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02x02 - Letting Go: Part Two

Posted: 07/27/14 08:58
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Cedar Cove...

I don't think we should keep our baby.

So I assume you still want to continue?

No one's gonna stop us from opening that place.

We've got some information on John Bowman.

It's not good.

What are you willing to sacrifice for?

It's your life, too.

You need to calm down.

You aren't giving my baby away!

[Ambulance siren wailing]


I'm all alone up there.

It's me against Shelly, you and Olivia.

Hey, I'm on your side, all right?

And Olivia is just trying...

She's contacting a lawyer in Seattle for Shelly.

I have rights, too. I'm the father.


Shelly keeps using my past against me.

It's not fair.

I'm getting a lawyer, dad.

Oh, Eric... listen...

I think that will only make the situation worse, okay?


It's you and Olivia that are making this situation worse.


Roy: Those men are parolees.

They were in prison with John and now they're here.

I know, looking for John.

They probably want John to go into business with them.

What kind of business?

Sam and Robbie deal mostly in fraudulent credit cards and passports.

They've got quite a reputation, as well as very long rap sheets back in Seattle.

John went to prison for a crime he didn't commit to protect his brother.

He's a good man.

He's not dealing in stolen credit cards.

Yeah, but they came here looking for him.

Yes, I know, but he's not a criminal.

He wouldn't break the law.

Yeah, but John wanted to stay away from you to keep you safe.

This all makes sense now.

No, no, it doesn't make sense.

John is not in business with those men.

Troy: Well, I just got word from the chief of police of Seattle that Sam and Robbie used to have a third member of their g*ng.

Roy: And word on the street is they're looking to fill the position before they make a big delivery of goods in Los Angeles.

Look, I'm guessing that...


Any thr*at against you would get John to do just about anything.

He's not going to break the law.

Regardless, I think it's best if you steer clear of John Bowman.

So do I.

So he's doing all this to protect me, but I should just turn my back on him?

Excuse me.

Look, uh...

If John tries to contact... oh, trust me, I'll be calling you.

Thanks for the coffee.


Good to see you, Roy.

[♪ ♪ ♪]

[Phone rings]


Sam, it's me, John. Look, please...

Where are you?


Sam: If I were you, I'd get your butt back to Cedar Cove.

Come on, man.

I need you, John.

In fact, without you, I'm sunk.

I need your "arty" skills to help finish some fake stamps in a bunch of passports.

I know you don't care about how much money you could be making working with me, but I found something you do care about.


Someone you care about.

Tall, redhead, long legs...

Leave her out of this.

The minute you said, "no," you brought her into this.

[♪ ♪ ♪]

Iced tall latte, two sugars, easy on the milk.

Thank you, Moon.

I made it a double.

You look like you need it.

I think I do.

I don't have a degree or anything, but... I do have two ears.

Do you think it's wrong to do something just because you love someone?


Lies lead to deception, deception leads to unhappiness.

You gotta stay true to your own heart at all times.

And I know whereof I speak.

That's how I ended up with a really bad perm back in the '70s.

My girlfriend was into Mac Davis.


I looked like a poodle in a tie-dyed t-shirt.


That love... it's a crazy ride.

Olivia! I'll get you a coffee.

Hi. I got here as soon as I could.

How's Shelly doing?

The same.

What's going on?

Seth's turning down his dream job in Alaska to stay here in Cedar Cove with me and open the restaurant.


I'm not surprised.

No? I am.

Seth has always been clear on what he wants...


So what do I do?

I don't know, Justine.

What do you want?

Seth really wants us to open this restaurant.

I just asked what you want, and you told me what Seth wants.

You can't make decisions in life based on keeping another person happy.

It won't work.

Honey, you can only avoid the truth for so long.

There ya go.

In court, as in life, eventually, the truth always wins out.

Well, you look like hell.


Yeah, I've been up all night.

You promised you'd call.

If I called you every time Eric made me feel like this, you wouldn't get any sleep, Bob.

You know, they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

You gotta let go of trying to control things you can't control.

Well, that's easier said than done.


You know, sometimes, being a good parent's like being a good sponsor.

We have to let our children find their way clear of things.

Eric wants to hire a lawyer.

Then let him get a lawyer.

But, Bob, I think that's a mistake.

I just...

You know when you're sailing, and you lose the wind, you try another tack?

Try a different tack.

He's the father, Shelly. He has rights.

I don't care.

Eric says that he's changed, but...

I... I know him.

He'll leave again.

I've made up my mind.

Call the lawyer now.



[Door opens]

I'm glad you're here.


Look, I'm not blind.

I can see that you're really nervous about the restaurant.

All right, yeah... a little.

We live together.

And we've invested money together, we're starting a business together, and soon, we're gonna own this restaurant together.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.

I get it, and I think I know something that's gonna make you a little less nervous.

You do?

I was gonna wait till after the restaurant opened to do this.

To do what?


Justine Lockhart... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

You're packing for Seattle?

Don't try to talk me out of this.

They're career criminals, Maryellen...

John is involved with them.

John isn't a criminal.

Are you sure?

Without a doubt.

Okay, please, can we just...

I love him, and I can't just stand by and not warn him.

If you go after him, you could both get hurt.

When you love someone, you sacrifice.

I know that's hard for you to understand after everything daddy put you through.

Excuse me?

Since your divorce. I get it.

Oh, you get what?

That you want to protect me from being hurt... by men.

This is not emotional hurt.

This is physical hurt.

I'll be fine.

I'm going after work tonight.

Please don't worry.

Oh, that's easy for you to say. You're not me.

I love you, too.


What's the latest?

She wants to give up the baby.

Eric still wants to get a lawyer.

You know what?

I should tell him to get a lawyer since he always does the opposite of whatever I say.


No, what?

Tell him to get a lawyer.

I was kidding.

I'm not.

[♪ ♪ ♪]

Be right with you.


Hey, Roy?

Those men... they're back.

Okay. Got it.

So, what can I get you?

Two beers.

You got it.

All right, you win.

I'm in.

Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it.


It's a beautiful motivator.

No, y... you're not listening to me.

I just need some advice... and some help.

No, no, I understand.

We've been looking for you.

Any luck?

They all want money before they'll do anything.

So you can tell Shelly she wins.

I can't afford to get a lawyer.

I guess I'll do what you want and give up.


That's not what I want.

It's not what I want either.

Could have fooled me.

I think adding a lawyer to this situation might actually help.

I just told you, I can't afford it.

[Jack] Well, I happen to know a lawyer that works pro bono.

What, help me for free?




Jack: She can help you get what's best for everyone...

Okay? You, Shelly and the baby.

I don't know...

Jack: Listen, Eric, I know you have a hard time trusting me... but I love you and I really need you to hear me.

Trust Olivia.

[Door handle jiggles]

It's open, Seth.

[Door opens]



What are you doing here?

Well, until you two lovebirds close escrow, Justine, I still own the place.

Just get out.

Now, come on.

Is that any way to talk to the man you almost married?

Leave, Warren.

Okay, look...

If you need money, I'd be happy to make you a personal loan.

I don't want anything from you.

You don't even know what you want.

Excuse me?

It's just like when we were together, you know...

You're a little girl lost, and you're drifting from profession to profession, and man to man, trying to find your own way.

You know nothing about me.

I do know you.

And you hate it because you know I'm right.

You don't even know what you want or need in a man, which is the whole reason you're with Seth and not me.

I know what I want in a man.


Enlighten me.

I want a man that doesn't have a girlfriend when he asks me to marry him.

I want a man that doesn't lie to the whole town, saying he saved the lighthouse, when he didn't.

I want a man that hasn't been arrested by the FBI, a man that doesn't money-launder funds for criminals and tax cheats back east, a man who doesn't have a flexible moral code.

In short, I want a real man.

That isn't you.

It was never you.

And I'm not a little girl.

I'm a woman.

A woman holding a nail g*n.

You know how dangerous construction sites can be.

And I think, for your own safety, it's best if you go.

This isn't over.

It's so over.

Now get out.

I'm glad you came to your senses.

What choice do I have?

None, not if you wanna keep the redhead safe.

Leave Maryellen alone.

As long as you don't give me any reason, tomorrow, we'll pull out of this town and never come back.

Then I guess I'm in the forgery business.

Cheer up, man.

You're going to make so much money, you can buy yourself a brand-new Maryellen.


I'm sorry, I don't understand.

In court, when two people can't find any common ground, I send them to mediation.

Sometimes, it's the only way to find your way through a difficult, highly emotional situation.

So you would...


Do you really think Eric will listen to me?

If I can get you and Eric in the same room and get you to listen to each other, I think I can help.




I was so worried.

I missed you so much.

I was just heading to Seattle.

I know all about prison and Sam and Robbie, but if keeping me safe means losing you, I don't want to be safe.

I had to see you... one last time.

One last time?

What are you talking about?

Those guys... if I don't work with them, they'll hurt you.

No, John... no.

I'm going to make sure you're okay.


You are not a criminal. Don't... don't do it.

No one will let me forget that I was in prison.

I might as well accept this is the only kind of life I'm ever gonna have.

I didn't start out a criminal, but I guess that's what I am.

Goodbye, Maryellen.


So how do we do this?

Well, you each take turns talking and we try to find some common ground.


She wants to give our baby away, and I want to keep her, and we're never going to agree.

Can't you see how hard this is, Eric?

I don't want to do this.

I have to. We both do.

It's what's best for our baby.

I'm not going to leave you again.

I don't believe you.

I want her to end up with good parents.

We can be good parents.

Until you decide it's too much for you.

Think about it.

We're not what's best for our baby.

Please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is.

You're not going to change your mind, are you?

I know what's best for the baby.

I knew this was a waste of time.


And you just wanted to get me in a room to g*ng up on me.

No... Eric...


Leave me alone!

Stop running away from me!

Shelly thinks I'm a loser.

No, she doesn't.

But I think you think you think you are.

And you're wrong.

You're not a loser.

Look, I know that you think that I don't care or that I don't understand because I wasn't there for you as a kid.

I tell ya, I'm getting really sick of being constantly compared to a man that I no longer resemble.

And isn't that exactly what Shelly is doing to you?


Aren't you tired?

I mean, aren't you tired of being angry at me?

Being disappointed in me?

This isn't about making you feel better about all the stuff that happened to me when I was a kid.

No, it's not. This is about you.

I'll let you in on a little secret.

During your entire childhood, I was wrapped up in just two things... working and drinking.

And I will never be okay with that.


Come on, sit down.


I love you.

But you've got to find a way to work with me in putting the past in the past, otherwise, you will never be open to me in a way that can benefit your life.

Come here.

Shelly is scared that you're gonna leave her again.


And she can't let go of the "old" Eric, right?

There's nothing I can do to fix that.

No, you're wrong.

You can do exactly what I have done every day of my life.

You ask for forgiveness... and you hope you get it.

Olivia, why does no one seem to understand how hard this is for me?

I don't want to give up my baby.

I just... I want to do the right thing.

No one knows how I feel.

I do. I lost a child. His name was Jordan. He was 13. He loved the sea and sailing, and he had the silliest laugh. And everyone that met him loved him. And when he drowned, I thought my life was over.

I had no idea.

He was Justine's twin. He was a wonderful child, and there isn't a day I don't miss him. There isn't a day I don't think about him.

I don't have a crystal ball, and I can't predict the future, but I can share with you that the loss of a child, by any means, is something that will stick with you for the rest of your life.

But I want... I want my baby to have a better childhood than I did.

There are no perfect childhoods.

We're just a planet full of beautifully imperfect people doing the best we can.

There are some things you have control over, like your decision...

And some things you don't, like death.

You're about to become a mother.

And that makes you a member of a very big club.

[Pants a little]



I don't want to give up my baby.

And you don't have to.


Something doesn't feel right.

You okay?

[Panting, gasping]

Oh, honey, okay.

I'm gonna get some help.

Please, we need some help in here!

[Screams in agony]

Oh, honey! Breathe, breathe.

It's okay. They're coming.
Doctor: BP's 160 over 100. Let's get her prepped to move Olivia, don't leave.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you.

[Sobbing breaths]

Breathe. It's okay.

There you go. It's okay.


Doctor: Four grams of magnesium sulphate...

Go! Shelly's in labor!

Shelly? Shelly!

She's going to the O.R.

Her blood pressure is spiking again.

I don't know if she can deliver this baby without a caesarean.

She's going to be okay, though, right?

I am going to do everything I can.

I need you to stay here.

I'll have the nurses keep you posted.

Is there anything I can do?


Shelly, I've... I've made a lot of mistakes, and I've done a lot of stupid things, but the two of us and that baby, those aren't mistakes.

They might be the only good things I've ever done.

I love you.

And I want to make this work.


I love you, too.


Eric: Olivia!

I can't do this.

Yes, you can.

Can you stay with me?

Man, these passports... flawless.

You really are an artist.

We're gonna make a fortune.


Who's that?

[Slams down]

That's the money man.

Why are we here? Why aren't we in Seattle?

We're here.

Let's just do some business.

Should we be doing this here?

Seriously... is it safe to be here?

You know what I like about these tiny podunk towns?

They have, like, what, one cop?

And he's usually either too busy eating pie or sleeping at his desk to notice anything.

Let me see the merchandise.

[Whispered] So?

They're all there.

That's just a taste.

We're set up in Seattle to process social security cards, Green Cards, licenses...


What we agreed on.

Is it all there?

[Suitcase slams shut]

It was a pleasure doing business with you.

All right, let's wrap this up...


Police! Hands in the air!

Bob... Peggy...

Thanks for your help.

Well, we knew they were trouble the moment they showed up.


[Adding machine tape ticking]

What are you doing?

Depressing myself.

I don't know how we're gonna afford this.

Even with the restaurant b*rned out, it's gonna cost us a small fortune.

We have much more pressing and important business to attend to...

Our wedding?


Did you tell your mom?


What? You tell your mom everything.

She's just been really busy at the hospital with Shelly.

Right, right.

Well, this is what I'm thinking...


I mean huge.

I'm talking whole-town huge.

I want everyone there.

And I'm thinking maybe we can have the reception here.

I know it's not gonna be perfect, the construction's not gonna be done, but...

This restaurant... this is what's making all of this possible...

You and me, getting married.

It made me realize what's really important to me...


So? What do you think?

Where's John?

Go ahead.

You'll be okay?


Could you just walk me through initial contact?


Could you give us a minute?


I was so worried when the police called.

Are you okay?


Tell me what happened.

Well, a while back, Sam and Robbie, they followed me to Cedar Cove.

They saw us together, and they knew.

Knew what?

That I would do anything for you.

Are you in trouble?

No. But they are.

I thought you were working with them.

That's what I wanted them to think.

And you, too.

For this to work, everybody had to believe it.

I am so confused.

I knew that I would never get away from them.

And as long as they were out, you would never be safe.

So I went to the police.

I got Troy involved.

So you...

With Bob and Peggy's help, we set a trap.

I wore a wire, and they got everything they needed.

The district attorney told me those guys are going away for a long time.

So, no prison?

Not for me.

Does this mean that you're coming back to Cedar Cove?


I'm going back to New York.

New York?


There's a gallery, wants to give me a show... a sous chef job waiting for me...

I can't believe after all this, I'm still gonna lose you.

I want you to come with me.

What do you say?

You wanna take a chance on a guy who can't live without you?

You have a daughter.

A beautiful, perfect, healthy baby girl.

Oh, my... and Shelly?

She did great. They didn't have to operate.

Her blood pressure?

All normal.



[Both laugh joyfully]

She wants to see you.



[Olivia and Jack chuckle]

Got it.

So... Roy told me everything that John did, all the risks he took, putting this whole plan together, working with the police...

He loves me.


And I love him.

He wants me to move to New York.

I'm not going.

I can't leave you.

Come on. Let's go home.

Whatcha doing?



It's beautiful, isn't it?

The ocean?

I've seen it a few times.

It's where you belong.

Cedar Cove?

The sea... on a boat... doing what you love.

I overheard you talking to Derek at the captain's galley.

[Sighs] Look...

I'm not going to stand in the way of you living your dream.

I'm not leaving you.

I'm not going back to Alaska.

But you want to.

I can see it in your eyes.

I want you.

Can I tell you a secret?

I don't want to run a restaurant.

I don't want to own a restaurant.

I don't want to put any more of my money into the restaurant.

And I don't want you to either.

You're not making sense.


I think, for the first time in a long time, I am making sense.

I might not know what I want, but I think knowing what I don't want is a good start.

Are we breaking up?



But I don't understand.


I need to figure out "me" before there can be an "us."

And come on, Seth... be honest with yourself, and be honest with me.

You want to be on a boat, fishing in Alaska, not fixing up a restaurant in Cedar Cove.


Honestly, when Derek made me the offer... it k*lled me to let it go.


Mom was right.

The truth always does win out.

What're you gonna do?

I don't know, but I think it's time I figure it out.

I do love you.

That's why you're going to take the job... because I love you, too.

♪ Around the world and back again... ♪
♪ To the bottom of the deep, blue sea ♪
♪ my love for you it will never end ♪
♪ now and forever you've got me ♪


I'm in here.

Hurry up. Let's go.

You want to b*at traffic, don't you?

What, to the gallery?

No! To Seattle.

Seattle? Large city, east of us?

Space Needle? Seahawks?

I know Seattle. I'm not going there.

Correction... you're not staying there.

But you are driving through there to pick up John's things... and then the two of you are heading off to New York.


No, I'm not leaving.

Yes, you are.

What about this house?

My rent? I know it helps.

I need to be here.

No, you don't.

You need to be happy.

I am.

No, you're not, not without John and not without going to New York to do what you love.

I can't leave you all alone.

Yes, you can.

The art world awaits.

Besides, it's time for you to find out what's waiting for you outside of Cedar Cove.

So you're really okay with this?


And John?

Well, if I were looking for a man who would never hurt you and always take care of you...

I don't think I could find anyone better than John Bowman.

Now let's go.

He's on his way.


Mm-hmm. Yeah, I called him. We talked.

Thanks, mom.

We'd like to name her Adele, after my grandmother.

I like that name.

Adele Jordan Griffith.

Jordan is such a beautiful name, don't you think?

Yes, it is.

Thank you so much, Olivia, for everything.

So, what are you gonna do?

Well, we decided that it's not really a good time to make such a big decision.

We're going to try to work it out.

Yeah, it won't be easy, but...

I've seen a lot of couples come through my courtroom over the years, and I have to say...

I have a really good feeling about you two.


Hey! Here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Here you go, John.

So you'll call?

As soon as we get there.

I won't let anything happen to her.

Well, be sure you keep that promise.

With my life.

You must know by now the Shermans are huggers.

I'm going to miss you.

Okay, get in there.

Put your seat belt on.

[Seat belt clicks]


[Truck horn honks]

[Tearful] Hi.

I thought you might need some company.

[Sobs] I do.

Oh... I'm gonna miss her.

It's all right.

Boy... am I happy to be out of that hospital.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.


That's not how you do it.

Oh, excuse me?

I will have you know that I was a champion... you know, rock-skipper, back in Philadelphia.

Oh, really?

Lots of skipping in the big city?

Watch this.

[Clears throat]

Okay, I'm calling foul.

Clearly, you're a ringer.

Nice throw!

You're gonna have to teach me how to do this one day.

Listen, um... are you okay?

With rock skipping?

Are you okay?


Thanks to Shelly and Eric, I now have a new memory of Cedar Cove General.

Yeah. Yeah.

I just hope those two are ready to be parents.

Is anybody ever ready?

Right, one more time. Here we go.

All right!



If a city boy can learn to skip a rock like that...


Eric and Shelly are gonna figure things out... together.


Thanks to you.

You know, I've been thinking about us.

We've been through a lot the last few months.

Yeah, not to mention the past few weeks.

Very true.

We're like a real couple now, aren't we?

Yeah, of course, we are.

In that case, I think you should have this.

It's to my house.

Why do I need a key to your house?