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03x14 - Through The Eyes Of A k*ller

Posted: 09/20/13 02:48
by bunniefuu
Land soaks up trauma.

I got this flashing vision.

It spelled out bloody m*rder.

[Woman screams]

I had never experienced anything like this.

There was this beast on this Earth.

There was a huge sense of urgency.

We knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this guy was gonna strike again.

Somebody help!

The clock was ticking.

Amie Hoffman went missing on November 23, 1982.

Back in 1982, I was Commander of Investigations of the Parsippany Police Department.

Amie Hoffman was a resident of our town.

We had found Amie's car, and her pocketbook was left on the front seat.

The driver's door was left open.

We didn't know whether she was abducted.

We didn't know whether she ran away.

We just didn't know the reason why she was missing.

It was a couple of nights before Thanksgiving, and I was preparing for Thanksgiving dinner.

[Children laughing]

Give that back to your sister right now!

I was recently separated.

At the time, my son was 8 and my daughter, 13.

I was busy. I had a very busy life.

Give it back to your sister!

[Timer buzzing]


[Phone rings]

[Dark musical flourish]

[Phone ringing]

When the phone rang, I had this sensation of...

Almost like, you know, when you...

You feel the hair rise on the back of your neck.

[Phone ringing]

I don't really know if the term psychic...

If it's an appropriate term.

[Phone rings]

Other people labeled it in a variety of ways.

My Mother called me a witch.

[Phone ringing, children laughing]

The best way I can sum it up...

It is very much like my regular senses turned up high.

I thought of it as intuition.

And sometimes... such powerful intuition... I cannot stop anything.

I'm not in control of it at all.

[Discordant musical flourish]

Back in the corner of my mind, I had a vague impression that I didn't want to look at.

[Phone ringing]



I'm so sorry to bother you.

My daughter's best friend, Amie Hoffman...

She's missing.

She said, can you find Amie?

I've heard about your abilities, and we're just going crazy here.

Please, can you at least try?

She was so desperate to be told everything would be okay.

It would just make us feel so much better if you could just tell us she was okay...

[Dissonant music]

[Unsettling music]

Look, I'm... I'm... I'm so sorry.

I said, why don't you please just either call the family or the police involved...

And give them my name.

She said, yes, okay, I will.

I believed Amie was dead, and I prayed that I was wrong.

Amie Hoffman's body was found in the neighboring town of Randolph.

It was a brutal, brutal m*rder.

I felt so, so sorry for this young girl.

Amie was a high school senior.

She was a cheerleader.

Very popular girl.

Doesn't matter whether you're a police officer or just an average Joe citizen; You take it to heart.

I wanted to get this k*ller right from the get-go.

Guys, come on. Hurry up.

Bus is gonna be here any minute, and I don't want you to be late again.

[Disturbed music]


My heart sunk.

I had so wished I was wrong.

In the article, it was very clearly stated that she wasn't r*ped.

[Dissonant music]

The vision I had was the word r*ped.

My vision didn't match the article, not at all.

[Engine idling]

I was a young Detective at the time.

I'd probably been in the Detective Bureau for about a year.

I had met Nancy in Mount Olive township, and she'd worked with us in the past as a psychic.

But this was purely a social call.

Do you know what's in this newspaper is a lie?

I'm like, what are you talking about?

Both: Why are they lying? Do you want some coffee?


You know?

I don't understand it, Bill. They got it all wrong.

What do you mean?

Nancy says, the newspaper article says that there's no sexual as*ault indicated here.

She was definitely r*ped, Bill.

Bill, I can see it like it's right in front of my face.

I said, Bill, he's gonna do it again.

The m*rder investigation of Amie Hoffman really took off.

They decided to form a task force.

Amie Hoffman's abandoned car was found in the parking lot of the Morris County Mall.

And there was a palpable buzz.

You could feel the sense of urgency and tension in the room.

A witness saw a green, maybe a blue sedan, possibly a Chevy.

The suspect is thought to be male, Caucasian...

There was very, very little...

A very vague descriptor of the car, very vague descriptor of the attacker.

There are multiple s*ab wounds.

The autopsy indicates she was r*ped.

The light bulb goes off in the back of my head.

I'm saying to myself, well, gee, that's what Nancy told me.

Maybe she can help us.

Okay, that's it.

The lead investigator told us all to partner up.

I got to find somebody that's willing to sit down with Nancy.

So I'm looking across the room, and I see Jimmy Moore.

Been a cop for 25 years. He's a Captain.

I know he's seen it all.

Captain Moore.

Detective Bill Hughes, Mount Olive.

And I looked at him, and he was young. He was in his mid 20s, I guess.

I really want to make a difference in this case.

And I think I can learn a lot from you.

You... you know I'm a Captain.

He's thinking, we got the biggest m*rder investigation in the County in years, and he wants to partner with me?

Just give me a chance.

So I said, yeah. I said, that's fine, if you want to work with me.

I'll work with you.

You won't regret it, Sir.

[Siren blips]

We go out to the car, out to my car specifically.

Jim figures he has a driver now. He doesn't have to do his own driving.

Jim's telling me what he knows, which isn't much.

Not much is an understatement.

We didn't know where to look, what to look at, who to look at.

And I'm thinking to myself, how in the hell am I gonna approach Jim with using a psychic?

Hey, Cap...

And I figured he was gonna bite my head off.

What do you think of psychics?

Not much.

I thought, basically, it's a lot of mumbo jumbo.


[Knock on door]

Nancy, this is Captain Moore.

Hi, Nancy.

She just seemed like a normal person to me.

She didn't have a crystal ball, or she wasn't carrying on or gazing up into the sky or anything.

I want you to tell Jim exactly what you told me about Amie Hoffman's m*rder.

[Clears throat]

She was...

She was knifed all over.

She was r*ped.

Nobody... no one other than the lead detectives in this case knew...

That Amie was sexually assaulted. We kept, purposefully kept that out of the media.

I wasn't sure...

Was it a guess on her part, or did she really see this?

I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

And I thought, I can't read him.

I would hate to play poker with that guy.

There was a little bit of a silence there for a couple seconds.

I said, Nancy. I says, how do you feel about taking a ride with us?

I said, listen, you need to understand something.

You cannot tell me anything about the case.

I need to work completely cold.

I can't make any assumptions, and I don't want to try and get answers to fit what you say.

I'll give you what I see, nothing more.

All right.

I thought that was a good sign, and I hadn't planned on telling her anything about the case anyway.

[Dramatic music]

Call it psychic abilities. It's just a word.

Gifts... absolutely.

I have a lot of different gifts that we call paranormal.

[Tires squeal]

I've learned how to honor and respect them, and I've learned that they're only gifts when you serve with a good purpose.

The first place we took Nancy was to the Hanover Mall, where Amie Hoffman had been abducted from.

And we didn't tell Nancy why we were going there.

It's a huge mall.

So Jim, being cagey as he is, he doesn't want to take Nancy right to the spot.

Yeah, just... just keep going straight through here.

And Nancy's saying, no, no, no, no.

Go that way. Go that way.

Sure enough we're going in the right direction.

Go that way.

It's here. Stop the car.

There was one area that felt like...

It was alive with energy, like a magnetic pull.

The energy of trauma.

She'll hold her hands out and just kind of feel around.

Bill and I just stood there. We didn't say anything to her.

We didn't offer her anything.

[Dark music]

And I pointed and said, here's the area.

This is where she was abducted from.

And I heard Jim mumble under his breath, that's amazing.

This is a huge mall, close to 1,000 parking spaces in it.

There is absolutely no way Nancy could have known where to go.


I was quite impressed.

But I didn't let her know that.

All traumatic events...

Contain a different kind of energy.

And within that are details.

I see a green car.

The witnesses had told us they saw a man sitting in a green Chevrolet near Amie's car before the abduction.

None of this information had been released to the public at this point.

And here. Here's another car.

[Woman screaming disjointedly]

I got this...

Flashing vision, and it happened so fast.

So I stood there and went into that vision.

There's a car.

There's a woman opening it up.

A man gets get out of the green car.

I can't really make out a face or anything.

I see this Kn*fe.

[Man growls]

[Woman screams]

And I see him grab her...

[Muffled yelping]

[Dramatic music]

He's dragging her back to his car.

And throw her in the seat and close the door.

He's driving.

[Tires squealing]

These visions occurred as if I had a camera.

And I could replay that video.

And the movie starts again.

And she's opening the door, and he's coming, running around.

She goes into great detail.

She had a purse. She leaves it on the front seat.

[Woman screams]

Her door's open... of her car.

That's exactly how the car was found. The car was found with the door left open.

The car was found with the purse on the front seat.

He drags her back.

I can't make out his face.

And I see, after he pulls away...

There were three taillights at the rear.

And I thought, very important to remember.

Specifically what the witness saw was a green Chevy sedan.

Noted for those three taillights across the back.


That vehicle description had not been released to the public at that point.

To me, it was just totally amazing. It was just... it blew me away.

My heart was racing.

I could imagine what she was going through.

I mean, she was a child, actually, 17, I think, so...

The next place that we take Nancy is gonna be the m*rder scene.

[Unsettling music]

She knows we're taking her someplace of significance, and she doesn't know what happened there.

So I'm looking in the mirror, and she's becoming more and more distressed.

I felt overwhelmed.

And I knew that we were heading to a site of m*rder.

[Dark music]

It was like I was listening to commands inside.

Walk here.

Slow down. Walk this way.

And then all of a sudden, she stopped.

[Woman screams]

She knew exactly where to take us.

There were no footprints. There was no police tape, no signs.

No paint on the ground... nothing.

This particular area was so congealed...

Heavy, heavy...

[Metal tinkling]

Soaked with metallic, spiky, needle, Kn*fe...


Thick as water, hard to move through.

Land soaks up trauma and holds it.

The air around holds it.

It was so congealed; It was...

As if it spelled out bloody m*rder.


This is where it happened.

I just stayed very quiet until I felt I could hear her...

[Indistinct sobbing]

Cries for help.


Please let me go.


I can hear her...

[Indistinct sobbing]

Pleading with him.

Please let me go.



She was absolutely distraught and appeared to be in a lot of pain.

He's showing her a Kn*fe.

And suddenly, I could feel his...

Absolute delight at doing what he did.

He's enjoying it.



Oh, this poor girl.



I suddenly get a sharp pain and know he cut her body.

It was... it was somewhat emotional.

It's just like watching the crime be committed in front of you, and there's nothing you can do about it.

And the brutality was enormous.




[Solemn music]

He's stabbing her after she's dead!

Forensic evidence showed that there were postmortem wounds to her body.

How did Nancy know that Amie was cut after death?

No one knew that.

I needed to find concrete facts.

I needed to find something that the police could do something with.


I see him.

Around 6 feet tall.

Dark hair.

Slim face, slim body.

About 6 feet. Skinny guy.

[Thrilling music swelling]

I was awestruck.


Going back to the car...

I wasn't sure whether this was real or an act.

Because I had never experienced anything like this.

She was giving us tons of information, but it was nothing we could act on.

There was a huge sense of urgency here because we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this guy was gonna strike again.

The clock was ticking.

It becomes such an all-pervasive sensation inside me.

The knowledge that there was this beast on this Earth.

This is a man who's hunting.

[Woman screaming]

Oh, my God. He's hunting.

[Beastly snarl]

It was one of the more helpless moments of my life.

Where I knew what was going to happen... couldn't do a single thing about it.

[Thrilling musical flourish]

The body of a second girl has been found in Allamuchy Township, Warren County.

Police sources refuse to confirm or deny any connection with the brutal slaying...

The girl...

Was found in a rest area on Route 80.

Her name was Deirdre O'Brien.

There was a witness, a truck driver who had stopped to rest.

He saw this green sedan go through the rest area, back onto the highway.

I was really overwhelmed.

I then knew that we had a serial k*ller.

And this individual probably would not stop k*lling until we found him.

Ms. O'Brien, 25, was driving to her parents' home...

Total helplessness and frustration.

Forced off the road, and she was abducted...

And the panic level of everyone was skyrocketing.

All the police departments in the area, the state police, were on a high alert.

At any moment, he could leap out on anybody.

Asked about any possible connections...

I wouldn't drive at night. I wouldn't go in the car at night.

I didn't want my children out of my sight.

But detectives have very few leads to go on.

I was eager to get on with it.

Now all I wanted is... let's go.

[Resolute music]

We thought that we would continue, and hope that Nancy would come up with more information for us to work on.

I asked Jim, where to now?

And he says, all right, take us up to the rest area in Allamuchy.

Interstate 80 and the Allamuchy rest area is desolate and kind of strange.

It's not a place where you want to hang out.

And I walked a little bit...

And I turn around, and I look at the highway.

And then she looked behind us, and she says...

I see that same green car, that filthy car with the three taillights on each side.

I see that same green car.

It was here.

And that was exactly where the truck driver had seen the car.

[Discordant musical flourish]

He's getting out of the car.

He takes her out of his trunk.


Please. I have to go home.


[Melancholy piano music]

He knifed her in the abdomen...

Throwing her out like a piece of trash.

He's getting back in the car.

He's driving away.

You could see... you can see the uh...

t*rture on Nancy's face and the pain in her eyes.


Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! She's still alive.

And I realized she wasn't dead.

Oh, my God.

I didn't... I felt a truck nearby.

Help me!

This is the truck.

There's nothing parked there.

There's nothing there, but she says, this is the truck.

She stood up by the truck and...

Banging on that door.

Help me!


And... and you can actually see her start to bang on the door of the truck...

Help me!

But she's just b*ating dead air.

[Weeping] Please...



The truck driver...

He wraps her in a blanket.

She's losing the fight.

She looked in the truck driver's eyes and thanked him.

Her dying breath, thank you.

Both: I know I'm dying.

Thank you.

I know I'm dying.

No, no, you're not.


It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

She d*ed in his arms.

Somebody help!

Somebody help!

I still... I can't...

That was so...


Somebody help!

Somebody help!

Somebody help!

[Inhales sharply]

[Breathing heavily]

That is exactly what Deirdre said to him, that she knew she was dying, and she thanked him, and I can confirm it.


There was nothing in the papers, nothing on the television about what the truck driver said or what transpired between him and Deirdre.

So how did Nancy know that?

The next moment, I'm feeling just cold rage.

I kept looking...

As if I could reverse the film again and again, and every time I did...

[Resolute music]

Something else would get sharper.

But I couldn't stop it long enough to see him.

As I kept watching this video...

[Music intensifies]

There was a moment where his eyes and mine connected totally.

I could see his face.

I could see the very angular plane of his face.

I could see his paper-white skin, almost pasty skin.

She told us that she had a clear view of what this guy looked like.

She could actually see him.

The intense response I had inside was...

Got you.

Got you.

The next thing I knew, I felt like I'm in that green car.

I looked down; It was a man's hands.

And they were long fingers, slim.

I felt that I was looking through the eyes of a k*ller.

By this time, we'd been by all the m*rder scenes and, Nancy had come up with a lot of good information, but it was nothing we could act on.

What we needed from her was relatives, a place of business, a name.

I felt that it was beyond urgent.

All of a sudden, Nancy perks up, and she says, Bill...

What town are we in?

I says, well, we're in Mendham Township right now.

He's got a real deep hatred for the cops here.

There's only one reason a guy doesn't like the cops...

They've either gotten a ticket, or they've gotten locked up by the Police Department.

So I said, well, let's take a ride by Mendham Township Police Department, see if they can help us out here a little bit.

We told the Captain we had a person with us that might have some information.

I had no idea what I would say.

Jimmy and Bill had no idea what I would say.

[Clears throat]

And suddenly...

[Siren blips]

I blurted out everything, wondering where those words were coming from.

You have a police officer...

Who, in the summer, gave at least...

One ticket to a man.

And that police officer's last name...

Begins with a C.

Uh, well, you... that's... you're thinking of Costanza.

[Echoing] Costanza, Costanza...

Costanza. Yeah.

And the ticket...

Costanza issued him the ticket. I can see it happening.

I said, I'm pretty sure Costanza will know who this is.


I may have a name.

I kept seeing pieces of a name.


She saw a name...


A partial name.


James K...

Something. Kuh.




Kuh... [mutters]



And I could not make out the middle of it.

But I can't see the other letters.

Out of the clear blue sky, she blurts this out.

I'm sorry. I can't.

That was a big moment for us.

Can we speak to Costanza?

He's on vacation.

He doesn't come in again till Monday.

Back in the '80s, when officers were off duty, they were off duty.

Where can we get a hold of him?

You can't get a hold of him until Monday.

And you got to remember, this is 1982. There are no cell phones.

That's protocol. Sorry, guys.

We were powerless at that point.

Thanks for your time.

You can only imagine the frustration that we're going through.

We knew we had something that... it could break the case, and we can't get to it.

All of a sudden, an alert goes out over the radio system.

All task force members are called to meet at police headquarters.

So I drop Jim and Nancy off, and I'm gonna look for a parking place.

I was kind of excited about being able to tell the prosecutor what we had discovered with Nancy.

I thought, maybe with the prosecutor's influence...

We might be able to go to the Mendham Township Police Department and check the files over the weekend instead of waiting till Monday.

[Dramatic music]

We walked in, and I heard somebody shout...

Get her out of here!

Get her out of here.


Get her out of here!

She is not coming in here.

What are you talking about? I says, you haven't even heard what we have to say.

I don't want to hear it.

I know that woman. She's a psychic.

I was pissed at the prosecutor.

Why would you not want to listen to possible good information?

I said, well, you know what?

Well, you know what? If you don't want her...

Then you don't want me.

I said, we're out of here.


And I see 'em. This ain't good.

Cap, what happened?

Jim is livid. Jim is hot.

He had 20 years of experience.

They had no right to treat him like that.

I was now troubled beyond, beyond, beyond.

My temperature was 105.

What's the point of being that close to the horrors...

If I cannot stop him?

The vision I got...

Was of one of impending danger.

This man who was stalking a woman.

I thought, oh, we have got to do something here.

[Unsettling music]

Hi. I need your help.

For years, I taught an open group of meditation and psychic development.

I realized, with my students that, if we gather energy together, it becomes amplified.

Here were four people who I knew to be very psychically clear.

I said, now, we need to make a difference here.

So we made a circuit, and we were boosting the signal.

I said, build the power with me.

Take that energy, like taking a lightning bolt.

I kept him fully dead center in the middle of the room.

And I... my heart started going...

[Imitates rapid heartbeat]

I could feel him ready to pounce on her.

I was looking at him as if he was a bug in a microscope.

You don't get to play that way.

Got to nail him.

And I said, bring home to him...

Both: All the pain...

That he has given to women.

[Dramatic music]

Let him feel it and let him feel it in a way...

That he could never give it out to anybody else...

In this world.

You need to be gone.

And when I was done, I felt that something was finished for me.

[Whispering] Oh, no, please, no, God.

Not another one.

What did you do, Nancy?

She says, what do you mean, what did I do?

I said, they caught the k*ller.

And the relief was monumental.

On the night of January 16th, early Sunday morning.

A man called 911...

And stated that he had been stabbed in the back.

So when I got to the scene, they found a Chevy sedan, with three lights across the back.

And a man was there, bleeding from a minor wound.

One of the officers on the scene recalled there was something about a green Chevy with three taillights involved in this case.

He remembered that that was the kind of car that we were looking for.

And when they questioned the owner...

They asked him who he was.

My name?

Jim says, you'll never guess what the name of the guy is.

[Suspenseful music]

My name is James Koedatich.

That's the name!

I said, Koedatich!


Oh, my God. It is him.

I just started laughing. How close was Nancy on that name?

That's the name.


[Exhales deeply]

What did you do?

He kept saying to me, what did you do?

What do you mean, what did I do?

He claims he was stabbed in the back by a woman with shoulder-length brown hair.

And then when I described the alleged woman that stabbed Koedatich.

I said, he was describing you, because the general description fits you perfectly.

Anyhow, the wound was self-inflicted.

They found out that there was no woman involved.

He stabbed himself and then called 911.

Why he did that... we'll never know.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

When they did Forensics on the inside of the car...

I was amazed with what they found.

I mean, I was just... I was blown away.


When they did Forensics, they found some blood in the car that...

It would turn out... belonged to Amie Hoffman.

He's throwing her in the back seat.

And they found a lot of evidence in the car, especially in the trunk of the car.

They found hair, which would later, through DNA testing, come back to be Deirdre O'Brien's hair.

Nancy knew that Deirdre had been thrown in the trunk of the car.

She described that. Nobody saw that.

No witnesses saw Deirdre get thrown in the trunk.

She saw it, though.

He's taking Deirdre out of the trunk.

It was mind-boggling.

I knew how good she was, but this was huge.

In my 33 years as a police officer, I've seen it all and just about done it all.

But I was never so amazed by anything in my entire career as I was working with Nancy on this particular case.

I'm 100% certain that as a psychic, Nancy Weber is the real deal.

I said, Nancy, I said, everything that you told us was true.

Absolutely everything.

She made a believer out of me. I'll tell you that.

Was I the woman who stabbed James Koedatich?

Of course not.

And not physically present.

Did I match the description? Absolutely.

I don't have the absolute answers. I don't think I ever will.

I know I'm very grateful for what has happened.

That he was absolutely stopped, never to do anything again.