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03x12 - Sins of the Fathers

Posted: 08/24/15 22:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

The Ellingsworth's.

Yeah. They are protecting Liam.


Using them.

Liam saved me.

He saved our family.

No, he is a monster.

He's my brother.

Look, please, Mrs. Ellingsworth, listen to me.

Holy crap. What? What is it?

JT: Liam's not Helen Ellingsworth's brother, he's her ancestor.

Look, that's a photo from an old London newspaper.

That's who Rebecca was engaged to before Alistair, and the chief suspect of their murders.

Liam is the beast from 1854.

We have so much in common, you and I.

The last of the pack.

No, we're nothing alike.

You're a cold-blooded k*ller, Liam.

And you're not?

And let's face it-- the only thing keeping him from being more like me is you.

I know we have to stop Liam, Heather, but even if we do, I'm scared.

I'm scared that Vincent's gonna stay young while I grow old and die.

How am I supposed to get married to a man when "till death do us part" only means me?

Oh, my God!

(whispering): Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I am so sorry.

I didn't see you.

Don't move. Let me call an ambulance.



You'll be dead soon.

And he'll be all alone.


Heather's voice: Hey.

I got you a double espresso.



I just said I got you a double espresso.

Are you all right?

You look like you've just seen a ghost.

God, Cat, you've got to slow down.

You can't keep this up.

No, I can't. We can't.

The more I look at Liam's history, the more scared I am for the Ellingsworths.

He has gone through a lot of trouble to get close to them.

And whatever he's planning, we still have no idea how to stop him.

Yeah, but won't the gem help?

On his beast side, yeah.

But not on his superhuman side.

It's one thing tracking him and figuring out his next move.

It's another, trying to stop him.

You're scared.

No, I'm not...

It's just... things are getting out of control.

And I am not great with "out of control."

Oh, news flash.

And you've got to let go of this whole beast longevity thing, Cat.

You can't do anything about it anyway.

What? I'm not thinking about that.

You're not? Really?


So what's this?


Okay, fine.

I am thinking about it a little.

But none of that will be an issue anyway if Liam kills all of us, so can we get back on point, please?


Vincent: Catherine?

Saved by the beast.

Catherine: Where have you been?

Did you see Liam?

Yeah, more like sensed him.


Whatever he's up to, he's about to make his move.

Not only has he completely embedded himself in the entire family, but he's pretty much taken over completely from Helen's son, too.

But why? If Liam wanted to k*ll them, he already would have.

What's he waiting for?

He wants them to suffer first, or at least know his suffering.

Problem is-- I got no idea when he's gonna strike.

I-I really got to get to work and make an appearance before I lose my job.

Have you thought about, I don't know, contacting Helen and maybe, you know, warning her about Liam?

Are you kidding?

Last time I tried that, Tess barely saved my job.

Besides, what am I gonna say?

That Liam's ancestors abandoned him 150 years ago, and now he wants revenge?

Yeah, it does sound a little ridiculous.

Yeah, a little? Still, it's happening now.

And we have to stop him.

Yeah, without k*lling Liam.

Wait, I'm sorry, what? That's new.

How do you stop a superhuman beast without k*lling him?

I don't know, but we need Liam alive.

Actually, JT needs him alive.

Liam's immune to serum poisoning, so if we can get a sample of his blood, then maybe JT can figure out how to use it to heal himself.

Yeah, it may be his only hope.

Which brings me back to stopping Liam.

I've got an idea.

Okay, all this serum talk, it got me thinking-- what if we do to Liam what Reynolds did to me?

Okay, we capture him with the gem, and then inject him with the same mind-control concoction that your father injected into me.

You mean, erase Liam's memory?

Yeah, how can you have a vendetta when you can't even remember what it was?

Somebody want to catch me up here?

Oh, it's nothing.

It's just that my father erased Vincent's memory and turned him into a beast assassin.

You were in Miami.

The point is-- he made me forget, okay?

And if it wasn't for your sister's love, I-I never would have remembered who I really was.

But Liam, he doesn't have that, right?

He doesn't have that love, so how can he remember?

Well, not since Rebecca dumped him for Alistair, which, by the way, is, like, totally why he k*lled them both.

Vincent: Okay, but Liam's pain, it's-it's more raw.

It's more primal, it-it comes from when the Ellingsworths abandoned him long before that.

If your father can somehow erase his deeper memories, then we can erase his entire drive.

Catherine, if we want to stop Liam without k*lling him, then this is our only hope.

I don't know.

We don't know what my dad's formula was.

He's in prison.

Seems like the longest of long sh*ts.

But it may be our only shot.

Look, if this is the fight we are destined to fight, then so be it, but let's get it the hell over with, okay?

Because I-I don't want to waste any more time risking our lives, our careers, or anything else we care about.

Come on.

I want our happily ever after back.

I got to go.


Don't wait up.

(door closes)

You guys are so cute.

JT: I just hope Cat and Vincent are all right, because I don't like being out of touch with them, especially now.

We've been over this.

There's nothing you can do to help them anyway, okay?

Still, did we really have to drive all the way upstate just for this?

"Just for this," are you kidding?

You've been bitching about never getting the chance to play pro hockey...


...for as long as I've known you.

And now here's your chance to live out your dream.

Come on, thousands of fans would k*ll for a chance at a charity slap shot.

I know, but I really shouldn't be leaving the city right now.

I mean, aside from trying to help with Liam, there's...

Yeah, hold on.


Well, that can wait for a second.

Can you just try to let go?

Enjoy yourself for once?

Announcer: And now entering the arena-- today's charity sh**t-out challenger, give it up for JT Forbes!


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Okay, okay.

Okay, come on, come on, come on.

(horn sounds)


Yes! Yes!

You're late, Detective.

Uh, right.

Sorry, Lieutenant.

I was just working on a case.

Case? There's nothing on the roster.

I was just following a lead.

Actually, I was heading to records right now to interview someone.

Yeah, well, you have a more pressing interview to worry about first.

IA's been waiting for you.

Internal Affairs? Why?

Seems you pissed off the wrong billionaire.

Helen Ellingsworth's brother called the mayor just to complain about you.

Liam's behind this?

Okay, look, this is just a misunderstanding.

If you'll talk to Captain Vargas, then...

Captain's out today.

Unfortunately for you, Hargrove isn't.

Detective Chandler?

If you don't mind.

Were you or were you not told by Captain Vargas not to confront Helen Ellingsworth last week?

Yes, but I just...

But you defied orders and went ahead and did so anyway, didn't you?

Not in an official capacity, no.

Which is why you broke in to her charity event.

I didn't break in, I snuck in.

Okay, I-I didn't really sneak in...

Mrs. Ellingsworth's brother claims you did.

Liam is a liar.

Look, it's complicated, but I have reason to believe that he's not actually her brother.

Which is why you arrested him last week?

No, he wanted me to arrest him-- he set me up.

Which turned out to be a false arrest because he'd been cleared by both the D.A.'s office and the FBI.

He used his connections to clear his name.

He is still the bad guy here.

He is playing them; he is playing everybody.

Fine, so who do you think he really is?


You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

This isn't your first time being investigated by IA, is it, Detective?

You should know, we're opening a formal review of your record, going back over the last three to four years.

Which is exactly what Liam wants.

I'm sorry?

He's playing you, too.

You seem to be taking this very personally, Detective.

You're damn right, I am.

Look, if you want to open a review, fine, call my union rep.

But until then I don't have to take any more of this crap.

So if you'll excuse me, I have a bad guy to stop.

Dr. Keller.


EMS just brought in someone with pleural effusion and possible acute anaphylaxis.

I'm sorry, I'm off the clock.

I-I got to get out of here.

The patient specifically asked for you, Doctor.

VIP, too.

Helen Ellingsworth.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x12 ♪
Sins of the Fathers
Original Air Date on August 27, 2015


Mrs. Ellingsworth?


I'm Dr. Keller.

Ah, Dr. Keller.

Thank you for coming.

Liam's spoken so highly of you.

He, uh, he recommended me, did he?

Yes, he...


Let me get you some water.

Thank you.


You don't know me, Doctor, but I'm a very straightforward person.

So please just tell me straight: am I dying?

Well, I think you probably got here just in time.


Look, Mrs. Ellingsworth, according to your... your blood tests, you have a curiously toxic amount of thallium in your system.



Uh, it was used as an insecticide, uh, but because of its high levels of toxicity, it's been banned for years.

It's also been banned because it's colorless and odorless, making the perfect compound to poison somebody with.


What... what are you suggesting?

Well, I am... I'm suggesting that I think someone is trying to k*ll you.

(laughing): That's absurd, I...

It really is the only explanation.

I'm sorry, but you wanted straightforward, right?


I can see why Liam wanted me to see you.

Well, unfortunately, I don't, Mrs. Ellingsworth.

You see, your brother and I, uh, we're not exactly friends, which makes his intentions suspicious.

I'm sorry.

Are you actually accusing Liam...

Yes, I am.

Of poisoning you, yes, ma'am.

You are wrong, Doctor.

Liam has been falsely persecuted enough, and I won't stand for it anymore. He saved our family.

Only... only to destroy it, ma'am.

And by the looks of it, I think he's starting with you.

Look, I'm sorry to be the bearer of this bad news, and even though your brother thinks I probably can't save your life, I will.

What's the matter? Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

You didn't win that fan sh**t-out today, did you?

What do you mean?

I mean, I know what you're doing.

You're trying to fill my bucket list.

All right, what do you want me to say?

I'm doing nice things for you, Is that a crime?

No, obviously.

It's wonderful.

But it's not what I want to be doing.

Look, I know, I know that you want to help Vincent and Cat, but you can't.

You can't do anything to help them right now, so why don't you just do something for yourself?

Because that's not who I am.

Look, I'm not in denial, okay?

I know this serum poisoning is going to k*ll me unless something miraculous happens.

They're gonna get Liam's blood.

Fine, great, but even if they do, there's no guarantee the healing properties are going to work on me.

Which is why we're doing what we're doing.

But that's not what I want to be doing.

Tess, I love you for what you're doing for me.

I do... but if I don't have much time left, I want to spend it trying to make a difference, trying to help, even if I can't.

You're the one who told me I was saved for a reason when I nearly died last time, but whatever that reason is, I know it's not to bungee jump or skydive on my last days.

Could we just go home, please?


Wait, so he's still alive?

The beast that k*lled Rebecca-- you're sure it's the same one?

JT did a DNA test.

Plus, Heather found a photo of Liam from 1854 when he was engaged to Rebecca.

Yeah, it's him, all right.

You didn't know that beasts could live this long?

Well, I always knew it was a possibility, but it was never relevant to the super soldier program.

Because you didn't expect any of them to survive.

Frankly, that's why I tried to keep you and Vincent apart.

It doesn't matter, I love him.

Sure, it matters; of course it matters.

I mean, you love each other now, and that's great, but, you know, when you're... I don't know, 60 or 70 and Vincent looks the same as he does now, it...

He's gonna be forced to go back into hiding before people realize, and then, meanwhile...

I will become a lonely old lady?

Well, you can forgive me for wanting to spare you that, not to mention all the other beast-related crap you've had to put up with.

Excuse me, I thought you were the one that told me that I was somehow connected to all of this "beast-related crap."

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Does, um... does Liam know that you're related to Rebecca?

I don't think so. Why?

Because if he finds out, God only knows how he's gonna react.

It could trigger some old issues.

Yeah, well, he's got other issues to deal with right now, which is why I'm here.

How did you control Vincent? How did you erase his memory?


It's the only way to stop Liam from hurting anybody else, including the Ellingsworths.

It took me weeks to do that to Vincent-- months.

I only have a few hours.

What formula did you inject him with?

It's not just about the formula, i-it's about knowing how to break somebody down and build them back up into the person you want them to be.

What is the formula?

O-Okay. Okay.

Get me a furlough out of here, I'll do it for you.

I cannot get you a furlough.

You committed a capital offense.

Besides, I am already in enough trouble at work as it is.

You've got to find a way, Catherine.

You can't do this without me.

I have done it without you for my entire life, Dad.

How'd it go with Reynolds?

Like pulling teeth, but I got the formula.

How's Helen?

I've got her on every type of antitoxin I could find.

I'm gonna go check on her right now.

What's wrong?

It's just... it doesn't make sense.

Why would Liam poison Helen and then send her to you, knowing you'll do everything you can to save her?

Yeah, well, maybe it's just a distraction, you know?

To keep me occupied.

Like what he's doing to you with Internal Affairs.

Yeah, but you said yourself that Helen's the key to whatever Liam has planned for the rest of the family, right?

Yeah, separate the alpha from the pack.

Which is why this can't be a distraction and why you have to do everything you can to protect her.

Maybe then she'll finally be open to hearing who Liam really is.

Knock, knock.

Oh, Liam.





How are you feeling?


Worse. I...

I feel worse.

Didn't Dr. Keller come see you?

It's not working, whatever he's doing.

Liam... oh, my dear brother, do me a favor, please.

Don't fight with Scott.

He's a good son.


He only wants what's best for me.

I know.

He can help you oversee the charities, he can look after the family.

I won't need any help with that, because... once you're gone, they'll follow.

All of them, just as I planned.

What are you saying?

It took me decades to get to this point, to finally be in a position to right the wrongs of this family's insidious past... by destroying it.

Your precious fortune was handed down to your grandfather, your father, you... by sinful men and women who abandoned me simply because I was different.

I scared them for no other reason than because my mother had an affair with a monster, but I'm the one who suffered... not her. Not them.

(coughing, monitor beeping frantically)

So, before you die, know this: the Ellingsworth line will end tomorrow, its ill-gotten gain lost forever.

What the hell are you doing here?

I was just visiting my sister.

What, so you can apologize for poisoning her?

Now, why would I do a thing like that?

She's family.

Whatever you've got planned, Liam, it's not going to work, okay?

I will not let you k*ll her.

I know.

I don't have to.

You did it for me.

(alarm whooping)

Nurse! Hurry!
Hey, Heath.

Thank you for coming. Here.

Uh, what is this?

It is the formula my father used on Vincent.

I need every ingredient on that list, and fast.

JT gave me the name of a friend in the chem department at the university-- said that he would help, no questions asked.

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

Cat, what the hell is this?

Catherine: It's a... It's a will.

It's not a big deal.

I'm an adult. Everyone should have one.

I found it online.

At 3:00 in the morning? Yesterday morning?

Right in the middle of trying to stop some superhuman beast?

Cat, come on.

I knew you were scared, but I didn't realize you were this scared.

Listen, Heath, I just... in case something happened to me, I didn't want you and Vincent to be stuck with...

Oh, my God, so you do think that you could die!

Now I'm scared!


Cat, I do not want to lose you.

You are not going to lose me.

At least, hopefully, not anytime soon.

Look, this is gonna sound weird because of all the close calls I've had, but ever since I found out that Vincent may outlive me by... a lot, I've been thinking about it.

About dying?



I mean, it doesn't exactly help that Rebecca was the same age that I am now when Liam k*lled her.

Kind of messes with your head.

Well, don't let it.

Just stay focused, okay?

Because Alistair's death is what messed with Rebecca's head, and that's how she became vulnerable to Liam.

I'll-I'll get the ingredients.

Just... history's not repeating itself, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Wait, meet us at JT's when you've got everything.

That's where his lab stuff is.

Got it.

And burn that damn will, will you?

(cell phone rings)

Oh, no.

(elevator bell dings)

Vincent... are you all right?

Considering I just lost a patient and probably my job, too? Yeah, I'm great.

But it wasn't your fault, was it?

Well, that's debatable, but Liam... definitely set me up.

You know, somehow he manipulated her charts so I wouldn't notice that she would have an allergic reaction to the very treatment that I prescribed.

Okay, then it's not in her chart.

Oh, no, it's in her chart now, believe me. Highlighted, too.

Ferric allergy, which the chief physician pointed out.

Right before he put me on probation.

I don't know.

I told her that I was gonna save her life.

I should've seen it, you know?

I should have seen exactly how he was setting me up.

Even if you could've, Liam would've found a way.

We've always known that whatever he is planning started with Helen, and he's been trying to distract us.

Oh, no, it's not just a distraction.

IA and-and now this?

He's doing everything he can to destroy everything that we worked so hard to get, not to mention our wedding, and we're still no closer to stopping him.

Okay, listen to me.

We have to let go of everything that matters to us.

It's the only way to focus on stopping Liam.

We can't let him mess with our heads.

Otherwise, he's gonna take us out just like he did with Rebecca and Alistair.

We have to focus.

Especially with Helen dead.

It means his plan's already in motion.

You're right.

You're right, but if all we got is your father's formula...

I know, we're gonna need more than that.

A lot more.

Good, you're here.

Did you get everything?

Yeah, but I feel like I should be wearing gloves or something.

You sure you know how to use this stuff?

All I know is that they cause amnesia and that they're supposed to be fast-acting.


Look, Heath.

Things are gonna get pretty dangerous.

You might not want to stay.

Oh, I'm for sure staying. (gasps)


Had to take a detour.

Wait, you...?

Vincent, you broke him out of prison?!

Told you it was gonna get dangerous.



Propofol, please.

Better be nice to me, or I'll dial 911 and bust your ass back into prison.


Catherine: How's it going?

It's getting there. Come on.

We're running out of time, okay?

We got to go get Liam now.

This is not as easy as it looks.

If I don't get this right, it's not gonna work.

So back off!

Dad, we risked a lot breaking you out of prison, so we need to know, is this gonna work?

Well, it worked on him, didn't it?

Do you know how I turned Vincent into an unstoppable assassin? How I controlled him?

Because I made him focus on nothing but the target.

Forget all other emotional distractions.

Including Cat.

Especially Cat.

Catherine: Well, that's not something to be proud of.

It's our emotions that separate us from monsters like Liam.

But they also make us vulnerable to monsters like Liam.

Liam is a primal beast. As soon as he smells blood, the only thing he's thinking about is the hunt.

If you want to take him down, you've got to do the same.

Okay, well, why don't you let us worry about that.

You worry about how you're gonna control him when we get him here.


Go get him.

This will be ready by the time you get back.

Good. Let's go.

What the hell is he doing here?

Tess, I can explain...

Wait, are you wearing my shirt? Please tell me you didn't break him out of prison?

We didn't have a choice.

All right, I have to take him back.

No, wait, Tess, you can't.

Whoa, propofol, scopolamine.

What, what are you making?

Cat, this has gone...

Do you want him to keep k*lling?

Slaughtering innocent people for the next hundred years-- do you want that, too?

We've got to put an end to this.

Okay, I-I got to put an end to this.

My life is over.

And all I have to show for it are the people that I hurt.

Catherine and Vanessa.


But this is a chance to make amends.

To do some good.

To stop another monster from hurting people.

You can take me back to prison afterwards.

I will go willingly.

But I promise you.

You cannot do this without me.

So, please... let me help.

I just don't understand why this has to happen so quickly.

Mom just died.

I'm aware of that.

No, those go down in the crypt.

That's where the service will be held. This way.

Liam? Liam!

The lilies go in front of the lectern, carnations by the easel.

I'm telling you... if we wait until the weekend, we can expect to fill the cathedral.

You think your mother deserves a grander send-off, is that it?

She made such a difference in people's lives.

And, yes, there are princes and presidents who would want to be here.

Sorry, this funeral's for family only.

I want every living member of the Ellingsworth family in this room here, 3:00 sharp.

This funeral starts on time.

Got it?


That's your move?


What the hell did you do?


She did.

Where'd you get that?

Rebecca Reynolds.

My ancestor.


Okay, just pull up his sleeve.


All right, got it.


Is this what happened to you?

Just make sure it works on him as well as it did on me, okay?

Problem is I'm not sure we have enough time.

Tess is at the precinct. She'll hold off the manhunt as long as possible.

That's not what I meant.

I told you... with Vincent, I had weeks to turn him.

Yeah, well, you'd better work fast then.

What are you doing? What is this?

It doesn't matter. You won't remember anyway.

Look, Liam.

Just tell us what your plan is.

And we'll spare you from all of this.

You can't stop me.

Rebecca couldn't, either.

You're evil.

And you're dead.

All of you.

Yeah, well, we'll see about that.

What is this?


That's mine.

A eulogy?


"She was the last matriarch of the Ellingsworth family, the reigning descendant of the man who drove me from my home and left me on the street to die like an animal. And since he can't suffer, Helen did... and now so will you. The end of the family line."

Helen's death was just bait.

To lure the rest of the Ellingsworths to their deaths.

Ah, busted.

Wait, so Liam k*lled Helen so he could k*ll the rest of her family at her funeral?

Helen Ellingsworth's funeral-- when is it?


3:00 today?



Did he just call you Rebecca?

You sure you gave him the right concoction?

He's conflating memory. This is a good thing.

How are you planning to k*ll them? Tell me!

Oh, no, it's too late. It's just past 2:00 already.

We got to get the Ellingsworths out of there now.

Go. We'll stay here and help.

Are you sure you're okay here?

Yeah, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Get his blood work and just get his damn healing power, okay?

Got it.

Her son's not picking up.

Should I call Tess?


No, not until we know what the plan is exactly.

We don't want anyone else getting hurt.



Can you hear me?!


(baby crying)


Are you guys all right?

Can you hear me?!

Is anybody down there?


Yes, please help us!

Get us out of here!

Wait. Wait, why are they still alive?

If Liam wanted them dead, why would he leave enough time for someone to save them?

It's a setup.

He wanted to take us out, too, right?

It's what t*rrorists sometimes do.

Set off a smaller b*mb, lure in the first responders.

So that they can take out everybody.

There's got to be a second expl*sive.

Okay, go, go, find it.

Just hang in there, okay?!

Reynolds: Let's try this again.

You don't know Helen Ellingsworth.

You don't know anybody named Ellingsworth.


Come on, it's working, but I need that syringe.


Do you think it's working?

Well, it worked on Vincent.

I can't find anything.

It's got to be here somewhere.

Think about his M.O., what he did at the hospice bombings.

(baby crying)

Your family didn't abandon you.

You're not an orphan.

You're not a beast.


You don't know Alistair.

You never met him.

He stole her from me.


Why is he still remembering her?

She betrayed me.

No, she didn't.

There never was a Rebecca.

I'm gonna k*ll her.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

I will wipe her and everything she loves from the earth.

Starting with Vincent.

Heather: Wait, is he talking about Alistair and Rebecca or Vincent and Cat?

He thinks they're one and the same.

There's something not right here.

Listen to me.

You don't know Catherine Chandler.

You have never known Catherine Chandler.

I'm going to k*ll her.



Get out of here.


It's not working!

Get her out of here!

Go! Go!



Oh, my God.

Okay, I found it-- what do I do?

Pull the wires!

Which one?

All of them!

Scott: Please help us! Get us out of here!



That was close.

Yeah, too close.

But we did it, right?

We beat him.

What's going on?

Where's my dad?






Come on, give me a break, Inspector.

Of course I want you to drop the case against Detective Chandler-- she was right.

Liam's every bit the monster that she said he was.

The guy just tried to m*ssacre an entire family.


Well, if it's so alleged, then how come he's on the run all of a sudden, huh?


Look, just admit that you guys were wrong.

There was no mistaken identity.

Liam fooled the mayor, the D.A. and you.

Still doesn't explain Detective Chandler's recent track record, which we're only just beginning to look into.

What are you talking about?

Her track record's impeccable.

I should know, I'm her captain.

Unless, of course, IA wants to open an investigation into me, too.

Any idea what happened to her father?

I mean, someone tore the guy to shreds and then moved his body to Central Park.

Are you kidding me right now?

Now you want to hang that on Cat, too?

Still, she's the last one to visit him in prison before somebody broke him out.

So what? She's the one who put him in prison.

I'm just saying we still have a lot of unanswered questions.

You know what? And that's all you have, okay?

So why don't you take your little witch hunt somewhere else so I can get back to finding the real bad guys, like Liam.

(cell phone rings)


Tess: Hey, it's me.


Uh, still fending off the wolves, are you?


How's Heather?

Shaken, obviously, but not as much as Cat is.

Still can't believe Reynolds is gone.

I know.

Still, I mean, at least he died the way he wanted to, you know?

By helping?

He saved you, and you saved Heather.

(sighs) Good thing I didn't go skydiving after all.

Yeah, really good thing.

JT, I'm so sorry.

I just...

Tess, forget it.

We already talked about it.

Besides, I told you, I love you for wanting to give me one last fling.


I'm hoping maybe it might have been a little premature.

What are you talking about?

Actually, I'm not sure yet.

But so far it looks like Liam's healing properties are working.


Yeah, uh, my leukocytes are multiplying like crazy.

Plus I haven't had a nosebleed in a couple hours, so...

JT, that's fantastic.

I-I don't even know what to say.

Say you'll come over and celebrate.

Uh, better hurry, too.

You never know if I'm gonna develop some kind weird superhuman side effects.

(Tess hangs up)

Hello? Hello?

Guess she really wants to come over.

("Come Back for Me" by Jaymes Young playing)

You want the usual?

Just get a glass of what she's having.

Catherine: How'd it go?

(sighs) Well, I-I took him to the park, then called 911 from a burner phone so they'll find him quickly.

Thank you.


You know, Catherine, we didn't have a choice.

I know, it's okay, it had to be done.


We were all walking on thin ice as it is without having to explain what Liam was doing at JT's, let alone what my father was.

I can't help thinking that he would still be alive if we hadn't broken him out of prison.

Come on, you heard him, he wanted to help.

He wanted to make amends, and he did, not just by saving JT and Heather; he ultimately saved the whole Ellingsworth family.

You know, not just for today, but he made Liam forget his entire vendetta against them.

Yeah, but he didn't forget his vendetta against Alistair and-and Rebecca.


And whatever my father's formula did to him made Liam think that we're them.

Come on, it wasn't your father's fault, okay?

He wanted more time.


That subject has been coming up quite a bit lately.

How long you are going to live and how long I am not.

Come on.

I was letting it get to me.

But to be honest, seeing how angry and bitter Liam is without love, I don't know who's worse off, me or you.

Definitely me.

Well, either way, there is nothing that I can do about it.

My father didn't wake up yesterday morning thinking that it would be his last day.

And I doubt that the Ellingsworths thought it could be theirs, either.

You never know.

No, you never know.

But worrying about it, trying to control it, trying to protect everything...

Dad was right.

If we want to have any shot at stopping Liam, we have to let all of it go, all of it.

If we want to have our happily ever after...

Yeah, we got to go through Liam first.

Yeah, now that he's coming after us.

This is it.

This is it.

Hey, for Reynolds.

For Dad.

♪ Tell me, is this love alive?
♪ Tell me now or set me free
♪ Oh, whatever you do, don't come back for me. ♪