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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 08/02/15 17:35
by bunniefuu
Dad hid something in our heads and it needs us all to make it work.

What is it?

I think it's a way to give consciousness to other Synths.

Can you imagine a whole load of new ones being made?

I mean this changes everything.

Does it?

If it can be done for the few it can be done for them all.

Do you think they would still want to be slaves?

In every area of human life, they are coming between us!

And now, we can't even trust them not to hurt us.

Why am I still a prisoner?

You haven't agreed to help me yet.

So what do YOU want?

To continue David's work.

Has he crashed?

(Screams): Get out!

Who's Tom?

My brother.

He was hit by a car when I was supposed to be watching him.




'What's gone is gone, he's dying.'

The secret in our head. It could bring him back.

First, I want to know everything.

Most of my memories are digital.

I need you to know who I am.

He made me to replace her.


I'll help you.

No, it's a trick.

Everybody down! On the floor!


On the floor, now!

(He screams)

We've cleaned up your wound.

Pretty nasty infection.

Antibiotics. Nothing sinister.

How did you find us?

Wait. Wait!

Could you use some extra help around the house?

Introducing the first family android.

(Italian news report)

This mechanical maid is capable of serving more than just breakfast in bed.

What could you accomplish if you had someone... someTHING like this?

(Japanese news report)

These machines will bring us closer together.

Er, they need your mobile devices.

I haven't heard a legal basis for any of this.

I'll be making a formal complaint to your commanding officer.

You can make it in person, Mrs Hawkins. He's on his way.

Your property will be returned to you.

Oh, my...

Come on, Tobe. Come on.

Oh, you're kidding.

I'm sorry, Soph.

But I've nearly finished!

But the police need to check it out.

It's not fair!

NEWS REPORT: Cities around the country preparing to join the marches organised by the We Are People movement, protesting against the increasing....

Are you following me, Drummond?

Your office told me you were attending a briefing on the march.

Frankly, sir, that sounded beneath you, so my curiosity was piqued.

What's this, then?

It's a restricted matter so you leave now or you'll find yourself back on suspension.

Is there, er...? I want to speak to Hobb.

A million people are coming to London to protest against Synthetics today, Drummond.

Go and make yourself useful.

Almost ready to start, professor.

What are you doing to them?

Making them safe. Pulling all the dangerous stuff out of their heads.

You'll delete whatever you find?

Of course.

Although we can't be certain they won't find another way to self-replicate.

Not without... well...

What about Leo?

Tricky one, that.

Half machine. Half human.

Keeping us here is illegal.

The man in charge, who is he?

Professor Edwin Hobb.

He runs a specialist group formed to locate and contain potentially dangerous Synthetics.

You'll be compensated for your trouble and the loss of your Synthetic.

So he is going to destroy them?

You need to keep this quiet.

You kick up a fuss, they'll ruin you.

You have no idea of what they are, how special they are, do you?

No. And I don't want to.

You've got a nice life here.

Let this go.

They can't do this, can they?!

Mum, just... just call someone. There's got to be a law or something.

Synthetics are just property. There's no case to argue.

Nothing we can do?

Meet me upstairs. Don't all come at once.

We can't let them do this.

They're going to k*ll her, Joe.


What's going on?

Come in, come in.

The, er, thing from inside Mia.

How Leo found you.

Her root code.

It's proof of what she is, right?

Yeah, I guess.

It's our leverage.

Tell this Hobb if he doesn't let them go, we go public with proof, proof that they exist.

It wouldn't work. Elster wrote that code.

No-one would understand it.


Wait. Leo showed me his memories.

He ran them through his laptop so depending on the file conversion...

We're non-geeks.

There might be temporary copies of what I saw.

So his dad, the Synths being built, him not being dead...

Oh Ok, OK, that could also work. So...

Me or your dad take the laptop somewhere safe. Somewhere...

Nah. We leave, they'll just arrest us.

We might be able to get out.

No, no. You could get hurt.

You can't protect us anymore, Mum. We don't need you to.

And that's OK.


Dad, you in?

First problem, they've already taken Leo's laptop.

It's in their van outside.

They're all powered up and connected.

Hobb's trying to link our minds.

We have to fight it.

We can't let him have the power.



No, don't fight it. Let it happen.


It's our last chance to try. Our last chance to save Max.

What's the point of saving him?

We're never getting out of here.

Leo. We don't know what will happen.

Neither does Hobb.

Let's go.

Don't you want to find out?

I do.



What language is this?

An executable file.

A programme.

David Elster's own.


It didn't work.

I don't understand. We're all here, we're all connected.

But we're not all here, are we?

There's another.

You've really got them all?

Leo Elster, too.

But you destroyed Fred. You showed me his body.

If I'd told you the truth, you'd have stopped it.

Tell me everything, or I shut you down today.

Bring Fred through, would you?

What's this?

It's the programme David used to give them consciousness.

Ed, what are you doing?

People don't just want to be served... they want to be loved.

Now, imagine a machine that could think and feel, but still be controlled, like a regular synthetic.

I can build on David's work.

I can create conscious machines -- like Fred, but mine... will be obedient.

(Start up beep)



What have you done to me?

I made some alterations to Fred's programming, which effectively makes me his primary user.

He won't like it, but he's continually loyal to me.

Go on.

Put your hands around my throat.

One little squeeze.

That's all it'll take.

You can't do it, can you?

You would trap us in our own minds.

Give us feeling, but take away free will.

Make us slaves.

Be quiet now. And don't tell the others.

Keep it our little secret.

This was never about keeping us safe.

You just wanted to carry on with your work.

Robert, what's the upper limit for emotional synthetics' worth to the economy?

There isn't one.

You're on a short leash.

I want to know every move you make from now on -- personally.


What will happen to the other four?

I have Elster's program.

I don't need them any more.

(Voices on tv)


We... we were just going to, um...

You said that they were special.

What did you mean?

Let me guess.

They act like they're human -- like they think and feel.

Worse. It's not an act.

Course it is. It's a simulation.

This can't be simulated. You'd understand if you'd spoken to one.

I have spoken to one.

You were sneaking out -- to do what? Hey?

We're trying to save them.


What do you want?


So, help us.

Er, you're needed out the back. I think they've found something.

What is it?

I don't bloody know.

Where are you taking them?


Shaw authorise it?


I've got nothing to do with the case, so I thought I'd kidnap a couple of teenagers and have a nice day out(!)


He's got the laptop.

You got it?




Tell me that wasn't Drummond with the Hawkins kids!

I want to speak to Hobb. Right away. It's in his interests, believe me.

And give us back our bloody phones.

Are you going to k*ll them?

You can't k*ll something that's never been alive.

k*ll me too.

I want to go with them.

I want to go with them!

Do you hear me?

So, what do we do?

Will you cut out the Synth part of my brain?

I'll sign any forms you want. I give you permission.

Well, you'd be brain dead -- if you didn't die in surgery.

No, no, no, no.

See, we have no idea how your father created a working interface between the organic and synthetic part of your brain.

So, we need to run some tests. We'll make you comfortable.

You can't just keep me here!

Well, I've had a chat with our lawyers and legally speaking, you're not entirely human, so your rights are, well... a bit of a grey area.

(Phone vibrates)


Yes. Yes, I'll be right there.

I'll have them bring you down some soup. It's really quite good.

Configurations look OK.

Good. We'll start with this female.

Precision job, we need to scan every component we pull.

Why are you doing all this?

Because someone needs to correct your father's mistake.

Max's mind is dying... and you could save him.

Link your mind with the others. Unlock the secret.

Why would I do that?

I don't have a reason. I'm just appealing to your humanity.

But I'm not human.


It's not a state. It's a...

It's a quality. Max is a machine, but he's got more humanity than anyone.

You... and me...


I'll make a T-cut across the shoulders and spine.

That should keep mess to a minimum.

And we should be able to remove most of the core intact.

Why did you come in here?

You have a life.

A real one.

Don't throw it away on them.

They have lives -- and you could too, if you help them.

We'd never be able to live in peace with humans.

Our existence can only lead to pain.

You've been alone since the day you were made.

That's why you can't see you're only talking about yourself.

I can see a bit of all of them in you, you know?

You've got Fred's strength. You've got... Niska's darkness.

And you want to know things, like Max.

What about Mia?

You care.

You care about what happens to me.

You're one of us.

You're one of us!

Right, I've found the memories. I'll email Mum some stills.

Whoa. Slow down -- and if you go online, Hobb will be able to track you.

You don't know my sister.

I'm shielding us in about five different ways and using a darknet email account. We're untraceable.

That's all right, then.

You said you spoke to one of them.

Which one?

I knew her as "Karen".

I thought she was a person -- a friend.

Do you think Hobb's got her as well?

I'm not sure what's happening, but I know he's the key.

Mr and Mrs Hawkins. What can I do for you?

We have a computer with copies of Leo's memories.

They show everything.

If you don't let Mia and the others go... we'll take it to the press.

Where is it, then?

Somewhere safe.

Sorry. I don't believe you.


They'll lead with that on the news tonight.

Don't you think?
(Phone rings)

I'm trying to concentrate here.

Research Group?

Are the machines still intact?

Er, yes...

Get them ready to move. Elster too.

'What's going on, Professor?'

We're letting them go.


What happened?

Phone call for you.



Is everyone all right?

Yes, we're fine.

'They're letting you go.'

Remember where we went the day I met you?

About half a mile east, there's a place to meet.

You'll know it. Make sure you're not followed.

Thank you, Laura.

If you want that laptop, you won't follow us, either.

(Car engine starts)

We're free.

What's happening?

They're leaving?

Don't go. They'll be back.

Professor Hobb has a fail-safe.

Think we're OK?

I haven't got a clue.

My counter-surveillance skills are a bit rusty, you know what I mean?

We're saving a family, Joe.

What's that?

Some sample memories we extracted from Elster.

How far can you go back?

We have a few from his human brain, digitised across and stored in the Synth part.

God knows how Elster did it.

Show me.

This one has been replayed a lot.

I told her she'd be safe if she stayed with us.

Why here?

I used to come here as a kid.


Laur, you know you can tell me.

Do you remember Mike and Sarah's engagement party?

That was...

That was 20 years ago.

Do you remember how pissed I got?

That was the closest I've ever got to telling you.

Whatever it is... it can't be as bad as what I did.

It just... it can't.

There's nothing you could tell me that would change the way I feel about you.

Of course there is.


Hobb'll be able to trace your phone. We can't...

No, no, it's fine. It's fine.

Mattie's re-rooted it or something....

I don't know what that means, but we're safe.

And we brought you some stuff.

They're with Mia and the others.

Hobb let them go.

You pulled it off.

We'd better go.

I'LL make sure he gets it.

He wants it, and I want him.

This is too much.

We got our deposit back on you, so...

Mum! Mum.


We should get moving soon.

Fred's just transmitted their position.

It's not far from where we're picking up the laptop.

All right. Bring them back.

And be discreet.

Can you bring them in?

If it's all right with you, I'd like to make sure Mr Hobb gets it myself.

The personal touch, you know.

They've found us.

What?! How?

Time to go. Come on.

We need to get off the streets. Come on.

All right, everyone.

Before we get going, let's remember a few things.

We can't do this.

We aren't marching just to protect our country...

Jobs for humans... but to preserve our species.

Jobs for humans...


Good to see you here.

It's your generation this is really about.

This isn't going to work... or anger, or fear...

There. Come on.

It's about dignity.

We're so in love with progress, in such a rush to move forward, we're leaving ourselves behind.

Do you want to live in a world where your children...

How did they find us?

We weren't followed, were we?

I did everything right, I swear.

I believe you.


He was acting weird back at the park. Mumbling, zoning out.

He was doing it at the house, too.

Don't be silly.

Are you all right?

(He cries out)


I can't fight it!

Hobb did something to you...

Joe, now!

Don't bother running a trace. I won't be on long enough.

We know what you did to Fred.

You'll never see any of us again.

It doesn't matter.

I have the code your father used to make them.

No, you don't. Look again.

It's not complete.

You're lying.

Let me talk to her.

Keep him talking.

Check the code, scan it for missing data. Now.



Can anyone else hear?


Come with us.

The crypt at St Mary Magdalene.

I told you to keep him talking! What did he say?


We got to Fred in time.

Hobb doesn't know where we are.

You'll need to be security-cleared.

You know what, mate? You've earned my trust.

You can take it from here.

Why can't we all go home?

They can't come back to our house, darling.

Just go to sleep, OK?

She's exhausted.

Look. They're all safe.

They're all OK.


Look, you've done everything you could.

Why is it YOUR job to save them?

Because of Tom.

He'd probably have kids of his own by now.

How could you...

How could you even think I wouldn't understand?


How could you keep that to yourself?

Cos you didn't want to hurt us?

Hobb's programming is crude, but he's knitted it right into the root code.

I can't do anything.

Someone's coming.

How did she...? Fred is off...

I told her where we were.

You what?!

I took a chance. She's our only hope of saving Max.

If I help you, you'll have the power to give other Synthetics consciousness.


The world would never be the same.

Have you even thought about that?

All I'm thinking about is Max...


My family.

Everyone will link through me. We connect the second Fred powers up.

You're going to turn him on?

We need him.

If we do it quickly he won't have a chance to transmit.

Joe, be ready.




What is it? Niska?


I truly am sorry.

Help... help... help me.


The code's corrupting.

It's like something is infecting them.



Get out! Get out!

What's happening to us?

Why are you doing this?

Your minds are retreating to their deepest levels as they shut down.

Don't fight it.

(Tyres screech)

You planned this!

If I help you, you will have David's power.

Hundreds of millions of brand-new minds waking up across the world, wanting a freedom the humans will never give.


Don't k*ll our family.

Look at Leo, he'll die too.

You were made for him.

He didn't want me.

He does now.

He wants Beatrice. I'm not her.

No, you're not.

She didn't have a choice.

You do.



That's weird. It's correcting itself.


We're all together.


We thought we'd lost you.

(He laughs)

It's so good to have you back.

(They laugh gleefully)

It rewrote your consciousness, Max.

Hobb's still controlling him.

You have to leave me.


They were right. The programme creates consciousness.

If it gets online we can't predict what would happen.

What are you going to do with it?

This isn't a decision we alone can make.

Leo... maybe you should let her go.

Hey! What are you...?

What are you doing?

Deleting it from the computer.

Niska, no!

You're right.

We have to know more before we act.

Until then, someone we trust should keep it.

They're going, we should too.

But what about Fred?

We can't leave him.

You heard him. We have to.

He's our brother!

If we take him with us, we'll all be found.

He'd want us to be safe.

It's not the end, Max.

He knows how to survive better than any of us.

We'll be together again, brother.

Time to go.

I'm not coming with you.

I want to live my own life now.

Thank you... for everything.

(Laura sobs)

Aren't you going to say goodbye?

Goodbye, little mouse.



I told you not to look for me.

How'd you get the scar?

Did it myself.

Because Synths don't have scars.


Makes you different from Beatrice Elster, too.

You figured it all out without my help. You're really blossoming.

Must have been, um... lonely, all these years.


(He laughs)

Are you coming?

(Video game in background)


She's, um... trying to keep it neat and tidy... so it's like Mia was still here.

Tobe, have you been in my bag? I can't find my other flash drive.

Yeah, I'm the FBI's Most Wanted flash drive thief.

What's that? Someone who nicks Ferraris?

How is that even a joke?!

In front of Sophie, as well.

Soph, do you feel your young mind is warped by your father's humour?

I'm sorry, Matilda. I don't understand your question.

Bollocks. It's gone.

He was such a freak.