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01x08 - And The Winner Is…

Posted: 09/09/13 07:37
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Cedar Cove...


He likes you.

You should come out sometime.

How'd it go?

You should let him come after you.

Sit back and do nothing?

I lost a brother.

And a father.

Stan just ran away and hid.

I've been seeing a therapist.

Better late than never.


Charlotte: You do want to come to this event.

Save your money and show up.

You'll have a lot of fun.

Yes, please come to our bachelor auction.

It's once a year.

It's a good cause for pet adoption, okay?

Sorry, Charlotte. Can't talk right now.

I'm extremely busy.

What's another word for "insignificant"?



"Nothing is happening in Cedar Cove.

"The news of the day is inconsequential."

Now I'm done.

What can I do for you?

I want to place an ad in the paper.

Ah, so this is a business meeting.

Ah... a bachelor auction?

You're selling bachelors?

Is that even legal in this state?

It's a charity event.

Single ladies bid on eligible gentlemen for a night out in Cedar Cove.

I see.

Proceeds go to the animal shelter's pet-adoption program.

It's a fun afternoon.

Fun for whom?

The vulnerable men who leave themselves open to rejection or the sad, desperate women who have to pay for companionship?

The men have a lot of fun.

They enjoy being bid on.

It makes them feel special.

But, Charlotte, what if nobody bids on them?

Trust me... you don't have anything to worry about.

What? Me?

No, no, no, no, no.

That is so not happening.

I will gladly make a donation.

I will put this in tomorrow's paper.

I will even pay for the ad myself.

Fine. I'll let you get back to work.

[Jack clears this throat]


Hmm? Sorry?

It's another word for "insignificant."


[Book slot clacks]

Are those overdue?


Don't you sneak out on a fine.

The library police will hunt you down.

Well, lucky for me, I'm right on time.

So, have you read that Louis L’Amour book I recommended yet?

Half-way through. It's pretty good.

When you're done, I have few other books that might interest you.

Okay, then.

Maybe when I'm done with the book, we can get together and talk about it.

Forced: Sure!

Come on by the library and...

We have a book club that meets Monday nights that you could join...

It's mostly women, but...

Doesn't have to be at the library, does it?

No. [Stammers] I... we... certainly could do that, go and talk about it someplace else, yeah.

Library's fine.

Warren: Alright, guys, we need to take down the height of the main condo building.

Obviously, the town council is balking, say they're not even look at anything over five stories, so I had a brilliant idea, Bill.

Tell me what you think of this. This is what we're gonna do... we're gonna make sure, after our meeting today...

[Trails off]


Um, where was I?

I wanted to discuss the... Oh! Right.

I want to reconfigure the retail space, Bill, in order to make sure there's enough room for condos to go here at the front part of the building...



Bailiff told me you were in here.

Yeah. Busy docket today. What's up?

You know I've been seeing a therapist.

Yeah. How's that going?

Good. Really good.

I was wondering, hoping, that you might be willing to join me at my next session.



Oh, Stan, I am really happy you're dealing with your feelings, and I know it's taken you a long time to get to this place, but I think you need to go with your wife.

Melanie doesn't know yet.


I know, I know, I should tell her, and I will, but...

I'm just finally starting to understand why I've done what I've done, I want to feel better.

I want to be a better father to Justine, and this would really help.


Just think about it, okay?

[♪ ♪]

Cedar Cove 01x08
And The Winner Is
Originally Aired September 7, 2013

Grace: So what did you tell him?

Nothing yet.

You've come so far.

Are you sure you want to relive this thing again?

I mean, he was not there for you when you needed him.

I know, but he wasn't ready then.

He was in too much pain.

So were you! You did it anyway.

You had a daughter who needed you.

Look, if it's helping him, I'm glad.

I just don't think you need to be there.

But he says the main reason he's doing this is for Justine, to work on their relationship.

You're a far better ex-wife than I, my friend.

I've had a lot more time to practice.


[Frustrated sigh, slaps thigh]

I am not good at being a single woman.

"Not good" is an understatement.

I am horrible at it.

What are you talking about? What happened?

I was having a perfectly pleasant conversation with Cliff Harting, until he brought up spending more time together.

He asked you for a date?

Oh, see? That's what I mean!

There's that word, and my heart just skipped a beat.

I am going to have to start packing along a defibrillator.

[Olivia laughs]

Why don't you take your own advice?

You told me to go out with Jack, and I am having a great time!

Well, I know, but I just got divorced.

I just think it's too soon to be jumping into this whole dating thing.

Who says?

I don't like how I'm feeling.

I want to be bold, strong... confident.

You can be "Bold, strong, and confident," and still go out and have a cup of coffee with Cliff.



Maryellen: What if we feature one artist each month?

Focus attention on his or her work?

That's a good idea.

We could start with him.


I don't want him to think he's special.

You know, there's such a thing as playing too-hard-to-get.

You may never be gotten.

Is that even a word?




Just starting your shift?

Uh, not yet. I came in a little early so that I can read the apartment listings.

I'm, uh, moving to Cedar Cove.

Really? [Takes an excited breath]

Shifts tone: Why is that?

Things are going really good here.

Only makes sense to be here full-time.

Guess we'll be seeing a lot more of you, then.

I guess so.


Good luck finding a place.

I gotta run.

Oh! Will you get this? I'll buy lunch tomorrow.

Sure you will.

Did I say something to offend her?

I don't think so.

She's a really great girl.

You should get to know her better.

Unless you're not interested.

I didn't say that.

Look, I know it's hard to be the new guy in town, having to put yourself out there, but it's the only way to get to know anyone.

Let me help you look for a place.

Hey, Jack.

Hey, Bob.

How's that project coming along?

Uh, what's the word for that?

Um... slowly.

Yeah, I'm still getting used to my miter saw.

I'm actually having trouble lining up my corners perfectly.

You know?

Well, don't get frustrated.

Miter cuts don't often fit on the first try.

Keep adjusting the angle, quarter of a degree at a time with each slice.

Alright. [Exhales tensely]

I just want it to be done right.

I know. I know.

Look, you're taking the time to make something for her.

She's gonna love it, even if it's not perfect.




[Gravel crunching]

Judge Lockhart.


Sorry. Olivia.

What brings you out here?

Well, this may sound crazy, but...

Grace is one of my dearest friends, and I just bet the two of you would really hit it off.

Trust me, I'd take that bet, but I don't think she's interested.

Oh, she's interested.

I just think she's a little skittish after her divorce.

I've tried not to pressure her.

And that's very considerate, but I think what she needs right now is a nudge.

Maybe even a push.

Or a shove.

What'd you have in mind?

Well, I don't know if you've heard about the upcoming bachelor auction?

I saw the signs around town.

I thought... what if you entered the auction?

Give her a chance to show her interest.

Bachelor auction is just not really my kind of thing.

It's for a good cause... pet adoption.

And it might just be the shove that we're looking for.

Supposing she doesn't bid on me?

I thought about that.

If she gets cold feet, I'll bid on you, gift the date to the two of you.


Jack Griffith is gonna go for that?

You leave Jack to me.

So... what do you say?

I've been to a whole lot of cattle auctions.

This'll be the first time I'm the one in the corral.


Hey, Justine!



You know, I, uh, saw you painting down by the cove yesterday.

Yeah. So beautiful down there.

Kind of opens the creative floodgates.

You know, I know exactly what you mean.

I've been spending a lot of time down there myself, actually.

Speaking of which...

I was wondering if I could show you something.

This is my latest work of art... the Cedar Cove Promenade.

Promenade? Sounds fancy.

Yeah. Hotel, condos, restaurants.

You can see there's some shopping down by the water.

Huh? What do you think?

Now, of course, we've got to get town council to approve construction and everything, but, Justine, the condos are amazing, and I am going to set one aside for you, right down by the water, so you can finally move out of that dingy apartment.

Warren, I like my dingy apartment.

For now, but, uh, you know, you can do better.

Seth. Hi.



Warren was just showing me sketches of the new waterfront promenade.

Gonna be a hotel and stores.

Stores will screw up the coastline.

Chuckles: Oh?

Yeah, you know, Seth, you know what happens to people who get in the way of progress?

They get run over and left behind.

Good chat.


Thank you.


So how many bachelors will be on parade?

11 specimens so far.


Uh, make that 12.

Moon, you're part of this?

Oh, yeah. Anything to help a charity.

And if history is any indicator, I shall be a rather hot-ticket item.


And who am I to deny women all of this?

Moon's winning bid was $500 last year.


Someone paid that much money to have dinner with you?


Which is awesome.

Who was she?

Edna Stanton.

The sweet little lady from the flower shop?

[Moon chuckles] She's got a little fire left in her yet.

Edna walked out with four bachelors one year.

Forced us to change all the rules.

Only one winning bid per customer.


Right. This doesn't make you feel cheap?

No. I kind of like being an object of desire.

There you go. Bachelor number one. Ha-ha!

Olivia! Jack won't be in the auction.

Maybe he's afraid no one'll get him.

Maybe I don't think anybody could afford me.

Oh, now, that sounds like a challenge to me.

Now you have to be in the auction just to prove Olivia wrong.

You know, I might be willing to reconsider, if I were sure that the right woman would make the winning bid.

Well, that depends on how high the bid goes on Moon.

Alright, that's it.

Call me bachelor number 13.

Calls out: It's on, Moon!

Roars: Alright! Ha-ha!

Oh, I can't believe I'm doing this.

This is just so strange, us coming together now so long after we split up.

It's nice to see former spouses who support each other.

We always have.

We have?

Well, maybe not always.

Tell me about that.


Um, okay.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize we'd just jump right in.

When were you not supportive of each other?

At the end of the marriage, obviously.

We didn't talk much the last few months of it.

It's why we're not together anymore.

He wasn't there for me when I needed him most.

After Jordan's death?

He chose to be alone, to hide from anything that reminded him of...

Our son.

He pulled away until he just stopped talking to me.

I was trying to be strong for you and Justine.


You pretended like nothing happened.

You wouldn't even say his name!

I couldn't fix it.

I couldn't make things better.

There was nothing I could do.

He was gone.

I didn't need you to fix it.

I just needed you to be there for me, to talk to me.

Many times, people turn away from those they love most when they're hurting.

He cleaned out his room without even asking me.

He gave away his clothes, his books, his toys... his little boat.

I thought...

It would make you feel better if you didn't have all those reminders.

If you didn't have to look at all... [voice breaks]

I just... honestly thought it would help you.

It didn't. It made it worse.

I know that now...

I know that I only hurt you more.

And then you just left.

Any man who can take a photograph like that is worth waiting for.

You might be waiting forever for him to ask you out.

You treat him like he just got out of quarantine.

She's right!

Men don't like it when women play games.

Just tell him you like him.

If John is interested, he can make the first move.


You can bid on him at the bachelor auction.


I have played it cool for weeks, and you want me to show my cards in front of the whole town?

Talk about desperate.

I figured you might say that, so we'll go with plan "B."

I'll bid on him.

But you're supposed to bid on me.

Oh, Maryellen can win you, and then we'll switch.

Do you really think John would be in the auction?

I can persuade him.

But I don't want him to know that I know what we're doing.

Trust me. He won't know a thing.

So much for not playing games.


The day Stan left...

How did that make you feel?



I still do, to some extent.

I never meant to hurt you.

Or Justine.

I tried once to come back.

I don't remember that.

You were so angry, so... shut off.

I didn't know how to talk to you anymore, or how to get past your disappointment in me.

There's no playbook for this unspeakable pain.

You both dealt with it the best way you could.

Yes, Stan retreated into himself, and, yes, he didn't give you what you needed, but maybe he... He couldn't.

Maybe he didn't know how.

Maybe he was just doing the best he could.


A bachelor auction?

Justine: It's so much fun!

And the best thing is, you don't have to say anything.

You just have to look handsome.

And you've got that covered.

Yeah, well, what makes you think she's gonna bid on me?

She won't. She'll be too afraid.

So then why would...

Don't worry about that!

I've got it all figured out.

I'm gonna bid on you, and then I will gift the date to her.

You two go out.

Hopefully, you'll even talk to each other for once.


Nah, no problem.

It's just...

I really don't like being in front of people.

It's okay.

I'm like that myself sometimes.

But it's for a really good cause, and I know Maryellen would love it.

Just think about it.


All the old pain and resentment came back.

Things I hadn't dealt with for years.

I had no idea that was so close to the surface.

Stan actually spoke up?

He's making an effort.

Grace: But did he apologize?

Yes, but I also learned I was so focused on me, so focused on what he didn't give me back then, I never thought about what I didn't give him.

Okay, that's good.

But I'm sorry, I'm not gonna let you blame yourself.

I was there.

I saw what you went through, and I'm not gonna watch you go through it again.

Now, moving on.

Here's what I'm thinking.

What if I hosted the smallest of small gatherings for your birthday?

No birthday parties, Grace.

It's just a day like any other day.

I beg your pardon?

It's the anniversary of my 23 hours in labor with you.

Oh, 23 now? She adds on an hour every year.

Be that as it may, I should get the presents, not you.

Oh, I don't want any presents.

Fine. So, what?

You just want us to forget about your birthday entirely?

Guess who did remember? Will.

Will? That's a miracle!

He took the time out to send his sister a card?

It's really sweet.

We should get him to come for Christmas this year.

We try every year.

Something always comes up.

So how is Will?

I had such a crush on him in high school.


I didn't notice.

You were my best friend.

He was your brother. I could not go there.

I think you should go to the bachelors' auction and see if there's anyone interesting there you should bid on.

Sounds like a marvelous idea.

It's just never going to happen.

Oh, come on, Grace.

Just keep me company.

You don't have to bid on anyone if you don't want to.

As a judge, I think that's a very wise decision.

Fine. But I reserve the right to appeal.



Hey there, your honor.

Hi, Jack. What a nice surprise.

And I hope this is, too.

♪ Ta-dah! Happy early birthday.

I couldn't wait.

You also couldn't listen.

I told you no presents!

If you don't like it, you can cite me for contempt.

It's either a very large book, or a really stiff shirt.

Should I open it now?


Oh, Jack!

I asked Justine to paint the cove, and I made the frame, so I guess it's a present from both of us.

I love it.

You made the frame?


With a little coaching from Bob, yes.

It's beautiful.

You may not think your birthday is special, but I think you are very special.

Thank you.

And I have the perfect place to hang it.

And after you do that, I am gonna take you out for a spectacular, pre-birthday dinner.

[She sighs, he chuckles]

[Phone rings]

Oh, let me get that.

Judge Lockhart.

Oh, hi, Stan.

Well, Jack and I are just headed out the door to have dinner.


Is everything alright? Are you sure?

Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

What was that about?

I don't know, he just said he needed to talk to me.

Does your ex often call you like that?

Just to "talk"?

Please tell me you're not jealous.

[Laughs] Curious.

We're just friends. Nothing more.

Okay, then.

You still up for dinner?

Of course I am.

We need to celebrate this beautiful present.
[♪ ♪]

Shocked: You what?

I had an argument with Melanie. A fight, actually.

You got in a fight?

I know.

I'm usually a master at avoiding confrontation, but I'm trying not to repeat my mistakes.

And what was the fight about?

I asked her to come to a therapy session with me and she refused.

That's her choice. You have to respect it.

I do, but then I told her that you'd come with me the other day...

You didn't tell her that beforehand?

I knew she would just get upset!

Of course she got upset!

You can't keep something like that from her.

She has a right to know.

But that is the problem.

Any time I try to talk to her about me going into therapy, she... she gets angry.

She doesn't believe in stirring up issues from the past, but that is exactly what I need.

It's the only way I'm gonna get any peace of mind.

For years, I have been living with this constant...


I want to be able to sleep at night.

Anyway, we argued and... and I just felt I had to get out of there.

I came here, and I checked into the Thyme And Tide overnight, and just let things settle down.

Well, you can't stay any longer.

That is something that the old Stan would have done, when things got too uncomfortable.

I know, I ran.

But you're not that same person anymore, so just go home and deal with it.

I can't let my marriage fall apart like I did before.

It was my fault, too.

I wasn't open to hearing your needs, because I was too lost in my own.

I see that now.

Thank you for that.

It really means a lot to me.

And thanks for listening, Olivia, for being a friend.


♪ Second by second ♪
♪ minute by minute ♪


Hey, mom!


You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Are you sure?


It's just...

I mean, things may not always have been so great between your father and I, but we always ate dinner together, we always shared the same bed.

I just didn't expect, after 26 years, to feel so lonely in my own house.

You're not alone.

I'm here.

I know.

And that's good.

Because I'm gonna need you to give me some tips on how to start dating again.

It's been a long time. Whole different world.

I mean, look at me... I can barely send a text.

It's easy.

I'll show you.

Just watch out for autocorrect.

See, now, I don't even know what that is.

You'll be fine, mom. Don't worry.

Oh, sweetie.

I am so glad you moved back in with me.

Me too.


Does this look okay?

Does it matter? You're mine.


You get Seth, I get John, then we make the switcheroo.

You don't have to tell me again.

I feel like we're Lucy and Ethel hatching a plan.


[Quiet chuckling]

Just pay attention, Ethel.

Ethel? I'm Lucy. You're Ethel.

By the way, you look fantastic.

Thank you.

Please don't sample the merchandise.

You're in this thing?

[Laughs] No.

Actually, Seth, I contribute to charity the old-fashioned way...

By writing a huge check.

Plus, he knows no one will bid on him.

Actually, no one can afford me, but thanks.


They're gonna go through with this thing in the rain?

Come rain or shine.

Now, please, Grace, keep an open mind.

I will, but I'm not promising anything.

Where is my mother?



[Locked handle clunking]


Be still my heart.

Someone is going to be a very hot commodity.

Just please make sure you are the winning bid.

About that...


No worries.

Just don't be alarmed if I bid on Cliff Harting.

Cliff Harting?

Yes. I'm gonna give that date to Grace, in which case, I'll get my mom to bid on you for me, but I just need to find her.


Don't worry.

Sure, what could possibly go wrong?

Everything's gonna be alright, I promise.


Okay. How did your meeting with Stan go?

Oh, he's just having a rough time right now.

He needed someone to talk to.

So he called you?

Jack... my concerns for Stan have nothing to do with us.

Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.

May I have your attention, please?

I know that Mayor Hanson usually handles the auctioneer duties, but he has taken ill, and I drew the short straw.


So, uh, please bear with me, and we'll see if we can match some lucky ladies with eligible bachelors.

Are we ready? Huh?


Then let's get started!

Going once...

Going twice?

Sold! For $125 to the Covington sisters!

[Cheering and laughter]

[Chuckling] Ah, that's great! Thank you.

Okay, next up, we have...

[Hushed whispers]

Uh, folks, we have a little surprise here...

A late entry.

We haven't seen him in Cedar Cove for quite awhile, but I think most of you will recognize him...

[Gasps] Uncle Will!

Bob: Will Jeffers!

Give it up for him, huh?

Did you know your brother was coming?

I had no idea.

Bob: Ladies, Will's not technically a bachelor, but he would like to help raise money for pet adoption, so if you'd like to take him out to a friendly little dinner...


Bob: $50!

What are you doing?

I am being strong, bold and confident.

Bob: Do I hear a hundred?



Bob: 150?


Going once?

150 going twice...

Will Jeffers, you are sold for $150 to Grace Sherman.

[Crowd applauding]

Hello, birthday girl!



Completely, but not half as much as your wife is gonna be.

What? It's just dinner, Olivia.

She's still such a stickler for decorum.

It's that judge thing.

Be good, or I'll hit you with my gavel.

This cannot be the girl I used to take sailing every Sunday. Oh!

What happened to your braces?

It hasn't been that long.

It feels like it.

I'm happy you're here.

Me too. Where's mom?

I don't know.

I've got to go find her. Come help me.

Hey, Will!

How are you?

I'm good. It's so nice to see you.

Good to see you, too.


Bob: $50! Do I hear a hundred?

I called her house. No answer.

Why are you so anxious?

Because Grace wasn't supposed to bid on your Uncle.

She was supposed to bid on Cliff Harting.


So now I have to bid on Cliff and give the date to Grace, in which case, I can get your grandmother to bid on Jack for me.

But you can!

No, I can't.

Oh, please, Justine?

I promised Jack that I'd make the winning bid.

But it's one bachelor per woman, and I have to bid on John for Maryellen, and she gonna bid on Seth for me.

I'm confused.

I'm sorry. You got to find someone else.

Where is your grandmother?

[Crowd applauding]


Bob: Okay, $225 it is.


250, we have 250. Going once...

Going twice...

Moon, you're sold to number 40!

Ladies, the next gentleman is Mr. Seth Gunderson.

Come on out here, Seth!

[Women cheering]


Bob: Now, what do I hear? What's our opening bid?


$50! Do I hear 75?

Woman: $200!

Bob: Do I hear $225?

Who's that?

I don't know, but she's gorgeous.



225 it is! 225.


Bob: 300! 300. Do we have a 325?

Maryellen, raise your paddle.

I don't have enough money.

I do. Just bid!

325, going once...


Bob: 350?



Bob: 400! 400...

400. Going once.

400 going twice.


Going once, going twice...

Sold! To Justine Lockhart.


[Auction crowd applauding]

Sorry. I got carried away.

You made your interest in Seth crystal-clear.

Ladies, I want you to meet John Bowman...

A man with talent behind the camera as well as in the kitchen.

Come on out here, John!

[Women cheering]

You've inspired me.

But now I can't bid on John.

You don't have to.

Do I hear $50?


Bob: $50.

Oh, come on, ladies.


Take a look at this guy! Huh?

You can't do better than that!


A hundred? 100!

You don't have to outbid yourself.

Oh. Right. [Laughing]

Bob: Hundred, going once...

Going twice...

Sold! For $100.

[Crowd applauds in the distance]

Cliff? Where are you going?


But you're up soon.

Ladies, Mr. Jack Griffith!

[Women cheering]

Bob: Alright, I'm gonna open the bid at $150.

Do we have $150?


Do we have 200? 200? Do I see...

No sense in me hanging around.

Grace has got her date.

No, no. That's my brother.

He showed up and surprised us and threw her off-guard.

Yeah, she seemed pretty excited.

Aw, Cliff. They're old friends.

Come on, let me bid on you for her.

No, but thanks for trying.

[Engine rumbles]


Made it. What did I miss?

Did you already bid on Jack?

You're just in time.

Bob: Jack, you have been sold for 450!

[Crowd applauds]

[Olivia groans]


Hey, everybody, listen up!

We're still waiting on the final tally, but I have been told that we broke last year's record!

Oh! Wow!


So, ladies and gentlemen... enjoy your dates!

And thank you all for coming.



Oh, this is so wonderful.

How long can you stay?

I'll be in Seattle on business for awhile.

I'm sure I can pop over on the ferry from time to time.

You'd better pop over often!

Yeah, starting with that date I paid big money for.

Oh, I'm looking forward to it.

So, I gotta say, I was pretty surprised when I saw you raise your paddle.

Gotta say, I surprised myself when I raised it.

[Chuckles nervously]

Are you okay with that?


I thought it was pretty great.

Great. [Relieved laugh]

So where should we go to dinner?

Your choice.

Anywhere but the Captain's Galley.

Their best chef will be off-duty.

Justine: Seth!

Just a second.

This is for you.

Alright, babe? I'll see you later.

Safe drive.



What's your problem?

Problem? I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't have a problem.

You know what I'm talking about.

What's going on?

You know the girl who bid on me?

He put her up to it.

He's playing games with us.

I'm not the one who plays games, Seth.

That's your job.

I mean, you're the one who leaves town all the time.

I don't know about you, but is that some way to treat Justine?

That is none of your business.

Sure isn't.

So stay out of it.

[Warren snickers]

No worries, folks.

Please, he's just whining because I raised the stakes and brought a lot more money into the charity.

Isn't that right, Seth?

That's not why you did it and you know it.

I don't have time for this.

Get out of my way.

Not till we finish this.




Take it easy. It's not worth it.

[Warren chuckles]

Ho, ho. Wow.

Come on.

This isn't over.

You can't win.

You know, you're gonna spend a night in jail if you ever touch me again. You know that, right?

Olivia: I was gonna bid on Cliff Harting, and gift the date to Grace, and get her to bid on you for me, but she bid on my brother, Will, so I asked Justine, but she couldn't do it, so I was gonna ask my mom, but she left her keys in the car, and by the time I got back, it was over! You see?

Yeah? See? See what?

There's a perfectly logical explanation!

You call that logical?


Come on, Jack! You know I wanted to win that date with you!

Yes, I do. However...

I'm not so sure you could have outbid my new companion.

She seemed very determined.

Huh. So who is this girl?

Flirts: Hello...

Edna Stanton?

[Jack laughing]

You have some very serious competition.

We are gonna go for an early dinner right here.

She doesn't waste any time.


Well, you're coming to my house afterwards.

Edna paid top-dollar for me.

You think you're gonna get a freebie now?

And I'll make it worth your while.

Ooh! I am so there.

[Edna bangs on the window]

Sorry. Hi, edna.

[Cracking up]



Justine, come on!


What do you want?

Look, I just want to apologize for what happened at the auction.

Okay? Look, I wasn't trying to cause a problem with the bidding.

I was just having fun.

No, you weren't.

Alright, you know what?

Maybe I took it a little too far. You're right.

But think about how much money I brought into the auction.

Warren, stop.


Look, when we first started dating, I thought this whole act was just for show, that, deep down inside, there was a person capable of caring for others, but I was wrong.


Hi, Stan!

Oh. Hey.

I thought you'd, uh, still be at the auction.

How'd it go?

Well, nothing turned out the way it was supposed to, but maybe everything turned out the way it should.

I, uh...

I was just leaving that for you.

You haven't given me a birthday present in years.

Well, it's not really for that, but, uh...

But Happy Birthday.

Should I open it?


[Gasps] Oh...


It's Jordan's. I saved it.

I just couldn't throw it away.

[Stunned chuckle]

Emotionally: Thank you.

You haven't been back to the lake since he died, have you?

You should go.

I don't think I can.

Yes, you can.

Come on.

We'll go together.



Olivia: Ready to launch?


Here goes.




Hey... [grunts]

Hey, it's me, I hope you can hear this.

I got, like, two bars on this thing.

I'm at your house and... you're not.

Just, uh, wondering where you are.

Hope you're okay.

I'll, um, I'll check in later, okay?




[Breath starts shaking]

It's okay.

What are you thinking?

[Shaky sigh] Just...

He was such a beautiful boy.

Such a good boy, our son.

Yes. He was.
