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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 08/11/15 03:07
by bunniefuu
You know whose bag this is?

No clue.


Do you know whose bag this is?

Excuse me, is this yours?

No signs of radiation.

Commencing manual inspection.

Nothing anomalous on the exterior.

Okay, I'm gonna feel for wires. See what we're dealing with here.


There's something in there!

Turn around!

On your knees! Hands on your head!

Turn around! On your knees!

Hands on your head! Now!

Are you guys seeing this?

Approaching suspect's residence.

Be advised. Known suspect is armed.

♪ Will make a way ♪
♪ Yes, Lord will ♪

Stop it! You hear? What's all that crying?

And you, shut up! All right? I need quiet!

I told you. I told you I want you to behave.

Single tango. He's pacing.

Three hostages.

What's that? A cat or a dog?

It's a baby.

I can't think.

Quiet, baby.

Don't let that baby cry in here. You understand?

No, no!

Get up against the wall, I said.

Let's move now.

Wait, wait, wait!

I don't like our odds on those stairs. This could go sideways real quick.

How many door charges you got?

Get 'em out.

I just need quiet!


Help me! Somebody help!

Turn over. Turn over!

I think my leg broke!

Shut up!

I'll break more than your leg.

Agent Weller, we've had a critical incident in Times Square.

You're needed in New York right away. Let's go.

She's still pretty out of it. Almost certainly drugged.

Bruising and restraint marks on her wrists and ankles.

Director Mayfair.

Dr. Borden.

This is Supervisory Special Agent Kurt Weller.

Oh, you? Wow.

What have you got?

Um, we got the tox screen back. And you are not gonna believe this.

Are you familiar with the PKM-zeta inhibitor commonly known as ZIP?

Doctor, you and I have very different ideas of what "commonly" means.

Zeta Interacting Protein.

It's an experimental drug being tested with PTSD sufferers.

Wreck victims, soldiers who've seen combat...

Used sparingly, it can erase selected memories.

And you found traces in our girl?

No. Not traces.

Her whole system is flooded with it.

I-I've never seen anything like it before.

It's created a chemically induced state of permanent amnesia.

She can't remember who she is, where she came from, nothing... before she crawled out of that bag in Times Square.

So what does this got to do with me?

Do you recognize her?


I've never seen that woman before in my life.

Then why is your name tattooed on her back?

Who is Jane Doe?

And why was she dropped into Times Square for us to find?

And why the hell is my name tattooed on her back?

All right. Reed, Zapata, you're on my case histories.

Now, you find out if anyone that I put away got out of prison recently.

I don't recall any similar M.O.s, but I could be missing something.

As for this Jane Doe, let's try to squeeze some blood out of that stone.

Her narrative memory has been obliterated, but her procedural memory still seems to be intact.

So she can walk, talk, understand the world?

Yeah, conceptually, it all seems to be there, but the specifics are cloudy.

For instance, she knows what music is, but doesn't remember The Beatles.

And she'll never get her memory back?

Honestly, we have never had a case like this before.

And when I say "we", I mean the entirety of medical science.

So, it's possible that something familiar could trigger her memory, but... there is no way to know for sure.

This woman did not just come out of thin air.

I don't think that someone carried that duffel bag into Times Square.

If it were me, I'd have done in a van.

Side door, quick drop.

Zapata, get all of Times Square CCTV footage.

Find out how she got there.


I want Jane Doe printed, photographed, scanned into every Missing Persons and social media database out there.

Run her DNA through CODIS.

I know it's not gonna give us anything quickly 'til a full genealogist study.

Cross every "t", dot every "i". You do it all.

Does that hurt?

Yes, they're... they're all a little sore.

Your tattoos?

I'm gonna need to image them.

All of them?

It won't surprise you that 78% of the cameras in Times Square are either out of commission, out of position, or out of focus.

I managed to pull this, though. Van. Side door.

Do you ever get tired of being right?


Did you get the plates?


But I followed it through the CCTV grid.

It enters this camera's dead zone, across town, and never comes out.

State your name for the record.

I don't remember.

Who is the current president of the United States?

I-I don't know.

What is your mother's name?

All of her tattoos are brand-new.

All of them.

What? How new?

Judging by the healing, no more than a few weeks.

Her entire body was tattooed all at once?

Now why would they do that?

It's a treasure map.

Come again?

Look at it.

There's no "x" to mark the spot.

There's hidden letters, random numbers, map pieces.

Without context or names.

It's a puzzle.

And the first piece couldn't be clearer.

Have you ever, directly or indirectly, been involved with or assisted a t*rror1st organization?

How many more of these are there?

Try to limit your answers to "yes" or "no".

It's the same answer every time. "I don't know."

I don't know what's going on, I don't know what's happening to me, and I don't know how else to tell you that.

Hold on, wait a second. Miss?

Miss what?

Miss who?

I don't have a name.

I let you people poke me, prod me, scan me...

I'm done.

Okay? I want to speak to someone in charge.

Let's just take a deep breath...

I want to speak to someone in charge.

I'm Special Agent Kurt Weller.

I'm the lead agent on your case.

Please tell me you know what's going on.

Who am I?

We don't know yet.

All these tests and you don't know anything?

We know that you're telling us the truth.

We're certain of that now.

Of course I am, why would I...


There is no match to your prints. Or your DNA.

And facial recognition did not find you in any of our databases.

Do you recognize me?

Why would I r... I...

I don't even recognize me.

Dr. Borden believes if you encounter familiar stimuli, it may trigger your memory.

Why would you be familiar?

Because my name, Kurt Weller... is tattooed on your back.

What is happening to me?

I don't know who you are, ma'am.

But maybe, somehow, you knew me.

I don't understand any of this.

I know this is overwhelming.

But please, try. Something may come back to you.



So, what happens now?

We will release a clean photograph of you to the media.

Someone must know who you are.

No, what's... that's not what I meant. I mean...

What happens right now?

I don't have anywhere to go.

So, this is a safe house... we use for people in protective custody.

There is a couch, TV...

Everything you need.

Are the, um... guys outside... are... are they to keep people out, or me in?

No, no, they're... they're here just for now to keep you safe until we get to the bottom of this.


I... I'll give you some privacy.

Wait. You're leaving?

Yeah. You should... you should get some sleep or get something to eat.

So, if there's any food you like, tell the security guys and they'll get it for you.

I don't... I don't know what I like.

Er... right, um...

I'll get them to get you a bunch of menus, so you can choose.

Good night, ma'am.

I didn't even dream last night.

I was... really hoping I would, you know?

I thought maybe it would...

I just...

Someone did this to me.

Took away my whole life.

And I can't do anything.

I got you a coffee and a tea this morning.

Which would you prefer?

I don't...

C'mon, go ahead. Try them.

Um, I like this one. This one tastes like grass trimmings.

There you go.

Number 1, you remembered what grass trimmings taste like.

And 2, you figured out you're a coffee person.

You're not helpless.

We're defined by our choices. You just don't remember yours.

So, keep trying new things. See what your body remembers.

Or make new choices.

The more you make, the less helpless you'll feel.

Even if nothing ever comes back, you can still find yourself.

That one's odd.

That square on her shoulder.

Yeah, I was eyeing that too because everything else is so ornate.

That is opaque.

If Jane had a tattoo before our unsub drugged her and did the rest, they'd have to cover it up.

And that would give us a clue to her past.

How do we see under that tattoo?

I laser scanned Jane's body across all spectrums, so maybe I can just cycle back down, to all the infrared channels.

All done.

Tasha, I thought we were meeting in my office.

No, the doc thought it might be a good idea for her to see all this.



Who am I?

Hey, wait, what is this one right here? I haven't seen that one yet.

Oh, that's 'cause it's behind your left ear.

It's only about an inch big, and I sent it off to translate...

So you speak Chinese?

That's an address and a date. Today's date.

That was right under our nose.

Behind her ear, actually.

Gives us a time?

No, just an address and today's date.

399 White St, apartment 7. Right in the heart of Chinatown.

All right. Do we know who lives there yet?

Chao Zheng. Transportation engineer.

He's a Chinese national, here on an H-1B visa.

He's doing some work for GE.

Any flags?

No. He's been here three years. Spotless record.

Let's go pay him a visit.

Patterson, nice work. Keep working on the tattoos.

Hey, you have to stay here.

No. No, I'm coming with you.

No, you're not.

The clue is on my body.

With today's date and a language I speak and you don't.

I should be there.

That's not your call.

What if I'm not just the messenger?

What if there's something I'm supposed to hear, or see?

I mean... maybe... maybe I'll remember something. Maybe... maybe he knows me.

I am not gonna take you out in the field.

Am I under arrest?

No, you're not.

Look, we'd all feel a lot more comfortable if you stayed in protective custody.

Well, I would feel a lot more comfortable if I could ask this guy why his address is stamped on my head.

So unless you are detaining me, I'm going.

Take her with you.

No, stay in the car.

That wasn't the deal.

I don't care.

I'm not gonna take you upstairs until everything is secure.

Stay in the car.

Reed, keep your eyes on her. Don't let her out of your sight.

Zapata, you're with me.

That's the one.

Excuse me, sir. Do you mind if we come in?

Anyone else in this apartment?

Hey, hey! Sit down.

Sir, Chao, he lives here?

Chao? I don't understand!

I think you might need her here.

Yeah, I know.

I'll go get her.

Forget something?

Can you please come upstairs with me for a minute, ma'am?

Since you asked so nicely...

Can I come too, or you want to roll the window down for me?

To your right, Jane.

Do your best.

All right. He said he just moved in last week.

He hasn't seen Chao since yesterday.

Okay, okay. He wants to apologize for letting his student visa lapse.

He said he... he said he didn't get the forms in time.

So, on the visa... look, thank you.


Is that Chao's room?

Yes? Yes or no?


Thank you.

Thank you. Jane...



Anything in here... familiar? Do you recognize anything?




Just go outside.

Just wait outside for us.

No, no! Wait, no.

I should be... I should be in here.

Jane, just wait in the hall. Hallway.

Reed, I want in there.

Looks like somebody's got a hobby.


Not enough ventilation.

Zapata, can you get us onto that computer?

I'm not gonna lie. I'm a bit hurt you had to ask me that.

You guys smell that?

Rotten egg?

Yeah, along with mole, rat and a couple mystery smells I'm trying hard not to identify.

Reed, look at that saw dust.

That's not good.

Uh! That rotten egg is sulfur.

Plastic expl*sives.

You got to see this, Mayfair. Weller was right.

There was another tattoo under the square.

How's your Latin?

Not great. But I know what this is.
For God and country.

It's a Navy SEAL tattoo.

What are you doing?!

Are you okay?

You get out of here!

I think you need to come with me.

She's not going anywhere!

Come on, let's just go.

Who's this?

This bitch just broke in.

Hey, easy, all right? The... the... the door was opened, I was...

I know the law. This my property. You an intruder.

There's never been a female Navy SEAL.

Do you think they'd advertise it if there were?

No, but her fingerprints came back clean.

If she was Navy, she'd be in our database.

Not if she was Special Ops.

Let's just talk about this, okay? Let's not...

You okay?

I'm in.

That's weird. This computer has been almost completely wiped.

There's just an upload tool and a timer delay.

So what's it gonna upload? When?

Single video file, in about 4 hours.

So let's see it.

That's Chao.

Speaking Chinese.

Yeah, I'm going.

Jane! Stop!


Stand there.

What happened?


What happened?

That... that one was roughing up his wife, and then... and then this one came in, I don't know, I don't know.

Okay. I asked you to stay upstairs.

What was I supposed to do?

I wanted to help, I...

We could have handled that.

It's fine. He's fine.

All right? He's not dead.

We'll get him an ambulance.

We found something upstairs. I need your help.

He says, "Today's action, to hijack a politician, the mother of exiles, is just the start. America has ignored Chinese suffering for too long.

America sits back and savors its freedom, while atrocities are committed, and, ah... families are destroyed.

Today, America has felt the pain of... loss and suffering.

Today the reckoning has begun."

He's speaking in the past tense.

When was the video set to upload?

Three and a half hours.

What's he's gonna use those expl*sives for?

We got three and half hours to find that kid and stop him.

All right, the video we found says the target is a politician.

Mother of Exiles.

So my guess is, Senator Judith Moore.

She's the only marquee female politician in New York.

Moore's pro-immigration and pro-Chinese trade.

Mother of exiles, it lines up.

Dial in Hostage Rescue. I want her and any other target of value put on lockdown immediately.

Are we in his phone yet?

His phone seems to be off.

All of his emails are in Chinese.

Mayfair, we got to get everyone who speaks Chinese to look at it.

I want all eyes on those emails.

Our translators are struggling with it.

Apparently it's a very rare dialect, called Wenzhou.

The Chinese call it the devil's language.

The devil's language?

I can tr... I can translate.

I wanna stop this guy as much as you do.



Send it through to Reed's tablet now. Give us all of his emails.

Patterson, root Chao's phone. Turn it back on.

Get me his position, now.

Come on.

Got it. Brooklyn.

Flatbush and Livingston, headed west.

All right, let's go. We're moving out.

How you holding up?

I don't know, I...

I don't really have a frame of reference.

If someone wanted to stop Chao, why not just call you?

Why did they have to tattoo it on my body?

I don't know yet.

But Chao trusts someone, they sold him out.

So we find him, take him alive... he'll have some answers for us.

How do I know how to do all this?

The Chinese, the fighting...

A lot of people know martial arts, but... what I just saw, you didn't learn that at your local dojo.

So is that why they chose me?

Because of what I can do?

Or do you think it's just...

But why me?

I don't know yet, Jane.

We're in the zone.

Best tower tracking could do, was get us within a couple hundred feet.

All right, everyone keep your eyes peeled.


Right there!

He's wearing the same jacket in the picture from his apartment.

He's heading down to the subway.

Reed, pull over here.

Zapata, you stay street side. Keep your eyes on Jane.

And tell me if doubles back up here.

All right?

Please, wait, please.

Please take him alive.

He's the only one that might have some answers.

We'll do our best.

Yep, I got him.

We've been made.

You sure?

Yeah I'm sure.

'Scuse. We're slowing down.


We can't pull any of the pins. It's wired to auto-detonate if the trigger's tampered with, You're sure?

Positive. I've seen this circuit before.

Get everyone to the back of the train.

Where you going?

FBI! I need everybody to get to the back of the train.

Now! I need everybody to move. Now! Now!

Come on, let's go! Move! Move! Move!

I got everybody in the back of the train.

You're not gonna try to disarm that b*mb, are you?

I'm gonna rip away some of the C4.

If I can't disarm it, I'm gonna reduce it.

That's insane!

If you've got a better idea, you tell me!

That's enough!



You okay?

Not really.

What happened?

We lost Chao.

He uncoupled the car that we were in and tried to blow us up.

Oh, my God.

He was improvising.

He knew that we were onto him.

That was not the target.

Look, I've been reading his emails, and I... I think I stumbled onto why he's doing this.

He just found out his mother was k*lled in a Chinese prison camp.

He and his sister had been begging the US government for years to help with her release, but they didn't.

His mother?

"Mother of exiles."

It's from a poem.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses".

All right? It's on a plaque on the city's biggest tourist attraction.

Mother of exiles.

Chao's gonna blow up the Statue of Liberty.

Come on.

Mayfair, we're almost at Battery Park.

We need a boat to get out to Liberty Island.

We're on it.

Also, the Mayor had an event out there today, but NYPD pulled him to deal with the subway expl*si*n.

That explains the politician reference in Chao's video.

That's good for us, right? Island security should be airtight.

Yeah, plastic expl*sives won't set off a metal detector.

You can still smuggle that detonator and an iPhone, belt buckle...

But he'll still have to reassemble it somewhere out of sight.

So we're gonna find him before he does.

I've shut down ferry service, and started evacuating the island.

Fine. But he's had a solid head start.

He's out there already.

Weller, take me off speakerphone.


You were right.

The black square was obscuring another tattoo.

An eagle holding a trident and anchor.

We think she might have been a SEAL.

That'd explain a few things.

Hey. What are you doing?

Jane, get back in the car.

No, I'm coming with you.

No! You're not. Stay here.

I saw the map on Zapata's tablet.

Liberty Island is 14 acres.

You have three agents, you need another set of eyes.

I can't let that man k*ll a bunch of innocent people.

And if he knows anything about what's really going on, who I am...

Please, you know I can help.

Arms up.

You stay by my side.


Zapata, you search the crowd.

Reed, you got perimeter.

I'll take the statue. Jane's with me.

Emergency, please evacuate to the East Dock.

Ranger, I'm with the FBI.

Jane... give me a look, give me a look. Give me a look!

You've been hit.

I'm okay, I'm okay.

Keep pressure on that wound.

I'm okay.

Okay? Keep pressure on that.

Just go!

Go get him.

I'm in pursuit of the suspect.

He's dressed as a park ranger.

I'm heading up the stairs.

On me, now.

I'll k*ll him.

Drop the g*n or I'll k*ll him.

She's not gonna do that Chao.

Drop it!

You k*ll me, she has to k*ll you.


Chao, listen to me.

This is now way to honor on your mother.

It's too late.

There's no going back now.

I don't know if I c... can.

You missed two.

Do it again.

I remember something.

I remember something.

Director Mayfair, there's no doubt in my mind, she's special forces or intelligence trained.

Her skill set is way too specialized.

High level language abilities.

Hand to hand proficiency off the charts.

Her marksmanship under pressure. She's professional.

She saved my life today.

She also recovered her first memory.

What is it?

Running an outdoor sh**ting course.

It's just a fragment, but it lines up with what we saw today.

Who is this woman?

I don't know yet.

What I do know, is one of those tattoos helped to save the lives of hundreds of people.

And she's covered in them.

She might be just the most important resource we've ever had.

And you risked losing her by letting her in the field today.

She saved your life, and she triggered her first memory.

We're one step closer to finding out who she is, and who did this to her.

I'd say the risk paid off.

I still don't get why. I mean, if our unknown subject is a good guy who wanted us to stop Chao, why not call it in?

You know, why go to the trouble of kidnapping Jane, and then covering her in those tattoos.

These tattoos are as big a mystery as Jane Doe is.

We have no way of knowing where they'll lead.


Well, one thing's for sure... someone likes playing games, and it's just the beginning.

Look, it's been a long day.

Everyone go home, and we'll regroup tomorrow.

Thank you, Mayfair.

Yes, ma'am.

So, did Chao say anything?

No. No.

He just got out of surgery, so, we will question him tomorrow.


How you feeling, Jane?

Physically, okay.

I'm a little banged up, but they said my arm's gonna be fine.

Um, emotionally, I... I... ah...

I don't know.

How did you know that I could make that shot?

I didn't know.

I took a chance on you.

None of this feels real.

Jane, you're gonna be okay.

I promise.

I don't know what that feels like.

Everything happened the way it was supposed to.

No, you were supposed to die.

You for your sister, that was the deal.

I won't tell them anything.

I swear.

I know.

Once I insert this, you will be permanently erased.

Everything that you have been, will cease to exist.

I know.

But it's my only choice.