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05x06 - Required Reading

Posted: 07/28/15 02:52
by bunniefuu
Lydia: Previously on Teen Wolf...

Lydia: What does the book do?

Valack: It triggers the memory centers of the brain.

If you've seen them, if they've done something to you...


Then the book will help you remember.


(Malia whimpering)

You brought a Kitsune.

Scott; Kira, please stop.

Kira: I'm not doing anything.

It's just happening.

Scott: I think I might have stopped her from k*lling Lucas.

I mean, she nearly took off his head.


(Tires screeching)

Theo; Hey, slow down.

(Music playing)


(Malia screaming)

Theo: Come on, we gotta get up. Come on!

(Horn honking)

(Both groaning)

Malia: It was her.

Theo: Who?

Malia: Desert Wolf.

(Man screaming)

Donovan: Don't worry, Stiles.

(Stiles groans)

I'm just gonna eat your legs.




(Music playing)

(Breathing heavily)


(Music playing)



Melissa: Come on.


(Music continues)



Scott; Wait... What is that?

Melissa; A bronchodilator. It'll work.


Malia, come on...





(Elevator rattling)

Scott; We never should have read that book.

(Music playing)

(Music playing)

(Dramatic music playing)

Stillinski: Chimeras.

Stiles; Two dead Chimeras.

Malia: And eight new ones.

Stiles:,So, that's 10 in all.

Stillinski; I'm thinking maybe 11.

Stilinski: Our station tech guys confirmed something for me...

They said, both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic.

You said that, uh, these guys...

Malia: Dread Doctors.

Stillinski; Are we really calling?

Malia: So they broke Donovan out?

Stillinski; It's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?

(Music playing)

Malia; Donovan's a Chimera.

Stillinski; Yeah.


Is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?

Malia: If he is, he's probably dead.

Stillinski: Not until I've seen a body.

Stilinski: You're uncharacteristically quiet.

Stiles: Yeah... Sorry, I'm, uh...

I'm just trying to think about it. Uh...

These are all teenagers, right?

So, now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers?

If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that...

Burying them, k*lling them, breaking one of them out of jail...

They couldn't have been chosen at random.

Malia; They had to have something in common.

Stillinski: Something that made them right for this experiment.

Stiles: Something that made them special.

(Music playing)

(Blow lands)


Parish; Arms up.

This way you can block att*cks to your face and your head while always keeping your eyes on your enemy.


It's all right.

You're not going to be perfect after only a few tries.


Lydia; I'm okay.

Keep going.

Parish: You sure?

Maybe we should stop after a few.

Lydia: Why?

Parish: I don't want to get your stitches to get un-stitched.

Lydia: They're fine.

See? No blood.

(Music playing)


Ready when you are.

(Lydia grunts)


Parish: What did you do wrong?

Lydia: Uh... I forgot to keep my arms up.

Parish: Right.

But don't worry. Your muscles have memory.

With enough practice, they'll remember for you.

(Breathing heavily)

(Music playing)


Parrish: What's wrong? What is it?

Lydia: Muscle memory.

Theo: So, basically, we're looking for abnormal behavior?

Anyone acting a little off or a little weird.

Theo; Isn't everyone a little weird in high school?

Scott: Yeah, good point.

Theo: You remember Tracy went on a k*lling spree after reading that?

Scott: You think it's a bad idea?

Theo: I think Malia almost getting run down by a car could've been bad.

Well, that's why you guys haven't finished it, right?

Scott; We're going to.

Scott, I came here hoping to find a pack.

I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart.

Scott: The book's all we've got.

Theo; Then I'll read it too.

Lydia: My mom's book club usually has more wine.

Stiles; Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations.

Scott: That's why Malia's here.

Malia: So none of us go running into traffic?

Scott: Or worse.

Malia: Like what happened to Judy.

Chapter 14.

Lydia: Maybe I should have my mother read it.

She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone.

Yeah, if it works.

It has to.

Stiles: What's that mean?

Lydia: I think I saw them during my surgery.

When I look at the cover of the book...

It's almost like...

Theo: A memory trying to surface.

Lydia; Yeah.

Kira: Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?

Lydia: If they did something to me, I want to know what it is.

(Music playing)

(Music playing)



Scott: Anyone feel anything yet?

Kira: Tired.

Lydia; Hungry.

Theo; I think he meant the book.

(Music playing)

Malia: What did you do to your shoulder?

What are you talking about?

Malia: I can smell the blood. What happened?

Stiles: Jeep died on me again.

I went to check the engine, the hood fell on it.

(Heart beating)

Wait, so, how much... How much do you remember anyway?

With the accident, did it play like a movie in your head or was it like being completely in it again?

Malia: In it.

Stiles: Was it just the crash? Nothing else?

(g*n firing)

Malia: Nothing.

(Music playing)


Scott; You're not giving up, are you?

Kira: Just resting my eyes.

(Mic playing)

My glow stick broke.

Hayden; No, it ran out of glow.

They don't last forever.

Can I have my money back?

Hayden;?God, I hate all-ages night.

Liam: Forty-three dollars.

Hayden: I said I don't want your money.

Liam: You said I owe you 200.

Hayden: Liam, just forget it...

(Power shuts off)

(All cheering)


Liam: Hayden... Hayden.

Hayden: I gotta be honest, Liam.

If you're trying to be a good guy, I really don't care.

Liam: I'm just trying to make up for the sixth grade.

Hayden; Nothing will make up for the sixth grade.

(Grunting) Come on.

(Music resumes playing)

Liam; You want to keep hating me?

Go for it.

You said I owe you 200.

So, it's 43 anymore.

(Music playing)

(Door creaks)

(Mumbling japanese)


(Continues mumbling)

Scott: What if we need some kind of trigger?

Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?

Stiles: Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?

Scott: Maybe it's a delayed thing.

Maybe you have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens.

(Lights flickering)

Kira: That wasn't me. I swear.

Scott: We keep an eye on each other today, okay?

Stiles: Yes, and keep an eye out for eight other potentially homicidal Chimeras.

Kira: And keep an eye out for the Dread Doctors.

Stiles; Starting to see the appeal of a third eye.

(Music playing)

Finch: So while introducing the African Cane Toad, sounded like a good way to deal with Australia's infestation of the Grey-backed beetle, unfortunately, the toad also decided to eat everything else in sight.

And everything that tried to eat the toad, from crocodiles to household pets, quickly died from the poison they secreted.

A perfect example of an invasive species.

One-hundred and two toads introduced in 1935 became 1.5 billion by 2010.

Once an invasive species is introduced, everything changes.

(Music playing)

Wise decision, Sydney.

Lydia, you know it's for the best.

(Music playing)

Sydney; I was just looking for your mom.

I mean Mrs. Martin.

Lydia: Are you okay?

Sydney: Does this look okay?

Lydia: How long has it been happening?

Sydney: Three years.

Lydia: Years?

Sydney; It's stress.

I've tried everything.

Medication, acupuncture, hypnosis.

Lydia: Have you tried not taking the hardest classes in school?


Let me see it.

Maybe I can help cover it up.

(Music playing)


Natalie: I told you to stay in the car.

Lydia, I told you to stay in the car.

Natalie: (Faintly) ...stay in the car!

(Music playing)

Why have you done this?

I told you to stay in the car.


I said, stay in the car!

(Distorted) Lorraine Martin; They're coming, Lydia.

They're coming for all of us.

Scott: Lydia.

Are you okay?

Lydia; I'm okay. I'm fine.

Scott; You remembered something.

Lydia: Not about the Dread Doctors.

Nothing about them or the surgery.

Scott; What was it?

(Music playing)

Lydia: My grandmother. At Eichen House.
Natalie: Lydia? Lydia?

Oh, my God, what happened?

Are you all right?

Lydia: Mom, I'm fine.

It was nothing.

Natalie; Was it a blackout? Did you faint?

Lydia: Yeah.

Yeah, I fainted.

Mom, I'm fine.

I promise.

Mason: Not into sci-fi?

That's the book, isn't it?

I thought you guys were supposed to finish reading it last night.

Kira: Yeah, I kind of haven't yet.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I mean, I can't...

I can barely read it.

Mason: Okay, uh...

This is gonna sound weird but...

Do you speak Japanese?

Kira: No. I'm also half-Korean and I don't speak Korean.

And I'm pushing a C-average in English.

Mason; Okay, well...

I've been doing some reading on Kitsunes.

Kira: How come?

Mason; 'Cause I met one.

Kira; Oh, right.

Mason: Do you know why people in Japan answer the phone "moshi moshi"?

Yeah, but there's a reason why you have to say it twice on the phone.

Because according to Japanese folklore, fox spirits have difficulty with language.

And the way that you prove that you're not a fox,

when you answer the phone, say "moshi" twice.

The important part is...

"Moshi moshi" confuses Kitsunes because it's a language trick.

So is the book.

You know, it's just one long language trick.

Kira: That's why I can't read it?

Mason: It's affecting the fox part of you.

Confusing it.

(Light flickers)

Kira: I swear that wasn't me.

Finch: You forgot to sign it.

Are you going to tell me why you're dropping?

Scott: It's a schedule thing.

Finch: Why did you take this class to begin with?

Isn't it a prerequisite for the college you want?

Scott; It just doesn't matter.

It's too much... (Clears throat)

...time, too much work.

Finch; I To become a veterinarian?


I don't think you should drop.



(Dog whimpering)

What's happening?


Scott; I think... (Wheezes)

I'm having an asthma attack.

Finch: Someone...

Someone get the nurse!

(Music playing)

Young scott: Mom...

Melissa: You're okay, sweetheart. You just need to breathe, okay?


Young Scott: Where's Roxy?

Melissa: Sweetheart, she didn't make it.

Young Scott: Where's Roxy?

Melissa: Try not to talk.

Try not to talk.

Mrs. Finch: Scott.

Mrs. Finch: Scott, you need to breathe.


Mrs. Finch: Scott? Scott, look at me.

I need to know where your inhaler is.

Is it in your locker?


Some... Someone's got to have an inhaler.

One of you, find someone.




(Music playing)

Brett: I don't know, dude.

Everyone at Devenford's pretty abnormal to me.

Mason: All right. What else is there to look for?

There's heightened strength, smell, hearing, speed...

Brett: Uh, able to see in the dark.

Mason: Glowing eyes.

Brett: Eyes that reflect the light.

Mason: Visible scorpion stingers protruding out of limbs?

Brett:,Yeah. Or three foot lizard tails.


(Music playing)



Liam; Sorry.

Brett: What's up with those two?

Mason: Sixth grade.

That's not the best year for Liam's anger management issues.

There was a...

This fight in the hallways.

Liam and this other guy.

Hayden sort of accidentally walked into it.

And this is her yearbook photo.

Brett; Ah, damn.

Mason: Yeah.

Brett; Ow. What did she do to him?

(Both laughing)

Does anyone here have asthma?

Anyone got an inhaler?

Liam; Scott.


(Music playing)

I've got it... I've got the inhaler.




Scott, come on.





Scott; Thanks.

Stiles; Okay, then what are we doing here if you've already had your suppressed memory?

Lydia: It wasn't the right memory.

I remembered my grandmother in Eichen House.

There was nothing to do with surgery, nothing to do with the Dread Doctors.

So, if I've read the book, why don't I have the full memory of my experience with them?

Stiles: I'm not supposed to know that, am I?

Lydia; No, something...

...happened during the surgery.

But now I think that maybe it has more to do with me being a Banshee.

It's not my memory, Stiles.

It's someone else's.

(Music playing)


Malia; Why haven't you said anything?

Theo; About what?

(Breathing heavily)

Malia; The rest of my memory.

The Desert Wolf.

Why didn't you tell Scott?

Theo; I didn't think you wanted me to.

Malia; I don't.

Are you going to want to know why?

(Weights clattering)

Theo: Not really.

(Music continues)

Malia: You think you're doing me a favor?


Like I'm going to owe you now?


Theo: I don't need any favors.

Malia; Then what do you want?

Theo: I want in the pack.

Malia; That's not up to me.

Theo: If you want to tell Scott what you saw, tell him.

If you've got something else in mind, I'm okay with that, too.


(Music playing)

Hayden; Oh, come on. (Chuckles)

You were supposed to go wait in the parking lot.

Clarke: And you're supposed to be embarrassed by your parents, not your sister.

By the way, guess where I found this?

In your jeans about to go into the laundry.

Hayden: Do I have to remind you, one bottle costs $200?

Clarke: Sorry.

Hayden: What?

Liam: Nothing.

Clarke: Was that Liam Dunbar?

He got cute.

(Music playing)

Theo: You gonna be okay?

Scott; Yeah.


I think it was just the memory hitting me.

Psychosomatic thing.


Did you want to talk about something?

Theo: No. It can wait.

Scott: No, no, it's okay.

What's up?

Theo: Last night, you guys all fell asleep.

I went upstairs to check on Kira.

She was sleeping, but...

Scott: You heard her speaking Japanese.

Theo: I didn't just hear it.

(Recording sound)

Scott: That is... That's what she said at the club.

Theo: I found a website that can translate it.

It means... Roughly... I'm the messenger of death.

She gets worse?

Scott; Ugh...

Yeah... Something is... Something's happening to her.

She's got this aura all around her.

It's hard to explain.


I guess it's supposed to be part of her.

But now it looks... Differently.

Almost like it's taking over.

I don't know.

Something's happening.

And to be honest...

Theo: What?

Scott: I don't know if I could trust her anymore.

Theo: I heard it too

Scott; Coming from the basement:

Lydia: Can you turn the lights on?

Stiles : Uh... Not going on.

Lydia: Ask someone.

Stiles: Hey, I thought this was more of an auditory thing.

Lydia: I still wanna see what I'm hearing.


Melissa: Well, you've been having issues for the last hour, maintenance is coming to check it out.

For now that floor is down to backup lighting.

But you said this was more of a hearing thing.


Melissa: Yeah.

Stiles: It’s also more of a Lydia thing


*** Scott: This definitely isn’t Kira.

Theo: It's a Chimera.

Scott: Where's Kira?

Malia: Still at the library. Stiles and Lydia are at the hospital.

Scott: Doing what?

Malia: Lydia's trying to figure out what happened to her during the surgery.

Scott; How long are they gonna be there?

Malia; They said they're just waiting for the power to go back on?

Phil: Well, the *** crap.

But with ***.

Let's see what you got.

Maybe less.


Hayden; Liam, please stop.

Liam: I promise I'll pay you back.

It doesn't matter now.


Liam: I know it's for your medication so please just take the money.

Hayden: No, it wasn't your fault.

Liam: I punched you in the face.

Hayden: I meant the sh*ts.

Liam: Oh...

Hayden: It's for ***

It's for a kidney transplant I had a few years ago.

I work here so my sister doesn't have to pay for all of it.

Now, can you just forget about it?

I'll make it back somehow.

Liam; So will you take half?


I never stop *** about it.

Phil:Just listen to him.

*** they're gonna do anything.

They're all gonna *** alcohol anyway.


Liam: Can I ask you to do something else for me?

Hayden: What?

Liam: Close your eyes.

Hayden: Are you kidding?

Liam: Please?


Liam: Just 2 seconds.

I swear I'm not gonna do anything.

Hayden: Why?

Liam: All you have to do is close your eyes for 3 seconds.

Hayden: You said 2.

Liam: Okay it was 3. 3 at the most.

Hayden; This is stupid.

Liam: Just one second.


Okay. Open them.


Please, don't hurt me.


Please, don't hurt me.

(Surgical equipment clattering)

Surgeon: Your condition worsens.

Stiles: Mom?

Mom, what are you doing?

Stillinski; Claudia.

What are you doing up there?

Claudia: I couldn't stand to be in that room anymore.

Not with him looking at me like that.

Stilinski: Claudia...

Claudia; He's trying to hurt me.

I don't care if you don't believe me, but he is.

He's trying to k*ll me.

(Claudia whimpering)

Stillinski: No.

That's not true.

Come on down.


Come here. (Grunts)

You have to remind yourself. It's the disease.

Remember what the dementia does?

It gives you delusions.

It makes you think that people are out to get you...

Claudia: You don't see the way he looks at me.

Stillinski: Claudia, he's 10 years old.

(Sobs) Claudia:, He's trying to k*ll me.

Claudia: Stop it.

Stop looking at me like that. Stop it!

Stop looking at me!

Stiles; Mom... What are you do...

Mom... (Grunts)



Scott:,You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia.

I'm gonna find my mom.

(Elevator door rumbling)

(Music playing)





(Music continues)




(Music continues)




Come on.

(Music continues)




Wait. What is that?

Melissa: A bronchodilator. It'll work.



Malia, come on!

(Screaming) Run!

(Music playing)




(Elevator rattling)

Scott: We never should have read that book.

(Music continues)


(Bones crackling)


(Electricity crackling)

Theo: Stiles... You can't say anything. Please, don't say anything.

Stiles: Why not?

Theo: Because I never said anything about Donovan.