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01x06 - In the Blind

Posted: 07/24/15 00:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Astronaut Wives Club"...

John: There's an Ohio senate seat in contention this November, and they're ready to put everything behind me.

Scott: I testified at that hearing knowing that Kraft would never let me get a Gemini mission.

Is this gonna be my final contribution to the space program?

I know you're with other women, and I pretend I don't care.

I don't want anyone else.

The president has just been shot.

On a day like today, it just feels like people should be together.

You h-h-have to r-run f-for office now.

[Martial music plays]

Man: Let's have a hand! Come on up, Annie!

[Music ends]

My n-name... Is Annie Glenn.

I st-stutter.

So please welcome...

My friend Rene.


Rene: Another round of applause for Annie Glenn!

Now, this morning, when I was rereading my speech, I realized that it's been eight months since president Kennedy was taken from us.

Eight months seems like a year, two.

It seems like yesterday.

And there have been many dark days since.

Just today, we read about the riots in Harlem, about Jack Ruby's trail.

But I find light in the goodness and bravery of the people all around us... people who will chart our course through these uncertain times.

It is my great pleasure to introduce to you the American hero who will lead us into this new era...

Colonel John Glenn.


[Music resumes]

I'm sorry your hangover got the better of you, but don't worry, even though you lost a round of golf to your wife, you're still the first American to go into space.

And the commander of Gemini I, which means Apollo I...

Which means the moon.

I'm gonna go get changed.

Okay. I'll make us some lemonade.

[Clubs clatter to floor]

[Tone ringing]



Excuse me. Hey.

I got your husband on the line, Rene.

Oh, terrific!

Scott, you should have seen Annie.

She was wonderful.

And then I decided to toss my speech and just speak from the heart.

And I'm sorry. You go.

Well, just who does he think he is?

Well, all right, I'll... I'll be on the next flight.


Alan, you coming?



They can't so much tighten as screw on that Gemini capsule without running it by Gus first.

Mm-hmm. Two clubs.

Down at the cape, everyone calls it the Gus-mobile.

Isn't that a hoot?!

Let's move it along, Trudy.

Be nice, Jo.

With Annie in Ohio, she's our only fourth.

I think it's neat.

It isn't fair how they dragged Gus through the mud after his capsule sank. He's a good pilot.

He's a great pilot.

And the world will see soon enough.

And if his capsule sinks again, perfect Gus can just walk on water.


Where are you going? Don't be a quitter.

I'm not. I just know how to tell time.

It's noon.

[Gasps] Oh!

♪ Oh, mama ♪
♪ if I just had you by my side ♪
♪ I know you'd set my soul on fire ♪
♪ I need you ♪
♪ I need you, pretty baby ♪
♪ I need you ♪
♪ yeah, I need you ♪

Ed White breaking a sweat.

Way better than cards.

I hope she knows what to do with all that.

Hey, girl.

♪ to give me some lovin' ♪
♪ every, every... ♪

You look pretty.

Morning, Vern.

Hey, Betty.

Trudy: As if NASA made them in a lab.

Oh! Fan mail!

See, I told you girls Gus' star is rising.

It's true.

Ed looks like superman and Pat is just a living doll, all big-eyed and innocent.

I got fan mail, too.

She could be your new Annie.

She's got to be better at playing cards than you.


What the heck?

What is it?

Some groupie send her panties?

Deke got those once.

"You're a horrible woman, treating your husband like you do.

Gus Grissom deserves much better, and I'm gonna give it to him."

Who's it from?

It doesn't say, but I'm gonna find out.

When are you gonna have those numbers for me, Dave-o!

When do you need them?

When they're right.

End of the day, Gus.

Good man.

Come on, Deke. Give me something!

I don't have time to do your job for you.

These Gemini flights are gonna go every eight weeks.

The Apollo guys are already training.

And you're in charge! You know who's who!

What's he on about?

John Glenn is out of the space business for good.

I need a new poster boy.

Nice manners, a wholesome attitude...

That counts you two out.

You got yourself a glennhole, I see.

Well, frankly, I don't think it's right for any man to speak about his glennhole while at work.

Your heart attack can't come soon enough, Slayton.

Grissom, at least tell me we can roll out the specs for the capsule at the big dog and pony show next week.

The governor is gonna be there.

Yes, Dunk, you'll get all your pretty pictures in the paper.

See, cooperation.

Is that colored fellow Eddie Dwight?

The one in the training program?

Yeah, we got him on the inspiration beat...

Talking to school kids.

I expected pressure from above to put him in Apollo, but nothing.

The man's been waiting for years to get a phone call that probably isn't gonna come.

Captain Dwight, come here.

Gus Grissom.

Nice to meet you.

Can I get you to swing by my office some time?

Just check in with my secretary, she'll set it up.

Certainly, sir.

Great. See you then.

Gus Grissom wants a meeting.

Maybe you're getting your shot.

There's so much we still don't understand about life right here on earth.

But Sealab is gonna change all that.

When I got to Bermuda and I went down into that sub, into this... this alien world underneath the ocean, it was just so beautiful.

Tell him about the practical applications, Scott, for NASA.

NASA needs more scuba training, for the space walks in Gemini.

If you could just extend my leave...

Carpenter, I've got 15,000 employees working on the biggest endeavor in human history, and you're making googly eyes at goldfish while your wife here is gallivanting around the cornfields campaigning for someone who doesn't work here anymore.

That is not anybody's business.

You're an astronaut wife, Mrs. Carpenter.

That's your business.

And you need to choose.

Are you gonna help us get to the moon?

Or are you gonna waste everybody's time singing to starfish?

[Whistles "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"]

What the hell are you doing?

Well, I believe my husband is whistling

"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Mr. Webb.

[Whistling continues]

I think my husband's made his decision.


I've got to tell you, it's got me a little nervous.

Gus: Don't worry yourself.

It's nothing, Bets.

It's not nothing!

Look, I can't help that I'm a celebrity.

I... I'm sure, uh...

Uh, those Beatles get nutso stuff in the mail all the time.


At least she didn't send her underpants.


Could be worse. Way worse!

Now, tell me you're not gonna worry about it.

I'll try.

That's my girl. I love you.

I love you, too.

She sent Betty a letter?

Buddy, you're screwed.



And you're sure that this thing, the vertigo, the vomiting, it's never happened before?

No, like I told my wife, I'm sure it's just a bug.

Maybe something I ate.

Well, I'd like to do some tests.

There's a condition called Meniere's.

It's a disease of the inner ear.

It could be very dangerous for a person in your profession.

Thank you for your time, doctor.

I'll give you two a moment alone to discuss this.

[Door closes]

I'm ready to go. You?

This isn't the first time this has happened, is it?


He's a private doctor.

Those tests would be confidential.

NASA wouldn't have to know.

There'll be no tests.

I'm not entirely sure I was thinking.

But it felt good.

And you know what? It still feels good.

Well, I'm glad about that, Scott, but...

Come on, Rene, they're never gonna let me go up again.

I don't know what I'm doing here.

This whole life, it just...

It doesn't fit us anymore.

Well, is that really true? I mean...

Sealab is an opportunity for me to actually put my stamp on something.

I mean, hell, I've already been to space.

Maybe the next frontier is right here on earth.

There's an offer on the table for me to run the whole program.

Well, that's wonderful, Scott, really, but...

What does that mean for our lives?

We up and move again, this time to Bermuda?

What about Houston and our friends, our kids?


We have spent way too much of our lives apart.

This is a chance for us to be together...

In Bermuda... Just the family.

That's what we've always wanted.

But I'm in the middle of this campaign.

Annie needs me, and...

I made a commitment.

Of course, you did.

So go, campaign. Help John win.

And then... join me in paradise.




[Indistinct conversations]

A little light reading?



"The annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryng..."


I hear they're making that into a movie with Fred MacMurray and Kim Novak.

[Chuckles] Kent is at story time.

Periodicals section and a fresh pack of smokes...

That's my weekly hour of peace.

The girls are away at camp.

Sounds like heaven.

What are you working on?

Oh, it's nothing.

Oh, I need something to do. Let me help.

Oh, you know, thank you, but I didn't ask for help.

If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment.

Ugh! Who dealt these?

You did, Jo.


You see "My Fair Lady" yet, Pat?

Oh, no, Ed doesn't like musicals.

Sorry I'm late. I need a drink.

I'll pour. How stiff?

Stiff as the pole up Louise Shepard's backside this afternoon.


Who else is drinking? Pat?

Oh, no, I don't drink in the day.

But half your life is in the day.

Three Louie Shepards coming up.

Do you realize that Deke and I are about to break a record?

He's been so busy down at the cape that we are in the middle of our worst dry spell since Korea.

Sex, Pat. She's talking about sex.

Don't mind them. We like to tease.

Are you and Ed going down to Florida for the Gemini bash?

Yes. Everyone is.

Ed's looking forward to hearing Alan Shepard's speech.

[Pop music playing on radio]

Someone die?

Not yet.

I went to the library today.

Read about that disease.


It's serious, Alan.

You could lose your hearing.

And the vertigo?

What if you're flying? Or you're in the capsule?

You could die.

I can always die.

I'm an astronaut.

Look at me.

Have I ever failed before at anything?

This is different.

No, it's not.

I just... need a little time.

Please. Help me do this.

You're the only one I can trust.

You can't say a word to anyone.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to talk about my future in this program.

Good morning. I'm Ca...

Captain Dwight. I know just who you are.

Let's go this way.

I've been keeping tabs on you in the papers.

Very inspiring.

That is awfully kind, Ma'am.

Though, truth be told, it hasn't always felt that way on my end.


Perhaps this is the morning when that turns around.


Yep. Captain Dwight!

Glad you could make it. Come on in.

Thank you very much for this opportunit...

Thank you for taking the time.

Captain Dwight, I'd like to introduce some friends of mine.

This is Mrs. Antoinette Gibbs.

And this fine young man is her son Zavier.

Good to meet you, Zavier.


Have a seat.

You're looking at a future astronaut, Captain Dwight.

When I first met him a few years back, he had your picture up on the wall...

Just like you were Willie Mays.

Gus? Your wife's looking for you.

Again, with the phone calls?

Uh, no, she's at the gate.

Uh, you'll excuse me.

Thanks, Mr. Grissom.

The pleasure's mine, son. Thanks for doing this.

We could push Youngstown maybe, but the rest can't wait.

What's wrong? What happened?

John f-fell.

Is he okay? How?

It was s-silly, he...

It was a freak accident.

He was trying to repair a closet door, and somehow he...

We think it's a concussion.

The doctor says John's just got to stay off his feet for a few days, but it's a bad few days for us.

Well, he's got the rally tonight, and...

Yes, and another and another after that.

This is week that we've got to shore up the Cleveland suburbs.

And this could be the whole ball game.

The best thing that we can do right now is...

Is get on the phone, start apologizing.

Rene, it would be great if you could call some of the big donors personally.

Give them a little astronaut wives sparkle.

I'm sorry, Annie.

Well, what if we do it?

We could show up to the events.

How c... how can... How can... how can?

Well, you would introduce me just like we've been doing, and I would take it from there.

I know the stump speech.

You got to be in Solon by 6:45.

You got it.

I hope you're hitting the books.

Uh, when I was your age, they wouldn't let me take physics or trigonometry.

Taught myself.

They passed you over for Apollo.


"Ebony" said that you were gonna go to the moon, but you didn't get picked for Gemini or Apollo.

Apollo isn't the end of the space program.

I keep plugging away, keep to my training.

You've been watching TV.

You've seen the riots in Harlem.

All 'cause some police k*lled a kid my age for nothing.

They're never gonna send up someone who looks like you and me.

Not another word, Zavier.

I have to apologize on behalf of my son.

It seems he has much to learn beyond trigonometry.

It's been good to meet you.

Zavier! That man is trying...

Don't you give up on him.

We'll see, mama.
Where's Betty?

But I am Mrs. Grissom. Tell them.

Tell them I'm your wife. I love you, Gus!

I need to see my handsome Gus.

I love him so much.

You guys weren't even there.

We didn't need to be.

Come on, Gus, it is funny.

I mean, you been down here years, and you haven't taken a single bite out of one of those cape cookies, and don't you know, the one that takes a liking to you is the craziest cookie in the jar!

Exactly. She picked me.

Well, I hate to do this to you, but the American taxpayers have invested too much money in your scrawny ass.

You're getting a secret service detail, starting today.

Oh, come on!

You know she's not a real threat!

Hey, Betty's letter, we could look the other way.

But her showing up here, it's out of my hands.

Handsome Gus.


Rene: And that's why I couldn't be more proud to stand here and help elect John Glenn to represent you in Washington.


Next question.

Woman: Mrs. Carpenter, you'll forgive me, but why are spending so much money sending men like your husbands into space when we have so many needs down here on the earth?

[Crowd murmuring]

When President Kennedy set our sights on the moon, he did more than set a national goal.

He helped us to dream.

And we watched men... good men, brave men, yes... but just men, men from small towns like Cambridge, Ohio, and Boulder, Colorado.

And we watched these men take to the stars.

And we begin to dream.

We know that there are worlds out there yet to explore and new lives that we can lead.


Lives we haven't even imagined yet.


[Playing "Fly Me to the Moon"]

Are you as tired of these things as I am?

All part of the job.

We put on the dress, we smile, we listen to some band play "Fly Me to the Moon" for the 40,000th time.

Pat! You look terrific!

You, too, Jo.


Hi, Trudy.

This is all so thrilling.

We'll see you for cards on Tuesday?


Have a wonderful night.

I love this song.


Of course you do.

Pat! You play cards with them?

Dish! What are they really like?

They're absolutely lovely.

Ed, if I can borrow you and Mrs. White for just a minute?

I would like to introduce you to the Governor.

Absolutely. Excuse us.

I guess he found the guy who's gonna fill his glennhole.


Thank you.

For getting the car?

It's nothing.

For believing in me.

[Music continues]

Gus, don't look now, but do you see that man at the door?

How can he see if he's not supposed to look?

Zip it, Gordo. I saw that guy at the airport.

I think he's secret service, and he's staring right at me.

Marge, that's the same guy, right?


Looks like the ice queen's carriage finally arrived.

[Indistinct conversations]

Annie: We were born to do this.

We'd make a great presidential ticket.


Vice President doesn't s-say anything anyway.


You know, I was thinking, Annie, I would make a good press secretary, say for the new Junior Senator from Ohio.

Maybe that newspaper man didn't take me seriously, but I know I can write, and I think I know a thing or two about navigating an interview.

Well, l-let's talk with John.

I'll leave you to it.

Could you give us some privacy, please, Rene?

Of course.

Jim: At the end of the month, alongside his Gemini partner astronaut Tom Stafford, this man will lead us into the next great age of exploration, on the first manned Gemini flight.

Please welcome Alan Shepard.


Thank you. Uh...

Before our Ranger VII probe crashed into the moon...

All according to plan, don't worry.


It sent back this photo and thousands more.

It's the first real look at a place people have always dreamed of visiting.

And in this room are the men who going too it.



Now they're whispering.

You know what?

I'm getting to the bottom of this.


[Clears throat]


What? Oh!

Rene: Well, I don't understand.

I thought Lyle said that John just needed some rest.

The concussion's w-worse than the doc-tor thought.

It will take m-months to recover.

What about the election and the campaign?

Well, we could keep going, just like we did today.

We could buy John some more time.

Maybe he'll get better.


This i-is our life.

Now you could go back to y-yours.

Why are you dragging me out here?

I wanted to talk to those men.

Because you're right.

They are secret service, and they've been assigned to me just to keep me safe.

It's nothing to worry about, it's just a formality.

Keep you safe from who?

From whoever sent that letter.

From the... The crazed fan.

But what about the Beatles? You said...

[Sighs] You know her, don't you?

Now I'd like to introduce you to something...

[Tone ringing]

[Clears throat]

Now I'd like to introduce you to something we like to call the Gus-mobile.


Once... up there...

We'll, uh...

Excuse me.

[Crowd gasps]

Alan? Alan?

Alan, you okay?

Alan, you okay?

[Distorted] Do you want a doctor?


Bets, come on.

They're sending me up.

They're giving me Alan's flight.

He's seeing some specialist, but they have to continue with the mission if they're gonna stick to the timeline.

Bets, it's not just Gemini.

I might be the first man on the moon.


Congratulations. You got Alan's flight.

But guess what. I'm not Louise.

It'll be good to be home, right?




I know the guys are gonna give me a hard time.

Some astronaut, huh?

You're n-not an astronaut, and you're not a Senator.

Wh-what are we gonna do?

Well, you know, you'd be surprised how much use there is for a washed-up hero.

Hey, I'm serious, Annie. I get offers all the time.

Corporate boards, endorsements, business opportunities.

In fact, I just got asked to sit down with the guys at R.C. Cola.

There's a V.P. job opening up right in Houston.

Y-you don-don't have any experience.

Running a soda-pop company?

I didn't have any experience orbiting earth, either.


Trust me.

I'm gonna find us something terrific.

Scott: It's gonna be great.

The kids are gonna flip when they feel how warm the ocean is.

I got something for you.



Well, these are for this weekend.

Scott, how am I supposed...

Come see for yourself.

Get excited about our new life together.

And then you can come back here, you can pack up the house and get the kids squared away for the move.

Sounds good, doesn't it?


When I was out there campaigning, I felt like I had been standing on a darkened stage my whole life, and then suddenly, someone turned on the light.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that you could go to Bermuda...

And I stay here.

And we would visit, of course, but you would have your work, and I would have...

Your what? The campaign is over.

You didn't want to work for that creep at the paper.


Just need some time.

I've got a plane to catch.

You've got your tickets... And a decision to make.

I've made mine.

[Door opens]


Wait. Please.

What did they say?

Whatever happened, we can get through this.

Get through this? It's Meniere's.

There's no cure.

I'm never going up again.

Not to the moon, not in one of Trudy's planes.

I can't fly.

Let me drive you home.

I'm just gonna walk. Thanks.


[country music playing]

Hey, buddy, you all right?

Good, thanks.

Hey, you're Alan Shepard.

Yep. I'm Alan Shepard.


Come on, flash! Come have a beer with us.

I'm good, thanks.

I just spent five weeks straight in a mud pit, pulling chains.

This guy spends five minutes in space, and now you're too good to have a beer with us?

No, I don't want any trouble.

It's a little late for that.

[Glass shatters]


Man: Mess him up!

Man #2: Get him!


[Doorbell rings, knock on door]

Hi. Things are a little tense in here.

A lot of opinions. Come in.

We really don't need to talk about this.

That's never stopped us before.

If Gordo and I got past it, you two will.

Well, Gus didn't do what Gordo did.

He didn't do anything.

He l-loves you s-so much.

Besides, the only thing that matters is what happens in the home. Right, Pat?

Oh, I'm... I'm not sure I...

Rene, you're being awfully quiet.

Trudy: No one wants to hear what she has to say.

Her life is perfect.

Jo: We'll miss you like crazy, but a tropical island sounds like paradise.

No more back and forth to Florida.

No more NASA. Family all together.

Well, why can't we all be together here?

Scott's going to be underwater for months at a time.

The... the men l-lead, we follow.

It's w-what we signed up for.

To being a wife.

[Car door closes]

Thank you for coming.

I didn't know who else to call.

[Car door closes]


You've got an unhappy patient in there.

Might want to bunk with the girls tonight.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I've been... How I've been.

I was just...

You were right to call me.

You can always call.

Scott: Go! Go, go!

And keep an eye out for Candy, please.

[Gulls squawking]

So there's one last stop on the tour.

This is for you...

So you can write... Dream...

A room of your own.

Take your time. I'll check on the kids.

Rene... I'm glad you came.


You come home to your wife, Gus Grissom.

I sure will.

[Engine turns over]

Man: With the first manned Gemini mission days away, astronauts Gus Grissom and John Young head to the cape for flight preparations.

[Upbeat music playing]

♪ Beware of the tall men up on the vine ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

♪ He'll tell you he loves you ♪

A few more, Mrs. Young.

You can smile, Barbara.

Our husbands know exactly what they're doing.

Plus, they're riding in the Gus-mobile.

Beautiful! Just like that.

[Shutter clicking]

There you are.

Why aren't you watching outside with everyone?

It said they're never sending him to space.

JFK wanted Dwight on the moon.

But JFK's dead now.

Oh, I see, yeah.

I told you, mama.

We feel awful about the circumstances, but we are glad to have you back.


And you're a much better card player than Pat White.


Don't even get me started on Trudy.

John couldn't make the trip?

W-w... he wanted to r-rest up.

He... he starts the col... Cola company on Monday.

He m... he misses as-astronaut life.

Me, too.



You can't find the launch?

We're in the middle of the ocean.

♪ Whoo, whoo ♪
♪ whoo, whoo ♪
♪ I'll dive in deeper ♪
♪ deeper for you ♪
♪ down to bottom ♪
♪ 10,000 emerald pools ♪


♪ Down to the bottom ♪
♪ 10,000 emerald pools ♪

It felt good keeping Alan's secret.

Like we were sharing something.

It's going to be hard...

Being married to a grounded astronaut.

It is.

♪ No way ♪
♪ underwater ♪
♪ time is standing still ♪
♪ you're the treasure ♪

I know that look.

Ed's going up next, and you're terrified.

Terrified? I'm thrilled.


That's what you're going with?

You can be scared, you know?

You're allowed. We all are.

This astronaut-wife stuff toughens you up.

But you'll get through it. You'll see.

♪ All I need is you ♪
♪ it can never pull me away ♪
♪ hey ♪

Gus is up there right now.

How does it make you feel, knowing that you're earthbound like the rest of us mortals?


When I was up there looking at the earth through the window, I felt joy.

And then I came back and I got yelled at by Chris Kraft.

And I went to Kristen's dance recital, so...

And Jay's football games.

And you know what?

That joy is the same.

And I am fine.

But you're not.

I've never been to space, Scott.

I don't know what's out there.

So what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna find out.

♪ You're all I need to breathe ♪
♪ all I need is you ♪