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01x10 - Baby Jazz Is Growing Up

Posted: 08/20/15 07:41
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "I Am Jazz"...

I was thinking about having a graduation party.

I know who you can invite... this kid Jon Palmtree.

I gave him your number.

Jeanette: I'm kind of surprised.

Like, she never texts with boys from school, so this is all new.

I invited him to the party.


Wait, what the heck? I have armpit hair.

They were definitely hairs.

Does this mean the implant isn't working anymore?

If the implant stops working, will we see that?

If this implant fails, then testosterone will come back to my body, and I'll start developing as a male.

It's my worst nightmare coming true.

We're gonna keep you, little guy.

Greg: I consider us an ordinary family with some extraordinary circumstances.

I thought of it as an oddity.

I was devastated.

Jeanette: Jazz asked me, "what am I?"

And she would say, "Mommy, am I a boy, or am I a girl?"

This is my sister.

She's a girl.

She's a girl.

She's a girl.

I am transgender.

Greg: We love her just the way she is.

I am a girl. I am an artist. I am Jazz.

Did you guys take the Spanish final today?

Yes, Katie.



Do you guys have any homework?

Uh, not really.


Except for, like, studying for finals and crap.

You know what really makes me so mad...

How it's, like, the end of the year, we have only a few more days of school left, and then teachers are still giving us tests.

Do you know what school stands for?

"Seven crappy hours of our lives."


Oh, my God.

I said it right.

Middle school was not fun at all.

I'm so glad that I'm gonna have my friends coming into high school with me, so we'll stay together and stay strong in our little group and have a great time. What am I saying...

Have a great time at school? No way.


Do you guys think anyone's having parties?

I don't know. Have you guys been invited to anyone's party?

I've been invited to one.

That girl Andy.

Andy's having a party?


Well, someone texted me, but, like, it's going around at school.

I never got the text. Did you guys?



Throughout my middle-school experience, I've been excluded.

I haven't been invited to parties.

It really hurts me sometimes because being transgender is...

It's almost like a "physical" trait, and it's just the way I am, and I can't really change it.

Well, why don't one of us have a party... or you?

You have the biggest house.


You do.

She does.

No one would go if I had a party.

Yes, they would.

I'm sure they would.

Why wouldn't you think that?

'Cause I'm not friends with that many people.

So, now you can become friends with them.

You think I should really do it?



I don't know. I actually want to do it. It sounds like fun.

I just have to ask my parents and see how they think about it.

You should invite boys... Like, a lot of boys.

I don't know. I'm thinking it should be all-girl.



No, 'cause you said you want to start being friends with boys, so this would be good for it.

Don't be nervous!

I know, but I feel like if I tried to invite boys, they wouldn't come.

I know who you can invite.


Okay, so, the other day, this kid Jon Palmtree, he D.M.'d me on Instagram, and he was like, "hey, I had to write a paragraph about who inspired me, and I wrote about Jazz. I know you're friends with her, so could you give me her number so I could tell her?"

So I gave him your number.

I'm pretty sure he's gonna text you.

Wait, so, go back. He wrote a paragraph about...

About you, 'cause he's inspired by you. That's cute.

And you said you wanted a boy that would accept you, and he obviously accepts you.

It's so weird, 'cause I feel like I've almost been, like, asking for this.

And now that I have it, it's just like I don't know how it works.

I don't know.


Do you think he'll actually text me?


It's been a while since a boy has last liked me.

I mean, it was in elementary school, so, I mean, it doesn't really count.

Is he cute?

You have to see for yourself. I can't judge it for you.

It's not all about looks, you know.

I think it's big news that a guy is going out of his way to get Jazz's attention.

And I think it's really sweet. And I think she's flattered.

I know it's not all about looks, but there's slight, slight requirements when it comes to looks.

Invite other boys so we can get boys.


Jeanette: It's so great to have you guys over.

I feel like I haven't talked to you in a little bit about what's going on.

Jacky: Yeah.

Is there that much to catch up on?

There's always new news.

You know, Ari's getting ready for her trip.

She's going to Israel.

We're very excited for her.

With a bunch of friends from college, yeah.

Not only is Ari taking a trip on her own, she arranged this.

She researched it. She put it all together.

I didn't have to do anything.

And, you know, I'm proud of her that she set her mind to do something big like going to another country and she made a dream come to fruition.

Jazz is graduating any day now.


Is she excited?

Yeah, she's so over middle school, but I'm really sad.

It's gonna be hard for me to let go of Jazz as she wants more independence.

She's my buddy.

You know, she and I spend a lot of time together.

And it's just not cool in high school to be hanging around with your mom so much, and it's gonna be hard.

I remember standing over your younger brother just teary that every day was another day for growth for him, and I didn't want to let go. I knew he was the last, too.

But you ride the ride.

Jeanette will not be good with being an empty-nester.

You think she could get pregnant again?

If she could, I think she would.

What do you think about her graduating, your youngest grandchild being in high school?

We old folks, we're ready for the Afghan and the rocking chair.


Let me tell you something.

I promise to wipe the drool off your faces.

You always said you're not changing my diaper, but you'll be there to feed me the gruel.

Jeanette, I just hope the years are as smooth as they can be, considering the situation.

Her friends are gonna start dating, and she's gonna lose them to some extent.

Well, that happens normally, even if you're not transgender.

You have, like, a best friend that gets a boyfriend.

And suddenly, they don't want to hang out with you anymore.

I'm definitely worried about Jazz when the friends start to get more into the dating world and have their first kiss or whatever it is they do with the boys.

And Jazz will be like, "mm-hmm. Yeah."

And she's... it's gonna be hard. It would be hard for any kid.

But then being transgender, extra hard.

Let's throw this into the mix.


Go ahead. Yes?

Some guy comes along and finds her very attractive...



...and knows she's transgender.

Well, if he knows it, then that's half the battle.

And he doesn't care? That's amazing.

That's like a dream come true. That's what we're looking for.

So, I mean, we treat it like any other relationship.

He'd be unusual, wouldn't he?

Well, not the norm.

Because there's peer pressure.

Even when a guy comes along and says, "gee, I like Jazz, but I think I've got to stop because my friends won't think much of me."

She is now open to being hurt, because she is now gonna get rejection not based upon who she is, but based upon the peers of the guy that finds her attractive.


Any guy that wants to date Jazz in high school, I would...

Question. a little bit wary about.

Maybe on a dare.

Yeah, no, I'd be wary about it, because he has to be different.

I don't know if he would be different in a good way or a bad way.

How do you know until it happens?

Despite the social interactions which may or may not occur, I'm worried about them.

But I think she'll be able to handle it, and I know you and Greg will handle it so well.

Jazz: Hey-o.

Hey, what's up?


Not much. Just chilling.

How much homework do you have?

I have to do this powerpoint thing.

I don't want you waiting till the last minute, like you always do.


By the way, this week, you're going to Dr. Charlton.

You remember that?


The hormone blockers are working brilliantly.

There's absolutely zero sign of any male puberty.

No mustaches. No beards.



Jeanette: Jazz sees Dr. Charlton every few months because she has a blocker, which is in her arm.

It's this little implant, and it blocks testosterone.

Let me see. How's that implant doing?

Give me your arm.


I don't like when people touch it.

I'm always like, "is it working? What if she bangs her arm?

Will it stop? Will it malfunction?"

So, that's why it's so important to constantly check her hormone levels, to see that it's still doing what it's supposed to do.

We'll see what he has to say. I'm curious myself.

Last time, I wanted to up my dosages of estrogen.

And this time, I really want to. So I'm hoping I get an increase.

Yeah, 'cause what does an increase mean?

You get all the things you want, all the goodies.

I'm a little bit eager to, you know, increase the dosage of estrogen.

Maybe I'll start developing as a female at a faster rate, and then... whoopee!... happy.

So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something.


Here it comes.

What did you do?

I have a boyfriend.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

No, I was talking to my friends, and since the school year is ending and summer is approaching, I was thinking about having a... graduation party.

So, what's this party gonna be like...

If we allow you to have it.

I was thinking about doing, like, a Hawaiian luau party with a bunch of kids. It would be like a pool party, and there would be food, a deejay.

Is this just, like, for just your friends?

Like a party-party with a lot of people.

Like, the whole grade.


What is it, like, 200 and something kids in your class?

Yeah, but not all of them would come.

No freaking way.


But you have no control over how many come if you invite that many people.

Ari had a party, and there was probably 80, 90 kids.

It was totally unmanageable.

Kids were packed like sardines in the pool.

It wasn't an experience that I ever wanted to go through again.

Ari had fun, but it wasn't fun for us.

This is the reason why I don't want to limit it down.

Because then only certain people would get invited, and then the other people would feel offended, excluded, almost like they weren't allowed to come.

Like the way people make you feel sometimes, so you don't want to make people feel that way?


So, I understand what you're saying, actually.

But you also have to understand the practical side of it.

I just can't take the responsibility for that many kids.


Here's the thing.

You know, we want to celebrate your middle-school graduation.

What we got to figure out is, like, the numbers.

We'll figure out a way to make it manageable, and you'll have plenty of people, and nobody's gonna feel excluded.

Yes, people are!

Then what we could do is not have a party, and then nobody's gonna be excluded.

That's not an option.

I already started spreading rumors.


Are you nervous?

A little bit.

Jeanette: She's never had a bunch of kids from her school come to the house, let alone this boy who's paying attention to her.

Maybe he's just fashionably late.


Girl: Oh, my God. Rachel. You destroyed that pizza.

Three people get to have a second slice.

We all get the three.


You know that graduation party we were talking about?


My parents actually said yes.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

They actually said yes.

Oh, my gosh!



I thought they were gonna say no. They're like, "sure, you can have a party." I was like, "what?"

Now we have to figure out who we're going to invite.

But, guys, the thing is, I feel like no boys are gonna want to come, because it's my party.

I hope boys come to the party because I'm starting to get more interested in boys.

And if I really want their attention, then I'll have to put myself out there.

If we get the pretty girls to come, then they'll all come.


The boys will just, like, attach to them like leeches and come.

We know where they attach.


What about Jon?

I'm intrigued.


Did he text you finally?



You're gonna invite him, right?

Tell us!


So, he texted me.

I texted him back.


He was nice, very nice.

And he was telling me how awesome I am.

Well, you know you're looking for someone that accepts you, and he is ready... Step one.

Normally, boys aren't really interested in me, because I'm transgender, and, you know, I'm that girl that is disgusting.

And it's cool that this boy doesn't care what other people think about him for, you know, thinking that I'm a neat person.

I invited him to the party.

So, we can meet him.

And he wrote, "wow, that sounds awesome.

Yeah, totally, I'll see what I can do.

Thank you for the invite. Really appreciate it."


Aww, he's so nice.

That's so cute.

That's so cute.

Guys, I don't know!

Your gonna find out more about him whenever you're, like, in person at the party.

At the party.

Party, party, ooh...

You guys are supposed to join in.

All: Party, party, ooh, ooh!

Party, party, ooh, ooh!

Party... [Laughter]

I can't believe you're leaving already.

I feel like you just got back.

Ari: Don't be so sad.

I'm not gonna have you to get great advice, you know?

I'll be back soon. I promise.

I'm going to Israel, and I'm really, really, really, really excited, because I really have been wanting to travel for a long time.

And after being home for a little bit and having a lot of rules and stuff like that, it's gonna be nice to get away again and be kind of one my own, especially in a different country.

I'll miss you, though.

You don't even seem sad.

You're just excited to get out of here again.

No, I'm gonna miss you a lot, that is for sure.

Don't be so sad, 'cause you have a lot of stuff coming up.

Things are so much more boring without you.

You can call, text me.

I think Dad did something so I can maybe talk to you through, like, the wi-fi or something.

You want to help me hold it down?

I really don't want you to leave.


Jazz: You know, it's really gonna stink not having Ari at my graduation party, because this not just a thing of me celebrating with my friends, but also with my family.

And, you know, without the family being complete, without Ari being there, it's just not the same thing.



You need help with that?

Yeah, I could have used it, but now I'm good.

You all set to let her go?

Uh, kind of. I'm a little upset.

I just hope she has fun.

She'll have a great time.

I'm sure you will.

I think so, too.

Not too good of a time, though, right?

I think it's great that Ari's going on a trip overseas, on her own to Israel.

Let's go. Ari's leaving. We're packing her up.

It's rewarding as a parent, because you know that they did it on their own accord.

Yeah, Ari, we're gonna miss you.

Aw, I'll miss you, too.

I'm gonna love your room, though.

Oh, my God.

Is that the only thing you can think about, Sander?

Aw, you're leaving.

It's gonna feel a lot faster than it did while I was at school, that's for sure.


Let's go.




Children... I was told they grow up fast, but it was much faster than I thought.

I'm gonna have all of them out of the house before I know it.

Like, I really would not mind if they stayed here forever.

I want them to have their own lives, though, so it's not realistic.

But I don't want an empty house.



[Imitates sobbing]


You know, I think I'm gonna miss her.

I'm gonna miss her. At least I have you.

Oh, I got one girl.

And you've got one boy. Well, one man and one boy.

Sander: What's the point of putting shaving cream all the way over here?

Like, you're putting it here, and there's no hair.

You think I'm gonna take tips from you?

Hey, Jazz.

I'm so lucky I don't have to shave.

We have to shave every single day.

Yeah, like, I shaved yesterday, and now I'm shaving again.

I don't even have anything, and I never have armpit hair, either.

You guys have arm hair.

Yeah, I got way too much.

I see some armpit hair.

Wait, what the heck?

I have armpit hair!

What does this mean?

Welcome to the Amazon forest.

Why do I have armpit hair? I never have it.

Where's the razor?

Wow, you really don't like hair, do you?

No. It's been my worst nightmare ever since I was little.

Do I have any facial hair?

Let me see. Oh, my God.

There's a bush.


Let me see.

I had hair?!

You had a little... oh, my God.

Yes, I did!

You had peach fuzz.


I think any girl's worst fear is growing a beard or a mustache.

I mean, I just want to look feminine and, you know, look the way that I feel on the inside.

And a beard and mustache is not how I feel on the inside.

I don't think that little peach fuzz of hair is gonna prove that your testosterone...

Yeah, but, guys, I need to go to the doctor.

Look at her arms.

What if testosterone's coming back into my body?

If this implant fails, then testosterone will come back to my body, and I'll start developing as a male, which means I'll get facial hair, deep voice, everything that I do not want.

It's my worst nightmare coming true.

It's been almost a year and a half, so it might be time to get a new one.

I saw armpit hair, and I was like, "what?"

She doesn't really want any body hair, 'cause that means that she might be getting it on her face, which she doesn't want.

I can see, based on lab values, those hormone levels starting to rise.

What are your thoughts on going to the doctor?

Are you excited? Are you nervous?

A little bit of both.

What are you nervous about?

You know, with the testosterone, I'm just concerned.

Like, it's already been a year and a half, and that means I might need a new implant.

And I started getting, like, little armpit hairs, so I don't know what that means.

I think it's normal to get some hairs under your armpits.

You're going through female puberty.

It's difficult to explain to Jazz that it's normal for her to be getting the body hair.

'Cause she doesn't really want any body hair, 'cause that means that she might be getting it on her face, which she doesn't want.

Everybody gets some hair. I think it's manageable.

We'll get her a razor, and we'll get her some shaving cream, and everything will be okay.

You remember the story with the boys when they first got their first hair?

One of them came around and goes...

♪ I'm a man ♪

* I'm a man *

[Both chuckle]

That's not exactly how you felt, huh?

I feel like my parents are just trying to calm me down.

I don't normally have armpit hair, and it's a scary thing for me.

I need to talk to the doctor.

And whatever he says, that's what I listen to.

You know my worst fear is to have a beard and mustache, so I'm hoping he says that my testosterone levels are okay, and I'm hoping he also says that I can get a dosage increase with estrogen, 'cause I want big boobs.


Oh. [Laughs]


There he is.

Hi, Dr. Charlton. Good to see you.

Hey, Jazz. How are you? Good to see you.

So, how are you feeling?

I'm pretty good, but I've just been a little bit concerned with some of the changes that I've seen with my body.

My brothers were shaving in the bathroom, and I was kind of, like, observing my hairs, as well, and I saw armpit hair, and I was like, "what?"

Does this mean the implant isn't working anymore?

Were they coarse and, like, dark and thick?

They were long.

They weren't like peach fuzz, but they were definitely hairs.

Now, the last time we checked was a few months ago, but I can tell you with confidence that does not mean you're having male puberty.


The implant's working beautifully, okay?

So that's the good news.

Yes, good.

I want to remind you that all of your girlfriends, they also develop body hair, right?


So that is normal.

Jeanette: If the implant stops working, will she all of a sudden start to... will we see that?

'Cause I don't want her to have to get any of that.

What would be the first sign?

Like, what do I have to look out for?

None of those changes happen super-fast.

I can see, based on lab values, those hormone levels starting to rise before you'll see physical effects.

I don't want you to worry about male puberty creeping in.

We are gonna continue to monitor to make sure that male puberty's not making an entrance.

Jeanette: For Jazz's mental well-being, it's important for Jazz to hear from the doctor that not every little hair or every little change in her body means that she's developing into a boy.

The last visit, we had decided leave the estrogen where it is in order to see if she would continue to grow.

If we jump up your estrogen dose, we risk stopping your growth.

If I could get the height and the full development by being patient, then I'd prefer do that rather than rush in and just get what I want.

Now we've got another inch, and that's been only a few months.

You're almost as tall as me!

I want to be like 5'4".

I was almost 5'4".

I wanted to be 6 feet tall.


Point being, none of us ever know how tall we're gonna be.

And high school's around the corner.

We need to talk about what we're doing with the estrogen.

If we increase it, then female puberty will continue to progress and possibly at a little bit of a faster rate.

Maybe further female development becomes the priority.

What would be the side effects of increasing estrogen?

They can feel nauseous immediately, and they get mood swings.

"Rowr, rowr, rowr!"

So, the moodiness is actually a common side effect.

It's normal. Sex hormones change your brain.

I think a really important take-home point for actually all of you is, yes, estrogen causes mood swings.

It doesn't matter if it comes from a pill or from your ovaries.

What's more important to you... further female development or maximal adult height?

If I ended at this height, I would still be satisfied, I think.


So, yeah, I'm okay with going forward with the estrogen.

Medically, I think increasing the estrogen is totally appropriate.

I just feel like, "hallelujah!"

I mean, like, this is what I wanted.

This is what I needed.

Now I can express myself on the outside the same way I feel on the inside.

And for other girls... Don't get me wrong...

They get excited when they see their body changing.

But for me, it's just, like, on a different level.

So, we'll get you started.

All righty. Well, thank you so much, Dr. Charlton.

You're very welcome.

You ready to take more estrogen, become a woman, and enter high school full-force?

"Here comes Jazz. Bouncy, bouncy."

No, I'm just kidding.


There's this other boy, and I really want him to come to the party.

Would I know him?


Jazz is giving us information on a need-to-know basis nowadays.

Why are we just hearing about this now?

Greg: Party planning?

Jazz: Yeah.

So, what else do we have to plan for the party?

What else do we have to get ready?

I want to make sure we have the deejay, the decorations.

Porta potty?

I want it to be a fun party.


Porta potty?

Dad is insisting on having a porta potty.

We are not having a porta potty.

[Chuckles] I think it's too late.

I think Dad already ordered it.

I know my parents want this party to be manageable, but it's gonna be pretty embarrassing.

You getting a good response to the party?

Well, I think it's gonna be, like, a mostly girl party, but there's also a few boys who wanted to come, as well.

Boys that we've met?

Like, I'm not for sure if these people are coming, but there were a few that said they might be coming.

But there's also this other boy...

Would I know him?



His name is Jon, and he's really cool.

He wrote this whole story about me, talking about how I'm, like, his inspiration and that...

Wait, a story for what? For school?

For school, yeah, an essay about me.

And then Taylor gave him my number, and we started texting.

And he's just... he's really nice, and he's really cool, and I really want him to come to the party.

I'm kind of surprised.

Like, she never texts with boys from school, so this is all new.

She's crossed a barrier, a hurdle, and she's communicating with Jon.

And it kind of brings to mind what it's gonna be like for Jazz in the dating world down the road.

And I just don't want to be a hovering parent.

Jazz, why are we just hearing about this now?

Yeah, I never heard about this.

You didn't tell me.

You tell me everything.

I mean, we were texting back and forth, and I just wasn't sure if he was gonna come or not, so I didn't want to say anything until... until I knew for sure.

Look at that... a male person.


A male person.

A male person.

I think that Jazz withholding the information about Jon right away is a sign that she's becoming independent.

She doesn't need to tell Mommy everything anymore.

I've been dreading this day, 'cause I've been able to protect her as much as possible when she's younger, but I haven't always been successful.

And it's just gonna get harder when she ventures out into the world more without me.

I'm sure you have a lot of homework, so march upstairs.

I do. Ugh.

Got to do all the work.

Baby Jazz is growing up.

She's going to her friends first, but she did come to us.

She did. She finally did, so that's what matters.

Yeah, but Jazz is giving us information on a need-to-know basis nowadays.

Don't say that.


I'm just happy she's branching out, you know, that she's...

I'm happy that a guy wrote a paper about her at school.

Like, hello? Yay.

He's definitely a special kid if he does something like that.

I hope he comes. That would be nice.

Have you been here before?


No. This is all new.

But my mom has.

Well, if there's a store, your mom's been in it.


Oh, my.

Grandma has offered to take me shopping for the graduation party.

And I am just so happy, because she likes to spend, spend, spend.

And I like to spend, spend, spend, too.

Ooh, what is this?

Give me your fashion sense.

It would work with a pair of jeans.

I love to shop. It's an addiction.

Cost my husband a pretty penny over the years.

I don't know where to put my eyes next.

So many pretty things.

Wow. That's adorable.

That's cool.

That looks like Mama.

Yeah, that's something Mom would wear.


That's cool.

Should I try that on?

That's a pretty top.

I think I just want to, like, try it to see what it looks like.

Taking Jazz shopping for an outfit for her graduation party is a joy for me.

But it's funny to think about it looking back.

When Jaron was born, now Jazz, not in a million years was this ever on the horizon, that I'd be taking him out for dresses.

Okay, I'm coming out.

Do you like this?

Oh, how pretty.

Beautiful! Model, turn, do.

Do you love it?

Yeah, it's cute.

You have some boys coming to the party?



Anybody special?

There was just this one boy who's been nice to me.

So, yeah. His name is Jon.


When I see that Jazz may be taking an interest in boys, I'm scared.

I'd like her to talk to boys so she just has that experience, but I am not ready for her to go out on a date.

I'm not ready to see her involved sexually with a young man.

I haven't grown into that.

I don't want to see it happen now.

So, you're gonna be exploring a little bit of getting to know Jon better?

Yeah, maybe a little bit, and then... I don't know...

We'll see if we can be friends or whatever.

Is this making you nervous?

It's just I don't want it to be awkward.

Just, like, so many things that could go wrong, and I'm not sure what it's gonna...

Should it be that serious? It's a party. It's fun.

Relationships should be fun.

No one said this is a relationship.

No, no, but relationships with people.


Whatever. Meeting new people, talking to new people should be a lot of fun.

Her advice, it means a lot to me, because Grandma, she has a lot of wisdom, and she knows what she's talking about.

And, you know, whatever she says is something I'm gonna hold dear to my heart and use throughout my life.

It seems that you are more receptive than you were just a short time ago.

You didn't want to know what a boy was and only with the girls.

Is this a little growth and stepping stone for you?

I guess.


I don't know.

She's breaking out into being a young woman.

The biggest years are in front of her.

I would like to see her with whoever makes her happy, that she will be safe with, that she'll have a life with.

That's all I ask for her.

I love you dearly, and I have to hug you.

I'm so proud of you.

And can't wait for the party.

The balloons are in the pool.

Jazz: They're not supposed to be in the pool! Aah!

Jeanette: She's stressed-out.

I think there's a lot of build-up surrounding Jon.



So, we need to buy some balloons for a party.


A party that needs a lot of colors.

Jazz wants rainbow balloons for her graduation party.

She wants it to be pretty and beautiful.

She wants it to be like skittles.

But she doesn't want to taste the rainbow.

She wants to see the rainbow.

Oh, Jazz would love this one!

Yeah, but we can't get 30 of these.

We should get one of these and then just colored balloons.

Yeah, how many balloons can you guys give at a time?

As many as you guys want.

Like 2,000?

Yeah, 2,000, 3,000?


You have that much in stock, or do you have to call up...

No, I would just have to blow them up for you guys.

All right, well, we don't need that many, so you're in luck.

So, we need like 35 balloons of different colors.

I'll make it special for you guys.

How do you think the party's gonna go?

I don't know. The only thing I'd be worried about is how many guys are gonna come.

I never see really Jazz talking to that many guys in school.

Whenever I walk by her after school like to go to the car, she's always with her little girlfriends, but there's never a guy there.

If I'm the guys at the party, I'm thinking, "all right, maybe not a lot of guys are gonna show up.

Think about the girl-to-guy ratio at this party."

I'd want to be at that party.

For sure.

Oh, sh**t!

You look like the man from "Up."

That looks really, really awesome.

We can get lost in these things.

Where'd you go?

I don't know. Where'd I go?

Hey, there you are.


There we go. We got a grad one. Wait, is this gonna fly up?

Yeah, it will if you let it go.

I got it. I got it.

I think we're all good.

I think the graduation balloon will be like the icing on the cake.

Twins, you did a good job getting balloons.

Oh, yeah.

All right, how we doing this?

Let's see if you're a genius.

Go to the other side.

Let's start with a few at a time.

Get... no, go. Go in the car.

Yes. There we go.

Oh, wait, no, stop pulling. Stop pulling so much.

Okay. We got plenty of room.

All right, this is as far as it will go.

It's gonna be hard to drive. I'm gonna have, like, no vision.

Let's just not tell dad.

Oh, sh**t. Did it just go?


Greg: Jeanette, you got everything ready for the party?


Yeah, nothing like a bunch of 14-year-olds running around the house.

Jazz has a nice amount of kids coming, but not too many.



Jazz sent out about maybe 80 invitations, so our thought is, "well, maybe you get about half of those people."

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Hey, Jazz.

We're getting ready for your party.

Did you guys get everything I want?

I think we got it all.

We got rainbow balloons just like you wanted.

Hey, Sander and Griffen!


We need your help. Let's get all hands on deck.

For Jazz to have a big party at the house is a massive thing for her. She's never had a bunch of kids from her school come to the house, let alone this boy who's paying attention to her.

First thing's first, we got to put these noodles in the pool.

Jazz wants it just right, and we're hoping that we can get it as close to just right as possible.

Oh, better be.

Balloons in the pool?

Hey, no, no, no!


Why do we need so many of these?

This is a luau. We need to decorate them.

Where do you want these?



Everywhere around.

Oh, the balloons are in the pool.

Sander! They're not supposed to be in the pool!

They look good.


She's stressed-out. She has every right to be nervous.

Because I think there's a lot of build-up surrounding Jon.

Sander, don't put them all in one place!

Put them around!

Watch out for the ziti!


I think she's a little overwhelmed.

Jeanette: Guys, look.

Sander: That doesn't look that bad.

Greg: Jazz, what else you need help with?

You guys decorate. I can't do this.

Hey, guys. Come on in.

They're here? [Gasps]



You look so pretty.


I like your shirt.

Hello, Cassie!


Thanks for coming to Jazz's graduation party!



Let's party!

I'm so used to my house being invaded by large groups of teenagers.

I mean, just having Sander, Griffen, and Ari with their friends in here all the time, it's like a hotel.

So this is good. Greg and I are fine with this, right?

We're all set. We're ready for it.

Yeah, we're ready.

Let's eat!

Now we have a party.

Please, please.



[Indistinct conversations]

Jazz: I was really nervous.

I was scared that people wouldn't even come to the party.

And, like, once I see that more and more people are starting to come, I'm really happy.

Girl: Chicken fight!


[Indistinct shouting]

Whoa! This is awesome!


[Screaming, laughter]

Everyone in the pool!

Everybody in!

Jeanette: Everybody is having a good time, but there might have been three or four boys at the party.

I would have been so happy to see a bunch of boys show up.

It would have made my day.

Are you guys having fun, though?



I though more boys were coming. What happened?

I don't know. None of the boys even showed up, really.

This is a good amount of people. We're having fun.

Yeah, we're still having fun.

I don't know. Whatever. It's mostly an all-girl party.

Brooke: I don't think there are many boys at the party because Jazz doesn't talk to a lot of boys, so some of them probably felt a little awkward coming.

But have you noticed something?



Jon isn't here.

Are you nervous?

A little bit, 'cause I thought he was gonna come.

I thought maybe he, like, wanted to be my friend, but I don't know.

Maybe he's just fashionably late.


Jazz: I'm really hoping that he makes it, because I want to get to meet this kid.

We've been talking for a while, and it would kind of just be, like, a letdown if he doesn't show up, since he said he was gonna come.

Jazz: Have you noticed something?



Jazz: Jon isn't here.

Maybe he's just fashionably late.

If Jon doesn't show up, I'd probably be, like, kind of mad 'cause he did text her, he said he would show up.

So I think it's kind of rude if he doesn't have, like, a good reason for not showing up.

I'm kind of nervous, actually.

You're making me nervous.


I know. I feel the same way.

Think of how I feel.

I know!


Oh, look, it's Jon. Hey!



Thanks for coming.

What's up? Thank you for inviting me.

It's a really good party. Yeah, of course.

I'm Rachel.

I'm Jon.

Nice to meet you, Jon.

Nice to meet you, too.

I have that nickname "Jon Palmtree" because my last name kind of sounds like "palm tree."

And I've kind of just been rolling with that since second grade, so...

Well, if you're hungry or anything, we have food.

You can swim.

Everyone's gonna be swimming soon and dancing, so yeah.

Rachel: If you need to go to the bathroom, her dad got a porta potty.


Jeanette: What you looking at?

Just watching all the kids have fun.

Who's Jazz with? Is that Jon?

I don't know.

I think that is him.

He's cute.

Yay! Jon is at the party.


Should we go out there and introduce ourselves?

No! No, leave them be.

Let them have fun.

You know, I really just wanted to thank you for coming.

I know, like, you don't know a lot of the people here, but...

I'm having a fun time.

You are?


That's good.

And I really thought that was so sweet of you to write that story.

It really just... It made me feel so happy and...

Yeah, thank you.

I wrote it 'cause, you know, we all judge and kind of look down upon each other a lot of the time.


I think it's really awesome to be so public about, you know, being transgender and trying to help other kids who may be, you know, shy or struggling.

Thank you. That means a lot to me.

I think Jon is a really nice and awesome person and someone who just respects me and doesn't care about the fact that I'm transgender.

I can't wait to just hang out with him as friends sometime.

I'm just really glad you came and I got to know you, 'cause you're pretty cool.

Maybe we could just hang out sometime or whatever.

And with some friends. That would be fun.

Text me or something. We'll figure something out.

I'm so glad that this is finally happening.

Yeah. It's so innocent. It's really so nice.

It is innocent.

Jon gives us hope for Jazz and boys or any relationship.

There are a lot of people out there that do appreciate Jazz for who she is, and she's not alone.

I'm happy for her. She deserves this.

That is a jackpot guy. Whether boyfriend or not, you know, I think that she should be friends with somebody that understands Jazz and respects her.

I mean, how perfect is that?

[Indistinct shouting]


So, how did things go with Jon Palmtree?

I mean, like, he was really nice.

But, like, just because he's the first guy that takes interest in me doesn't mean I'm gonna immediately want to, like, "go after him" or want to date him or anything like that.

But, like, for now, I just... I think he'll be a friend.

Yeah, I think it's good to just be friends with him.

I definitely think it's a big deal that Jon showed up today and showed Jazz that maybe it is easier to just be friends with boys, and it helped her self-esteem.

So, guys, I went to the doctor the other day.

And guess what.



My boobs are gonna be bigger than yours, 'cause I got an increase in my estrogen.

[Laughter, cheering]

That sounds good.

You're leaving me.

Sorry. Sorry, Brooke. Sorry. I'm gonna join Taylor.


I feel like we're not gonna be friends in high school.


What are you talking about?

Why would you say that?

I don't know.

I feel like you guys aren't gonna like me anymore.

[Indistinct shouting]

I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'm kidding!

We'll always be friends together.

Hug, hug.

Jazz! [Laughter]

I think Jazz and I are definitely gonna be friends in high school. I mean, we're really close now.

And I don't think anything stupid is gonna separate us.


Hi, guys.

Hi. Happy graduation party.

Mm, what a special day.

How you doing?

I'm just looking forward to this big event.

Oh, my lord. What a special day.

Well, it's been going.

How many kids came today?

Oh, I've seen about 40 out there, I think.

It's really different seeing Jazz at her graduation party from her 5th birthday party...

Happy Birthday.

...which was really a coming-out period.

It was very early in Jazz's process, and now she's been Jazz for such a long time and has established herself and her identity.

And when I look back, I don't look back with any regrets.

I'm lucky with Jazz, my beautiful daughter.

Look at this face.

That is it.

Look at how happy she is.

That little baby's gonna be in high school.

I don't look at Jazz that we have a transgender granddaughter.

She's a multi-faceted person in so many respects.

She has so much going for her.

It would be an interesting concept to determine what she would be like if she wasn't transgender, because we have Jazz.

And your boys going into their senior year.

Yeah, they're the big sh*ts this year.

I, honestly... I can't deal with it.

Yes, you are dealing with it. We all dealt with it.

Jeanette really has a tough time when we start talking about the twins going off to college.

But look at you.

Look at what fabulous parents you are.

Look at the family.

You're just... You blow us away.

Has it been an easy go?

We are aware that prices get paid every day.

But it's a joy for us to see Jeanette and Greg raise a happy family of four. You can't ask for more.

Let's go celebrate. Let's go have some fun.

[Indistinct shouting, chanting]

Jeanette: Who wants cake?





Happy graduation, everybody!

[All cheering]

Congratulations on making it through middle school, and you're all high schoolers!

[All cheering]

I have to say something.

You all are gonna have a great time in high school.

We're gonna be the rulers, and y'all will be our little minions as a freshman class.

I'm gonna be looking out for Jazz a lot during high school.

She might have a few bumps in the road, because not everybody's accepting of the fact that she's transgender.

Who says that Sander should cut the cake?



We're her brothers, and we will always be there for Jazz, no matter what the situation is.

When we're 90 and she's 86 and she needs our help, we'll be there.

It's that much of an age difference?

She'll be 87.

Yep, there we go. That's more like it.

♪ A little more tough, a little bit stronger ♪
♪ A little more grip to hold on a bit longer ♪

Jeanette: My little one is gonna be in high school.

And it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be really hard.

She's the last one, and I cling on to her.


What are we doing?

The fact of the matter is we haven't had a transgender child go through high school.

So we live and we learn along with Jazz.

There's gonna be some rocky roads, and we're gonna stick together.

Jazz: You know what? I'm ready for high school.

Sometimes you're gonna have bad moments, and sometimes you're gonna have great moments.

Everybody over here!

But with my friends and with the support of everyone that I have, you know, I got this.

I'm gonna be cool.

Two, three, smile!


[All cheering]

Girl: Let's party!