.

Thank me on the way.

Where are we going?

To do what we should have done the day you got engaged.

Nets game.

Are you kidding?

Front row.

Holy shit. Is Jay-Z gonna be there?

Yeah, right next to me.

Next to you? Wait, this my gift, hey.

I don't care whose gift it is. I'm not doing that to Jay-Z.

Oh, you know what, I'll just sit next to Beyoncé.

We'll call it a draw.

You know what, never mind. I'm taking Rachel.

Yeah, well, why don't you just give it to both of us?

Oh, wait, then who would stay here and do all your work?

Shit. Was that too soon?

Oh, I'm so sorry, bud. Let's go!

[rousing pop music]