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03x01 - Hoorah

Posted: 07/11/15 16:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on Rectify...

You k*ll her Trey?


Daniel holden: I'm done with them, the sheriff, the town, you can all keep playing.

This is not a game Daniel.

[g*n sh*t]

Did you have feelings for him, Tawney?

Yes I did.


Ted Talbot Jr.: I was passed out from the choke hold he put on me.

He's trying to teach me some sick lesson.

So your just going to let him get away with it?

Jon Stern: The DEA is prepared to offer you a plea deal.

See Amantha, it is a game.

Senator Roland Foulkes: Have Holden walk us through the night of the m*rder.

I want to hear it from the horses mouth.

Tawney Talbot: Teddy, I'm not pregnant any more.

If you go in there and say that you k*lled her, you are a coward Daniel.

We want you to come forward, we need you to press charges.

There's no way I'd do that.

I can't do this any more.

Senator Roland Foulkes: Did you k*ll Hanna Dean?

Daniel Holden: If I say I did, will you let me go this time?

[Knock, knock]

Is it too late?

Carl is it too late?



Acting up?

Yeah, my... my twix is stuck.

Yeah, they're tricky sometimes.

Gets hung up on the little ridges.


On the chocolate part.

Son of a bitch.

Don't report me.


Desperate measures.

They finally called back.


Evidently it was too late.

What do you mean too late?

Ms. Person said the deal had already gone through.

I got a call for you, Sheriff.

Be there in a minute.

The judge already signed off on it, I guess.

What? Didn't the senator try and stop it?

I don't know any of the details, Ted.

Just that it's, you know, a done deal.

A done deal.


So, what, Daniel just leaves town now?

As a convicted m*rder*r, but yeah.

How long?


Before he leaves.

He'd have a certain amount of time to get his affairs in order.

What affairs?

About 30 days, I think.

So what do you want to do?


You still want to press charges?

I didn't want to press charges in the first place.


It's over, Ted.

That right?

I'll be out of your hair soon.

On my way.

Your mother's gone to get some food.

Gonna do something for your, uh... for your deal, I guess.

That's nice.

Just her way. Food.

I'd like to help finish the kitchen before I leave, Ted.

I really would. You know, do the grunt work.

Whatever you need.

Is that a possibility, Ted?

Might be best you just focus on your leaving and all.

That's the most important thing, isn't it?

I would say so, Ted.

Some things you just don't see coming.

And then Teddy Talbot shows up.


Just when you don't need him.

Who was Christopher, Senator?

Who's that, now?

Daniel said there was a Christopher there with Hanna and the others.

Well, I suppose he was speaking of Christopher Nelms, one of the 40 or so kids down at the river that night.

I see.

Holden's alleging that Chris was with Hanna was news to me, of course.

Enjoy your victory, Sondra.

This is your conviction, not mine.

You're the D.A. of record now.

In fact, if you recall, I was against the idea of a plea deal initially.

But you convinced me, Sondra.

It was a good call on your part, a very good call.

Now we can all move on, can't we?

Well, I'm off to Atlanta.

Back to the state's business.

If you want a cheerleader in your corner for your re-election, I'm just a phone call away.

That's very kind of you, Senator.

During the original trial, Holden's attorney tried to introduce Hanna's promiscuous reputation for the record.

The judge disallowed it.

Why would a judge do that?

Sondra, it was rumor, hearsay.

There was no real corroboration.

Who would corroborate having sex with a 16-year-old girl, consensual or otherwise?


We got our man, Sondra.

Holden admitted it.

Twice now.

If you want to delve into that girl's reputation or the reputation of a now-middle-aged family man, do so at your own peril.

Is that a thr*at, Senator?


I'm done here.

As they say, I feel complete.

The peril I'm speaking of, Madam District Attorney, goes with the territory of your job and the territory of where you do your job.

Is there still peril for you here, Senator?

Is that a thr*at, Ms. Person?

Just an honest question.

Life is always perilous.

That's what gives it its spice.

Tawney: Teddy? Is that you?


Yeah, it's me.

I didn't see your car.


[Motorcycle engine turns over]


Bartender: What are you having?

Just a coke, please.

Can I get another PBR?



You do have to get out of here.

I'm all packed up.

I left my keys in the apartment on the counter.

Just like that.

Just like that.

You have to travel light in your line of work, don't you?

You can't have it both ways, Amantha.

Why not?

Did you sleep with me so I would represent your brother?

Did you represent my brother so you could sleep with me?

I asked you first.

I don't know, Jon.

The circumstances were, shall we say, unusual.

It certainly wasn't premeditated.

Or maybe it was.

It doesn't matter now.

It does to me.

Did he say he did it?

The deed?

Did he say it, Jon?

He did say it.

Then I hope he did it.

I think sometimes he believes he did and sometimes he doesn't.

I truly don't think he knows.

I'm beginning to wonder.

The one thing I know is he needs help.

He's got one month before he has to leave.

What are you now?

His banishment coach?

He can't do this by himself.

He's not capable.

And you can't help those who won't help themselves.

He still has to live his life.

So do we all.


I had this fantasy that you were gonna come here and tell me that he decided not to go through with it.

That he decided to fight.

I implored him to.

Up to the very end.

Good for you, Jon.

Does this mean we're going steady again?

Probably not.

I wasn't serious.

It's gross.

I can't believe you went into her room.

Me neither.

Was it like they say?

What do they say?

You know what they say.

It's like they say.

Like she'd been there yesterday.

Sounds sad.

It was sad.

Why did you come over here, Jared?

Out of the blue.

He confessed again today.


To k*lling her, strangling her, whatever.

My god.

Now he gets to leave town while the rest of us have to stay here and eat sh*t.

I'm sorry, Jared.

It's cool, I guess.

I mean, not really.

He used to like Willie D's barbecue as a boy.

I thought it'd be...

I don't know... nostalgic.

Everyday forks okay?

[Sighs] It's takeout, Ted.

Jared said he was going to eat at Claire's tonight.

Did you tell him he couldn't?


I didn't think he was seeing Claire anymore.

I don't know.

I called Tawney today. Twice.

I don't think that'd be a good idea, them coming over tonight, Janet.

Not to invite them to dinner, Ted.

Just to see how she was doing.

Of course.

How is she?

She didn't return my calls.

I'm sure she's just resting.

So, just set the table for three, I guess.

You used to like Willie D's, didn't you?

To be honest, I... I don't remember, Mother.

Oh. Well, I thought you did.

Maybe so.

I just... don't remember.

Ted: I don't think Willie D's has been around here for 20 years, Janet.

Willie D's?

Pretty sure Willie didn't start it till he was, uh... gone.

Why didn't you say something, Ted?

Well, you'd already bought it.

It's tasty.

Mmm. Real tasty.

I am glad to have had the experience of Willie D's.

Thank you, Mother.

Amantha had to work tonight.

That's why she's not here.

She seems committed.

Thrifty town.

Didn't see that coming.

Where's Jared?

Oh, he is at his friend Claire's house.

I see.

It had already been planned for them to get together tonight, so, um...

Studying or something.

I like Jared, Mother.

You and Ted have done a... a great job.

All my kids are great.

[Knock on door]

Teddy. What a nice surprise.

You hungry?

Just had to come for a visit.

See everybody, I guess.

That's so thoughtful.

Let me get you a plate.

Oh, I'm fine. I just had leftovers.

Please. You like Willie D's, don't you?

You know I do. It's my favorite, Janet.

Hello, Dad.



Hello, Ted.

How's Tawney doing?

She's hanging in there.

Um, we haven't told Daniel yet.

Uh, just so much going on around here.

Oh, yeah.

I heard the good news.


Thank you, Ted.

Tawney had a miscarriage.

I'm terribly sorry, Ted.

Sorry for what?

Your loss.

I sure do love me some Willie D's.

I remember the first time we all went.

Me, you, and dad and Amantha.

That was the first time?

It was for me.

[Insects chirping]

Hello, Miss... Miss Kathy?

It's Tawney.

I... I hope I haven't called at a bad time.

Oh, yes, I remember meal time.

Um, I can call back later.

No, no emergency.

Um, I just... I thought that I might come by for a visit.

You know, come and see you.

Maybe stay a few days.

This week's not good?

Next week?

Of course. That that could work.


Oh, e... everything's fine.

Yes, ma'am. I feel blessed.

All right, then.

You too.

Well, I guess I better be getting back.

Well, let me fix Tawney a plate.

Sure. Why not?

Maybe she's got her appetite back.

Can I have a word with you in private?

Sure, Ted.

You know where my wife is?

I don't, Ted.

But you did, didn't you?

That is true. I did.

Why'd you tell her that?


I don't know.

She was confused about her situation, and I...

I felt that telling her might help her clarify things.

As what?

Whether to leave me or not?

Or to stay.

Probably felt good to unburden yourself, too, didn't it?

Confess your crime, so to speak.

Perhaps it did.

I don't know.

I think the real reason you did it...

Is 'cause you knew she'd probably find out one day.

But if you told her yourself, you could put your spin on it somehow.

There was no spin, Ted.


When it comes down to it, you told her because you knew that was your best chance of having her.

Wasn't it?

For yourself.

Admit it.

That's not possible.

What isn't?

She and I.

If I find out you are with her, I'm gonna press charges.

I swear to god.

It'd be worth the humiliation to see you back in that box where you can't hurt anybody else.

Carl: Sorry to interrupt your dinner.

It wasn't very appetizing.

State medical examiner's coming in the morning.

They'll check dental records, but there's still enough of George Melton left in that corpse for me to be sure.

We got to do everything by the book, Sheriff.

I know that.

I'm just saying, that's George, as sure as I'm standing here.

Are you also saying that's a b*llet hole in his head?

Sure looks like one.

[Sighs] Don't suppose you found a g*n?

Not yet.

GBI's gonna send divers in the morning.

Ms. Person.

I don't have an agenda.

That's a good place to start, Sheriff.

No, I mean I don't plan to confer with the senator about the investigation.

How's he gonna feel about that?

That's his business.

This isn't.

[Sighs] Did they find George's car?


No, they didn't.

What is it?

I... talked to George's father a few days ago.

He said George had been out of sorts for some time now.

Out of sorts?

Depressed, I guess you'd say.

About what?

All I'm saying is su1c1de's a strong possibility here.

I never assumed it wasn't.

Yes, ma'am.

Good night, Sheriff.

Good night.

[Sander whirring]

[Whirring stops]

I thought we had discussed this.

I'm sorry, Ted.

I didn't know what else to do.

Well, for one, you could tell your mother what you did to Teddy.

Sure, Ted.

'Cause I'm not gonna do it.

Be put in that position.

I understand.

And you can go stay with your sister until you leave for good.

No problem, Ted.

See, Daniel... I don't know what else to do, either.

Everything but a g*n.
He's gone.


He's not in his room.


Well, did you see him?

No. Not this morning.

He didn't say anything to you?

About what?

I don't know. About where he was going, I guess.

Not a word.

I'm sure he's off on one of his adventures.

Well, I'm gonna go see Tawney.

She call you back?

She didn't.

Did you tell Jared?

Tell me what?

No, I wasn't sure if you wanted to.

Why would I want to tell him?

I'm actually right here.

Tawney had a miscarriage. She's lost the baby.


These things happen.

It was early.

You sleep okay?

Well, um...

Yes. Stupid question.

Um... how about breakfast?

I'm okay.

Tawney, you got to eat.

Uh, maybe later.

Here's cereal. Milk's in the fridge.

If you're feeling frisky, there's bacon and eggs.

I won't be here long, Beth.

Tawney, you can stay here as long as you like.

Why are we put on god's earth if not to help people in need, right?

[Voice breaking] I guess.

And, um, tears are kinda the rule around here rather than the exception, so don't hold back.

Sister wives.

Watch it, Buster.

Morning, Tawney.

Mitch, I... I just want you to know I won't be here long.

Okay, you can't say that again.

I'm sorry.

Two's your limit.

[Chuckles] No more apologies, okay?

This one is with you now.

I'm just a glorified lifter.

How are you glorified?


Make yourself at home, all right?

I'll check in with you later, okay?

Oh, you don't have to. I'll be fine.

I've had two miscarriages.

Maty's really the miracle.

I didn't know.

Well, um, nobody talks about them much.

But it's a... it's a big deal.

Yes, it is.

The second one finally got us into therapy.

You and... you and Mitch?

[Laughs] Hard to believe. We're so perfect, aren't we?

Anyway, um, the woman we talked to, she's... she's great.

And sh... and she's a Christian.

That's good.

I mean, you know, she's certified and everything.


I can't... can't see Teddy ever going into counseling to talk about things.

[Horn honks]

Romantic, ain't he?

Maybe Ted will come around.

You never know.


[Doorbell rings]

Hey, Teddy.

I thought you'd be at work.

Oh, about ready to head out.

Oh. You forgot tawney's plate last night.

Oh, right.


Tawney hadn't been returning my calls, so I thought I'd drop in and see how she's doing.

She's not here.

Where is she?


I don't know, Janet.


We've been having some troubles, I guess you might say.

And, uh, losing the baby kind of brought things to a head.

Oh, gracious.

I'm sorry.

It happens.

Do you think she might have gone to see miss Kathy?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Well, I... I know this... that wherever she is, she's gonna come back here to you.


And I'm sorry.

For what?

Just been so preoccupied with other things lately that I haven't been there for you.

It's understandable.

You're my son, too, Teddy.

And I love you very much.

You've always been real good to me, Janet.

I appreciate it.

Oh, god.

I wish I hadn't asked you to call me Janet.

No biggie.

I kinda need to get to work, you know.

I understand.

Oh, you... you keep that.


[Speaking indistinctly]


Nice to be outside, isn't it?

It is.

Parks are one of our better ideas, I think.

We humans.

I'm... nobody to be worried about.


I mean... I mean, I came here to read.

Th... that's why I'm here.

J... j... just to read.

It's nice.

I never really read outside, underneath the...

The big blue sky.

It's almost too much.

Well, um...

Have a nice day.


Have a nice day.

Wynn: Have a seat.



Thanks for opening up this morning.

Of course.


Something came up, you know.



Everything okay?

Sometimes it's just nice to have a place to come to.

Heard that.


Peanut's coming back next week.


You ever think of going back to college?


I don't know.

What about management?




Sorry to throw three curves at you right in a row.

Four. You started with a compliment.

I can't keep you unless I tell corporate you're a managerial candidate.

I see.

Then they'll let me carry an extra associate for a time.

So am I?

A candidate.

I don't know.

Peanut's not.

She's found her place, so to speak.

And this is just a stopover for Alesha.

But you?

I'm not sure.

Me either.

Amantha, I don't think anybody dreams of being a manager at Thrifty Town.

But life happens, and, well, there are worse places to end up.

Think about it.

[Telephone ringing]

Paulie Tire and Rim.

Just... just checking in.

Checking in?

Let you know I was all right and everything.

That's good to know.

How about you?

Me? Oh, you know.

Keeping my head down.

That's probably a good thing to do.

Janet came by the house this morning.

Oh, yeah?

Said she's been calling you.

Just couldn't call her back.

Not yet, you know.

Well, I had to tell her something.

What... what'd you say?

You know, that we're having problems.

Marital problems or whatever.

Sounds good.

You know, the right thing to say for now.

Can I at least ask where you are?


At Beth's.

And Mitch's?


That's just right down the road.

It's not that far.

I might go to Miss Kathy's next week.

Next week?

I don't know. Maybe.

Why don't you just come home, Tawney?


We can stay in different rooms for a while or whatever.

It's not that easy.

Why not?

I just need some time, Teddy.

So you're coming back?

I don't know. Um... probably.


Yeah, right.

Beth said she and, um, Mitch saw this lady for a while.

What lady?

A counselor. Marriage counselor, I guess.

Said she really helped them through some rough times.

You didn't tell them anything, did you?

No. No, of course not.

I mean, I... I... I told them about the miscarriage, but, um, none of the other stuff.

God, Teddy.


I wouldn't do that.

Okay. Mitch is just a blabbermouth.

Well, they've been through a lot.

They had two miscarriages before Maty.

Good for them.


Nothing. Look, I, uh, I got a customer, so...

Oh. Oh, okay.

Okay. Thanks for checking in.

[Telephone beeps]

We've never gotten this far, have we, buddy?

I mean, we've never been over here.

The final stop.

Maybe this is our time.

Maybe this is the easy part.

You know, the letting go.

It'd be out of our hands.

Well, except for the last words.

You thought about what we're gonna say?

That's some pressure.

How many people know their last words are gonna be their last words?

Will Mother be here?


You never know about her.

She's liable to show up for the real deal.

That would be macabre.

Hello, Mother.

Hello, Son.

Goodbye, Mother.

Goodbye, Son.

I mean, you gotta laugh, right?

Ah, hell, it probably won't happen. Again.

Just like last time, hmm?

And the time before that.

It's just a game that has to play out.

Over and over and over.

But that's the thing.

You never really know for sure, do ya?

Not really.

Do we really just want to get it over with anyway?

I mean, deep down.

'Cause when you're in here, all strapped in, ready for takeoff, just go to sleep, never wake up ever again.

You know my vote.

[Door opens]

Amantha: Were you gonna sit out here all night?

[Lighter flicking]

I don't know.

I drank a whole bottle of wine waiting for you to knock on the door.

Sounds productive.




You think it would be all right if I...

Stayed for a little while?

If you're not comfortable with it, just...


I understand.

Where would you go otherwise?

Back to mom's?

I don't know.

Probably not there.

I can't be your keeper, Daniel.


Just doesn't work.

For either of us.

I understand.

I'm not saying to go, Daniel.

Of course you can stay.

Of course.

But I can't make you care about things.

I can't even make myself care about things right now.

I'm sorry to hear that.

And I can't make you try, either.

It's gonna have to come from you.

Well, I'll try to try.

[Sighs] I got a spare room and a blow-up mattress.

Nothing fancy.

Sounds perfect.

I'll go blow it up.

Where is everybody?

Grand opening at the olive garden.

sh*t. Is that tonight?

I think I made that happen.

I can't remember.

Isn't that funny?

Either way, I got to go by there and shake some fat hands.

That gets old.

Are we through, Marcy?

I think so, Senator.

Something I said?



All good things must dwarp dee call mush no.


[Both laughing]

Are you okay, Roland?

I mull da plat bee.



Are you okay?

[Cellphone beeping]



Ah ca tah da foe.




Just... stay.

All bee caa ta der.

Just stay here.

Stay here, Roland.

This is, uh, Marcy calling from Murphy's Diner.

I just... I think the senator is having a stroke.

Okay. Yeah. Okay.