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02x10 - Unhinged

Posted: 08/22/14 10:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on Rectify...

The district attorney is agreed to time served.

So what do they want in return?


You want to talk predator and prey?

'Cause you got both under one roof...

The DNA testing disputes that the sole perpetrator was Daniel Holden.


[Laughs] You're a psycho k*ller.

You can't cry for our baby, but the first mention of that that r*pist, and here come the waterworks.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm leaving.



Felt like a dream.

What happened?

You cried and...

I held you, and you fell asleep.

And here we are.

Here we are.

I don't want to go out there.

You don't have to... Not yet.

But eventually.


I used to dream about the morning sunlight.

I'd run my hand through it in my dream.

Like this.

And now it's real.

It is.

I should be filled with joy.

I'm leaving.

Me too.

Do you know where you're going?


Do you?




[Birds chirping]

Please call me when you get this.

Got to let me know you're okay.

Just leave a message, all right? I won't answer.

[Cellphone beeps]

I just grabbed things from the refrigerator, crying and... Dumping stuff in a bag...

"I'll take one, I'll leave Teddy one.

I'll take one, I'll leave Teddy one."

My overriding thought was, "I have to have food."

That's not rational.

[Chuckles, sniffles]

Maybe it's too rational.

Different people do different things under that kind of stress.

I evidently hoard food.

[Chuckles softly]

I don't think we need the whipping cream at this picnic.

Maybe on your corn chips?

Well, I hadn't thought of that.



Let's see.


The salty, the sweet, the… crunch…

It's actually not bad.

Really? No, it's bad.



Uh, I was hungry.

It's good for you to eat.

I guess.

May I?

Thank you.

I was so used to him... Being mad at me.

I'd never seen him so broken-down like that...

So shattered.

You can never come back here if you sign those papers?


Such a price to pay, Daniel.

Not really.

What is it, Daniel?

Before you leave...

Before you decide what your life may be, I need to tell you something, Tawney.

It's about Teddy.

What do you mean?

He's been dealing with a lot lately...

Things you don't know about.

And... and you do?

After the baptism, he told me to stay away from you.

He was your husband, and I know he was right.

And I told him I would.

Then he said some other things.

What things?

Just words... Lined up together.

I've heard them before.

Similar, anyway.

They're just words, but he was afraid.

He was afraid of losing you.

But I couldn't see that then.

I hurt him... Humiliated him.

Something I learned in prison.

Something to make a man feel... powerless.

It wasn't r*pe.

But it was violent.


And what?


I wish I could go back.

Because he didn't deserve that.

And he doesn't deserve to have to live with it.

He never said anything.

I always thought it was me.

Janet: Hey, Teddy.

Hey, Mom.

Just doing the books for the store.

Well, we appreciate it. I-I know that can be a pain.

Not at all.

Don't tell Ted, but I kind of look forward to it.


So, what brings you here this morning?

Uh, is Daniel around?

Well, he didn't come in last night.

I know, Teddy.

It's just [Sighs] where he is right now, you know, in his life.

He's like an adolescent in some ways.

Just got to let him go through it, I guess.

I guess.

He... he might be at Amantha's by now.

I think Jon had to talk over a few things with him.

So, is he gonna take the plea deal?

I don't know, honey.

I know he doesn't want to go back to jail.

He's already talking about moving.


I'm not sure. Away from Paulie.

It's all happening so quick.


What's happened to your hand?


I, uh... I-I got distracted and got it caught in a door.

[Chuckles] Aw.

Oh, it's fine. It's fine. [Chuckles]

Teddy, you okay?

Yeah, I'm good.


It's me you're talking to.

We lost the baby.

Tawney miscarried.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, sweetheart.

The doctor said, uh, it's nature's way.

You know?

These things are pretty common.

Happen more often than people think.

That's true.

But, still, that's sad.

It is that.

How's Tawney dealing with it?


It's hard to tell, really.

Of course.

Things must be so complicated for her right now.

Come here, honey.

You have my full support, now, Sondra.

I want you to know that.

That means a lot, senator.

I wasn't sure Holden would go for banishment.

You must've been very persuasive.

Well, he hasn't signed off on it yet.

Did you thr*aten to revoke his bond if he doesn't?

I did.

Would you?

I would certainly consider it.

[Chuckles] I see.

And what Judge will sign off on this plea deal?

Judge Kelter.


Should I worry?

Well, you should always worry, Sondra, generally speaking, but especially with the Honorable Marcus Kelter.

He'll need some hand-holding on certain aspects of this case...

Why you dropped the r*pe charge, for one.

No sperm, no witness.

He'll still want details... Specific details.


Have Holden debrief.

Have him walk us through the night of the m*rder...

His latest version.

I know what a debrief is.

That way, when Kelter asks why you didn't charge Holden with Hanna's r*pe, you can point to the transcript where it says, "I k*lled her... I didn't r*pe her."

If he says that.

It would just be better if he signs the confession.

He better say it.

What's the point of his plea if he's not willing to confess?

Isn't that what this is all about?

It's a little late in the game to add demands, Roland...

Especially a debrief.

I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.

I don't want there to be any talk that this was a-a plea deal to save face on our side.

Do you?

Of course not.

I-I just can't imagine that Mr. Stern would allow his client to go through that.

Through what?

The humiliation of having to answer for his actions once and for all?

I can't imagine Judge Kelter signing off on a plea agreement without one.

In fact, I can guarantee you he won't.

Get the debrief, Sondra, or all your good work will likely be for naught.

[Engine shuts off, ignition beeping]


Hello! George!

[Dog barking]

Anybody home?


[Camera clicks]

Daniel, listen to me.

Asking for the debrief affirms what we already knew...

They really have no idea what happened that night.

Now they're asking you to fill in the blanks for them.

Is it all right if I just make something up?

If they want to build a case against you, let them start from scratch.

Scratch? I confessed.

I'll get it thrown out.

Will you really, Jon?

This wouldn't be like your first trial, Daniel, if it came to that.

You would have resources your family didn't have back then.

Justice row is all in.

Look, even if they did revoke your bond, we would push for some sort of electronic monitoring.

You wouldn't be in custody for more than a day or two.

Then you could go home.

So, who would be there?


At the debrief.

The current prosecutor and the former.

Mr. Foulkes.

Yes... Mr. Foulkes.

And probably the sheriff.

Old friends.

Daniel, you shouldn't take the deal.

You've said that already, Jon.

It was my duty to communicate their offer to you.

But it is also my duty to tell you in the strongest terms that if we went to trial, I know we can win.

I will take your counsel under advisement.

In the meantime, move ahead with the deal...

Debrief included.

The sooner, the better.

Why are you doing this, Daniel?

It's not complicated.

I just want it to be over, Jon.

Don't you?

Not this way, no.

Can't always get what you want.

You seen George Melton lately, over in number 18?


I saw you have security cameras on the property.

Are those...

Real? Yeah, they real.

Work, too... mostly.

You click up to the menu.

That lets you look at the specific days.

And you can toggle up and down here.

All right, I'll figure it out. Thanks.

I didn't know Georgia sheriffs had jurisdiction down here.

I'm here unofficially.

Don't want to poke the snake 'less I have to.

I don't have a problem with that.

See y'all tomorrow.

Well, hey, sweetie.

You didn't have to bring the books by today.

Well, I have to pick up some things at the grocery store, so...

We had a pretty good month.

I thought it might've been a little bit better than the last few.

Look at all the rims.

[Sighs] Oh.

He's done such a great job with this.

It's pretty impressive, all right.

I think he's even brought in a few more tire customers.

It's a win-win. [Chuckles]


I like these.

I think I might try to work out a deal with him.


I've got some news.

I really don't want to have to tell you this.

He came by the house.



He told you?

He did.

It happens, Ted... More often than people realize.

It's better to have an early miscarriage than a late one.

I had one before Daniel.

Remember I told you about that?

Of course.

Tawney's young and strong. They'll get through this.

I'm sure they will.

Still... A bit of a shock.

Of course.

I'm sorry, Ted.

You'll be a granddaddy someday.


[Tape whirring]


[Whirring slows]

[Button clicks]

Holden. You've got a visitor.

Who is it?

[Door buzzes]

Mother sends her love.

I thought it'd be easier for us not to see each other.

But it's... not easier.


It's not.

How's the gas company?

They promoted me.

They did?

Senior customer-service specialist.


Got my own cubicle and everything.

Just like me.


I wish you'd go on back to college.

I will.

First things first.

Got some good news, Daniel.

Justice row is sending down a new guy to represent you.

They are all-in.

Well, that's great.

We're gonna get you out of here, Danny.

Want to play hangman?



The opposite. You go first.

[Laughs] Okay.

10 letters.

Is there an "R"?


It's your head.

Not looking good for our hero.



There is an "L."

Nicely done.

Now that I'm nearby, we could do this every week.

Well, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.

How about a "T"?

Cruel for who?

You, sister.

Quite the opposite, brother.
[Crickets chirping]

My God.

I sure didn't think it would turn out this way.

You have to talk to him, Amantha, or it's gonna happen.

I already tried, Jon.

We can't just give up, you know.

I've been thinking about that first time that you came down to talk about the case.

You can't imagine the hope that you gave us.

Just trying to do my job.

No matter what Daniel decides to do, I don't want you to blame yourself.

Mother's right.

At the end of the day, it's his life...

Just like it's my life, and just like it's your life.

We all have to deal with the consequences of our decisions.

It's not over, Amantha.

I know it isn't.

But regardless...

I think you should take that job in Boston.

What are you saying?

I'm not coming with you, Jon.

It's not because of the plea deal.

Well... it is, but only in the way that it has forced me to think about what I would want in my life outside of all things Daniel.

And that doesn't include me?

I don't know, Jon.


I don't know what I want.

I only know what I wanted.

I hear you, and I understand where you're coming from, Amantha.

I really do.

But I'm not giving up on us...

Any more than I'm giving up on Daniel.


I just wonder if we won't...

Somehow always remind each other of this whole g*dd*mn tragedy.

Some look or some word.

Or just because it's how we came together.

Let's just wait until this plea deal is resolved before we make any decisions one way or the other.

Sure, Jon.

[Children laughing]

Boy: Come on, Gabriel! Faster, faster!

Woman: Guys, wait! Wait for Mommy!

Hello, Ted.

Where's Mother?


What's on your mind, Ted?

There's two sides to every story, Daniel.

I've learned that much.

And I know Teddy's no angel.

But I cannot for the life of me understand what your side of the story would be to cause you to do what you did to him.

Unless it's a lie.

It's no lie, Ted.

I'm guilty as charged.

Then tell me how we make this right, Daniel, how we exist as a family now...

How we even tell your mother.

Tell your mother what?

What's happened?

There's something I have to tell you, Mother.

Everything's gonna be okay, Ted.

What is?

I'm taking the plea deal.

But one of the stipulations is that...

I have to leave Paulie.

The entire state, essentially.

For how long?



[Tape whirring]

[Whirring slows]

Man: I need to close up, Sheriff.

Just a couple more minutes, all right?

[Tape whirring]

[Button clicks]

What the hell?

[Button clicks]

[birds chirping]

Big day, huh?

It's beginning to feel that way.

So, you told Mom about the banishment?

I did.

And the debrief?

What would've been the point?

Walk away with a clear conscience, maybe?

If that's your aim.

I'm not here to change your mind, Daniel.

So you don't have to worry.

Jon wanted me to try.

Dear Jon.

Then why are you here?

'Cause after you do this, I'm not gonna be the same person anymore, and...

I wanted to be this person with you one more time.

Who are you gonna be?

I don't know.

I hope it won't be a bitter person.

Me too.

You don't want to be exonerated, do you?

I didn't just want to get you out, Daniel.

I wanted to clear your name... Our name.

And you can say that people are gonna think what they're gonna think, but... There is a difference.

There is a difference.

Then change your name, Amantha.

If you go in there and say that you k*lled Hanna and it's the truth, then so be it.

But if you go in there and say that you k*lled her just because you don't want to deal with this anymore or play the game or keep fighting the good fight, then you are a coward, Daniel.

Which would you rather it be, sister?

I don't know where you're going or what you're gonna do, but I will never reach out to you again.

If you want me in your life, you're gonna have to reach out to me.

And I won't hold my breath.

[Footsteps approach]

Thanks for calling.

I didn't want you to worry or wonder.

I'm always gonna worry.

What happened to your hand, Teddy?

Got in a fight.

Where you been sleeping?

At a motel.

Thought maybe you'd call Kate or... somebody from church.

I just needed to be alone.

Probably will call her... Or miss Kathy later.

Just need to figure some things out first.

Where you gonna do that?

I don't know yet.

Anything you need?

I'm okay for now.

If you get stuck...

Or need help...

You can always call me.

Or call Mom and Dad if you don't want to talk to me.

They'd do anything for you.

[Voice breaking] I know.

Teddy, I...

I don't know exactly how to say this, but...

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry...

For what Daniel did to you.

He told you?

At the motel.

I'm sorry you couldn't tell me.

He's taken everything.

Taken it all from me.

[Paper crinkles]

What is that?

Doesn't matter now. [Chuckles]

Is it for me?

It's nothing.

He had no right, Tawney.

We were happy... Before he came back.

We were happy, Tawney.

Weren't we?

I'm sorry, Teddy.

[Door closes]

[Knock on door]

[Groans softly]

Come in.

You returned my Walkman.

I listened to it.

Of course you did.

Did she love you?

She was 16.

Did you love her?

I liked her.

Are you gonna say you k*lled her today?


Will I ever see you again after you leave Paulie?

Probably not.

I didn't think so.

Don't tell Mother for a while, okay?


Do you need my bike today?


Thanks for letting me use it, though.

I liked knowing you were riding it.

It's a good bike.

Well, uh...

See ya.

[Footsteps approach]

No tie?


Can you tie it for me?


Of course.

Amantha picked out this tie, didn't she?

Yes, she did.

I've been thinking.

You might do well in a city...

Somewhere where you might... Blend in the soup, so to speak.

You might be right.

A lot of nice cities just a few hours away...

Chattanooga, Columbia, Jacksonville, Birmingham.

Alabama, Mother?


Daniel, we should go.

How about Mobile?

On the Gulf.

It is.

See you in a bit.

[Door closes]

Good afternoon.


[Door closes]

Did you both have a chance to review the proffer letter?

We did. Looks like it covers everything we discussed.

Once you sign this, nothing you say here can ever be used against you.

Do you want to have another look?



Full responsibility..."

"...without evasion."

[Pen clicks]

You were down at the river with Hanna Dean.

You'd both just taken psychoactive mushrooms.

What did you do then?

We were making out.

She took her shirt off.

Did you have sexual relations?

She wanted to, but, uh...

I, uh... couldn't.

Couldn't get an erection.

She started... laughing.

I got upset... Freaked out, I guess.

She said it didn't matter, but she just kept laughing at me.

I didn't like it, so...

What happened?

I was a coward, like my sister said.

I ran away.

So are you stating that you did not have sexual intercourse... Consensual or otherwise?

I am.

Well, what happened after you left her?

I got lost... I-in the woods.

Kept getting turned around.

I finally ended up on this... On this bluff.

It was just above the river, and... I saw Hanna.

She was down there where I'd left her.

Was Hanna still alive at this point, Daniel?


But now she's not alone.

Now there were others...

George, Trey.

Who were the others?

There was...


I don't remember.

Christopher who?

It was dark, but I could see their faces, their bodies all intertwined.

Hanna was doing things to them...

Touching and... grabbing...


And what did you do then, Mr. Holden?

What did you do then?

I just froze.

Just stood there and watched.

Then they saw me, and... and they watched me watch them.

Trey saw me.

He didn't care.

They all just did what they wanted.

Did what, Mr. Holden?

I thought Hanna was...

I thought she was trying to taunt me with them, you know?

It's only later that I-I realized that she didn't know what she was doing.

Got in too deep.

She was 16.

I had given her the mushrooms.

I just turned away.

What did you do then?

I watched the trees falling.

And then I went down there.

And she was dead.

That's it?

Went down there, she was dead?

She was all bent up.

You see, it's the beauty that hurts the most...

Not the ugly.

We didn't offer this deal so we could sit here and listen to you spout lunacy and then lie about your role in Hanna Dean's m*rder.

Jon: What is this?

I'm jogging his memory.

Daniel, you don't have to put up with any of this.

No. No.

That's the thing about memory... It's malleable.

It's elastic... Like time and promises.

You've always been so helpful, Mr. Foulkes, getting me to remember, showing me these...

Pictures... [Breathes shakily]

And telling me how I must've strangled her.

I never said that.

Oh, I must've been...

I must've been thinking about the sheriff...

The former sheriff...

How he explained how she died when the tape recorder was off.

Told me how I had taken her clothes off and r*ped her.

And all the while, me just sitting there waiting for my father because you promised me that I would get to see him once I just gave you the truth.

You promised me that I could go home.

But I didn't go home.

And I didn't r*pe her, did I?

You were wrong.

Are you at all surprised?

Mr. Stern, I can't allow any more of this.

If your client wants this plea, he's got to answer these questions truthfully.

Can you give us a minute, please?


[Door opens]

Daniel, let's just walk away, buddy.

Tell them we'll see them in court.

She looked so beautiful dancing there.

You're not thinking right.

I am, Jon.

Just go ahead and bring them back in.


Jon. Now.

Foulkes: How did she die, Holden?

I didn't want her to be u-uncovered, so I-I got some wildflowers, put them on her in her private places.

I just...

[Voice breaking] Put her legs back together.

And I-I placed Jacob's ladder in her hair.

She wasn't laughing anymore.

I don't even know why I got upset.

She was so...

So sad.

So I sat with her...

Till the sun came up.

Then the sheriff came, and you… you were in there, in the room.

And you asked me what happened.

You said you didn't remember.

Well, a-at first, I-I didn't, but...

Then y-you kept showing me these pictures trying to explain, but it still didn't make any sense.

But I was numb.

I-I'd been in that room... For hours.

So I just said what I...

I needed to say...

To get out... To see my father.

And you let me say it.

You let me.

I let you say what you wanted to say, Daniel.

I let you unburden yourself.

Maybe the details were foggy, but the truth was as clear as day.

It remains so.

You said I could go home.

Did you k*ll Hanna Dean?

If I say I did, will you let me go this time?

No one made you k*ll her, did they?

If I say I did, will you let me go?

Tell me... no one made you k*ll her, did they?


They didn't.

How did she die, Daniel?


I-I just put my hands around her neck...

Squeezed as hard as I could.

Until what?

Until she was gone.

I k*lled her.

And no one put words in your mouth.

No one coerced your confession.

Did they?


They didn't.

Are we done?


We're done.

What just happened in there, Daniel?


[Sighs] You should sit.

It might be a while before we present the plea to the judge.

I've been sitting for hours.

Not a problem.

[Classical music plays]

Ted: We got a nice set of tires.

We can... we can get all kinds of rims.

The kids, they tend to go for the spinners.

Uh, but this one might be...

Do you know anyone in Mobile?

I don't.

You might say that's one of its attractions.

[Door closes]

[Breathes shakily]

So, how'd it go?

He said he k*lled her but didn't r*pe her.

Well, did he say why he k*lled her?

I need you to run up to Atlanta.

Run these to the lab. Have them do DNA testing.

To each other?

Or to Hanna Dean.

Trey Willis?

Son of a bitch licked it.

[Knock on door]

Is it too late?


Is it too late?

I don't know.

I'll make a call.


[Cellphone buzzes]

Excuse me. Let me take this.

Yes, sir?

Better go see what's taking them so long.

Owen, come on.

What's wrong?

Take it.

Uh, no, I...

Take anything you want.

Take it all.

You'll be doing us a favor.