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01x10 - Endtimes

Posted: 08/07/12 08:13
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Previously on Continuum...

If you're not Linda Williams, who the hell are you?

The piece of the time travel device is missing.

My loyalty to Travis is second only to you and our cause.

Are you hiding something, Alec?

Alec: No, I'm not hiding anything.

Look out!


What's going on?

Theseus. It's started.



Kagame: Do you recognize my voice?

Where's our ride?

Garza said she'd be here.

Not a good day to be late.

Garza, where are you?

We gotta go!

We're out of time!

Where the hell is she?

We gotta move!

Garza, get up here now!

Got her!

Yeah, yeah.

Calm down.

Come on!

Man: Welcome home.

Now what?

We wait for the inevitable fallout.

Then our chance to really change things will present itself.


Happy Birthday!

You remembered?

I have something for you.

You will find the answers to your questions here.

Please keep this between us.

Of course.



I thought I'd let you sleep in.

This didn't happen.

Of course it didn't.

What are we talking about?

And it will never happen again She'll be back.



Carlos: Hey, Kiera.

It's my first day back at work since the sh**ting and you're late?

What's going on?

You're back?

Yeah. Doc cleared me for duty yesterday.

Dillon wants you to come in ASAP.

There's some pinhead CSIS agent here.

Apparently a bunch of m*llitary grade expl*sives went missing, and the Feds think it's linked to Julian and Liber8.

I'll be there in 30 minutes.

Better make it 20.


Kiera: Alec.

Look, I'm working as fast as I can to deal with this water damage.

I've been up all night.

Have you heard from Julian?

I have been trying to track him down using his cell phone.

I hacked it after the riots to feed me his location.

So far I've got his last coordinates, but don't have the computer power to triangulate.

Once my system's up and running.

Okay, well.

When you find him.

I'll let you know.

I promise.

Kiera, there's something else.

I need to tell you.

I found something when I was hacking your CMR.



Alec, hello?

Damn it.


No cell service?

How's it going?

All cell service is down.

It should take them about four hours to disarm the worm I planted in their systems.

Good work!

Your loved ones, they need to be warned.

You need to be warned. (SIGHS)

Hi. I'm not talking about the end of the world, I'm talking about the beginning of the end.

You! You know what I'm talking about.

No, I'm sorry.

Today is the day everything changes.


The day the movement is born to flood our minds with lies.

Glass and metal rain down from above!

Okay! Just stop following me.

Wait, I know you, blue eyes. Yeah.

You were at the execution.

What did you just say?

I knew it.

I do know you!

You're just like me You're from the future!

It was 20 years ago.

Definitely 20.

I was monitoring the power couplings at the prison.

I was charging the execution mechanism.

All of a sudden there's a massive power surge, all the equipment overloaded.

The next thing I know, I'm way over here.

Down on the waterfront, waking up in a fishery, it's 1992.

So you know what they do?

They stick me in a nuthouse, I spend the next couple of years there until the government comes along and squeezes everybody out onto the street.

Squeezed out, so.

I've just been kind of surviving on my wits ever since.

Did I mention the fish?

This is amazing.

I've spent the last 20 years thinking I was the only one who made it through from 2077, and here you are.

Yeah, I just... Sorry, just want to make sure you're real.

You're real.

We're good.

Coms are down.

Clock's running.

Excellent I thought Sonya was with you.

I sent her out for an errand.

What kind of errand?

A personal errand.

Is there a problem?


So I talked to Kiera.

She said she'd be here in twenty minutes.


This is the officer that was at the Sadler Farm with you?

Agent Cameron is with Section 6.

They've lent her services to us to help out with our Liber8 task force.

Liber8 task force?

I wasn't aware there was one.

There is.

Well, immediately after these expl*sives were stolen, our agencies started monitoring Liber8 chatter in several west coast cities, and our investigation circled us right back here.

So what exactly are we dealing with here?

2,000 pounds of classified gel concentrate.

m*llitary grade.

That's enough to take down half the downtown core.

Sir? Sorry to interrupt, but it's important.

All cell service in the city is still down.

Signs point to some kind of hacking or sabotage.

Sounds like our guys.

Well, look who's been using their email.


You know there are other time jumpers here.

You mean the t*rrorists?

The t*rrorists, Liber8?

They're here, too?


Oh, no, that's bad.

That's bad.

That's really bad.

No, I'm talking about the Privateers.

The, uh, Freelancers.

Mr. Escher.


Alec: And we are live again.


No, Jason.

Can you hear me?

Yeah, Alec, I can hear you.

I've only got audio for now.

I'm still working on video and data.

You know what, I hear the voices, too!

I've got a Julian update.

It's okay.

Great, one second.

What about Julian?

I've got a possible location.

I was thinking I could pick you up and we could go find him.

Okay, look, patch me though to Carlos, I'll see if he can meet us there.

Why get the police involved?

Listen to me.

Two days ago, 2,000 pounds of expl*sives were stolen from a secure research facility.

You think Julian's involved?

This is bad. This is bad.

Today's the day Theseus will emerge.

Alec, please. I can promise you Julian will be treated fairly, but we need to bring him in.

Yeah, just like Roland was?

sh**t first and ask questions later?

If the t*rrorists are here and the expl*sives have been stolen...

We gotta go, it's too late.

Too late!

Alec, please, just let me talk to Carlos.

Ah... Kiera, I can't hear you, I'm losing connection.

Alec? Alec?

What? Can't hear you.


Damn it!

Alec's okay, you can call me Alec.

I've got something to show you.

I've spent 15 years working on it.

Top secret, I'll show ya.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about a working time machine.

Where did Sonya go?

Don't ask me.

Nobody tells me anything.

Ask Kagame.

You did and he didn't tell you.

Now you know what it's like to be one of the outer circle.

You wouldn't be messing with me, now, would you?

I'm too smart to do that, Travis.

Yes, you are.

He's planning something.

What's new?


Garza, you expecting somebody?

No. Are you?

Jasmine: It's just some kid.

Go ahead.

Come on.

Come on in.

That's the bridge from the night I arrived.

Yeah, imagine my surprise.

After all those years of waiting and waiting.

(MAKES expl*si*n NOISE)

Blew up.




How about you show me the time machine.


Just“ Listen for a sec.

The machine, it's legit.


But there is just one small issue.

I need a nano metal circuit to focus the energy in the precise manner to dial in the return date.

It's just, the alloys weren't developed until 2034.

Do you believe in destiny, Jason?

Today I do.

This is amazing.

I might have to modify this just a little for my needs.

Okay, how long will that take?

Not long.

It's already configured structurally already. Just gotta...

How did you get this?

That's not important.

There is only one man I know of who could have developed this tech.

You're CPS.

How do I know you didn't come back to arrest me?

I am not here to arrest you, Jason.

I want to go home.

You want to go back to 2077?


I can help you with that.

When's this Agent Cameron coming in?

She said 20 minutes when I talked to her.

Yeah, I know, 35 minutes ago.


It's nice of the boys at Section 6 to let her come down and work here full time.

It's not their usual protocol.

Yeah. I wouldn't know.

And I'd also like to know why Section 6 isn't filing any reports about this task force with my office.

Well, you'll have to ask her that when she gets here.

I will.

When she gets here.

Excuse me.

Yeah, sure.

It's Gardiner here.

I want you to run a check on an outfit called Section 6.

Yeah, I've never heard of them either.

It's the memorial.

That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you.

Today is the day the sculpture becomes a memorial.

(IMITATES expl*si*n)

That's right, the building comes down.

Glass and steel raining down.

It was the first att*ck on the city, thousands of people were k*lled.

It was 2012

Thousands of people were k*lled.

And it is 2012.

And today is the day.

It is today.

All the more reason why we need to fire up the machine and get the hell outta here.

Oh, no.

Don't do this.

We met for a reason.

We have to go.

We need to get home before Theseus unleashes hell.

If we wait until after it happens, who knows what the repercussions will be.

The power could get cut.

The authorities could come and shut this place down.

Nothing will be the same here in a few hours.

I know.

And I want to get home, Jason.

More than anything.

But I can't let thousands of people die, even if there's a small chance I might be able to change what's happening.

You were right.

We have to warn them.

Kagame: I'm truly sorry about your father.

He was a good man who understood the danger we face from corporations.

They sh*t him in cold blood.

Took his life like it was nothing And they will take all of our lives and our freedoms unless we stop them.

I want to stop them.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Sometimes we must inspire others with a personal sacrifice.

A statement that moves a generation of followers.

You understand?

It would have to be a statement that changed everything I promise you it will be.

What's he doing here?

What am I doing here?

You kidding me?

You know him?

He's my stepbrother, Alec.

What the hell are you doing here?

I was looking for you, Julian I thought you were in trouble.

Any trouble that I've found is of your doing.

My father would still be alive if you hadn't helped those cops.

He knows us.

Yes, he does.

How do you know us, Alec?

From the news.

That must be it.

We should make sure...

We will.

You have to take care of this.

In my own way.

Take him.


Come on!


Come on!
Travis: We're going to be late.

Oh, is that too tight?

Do you think I'm pretty?


We will write history together, brother.

And millions will respect your name.

It's not safe.

I want you to stay here.

And miss the chance to change history?

No way.

Maybe that's why we were sent back here.

We weren't sent back.


It was an inside job, you know?

The execution.

The device.

The expl*si*n.

The guards, the warden.

Who knows how high it went.

Come on, let's go.


Not from where I'm sitting.

You spoke of this moment once.

Yet that conversation won't take place for 60 years.

Was I tied to a chair then?


I was.

You imagined someone could get a message to their younger self.

Offer them the kind of wisdom and knowledge that might affect the course of their life and, in turn, affect the course of history.

That's great.

Did the future me happen to mention that all this business took place in my past or are we breaking new ground right now?

Well, that's no help.

Knowing for sure that I'm going to survive long enough to make that meeting would certainly change how I handle this situation.

You really don't understand how important you are, do you?

No, I understand more than you realize.

What I don't understand is how you and your g*ng could possibly think you could change the inevitable.

A pebble tossed from a beach can become a tsunami on the other side of the world.

You are that pebble.

And I am standing on a beach on the other side of time.

Waiting for the tidal wave to crash.

Yeah, you're standing on a beach and you're facing a tsunami, but you only have a bucket to change it.

And, yeah, you could scoop out a small amount of water from that wave and change history slightly.

But that's it.

The wave still hits.

And it will probably drown you And if I'm the pebble, then progress and innovation is the wave.

It will make the world a better place.

And that you can't change But that's precisely my point, Alec.

You're the one who convinced me I can.

All right, which one of these buildings is the target?

I was kind hoping you'd remember.

This is history to me.

I don't remember specifics.

You're the one who's been doing the research.

Okay, okay.

So just think!

I don't remember.

Then we have to warn all of them.

Okay, this one!

No. Here.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Someone's gone to a lot of trouble to put her in a position of trust.

No. Let's keep this on a need to know.

If she is working for Liber8, I don't want to tip our hand that we know she's one of them.

We need to evacuate the premises immediately.

Yeah, right.

Get on the phone, call the police.

Ask for Inspector Dillon, he will vouch for me.

Now, typically the agency's...

Sir, I got Kiera on line three.

Yeah, Kiera.


I'm at City Plaza.

I believe that Liber8 is going to bring down one of the buildings with a b*mb but I can't be certain which one.

I need your approval to evacuate all of them immediately.

Inspector this is now a matter of national security.

I'm officially taking over.

I'll take care of it, Kiera.

Stay where you are.

Thank you.

We need to treat this as a real b*mb thr*at.

Yes, we do.

So we send down the b*mb squad and the ER team.

You're coming with me.

We're going to go to the Plaza and find your partner.

Come on.

Everyone, let's go.

Where have you been?

On an errand.

What kind of errand?

I had some business to do for Kagame!

It's nothing.

Why are you so upset?

Something's going on.

Something you're not telling me.

What are you not telling me, Sonya?

You know what you need to know.

And when Kagame wants you to know more, he'll tell you.

To hell with Kagame!

Kagame is our leader.

Not you.

He was then. But now he's strayed from the very plan he laid out in 2077.

He's lied to us!

Sonya: No, he hasn't.

Travis: He said we would go back six years.

It's been 65.

I get the feeling that was the plan all along.

What is your design?

You are a very important member of this cell.

Kagame has his reasons.

We have to trust them.

Carlos. Good. I need your help organizing the second building.

Don't worry about that, Agent Cameron.

We've got it under control.

Thank you.

Kiera, this is Agent Gardiner from CSIS.

I've been wanting to meet you.

I'm very interested in hearing how you obtained this information.

I will tell you all of that later but right now...

I think right now would be an appropriate time, Agent Cameron.

I have informants, sir.

With Section 6?


Hey. I told her.

Well, I helped her remember.

She and I, we're from the future.


Hey. Hey! I think we have a problem here An unauthorized vehicle just pulled in.

This guy one of yours?

Carlos: That's Julian Randol.

Get everyone out of here.

Everybody out!


Put your hands in the air and step out of the vehicle!

Put the switch down, son!

Rot in hell.

Take him!

Come on!

No! Get the hell off of me!

No! Off of me.

Get him out of here now!

Go to hell!

Move it.

Run. Everybody 90!

Officer: Right this way!


Detonator wasn't connected.

expl*sives neutralized.

Copy. Looks like the situation's under control.

I believe you were gonna answer some questions for me, Agent Cameron.

I'm still interested in knowing who those contacts are.


Looks like cell service has been restored.

Gardiner here.

Yes, sir.

Understood, sir.

Thank you.

I just received a call from my supervisor, Agent Cameron.

Letting me know that he's been in contact with your commander, Mr. Esher, and that I am to cooperate fully from here on with Section 6.

Excuse me.

I've never seen CSIS back down to anyone like that before.

I'd like to meet your boss and shake his hand.

So would I.

Hey, it's not broken!

You changed history.

She changed history over here!

All right, blue eyes, we've got a time machine waiting for us.

Let's go, let's go!

Tell you what, I'll meet you there.


But time's a-wasting.

Don't take too long.

I won't.

Let me guess, it's complicated.


Something happened to the b*mb.

I tried the detonator, it wouldn't go off.

Someone sabotaged it.

It wasn't supposed to work.


Listen to me.

This battle isn't over.

It's hardly begun.

There are many ways to sacrifice.

None more noble than the other.

We will meet again.


Kiera! It's Building Two.

I saw a map.

They're going to blow Building Two.

No, Alec, listen.

It's okay. We got Julian.

He was in Building One.

You don't understand.

I was at their hideout.

I saw their plan.

Julian was just a diversion.


Alec, stay here.


If you sh**t me, you risk losing everything.

Where's the b*mb?

Do not do this.

Have you forgotten your history lessons?

It's already done.

No, this doesn't have to happen.

We can change history.

But that's my role to play in the larger plan.

Whose plan?



What are you talking about?

Explain yourself.

That would take too much time.

I'm on a schedule, and this b*mb is set to go off, and none of us can stop it.

Alec will explain.

What's he talking about?


Kiera, he's going to do it, trust me, we gotta go. Come on!

We have a possible sighting of Eduoard Kagame entering Building Two.

Are you sure?

Prepare to evacuate.

Kiera was just...



I know you.

Mrs. Kagame.


A friend of mine asked me to give this to you.

I can't answer your questions, you'll just have to trust me.

Thank you.


You followed me?

Where's Kagame?

Come with me.

What are you doing here?

Kagame was in the building when it exploded.

What are you talking about?

I thought Julian was.

No. Kagame had this planned all along.

Today's his birthday.

He's here?

Down the hall.

Just born.

He told me some other things.

He asked me to make arrangements for his mother.

Make arrangements for him.

What are you talking about?

He said we would meet again and it would all make sense.

He also told me that after he d*ed today, he wanted me to do something very important.

He wanted me to succeed him.



What took you so long?

Well, it blew anyway.

The building.

We didn't change history.

Not yet.

Which means all those horrible things are going to happen anyways and there's nothing we can do.

Show me the time machine.

Let me get the lights.




It's a beauty, isn't it?


We'll be wearing these.

I'll fit one for you.

When we hold here, a massive pulse, down through here, up to the ball.

Seems I can't get rid of you.

Did you have anything to do with this?

No. Not in this year.

Not in 2076.

I told you, I was just a pawn.

My cover was almost blown today.

Somebody vouched for me.

It wasn't Alec.

That leaves you.

It wasn't me.

Must have been your guardian angel.

A Freelancer?

A Who?

Never mind.

I guess I can't change history after all.

I'll get us out of here.

You're alive?

Of course.

I knew what was going to happen to the Congress.

That's impossible.

How could you have known?

How I knew and how I came to be the man I am today, is going to become clear to you.

What's that?

The culmination of my life's work.

You and I have a lot more in common than you realize, Edouard.

I don't understand.

YOU Will.

YOU Will.

Have you ever stood on a beach and faced an approaching tsunami?

You have taught me everything I know.

Theseus, tell me, can I trust him?

My brother?

Who knows?

Who knows.

But you will do as he proposes, and I will do my best to prepare you.

You there?

Yeah, I'm here.

I don't know how to say this.

Just say it, Alec.

Your journey here was no accident.

The time travel device didn't malfunction, and Kagame knew this.

The truth is, I'm the one who sent you back in time.

And you're not going to believe why.