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03x09 - The Wolf Pack

Posted: 08/09/13 14:01
by bunniefuu
I don't know what we saw that night.

But whatever it was in front of me was real.

Go. Go. Go. Go! Go! Go! Go!

[Creature snarling]

We are literally hostages in this house.

I don't have my g*ns.

Well, what are we gonna do?

I'm thinking.

I can't protect my family.



Take this.

[Creature snarling] [Kettle whistling]

I was petrified.

[Glass shatters]


Werewolf; A mythological or folkloric human with the ability to morph into a 'wolf-like' creature.

The reports of its appearance are remarkably consistent.

Body of a bear, but the head was a wolf head...

7, 8 feet tall.

With large muzzle.

I was scared out of my mind.

Was not something I've ever seen before.

[Haunting music]


When we moved to Palmyra, it was a very difficult time in our life.

Eric had gotten injured at the job that he had worked at.

Do you need your pillow, honey?

I worked for a local paper mill for over 20 years.

I was working on a piece of machinery, and I ended up blowing some disks in my back.

And from that, I was unable to do work anymore.

Chelsea, get Eric his pillow.

Stop it, Shelley, okay?

I'm fine.

Palmyra was definitely not my first choice of a town to be in, but I had taken a new job so I could be closer to home to take care of him.

And it was...

It was a life change for us.

I found the farm in a local paper, and it talked about the fields and all the property.

The farm was beautiful.

It was older, but there was plenty of room.

It definitely felt secluded.

It was surrounded by woods entirely.

[Horse neighs]

The woods were very, very dense.

So what do you think?

Chelsea was living with us, my daughter.

She was 17 at the time.

School was just finishing, and we had about two weeks left, and...

We still had all the exams going on, so, you know, having to move all of my things was just... was difficult.

Hey, Mister.

Eric comes from a long line of hunters.

And the g*ns have always been a bone of contention between us.

Where you think you're going with those?

I'm just gonna put them...

Uh uh.

All right.

And my family has always hunted, and I've hunted pretty much everything that they allow us to hunt in the state of Maine.

[g*ns clicking]

And I love it. [g*n clicking]

Eric has a fairly extensive collection of g*ns.

I don't like them in the house.

I was just afraid with having children in the house, and I didn't want them there.

Shelley decided that the g*ns could be out in the barn.

My son, Sean, came over, and we decided to build a strongbox.


And it was just made out of wood. It was more like a...

Like, kind of like a boot box with a lock on it, you know, kind of crude.


It ended up being a lot heavier than we...

Than we imagined, you know, having to lift it up.

And dad was disabled, so I was worried about him.

Dad. I got this.

So Sean put the box up into the loft area.

[Box thuds]

We didn't want anybody stumbling onto it and being able to get in and take my g*ns.

[Soft twangy guitar music playing]

Here you go.


My wife, Shelley, and I, we'd sit on the porch each night and have coffee.

It became a ritual. Every evening, we'd try to do that if it wasn't too cold out.

It was really important to keep our sanity and keep things together at that point.

♪ The home used to know.

♪ Sure looks different today.

What is that?

One of the nights that we were sitting out there, we noticed something.

I have no idea.

We saw some strange lights down in the trees.

And it wasn't a flash of light.

It was like a pulsating light.

It would get really strong, and it would come on.

And then it would go off.

And then it would go back on again.

What the heck is that?

We had never seen this type of light before.


It seemed to change.

My son, Sean, came over to the house.


And he could see the lights.

At first, I think, it was just a flashlight-sized way off in the distant in the corner of the field.

But it seemed like the more we noticed it, the more it started changing and moving around.

Poacher, maybe?


Only one way to find out.

This wasn't an airplane, a helicopter.

This wasn't from a vehicle behind there, because it was all dense woods.

I absolutely 100%...

Felt it was unnatural.

As we approached the woods, you couldn't see the light anymore.

Which was very odd.

But we definitely needed to go down and find out what it was.

[Crickets chirping, underbrush rustling]

The woods out back have a lot of shadows.

And the limbs hang way down.

So it's pretty creepy.

[Crickets chirping, underbrush rustling]

[Branch cracks]

Once in a while, we'd step on a branch, and we'd both just freeze.

And you could hear that just echo.

And then nothing moved or nothing ran.

[Whispering] Okay.

You go that way. Turn your flashlight off.

Are you serious?

Dad decided that we should split up so that if there was a poacher there, I could sneak up on him so we could surprise him.

Trust me.

Go on.

Now I was on my own.

And I remember...

I remember that feeling.

I could feel things. I could smell. I could think.

And the feeling that came over me was...

Something beyond any fear that I've had hunting before.

It was weird.

[Branch cracks]

Something was out there.

Something was to the left of me.

[Underbrush rustling]

But then it disappeared, and there was nothing, nothing anywhere.

[Crickets chirping]

[Branch cracks]

Everything was still, and you could've heard a pin drop.


We heard absolutely nothing.

Once we had, you know, decided there wasn't a thr*at, we turned our lights back on and looked for tracks.


We couldn't find any signs of anybody being in there.

There were no tracks.

There were no... any indication that anybody had been in there.

I thought maybe I was mad.

[Birds chirping]




Chelsea's boyfriend, Nathan, would often come spend weekends with us.

I was dating Chelsea at the time. We'd been together for about six months.

I had signed up for the Army.

Mom, we're going.

I was just trying to spend as much time with her as possible.

Okay, come on, guys.

We decided to go for a walk just to see if the woods had anything to offer.

[Dogs barking]

We had just come out of winter, and Maine winters are usually very bleak and gray, so we were enjoying the sunlight.

And it was just gorgeous outside.

The woods were great, we could take the dogs out, and we just kind of let them loose.

Here you go, boy.

[Dogs barking]

Of course, they went straight for the trees.

Jasper, Briggs.


The dogs were running out ahead of us.

[Dogs barking]

It seemed like they caught the scent of something.

[Dogs barking]

The dogs stopped.

Hey, guys.

And that's when we came up on something strange.

Come here, guys. What are you doing?

Come here, puppies.

What are you doing there, pups?


We got a little bit closer, and that's... that's where we found a hole.

What on Earth?

Come on.


Come on, Jasper. Come on, Briggs.

We kept the dogs away. We didn't want the dogs to fall in.

Come here, Jasper. Come here, Briggs.

Nathan, don't, please.

It was just odd how round this hole was.

It seemed as though it had been dug with care.

It looked like it had been done by hand, either by a human or an animal.

Nate, let's go.

I felt like it was time to go.

I just had a bad feeling.

[Dogs barking]

Please, Nathan, let's go.

Nate. [Branch cracks]

[Wings fluttering]

Nate, please, let's go.

Yeah, okay.

Come on, guys. Let's go.

[Creature growling]

It was memorial holiday weekend.

It's stuffy in here, honey.

[Window creaks]

Chelsea had gone upstairs and gone to bed.

She had had a very long day.

Okay, sleep tight.

Night, mom.

It was fairly cold outside, not very foggy, but it was misty.

[Slow music playing]

This particular night, it was really quiet.

You couldn't hear a lot of the animals that you'd normally hear.

No deer tonight.


No sheep, no horses, no cows.

There wasn't anything like that.

And so I actually got up.

I grabbed my flashlight, and I started looking in the field.

It was very quiet out there...

Unusually quiet.


♪ What I'd been missin'.

♪ Until I met you.

♪ Baby...

Bob called earlier.

I told him you'd give him a call tomorrow.

After Shelley had put the light down...

I got this feeling...

Head down the coast, so that would be really nice.

[Distorted speech]

I didn't know what it was.

You could call it a hunter's instinct, but I knew that there was danger.

[Distorted music and speech]

I felt it, and I felt it strong.

We need to go in the house.

And he grabbed me by my shirt. He just kept saying...

We need to go in the house now.

And I said, well, why?

I don't know. I don't know.

Don't just grab me like that.

Come on, you got...

What's got into you? What's the matter?

I could tell that he had some fear, and he had no reason... he had nothing to show me why.

I just knew that I had to get Shelley in the house, get her to safety.

What's got into you? [Underbrush rustling]

And all of a sudden, I could hear rustling.

[Underbrush rustling]


There was three sets of eyes looking back at us.

[Creatures growling]

Fluorescent, almost.

[Branch cracks]

There was another one.

I said, Shelley, look over there. Shine the light.

And there was another one.

That made five.

[Creatures snarling and growling]

It appeared that they were mad and wanted to come at us.

[Creatures snarling and growling]

Go. Go. Go. Go! Go! Go! Go!

[Creatures snarling]

[Creatures snarling]

What are those things?

What... what the hell are they?

I don't know.

The first thing she does is put the light against the screen.

[Creatures snarling]

So I had to take a hold of her again and get her to move back away.

But I wanted to look at them.

Shelley, don't.

I wanted this to make sense. I wanted to know what I was looking at.

It was surreal. It was like you were having a dream, a nightmare.

I need my g*ns.

Oh, don't start, Eric.

That's why people keep g*ns in the house.

I had never seen anything that looked like this.

It was clearly not a bear, but it was huge and dangerous-looking.

Well, what are we gonna do?

I'm thinking.

He felt very helpless because he didn't have a w*apon.

I didn't know that we were safe in the house.

I know if I had those g*ns, we'd be safer.

I knew that.

I'm gonna go check on Chelsea.

I'm gonna get my g*ns.

Forget about it.

Don't go outside.

Please, Eric.

We didn't know what they were.

We didn't know what they were capable of.

Why would either one of us go back outside?

So I said, okay, and she went up.

My daughter was upstairs sleeping.


I needed to make sure she was safe and that we could see what was going on outside.

[Whispering] Chelsea, wake up.

I shook her and shook her and shook her, and, of course, she was irritable...

And, what? What? What?

My mom was like, get up. Get up. You have to see this.

Come on, you have to see what these things are.

She almost looked troubled.

She was anxious, just very anxious to show me something out of the window.

[Whispering] Down there.

You see them?


I mean, of course I was interested.

I was... I was still sleeping, you know. I mean, I was still half asleep, so...

I didn't really make too much of it.

Don't you think you want to stay up?

And I'm like, let me know what happens in the morning. [Laughs]

And she laid back down in her bed.

I'm not sure it really registered...

Properly, what she was looking at.

They were all still there, all five of them.

They were in a crouched position.

Then one of 'em stood right up on their hind feet and looked right up at me.

They were massive.

I was shocked.

It was beyond...

It was almost too much for your brain to process.

It was... it was astonishing.

I was downstairs on my own.

I had a bunch of things going on in my head.

Here we are in a dangerous situation.

And I can't do what I'm supposed to do.

And that's protect my family.

I looked out the window, and I could see that they were off a little bit in the distance.

And I thought, could we leave?

If I could get in the vehicle, perhaps I could get it backed up to the house.

And I could get Shelley and Chelsea out of harm's way.

So I had to make a decision.


I went around and tried to shut all the windows.

Did I worry if they were in the house?

[Lock clicks]

Jasper, Briggs.

It started to dawn on me that I hadn't heard the dogs bark.

I hadn't seen the dogs.

Something was going on.

I got outside onto the porch, and from what I could see, some of 'em, they were down over the hill.

And now I had 25, 30 feet to be able to get in the car to back it up to the house.

I wasn't able to go very fast because of my injury.

And I was scared, really scared.

That 20 feet was gonna be the longest 20 feet that I ever walked.

[Whispering] Jasper.


I started going from room to room, calling both dogs' names.

Very strange for them not to come.

[Whispering] Jasper.


[Soft fluttering]

I felt the vibration.

I heard the scurrying.

[Soft scraping]

I didn't know what the source was.

[Door creaking]

[Breathing heavily]

[Dogs whimpering]

These hunting dogs, they were hiding.

They knew something was not right, and they were scared.


So that was a big concern for me too.

I kept my eye right on 'em all the time...


Even though I was hurting pretty bad.


[Keys jingling]

I finally got on the other side of the vehicles.

And I was fumbling trying to get into the door.

[Keys jingling]



What the hell?

Everything lit up.

I felt very exposed.

I felt very exposed.

It scared the [Bleep] out of me.

And I... and I felt very vulnerable.


[Creatures growling]

[Creature roaring]


All of a sudden, there's one right there.

[Creature growling and snarling]

And I looked at him.

He looked at me.

I thought for sure he was gonna come at me.

[Creature growling]

And then he kind of froze.

[Creature growling]

Then he bolted.


I knew using the vehicle wasn't gonna be an option.



[Whispering] Eric.

I had absolutely no idea that Eric had gone outside...

Did not feel safe, had absolutely no idea where he was in the house.


[Whispering] Eric.

[Door creaks]

You went outside?

I remember telling him how stupid it was.

What were you thinking?

I thought I could get to the truck.

And I said, that isn't even the point.

The point is, you shouldn't have opened up the door in the first place, and we're in here, and if something happens to you...

What would I do then and Chelsea...

We're screwed.

I'm sorry.


We talked about what we were gonna do next.

We... you know, we have to do something.

These things are dangerous.

Let's call 911...

And let someone else drive in.



It would've even sounded unreal to me.

Hello, yes. [Sighs]

There are some things trying to get into our house.

I had a feeling that the police officer wouldn't take us serious.

No, they're not bears.

He asked me if it was a moose.


He asked me if it was a dog.

No, they're something else. I don't know what they are.

They're really, really big. They're like...

7 to 8 feet tall.

No, you're not listening to me.


Well, what would you like us to do?

And he said, make sure your windows are closed, and lock your doors.

These creatures can come through my wall if they want to get in.


No. You're not listening to me.

The police officer, he was thinking that we were mistaken, and that they were a harmless animal.

Please, you have to send someone out. Look...

He couldn't have been more wrong.

[Dial tone humming]



[Line beeping]

The minute the phone call was disconnected, I knew.

I knew that nobody was gonna come help us.

We were on our own now.

Any plans that we made to protect ourselves was gonna be our ideas.

I could feel it, and Eric knew it too.

We are literally hostages in this house.

We cannot leave this property.

I knew at this point that Eric was scared.

And if he was scared, there was a good reason to be worried.

Shelley had gone back upstairs, and I was downstairs by myself.


The whole situation just really frustrated me.

It just seemed to be a nightmare that didn't end.

Here we are in a situation where we don't even have anything to protect ourselves.

And... and I was extremely frustrated, and I was upset.

But then I uh...

Then I realized these things stay away from the light.

I don't know if they can't be in it. I don't know if it hurts their eyes.

I don't know what the reason is.

But all of a sudden, we've got something that we can use if we need to.

Maybe we can keep these things away from us.

So I made a decision that...

Even though I was hurting pretty bad.

I was gonna at least attempt to get out to that barn.

And see if I could get one of the g*ns.

I felt it would be best to keep this from Shelley because, I think that it would've been more stressful to her to know.

And I didn't want that.


I knew that as soon as I got out there, I would have to trip that garage light.


Come on.

I was walking very slowly. I was in a lot of pain at that time.

And I just wanted the light to come on.

[Creatures growling]

All the eyes were looking at me.

Part of 'em were going off to my left.

[Creatures growling]

Part of 'em were going off to my right.

[Creatures growling]

And they looked like they were gonna pounce.

[Creatures growling]

I realized that this is a hunting mode.

This is a way they would take down an animal.

And I realized I was that animal.

I knew at that point, I better get out of there, and I better get out of there now.

But there was a danger that when I moved out of the sensor, that light would go out and I'd lose my protection.

So the amount of time I had to get to the porch was very, very short.

[Creatures growling and snarling]

[Creatures growling]

All of a sudden, I heard them coming.

I'm thinking to myself... and I'm not daring to speak. I'm thinking...

Oh, my gosh. They're right outside our house.

[Door rattling]

It wasn't that I thought that these creatures could turn doorknobs so much as just bash through a door, just push right through it, kick it.

However they wanted to get in...

[Whispering] Eric.

They would get into the house.


His face had a mixture of...


And anxiety.

The hair was up on the back of his neck, and he was trying to keep it together.

But what do you do? What does anyone do?

I don't think anyone can honestly answer that until they're in that situation.

Our options had run out.

We weren't going to be able to get in the truck.

We weren't going to be able to get the g*ns up in the barn.

The police weren't coming.

There wasn't anything else that we could do.

What are we going to do?

I don't know of anything that's any stronger bond than that of a dad protecting his family.

Protecting my wife, protecting my daughter, Chels...

Was my number one concern during the whole night.

And whatever I had to do, I would do it.

I briskly went to Chelsea's bedroom, and I said, look.

You need to get up, and you have to get up now.

Chelsea, get that light.

We felt like we needed to lock ourselves in.

Here, take this.

And we definitely felt like we were hostages in our own home.

And that these creatures had us c*ptive.

Our only friend at that point becomes daylight, hopefully, and that's not even 100%.

But we didn't have a choice.

I mean, we just laid on top of our bed...

And waited for daybreak to come.

It's okay. We're gonna be fine.

Then we just sat there for the longest time.

It was very quiet.

And... and that itself was sort of disturbing.

[Creatures growling]

And then...

[Footsteps thudding]

We could clearly hear something outside.

[Loud thud]

We realized they were just outside of the wall.

Oh, my God.

And the only thing between us and them...

Was a window.

I was petrified.

And I could hear...


Like, a real guttural low sound, a growl.

[Creatures growling]

When I squeezed her hand, there was a tremble.

She was very scared.

It's okay.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I just tried to reassure her that we were gonna be okay.

And that Chelsea would be okay and we'd get through this.

But if I was being honest...

There was definitely the thought of that the end could come tonight.

[Creatures growling]

[Breathing heavily]

[Birds chirping]

[Creature growling]

[Glass shatters]

[Birds chirping]

[Creature growling]

[Glass shatters]

[Gasps and screams]

Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. It's just a dream.

It's just a dream. Calm down.

Calm down. [Breathing heavily]

It was such a relief when light came.

It was... it was like...

[Inhales and exhales sharply]

Letting go of a breath that you've been holding literally the entire night.

They were gone.

[Birds chirping]

Sean knows that I wouldn't lie to him.

He knows I wouldn't fabricate a story.

And he heard the way I was explaining it to him.

He realized that I was upset.

You all right?

Hey, dad, hey.

And he offered, you know, to come over.

So we walked around and started looking for tracks, looking for anything we could find...

That we could tell what these things were.

And we found a number of tracks.

Obviously they weren't a four-legged creature.

They... they didn't have to be on four legs.

These are huge claws. Look at the size of that.

They could stand right up and walk on two feet.

There was a lot of telltale evidence.

Clearly they were hunting in a methodical way.

They were stalking.

And then you're dealing with, what just happened last night?

What was that?

I just hadn't seen anything like it.

I have no idea.

Several people reported seeing mysterious lights that some say precede creature sightings.

A map of both locality's overlaps almost exactly with hot spots of Manimal sightings.

Can the folklore be true? Do werewolf's really exist?

I have no idea. I can't answer that for you.

I don't know what we saw.

And if I was to say I'd be guessing.

But it was huge.

It was powerful.

And there's no doubt in my mind, if it had wanted to, it could have k*lled us.

I wonder if we disturbed something, we touched something that we weren't supposed to.

Maybe we discovered something perhaps...

Maybe they were warning us.

Stay away.