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00x00 - Dark Matters (6 episode prequel combined)

Posted: 08/05/15 08:12
by bunniefuu
We're not just on the leading edge.

We're leading the charge.

Technology and innovation for the future.


Doing good is good business.

This is Hero Truther, I'm here to expose the lies and distortions.

To speak for the silent voices.

There's a w*r going on.

It's being waged right outside your door.

The casualties are neighbors, friends and family.

We stand on the front lines and do nothing to defend them.

I remember a hope we once shared: that our species was capable of something truly extraordinary.

You remember how that story began?

20 seconds that changed the world.

My name is Claire Bennett, and this is attempt number...

I guess I've kinda lost count.

She wasn't alone.

Hundreds were inspired to share their abilities.

Evolved humans. EVOs.

My name is Elluo Deahneahne.

And that's my attempt number 1.

Okay, keep the camera on me.

Hello, my name is Maria Campos.

They represented the people with human potential.

We were on the verge of something incredible.

And this is my first attempt.

What happened?

Oh my God, Donna?

What is it?

How can humanity, capable of such miracles and wonders, be full of such hatred?

It didn't take long for us to blame them.

We're getting report...

We fear-mongered and labelled.

There was no trial. No judge or jury.

The sentence was passed out just the same.

We let fear overcome common sense, passed legislation that violates privacy and dignity.

We're forcing them into hiding.

Into the shadows.

Where EVOs will become marginalized, dehumanized, jeopardized.

We know how the story ends, because it's played out, time and time again.

Mass murders and genocides, every time we say never again. Never!


Yet here we are.


It's time for all EVOs to stand up, and declare ourselves.

Come on Phoebe, you can do this.

Quentin, I need you to film something for me.

Can't really right now, I'm in the middle of beating some ass.

So... not right now.

I've waited too long, I need to show you now.

Thank you.


So you want me to like, toss this across the room?

Please, don't, just... you need to get my shadow, okay? That's..



I have it, I have received the instructions.


Um... remember when I was a kid, and I...

I always felt different, special?

Yeah, you wanted attention.

Yeah, um...


Phoebe... how are you do...

I'm Phoebe Frady, and that's attempt number one.

Holy shit.

You're an EVO.

You're one of them.

My sister is an EVO. How cool is that?!

That's amazing!

How long did you know you could do this?

Two or... maybe three years.

Two years?

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know. I.. I mean, I haven't told anyone.

What? That you're a shadow-mancer?

I just didn't know how to... explain it. I... wasn't lying to you or anything.


You know you can tell... me anything?

I know.

I know. I just... I...

Saying it out loud is a... makes it real.


Did Mom know?


You're the only person I've ever told.

I wish Mom could see you do this.

You wanna see what else I can do?

History is repeating.

A class of people have been targeted, portrayed as monsters.

It's our duty to tell their stories.

The truth.

Phoebe's first day at college.

I'm more excited than she is.


Yeah. Yeah.

You're fine. Welcome to college. It's gonna be a grand adventure.

It's just college.

"It's just college."

Man, you're gonna be reading so many fancy books.

And you're gonna start using big words for no reason.

And you'll make, you know, lifetime friends... and make some...

Wow, this is amazing. Hey. enemies, and maybe some... lovers, like this guy.

Right? Actually not him.

Stop! Don't!

It really... I just got here.

Don't. Don't do him.

You can do better than that guy.

You know, all this is coming from someone, who did not graduate.

I got an online degree...

Oh, right.

It was just after an extended sabbatical.

Ooh, welcome.

Oh, it smells like college.

What, gross?

Now look at that. That is adorable.

Okay, and... my unpacking job is done.

Are you kidding me? There is so much more to do.

Yeah. I mean, look out over here.

Your... roommate has done quite a bit.

You've got to play catch-up.

What is this?

Maybe you should open it.

"I must save the paper..."

I'm opening it, I'm opening it!

I knew you've been wanting one.

Quentin, this... this is so nice!

You like it?


Yeah, I do.

Thank you.

It's a hardcore real one.

It... yeah, it looks serious.


What are you doing?

I'm turning it on.

No, no, no, no, do not record me, I'm not wearing my spanx.

How does it feel to be under the microscope?

Hey, I... bought this for you.

Right? This is so you can keep doing your EVO thing.

You think I should keep making videos?

Yeah, absolutely.

Your story is incredible.

You know? Girl loses mom, gains abilities, starts going to college, with the backdrop of a brave new world.

It's Oscar-bait.

We're gonna make some cash.

Right, so you're a documentary filmmaker now?

If I got time to fit it into my busy schedule, then yes.

All I can do is manipulate light and shadow, you think anyone's gonna care about that?

It's badass!

There was some dork on the Tonight Show who could just heat water up to room temperature.

Oh, that is so lame.

Yeah, so...

Hi, um...

Hi, Phoebe.

Phoebe, yeah, amazing...

Aly. Right...

So good to meet you in person.

Um, I need to warn you, the textbooks are like hella expensive. So...

Oh, maybe we could share some, I don't wanna buy them.

Oh, uh...


The weirdo with the camera is my brother, Quentin.

Okay. Um, hi. Hey.

Hey. What's up?

Wow, and he was just leaving.

You're right.

Thank you.

You.. you're... you're right. I... I am just... leaving.

Yeah. Okay.

Okay, so, uh... uh, have fun, be careful, and, uh, maybe, uh... really be quiet about the, er, the whole...

Okay, I already told her on Facebook, she's cool with it.

Oh, yeah, there's a... there's a kid back home who can like breathe underwater or something. So it's no biggy.

Oh, it's no biggy?


So everybody's cool with fish-boy then?


She's fine.

We're all cool? All right, uh... then I will Out you go.

... be seeing you Aly.

Well, okay, bye.

Your brother is, ah, kind of adorable.

Yeah, he's all right.

Okay, uh... my brother thought that I should make another video, so here goes.

I'm Phoebe Frady, and this is my second attempt.

It's freaky, right?

Okay, are you ready?

Okay, well, let me film you. You're the one with the power.

Come on!

True. All right?

Okay, shhhh! Phoebe, you have to whisper.


All powerful forces...


... and evolution is not anymore ... a mindless variation...

... human genome variations...

Oh my God!

Hey, hey, hey! Phoebe! Phoebe!

Phoebe, hey! Hey! You're okay, you're okay.


Did it happen again?


Can we leave the lights on again?

Yes, absolutely, if you just... just give me a second, okay?


You're okay?


Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

No, it's... don't worry, okay?



Many moons ago... the dark grew restless and decided... it would rule.

Seriously, right now?

Aly showed me the videos.

Why didn't you tell me you were having the nightmares again?

She told you?

Hey.. don't be mad at Aly.

She's just worried about you. We both are.

It's just nightmares.

It's not just a nightmare. It's real!

The darkness, I can feel it.

Er, waiting, watching.

You don't get it.

Hey, hey, hey, come on, come on, come on!

I'm not crazy!

I know, just help me understand.

I don't think you're crazy.

I never said "I think you're crazy".

All the shit started happening after Mom's accident.


What if... what if we just get you somebody to talk to?

No, I don't need anyone telling me what's wrong with me.

It wasn't my fault.

I know.

We know.

It was Mom.

Yeah, I know.

I miss her so much.

I miss her too.

So maybe you will just take a break on using your power for a little bit?


Now can you stop filming every mental breakdown I have?

No way. This is gold.

We're going to Sundance.

I'm getting stronger.

It's like I can steal light, absorb it.

Channel the darkness.

How long before voluntary registration becomes mandatory?

Around the country, schools and workplaces have started to require genetic testing. This is nothing more than a blatant excuse for discrimination.

Every concession we make is another signature on our death warrant.

Join the fight.

Start the revolution.

This is not bad.

I'm so happy this worked out.

So many cute guys showed up.

You would notice that!

Whoa, what is all this?

Oh, finally! What took you so long.


Hey. I just thought this was gonna be like a few people. This is crazy.

Yeah, well, we tweeted out, and everyone started showing up, it's great.

Yeah, now it's like a full-on protest.

I thought we talked about taking this easy, Phoebe. This is kinda crazy.

The school is trying to deny EVO's scholarships, okay?

That's total bullshit.

Yeah, and genetics should have nothing to do with education.

Exactly, thank you.

Who are those guys?

This might be time to get out of here.

Get that sign out of my face, assh*le.

Let's go! Let's get out of here.

No, we have to take a stand.

Look what this freak did!

Get 'em all, come on. Let's go!

This wasn't supposed to happen!

Let's go please.

Everyone stop!

How did you do that?

I... I...

Okay, she's one of them too.

I don't know...

Let's get the hell out of here. Come on!

No, no, no, no, no. Do not arrest her. She was trying to stop it.

She was just trying to help.

Turn the camera off!

I am documenting this.

Registration is for your own safety.

Use of abilities is a criminal offense.

When did you first became aware of your abilities?


Who do you live with when you're not at school?

My brother, um... my half-brother...

Mother deceased.

What about your father? Where is he?

I don't know.

Why do you need to know all this?

All evolved humans must be entered in the database.

It's a new federal mandate.

Stand on the line.

Eyes right here.

Here she comes.

What an effin' nightmare.



So check it out. I am officially an evolved human.

It's not funny.

Did you hear her in there?

National registration?

You're lucky all you got was an ID card!

I know.

Did you not see the latest Hero Truther video?

I mean, come on! Look...

Jesus Christ! and military conscription in China.

In Russia.

They got people going to frigging camps, and they're getting sterilized!

Oh sure, but that's Russia and China.

It could be here in a second!

I told you about Coyote Sands!

All right? The government has known about EVOs since way before Claire Bennett came out...

Weren't you the one who wanted me to make videos in the first place.

I didn't know you were gonna go round organizing protests.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm... I'm sorry.

You gotta be more careful.

Can we just go?

Internship fetes, internship fair.

I'm hiring interns, also known as, a girlfriend.

So can a cab.

Just going to take some of these...

Phoebe's gonna love all my B-roll.

Uh, that's really weird.

We take about six applicants a semester.


Do you have any ID?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Thank you.

Just give me one minute.

Globus Bio Solutions.

Yeah, I was on their website, and they do some really cool stuff with cell biology.

"Some really cool stuff, I'm so excited."

Sorry, the position has been filled.

That's blatant discrimination, you know that, right?

Stop. Quentin.

Do you know that?

Quentin. Quentin, I have you... I have you on camera. it doesn't matter. It's fine, come on.

I don't work with those assholes anyway.

I got all that on tape.

Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear what happened, uh...

Perhaps I can interest you in a different point of view.

Evolved if you will.


We're one of the fastest growing tech companies in the nation, but we don't discriminate.

In fact, we encourage the highly evolved humans at our newest campus.

The future holds many exciting opportunities, and Renautas believes you are meant to do something extraordinary.

Um... thanks.


Good thing that wasn't creepy.

I don't know. I mean, it sounds kinda cool.

You just like him 'cause he looks like Blade.

Yes, that is it.

Doing good is good business.


Quentin's Cooking Show, episode 1.

Oh, we're sh**ting this? All right.

Yes, yeah.

Everything. We're documenting this meal. Wow!

So first thing you want is some... is some fungi.

Oh right... so, no Right here. Yeah. meal is complete without some fungus.

Yeah, absolutely, 'cause it gives it that like, dirt taste.

Mm, yum! My fav.

Like an old woman made the sauce.

Mincing... give it a bit of a mince...

That is quite the technique. I'm not gonna get that.

I think I'm probably just gonna use the telephone and... order food.

You ready? You ready? We're gonna do this Oh my God, yes! Okay, yeah... on three... One, two, three!

Ah! Okay... three Grrrr!


That's the most traumatic things I've ever done.

Yeah, um...

So, if I don't... get an internship this summer... I think I wanna go to the Odessa Summit.


Come on!

This is our chance to show the world that we're not freaks. We deserve rights.

It's our chance to prove that we're meant to do something extraordinary.

That we're meant to usher in the future.

I think that you should stay here.

Focus on your finals.

Of course... course you do.

We're you the one who said I have to reach out and be part of a movement?

Th... you filmed the whole thing, and now you don't want to be there when history is made?

I think it's a bad idea.

Okay. Especially after what just happened at the rally.

This is such bullshit!

Come on...

I'm trying to protest you.

I don't need your help!

Jesus Christ!

Not cool!

It's time for all EVOs to stand up, and declare ourselves.

Primatech will open their doors on June 13th, for a three day summit.

EVOs everywhere must unite in solidarity.

It's important for us to be an Odessant.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, as one single species.

Together we can pave the way, towards a brighter future, for all mankind.

Phoebe hasn't called of text me back in days...

I know that she's a little pissed, but, ah...

I'm getting at little... worried.


The voice message box is full and can not take new messages. Goodb...



Aly, where's Phoebe?

Been lookin' for her... haven't heard from her in days. You should have called me, She's not here. I haven't seen her. where's she been?

I sh... I didn't... I didn't know, I thought she was at home with you.

Look, last I saw her she was asking to like borrow a pair of flats for an interview.

For what?

I... um... maybe there's...

I saw a card... um... this is... this is it... this is the company.

Yeah, this...

Oh, I know this guy...

Oh, shit! Shit, shit. I've got a call.


Do you know this?


I don't.

Quentin, I messed up.

I just want to come home. I'm not sure I can do this.

They... they want...

Come on, come on, come on...

Damn it!

Midland, just outside Odessa.



Wikipedia Primatech conspiracies.

They've been tracking and capturing EVOs for decades.

It's a site of the summit.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I'm going.

Wait, I'm coming with you.

This is it... this is it.

This is it, here take the camera.


I'm gonna go in and talk to this guy.

Hey, ah... you wouldn't perchance have seen this woman?

Ah, this is my sister, she made a call at this payphone, like yesterday, 3.30.

Would you... are any of these, like, these security cameras, are they...

No I don't have access to these...

Holy shit!

Still if I had to describe it, I'd say...

She's at the summit.

We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go. Come on! Let's go. Let's go!

You can see from our footage, traffic is backed up for miles... as people from across the globe pour into Odessa.

God! Come on.

People are walking...
Is this some kind of parking lot? Get back in your cars...

What the hell are you doing, man?

Get back...!


Quentin, this is crazy.

We're not even moving. We're just standing still, we're never going to make it.

... say what you will about the Chinese, at least they know how to handle the...

Oh, my God! situation. With EVOs under ... control. What did we do? Typical liberal response. we give them a soapbox to stand on.

It's Phoebe.

Quentin, where are you going?

I'm going.

Something's wrong.

Wait! Wait for me!

Delinquents with delusions of grandeur, who've been handed the genetic equivalent of a loaded w*apon.

Oh, God!

Oh my God! What was that?

Oh my God!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Oh my...

Are you... are you crazy? Oh my God!

What is that?

Quentin, please stop the car!

Oh my God! Quentin, stop the car!

June 13th will certainly go down in history as one of the worst t*rror1st att*cks on American soil.

With such widespread destruction and its sheer n...

We're expecting huge...

On this morning of hope, with dream of peace between Hey, hey, hey, hey! Excuse me!

EVOs and...

I'm sorry... ah, have... have you admitted someone named Phoebe Frady?

Just please... coming here...

Okay, you need to get...


I can not Quentin? Quentin! look up for you any information...

Please! I just need to know.

Quentin, come here!

Excuse me.

The FBI has confirmed that radical EVOs supremacist leader, Dr. Mohinder Suresh, has claimed responsibility as the mastermind behind today's horrific att*cks. Officials Oh no! have also released the names and photos No, no, no, no, no! of ten persons of interest.

That's possible?

Suspect bombers, who took their own lives, carrying out the attack.

You know when I was a kid, and I I always felt different, special.


How are you...?

My sister is an EVO. How cool is that?

That's amazing!

I'm trying to protect you!

I don't need your help!

This act of terrorism is a threat to mankind, to our humanity.

After a unanimous vote, Congress is set to ratify the Odessa Protocol.

We let fear overcome commonsense. Passed legislation that violates privacy...

She used to cover all my boxes in my car.

You going to help me or what?

Come on.

You can't keep doing this to yourself. How many times are you going to watch these?

There's gotta be something in here.

Something I missed.

Even if there was, Quentin, what you are you going to do with it?

I'll report it to Hero Truther.

Great! So you and the ten other shut-ins that scoured the site will see it.

Maybe it's time to let her go.

You think she did it, don't you?

I... I don't know.

Hey, but I heard her screaming every night for a year. Something was wrong and you now that.

She was lost and scared... you know, maybe Suresh got in her head...

Suresh had nothing to do with it.

She never met Suresh.

I have his unpublished book right here...

Hero Truther uploaded it.

It's all here. I read all of it.

All right, he was not a radical.

He was a humanist.

They only believed that EVOs were natures way of... of safeguarding mankind.

So why would you destroy our only hope?

They made him the fall guy.

Who is they?


Check it out.


June 13th was a calculated event to vilify EVOs.

Renautas, brought Phoebe to Odessa for some kind of reason and Primatech, well... Pri... Renautas and Primatech are connected... I just don't know how...

Quentin! Quentin, look at yourself!

This isn't healthy.

Okay? None of this is gonna bring her back.

Look, whatever happened, okay, whether she did it or not, Phoebe is gone.

Okay? And we need to move on with our lives.

Guess that must be really easy for you, huh?


Okay, screw you Quentin!

They claim that my sister was one of the Odessa attackers, and she m*rder*d thousands!

But as you can see, from these videos I posted, that that is not true.

She was innocent!

Hero Truther, I need you to help me find some proof.

I couldn't save Phoebe.

But I can clear her name.

You know, find out who took her away from me.

Whoa, whoa!

I'm sorry about your sister.

I've lost more loved ones than I care to count.

We were at w*r, and taking on Renautas is a battle we are going to lose.

I'm sorry, I can't afford the risk.

So what? So what? We're supposed to give up?

We're supposed to throw the towel?

What happened, man?

You were supposed to be exposing the truth.

Odessa changed everything.

The public's scared. They'd rather hunt us down, pick us off one by one, than hear the truth.

My sister followed your example.

Claire Bennett's.

She stood up and she declared herself.

She believed in you.

She trusted you.

She wanted to be a hero.

But it got her k*lled.

Don't you let her death be in vain.

You owe her.

We can get you inside.

But after that, it'll be up to you.

Let's do it.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Hello, Mr. Fitzgerald.

You look really good. ah, we've got this... and then I got... a pen.

Anything in this?

It's a camera?

Oh, no way.

That's awesome!


It's like I'm James Bond.

But where... are the Bond women?

It would be a dream come true to work for a venerable company such as Renautas.

And did you know... did you know that doing good is also my business?

It's pretty amazing. Wait... are you kidding?

Of course I will start today.

I can't wait to expose you for what evil bastards you truly are.

Orientation tour begins in five minutes.

Please proceed to the south entry.

So here at Renautas we want to foster your creative spirit.

Doing good is good business, and we know that happy employees do the best work.

So we have catered lunch from noon to 2pm each day, Taco Tuesdays, and a sushi chef on Wednesday.

We always encourage midday recreation to stimulate your creativity.

So we have foosball, table tennis and dodgeball in the summer.

We also have brainstorming sessions frequently, that occur outside.

Sunshine time is a really great and healthy way to get your daily dose of... and can instruct you in entire Absolute Yoga or even take a nap...

I'm in.

Entry level, but, uh, I can work my way up. Any access that we need.



Uh, thank you so much for taking my call.

Yeah, it's...

Come in, come in. Good. Ah...

Okay. Thanks.

I just wanted to say that I am sorry, for what I said.

Um, me too.

You know you... you look really good though. You look better...

Thank you.

... than...

I did. Yeah, I was getting...


I was getting rough.

Ah, you were right.

You know, it's time for me to get off my ass, take some initiative. and do something, you know, so, I...

Totally. got a job.


That's great. Where are you working?


Check this out.


Oh my God.

I'm working with Hero Truther.

He's covering my tracks.

I can just bide my time, I'm collecting amm*nit*on, to take them down.

If they caught you...

Everybody thinks that Primatech burned down on June 13th, but they are wrong. Not only is there a connection between Renautas and Primatech, but get this: bum-dum-dah-dah, Renautas is Primatech.

Is that nuts?

That's great! And it's all here.

All of it.

All I see, is someone sitting alone in the dark, ranting like a crazy person.

No, you don't... I could...

No, when you called me, I was really hoping you had to shit together, but you don't!

I have my shit together!

Okay, this is too much, Quentin.


You can help us expose them.

I... I don't want... anything to do with this.

Okay? Don't call me again.

Here. Look at this.

They got a whole team digitizing Primatech assets.

This is the hard evidence that proves that Renautas is keeping up the same practices as the company.

If there's gonna be a smoke and g*n, it's gotta be in there!

I can't bypass their firewalls without leaving myself vulnerable to an attack.

You'll have to copy the files locally.

So break into Renautas?

And hack into the systems?

Like... there?


Where is it?

Where is it?


Password. Okay.

Dit, dit, dit, dit, der...


Ah, Noah Bennett...

Walker System.

Go, go, go! Shit!

Ever met an EVO with pyrokinesis?


Don't tempt me or I will light your ass up, man.

Okay, okay.

Please, I've got a wife and kids.

Just start counting to 100.

You don't open your eyes until you're done.






I can't hear you!





I can't believe that worked!

Yes! Yes!

This is the laundromat.

We're here where Truther told me to meet him.

This is the evidence that exonerates my sister.

That proves, that Renautas was behind June 13th.

That they're bagging, and tagging, just like Primatech.

Everything has led up to tonight.

Tonight, revolution begins.

Wish me luck.

What's the password?


Take the door on the right.

Down the stairs.

Holy shit!


Wait, is this...

I guess this is your rebel, huh?

It's not Hoth, but... it'll do.

He's clean.

Let him go, Dalia.

He's a friend.

Who, huh, cool.

Uh, I guess you can't be too careful.

Thank you.

Got a big target on my back.

Renautas has managed to manipulate most mainstream medias, so... we're the only independent voice left.

I've been wondering about that.

How has Renautas not shut your website down?

Let's just say I have a skill that keeps us up and running.

Oh, you're an EVO.

All right.

I'm just another one of the hunted.

But you can call me Micah.

Now I have something I need to show you.

It's about your sister.


We captured this video two weeks ago.

Oh my God.

She's alive.

Comrade of ours escaped a Renautas facility where Phoebe was held.

Look, everything that you found proves Renautas is planning something big.

Maybe even bigger than June 13th.

We're gonna stop them.

We're assembling a strike team to extract your sister and others, we could use your help.

My help?

We've been compromised.

He led them right to us!

I didn't know.

Look, find Noah Bennett.

Too late.


Oh God, oh God, oh God.

Renautas appreciates your help in locating their feeble resistance.

What? Oh shit!


And I've been on the run ever since.

Now it's up to me to expose the truth.

Renautas has both my sister and Hero Truther.

So now, I'm gonna find the one person who can stop them.

Somebody who knows how they operate.

Noah Bennett.

He went off the grid.

They've been keeping tabs on him.

He's a new name.

But it's definitely him.

He walked away from Primatech after June 13th.

But does he know Renautas revived the company?

That they're using his methods to find and hunt innocent people, he was the man with the plan.

And I need his help.

Memories are funny things.

The good ones fill our lives with... meaning.

With context, with clarity.

But other memories can deceive.

The ones that make you believe that you know the truth, those are the dangerous ones.

When you look back on the decisions you've made in your life, the one thing you don't want to feel... is regret.

I know that you have no control of who you are.

Of what you are.

These powers, they're not natural, and they're not safe.

They cannot be trusted.

So as far as I see it, there's only one solution to it.

Hello, Mohinder.

In other countries, they sh**t people like me in the street!

We will able to locate every enhanced human on the planet.

Who are you?

What do you want?

You're Noah Bennett, right?

I know that you work for Primatech.

I sold paper.

Sure, along with bagging and tagging.

The number of EVOs is higher on the planet than ever before.

They're here to save us.

Then where are they, uh?

You see any people with powers around here?

They're all gone.

They're hiding or dead.

Someone doesn't want you to remember.

Something big's coming, man!

It doesn't matter how ordinary you think you are. We all have the potential to be heroes.

Do you ever get the feeling you're meant to do something extraordinary?

Hello Noah.

It's coming.

And when it does everything changes.

I'm just another one of the hunted.

But you can call me Micah.

What? Surprised to see me?

It's happening faster than we thought.

I don't think I can control it much longer.