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02x07 - As Long as We Both Shall Live

Posted: 08/18/15 03:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Chasing Life What do you think?

I'm so madly in love with you.

How are you dealing with so much change?

Does this answer your question?

If you ever need me, I'm here for you.

Thank you, George.

I'm sorry, an asset for?

A new philanthropic element to our company.

I'd be proud to have you on our team.

I couldn't stop thinking about your dad.

Natalie found a manuscript for a book he was working on.

(All gasping)

Dr. Hamburg: You've been under an exceptional amount of stress.

You'll have to take it every easy.

Our honeymoon's next week.

You can't travel, not in this condition.

So what's the next step?

Hey, honey?


You ever seen the show hoarders?


Yeah, you have. We live in it.

Maybe we've been a little lazy about cleaning up this past month, but we just moved in.

We're still in our honeymoon phase.

Which I love. I love.

Especially because we got robbed of an actual honeymoon.

But it's time for our next phase.

Like making the dining room table a functional place to eat.

Oh, hang on though, because that is my favorite spot to stack things.

Yeah? Even more than the sink?

Maybe we should get a housekeeper?

No, we don't need a housekeeper.

We just need to figure out a better system.

I like it when you say "system."

I'm serious.

Back at home, we took turns with the chores.

You know, Brenna and I would alternate nights doing everything.

Brenna's covering you for your transfusion this morning, right?

No, Beth.

And Uncle George is flying in on a red-eye, to check out my genome test results this afternoon.

Try not to be jealous of my wicked fun day at Mass Medical.

I'm just sorry I can't go with you.

I know what it's like to have a job you're passionate about, and I am proud of you.

I know you never imagined working for your dad's company, but this job couldn't be more you.

Well, thank you, but I don't want my job to mean that everything falls on you.

Let's figure out a system, okay?

How do you make a system?

We divide and conquer.


I'll start the dishes, and you take out this overflowing trash.


And maybe you can start figuring out what's for dinner.

Oh, but I like when you decide.

Can we take turns, at least?

All right, well, you start tonight, I have a headache.

I have cancer.

Did April Carver just play her cancer card?

I did.




What's in here?

♪ You bet your soul, honey ♪
♪ you bet your soul ♪
♪ just right ♪
♪ you could stay all night and never wanna go home ♪
♪ 'cause we can't stop, we won't stop ♪

I don't know how you do it, blood transfusions twice a week.

Mmm, more like four times these days.

Just... it really helps. I've been so worn out, 'cause I'm in-between treatments.

But I get my genome results today.

Oh! Translation, please?

Hopefully it'll tell me which clinical trial I can do next.


So how's wife-life?

It's good. Still working out the kinks of living together.

I've never even lived with a boyfriend before.

Yeah, and now you have a husband.

I still can't believe it.

I can't believe you hooked up with Graham in this very hospital.

Your health scare affected us all in very different ways, April, but, as a wise philosopher once said, "we are never, ever getting back together."

But like, never, ever?

Sorry, that guy in the suit keeps staring at me.

Ugh, he's a pharmaceutical rep.

They're like the car salesmen of the hospital, but they sell meds.


And great, he's coming over here.

I predict he's gonna lead with a "heya."

Hey there, ladies.

Close enough.

Well, you definitely got my vote for "best dressed in the oncology ward."

Oh, thanks. That's a nice suit...


I'm just gonna leave this here.

I'd love to take you out some time.

Okay, thanks.

What was your name?

Just, you know, so I know it when you call.

Um, Beth.

This is April.

Beth, April.




Hey! What ever happened with that film festival you entered?

Um, I didn't get in.

Thanks for reminding me.

(Knock on door)

Anybody home? Oh, hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey, you're back!



It's been so lonely here without April and grandma.

Yeah, aw! So how's public school treating you, kid?

They didn't have a film club, so I joined this gay and lesbian club a couple of weeks ago, to meet some new friends.

You did?

You never mentioned that.


Well, um, anyway, I'll see you guys later.



I just got more information hearing her talk to you for 30 seconds, than I have in a month alone with her.

Oh, well. Hey!


All right, look, make yourself at home. Mom's room is made up for you.

The coffee is hot.

(Cell phone ringing)


I'm sorry, one second.

Oh! Can I?

Okay. No, go.

Hey, yeah, I was just about to call you.

Well, I just landed.

Well, you know, screaming babies on all sides, just the way I like it.

Huh! Okay, Mae, can I call you in a few?

I love you, too.

This isn't weird for you, is it?

I'm sorry?

Well, I mean, when Mae and I were here for the wedding, things felt a little awkward when it was just the three of us, and I just want to make sure you're okay.

No, that's really sweet of you, but I'm fine.

In fact, I've been keeping really busy, with work and this running group that I joined.

Actually, you know, William and I reconnected. You remember William?

He would've been Billy when you met him back in the day.

Anyway, he and I have been seeing a lot of each other lately.

Mmm. Mmm. Your high school boyfriend, Billy?

That's the one.


You guys are dating again?


How great! That's great!


All right, I'm gonna...

Wash my face.

Hey, don't pour that out.


Well, if you're trying to set a record for most bad news delivered to one patient, you're doing great.

I know it's frustrating, but, believe me, it could be a whole lot worse.

There's a drug that could cure me, and I'm not allowed to take it.

That's pretty bad.

Well, that's the nature of these clinical trials.

There's a very formal process for medications to be approved for diseases, and this has only been approved for pancreatic cancer so far.

What's so special about the pancreas?

Look, these trials come along all the time. Just sit tight.

My symptoms are just starting to wear on me.

You know, I'm anxious to start something.

I've only written one chapter of my book because I'm so foggy and tired.

I just... I can't focus on anything.

Any tips, George?

Well, my methods for children are different than for adults, but some of them might translate.

So why don't you stop by the house tomorrow? We'll work something out.


If there was a Bruce Jenner or a show like "Transparent" on TV 10 years ago,

I would have started my transition a long time ago.

But, growing up in Florida, there was no support for me.

No LGBTQ club...


Sorry, Jerry.


Of course, asexual and inter-sex students are not forgotten here.

Why couldn't they find a transgender actor to play the lead in transparent?

Whatever. Gwynnie played a guy in Shakespeare in love.

Oh, honey, that was drag, not trans.

But before we break for the day, I thought we could spend some time getting to know more about our newest member.

Hi, Brenna!


On behalf of the club, we're so glad to have our first "B".

Wait. You're bi?

Oh. I thought you were gay.

Yeah, I did, too.

But I see it now. That's sexy.

I could never be with a bi girl.

You know, you have to be pretty secure, to be with someone who's attracted to the entire population.

Oh, my god, Mariah. It's not like I'm into everyone I walk by.

So, is your guy type really feminine?

Oh. Babe, you don't get it.

The bisexual thing is so tricky though.

'Cause if you can change your mind every day about who you're attracted to, it makes it sound like being gay is also a choice.

Okay. It's not "changing my mind." I'm just...

Attracted to the person for who they are, not their gender.

(Sighs) That's exactly what my ex said before leaving me for a dude.

My theory? Bi guys are actually gay. Bi girls are straight.

But I'm not straight.

I mean, the last two people I dated are girls.

So maybe you're just gay.

(School bell ringing)

There's obviously a lot more to discuss about bisexuality...

And asexuality.

Yes, Jerry. That, too.

So we'll pick back up on this next time.

Have a good rest of your day.

I have dinner!


Oh! don't be sad.

We have a system.

And I got you a beautiful sub made by a sandwich artist named Julio.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

Yeah, it's nothing new. I just... I feel useless.

I can't go anywhere or do anything.

And I hate that you have to see me like this.

I wish I could go into another room and cry, but this apartment is just one big room.

Okay, okay, okay.


Why don't you just relax?

Stop cleaning, I've got it.


But the system says it's my turn.

Screw the system.

Thank you.

Go relax.

Maybe I can finally make a dent in chapter two.

Ooh! Is it going to be called "what it's like having the world's greatest husband"?

Just a suggestion.

Mind if I turn on the TV?



News anchor: And in other news...

(commentator chatting)

Ooh, yes.

Come on, come on, come on.

I'm sorry, could you just... Could you just turn it down?

Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, sure.

I'm sorry, is that annoying?

No, not at all.

(Volume reducing)

(Volume reducing)

(Clears throat)

Okay, you know what?

I'm sorry.

That's it.

I haven't made any progress, and if I want to bring it to someone...

This apartment has been fine for me, but it obviously doesn't work for the two of us, so it's not just a new system we need.

We need a new place.

Chapter two, "what it's like having the world's greatest husband."


Hmm, what financial problems?

Stop it. I mean, half of this stuff was on sale, and... you know, why am I rationalizing this?

I'm doing a little something for me.

Well, you deserve it.


Training for a 10k requires me to buy cute running clothes to motivate me.

So there, I said it.

So what's up with the big move?

What neighborhoods are you guys looking at, anyway?

I hear Beacon Hill is lovely.

I honestly don't care where we live, as long as I get some privacy.


When I was at home, at least I had a door I could close and disappear behind when you guys drove me crazy.

It's different with a romantic partner.

You guys fighting about whose turn it is to do the dishes?

No, we're fighting about whose turn it is to do everything, mostly dinner.

Well, you know, you're always welcome to come over for dinner.

I'm doing Indian tomorrow.

Oh, yes, please.

I'm meeting Leo's coworkers for happy hour.

So odd to say, "Leo's coworkers."

Yeah! Good for him.

And it sounds like everything you guys are experiencing is really normal, too.

You know, especially since you went from a new relationship to marriage and living together...

Yeah, for a spontaneous wedding, we really ended up being old-fashioned.

Not living together till we were legal.

God! How did people do this in the '50s?

Why are you asking me like I was there?

Brenna: Oh, my god, I cannot deal with them right now.

What? Andrew and Mariah? I thought you guys were friends.

Well, we are, but they were giving me so much crap yesterday in our meeting for being bi.

But that doesn't make any sense.

I thought the whole point of that club was to...

To support each other. Yeah, I know, that's what I thought, too.

Sorry I wasn't there to back you up.


The one-legged/bi alliance really would have showed them who's boss.

Hey, this thing's made of metal. Y'all best be steppin'.

So what's the deal on the face mask these days?

Just in big crowds?

Yeah, so I'm pushing it here, but if anyone sneezes...

Hey, Finn. What's up, Brenna?

Just you guys ganging up on her.

Okay, I was only speaking from personal experience.

If she's really bi, she shouldn't be so defensive about it.

Andrew: Yeah, and my theory is just a theory.

I mean, so far it hasn't been wrong, but...

Well, it is now.

Is it?

You two seem pretty close lately.

Are you together?

Ugh, she's pulling an Amber Heard.

No, we're not together.

And why is the straight guy the only person defending the bi girl?

Finn, you don't have to defend me.

Of course he's defending you. Because you're together.

(Sighs) I bet she'll never go back to girls.

God, drop it.

We're not dating.

Look, she's still into girls. Trust me, I saw it with my own eyes.

Typical straight girl tactic, making out with a girl in front of a dude.

You guys don't know what you're talking about, okay?

If I were gonna date a guy, it wouldn't be Finn.

I'm not into him like that, like, at all.

(School bell ringing)

(Video game sounds)

George: Yeah. Go! I can see you focus. It's definitely improving.

I hope you carry pepper spray, 'cause if you are ever in a real street fight, you are so screwed!

Okay. Your attitude, however...


Okay, so I've got some information about that clinical trial.

Let me guess. It's available for toe cancer now.

Well, actually, it'll be available for AML in the next few weeks.

If you're trying to trick me into losing. That is seriously messed up.

No, I'm serious. I'm serious.

But these clinical trials can be very competitive.

I'm seeing if I know anyone at Pharkas who might be able to pull a few strings.


Yeah, it's the company that manufactures the drug.

April: Whoa! -

George: Bye-bye.

(Sighs) Again.


So, I've been meaning to ask you...

Can I read that book that you were telling me about?



I mean, I still have so many questions about what was going on with dad, his last year, like, mentally.

You knew him better than anyone else.

Was something happening with him?

Uh, you know... Wait, pause here.


I mean, he might've been having some issues with Olivia at the time.

Like what?

Um, I think she wanted more from him, even though the affair was stopped.

There were feelings on her side that continued.

You know?



All right, let's go.

And... what?

I mean, are you playing, like, inverted?

No! No!

'Cause you're doing everything wrong.

Oh, no, no. I know what I'm doing.

I never would have guessed you keep your place this clean, Leo.


You should see his office.

Well, we got a housekeeper.

There it is.

And who made this spinach and artichoke dip?

That was...

I bought that from Trader Joe's frozen section.

Don't tell them.

You always like frozen food better than mine.

Nate has the palate of a five year old.

I can't help it that I like chicken nuggets. They're delicious.

There's no shame in that.

Thank you.

We've been crazy since we moved in, so the microwave has been our friend.

Well, you've been working your asses off.

I know that because Ruthie is super behind on dance moms.

Which kills me. Yes.

But it's worth it, working for a guy like this.

And that camp for children with terminal illnesses looks beautiful.

Did he tell you? It might become a chain.

Well, that's a longer term plan. That's like five years or so.

That is long-term.

In the meantime, are you guys planning on kids one of these days?

Here we go.


They just got married. It's a fair question.

And one you ask me routinely.

Do they even want kids? I don't.

Thank god.

Yeah, maybe.

Who wants more frozen spinach dip?

Or, actually, I think we're out of that. Frozen bean dip?



Mmm, it's so cuddly in here. Oh!

Oh, no, I have to pee so bad, but I'm too cozy.

Mmm, you know, our conversations get deeper and deeper the longer we're married.

You want deep talk?


What's with people being so intense about having babies as soon as you get married?

Are you talking about Elaine?

That's just her.

She's been bugging Nate about babies forever.

That guy has a lot of condoms.

I was surprised by your answer though.

I didn't know you wanted kids.

I didn't used to.

But, you know, then again, I never really thought about it either way.

It only occurred to me once I was healthy.

But you're talking, like, way down the road, right?

Duh! Yeah, we gotta get you healthy, and get some traveling under our belt, before we let a kid get in the way of all our fun.

Okay, I can't hold it anymore.

I have a dummy I can use if you don't want to stand here.

No, I like it! I feel like a model.

Okay, well, I mean, I need you to stand a little more like a dummy, and be still for a minute, please.


So, uncle George looked into that clinical trial, that isn't approved for AML yet.

Oh, yeah?

And you know who makes the dr*gs?


Oh! Ew. Where that Josh guy works?



April, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that.

But wouldn't it kinda be worth it?

I mean, just one drink with the guy, if it could help me get these meds?

Oh, my god.

Okay, yeah. You're right, sorry.

You don't have to do it. I just... I heard that, getting on these lists is more about who you know, so I'm just trying to...

One date.


Only 'cause it could save your life.

And I'm not drinking. I only drink with guys I actually like.

You don't have to sleep with him.

Oh, my god.

Training time, huh?


William and I are meeting at Mount Vernon street today.

It's one of the steepest hills in the city.

Oh, wow, it's like a...
(Knock on door)

Can you get it?

It's like a... hold on.

Hi, good to see you.

Good to see you, too.

Hey! I thought I told you to meet me there.

Oh, I was in the neighb, so I...



Oh, you're cuddly today.

It's crazy to see this guy.

Right? How long has it been?

Oh, don't tell me. I think we met, when Sara was at Barnard, so that was before I...

Oh, wow.

Mmm, you smell fantastic.

What is that? Aftershave or something?

No, no, it's...

It's almond milk lotion from L'Occitane.

It's two for one at Nordstrom's. You want to go halfsies?

Maybe. Anyway, you know what? Um, we should go.

I heard it's gonna rain.

Hey, you coming back for dinner?



No. Well, I don't know, you said you had a plan or something.

What was it? You had something.

Oh, no, I forgot. My friend Alan is coming over.

We're picking up some tiles for my home spa.

Steam shower. So excited.


I was gonna put a bidet...



It's so funny. A bidet...

Okay, okay, all right. Have fun, guys.

Good to see you.

Sorry, all the dishes aren't out yet.

I'm still adjusting to not having April here to help out with chores.


See? My system worked here.

Ugh, the system...

I'm just so excited for real food.


You go ahead.

Oh, no, that's okay.

Please, I must be stopped.

Okay, well, good, because I was lying when I said "that's okay."

This is an upgrade from our usual affair.

Any progress on finding a place?

Not yet.

Hopefully it won't take long. I don't need much.

Just another room to turn into my office.

Well, we might as well get a third room while we're at it.

For what?

To have extra space, and eventually for, you know, offspring.

First comes love, then comes marriage...

Then comes getting rid of the wife's cancer so she can get a bone marrow transplant.

Of course, I was just thinking ahead, you know.

I hate moving, so we might as well get everything we want now, so we don't have to upgrade later.

Sara: Did you try the okra?

Leo: No, I hate okra.

Sara: Really?

I see how your system worked now.

You were the chore supervisor around here. I get it.

Leo, what's with bringing up babies in front of my family?

Oh, was that awkward?

Well, yeah.

I didn't realize you were planning our nursery already.

I didn't mean right away.

And I thought you got your eggs frozen.

I kinda assumed that meant you wanted to have a kid eventually.

Since that keeps coming up, I should clarify.

I don't want to have kids anymore.

Um, even...

When you're past this health stuff?

Sorry, I'm just confused here now.

I'm trying to live in the now, like you taught me to.

Meanwhile, you're planning things for five and ten years down the road, and asking me to do them with you?

Which is it? Do I live in the now or the future?

It's not that black and white. I don't understand why you're getting so upset about this.

Because I can't plan for a future, just because you have one now.

Now that you're on the other side of this, you've completely forgotten what this one feels like.

Hey, dish-dryer, dry some dishes, why don't ya?

And this is me trying to let you win. What's going on?

I'm just distracted.

Leo and I got into a fight last night.

It's the first time I slept on the couch.

Ah, it's a rite of passage.

It's not quite as dramatic as it sounds.

Our couch is, like, two feet away from the bed.

So what happened?

I don't know. I feel like we switched places.

He wants to plan all these things for the future.

So when he talks about things like starting a family, I'm the one that has to shut it down.

I just feel like I'm holding him back or something.

I'm sure he doesn't feel that way.

I overreacted.

I'm just trying to figure out a way to make it up to him now.

Probably, a simple apology would work.

I just want to do something bigger.

You know, he's had to take care of me so much since we got married, and since I'm supposed to be taking it easy these days, I can't surprise him with one of our fun adventures.

And I still feel so guilty that I ruined our honeymoon to Italy.

Oh, well, okay. Well, at least, take him out to a great Italian meal.

My favorite Italian food is in the north end.

What if I brought Italy to our apartment?

I could cook, I could decorate, and it could be like a little...

Like a make-shift honeymoon.

And there you go, see, marriage is simple.

(Chuckles) Yeah, right.

Okay, I should go, if I'm turning my apartment into Italy in one day.

Oh, wait, here.


(Sighs) Here you go.

It's my only copy, so...

I will be careful with it.

Happy reading.



Sorry I'm late.

Oh, no, it's fine. I just got here.

I got us some coffees.

I had kind of a late night last night.

I went to a show.

Let me guess. Coldplay?

Maroon 5?

Jenny Lewis.

Oh! Oh, I love her.

Troop Beverly hills Forever.

Hell, yeah.

Thanks for pegging me as an Adam Levine fan though.

You want to order breakfast?

Uh, you know what? I'm good, actually.

I can't stay for very long. I gotta get to work.


Okay, let's be real. You don't really want to be here.

What? I called you, didn't I?


And now you're squeezing me in for 20 minutes during your morning coffee.

So what? Did one of your girlfriends accuse you of being too picky, and so you called me to prove her wrong or what?

Well... I mean, yes.

Yes, a friend did encourage me to call you, but I don't think...

I knew it.

I knew it. All right, you wanna make a bet?

About what?

I bet that by the time you finish that coffee, you're gonna wanna see me again.

Oh, really?


Hmm, okay.

Okay, that's...

Clearly, you're...

(coughing) So hot.

(Both laughing)

So hot.



What's going on?

Nothing much. Just catching up on chemistry.

(Exclaims in disgust) Moles.

Are you feeling okay today?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Okay, what's going on with you? You're being weird.


Remember what you said, like, right in front of my face the other day?

That you could never date a guy like me?

I'm sorry, I just... I meant...

It's fine. It's fine, I just...

I mean, I never expected anyone to be attracted to me, all bald and pale, and wearing a mask half the time, but...

It sucked to hear it officially, especially after I stood up for you.

I'm sorry.

It's just that Andrew and Mariah were making all of these assumptions...

Well, I'm glad you cleared things up with them.

I gotta go.

Talk to you later.

I'm sorry.

Grazie! Prego!

Ahh, la dolce vita!

Spaghetti! A soup, a salad, and breadsticks!

They would have loved me in Italy.

The creepy paddle without a boat is a nice touch.

Oh, why, thank you. I'm turning our couch into a gondola, and I'm making fresh linguine.

Leo's gonna be so surprised.

Yeah, seriously. I think the only pasta I've ever seen you make is, like, beef-a-roni.

And now you're on your way to being a real housewife of Boston.

I am trying.


Thank you guys for helping me, and...

Thank you for letting me pimp you out to Josh.


I hope the ends justified the means.

Totally. He seemed happy to help.

I didn't get all the details yet, but we're meeting up to talk about it more tonight.

Sorry, you're seeing him again?


I'm really taking a b*llet for you on this one, but I'm making him come to my neighborhood, to that little dive around the corner.

Oh, the one with the dart boards? I love that bar.

You've been to that bar?

It's a really cute place, and it serves alcohol.

You actually like him, don't you?


Uh, whatever... Uh... maybe.

♪ We both have dates tonight ♪

Oh, my god. Oh, my god, April.

Everything okay, Bren?


(Sighs) No.

I said something dumb to Finn, and I hurt his feelings.

I kinda want to text him, but he'd probably rather I just leave him alone.

I mean, he's going through enough right now.

As a sick person, I wouldn't want someone to give up on me because of that.

Most of the time, I just want to feel normal.

I don't even know what to say.

Just be honest.

You know, just because he's sick doesn't mean he's that fragile.

And I promise you there will be days where he's moody and frustrated and he'll be the one apologizing to you.

Speaking from experience here.


Really get into the spirit.

You can do it.


That one sucks.

Look at us, out of our stretchy pants.

And ready to eat. We've earned it.

Will George be joining us?

No, no, he's going out with a friend tonight, and Brenna's with Ford.

So, it's a perfect night for a date.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to pretend like it's an actual date.

I'm so sorry.

I'm happy to be your beard, again.

But why are we doing this exactly?

Because when you're 50-something and single, people tend to feel sorry for you, and I just... I don't need that from George.

So, can we pretend we're in high school while he's around?

We can break up after he leaves.

Oh, but can I break up with you?

No! I'm supposed to be the one looking good out of this.

Oh, no, you can look good as the dumpee. Just tell him you were using me for sex, and then you were relieved when I called it off.

Okay, I like that.

This is so stupid, isn't it?

Yeah, you're insane.

I mean, if you wanted to get a boyfriend, you could just go out and get one.


(Chuckling) And I am buzzed.

Shall we catch a "T"?


(Romantic music playing)

Um, uh, can I just...


Just, uh, one second.

I have to tell you something.

Here we go.

I knew there had to be something wrong with you.

Okay, so hit me.

You're married.

You're a devil worshiper.

You eat your couch cushions.


Sorry, I'm addicted to my strange addiction.[/i]

So what is it?

I kind of only asked you out for that friend of mine that I told you about.

She found out that your company makes the drug that she needs for leukemia, and you know, she thought...

Thought I could help her.


Got it.

That's just why I asked you out.

I actually like you now.

Oh, you actually like me?

Sorry, that sounded bad.

You can leave if you want.

I totally understand.

I hope you don't though.

I promise I only make out with guys I actually like.

You know, you really didn't have to go through all that effort.

I would've tried to help your friend anyway.

But I'm glad you did.

(Romantic music playing)

Honey, I'm... home...


I felt bad we had to miss out on Italy, so...



Way to one-up me on the system.

Here, come here.

There's an oar there.


Oh, my god.

Sorry I've been all over the place lately.

It's just a scary time, not being in treatment.

No, I-I get it.

I know what it's like.

And I also know what I signed up for.

"In sickness and in health."

I just wish it were more health.

So I wanted tonight to be perfect.

Are you kidding me? I can't believe you did all of this!


It took everything out of me.

I'm completely spent and I hate it.

The reason I keep getting so upset when you bring up the future is because...

I'm not sure I'll be there to see it.


I want to dream about these things with you, all of them, believe me, but...

But there's this...

Voice in the back of my head that just keeps reminding me I might not be around long enough to do any of it.


You don't know that.

We both know it's possible.

Anything is possible.

I don't want to spend the rest of our lives preparing for some worst-case scenario.

And I don't want to promise you things that I don't know if I can give you.

That's why I said I don't want a family anymore.

If I were healthy, I would want it.

But I can't help but think if we bring a child into this world, and then something happens to me...

Come here.


I know there are some promises you can't make with full certainty...

But people make promises every day, not knowing what the future holds.

All I'm saying is, we're no different.

I hope, one day, when we're in a rocking chair...

I'll remind you of this conversation, and we'll laugh about what a waste of energy it was, because in the end...

We had it all.

You know, this table looks pretty useful all cleared off like that.

We never ate dinner.

Pasta's always better the second day anyway.

What about... what about dessert? I went to Mike's for cannolis.

Good morning.

Good morning.

You running with William today?

No, not today.

And, um...

I want to confess something about William.

Uh, we're not together.

(Sighs) He's gay.

And he's become a dear friend, but that's all we are.


Well, someone should write a romantic comedy about this.

I lied to you, I guess, because I felt like, you felt sorry for me for being the single one.

I don't feel sorry for you.

I was just trying to be sensitive, really.

I get that, and I know it probably feels strange for you to talk about your relationship in front of me, but it doesn't have to, because, really...

I could be dating, if I wanted to.

But I'm choosing to be single right now.

And I'm happy this way.

And I guess I just don't feel like I should be ashamed about that.

Absolutely not.

So, anyway, confession over.

Ugh, I hated that movie.


Didn't think you were coming back.

I didn't think I was either, and then I changed my mind, just like how I change my mind every day about what gender I'm attracted to.

Hey, Mariah, I was wondering, what made you a lesbian?

I was born this way.

So, when you're with a girl, who's the boy in the relationship?

No one. There is no boy.

But Andrew's the girl of you two, right?



There's not a heteronormative dynamic in all relationships.

Oh, there isn't?

That's just a stereotype?

Ooh. She's reading you.

My point is, we're all different.

So we shouldn't generalize about each other.

I mean, isn't that the whole point of having an LGBTQ club?

Hey, Brenna. Is everything okay?


I'm just making Andrew and Mariah uncomfortable because I don't fit into their neat, little boxes.

Girl, I hear you on that.

Anybody have any good news they want to share from this week or... ?

How about, um, maybe some roses and thorns?


Don't you have LGBT something club?

Yeah, um, but I wanted to clear something up first.

If you're trying to apologize about the other day, it's fine.

I know you feel bad, but...


You always say that you want to be treated like everyone else, so I'm telling you the truth.

And the truth is, when I told Andrew and Mariah that I didn't see you like that, it's not that I couldn't, it's that...

I don't let myself, because...

What could we do about it?

Yeah, I mean, it's dangerous if the wrong person breathes on you.


I wonder if this is how Edward and Bella felt.

(School bell ringing)


♪ And all of your pieces ♪
♪ there's too much smoke to see it ♪
♪ there's too much broke to feel this ♪
♪ I love you, I love you ♪
♪ all of your pieces ♪
♪ all of your pieces ♪
♪ all of your pieces ♪
♪ all of your pieces ♪
♪ all of your pieces ♪

Good morning.

Life is short. Let's have dessert for breakfast.

Wake up.


Leo? (Gasping)

♪ There's too much broke to feel this ♪
♪ I love you, I love you ♪
♪ and all of your pieces ♪


♪ There's too much smoke to see it ♪
♪ there's too much broke to feel this ♪

Operator: 9-1-1, what's your emergency?

(Sobbing) My husband, he's not breathing.

♪ All of your pieces ♪

(indistinct talking over phone)
