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01x01 - Emily the Imaginary Friend/The Lost Girl

Posted: 09/09/11 05:41
by bunniefuu
I was wrong to, think that this was going to be a happy house.

Once we got on to the road, everything changed.

How do you battle something you can't see?

I don't believe in ghosts.

But I do now.

It's not humanly possible.

Mom! Go, go go!

I was going to die that night.

And all I could think was..

My daughter's going to die too?

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday dear Izzie.

Happy Birthday to you.

And these ones.

Our daughter Isabella was a miracle to us.

We lost three pregnancy's. And..

And we didn't think we were going to be parents.

Five-years old.



We'd given up hope, and she came.

Not only did we have our child that we wanted, she was brilliant.

She always was beyond every level that she was supposed to be at that age mark.

I couldn't have asked for anything more.

We decided to buy a house, um..

It was time, the apartment was small.

We knew it was time to buy that house with a white picket fence.

We knew what we were limited to and what our budget was.

And we found a home that was suitable.

We paid for the inspection and so forth.

It came back there was a lot of structural damage, and would cost us a lot of money in years to come.

As we were talking, I saw an older gentleman putting a sign out on his front lawn..

"For Sale By Owner".

It wasn't the house of my dreams, but I saw potential.

I found it odd that they had only been living there a year.

And they were all ready to move, after a year.

The price he was selling the house for was very cheap, in comparison to what the houses were going for on the market at that time.

And he said he would pay all closing costs.

And I said to Brian, we're a young couple, we have a new child.

Let's take this gift and move forward.

Do I wish I would have been forewarned?

Would I have even believed it?

I had to live it.

I had to be a part of it, to believe.

We had plans for Isabella's room.

But first we had to get the color off the walls.

It was this real deep dark red.

I mean dark red.

I actually painted it with gray primer first.

To knock the color out, and it just didn't help.

I mean it just "bled" right back through.

And it literally looked like blood was running down the wall.

It actually took 4 to 5 coats to cover the red in her room.

But she settled in well, my daughter settled in well to the house.

She had her own room and you know, she was very happy..

At first.

I started to notice that she would always wave "bye, bye" to the attic door.

It was a little odd because there was nothing there.

But I wasn't really worried at that point.

I think our daughter has an imaginary friend.

Kids do that, kids have imaginary friends.

Emily, you shouldn't have done that.

It wasn't long after, that I heard her talking and singing.

First I'm thinking she's talking to the dollies, she's playing.

And all the paint is on the carpet, and they painted my room red.

And red's a horrible color.

Who are you talking to, sweetheart?


She spoke of Emily, like Emily was right there in front of us.

Well would Emily like one too?

At the beginning it was fun.

I clearly wasn't thinking it was anything more then an imaginary friend.

But then we began to notice things in our home happening and at the time I blamed my daughter.

I was in the kitchen, Isabella was playing right nearby.

Then all of a sudden..

I just heard something hit the floor and break.

The first thing out of Isabella's mouth was..

"Emily that was bad, that was mommy's."

She just broke a statue and she's going to blame it on Emily.

My reaction was to be in denial but I knew from the look on my daughter's face, Isabella just saw something.

I felt like the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

Emily doesn't like you, mommy.

"Emily doesn't want you here."

What do you answer back to that?

I noticed that Isabella began to change a bit.

She started to spend more time in her bedroom.

I would hear my daughter singing, "Mary had a little lamb" and we never taught that to my daughter.

The way she sang the nursery rhyme it wasn't like she sang other things.

I went on a full investigation of who taught my daughter the nursery rhyme.

And when I questioned Isabella her response was, "mommy, I'm learning."

But she wouldn't tell me who she was learning from.

I'm not the type of person to easily get scared, like I really have to see it.

One of the first times that I felt uncomfortable I was in the bathroom..

And I just kept feeling this sense of being watched.

And I literally felt like a tug at the bottom of my shirt.




All of a sudden, I seen a shadow ricochet of of my bedroom door and sh**t down the hallway.

I thought it was the car lights you know coming the street, shining off the window.

I was like.. "Wait a minute."

We're on the second floor the shades are down..

It wasn't a car.

And I'm thinking to myself, there must be something going on here.

And I really didn't want to say anything to my wife about it yet.

I didn't want to start surmising and make her really scared.

Later on, Isabella came running over to the door.

And she had a horrifying look on her face.

Emily's mommy hurt her in the bathtub.

"Emily's mommy hurt her in the bathtub."

She wouldn't know about a mommy hurting a little girl.

Where is she getting this stuff from?

I could see fear in my daughter.

You have to say goodbye to Emily, okay, Isabella?

This Emily character make her go away.. It's done Isabella, please.

I just felt a sickness in my stomach.

What went from daughters imaginary friend is coming to be a ugly story.

Could she be making this up? And..

If she could be making this up, and these dark things are coming from my daughter.

We need to get her help.

I let Isabella's pediatrician know we've been having some problems.

So you have an imaginary friend? What's her name?


You know she's not real though, just pretend.

She's not pretend.

She wasn't at all taken back or surprised it was normal, it was..

Laurel don't worry about it you know she'll out grow this.

We've have a very rambunctious 5 year old daughter.

She has a personality, that's bigger than life.

And she's okay.

The next day, we didn't hear anything about Emily.

It was normal, it felt great.

Emily you're over. You're done.

The day had been awesome. We had fun, it was relaxing.

We pull in and Brian was coming behind me holding Isabella.

She just got quiet.

It just wasn't possible.

The day had been awesome. We had fun..

We were having a conversation as we were walking in to the door.

She just got quiet.

There was about like 20 pictures in the middle of the floor.

I was speechless, I could not believe what we were seeing.

I mean it was a whole wall full of happiness.

And then it was all off the wall face down.

Like somebody didn't want to see a happy family, they just wanted to see nothing.

I was scared because, I know I didn't do it, I know she didn't do it, and I know that Isabella couldn't reach it to do it.

Something doesn't want us here.

Something might want my daughter.

I wanted to just leave, take everything and go.

Financially, that just wasn't an option at that time.

We were stuck.

And things were getting worse..

I was in the bedroom, one night Isabella ran up to me..

Daddy the white face is in the window.

"The white face is in the window."

What's that?

The white face is in the window..

I seen it. It was just like a blur of a face.

Honey, you wait here.

I saw it and it freaked me out.

I went and checked it out.

And there was literally nothing there.

I never believed in ghosts, but um..

I do now.

The vibe in my home was turning negative, it was turning dark.

Things were happening that were out of my my control.

Hey, Sweetie. Hello.

Let's go.

I needed to make things just brand new for Isabella.

And Brian's mom took her away for a weekend trip.

I had a vision for Isabella's room.

I wanted it to be bright, glowing, soft colors.

So we made one whole wall Wizard Of Oz.

The room was a new thing to all of us.

It was something that we had done and it feel good for a moment in my home.

I phoned Brian's mom, Judy to come over.

Lets go show Nana your room, because I made a surprise for you in there.

Oh my goodness!

I walked in to the bedroom. And said, "Izzie this is so beautiful!"

It looked like Laurel had a professional come in and decorate.

And I was like really proud of Laurel, because she had done such a great job.

Thank you so much for taking care of her.

Oh you're welcome. Good job in there.

I had my mother-in-law's approval too. You know she was delighted.

I almost fell on the floor.

"Isabella, what did you do?"

"What happened? What happened here, Isabella?"

I'd worked so hard.

What happened in here?

I was so angry. What happened?

"Mommy, please, I didn't do this."

Mommy, I didn't do it.

I saw my loved ones..

Being afraid.

And I was in so much denial.

I tried to make them think it wasn't real.


It was real.

When I was laying in my bed, I was thinking that..

Something was watching me, or was what is in the room, what was I going to wake up to, what was going to happen next?

It literally starts to drive you crazy.

It literally starts makes you lose your mind.

It was all coming to a head.

I could see something was wrong.

I was giving her a bath..

And she said, "Nana, can I tell you something?"

Emily told me to go out the window.

She told me it's okay to come out the window and play.

She said she would catch me.

And I said it's not okay to go out the window you could get hurt.

I said, "if you go out the window, you're gonna die."

I knew, I knew then it was a serious problem.

Emily was going to take away somebody that I truly love and needed in my life.

Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.

We could potentially lose this child..

To.. To an unknown.

We had no options, but to make sure our daughter was safe.

I mean I put like 12 screws in each window in her room, to make sure they were secured shut.

To screw shut my daughter's windows.

That's insane, because what if there's a fire in the house, and you know we can't get out, because I've done screwed the windows shut on the second floor.

I wanted to open this house up and bring light in to it.

And now my windows were being nailed shut, so my daughter didn't go out the window.

If my daughter died, I'd have to die too.

Because I can't.. I couldn't do it..

I couldn't do it I couldn't be without my daughter.

I was stuck in my home.

And I didn't know what was going to happen.

I didn't know..

If this Emily..

Was going to take my daughter from me.

Isabella never went near the basement, it was always a no-no, she just wasn't allowed down there.

The door was shut.

I was instantly afraid.

Oh my God!

I was instantly afraid.

Oh my God!

I feared the worst, broken neck, busted head.

Emily pulled me down the steps.

Now, my daughter is telling me..

This Emily person pulled her down the steps.

As much as I was determined not to let this defeat me..

I felt broken at that point.

But it was either..


Or lay back and continue to let this drive me insane.

You want to put your, your fight face on.

But how do you battle something, you can't see?

At this point I'm completely at my wits end.

I went on a crusade to get someone there to take care of my house.

Whether it be blessed, or come in to get evidence.

We got in contact with a medium.

I allowed this medium come in to my home, to do an investigation.

She would get in to a long stare.

Mary had a little lamb..

She sat down.


I heard..

Her sing..

"Mary had a little lamb."

Its fleece was white as snow.

It startled me at first it shocked, it shocked the hell out of me at first.

Because how would she know to hum that, or how would she know that my daughter was singing that.

It came to an immediate stop, and her voice changed.

Get the bibles out. Get the bibles out. Get the bibles out.

Both bibles were taken out of the house.

Get the bibles out. Get the bibles out.

She still insisted, "get the bibles out."

In this voice..

We only had two bibles.

He said there is another Bible.

And I'm like, he?

And she, was like, "yeah, he". And I said well, my daughter talking to Emily not "he."

He's not going to talk to us.

There was a man in my home.

That was preying on my daughter and I felt terrified.

I felt it was a whole different level of anxiety then.

It was a whole different level of fear.

He said there's another Bible.

So we just ransacked my daughter's room.

He said there's another Bible.

Sure enough there was a Bible.

Isabella never showed us the Bible.

And there was no way of this woman knowing it was there.

I believed in everything she was saying after that.
He hates you.

I was terrified.

He hates your daughter.

I was frightened, I was angry.

I had so many emotions, because I didn't know where to start.

There wasn't a solution.

I felt as if whatever my daughter has been speaking to, was now going to prove to me.

"I'm here, I'm real and I'm gonna show you."

Isabella was in bed.

I was in the room by myself..

And I lit candles.

As I turned away..

It went at least 4 to 5 feet.

The red wax looked like blood running down the wall.

Just the way it was hot and you know it cools as it slowly runs.


I was upstairs, I was on the phone with my mother.

She's saying to me, "you've got to get out of that house."

"You have to get out of that house."

I know, I know.. Isabella is just so upset.

Out of the corner of my eye, it was something..

It was so fast.

I don't know..

How to handle this anymore.

Oh my God! Isabella's toy chest just went across the room.

It felt like a ticking b*mb.

We didn't know what was going to happen next.

And I felt terrified.

To know that..

It was getting violent.

Of those who survived now only get a fraction..

And I believe it tried showing itself full force that night.

That night I fell asleep with the TV on.

I knew instantly.

This wasn't my husband.

I knew.

My husband protects me and loves me.

He's never touched me prior to this.

He was possessed by something.

It was an evil..

Evil dark spirit.

It was very shocking.

And I just..

It just wasn't me.

I was scared. I would never hurt my wife.

Brian, Brian, what's going on?

I was against the wall.

It was the look on his face..

A horrifying stare.

He lifted me with one hand..

Grabbed in to my throat.

I was gonna die that night.

And all I could think was, is Isabella gonna die too?

I was gonna die that night.

I got away and I'm getting down my steps.

Which seemed like an eternity.

When I looked back he wasn't running after me.

"Laurel, what are you doing?"

"Laurel, are you okay?"

I saw within an instant..

My husband.

He was back to himself.

It was him, he was just as afraid as I was.

I believe the spirit you know, got a hold of me, because they knew that we knew the truth.

I believe it tried showing its self full force that night.

Of what it could really do.

I remember making it to my dining room and screaming out..

"You've won, it's yours."

It didn't matter I was losing my home.

It didn't matter, as long as I was leaving with my husband and my daughter.

Safe. We were done.

We'd been through enough.

The very next day, I called my Aunt and said she would help.

And I should have called and told her sooner what was going on.

I was just throwing stuff in the car.

I was scared that it was going to attach its self to something.

I just.. I wanted to start over.

I didn't want to take anything out of that house with me.

It was a relief.

Like I felt like the whole world was just lifted of my shoulders.

Like I could breathe again.

We lost a lot, but we walked away a happy, healthy, family.

We're strong.

If somebody told me today that I had to move back in to that house because there was no other option.

I'd go live in the woods somewhere.

I'd go pitch a tent, because not going back in that house.

If somebody offered me a million dollars I wouldn't even go back in that house.

I work for a local newspaper.

I was responsible for covering car wrecks, fires, criminal activity.

As a reporter, I had never witnessed anything paranormal, I never believed in anything like that.

I guess being a typical teenager.

I was always doing stuff to get on her nerves.

My mother asked me to run errands.

Do you want to come in to town with me?

Bonnie, wanna come?


My mom also asked to Bonnie, our exchange student from Pakistan.

Little did I know that was a trick for going to church.

Misty generally would stay in the parking lot and refused to come in.

She just slammed the door and walked in the church without me.

So I turned the music all the way up.

Rolled down the windows, put my feet on the dashboard.

I waited in the car for about an hour.

Once we..

Got on to the road..

I remember it like, it just seemed like everything changed.

It was a straight road.

All the way to our house.

You know, it's a desolate road.

By this time, the sun had started setting.

I was getting kinda nervous because I don't like driving at night, I can't see that well at night.

But I drive like a little granny.

I hold my hands up like this and drive straight ahead.

And I don't look either side.

We were going about 50, 55 miles an hour and when I turned and looked at my mom..

I saw a little movement on the side of the road.

As we passed, it looked like a child.

I was..

Just had that overwhelming feeling that something was not right.

Mom, I just saw a little girl.

You know, I knew there was someone there.

And I had to get her to believe me and turn around.

You should turn around.

She finally said you know, you better not be lying to me.

I wanted to pacify Misty and..

Let her prove to me that there was a little girl on the side of the road.

My mom has trouble seeing at night to drive, so she's very unhappy that we are still out with is being so dark.

So where was she?

We went about a half a mile.

Oh my gosh, mom, that's her.

There she is.

Okay, there she is.

It wasn't a little girl it was a teenager.

And she was sitting with her knees up..


I guess we went about 50 yards past her, and then we turned around again.

And we don't see her.. At all.

She was right there.

You think she left? Where would she have gone?

Well, Misty got frightened.

She said that there was no way you know, that she wouldn't be there.

I don't know, mom, she was right there though.

I'm really freaked out right now.

We were going 5 miles an hour.

And we don't see her.

I just thought maybe she walked through the woods or, walked somewhere in the area.

I don't know where she would have gone.

So we just kept going.

We're picking up speed.

And my mom was actually trying get home pretty fast.

We continued on probably maybe 2 to 3 miles.

I look up and..

Mom, that's her!

I see her in the headlights.

How could she get that far?

It's not humanly possible..

To make it that far up the road, and not be seen.

Please don't stop.

I know it's her. I see her.

And I..

I like get sick to my stomach.

Don't stop. Please don't stop. Please don't stop.

Just go. Just keep going, and..

My mom says.. "No, she may need help."

So I just, I hit the floor.

Mom, I'm asking you. Please mom. Please.

I put myself in a fetal position.

Please don't stop.

I knew something was going to happen, I just didn't know what.

And I didn't want to see it.

My whole focus was to offer her a phone to call somebody to come pick her up.

Misty, roll down the window.

Misty, please roll down the window.


My mom wants me to roll down the window.

Mom, no.

She just refused.

I thought Misty was overreacting.

I thought it was dark.


My eyes were shut.. You know I closed my eyes really tight and I put my hands over my ears.

And I was balled up and I could feel my mom..

And she's rolling down the window.

And I can hear the squeaking of the window going down.

And she only turns the knob three times.

You know, and you can..

You can hear it going down and being just turning and..

That dread it's very quiet except for the squeaking of the window.


I hear.. I hear her say..

Hey, are you okay?

That dread..

Hey, are you okay?

And there was no face what so ever.

It was hollow.

It was completely..

Everything was gone.

She had no face!

She had no face!

It was the most terrifying, horrifying thing I've ever seen.

We were home in 2 minutes.

We all practically ran over each other to get in to the front door.

Once I dialed 911 I felt..

Embarrassed to say that I saw a hollow face on 136.

So I just told them that I think somebody needs assistance.

There was a cross and that's where an accident took place.

That actually a girl from my school..

Was k*lled on that road.

I feel that it's her..

Grieving for the life that she lost.