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01x05 - Episode Five

Posted: 07/11/15 08:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dark Matter...

Who are you?

We all woke up just like you.

No idea who we are or how we got here.

Six: We're nothing but a bunch of low life mercenaries.

One of the dreams she experienced was of one of us, sabotaging the stasis pods.

Six: What's inside?

Five: Secrets.

How do you think the rest of the crew will react when they find out that you're an impostor?

Jace: Who are you and what the hell are you doing with my face?

This is ridiculous.

We're the most wanted criminals in the galaxy and we can't even scrape together enough money to buy a decent meal.

We could if you hadn't lost those weapons.

We were ambushed.

It wasn't our fault.

So you keep saying.

Alright, there's no point in arguing.

There's nothing we can do about it now.

Sure there is.

We do what we do best, rob someone.

Anyone in particular?

I say Ferrous Corp.

We find their closest outpost, and we just nail it.


They're already pissed off at us, right?

How much worse could it be?

What do you think?

I think it's a terrible...


Sorry, wrong pipe.

You were saying?

Sure, it's what we do, right?


What about the vault?

What vault?

I think that's what it is.

It's down in the lower levels, at the end of a maintenance shaft.

I found it when I was exploring the vents.

Two: This is the door you saw in your dream, isn't it?


Six: Well if I were a pirate and a smuggler, and apparently I am, this is the kind of place I might just pick to hide my loot.

Has anyone else been down here before?

No, definitely not me.

Alpha-numeric lock code.

Which none of us can remember.

You ever dream about the code, kid?


But it's still rattling around in your head isn't it?

What do you want to do, cr*ck her skull open?

Dig around with a spoon?

Believe me, if I thought that would help...

Android: Two, come in please.

Go ahead.

I think you should all come up to the bridge immediately.

We're receiving a transmission.

From who?

Someone who says he knows you.

The signal's weak, this far from the nearest g-comm link.

There may be some interference.


I should warn you: He seems to be a man of little patience, and tact.


Portia Lin et al.

Thanks for keeping me waiting.

Your android, a little testy, by the way, you might want to check that out.

I thought I was nothing but patient.

Is there something we can do for you?


Is there something they can... you hear that?

There was, definitely something you could do for me, your job.

The one I set up for you?

With Ferrous Corp?

The one you completely messed up?

This ringing any bells?!

There were unforeseen circumstances.

Babe, have you seen my inhaler?

No, I haven't seen your inhaler!

I'm on the phone!

This is interstellar, you have any idea how much this costing me!

Get outta here!


Anyway, where were we?

Oh right, you were talking about how you were gonna make it up to me.

Were we?

I didn't think...

Let me bottom line this for you, okay?

Ferrous wants your heads.

Without their backing you've got no political protection, which, given your records, I think we can all agree, is not a good thing.

But it's okay.

I'm gonna take care of it, I'm gonna smooth things over.

And in exchange you're gonna do a job for me.

What kind of job?

Oh walk in the park.

Salvage job, nothin' to it.

Which is why you're gonna do it for half of your normal rate.

No way.

It's a freighter, ISS Far Horizon.

It apparently suffered some kind of catastrophic system failure, the resulting expl*si*n exposed most of the upper decks to space.

None of the crew survived.

Unfortunately, the data stream provided by your friend was a little short on information.

I don't think he's our friend.

He's a handler.

He gets the jobs, we do the jobs.

Like an agent.

I don't know seems like a scumbag to me.


I'm not allowed to have standards?

The thing I don't get is why us?

Why not hire some licensed salvage operation to do the job?

If I had to guess, there's something illegal on that ship.

Stolen goods, dr*gs, who knows?

Something valuable?

Can we trust him?

Well, we have worked with him before...

We need him.

Without our memories, we have no other connections.

We're completely on our own.

Am I wrong?

Two: We're nine hours out from the freighter's last known location, so everyone get some sleep.

Oh, hi.

Um, I just came by to see if you wanted to um...



If you wanted to go over the plans, for the salvage.

Oh, sure.

Why don't we go up to the bridge and we'll go over it.

Are you coming?


Android: As far as we know, the ship's FTL drive is intact, but navigation from the bridge is impossible.

If we can establish a remote link in the engineering section, I might be able to upload a jump sequence from here.

The ship will fly itself to its original destination.

You do know the g*ns are just a precaution, right?

The ship's abandoned.

There might be rats.

I hate rats.

Android, come in.

Android: I'm reading you.

Go ahead.

Two: We're in.

Life support's operational, but minimal.

It's a little cold in here.

Android: The ship is operating on emergency power only, but I estimate at least six hours before life support shuts down completely.

That should be more than enough time.


We'll head to engineering now.

I think we should look around a little first.

We came here to do a job.

You said it yourself, there might be some nice, tasty contraband kicking around here somewhere.

Which they want back.

That's why they hired us.

Half the ship's exposed to space.

Who's gonna be surprised if there's a little contraband that goes missing?

Am I right, hmm?



You know, after our fuel cost we're barely making a profit here.

Maybe we should at least take a look.

Alright, fine.

I'll head down to engineering, and hook up the link.

I should be forty-five minutes, an hour, max.

When I'm done, we're leaving.

Yes boss.

How's it going?

They've gained access to the ship.

So far, so good.


Well in the meantime, do you think I can drag you away for a sec?

I highly doubt that.

Despite your low center of gravity, you possess neither the strength nor the stamina to pull my body weight over any significant distance.

No, I mean could you help me with something?

Of course.

I, on the other hand, possess the strength and stamina to convey you with great ease.

No dragging required.


No I just need your help with something in the infirmary.

No heavy lifting.


Where did you find this?

It was in that storage room, where I found the dead boy.

Did you find anything else?


I thought it was just data storage, but I've tried everything, I can't read it.

I'm not surprised, because it's not data storage.

Then what is it?


The molecular structure is similar to that of a subatomic matrix card, but on a much smaller scale.

What does that mean?

If I had to guess, I would say this is part of some larger system designed to access pockets of extra-dimensional space.

Why would somebody want to do that?

I ask myself that question all the time.

Rarely do I get a satisfactory answer.


Thanks anyways.

Do me a favor, don't tell any of the others about this, okay?

I thought you had resolved to trust them.

Well, some of them anyway.

Yeah, so did I.


What the hell is that?

I think the other side of this wall is exposed to space.

Could be pressure or temperature difference causing the metal to warp.

Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

Quit being such a wimp.


Sonuva... !

Little bastard.

Huh, what'd I say?

I hate rats.

Alright guys, I'm in.

I found a junction box with access to the FTL control.

How's it going on your end?


I think we found something.

Is that blood?

Looks fresh.

What are you... what're you talking about six?

How could that be?

Answer me!

Who's blood?

I think it was most likely theirs.

Six: We've got four dead bodies here.

Two: This whole section is still intact.

How did they die?

I don't think it was an accident.

It was a violent att*ck.

But not with conventional weapons.

Whoever did this used their bare hands... and teeth.

I'm sorry, did you say "teeth"?


Okay, that's it.

Fall back to my position.

We'll finish hooking up the link and get the hell out of here.

One and Three, do you copy?

One and Three, are you reading this?

We're getting a lot of interference over the radio.

Could be residual radiation from the expl*si*n.


So I'm not a fan of radiation.

We should head back.

Nah, not yet.

This ship has yet to give up it's riches.

Do we have to have this talk again?

Remember that I am not the one who had his face surgically altered so that he could infiltrate our crew.

It doesn't prove anything.

Maybe not.

But it sure does make you wonder though, doesn't it?

How long are you gonna hold this over me?

I don't think that far ahead.

Well just remember, when you're blackmailing someone, you need to be really careful not to push them too far.

I know.

That's what I thought.

Six, is that you?



[heavy breathing]


[sh*ts fired]


What the hell was that?

I don't know.

He came out of nowhere.

Let me take a look.

It's a nasty gash.

Android, come in.

Android: Go ahead.

I've established the link.

Can you access the ship's logs?

I believe so.

Two: Then do it.

We need to know what the hell's going on here.

Android: I don't understand.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, you could say that.

This is ridiculous.

If there is any contraband on this ship, it's be gonna be hidden, right?

Behind the walls, under the floors, it's not going to be in plain sight.

Ahh trust me.

I've got a nose for this kind of thing.


How do you know?

Well, you assume because you're not the real Jace Corso, that you're not a criminal, right?

How do you know?

Okay, fine.

But while we're having this frank discussion...


What the hell happened between you and Two?

I think it was pretty obvious, isn't it?

You get her drunk?

No but I totally would have.

No, in fact, she came on to me.

And it wasn't subtle, either.

Practically an order.

You know, she does like to be in charge.

I wouldn't think you were her type.

Let me guess, you thought you were?

I got news for you pretty boy.

With a woman like that, that whole sensitive nice-guy thing you got going on doesn't cut it.

We'll see.

Yeah we'll see.

He was a crewman.

At least he was before he turned into that.

It's possible he's the one who k*lled the others.

By himself, against four people?

No weapons?

Hey you didn't have to fight him off.

I believe it.

Still, we can't assume he's the only one.

Whatever happened to him may have happened to other crew members.

One and Three, come in.

Guys, please respond.

There may be a potential thr*at on board the ship.

Do you copy?

Damn it.

Raza to boarding party, come in please.

Go ahead.

It appears most of the freighter's command logs were destroyed in the expl*si*n, however I did manage to salvage a portion of the audio report by the first officer.

At first we believed to be a series of random att*cks... Violent behavior and signs... possible contagion... Has no idea where... now certain it is not an airborne pathogen, but more likely... and blood.

Can you enhance that last part any more?

Give me a moment.

Stand by.

More likely transmitted by fluids, such as saliva and blood.

Okay, we're not gonna panic.

We just need more information.

Android, I want you to sift through every scrap of data you can salvage from this ship.

See if the infirmary survived the expl*si*n and tap into those logs.

Scanning now.

In the meantime, we've gotta get Two back to the ship.

She needs medical attention.


We can't do that.

You heard the recording.

It's a contagion.

She's been bitten.

We don't know anything for sure.

No, no.

He's right.

If I go back there the same thing that happened here could happen on the Raza.

We don't know what happened here.

All we have are fragments of a partial report.

She said it was a possible contagion, that might have been transferred by contact.

She said it was "likely".


Even if you are infected, maybe there's something we can do about it.

Maybe there's a treatment, if we can catch it soon enough.

That's a lot of maybe's.

What's the alternative?

We just leave her here?

Life support's gonna fail in less than six hours.

Yeah well it's a merciful end, compared to that one.

We're not leaving anyone behind.

Well that's not up to you.

Android: May I offer a suggestion?

Go ahead.

The ship's infirmary is equipped with an isolation chamber.

It would be more than adequate for quarantine purposes.

And once you're inside, we can scan for the presence of any known viruses in our medical database.

Short of simply waiting for symptoms to appear,
it's the only way to know for sure.

What about One and Three?

I'll come back and get 'em.

I'm not taking no for an answer.

Let's go.

Alright, we're enroute.

I'll prep the isolation chamber.

And we've been having trouble with radio communications on the freighter.

There must be some kind of interference.

See if you can figure out what's causing it.


There may not be interference.

It's possible they're not responding because they were also att*cked and are either dead or incapacitated.

That's what I like about you, always looking on the bright side.

I'm realistic.

Those two can handle themselves.

I'd be more worried about them attacking each other.

Good point.

Good point.
Why does this corridor look familiar?

I don't know what you're talking about.

We've been here before.

We're going in circles.

Don't be ridiculous.

I have a very keen sense of direction.

And don't ask me how I know that!

This is great.

We're out of radio contact, and we're lost.

We're fine.

You're an idiot.

And you're an arrogant sonofab*tch you know that?

Excuse me?

Yeah, you play all humble, but deep down you think you're better than the rest of us.

You think we're scum bags, and somehow you're different.

Well, maybe not all of you.

You're always going on about the "team", and how we gotta help each other out.

Well, I'm trying to put food on our table.

What are you doing exactly?

Alright, look, I admit, I haven't exactly been exactly...

Shut up.

What, you're not even gonna let me talk?

I'm trying to tell you...

I hear something.


You hear that?

Hold up.

One, two, three.


Are you okay?

What the hell?

[g*n sh*ts]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, easy with that thing.

What did you want me to do, offer her a drink with the human arm she was munching on?


This ship is already full of holes, let's not make any more if we can help it.

Are you alright?

Well, I guess we're gonna find out.

Now what?

Beginning the scan.

There are several thousand known viruses and bacteriological agents in the database.

This may take some time.

And what if this isn't in the database?

If she starts to turn, I'll take care of it.

The crew of this ship is supposed to be dead.

They are definitely not supposed to be diseased, cannibal monsters.

I would've remembered that.

We never should've trusted that scumbag.

Great, another dead end.

What happened to your amazing sense of direction?

Who could concentrate with all your whining?

Looks like we'll have to go back.


Where they came from?

I don't think so.

I've seen Five do this, how hard can it be?



Whoa, whoa.

How do we know that on the other side of this door it's not exposed to space?

Metal's not cold.

There's gotta be life support on the other side.

You better hurry up with that.

[g*n f*ring]

A little girl can do that!

What's your problem?!

Not helping!

[g*n f*ring]

I got it!

Let's go!

Oh crap.

What did I say about b*ll*ts!

Grab my hand!

I can't!

I'm slipping!

On three... one, two, three!

Android: Six, this is the bridge.

Go ahead.

I've found the source of the interference.

As we suspected, it's residual radiation from the expl*si*n that destroyed the upper decks.

One and Three must be somewhere in the affected area.

The levels are non-toxic, but it's greatly reducing the range of their comms.

I'll take a slow pass over that section, see if I can raise 'em.

Android, this is Four, I'm in the infirmary.

You'd better get down here.


Alright, we'd better get going.


I'm not going anywhere.

Not until we come up with a plan.

We gotta get back to the airlock.

The airlock is on the other side of that breach, genius.

We'll find another one.

And how do you wanna let the others where to come pick us up?

Or do you just wanna open the door and jump over to the Raza?


What's your brilliant plan?

I don't know yet.

I need a second.

And you're welcome, by the way.


What, for that?



Thank you.

This makes us even.

Let's not go crazy, huh.

It doesn't matter.

I don't care anymore.

If we make it back, you can tell them whatever you want.

You want to take your chances with the others, be my guest.

I mean, Five, she's a couple short of a deck, and no one really cares what she thinks anyway.

And Six, I don't really know what I think about him.

But Four, watch out for that guy.

He'll slit your throat in your sleep.

Two would understand.

You sure about that?


I was afraid of this.

What is it?

Using navigational inputs recorded by the freighter's FTL computer, I was able to extrapolate their last port of call.

The Far Horizon went somewhere it was not authorized to go.


A planet call Taurian Alpha.

It was the site of a pharmaceutical research facility, but it's now under galactic quarantine.

I'm guessing something went wrong with the research.

The trees on Taurian Alpha live for tens of thousands of years.

It was thought their chemical structure could be used to synthesize a drug that would effectively make human beings immortal.

Instead, they created one of the most deadly viruses humankind has ever seen.

Why would the ship go there?

Somebody spent billions on that research.

It was run by a division of Traugott Corporation.

Yeah, they're not just gonna let that go.

Sure, officially they abide by the quarantine.

Unofficially, they send someone in to smuggle out whatever they can, then continue their research again somewhere else.

Well, they didn't get very far.

How long do I have?

Typically, symptoms appear within three hours of exposure.

And I assume there's no cure.

I'll continue to search the database.



What's the hell's going on?

I think we both passed out.

The air's getting thin in here.

It is getting hard to breathe.

We lost a lot of pressure during the breach.

We'll have to slow our breathing.


And maybe talk a little less.

One, Three, this is Six, come in.

One, Three, this is Six, come in.

Six, we're reading you.

Where are you?

I'm just outside the ship, in the Marauder.

I can't be far from your position.

What's your situation?

It's kind of a long story.

Does it involve flesh-eating crewmen?

So you know about them.

It's some kind of infection.

Looks like Two's been exposed.

Your signal's getting stronger.

I'll zero in on it, then see if I can find you an exit point.

Hold on.

Are you sure you want to wait until it begins?

I can give you an honorable death before it comes to that.

Are you serious?

I'd rather have a dishonorable life.

And you did, by all accounts.

I don't feel any different.

I don't feel anything.

I think there's been a mistake.

The scan confirmed the presence of the virus.

There is no mistake.

Look, if it was me, I would want to go while I still had my wits about me, and in control.

Not yet.

Six: Alright guys, I should be right outside your position.

I can see a small hull breach.

One: Yeah, that was us.

We had a little accident.

We sealed it off though.

Alright, I can see another airlock, looks like it's intact.

It's two levels down and about 100 meters aft.

You think you can find it?

Do we have a choice?

You may have to move deeper in the ship to find a way down.

May lose radio contact, but I'll dock and I'll wait for you.


We're on our way.

Android: Marauder, this is the Raza.

Go ahead.

Did you find them?

Yeah, they were right where you said they'd be.

Then we have a problem.


My readings indicate that life support in that section is failing.

Oxygen levels are critical.

If you don't get them out in the next ten minutes, they'll suffocate.

One Three come in. Guys come in we've got a problem.

The freighter has emergency life support, including O2 tanks located in various parts of the ship, but so far I've been unable to link up to that system.

Well, keep trying.

I'm heading to the airlock now.


I don't want you to die.

I don't want to die either.

What aboutne and Three?

I'm sure they'll be fine.

I don't think any of us are gonna be fine.

Even if we get through this.

Look, about what happened on the space station I'm sorry you had to see that.

I didn't mean to k*ll those men.

It was just...


I was going to say reflex.

I wasn't ready, I wasn't in control.

Next time it'll be different.

You really think there's gonna be a next time?

Maybe not for me.

I thought I could make things different, you know?

Take a different path.

Now it looks like I might not get the chance.

Do me a favor, don't give up on the others.

Hold on, I think I got something here.

You sure?

You see another way down?


Slight problem.


Oh boy.

How many?

Seven or eight, they don't look like they're doing too good.

The lack of air must be affecting them more than us.

Well that's good.

Easier for me to pick off.


No more b*ll*ts.

Let's remember what happened last time.

So what's your great idea?

I say we just go down there and walk right past them.

For real?


If one of them gives you any trouble, just give 'em a swift kick.

Look, they're dying even faster than we are.

Let's take advantage of th while we still can.

God, you better be right, this better work.


Shut'er down.


[deep breathing]

Marauder, this is the Raza.

I did it.

I managed to tap into the freighter's emergency life support.

Restoring O2 levels now.

Thank god.

What's that noise?

Fresh air.

Get back up here, now!

Too late.

[sh*ts f*ring]

You can come down now.

So much for no b*ll*ts.

It was only a few.

You're welcome.

Let's get going?

Six: This is the Marauder.

I've got 'em.

We're heading back.

He's clean as well.

No sign of the virus.

Told 'ya.

I didn't even get a scratch.

Now let's go finish this job?

Hold on.

How much time?

I should start showing symptoms any minute now.

I'm sorry.

If there was anything I could've done...

I know.

But while you're still you, there's one more thing we need to discuss.


This is a big mistake.

Do it.

You didn't really think we were gonna let that thing fly itself back to civilization, did you?

Well, I guess there's no way we're getting paid now huh.

Too bad.

I'm just surprised because I thought that we had an arrangement.

You have something you'd like to say?

I think I'll save it for later.

How long it happend?

Over five hours.

Shouldn't she have started to show symptoms by now?

Normally, yes.

I say we scan her again.

We already did that.

Look at her.

Nothing's happening.

She's not changing.

What do we have to lose?

It's gone.

That can't be.

I knew it.

I knew I wasn't changing.

Let me out of here.

I'm done.

She's right.

Let her out.

Are you sure that's wise?

You saw the results.

No virus detected.

How is that possible?

According to the Far Horizon's medical logs, no one has ever had a successful immune response to the virus before.


But that doesn't change the fact that the virus is no longer present.

There is no thr*at.

Look, guys, I can't explain it any better than you can.

But what are we going do?

Keep her in there forever?

I don't suppose there's any chance we can just pretend like this never happened?

Didn't think so.




I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No, it's fine, what's up?

Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry about losing the freighter.

But One was right, it was just too dangerous.

That's fine.

It just would have been nice to get a little cash in our pockets for once.

Maybe get up to something fun.

You know... there are other ways to have fun that don't cost anything.

I am uh, I'm a little, tired.

You know it's been a crazy day.


Next time.