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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 08/14/15 08:14
by bunniefuu
95... 96... 97... 98...

No peeking, Dash.

I wasn't.


Lara Vega: There were three of them.


The female, Agatha, and the twins, Arthur and Dash.


They were the children of drug addicts, brain-dead from the day that they were born.

At first, the doctors thought they'd die that way.


But a group of scientists saved them with an experimental therapy.

It gave them back their minds and, for a little while, a childhood.

It also gave them something else... a gift.

Dr. Hineman : Precognitive ability, blind study.

Tuesday, October 2.

Test subjects Dashiell, Arthur, Agatha.

(over intercom): Okay, children.










Vega: They could see things.

Little things about to happen all around them.

But one thing stood out.


Who's got another deck?

(Loud thud)

No! Please!


Down on your knees!

Let's see that pretty smile, bitch!

It's happening again.

Get them sedated.

(Agatha wailing)

(overlapping chatter)

Can you see?

Woman: Let's see that pretty smile, bitch.

See what, dear?


Vega: The scientists realized they were seeing every m*rder within a hundred miles days before they happened.

And that was the last they saw of the outside world.

The government took them away, code-named them the Precognitives, and hooked their brains up to machines.

They called it the Precrime program.

It took hundreds of K*llers off the streets and saved thousands of lives, but it cost them their own.

They never had a chance to grow up.

They formed no memories, except the visions that they saw.

Until it ended.

Precrime was abolished, and the Precogs were sent off to an undisclosed location, to hide them from the world.

But they just couldn't hide forever.

(people laughing, chattering)

Male Voice: You win!

Anything else?

You're gonna need a mop.



(patrons exclaiming)

Patron: Sorry about that.




Are you okay?

I gotta go.




40 minutes.

Bartlet Plaza.

We live in an age of progress, but since Precrime ended, we've gone backwards.

Female Voice: Fare collected. Fare collected. Fare collected.

Fare denied.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Please stand clear of the doors.

You look stressed, man.

Try one of Hart's new Totally Baked Goods.

Male Voice: This car is headed to Bartlet Plaza, city center.

Please make your onboard transfers now.

(people chattering)


As mayor, my Hawk-Eye system will change all of that.

As soon as Precrime ended...

Female Voice: To your right is Bartlet Plaza, established in 2022...



Oh, no... no, no...


(stopwatch beeping)

No, no!

(glass shatters, woman screams)

(crowd screaming, shouting)


Man: Help! Police!

Woman: Did you hear that?

Vega: How about a little thinking music?

Akeela: Uniforms already ran the room. No DNA.

Too many signs of struggle for a su1c1de, but neighbors claim they didn't hear a thing.

And don't even ask me about the hallway cameras.

Let me guess.

Out of service.

Yep, so I have no face-recs, no eye-dentiscans.

To what do we owe the honor, V?

I thought this was Blake's case.

I needed some air.

Oh, lucky you.

This perp left the window open.

What's the Open Vistas Center?

Some sort of neuro-rehab.

Our victim was a nurse. We're running it.

Give me some room.

Let's play this through.

The victim comes home, she chains the door, she goes to hang her coat but she misses.

She's in a hurry.



But then someone kicks in the door.


Signs of struggle.

She confronts him.

He pushes her down.


She defends herself.

She has the path to get away, but she doesn't take it.

She goes for him instead.

She lets it happen.


Our victim was protecting someone.

Can you believe we used to stop this stuff before it happened?


Unfortunately, Precrime was way before our time, girl.

Now all we do is mop up messes.

Who was she protecting?

What, you think our perp made himself a sandwich?

Not unless he's still in kindergarten.

Lenses, show me infrared.

What is it?


Officer: Folks, you gotta stay back after here.

We ran her eye-dents.

The victim was her mother.

I'm the first person you call the second you track down her family.

Paramedic: Sure thing, Detective.


Who knows about the Precogs?

It stands for "Precognitives."

Their powers started when they were just children, even younger than you are now. Their names and faces were kept secret from the public.

The police would use what they saw, their future visions, to stop murderers before they struck.


Any questions so far?

Student: Can they, like, see people naked?

(students giggling)

Male voice (over P.A.) : The Precrime program was abolished for their own protection.

(announcement continues indistinctly)

Male voice 2 : Welcome to Judiciary Plaza. Please be advised all public areas are subject to facial scan surveillance.

(announcement continues indistinctly)

Hey, hold it! Hands where I can see 'em.

I have something for you.


(grunts in pain)


Where did you get this?

I have to go.

Who are you?

I have to go!

You need to catch him.

(both grunt)

It's only temporary. Sorry.


Shouldn't you be out collecting maglev tickets, Vega?

I heard this was your case, Blake.

Figured that I'd solve it for you, so that you could take the credit and land the big promotion, like the last time.

It's called delegating.

That's what lieutenants do.

I'll take notes.

You should, 'cause you'll make a great lieutenant... once I'm your captain.

But I don't need you on this one, Vega, because I have a lead.

It turns out Open Vistas is no ordinary rehab.

They specialize in Marks syndrome, a brain disorder common to former Precrime prisoners.

Halo burn.

So you're saying my victim was a nurse in a building full of K*llers?

I'm saying my victim, and future-K*llers, technically, the city set them free after Precrime was abolished.

Oh, that doesn't make them innocent.

These people would be murderers.

Yeah, but the trick is, which one are we looking for?

We have no DNA, no face to run.

What if we did?

Some weirdo gave me this in the plaza and then ran off.

Like an informant?

We should run point comp.

And by "we," you mean "me."

It's my tip.

On my case.

We have a match.

Vega: Sahm Adrangi, an illegal bioweapons dealer with priors for clarity possession until Precrime nailed him for the future-m*rder of a federal agent.

And look how he planned to do it.

By throwing him out the window.

Well, at least he has a brand.

Eye-dents put his last location at a steel farm in the Sprawl.

Oh, don't you want to wait in your big new office, Lieutenant?

Nice try. (Laughs)

Robot: Stand clear, stand clear.

Sahm Adrangi!

Do not move.

Drop your w*apon!

Peekaboo, bitch.

Vega, stand down.

Let's face it, Will.

You're not a closer.


Robot: Stand clear.

You have no idea what's coming.

What are you talking about?

Stand clear.

And you never will!

Don't do it!


Stand clear.

Well, I would have closed him differently, but... okay.

Agatha: Dash, listen to yourself.

When they set us free, we promised
not to intervene in their affairs.

I am being careful.

Is that what you call racing to a crime scene like some kind of action hero?

You think I can't see it, Dash?

I don't want to know what you see, Agatha.

If you go to the police again, it will be a mistake.

She was a mother!

Her daughter must be as young as we were when it started.

When they...

Is that what this is?

You think you can fix the past by meddling with the future?

Suppose you made it there in time... what then?

Would you confront the k*ller? Fight him off?

Or tell the police who you are, what you are?

You know how much I see out here.

If I could just get to one in time...

You can't. You know that.

Your gift is incomplete without your brother.

There are people who will use you, Dash.

I won't let them.

You're so haunted by other people's futures, you forget the only future you cannot see is your own.

But I can and I'm warning you...


Come home... where you belong.

The detective that you go to...

I'm hanging up!

... she will only use you like a toy...

Akeela: Hey, nice job back there.

But I thought the whole goal was to bring them back alive.

Now she tells me.

It was a su1c1de.

He didn't want to talk.

My guess is, he had an accomplice.

What about your tipster?

Did you get a look at him?

Only in disguise.

Then he jabbed me with this.

And then ran off.

Temporary paralytic enzyme.

Disguises your face by turning the muscles into mush.

Turns out it works on your legs, too.

Uh, well, whoever your guy is, he managed to dodge all the surveillance feeds.

But I did pull this off a selfie drone.

Blake: Ooh, nice photo b*mb.

Akeela: Yeah, it gets better.

I ran the DNA we found in the possessions...

No criminal record?

No record at all.

This guy is a ghost.

Yeah, with one creepy-ass imagination.

Or maybe not.

Check this out.

There's a dozen m*rder drawings in this book.

I bet you each one is a real crime.

Maybe he hacked the database.

No one hacks my database.

Okay, so that's out.

Vega: A watcher.

Someone who grows up without any human interaction.

Always on the outside looking in.

All right, let's grab the crime scene feeds.

Search for loiterers.

Distressed or anti-social body language.

Aye, aye.

(various voices talking over one another)

See anyone you recognize?

Nope. Nada.

Well, whoever your guy is, he's living off the grid.

Sounds like a trip to the Sprawl.

Vega, ride along?

No, you go ahead, Blake.

I've got tickets to collect.

You're letting him go alone?

I call that delegating.

Akeela: Okay, next karaoke night, you're gonna have to tell me what happened between you two.

(quiet laugh)

The watcher.

Search this face.

Last location.


Order up!

One cheeseburger and a hot dog for table five.


(indistinct chatter)

Ooh, French fries!

May I?


No, stick around. I like company.

Uh, no, I was just about to...

Can you believe these used to be unhealthy?

Thank God for the genetic revolution.

Do you always get the munchies after watching women die?


That tip you gave me.

This look like your friend?

The m*rder*r... you got him?

That's one way to put it.

I wasn't quite sure where to send the medal.

For me? Oh!

Oh, no, thank you.

Okay, let's just skip past the part where you play dumb and I thr*aten to bring you in.

"In"? No! No, no, no! I'm fine right here.

These drawings put you at the scene of at least a dozen murders.

You're telling me that's just bad luck?

No, no, you don't understand. I am just a...

What, a lookout?

Yes... No.

I... I mean I only see them.

Oh, so you like to watch.

"Like to watch"?

No... (gasps)

I need air. I need to go. I need to leave.

Sit down!

Just breathe, okay?

(short breath)

I get it.

You're not a k*ller. I can see that.

You can?

You came to me, but why?

Are you in too deep? Are you afraid of someone?

I can help you. Just tell me what's going on.

Not now. Not now. Not now...

Not now what?

Please, you need to let me...



Can you see?

See what?



Call an ambulance!

Someone call an ambulance!

(quietly): Help.

Man: ... the city of the future...


No! I need to go.

(crowd clamoring)

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

You're one of them.


Vega: No wonder you're not in the database.

You're one of the twins.


Our records were erased after Precrime ended, and then we were sent away.

The things you see...

There are people who would use us.

But you came back... why?

Are you going to bring me in?

Shouldn't you be telling me?

That would make things easier.

I can't see my future, only others.

But that fit back there... you saw a m*rder, didn't you?

I can't be doing this.

Who's the victim? Give me a name.

I don't know, please.

Don't lie to me. In Precrime, they got names.

We were a hive then, linked.

It's different now.

Agatha, her gift is stronger.

But Arthur and me... we are like... like one mind split in two.

He gets the names.

I only see what happens.

So, where is he? Where is Arthur?

I need to go. You have my drawings.

There are murders in there the police haven't solved yet.

I'm done mopping up the messes.

I can't help!

I told you.

I keep trying and I don't see enough.

Then let me help you.

You found me for a reason.

That little girl... you know what it's like, don't you?

Losing everything.

Growing up without a mother.

That's why you came to me.

That's why you put yourself at risk.

If anyone finds out, finds me...

I won't let that happen.

I can't keep getting close.

Neither can I.

I'm tired of picking up the pieces.

Just once, I need to stop one before it happens.

Don't you?

(indistinct chatter)

Man: But since Precrime ended...

(man continues indistinctly)


This is the man you saw?

You know him?


Man 2 : Vote for a better future.

Vote Peter Van Eyck for mayor.

He's pretty hard to miss.

Peter Van Eyck was a deputy chief of Precrime... he has to have enemies.

Someone's after his wife. It could be for revenge.

Wait, he worked in Precrime?

Relax... you three were in isolation, right?

No one ever saw your face.

So, what do we do?

How do we save her?

You let me do the talking.

Any signal you pick up, you let me know.

Can't we just warn them?

Sure, I'll tell them that you're a Precog and that you saw it in a vision... that's a great idea.


Look, this is an investigation now.

You gave us a victim. Now we need to find out who plans to k*ll her.

Sorry to have you wait. We're running our two-minute offense. Peter Van Eyck.

My wife Olivia.

And this is Jack.

It was a long day on the trail for the little guy.




Uh, he has a cold.

Oh, we appreciate the warning.

Keep your distance, honey.

We need you healthy for tomorrow's rally.


On the mall?

She shouldn't go to that.

I am starting to like these people, Peter.

But I'm calling it a day for Jack... your staff can blame me.

Can you say bye-bye?


(Both laugh)

So, what can I do for you, Detectives?


Like I told your aide, uh, we're following a lead about tomorrow's rally.

Have you had any recent threats?

Not that I'm aware of, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I was in law enforcement for almost ten years.

Yeah, uh, Precrime was what made me want to become a cop to begin with.

Just my luck, it disbanded before I finished the academy.

Well, it was a good program despite its flaws.

Now it's time to move on.

My new system...

Oh, Hawk-Eye.

Yes, you can't miss the ads.

Ambient surveillance, algorithmic sweeps.

Predictive policing relying on hard data, not the psychic instinct of some genetic freaks.


So, uh, about those threats.

Well, my security team monitors all cyber traffic relating to the campaign.

Ashby will get you sorted.

Right this way.

Thank you, Detectives.

You lose by a landslide.

I'm sorry?



Can you really see that far ahead?


Ashby: We run a constant passive search on social media, city surveillance, even purchase patterns.

These incidents have all been checked and disregarded.


Open Vistas.

It's him.


You know this man?

We met briefly.

Ashby: The system flagged his username for running a Web search on the security parameters at tomorrow's rally, but dismissed the thr*at.

Help yourselves.

Dismissed? Why?

He's a m*rder*r.

Because Adrangi k*lled himself three hours before that search was run.

Open Vistas Treatment Center.

Every person here was once a convicted

Precrime k*ller.

One of them obviously didn't learn his lesson.

I remember them.

James Lanman.

Allison Chen.

Daniel Carmy.


Earth to Dash.

I did this to them.

No, you stopped them from committing murders.

It's not your fault the containment system fried their minds.

(classical music plays)

Can I help you?


Did you know the man in this bed, Mr. Adrangi?

Only for a few weeks, since they moved my father to this ward.


He threw a woman out a window, then committed su1c1de.


During this part, I work alone.

Woman: That's awful.

It might not have been all he was planning, and he may have had help.

Is this his?

I think so.

And your father had access to it?

Well, I suppose.

This is the device that ran the search on Van Eyck.

Van Eyck?

Vega: Former deputy chief of Precrime.

He put your father away, didn't he?

For something that he never did.

Or maybe didn't have the chance to.

The Precogs saw him m*rder his wife, my mother.

But he loved her more than anything.

The police took him anyway, put him in a halo.

By the time Precrime ended and they let him out, she'd d*ed of grief, and he... his brain was so scarred by the containment that he forgot her name.

Is that why you drink?

Excuse me?

He means, that must be hard on you.

Can we see him?

This way.

"Is that why you drink?"

You said tell you when I saw something.

Are you familiar with the concept of a whisper?

Woman: Ask what you want about Adrangi, but don't expect much.

These days, my father only cares about his hobby.

You have visitors, Dad.

Get down from there.

Go easy, will you?


So what do you see?

Is this the guy from your... you know?

I didn't see his face.

These people are here to talk to you.

About Olivia Van Eyck.

Van Eyck?

(Whispering): You shouldn't stand there.

Not familiar with that bird.

You shouldn't stand there.

Van Dam's vanga, on the other hand.

Native to Madagascar.

Vega: She's not a bird.

She's a politician's wife, but you knew that.

I really wouldn't stand...


You told me to whisper.

Haven't you seen enough?

Actually, I'm just getting started.

We found Adrangi's pad beside your bed.

Someone was researching Van Eyck's security arrangements.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?



My work is here, my life's work.


Woman: Passenger pigeons.

The species went extinct 150 years ago, until my father brought them back.

He used to be a brilliant man.

I still have my moments, darling.

On the clear days.

Dash: How does he do that?

Woman: Brain-computer interface.

Wireless signals to an implant embedded in the skull.

They're all you have left.

Precrime took your life away, and you blame Van Eyck for that, don't you?


Is that why you plan to k*ll him at tomorrow's rally?

What? No.

That's crazy, you can't...

You know what I think?

I think you and Adrangi planned this together, but then some poor nurse found out, so he threw her out of a window.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Of course you don't.

Man: I'm innocent.

He's gonna jump.

I've always been innocent.

You need to arrest him.

Man: Arrest?!



Vega: Hey! Dad!

Vega: Stop!

I'm sorry.

Did I mess up?

What makes you say that?

Announcer: The Simpsons Season 75 Spectacular, streaming only on Fox.

Akeela: No hits yet, but I'll let you know when Rutledge pops up on the grid.

Where'd you get this lead, anyway?

There's nothing in the system.

New CI I'm working with.

Good instincts.

Just needs a little work on people skills.

And keep this between us, will you?

You mean away from Blake?

One of these days, you're gonna have to tell me everything.

If you want details, you should ask Blake.

He's really good at telling stories about himself.

Oh, looks like we're interrupting something.

Got to go.

Is this your boyfriend?

No, this is Dash, my colleague.

He's consulting on a case.

For the police.

This once.

Boy: Sure.


Woman: When I was your age, we had this thing called Tinder.



It's how I met your father.

You can't spend your whole life at the precinct, Lara.

Anyway, he's cute.

Staying for dinner?

Yes, we're ordering Chinese.

We are?!

No, we're not.

I'm cooking.

Who wants Chinese?


My dad's collection.

Turned me on to the oldies.

♪ Right, I should've known you were bad news... ♪

I know this one.

"Trouble" by Iggy Azalea.

Produced by Invisible Men and Salt Wives.

We had a lot of downtime on the island.

Is the island where they sent you after Precrime?

Is that your father?


He was a cop, too.

He was k*lled.

Long time ago.

I'm sorry.

Is that why you wanted to be a part of Precrime?

Well, it's a pretty good reason to join up, don't you think?

We never really had a choice.

Of course.

At least you still have your mother, your son.

Uh... (laughs)

Rico? No, he's... he's not my son.

He's my little brother.

My mom hit 60 and went off of birth control and thought that she had an empty nest to fill, and then I moved back next door, so here I am.

You want a drink?


They found you when you were kids, right?

Some doctor somewhere?

When we were 14, they hooked us up to the machines and put us in the milk bath.

That's pretty much the last thing I remember for the next decade.

Arthur left the island first.

He's been here a long time.

If I had lived through all that, I would want to get as far away from here as possible.

But that gets old, especially when you know you can be helping people.

I've seen 16 murders since I got here, and I couldn't get to a single one in time.

Can't Arthur help you?

Can he help us?



Because Arthur only cares about himself.

And everything comes at a price.

Dash, that rally is in 12 hours.

Our suspect is in the wind.

We need more.

In Precrime, they could see inside your head.

They could see what you see.

What if we still can?

Dash: Wally was our caretaker in Precrime, the only real-live face we ever saw.

(dog yips)

Afterward, he helped transition us into the new home.

Down, Kanye!

Were you followed? Quick, get in, get in.

The streets have eyes.

My God, it's really you.


So grown up.

So human.

How long have you been back?

Why didn't you call sooner?

Been, uh, laying low.

Tell me everything... your brother, Agatha.

Hey, can you guys catch up later?

Oh, typical cop.

"Hurry, hurry." I know my rights, by the way, in case that contact lens is still recording.

I'm a homicide cop using an illegal psychic to stop a m*rder.

I'd say we're all off-road already.

This is Vega.

She's a... colleague.

Can you help us?

They used to say you were the weak one.

Agatha would get the bigger picture, Arthur got the names, you just saw the bits and pieces, the little things the others missed.


Wally: They covered it all up after the program fell.

Wanted so badly for their Precogs to be perfect, they never could accept one little inconvenient truth.

What truth?

For Precrime to work, the public needed to believe that the murders we saw were destiny, that people couldn't change their futures.

The dirty secret was that even the three Precogs didn't always see the future in the same way.

Outlier visions.

They were filed in minority reports.

Yeah, which means the future isn't set in stone.

(Wally grunts)

A little homemade neural interface.

Kind of what we used back in the temple.

Just, uh... not as perfected.

As in, uh, a little pain?

Um... maybe a lot.

Here comes a pinch.


What's happening?

Oh, no, no, no, no. He's weaker than I thought.

It's hurting him. You need to stop.

Don't... stop.


He's all right, he's all right.


(people groaning)


It's not just one victim.

It's an att*ck.

He's back.

Did it work? What did you see?

Van Eyck isn't the only target.

There's more people in the crowd.


Looks like Rutledge is gonna use his formerly extinct birds as a delivery system for some kind of virus at the rally.

Adrangi was a bioweapons dealer.

He probably supplied the virus.

We have to stop it.

Can't you get them to cancel the rally?

With what proof?

Are you ready to walk into the precinct and tell them what you saw?

Oh, no.

I can't let this happen.

Then think.

Anything we missed.

A... a detail, a... a location.

We need more.

It's time.


We need to go to Arthur.

Vega: Nice office for an estate planner.

I knew this day would come.

I do like surprises, though.

You brought a friend.

Maybe I underestimated my little brother.


I thought you were twins.

Older by seven minutes.

Dash was afraid to come out.

I finally had some peace and quiet.


You brought a cop?

We can trust her.

Your secret's safe with me.

So that must make you a crooked cop.

I'm Detective...

Lara Vega.

257 Canzonet Street, Arlington, Virginia.

Yeah, I heard that you were good at pulling names and other details.

Like vital data, bank accounts, identities from folks who are about to meet a violent end.

How much does that sell for on the black market?

I didn't say anything.

Agatha used to fight your battles for you.

I like this better.

What did you see that Dash didn't?

How much is this gonna cost me?

Conversation for another time.

You were expecting us.

Providence Crossing.

It's an abandoned shopping mall.

A thank you isn't necessary, Detective.

But how about a drink?

No problem.

I have your number.

♪ ♪


Lenses, track drone feeds.

Woman: And now, former Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl LXXXVII for the Washington Red Clouds and future mayor of this great city, Peter Van Eyck!

(crowd cheering)

Woman: Van Eyck for mayor!

Woman 2 : We love you, Van Eyck!

Van Eyck: Thank you, Edie!

My wife Olivia and I are glad to be here.

We're grateful and humbled by this terrific turnout.

(Van Eyck continues indistinctly)

Dash: What do you see?

Upstairs. Come on, we got to move.


But thanks to loving parents and two older brothers who toughened me up enough to play pro football...

Man: Go Clouds!

I had it good. Go Clouds!

(crowd cheering)

(Van Eyck's speech continues faintly)

Mason Rutledge!

Metro PD!


Stay down!

Woman: That's enough!

You're too late.

Why are you doing this?

Van Eyck took our family.

So now we'll take his.

But they're not the only ones who die.

Our lives aren't the only ones you ruined.

Put down the g*n.



The birds.

(crowd cheering)

It won't let me do this. It's not working.

We need Rutledge.

We need his hand.

Man: Van Eyck for mayor!

(crowd cheering)

Man: Whoa!

(crowd gasping)

Van Eyck! Van Eyck!


It's working. It's working. They're coming back.

We did it.

(both laughing)


Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...


What the hell did you do?!

He had a Kn*fe! I saw it!

Thank you.

You need to go.

You can't be here.

What? I...


Woman: Well, you have to believe in Van Eyck's chances...

Van Eyck: I'd like to thank the brave officers of the Metro PD who prevented a thr*at against my life today.

A thr*at that would have never got this far had the Hawk-Eye system been in place.

(reporters clamoring)

Thanks for closing my case without me.

You know, I never did track down your tipster.

You do this alone?


I didn't.

We did, Blake.

Just you and me.

To give the police the resources and tools and freedoms they need to keep us safe.

♪ ♪

How you doing?

I'm okay.

How about you?

Well, that depends.

So far, we're good.

But there is an investigation.

I'll know more soon.

You saved my life, Dash.

All those people are alive because of you.

What happens next time?

Shouldn't you be telling me?


Agatha: You know, for months after they set us free,

I was afraid to close my eyes.

All the death we'd seen, I...

I thought it's all I'd ever see again.

(insect buzzes)

Next time, we're doing this at my place.

You know, civilization.

I thought mosquitoes went extinct.

Did Dash come to you again?

Swung by for a visit.

Find out everything you can about this detective.

Already on it.

And when I say "find out," I don't mean s...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You go to your church, Agatha, I'll go to mine.

Are you still seeing it?

Your vision?

Them taking us again?

If he's a part of this, like you think, we got to tell Dash.


Not yet.

Not until we know what role he plays.